My top 5 gifts for MTG players 1. Bulk boxes. Everybody has bulk, these are usually very cheap and don't have to be those card boxes you can go get some cardboard boxes or something and they're useful. Another alternative is a high quality smaller cube shaped box, like the deckboxes you showed, with penny sleeves or a card binder. Those are for the rares or tradeable stuff. Everybody has extra rares they don't use, and having storage for it is always convenient. 2. If they play a specific format, buy staples. I personally have handed out a stack of Command Towers, Sol Rings, and Arcane Signets to my LGS. Cost me like $20 and everyone has extra staples for commander. It'll be difficult for some formats like Modern where it really depends on their playstyle, but if you know the format they play look at the top decks and sideboard options. There will always be a sideboard card you can buy in bulk for
My top 5 gifts for MTG players
1. Bulk boxes. Everybody has bulk, these are usually very cheap and don't have to be those card boxes you can go get some cardboard boxes or something and they're useful. Another alternative is a high quality smaller cube shaped box, like the deckboxes you showed, with penny sleeves or a card binder. Those are for the rares or tradeable stuff. Everybody has extra rares they don't use, and having storage for it is always convenient.
2. If they play a specific format, buy staples. I personally have handed out a stack of Command Towers, Sol Rings, and Arcane Signets to my LGS. Cost me like $20 and everyone has extra staples for commander. It'll be difficult for some formats like Modern where it really depends on their playstyle, but if you know the format they play look at the top decks and sideboard options. There will always be a sideboard card you can buy in bulk for
Really cool ideas, thanks!
Good work. Keep it coming.
I’ve been using a camera bag i found at Best Buy for the last few years and you nailed it! Excellent recommendation.
@@iRell865 I'm telling you man it's so good
Good shit ty man
Lookin at this for myself :)
Don't forget sealed product, it's always fun opening cards no matter what
You're rocking it!
Great video for a s.o