I had my doubts it would work initially but as soon as I saw that it does i was like "well, sucks to be Thor coz Jane's WAY better on Mr. Negative" Only thing I should point out: if you DON'T have Jane in your hand when you play negative, she'll become unplayable coz she converts to 8 cost, so if that happens, generally have to experiment with combos, there's a couple cool ones u can do like using zola on iron-man, or using Cerebro, Mystique, iron man, surfer and zola for a cool combo where the Cerebro buff hits most of the cards on the board, watch out tho coz I've been countered by enchantress and shang chi on that one, but yeah, when this deck works it results in some really crazy final plays. Also, u can go for wong and Mystique in one location, ironheart/ cerebro on another, then surfer on the wongstique board, gets any three cost up to at least 12 each, sometimes even higher. That play's not a guaranteed win, but can come in clutch.
@@plugindave hey bro can you say something about Sera bishop Angela deck with enchantress Cosmo and Shang chi coz I am using this deck and I got to 50 in roadmap
Funnily enough I don't have sera yet, Angela and Bishop are both pretty good for zoo decks, but the fact ur running cosmo and enchantress could be really helpful for u as between 50-60 you're gonna be up against a lot of Ultron decks who use patriot and Mystique and blue marvel so that they can flood the board with boosted ultron bots. Cosmo and /or enchantress will SHUT THAT DOWN. THAT Said, I would still suggest building a doom/ultron deck, provided u have patriot, Mystique, kazar and blue marvel, ultron gets the best boost from this but doom can also come in handy. It's been the most consistent deck for me and I often go back to it when experimental decks dip me back into plat :) I have heard that sera works in a lot of META decks, tho, so it's probably worth keeping her on board for a bit, the fact she makes cards cost 1 less is pretty powerful, you'll be able to make some interesting plays coz of her. She probably works on zabu decks really well too, but I'm waiting a bit til I go for the battle pass this time round. When I get her I'll probably build smt around her and post what I find but I'm up to collection lvl 2,032 and still don't have her yet.
Aye, I haven't used this deck in a while but returned to it last night and had to retreat a lot simply due to not drawing the right cards in time. Still, some of the craziest turn 6 combos I've seen in the game when it works.
I just got Bast an been using him with iron man and Mystique, pipped me over into lvl 70 last night, I haven't experimented with bast and negative yet tho, shud probs give that a go
Aah apologies this vid was put up several months ago before I started remembering to include deck lists. In essence it's Mr negative, Jane foster and all the 0 power cards I owned at the time. A lot of the cards that were in here have been changed since this deck was as insane as it looks here. Nowadays ur better off looking for a more updated list. I can give a few suggestions for negative tho. Zabu, psylocke Magik - these are all useful for Mister negative as they'll either let u play him early or extend the game so u get a better chance to draw useful cards after he's proc'd Jane Foster is very useful because she'll draw all the 0 power cards she can to fill ur hand. If u stack the deck with 0 power cards you'll usually get some really insane things from doing this and u can usually snap if u have negative and Jane in ur starting hand. Beyond that u want all the coolest cards with 0 power as u have. There's quite a few who are really good. Probably the best 2 are iron man and arnim zola, but there's also Darkhawk, Knull, Mystique, Angela & Iron Heart to name a few. U can also do well including Shuri as she gets converted to a 2 power card who can do insane stuff like make your 0 cost 5 power iron man into a 10 power card who doubles the whole board. Oh and Wong is also a decent inclusion because... Well im sure I don't need to explain why being able to play wong AND Mystique for a total of 2 power is insane 😅 Aside from 0 power cards, u can generally just look at cards that have lower power than cost and experiment with using negative on them. It's really crazy how his ability alters the curve of the game and results in some of the most explosive combos in the game. That potential still exists for Mr negative and it's actually gotten stronger since his ability was altered so that he no longer makes Jane Foster unplayable by making her cost 8. It just makes her cost 6 now which is fine because Magik got buffed and Limbo is everywhere these days
This is an old version of the deck, I still play with Mister Negative and he does still have that particular issue of needing a specific hand, but the newer version runs Ravonna as well because she allows for alternate options if u dont draw into negative, as well as magik who can extend the game making it still possible to get Negative out and use at least one or two of your negatised cards. Here's the list I use these days, It helped me get to infinite this season and last season, mostly because it is able to use the Destroy archetype's entire engine against it and then throw down 5 times more power than their most powerful possible play: In best case scenarios you can play Knull - Mystique -Taskmaster - Iron Man - Arnim Zola into Knull and sometimes you can even throw shang chi on top of that It's at it's most powerful against the destroy archetype to the point where u can often snap just from seeing that they are a destroy deck. It's more dependent on the nut-draws against other archetypes, but this version of the deck is still massively easier to run than the one from this video # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (2) Zabu # (3) Mystique # (3) Magik # (4) Mister Negative # (5) Iron Man # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Knull # (6) Alioth # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJOZWdhdGl2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybmltWm9sYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS251bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSYXZvbm5hUmVuc2xheWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkphbmVGb3N0ZXIifV19
I feel ya, I do still find that using negative before turn 4 can still be useful if u don't get Jane... Unless you pull Jane on turn 6 there's still some value to be had from whoever u draw, also Adam warlock can be quite useful for when Jane doesn't come out, but he does appear to be quite situational, I swapped Angela out for him to try and get an extra chance at pulling 0 costs. Angela Cerebro and Warlock are the most expendable for sure
Damn man the rng's being a dick to you, sorry to hear that, I feel like they should make psylocke pool 2 or something but either way, surely you've gotten some interesting cards since then?
