I’m sure everyone else has noticed during this interview Alastair let’s her speak and finish what she’s saying without constantly talking over and interrupting her like modern day interviewers do. He was an old fashioned gentleman from a different era.
I think it’s also how she can take control of agenda pushing biased interviewer with strong will dignity, and giving the facts without floundering. We need another strong leader like her now to sort the mess the country is in now.. she may have many faults but blah blah it’s too late and im too tired to write or think anything intelligible.. 3 days and nights 🤯😫 insomnia
It is also because she DOES answer his questions. Today's Politician - media relations simmer down to the media asking a question and the politician answering his/her agenda independent of the question. Which started that very annoying habit of the media to interrupt. This is a straight question - answer relationship, that is why it seems son alien and so civilized.
I grew up disliking this woman because many around me did (I didn't grow up during her time in office). But as an adult and seeing the state of this country and the apathy of our politicians, I've come to find Margaret Thatcher a very sincere and well informed prime minister. She can reel off every single figure, produce well thought out, crystal clear arguments and answers to all questions and most of all she's decisive. Always glad to have my mind changed by new information, I wish our modern politicians were more like this.
I always thought she was a great PM, my mates weren't so charitable, but she always put the country first, when she was ousted we ended up with Major, what a lacklustre boring PM he was!! I remember him for two things, banging Edwina Curry and as the Grey Man on Spitting Image!! Some kind of failure he turned out to be after Maggie!!
Same I was only child when she was in power and live few miles from Cortonwood , was brought up brainwashed to hate this woman , when in fact watching this she makes perfect sense , seems a very sincere lady and I quite like her
You wouldn't be saying that if you was on the end of her policies trust me... people suffered badly in the working class communities...she literally slag heaped whole communities
@@michaelgoulding6609 Well on a scale of evil bastards she was way below the evil bastard union bullies she put out of action. And, unlike you I suspect, I was there to see them in operation.
I'm 52 now so I lived through the thatcher years I was never a fan of hers but at least back then you got a straight yes or no from her answers and we certainly wasn't a laughing stock to the rest of the world as we are now
We're about the same age. I was a duplicate lefty back then. Mainly as I have come to realise, because I didn't think for myself. A hard reality to come to terms with once one does. Struggling to think correctly, rationally, with reason was not an easy thing to do because of the contradictions I faced. Once I learned my way through this I also realised what I had been taught to do which had stifled me. It's complex but in short it's emotional manipulation with such premises such as the needs justify the ends (rationalization). That's what the "left" do, and that's what I rejected at a cost to having most people around me dilute our friendships. Mostly because they didn't want their ideas to be challenged. Once one learns how to think, not only is it difficult to not do it, I wouldn't want to. And it paints listening to people like Thatcher in a new light. Not one presented at the time by anyone around me at all. I don't think Thatcher was ahead of here time. I think she was of her time, in the same way the founding fathers were of their time. She just learned how to honestly think, to workout, unpack ideas, and not seek emotional fulfillment above her reason. That got people wound up then, and it gets them wound up today. Try getting a "lefty" to pin down the principles and premises behind their ideas and be honest about them prior to a debate. You'll quickly discover how early into a conversation they flip and flop, evade, obfuscate meaning, and demand that man ultimately is evil and has to be controlled... by whom? Their values are "wishing" and their virtues are human sacrifice. They will tell you it is for "the greater good". When they say that, ask them; "Good ..by what standard?"
Uluvu. Until you lived in an area devastated by what these scum did do not comment. Drugs and deprivation increased under the tories. Men lost there jobs and people lost hope. The rich got richer.
patrick dyer I agree on us being a laughing stock and I think brexit and the whole debacle that goes with it is responsible for it.Worst thing to happen to the uk since ww2!!
It's so obvious that the quality of interviews and discourse is far superior then than today . The question is why has this happened , where and when did it happen and how do we get if back to robust but properly conducted debate .
24x7 rolling news on a proliferation of channels, owned by a few massive global corporations. Advertising revenue driven by clicks and views not content. Dumbed down populace.
People do not care any more about language, which is synonymous to integrity. Listening. Education. Articulation. Literacy and learning. It’s all ADHD, Internet and muddled minds chaos now. And we are paying a heavy price, daily. The damage one hopes can be reversed.
Genius absolutely genius. She was asked questions and she would not stop until she had fully answered the question and never walked round them she wouldn't allow herself to be interrupted while giving a clear and concise answer and never did she tell a lie. I wish we had things like this now instead of dodging questions and being stopped because the interviewer doesnt like the answer! PM Thatcher would wipe the floor with them today if she were still with us. May god rest her soul
I agree with your comment, she was a very strong willed woman, some of her policy's were contriverasal I remember the miners strike well and I do think what she did to uk coal mines was wrong, but that is a different argument, I live in Yorkshire and my grandfather was a coal miner, but what I can and will say about Margaret Thatcher, she was a strong leader, and she did not put up with fools. If she was still prime minister, we would be out of the EU now, as she would have not put up with the weak goverment we have now, she would have kicked them all into touch. Margaret was a natural leader and she served her time in office with conviction what she did was right, even if it was for the wrong reasons, which many people think she was a witch, The UK goverment is scared of going it alone, but what they fail to remember the Britian used to be a Empire, long before the EU was even thought of King and Queen as the time were a Empera and Empress and we were a strong and united. it was only because of the second world war the UK empire was broken up because of the costs of funding the second world war, Great Britian was once the richest's country's in the world and with the right prime minister it can do well again, why do we need the EU and why do our taxes go into europe I am proud of our country and we should look after it, most of the country voted to leave europe, and we should leave, with or without a deal,
Wow, I wonder how many PMs or Presidents today have the great level of knowledge and insight in the matters that make their country run...? I keep watching these interviews, parliament speeches and debates out of awe for the incredible talent she had.
She had a vile hatred for decent working people. Her plan all along was to close far more pits than she admitted to. Look and listen to her vicious glee in dismissing everything and everyone but her own psychopathic venom. The way she spits out words, her eyes full of hate. She died alone living in luxury at the Ritz Hotel in London whilst the country has never recovered from the devastation she caused, the communities she ruined. Her disciples continue to wreak havoc.
The first time in years that I have watched an interview with a Prime Minister from beginning to end. Let me be clear: I disagree profoundly with many of the policies that Mrs. Thatcher put into place. However, I cannot demean her achievement and persona as a politician. She was formidable. In particular, she picked out the best in Britain and held strong against the anti-British naysayers. I will always respect the fact that she came from a corner shop in Grantham, attended a grammar school, was admitted to Oxford to study Chemistry, then added a law degree to her achievements (as well as having twins in between). Very few politicians today can truly claim to have overcome significant odds (far higher in Mrs Thatcher's day than now) in such a manner.
