Healing is Realized through Laughter, Tears and an Unforgettable Experience with Jason Harris

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2025
  • Jason is a very passionate speaker who has been in ministry for over 35 years. He is a certified celebrant, aftercare specialist, preneed funeral counselor, author and speaker who is most passionate about grief support and helping families celebrate the lives of their loved ones.
    Born in Ft. Worth, TX, Jason lives with his wife, Carmin, in Mansfield, TX with their miniature dachshunds, Chewy and Leia and their cat, Bella. People are often surprised at how much they laugh and have fun attending “Five Questions That Will Change Your Life.”
    Jason has been told by multiple funeral directors, “We have never had so much laughter coming out of our funeral chapel than when you do services here.” Laughter through tears is a very healing emotion. Listen to Jason explain how and why grieving families benefit more from a celebration than a sermon while you learn what to say (and more importantly, what NOT to say) to someone who is grieving.
    / mourningintodancing1

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