@@plugindave A lot, I got Sauron, Luke Cage, Taskmaster, Adam Warlock, Patriot, Cerebro,etc. Currently got Knull pinned in shop, almost half way there.
@@Sumit_7546 yo that's awesome! Sauron is pool 5, it's as if the game has just straight forgotten about psylocke but at least ur getting some cool shit. I don't have sauron yet but I imagine he works great with patriot, I got thanos pinned at the moment because everybody says he's meta, but I bet knowing my luck by the time I got enough tokens for him, hell have dropped off🤣
I understand that the mr. Negative swaps the power and cost of cards but how did all of your good cards only cost 0? I know they all do way more than 0 damage
If the base damage is 0 when they get switched their cost becomes 0. This deck is quite old and there have been a number of cards who's power used to be 0 that subsequently got changed, affecting their viability with Mister Negative. Silver Surfer is one of these, and later on a similar sort of thing has occurred with Hit Monkey and Kitty Pryde. For example. But yeah all the 0 cost cards u see here were cards that had base power of 0 at the time I recorded it.
@@plugindavethanks for the explanation so quickly! I really appreciate how much you dedicate your viewers; that’s a sign of a good person. I like your shorts and feedback so I’m going to drop you a sub. Keep it up!
@@plugindaveit was at first but you can't always rely on that you gotta have a back up plan. Plus you got a lot of zero power cards that's too much I only got this I'll share my Negative Deck if you want.
Psylocke 2/1 or Howard the Duck 1/2 Zabu 2/2 Thor 3/4 Mr. Negative 4/-1 Shang-Chi 4/3 or Super Skrull 4/2 Iron Lad 4/6 or Jubilee 4/1 Iron Man 5/0 Black Panther 5/4 Jane Foster 5/8 Armin Zola 6/0 Knull 6/0 Dr. Doom 6/5 or The Living Tribunal 6/6
No, Ironheart is much more useful when she goes on the board NEXT to wong and then SILVER SURFER goes on wong to buff ironheart up to abover 14 because she's a 3 cost. Using her on wong as well is less helpful as it just gives u one really strong location
@@plugindave I meant ironheart morph not surfur, wong surfur is the right play but no point in morph on wong since u don't know what cards your opponent's have.
Oh morph was just at the end to see if he might steal a high power card at the end, which he did, only to get murdered by gambit lol. After playing Angela, iron man, ironheart and surfer on the same turn, morph is just for bonus points
@@plugindaveyes, but the question is why not both iron heart and surfer on wong? You would have gotten more power. And you could have put morph first so in case it's a weak card that it copies, then it can be buffed by ironheart. Also, what's the full deck?
It's changed a bit since this game, I did have Angela but she got replaced with Adam warlock, Then: Psylocke, Cerebro, Ironheart, Morph, Mystique, Silver Surfer* Mr. Negative, Wong, Iron-Man, Jane Foster, Arnim Zola *worth noting that silver surfer was in here because he used to be 0 power and now he's 2 power so he doesn't become free any more.