I watch her now and realise she was actually more right than she was wrong. I was wrong - about her She was strong, highly intelligent, forthright and decisive. I fear we shall never see her like again.
@@mogznwaz I think more people finally realise the truth of what she was saying. Many people including the OP still resent that fact. And above all I think, and it’s maybe a point people will find terrible but coal mining was a dark miserable and awful way for a person to exist. We wouldn’t do it ourselves today not want our kids to do so. Whilst many did take pride in their work and it’s a shame that was taken away from them. It was an awful way to live and what’s so often overlooked is it was not only physically back breaking work, but most died of diseases as a result of breathing that stuff in for years. When there were clean(er) alternatives like nuclear that didn’t require people to suffer like that. It was actually the better thing to do from a humane point of view in my opinion. I don’t think she could have have expressed it in those terms at that time. And of course it was uneconomic. It was cheaper to import coal across the world from Australia and send it to Newcastle than it was to produce it locally. But that aside. It was a terrible job that if we’re honest we wouldn’t wish on anyone. Corbyn wanted to reopen them (!). A man who’s never done a days actual work in his life would want to send poor northern kids back down in to the pits. I just think personally it’s kind of horrendous.
@@guywebster8018 But at the same time it's killing itself, her overtly neo-liberalist policy that had been made across her term as PM has broke down vastly diverse & industrialize economy of Great Britain while not doing much to support the shift in economic dependency of each region that has experience dying industry & stagnation in such unsustainable trend, because she deeply depend and believe sternly with her ideal of free market economy mechanism at works can solve almost every issues, but the truth is not really near almost at all, that's the issue with her, now Great Britain heavily relied upon service and financial sector as its sturdy economic backbone that powering the nation as whole to sustain itself at most, that's why in the attempt to boost diversification of economy truly is needed the governments involvement indirectly as its main supporter, not as manager of such endeavor.
@@williemherbert1456 free market economics have lifted more people OUT of poverty than any other system that has ever existed. It has also raised the standard of living of ordinary people. What is considered poor today is not even in the same league as pre Thatcher when people were literally dying in destitution in squalid housing that today wouldn’t be allowed for human habitation by law. And let me ask you a simple question. Would you be prepared to go into coal mining yourself personally or send your kids or family members into it? Knowing they will spend their lives in a miserable way completely wreck their bodies in the process and ultimately die of a disease caused by it? Genuinely asking. I come from one of those towns you mention. And the ones who complain about it today are predominantly middle class people working in the public sector who have seldom even met an actual labourer let alone have or had any as close friends or family. It’s a philosophical plaything for them to say woe those poor northern folks left without a crippling job. It demonstrates a belief that they think it’s all were good for and capable of. Ironically Thatcher was closer to ordinary working people from the north than the Labour politicians ever have been. And these scars of industry you talk about are mostly because successive governments particularly Blair and then Cameron ditched her policy of Youth training and Youth enterprise which were actually turning that around. Blair decided to compound the problem in i invoking a policy of forced university pretty much with the onus of cost being placed on the student as a debtor. This of course completely reversed the changes that were happening in those areas. It was then further exacerbated by a national living wage. Meaning that the effect of that was there was no regional difference in pricing after a while. When you can hire a worker in Chelsea for the same minimum wage as one from Newcastle or Yorkshire then it’s a problem. And that intensified the rot because there was no variance. When wages were lower in those areas it also meant so were house prices and access to work. When Thatcher left office in those areas you could buy a big house outright for 10grand. And a working class SINGLE person could very easily get a ten year mortgage for it on what today would be a minimum wage job. So it was socialist philosophy that stopped those areas continuing their recovery. And Cameron just adopted the same policies but added in austerity because of the overspend of Labour. “Levelling up” will not fully resolve this either. But the fact that you believe that kids from those areas have been deprived of jobs in factories and “industry” as you call it, just shows the fact you hold low expectations of us. Which Thatcher in fact did not. It’s your philosophy not hers that wrecked them ultimately by depriving the turn around for recovery that was already taking place. To give an example as I said we came from one of those working towns you belittle and when Thatcher left there were new businesses starting up and anyone could get enterprise grants to do so. Including my sister who retrained in electrical engineering and built a startup. And this was very common at that time. People were opening new businesses every day and the economic recovery was underway. It was major and then Blair who spectacularly fucked that up by as I say mainly his policy of university for all and diverting funds away from enterprise grants and youth training in skills. And then of course it’s no surprise that dumping immigrants who were undercutting everyone else through agencies paying less made everything a hundred times worse for when those kids got out of university as the entry level jobs had already been stuffed.
Wow , I live in Barnsley and all my life have been brainwashed into hating the Tories for the miners strike , when in fact everything she is saying makes perfect sense . The pits were a dying industry , coal was a fossil fuel , bad for the environment and was always going to be an industry that came to a natural end in this country . Why didn’t the miners just take the pretty good redundancy package on offer ? Plenty of companies close and make redundancies , why were the miners so stubborn .
Mits the miners were let down by not having rejuvenating their towns with other job opportunities. When a town relies one industry, it has no chance without help. People aren't always happy to up and move to a new area for work. I understood why she had no choice but do what she did, but there should have been more local help.
@Mits Miners believed that an unspoken mandate of nationalised firms was that they would never make redundant manual workers with more than, say, 5 years seniority. A job as a miner was expected to be for life. I warmly agree with you that coal is an environmental disaster.
@@lylecosmopolite if a pit was losing money hand over fist, it doesn't matter how senior someone is, the whole workforce goes in order to close. I come from a town where a high percentage worked for the companies G.E.C. or Smiths Industry. When I was at school, it was a given that a high majority would go there and have a job for life. By the time I left school, both companies had shrunk with Smiths going all together and yet it was only the miners who filled the news. The phrase, job for life disappeared all over the country, not just in the north. It's just we had warehouses pop up everywhere and are now a distribution town instead of a manufacturing one. Unions didn't grasp that jobs are not a god given right and thought that strikes were the answer. I'm intrigued by her saying it was Labour who had started shutting down the coal industry. That's news to me.
my goodness, different era, but what lightweights our current politicians are compared to this knowledgeable and well argued case. Also, how good not to have interviewer ask question then interrupt after 5 seconds - at end of this I knew, like it or not, exactly what she believed in and what she didn't.
Politicians are all so stupid nowadays they can't hold lots of factual information and argue points like Thatcher did. All they can do now is chant banal catchphrases.
@@yeboii5677 No they hate her because she blows their case out of the water. Feminists like to play the victim card and constantly waffle on about glass ceilings etc. Mrs T didn't give a fig about such things, she just got on with the job. Her position was won on merit. She was simply the best person for the job, and the fact she was a woman was more or less incidental.
Notice how professional the interviewer is. Piers Morgan could learn a lot from him. TV interviewers today are rude, too aggressive and express their own opinions.
Love this interview so respectful, not like the idiot journalists who make you look good only if you're a left wing socialist but attack you if you're conservative
Yes I totally agree with you. Piers can be rude & aggressive on TV and express a lot of his own opinions. I really miss the likes of Alastair here in this interview. Not many out there like him anymore.
I'm Gen Z and trying to learn more about the rise of neoliberalism. It's crazy to me that forty years ago it was controversial to close publicly owned mines that were losing money.
Where does the obsession with public services being profitable come from? Why are we obsessed with necessary things like power utilities, mass transit, etc, making money? If the NCB was profitable as a whole, then a few pits that are losing money are subsidized by the network of pits as a whole. Its worth the support they provide to the community and workers the pit supports. Sure, it’s a different discussion if an industry as a whole is unprofitable, but the government and public sector work for the people and should exist to support the running of society. Mass transit for example, even if not profitable, is a requirement for any city. The NCB could afford to subsidize a few non profitable pits as a means to support the people. But even if they didn’t, closing the pits without actually providing any support to transition those communities into a different industry was a crime. She didn’t come after the pits in good faith, as if she had she wouldn’t have been content to leave large swaths of the country impoverished and unemployed by ripping the rug out from under them and walking away.
@@HE-162 Your premise is wrong. We're not talking about privatizing a bridge or the water infrastructure. The public wasn't dependent on the coal mines for energy. The mines were subsidized as a work program for the miners, which is a stupid and unfair way to spend taxpayer money.
@@Matthew-cw3gn And the country was better off for it though, right? Nuclear is extremely highly subsidized and always has been, why arent they in the firing line? Why not the rail and bus industries - its because you know full well the communities as a whole are better off. The neoliberals dont give a shit about that, and thats the problem. If the industry as a whole was a "subsidized works program for the miners" then the person you replied to was saying then these communities should have been given support and training to transition to new industries and opportunities, be it in renewables or transport or contstruction or manufacturing or whatever it is.
she solved some problems, created others, and did nothing meaningful about others. Britain has been in serious decline since the 1800s and no government has ever really been able to turn that around - the periods of prosperity the UK has had have largely been credit bubbles which ended in tears, and the Thatcher period was no exception. Thatcher tamed the over powerful unions but did nothing of substance about the real underlying problems - chronic underinvestment and appalling levels of education and training. Britain still carries the scars - we have some of the poorest regions in Europe that are effectively ghost towns. The 'rust belt' is very much a term that could be applied to large parts of Britain.
The workers in Germany are no better than ours, they have better governance and management. They don’t have so much useless middle management and corporate disputes, like the ones that plagued British Leyland. The workers also make up 30% of the board of directors, meaning that they don’t have to go on strike to have their voices heard. If British workers were what caused leyland to fail then why in 1984 did Nissan buy land in Sunderland to be the first Japanese car production facility in Europe? Why did Honda open acquire it’s site in Swindon in 1985? Why did Toyota open up in Derby in 1992?
@@electro1463 "Helped" No, you mean subsidise them. Prop up a failed company that no one wants. That isn't helping. That is taking the taxpayer's money, and handing it over to people who aren't making anything anyone wants.
The good old days when TV interviewers weren't recruited from locked wards. Sophie Ridge could learn a lot from this chap, as indeed could Theresa May from Margaret Thatcher.
God, this woman had conviction. It ran through her like a stick of rock. She told it to you straight, no bs, no games. She was above all, an honest politician, someone you could trust.
There's no doubt, as you say; "this woman had conviction". And for sure, you could trust her to do what she promised to do. Unfortunately, especially in her latter years, what she often lacked was sound judgement and a willingness to listen to reason, sometimes with disastrous consequences.
I wasn't a huge fan of Mrs Thatcher, but looking back I now see that what she said made so much sense. She gave clear concise answers, not like today's MP's. She was the last of the true leaders who commanded respect. What she said about the EU was all true as well !
The thatcher government got some things write, a lot of things wrong. Perhaps the biggest charge that could be levelled at her is that she wasn't good at examining consequences. She had an almost religious view about the free market and therefore was blind to its limitations and indeed the damage it can cause if not controlled. A small example is how in later years she privately apologised to a friend, that she hadn't appreciated the damage some of the measures she introduced would do to his business. Many Tories who supported her at the time said in later years that they too hadn't quite appreciated how much damage to the social fabric her government would cause. Perhaps the best description of her came from Enoch powell. When asked about Thatcher and monetarism he said "shame she didn't understand it".
Wow, this lady knew her stuff and could play hard ball with the brutes. I admire her greatly for speaking in ways which a common person could understand.
I'm really not a fan of her, but I miss the media like this how it used to be. He let her speak! I want to see this more, even if the argument is moot.
This was pre-rolling news and pre social media. You’ll note that, outside of speeches, Thatcher very rarely spoke in soundbites. Because this interview would have been “appointment television”, with reportage & analysis in the next day’s papers. Now, interviews will be analysed in real time in social media, so politicians need to get their points across in digestible blocks so that the key messages get through. Similarly, these interviews will now be cut up and reported on in a 24 hour rolling news cycle and on the Tv channel/show’s social media channel. That does, unfortunately, mean that we have lost a lot of the nuance in interviews. MPs are trying to get that killer soundbites. Journalists are aiming to get a viral “gotcha” moment.
@@billydeeuk But they still can if there’s intellect, rational thought & reasoning and knowledge.. Like him or not but Jacob rees mogg seems to always tactfully and calmly get his point across with facts and historical evidence.
I think we went from one extreme to another from the 70s strikes too Right wing nutters Norman Tebbitt get on your bike an look for work 3 million unemployed!!!!
Looking back at this interview it is crystal clear why the pits need to close, today we have far more understanding of finance and commerce back in the 1980s weren’t so clued up but for any government to prop up a failing business to the tune of £1.2 billion it’s quite ridiculous, especially when each minor got £30,000 redundancy money which was an awful lot of money back then.
When you compare the intelligence of Mrs Thatcher against politicians today there is no comparison. She ran rings round Labour and their unions. What this scountry needs is another iron lady, or iron man for that matter.