It's a good question to be honest because he's been nerfed, Ironheart does a similar thing but she's less consistent and she's already in the list, I tend to place her on a different board to wong and Mystique so that she gets the buff from surfer on wongstique, u cud try white tiger, she doesn't become 0 cost but she becomes 1 cost, got a friend who tried this deck out with her instead of surfer and its been alright for him, very different in terms of what the cards actually do, but beyond ironheart's buff, the other cards that do buffs don't quite fit because of their power and cost when negative switches them. I'll have a lil think coz im thinking of swapping out surfer too now since his power changed. Basically try experimenting with low power but high value cards that negative can make either free or as close to free as possible to play on turn 6. The other 0 costs I have are taskmaster, morbius Angela and Dracula, Morbius doesn't benefit because of there being no discards, Dracula would not be nearly as powerful as he can be in apocalypse or infinaut decks, and taskmaster has a similar issue because they both rely on u having higher base power in your cards for them to steal.
It depends what ur trying to do with them I suppose, magik is pretty good for a lot of decks, this particular deck was basically just an experiment to see how many zero cost cards I cud play on turn 6 :) not really tried negative in many other contexts.
I've got patriot and surfer but still waiting on sera, had someone else mention her earlier too so she's now top of my list :) I wasn't too keen on surfer when he first came out but he's been able to clutch it for me a few times now, who else u using with them?
Oh man I didn't thought of using Jane in Mr negative deck it's incredible 👑
I had my doubts it would work initially but as soon as I saw that it does i was like "well, sucks to be Thor coz Jane's WAY better on Mr. Negative"
Only thing I should point out: if you DON'T have Jane in your hand when you play negative, she'll become unplayable coz she converts to 8 cost, so if that happens, generally have to experiment with combos, there's a couple cool ones u can do like using zola on iron-man, or using Cerebro, Mystique, iron man, surfer and zola for a cool combo where the Cerebro buff hits most of the cards on the board, watch out tho coz I've been countered by enchantress and shang chi on that one, but yeah, when this deck works it results in some really crazy final plays.
Also, u can go for wong and Mystique in one location, ironheart/ cerebro on another, then surfer on the wongstique board, gets any three cost up to at least 12 each, sometimes even higher. That play's not a guaranteed win, but can come in clutch.
@@plugindave hey bro can you say something about Sera bishop Angela deck with enchantress Cosmo and Shang chi coz I am using this deck and I got to 50 in roadmap
Funnily enough I don't have sera yet, Angela and Bishop are both pretty good for zoo decks, but the fact ur running cosmo and enchantress could be really helpful for u as between 50-60 you're gonna be up against a lot of Ultron decks who use patriot and Mystique and blue marvel so that they can flood the board with boosted ultron bots. Cosmo and /or enchantress will SHUT THAT DOWN.
THAT Said, I would still suggest building a doom/ultron deck, provided u have patriot, Mystique, kazar and blue marvel, ultron gets the best boost from this but doom can also come in handy. It's been the most consistent deck for me and I often go back to it when experimental decks dip me back into plat :)
I have heard that sera works in a lot of META decks, tho, so it's probably worth keeping her on board for a bit, the fact she makes cards cost 1 less is pretty powerful, you'll be able to make some interesting plays coz of her.
She probably works on zabu decks really well too, but I'm waiting a bit til I go for the battle pass this time round.
When I get her I'll probably build smt around her and post what I find but I'm up to collection lvl 2,032 and still don't have her yet.
@@plugindave nice suggestion bro next season I will try doom Ultron deck 👍👍
@@plugindave yeah is still don't have many pool 3 cards well mate what's your collection level
And that morph turns into a destroyer
Bro that gave me an epilepsy
Silver surfer moments deserves a free bird theme cus he coming in like Tommy in the MMPR movie
Haha I'll take note for the next surfer clip I do
i just wish this combo was way more consistent
Aye, I haven't used this deck in a while but returned to it last night and had to retreat a lot simply due to not drawing the right cards in time.
Still, some of the craziest turn 6 combos I've seen in the game when it works.
Sick ass edit, bad ass song
I start with all my 0 power cards in my hand every time. This game is rigged
It happens man I know the pain 🤣
Bast is huge there. Makes Iron Man at least 6, plus doubles everyone else at that location.
I just got Bast an been using him with iron man and Mystique, pipped me over into lvl 70 last night, I haven't experimented with bast and negative yet tho, shud probs give that a go
I love this game
Can you share the deck please
Aah apologies this vid was put up several months ago before I started remembering to include deck lists. In essence it's Mr negative, Jane foster and all the 0 power cards I owned at the time. A lot of the cards that were in here have been changed since this deck was as insane as it looks here.
Nowadays ur better off looking for a more updated list.
I can give a few suggestions for negative tho.