@suckmyporkerporker7099 I was a punk then too & I feel exactly about Mrs Thatcher as you do nowadays. That lady was truly not for turning, unlike the pirouetting "woke" morons masquerading as politicians nowadays.
Facts, she may be disliked by anyone who wants government handouts, and compared to Hitler by people who don’t know history, but she wasn’t. I know you may or may not agree with all of what I said, but I agree with you about how strong she was
This interview blows apart the old myth that 'mining communities were devastated' ..here she is offering the young miners £30,000 redundancy and a pension, the older miners got even more..30K would have bought a house in those days and certainly a new start.
A future doing what though ? The redundancy money would only last so long ...then I know loads of miners who were way to young to retire and ended up in jobs paying less than half their miners earnings ..so what use whas that ?? Mostly agency jobs .. dead end jobs and they struggled both financially and mentally by not doing the job they loved .
The coal was basically gone anyway. Many of those mines had been going for centuries and it had been ages since those pits’ coal output could cover the miners’ wages. It’s just that Thatcher called it out on her watch, after a decade of Labour denial. So of course, she gets all the blame.
@@davidalexander2607 Sure. I should clarify that it's the 'easily accessible' coal that's largely depleted. The problem is that with most British mines the remaining coal is very deep underground (up to 1 km) and the seams are thin. Those remaining 100's of years' coal would be expensive to extract. Very difficult to compete with other countries, e.g. China, assuming miners want better than Chinese safety conditions and wages.
Exactly. Those kinds of politicians were the best. I think her actions on industry were disastrous for Britain in the long run, as was her opportunistic selling off of British industries. That doesn't change her straight-mindedness and independence.
This is it, we did not like her at the time but she had a backbone, gave straight answers and did what she believed was good for the country. Politicians no longer care about this country, just lining their own pockets. Thatcher was a scientist, Covid would have been far less of a mess with her decisive leadership and knowledge.
An interesting hypothetical. How did she handle the unfolding AIDS crisis during her Prime Ministership? (I'm genuinely curious. I'm from Australia and I don't know).
She solved some problems, created others, and did absolutely nothing about many others. Britain, throughout every government since at least the late 1800s, has been haunted by the same problems. Chronic underinvestment, failure to move into new industries and methods, and very poor levels of education and training. Her government was no more successful at addressing those problems than any other. Like pretty much every other period of prosperity in the UK since the war, the Lawson boom was essentially based on credit and wasn't real. It ended with a bust like all the others.
Hilarious... 9 out of 10 of the poorest places in Northern Europe are all in Britain. She only ever looked after the rich who bankrolled her party. She pulled the rug from under most working class people. Those very communities are still reeling from her all these years later
Margaret was exactly what Britain needed at the time. She did a great job of looking after Britain's interests, hence The Iron Lady title. Never forget that Margaret was the force that initiated talks between Gorbachev and Reagent.
When I was younger I couldn't stand her because of listening to ill informed people. I think she was the best prime minister weve ever had who knew her stuff . Educating myself instead .
John Derham. Yes the people who responded negatively to your comments probably know nothing about her because they were either too young or have been brainwashed at school or collage !
The Iron Lady looks and talks like, a lady. Dignified, firm but polite, in command of her subject. The interviewer deserves much credit too. How far we have fallen,!!
This talented colossus of a woman singlehandedly destroyed the idea that only men were capable of carrying out the job of PM, utterly formidable and indefatigable. How we could do with her now.
@TT Foley Thatcher never believed that she deserved the job because she was a woman, or because a woman had never held the job before (although that claim ignores the several women who had been Head of State, a higher office than PM). She simply demonstrated her ability through taking the same political risks as the men around her. This despite the undoubted sexism of the 60's and 70's.
@TT Foley It is amazing. I am only 11 yrs older than Philips. Maggie taught us that we could achieve. The Blair era, taught women entitlement. Positive discrimination to recruit women and putting them in solid labour seats where they could not lose was pathetic.
Mrs Thatcher was always attacked over wanting to close coal mines that didn't make money in any other business if something doesn't make money you close it. The Labour Party the friend of the miners union CLOSED more coal mines then Mrs Thatcher ever did.
I have never been a fan of the Tories or Margaret Thatcher, but when looking and listening to this interview there is a world of difference between Margaret Thatcher and the current Tories. If nothing else, she was straight and had a great grasp of situations. There is just no comparison between her and the current day Tories. They are like a different party now, a bunch of spivs.
It was cool to hate her but daaaaayum the older I get the more realise I was wrong. She was head and shoulders above her peers then, compared to today's shower of shyte she's a goddess of intelligence, clarity and incisive, decisive leadership.
Bovril leader, a true resolute one off woman, a politician who had real conviction for her policies, i hated her, but plenty didn't, that is democracy.
perhaps the Tories don't realize that people have their own minds and remember that Thatcher totally failed to reduce inflation, her stated top priority, just like the long term economic effects of placing the fate of the UK in the hands of the financial services sector of the economy have led to the pathetic mess today
@@lesnorth9431absolute nonsense. If you check the inflation figures on Gov.uk you will see that when she came to power, the inflation rate left by the Labour Party was 18%. That inflation rate then reduced every year until it was 3.4% in 1986. Yet you say that she failed to reduce inflation?!😂😂
More balls than the rest of parliament put together, when she went to Europe they never treated her with the shameful contempt that they showed David Cameron.
She was the best thing that ever happened to this country. The unions had to be brought to heel. I was British Airways crew, and was often asked to withdraw my labour for the most spurious of reasons. I was well paid, with great working conditions and I was grateful.
@@conor85882 because he signed a contract which set out what was expected of him for the salary that was agreed for his Labour. Unions have a very important job….To support the workers, not fight with management over everything. Blame the socialists for all the discontent.
She was a huge supporter of the EU you moronic gammon. Thatcher was evil, but even she would be disgusted at what the Tory Party has become. She would've told the ERG to get lost.
I was working in London on the buildings from 1987 for 4 years the irish everywhere and they worked hard and made money good decent people, Maggie was in power people were doing well had plenty of money that was my observation of margret thatcher .
tedibair. Yes she would have sorted it out but she would never have let Europe govern use like they do now in the first place and if she was here now she would have the balls to leave without a deal !
A damn sight quicker than that!! The EU have no decent negotiators, she would have put that little Hitler Verhofstadt in his place pretty and the rest of the tossers in the EU!!
She wouldn't have gone in, in the first place. There would have been no need for exciting. She was always against it. In her autobiography she states it wire clearly, also broadly predicted much of what has occurred. No wonder Boris admires her so greatly, she was a political mastermind and he's learned his lessons well.
First time I was in the UK was in the 1970s and I was shocked, it looked like something out of a Charles Dickens novel. Run-down factories, hardly anything worked and the labor force was often out on strike. The basically bankrupt UK looked like a country stuck in the days of the 19th century industrial revolution. Then came Thatcher and dragged the UK into modernity, she fixed the UK, and not a moment too soon.
You saw the take over of the EU, the EU destroyed everything that put food on the table and a roof over the heads of the people, Germany then exported the same goods the British were making on British soil. Now the UK is a nation of renters and week to week survival.
Hi Ben, if truth be told the miners wanted to overthrow Margaret Thatcher by undemocratic means.The great lady warned them not to go ahead with strike be sensible and accept her proposals. The union choose to ignore her advice, and proceeded with violence to take her on. BIG MISTAKE. She decided to break their strike with no compromise or fudging. End result they returned to work demoralised and humiliated .The Iron Lady won hands down. P.s. they were not innocent. Rgds J.
@@jascodd4687 I am neutral, I can see you're very pro Thatcher;)😂 She did provide the working class with better opportunity but the manufacturing industry suffered as a result. Many northern towns and communities never recovered from the damage and the unemployment rate ended up going to an all time high. I admired her authority, leadership and brutality but her policies were just too ambitious.
Know the feeling! I was the only Maggie fan out of all my friends in the 80's, unlike today!! We practiced live and let live, politics didn't enter into our friendships, we were too busy having a good time!!
The difference between Thatcher and May - Thatcher knew when she wouldn't get something through the House, May tried ramming it through three times with record defeats and still thinks 'one day' it'll go through. #Brexit
She was a liar 🤥 she was just cutting down the poor and expanding the rich poor family dies great there just small numbers, get a wealthier family it's orrrrr big numbers walking round nomn nomn nomn
All very good, she starved the family's of striking miners by changing the law to refuse them from claiming benefits. So men had to choose between protest or feeding their family.
Gorgon Don No trust me. She was your leader and a great one Mr. Conspiracy theory! “Chump” at this point is better than anything you go and we have right now I suppose.
Margaret really enjoyed the power that went with her position.Confident,intelligent lady who micro managed tactics to crush the miners.Poor chaps made massive mistake under estimating the great lady's resolution.She trampled them into the coal dust with a smug smile on her face. The Victor,
She didnt impersonate her well at all, she played a caricature not a person. I dont know if thats her performance, or very clearly the writers bias, but it does not mean it can he called good.
@@callumhardy5098 agreed. Gillian is good but she’s just a touch over into a caricature rather than a respected portrayal. I was very impressed by the Iron Lady.
Her point bout the intimidation hit home hard as my grandad was an electrician in the mines and ended up breaking strike cos he hated taking handouts from friends and family even paying back above and beyond after the earning again, to many miners the strikes became embarrassing as they feel like they failed their families by not bringing in an income so many like my grandad broke strike and ended up breaking line with the community ostracizing and treated him and others like him and their families as sub human. It got to the point that they had to leave for their own safety especially with my aunt still being in school as the harassment even extended there. The crying of people in this era about racism and other things have no idea what it is like for people in these working class communities who especially in male working class to this day has the highest levels of isolation and suicide of all groups.
Scargill under estimated Thatcher and believed she would fold in a few weeks. Thatcher did not under estimate him and she had stockpiled about 3 years worth of coal for the power stations so she knew she could keep the lights on for that time.
Shame there are no other women in politics as good as she was all they go on about is how they can't do this and they can't do that because we're female she was priminister in 1979 how's that for women can't get high ranking jobs !
I’m sure everyone else has noticed during this interview Alastair let’s her speak and finish what she’s saying without constantly talking over and interrupting her like modern day interviewers do. He was an old fashioned gentleman from a different era.
Eg Jeremy Paxman
I think it’s also how she can take control of agenda pushing biased interviewer with strong will dignity, and giving the facts without floundering.
We need another strong leader like her now to sort the mess the country is in now.. she may have many faults but blah blah it’s too late and im too tired to write or think anything intelligible.. 3 days and nights 🤯😫 insomnia
It is also because she DOES answer his questions. Today's Politician - media relations simmer down to the media asking a question and the politician answering his/her agenda independent of the question. Which started that very annoying habit of the media to interrupt. This is a straight question - answer relationship, that is why it seems son alien and so civilized.
@@ntv5110 well you don't like what you hear. The media doesn't need to act like asses.
@@brudenell27 exactly we need her more now more than everrrrrrr
I grew up disliking this woman because many around me did (I didn't grow up during her time in office). But as an adult and seeing the state of this country and the apathy of our politicians, I've come to find Margaret Thatcher a very sincere and well informed prime minister. She can reel off every single figure, produce well thought out, crystal clear arguments and answers to all questions and most of all she's decisive.
Always glad to have my mind changed by new information, I wish our modern politicians were more like this.
I always thought she was a great PM, my mates weren't so charitable, but she always put the country first, when she was ousted we ended up with Major, what a lacklustre boring PM he was!! I remember him for two things, banging Edwina Curry and as the Grey Man on Spitting Image!! Some kind of failure he turned out to be after Maggie!!
@@ianfeatherstone1761 Don't forget the peas, Ian!
Same I was only child when she was in power and live few miles from Cortonwood , was brought up brainwashed to hate this woman , when in fact watching this she makes perfect sense , seems a very sincere lady and I quite like her
Ian Featherstone Edwina Curry should be in jail for letting Jimmy Savile get away with his crimes.
You wouldn't be saying that if you was on the end of her policies trust me... people suffered badly in the working class communities...she literally slag heaped whole communities
Say what you like about Maggie, but she did her homework. She's a political giant compared to what we've got now.
vordman Boris is running a close second.
It actually makes me cry to see the immense quality we had in this lady and then inevitably compare it with the crap we have now.
@@sideshowbob5237 thatcher was an evil bastard
@@michaelgoulding6609 Well on a scale of evil bastards she was way below the evil bastard union bullies she put out of action. And, unlike you I suspect, I was there to see them in operation.
I'm 52 now so I lived through the thatcher years I was never a fan of hers but at least back then you got a straight yes or no from her answers and we certainly wasn't a laughing stock to the rest of the world as we are now
We're about the same age. I was a duplicate lefty back then. Mainly as I have come to realise, because I didn't think for myself. A hard reality to come to terms with once one does. Struggling to think correctly, rationally, with reason was not an easy thing to do because of the contradictions I faced. Once I learned my way through this I also realised what I had been taught to do which had stifled me. It's complex but in short it's emotional manipulation with such premises such as the needs justify the ends (rationalization). That's what the "left" do, and that's what I rejected at a cost to having most people around me dilute our friendships. Mostly because they didn't want their ideas to be challenged.