Zabu, psylocke Magik - these are all useful for Mister negative as they'll either let u play him early or extend the game so u get a better chance to draw useful cards after he's proc'd
Jane Foster is very useful because she'll draw all the 0 power cards she can to fill ur hand. If u stack the deck with 0 power cards you'll usually get some really insane things from doing this and u can usually snap if u have negative and Jane in ur starting hand.
Beyond that u want all the coolest cards with 0 power as u have. There's quite a few who are really good. Probably the best 2 are iron man and arnim zola, but there's also Darkhawk, Knull, Mystique, Angela & Iron Heart to name a few.
U can also do well including Shuri as she gets converted to a 2 power card who can do insane stuff like make your 0 cost 5 power iron man into a 10 power card who doubles the whole board. Oh and Wong is also a decent inclusion because... Well im sure I don't need to explain why being able to play wong AND Mystique for a total of 2 power is insane 😅
Aside from 0 power cards, u can generally just look at cards that have lower power than cost and experiment with using negative on them.
It's really crazy how his ability alters the curve of the game and results in some of the most explosive combos in the game. That potential still exists for Mr negative and it's actually gotten stronger since his ability was altered so that he no longer makes Jane Foster unplayable by making her cost 8. It just makes her cost 6 now which is fine because Magik got buffed and Limbo is everywhere these days
@@plugindavethis deck is so hard tho. Because I always have my 0 power cards in my opening hand😭
This is an old version of the deck, I still play with Mister Negative and he does still have that particular issue of needing a specific hand, but the newer version runs Ravonna as well because she allows for alternate options if u dont draw into negative, as well as magik who can extend the game making it still possible to get Negative out and use at least one or two of your negatised cards.
Here's the list I use these days, It helped me get to infinite this season and last season, mostly because it is able to use the Destroy archetype's entire engine against it and then throw down 5 times more power than their most powerful possible play:
In best case scenarios you can play Knull - Mystique -Taskmaster - Iron Man - Arnim Zola into Knull and sometimes you can even throw shang chi on top of that
It's at it's most powerful against the destroy archetype to the point where u can often snap just from seeing that they are a destroy deck.
It's more dependent on the nut-draws against other archetypes, but this version of the deck is still massively easier to run than the one from this video
# (1) Nico Minoru
# (2) Ravonna Renslayer
# (2) Zabu
# (3) Mystique
# (3) Magik
# (4) Mister Negative
# (5) Iron Man
# (5) Taskmaster
# (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor
# (6) Arnim Zola
# (6) Knull
# (6) Alioth
very overpowered decks However, it is difficult to do the full combo
That’s what I call successful
Type O Negative 💚💚💚
I can never get Jane to work. She always ends up becoming negative (8-cost). What's up with that. Peak only makes cards cost 6 max.
I feel ya, I do still find that using negative before turn 4 can still be useful if u don't get Jane... Unless you pull Jane on turn 6 there's still some value to be had from whoever u draw, also Adam warlock can be quite useful for when Jane doesn't come out, but he does appear to be quite situational, I swapped Angela out for him to try and get an extra chance at pulling 0 costs. Angela Cerebro and Warlock are the most expendable for sure
Still looking for Psylocke and Jane Foster for my Mr. Negative deck😭😭😭
You'll get them soon enough and the wait will be worth it, Psylocke in particular is useful for so many different decks she's pretty much a staple
@@plugindaveIt's been a month, I am Cl 2100+, still no sign of 'em💀
Damn man the rng's being a dick to you, sorry to hear that, I feel like they should make psylocke pool 2 or something but either way, surely you've gotten some interesting cards since then?
@@plugindave A lot, I got Sauron, Luke Cage, Taskmaster, Adam Warlock, Patriot, Cerebro,etc. Currently got Knull pinned in shop, almost half way there.
@@Sumit_7546 yo that's awesome! Sauron is pool 5, it's as if the game has just straight forgotten about psylocke but at least ur getting some cool shit. I don't have sauron yet but I imagine he works great with patriot,
I got thanos pinned at the moment because everybody says he's meta, but I bet knowing my luck by the time I got enough tokens for him, hell have dropped off🤣
Song name pls, im black and uninitiated.
Type O Negative - I don't wanna be me
@@plugindave 13 years ago, gosh!!! But still a banger
Hell yeah, tbf I only picked it coz of the band name but yeah gotta love some good old moody grunge from time to time
I understand that the mr. Negative swaps the power and cost of cards but how did all of your good cards only cost 0? I know they all do way more than 0 damage
If the base damage is 0 when they get switched their cost becomes 0.