Once one learns how to think, not only is it difficult to not do it, I wouldn't want to. And it paints listening to people like Thatcher in a new light. Not one presented at the time by anyone around me at all.
I don't think Thatcher was ahead of here time. I think she was of her time, in the same way the founding fathers were of their time. She just learned how to honestly think, to workout, unpack ideas, and not seek emotional fulfillment above her reason. That got people wound up then, and it gets them wound up today.
Try getting a "lefty" to pin down the principles and premises behind their ideas and be honest about them prior to a debate. You'll quickly discover how early into a conversation they flip and flop, evade, obfuscate meaning, and demand that man ultimately is evil and has to be controlled... by whom?
Their values are "wishing" and their virtues are human sacrifice. They will tell you it is for "the greater good".
When they say that, ask them; "Good ..by what standard?"
@@Avidcomp good point
She was a c##t
Uluvu. Until you lived in an area devastated by what these scum did do not comment. Drugs and deprivation increased under the tories. Men lost there jobs and people lost hope. The rich got richer.
patrick dyer I agree on us being a laughing stock and I think brexit and the whole debacle that goes with it is responsible for it.Worst thing to happen to the uk since ww2!!
It's so obvious that the quality of interviews and discourse is far superior then than today . The question is why has this happened , where and when did it happen and how do we get if back to robust but properly conducted debate .
24x7 rolling news on a proliferation of channels, owned by a few massive global corporations. Advertising revenue driven by clicks and views not content. Dumbed down populace.
People do not care any more about language, which is synonymous to integrity. Listening. Education. Articulation. Literacy and learning. It’s all ADHD, Internet and muddled minds chaos now. And we are paying a heavy price, daily. The damage one hopes can be reversed.
It happened when journalists stopped being objective and became partisan hacks with giant egos.
Genius absolutely genius. She was asked questions and she would not stop until she had fully answered the question and never walked round them she wouldn't allow herself to be interrupted while giving a clear and concise answer and never did she tell a lie. I wish we had things like this now instead of dodging questions and being stopped because the interviewer doesnt like the answer! PM Thatcher would wipe the floor with them today if she were still with us. May god rest her soul
I really miss having a PM like Thatcher. No one messed with Britain back then.
Blimey - a politician using words like 'Yes' and 'No'. What a weirdo...
and answering the questions asked rather than changing subject and obfuscating?
@@hydra66 that was sarcasm
And at 5:26 she says "bestest" !!
You know, those "political consultant and agency".
Voters were smarter back then. Today's voters will oscillate between bizarre outdated prejudices and obsessive political correctness
Look at the resolution in her eyes when she talks. Like her or hate her, the UK has never had a leader with such resolution since Margaret.
Well said. Resolute lady indeed
zacthecatty35 50/50 which
Patrick it’s not style techniques at all. This lady was determined. Period.
I agree with your comment, she was a very strong willed woman, some of her policy's were contriverasal I remember the miners strike well and I do think what she did to uk coal mines was wrong, but that is a different argument, I live in Yorkshire and my grandfather was a coal miner, but what I can and will say about Margaret Thatcher, she was a strong leader, and she did not put up with fools. If she was still prime minister, we would be out of the EU now, as she would have not put up with the weak goverment we have now, she would have kicked them all into touch. Margaret was a natural leader and she served her time in office with conviction what she did was right, even if it was for the wrong reasons, which many people think she was a witch, The UK goverment is scared of going it alone, but what they fail to remember the Britian used to be a Empire, long before the EU was even thought of King and Queen as the time were a Empera and Empress and we were a strong and united. it was only because of the second world war the UK empire was broken up because of the costs of funding the second world war, Great Britian was once the richest's country's in the world and with the right prime minister it can do well again, why do we need the EU and why do our taxes go into europe I am proud of our country and we should look after it, most of the country voted to leave europe, and we should leave, with or without a deal,
Wow, I wonder how many PMs or Presidents today have the great level of knowledge and insight in the matters that make their country run...? I keep watching these interviews, parliament speeches and debates out of awe for the incredible talent she had.
In that era you had to be that good. Not now.
@@merrymonarch no, there just wasn't social media back then, she had more than a few skeletons in the closet.
She had a vile hatred for decent working people. Her plan all along was to close far more pits than she admitted to. Look and listen to her vicious glee in dismissing everything and everyone but her own psychopathic venom. The way she spits out words, her eyes full of hate. She died alone living in luxury at the Ritz Hotel in London whilst the country has never recovered from the devastation she caused, the communities she ruined. Her disciples continue to wreak havoc.
The first time in years that I have watched an interview with a Prime Minister from beginning to end. Let me be clear: I disagree profoundly with many of the policies that Mrs. Thatcher put into place. However, I cannot demean her achievement and persona as a politician. She was formidable. In particular, she picked out the best in Britain and held strong against the anti-British naysayers.
I will always respect the fact that she came from a corner shop in Grantham, attended a grammar school, was admitted to Oxford to study Chemistry, then added a law degree to her achievements (as well as having twins in between). Very few politicians today can truly claim to have overcome significant odds (far higher in Mrs Thatcher's day than now) in such a manner.
I watch her now and realise she was actually more right than she was wrong. I was wrong - about her
She was strong, highly intelligent, forthright and decisive. I fear we shall never see her like again.
Her policies saved britain from itself.
@@mogznwaz I think more people finally realise the truth of what she was saying. Many people including the OP still resent that fact. And above all I think, and it’s maybe a point people will find terrible but coal mining was a dark miserable and awful way for a person to exist. We wouldn’t do it ourselves today not want our kids to do so. Whilst many did take pride in their work and it’s a shame that was taken away from them. It was an awful way to live and what’s so often overlooked is it was not only physically back breaking work, but most died of diseases as a result of breathing that stuff in for years. When there were clean(er) alternatives like nuclear that didn’t require people to suffer like that. It was actually the better thing to do from a humane point of view in my opinion. I don’t think she could have have expressed it in those terms at that time. And of course it was uneconomic. It was cheaper to import coal across the world from Australia and send it to Newcastle than it was to produce it locally. But that aside. It was a terrible job that if we’re honest we wouldn’t wish on anyone. Corbyn wanted to reopen them (!). A man who’s never done a days actual work in his life would want to send poor northern kids back down in to the pits. I just think personally it’s kind of horrendous.
@@guywebster8018 But at the same time it's killing itself, her overtly neo-liberalist policy that had been made across her term as PM has broke down vastly diverse & industrialize economy of Great Britain while not doing much to support the shift in economic dependency of each region that has experience dying industry & stagnation in such unsustainable trend, because she deeply depend and believe sternly with her ideal of free market economy mechanism at works can solve almost every issues, but the truth is not really near almost at all, that's the issue with her, now Great Britain heavily relied upon service and financial sector as its sturdy economic backbone that powering the nation as whole to sustain itself at most, that's why in the attempt to boost diversification of economy truly is needed the governments involvement indirectly as its main supporter, not as manager of such endeavor.
@@williemherbert1456 free market economics have lifted more people OUT of poverty than any other system that has ever existed. It has also raised the standard of living of ordinary people. What is considered poor today is not even in the same league as pre Thatcher when people were literally dying in destitution in squalid housing that today wouldn’t be allowed for human habitation by law. And let me ask you a simple question. Would you be prepared to go into coal mining yourself personally or send your kids or family members into it? Knowing they will spend their lives in a miserable way completely wreck their bodies in the process and ultimately die of a disease caused by it? Genuinely asking. I come from one of those towns you mention. And the ones who complain about it today are predominantly middle class people working in the public sector who have seldom even met an actual labourer let alone have or had any as close friends or family. It’s a philosophical plaything for them to say woe those poor northern folks left without a crippling job. It demonstrates a belief that they think it’s all were good for and capable of. Ironically Thatcher was closer to ordinary working people from the north than the Labour politicians ever have been. And these scars of industry you talk about are mostly because successive governments particularly Blair and then Cameron ditched her policy of Youth training and Youth enterprise which were actually turning that around. Blair decided to compound the problem in i invoking a policy of forced university pretty much with the onus of cost being placed on the student as a debtor. This of course completely reversed the changes that were happening in those areas. It was then further exacerbated by a national living wage. Meaning that the effect of that was there was no regional difference in pricing after a while. When you can hire a worker in Chelsea for the same minimum wage as one from Newcastle or Yorkshire then it’s a problem. And that intensified the rot because there was no variance. When wages were lower in those areas it also meant so were house prices and access to work. When Thatcher left office in those areas you could buy a big house outright for 10grand. And a working class SINGLE person could very easily get a ten year mortgage for it on what today would be a minimum wage job. So it was socialist philosophy that stopped those areas continuing their recovery. And Cameron just adopted the same policies but added in austerity because of the overspend of Labour. “Levelling up” will not fully resolve this either. But the fact that you believe that kids from those areas have been deprived of jobs in factories and “industry” as you call it, just shows the fact you hold low expectations of us. Which Thatcher in fact did not. It’s your philosophy not hers that wrecked them ultimately by depriving the turn around for recovery that was already taking place. To give an example as I said we came from one of those working towns you belittle and when Thatcher left there were new businesses starting up and anyone could get enterprise grants to do so. Including my sister who retrained in electrical engineering and built a startup. And this was very common at that time. People were opening new businesses every day and the economic recovery was underway. It was major and then Blair who spectacularly fucked that up by as I say mainly his policy of university for all and diverting funds away from enterprise grants and youth training in skills. And then of course it’s no surprise that dumping immigrants who were undercutting everyone else through agencies paying less made everything a hundred times worse for when those kids got out of university as the entry level jobs had already been stuffed.
Wow , I live in Barnsley and all my life have been brainwashed into hating the Tories for the miners strike , when in fact everything she is saying makes perfect sense . The pits were a dying industry , coal was a fossil fuel , bad for the environment and was always going to be an industry that came to a natural end in this country . Why didn’t the miners just take the pretty good redundancy package on offer ? Plenty of companies close and make redundancies , why were the miners so stubborn .
Mits the miners were let down by not having rejuvenating their towns with other job opportunities. When a town relies one industry, it has no chance without help. People aren't always happy to up and move to a new area for work. I understood why she had no choice but do what she did, but there should have been more local help.
@@racheluk1759 The government should have been keen to inform coal miners made redundant about situations available in other parts of the UK.
@Mits Miners believed that an unspoken mandate of nationalised firms was that they would never make redundant manual workers with more than, say, 5 years seniority. A job as a miner was expected to be for life.
I warmly agree with you that coal is an environmental disaster.
@@lylecosmopolite if a pit was losing money hand over fist, it doesn't matter how senior someone is, the whole workforce goes in order to close. I come from a town where a high percentage worked for the companies G.E.C. or Smiths Industry. When I was at school, it was a given that a high majority would go there and have a job for life. By the time I left school, both companies had shrunk with Smiths going all together and yet it was only the miners who filled the news. The phrase, job for life disappeared all over the country, not just in the north. It's just we had warehouses pop up everywhere and are now a distribution town instead of a manufacturing one. Unions didn't grasp that jobs are not a god given right and thought that strikes were the answer. I'm intrigued by her saying it was Labour who had started shutting down the coal industry. That's news to me.
@@racheluk1759 I was describing the way many trade union leaders wanted coal employment to be, not the way such employment was as a matter of fact.
my goodness, different era, but what lightweights our current politicians are compared to this knowledgeable and well argued case. Also, how good not to have interviewer ask question then interrupt after 5 seconds - at end of this I knew, like it or not, exactly what she believed in and what she didn't.
It’s funny how feminists don’t reference her isn’t she everything they want ??
Politicians are all so stupid nowadays they can't hold lots of factual information and argue points like Thatcher did. All they can do now is chant banal catchphrases.
@@yeboii5677 No they hate her because she blows their case out of the water. Feminists like to play the victim card and constantly waffle on about glass ceilings etc. Mrs T didn't give a fig about such things, she just got on with the job. Her position was won on merit. She was simply the best person for the job, and the fact she was a woman was more or less incidental.
mattsub1 there are other examples where the interviewer did talk over her. It wasn’t this one though.
Of course you didn’t, none of us knew.
Notice how professional the interviewer is. Piers Morgan could learn a lot from him. TV interviewers today are rude, too aggressive and express their own opinions.
Love this interview so respectful, not like the idiot journalists who make you look good only if you're a left wing socialist but attack you if you're conservative
Yes I totally agree with you. Piers can be rude & aggressive on TV and express a lot of his own opinions. I really miss the likes of Alastair here in this interview. Not many out there like him anymore.
Piers is a decent journalist
@@danuk2136 he's a thug and a bully.
@@danuk2136 🤣🤣
I'm Gen Z and trying to learn more about the rise of neoliberalism. It's crazy to me that forty years ago it was controversial to close publicly owned mines that were losing money.
At that time life of people had a bit of more value.