This deck is quite old and there have been a number of cards who's power used to be 0 that subsequently got changed, affecting their viability with Mister Negative.
Silver Surfer is one of these, and later on a similar sort of thing has occurred with Hit Monkey and Kitty Pryde. For example.
But yeah all the 0 cost cards u see here were cards that had base power of 0 at the time I recorded it.
@@plugindavethanks for the explanation so quickly! I really appreciate how much you dedicate your viewers; that’s a sign of a good person. I like your shorts and feedback so I’m going to drop you a sub. Keep it up!
Good timing I suppose lol but always happy to help 😎 cheers for the sub 😁🍻
I made it to Infinite 130 with those two.
Nice one! Didn't find the draw consistency annoying then I guess, that seems to be the main drawback to negative
@@plugindaveit was at first but you can't always rely on that you gotta have a back up plan. Plus you got a lot of zero power cards that's too much I only got this I'll share my Negative Deck if you want.
Psylocke 2/1 or Howard the Duck 1/2
Zabu 2/2
Thor 3/4
Mr. Negative 4/-1
Shang-Chi 4/3 or Super Skrull 4/2
Iron Lad 4/6 or Jubilee 4/1
Iron Man 5/0
Black Panther 5/4
Jane Foster 5/8
Armin Zola 6/0
Knull 6/0
Dr. Doom 6/5 or The Living Tribunal 6/6
Ironheart on wong?
I was thinking the same
No, Ironheart is much more useful when she goes on the board NEXT to wong and then SILVER SURFER goes on wong to buff ironheart up to abover 14 because she's a 3 cost.
Using her on wong as well is less helpful as it just gives u one really strong location
@@plugindave I meant ironheart morph not surfur, wong surfur is the right play but no point in morph on wong since u don't know what cards your opponent's have.
Oh morph was just at the end to see if he might steal a high power card at the end, which he did, only to get murdered by gambit lol.
After playing Angela, iron man, ironheart and surfer on the same turn, morph is just for bonus points
@@plugindaveyes, but the question is why not both iron heart and surfer on wong? You would have gotten more power. And you could have put morph first so in case it's a weak card that it copies, then it can be buffed by ironheart.
Also, what's the full deck?
My jane always get slapped by mr.negative 😢
Wats the whole deck
It's changed a bit since this game,
I did have Angela but she got replaced with Adam warlock,
Silver Surfer*
Mr. Negative,
Jane Foster,
Arnim Zola
*worth noting that silver surfer was in here because he used to be 0 power and now he's 2 power so he doesn't become free any more.
@@plugindave bet thanks also I don’t have silver surfer who a good sub for him?
It's a good question to be honest because he's been nerfed, Ironheart does a similar thing but she's less consistent and she's already in the list, I tend to place her on a different board to wong and Mystique so that she gets the buff from surfer on wongstique, u cud try white tiger, she doesn't become 0 cost but she becomes 1 cost, got a friend who tried this deck out with her instead of surfer and its been alright for him, very different in terms of what the cards actually do, but beyond ironheart's buff, the other cards that do buffs don't quite fit because of their power and cost when negative switches them. I'll have a lil think coz im thinking of swapping out surfer too now since his power changed.
Basically try experimenting with low power but high value cards that negative can make either free or as close to free as possible to play on turn 6.
The other 0 costs I have are taskmaster, morbius Angela and Dracula,
Morbius doesn't benefit because of there being no discards, Dracula would not be nearly as powerful as he can be in apocalypse or infinaut decks, and taskmaster has a similar issue because they both rely on u having higher base power in your cards for them to steal.
"I Don't Wanna Be Me" - Type-O Negative
But I don't like lady Jane in a negative deck I think magik and blue marvel are prob better
But rlly good play
It depends what ur trying to do with them I suppose, magik is pretty good for a lot of decks, this particular deck was basically just an experiment to see how many zero cost cards I cud play on turn 6 :) not really tried negative in many other contexts.
@@plugindave lol anyway u should try a Sera patriot surfer deck I feel like u might like it
I've got patriot and surfer but still waiting on sera, had someone else mention her earlier too so she's now top of my list :) I wasn't too keen on surfer when he first came out but he's been able to clutch it for me a few times now, who else u using with them?
Debrii and brood are a must in patriot surfer
You also dont technically need sera my patriot surfer deck i dont use her
Mr li