Where does the obsession with public services being profitable come from? Why are we obsessed with necessary things like power utilities, mass transit, etc, making money?
If the NCB was profitable as a whole, then a few pits that are losing money are subsidized by the network of pits as a whole. Its worth the support they provide to the community and workers the pit supports.
Sure, it’s a different discussion if an industry as a whole is unprofitable, but the government and public sector work for the people and should exist to support the running of society. Mass transit for example, even if not profitable, is a requirement for any city. The NCB could afford to subsidize a few non profitable pits as a means to support the people. But even if they didn’t, closing the pits without actually providing any support to transition those communities into a different industry was a crime. She didn’t come after the pits in good faith, as if she had she wouldn’t have been content to leave large swaths of the country impoverished and unemployed by ripping the rug out from under them and walking away.
@@HE-162 Your premise is wrong. We're not talking about privatizing a bridge or the water infrastructure. The public wasn't dependent on the coal mines for energy. The mines were subsidized as a work program for the miners, which is a stupid and unfair way to spend taxpayer money.
@@HE-162 Working class taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for other people's lives.
@@Matthew-cw3gn And the country was better off for it though, right? Nuclear is extremely highly subsidized and always has been, why arent they in the firing line? Why not the rail and bus industries - its because you know full well the communities as a whole are better off. The neoliberals dont give a shit about that, and thats the problem.
If the industry as a whole was a "subsidized works program for the miners" then the person you replied to was saying then these communities should have been given support and training to transition to new industries and opportunities, be it in renewables or transport or contstruction or manufacturing or whatever it is.
It is incredible seeing how well she understands the economy and it’s relation to the inside and outside politics
5Gonza5 but did she? Does anyone?
Or is it just best stab in the dark at the time
I wouldnt say she understood the economy especially since she left her country in a recession.
She changed Britain to a services based economy, which is generally far more sustainable in the long-term.
Or rather she was very good at convincing people that she understood the economy, sadly for Blighty, she didn't.
she solved some problems, created others, and did nothing meaningful about others. Britain has been in serious decline since the 1800s and no government has ever really been able to turn that around - the periods of prosperity the UK has had have largely been credit bubbles which ended in tears, and the Thatcher period was no exception. Thatcher tamed the over powerful unions but did nothing of substance about the real underlying problems - chronic underinvestment and appalling levels of education and training. Britain still carries the scars - we have some of the poorest regions in Europe that are effectively ghost towns. The 'rust belt' is very much a term that could be applied to large parts of Britain.
She has more balls than all those in politics today, she might not be liked by many, but she sure spoke her mind, and that we need now.
If you want German standard of living ,you muss have German standard of work, spot on , sharp as a razor
You must also have a German standard of industry, we have sod all industry in this place now.
@@doveronefoxtrot4417 The EU offered incentives to UK factories to relocate. Amazing that did not happen to the German ones
The workers in Germany are no better than ours, they have better governance and management. They don’t have so much useless middle management and corporate disputes, like the ones that plagued British Leyland. The workers also make up 30% of the board of directors, meaning that they don’t have to go on strike to have their voices heard. If British workers were what caused leyland to fail then why in 1984 did Nissan buy land in Sunderland to be the first Japanese car production facility in Europe? Why did Honda open acquire it’s site in Swindon in 1985? Why did Toyota open up in Derby in 1992?
@@doveronefoxtrot4417 Some countries nationalize and helped theirs carmaker and industries to keep them, Thatcher only promoted the banks, la city.
@@electro1463 "Helped" No, you mean subsidise them. Prop up a failed company that no one wants. That isn't helping. That is taking the taxpayer's money, and handing it over to people who aren't making anything anyone wants.
The good old days when TV interviewers weren't recruited from locked wards. Sophie Ridge could learn a lot from this chap, as indeed could Theresa May from Margaret Thatcher.
01:29 "I want it dead straight, honest and no fudging".
Straight, clear and honest. You can’t get any better than that. Definitely the words of a very good leader and PM.
She was an evil old cow, she ruined Britain!
@@braxfan683 No she didn’t. The ruination of this once great country has always been down to the looney party; i.e. labour!
God, this woman had conviction. It ran through her like a stick of rock. She told it to you straight, no bs, no games. She was above all, an honest politician, someone you could trust.
Well said Nick. A true leader.
@Donald Trump and wales
@Donald Trump .
.....anyone NOT in her circle of bankers.
There's no doubt, as you say; "this woman had conviction". And for sure, you could trust her to do what she promised to do. Unfortunately, especially in her latter years, what she often lacked was sound judgement and a willingness to listen to reason, sometimes with disastrous consequences.
Trust that devil are you MAD
I wasn't a huge fan of Mrs Thatcher, but looking back I now see that what she said made so much sense. She gave clear concise answers, not like today's MP's.
She was the last of the true leaders who commanded respect.
What she said about the EU was all true as well !
*M A R G A R E T T H A T C H E R I S D E A D*
@@human6310 thatchers britain will live forever
Wow, really!?? You should call the newspapers !!
@@iordanneDiogeneslucas ew
What like like we don't negotiate with the IRA while doing the opposite
Fcuk Maggie Fcuk the torrie's Fcuk Boris
Articulate and logical and persistent and never got rattled. Watching her debate in parliament is a joy. A truly great leader.
The thatcher government got some things write, a lot of things wrong. Perhaps the biggest charge that could be levelled at her is that she wasn't good at examining consequences. She had an almost religious view about the free market and therefore was blind to its limitations and indeed the damage it can cause if not controlled. A small example is how in later years she privately apologised to a friend, that she hadn't appreciated the damage some of the measures she introduced would do to his business. Many Tories who supported her at the time said in later years that they too hadn't quite appreciated how much damage to the social fabric her government would cause. Perhaps the best description of her came from Enoch powell. When asked about Thatcher and monetarism he said "shame she didn't understand it".
A sociopath
Wow, this lady knew her stuff and could play hard ball with the brutes. I admire her greatly for speaking in ways which a common person could understand.
Yes not like senile Joe Biden or social retard Justin Trudeau of Canada
She did not have problems changing dirty nappies.
I'm really not a fan of her, but I miss the media like this how it used to be. He let her speak! I want to see this more, even if the argument is moot.
This was pre-rolling news and pre social media. You’ll note that, outside of speeches, Thatcher very rarely spoke in soundbites. Because this interview would have been “appointment television”, with reportage & analysis in the next day’s papers.
Now, interviews will be analysed in real time in social media, so politicians need to get their points across in digestible blocks so that the key messages get through.
Similarly, these interviews will now be cut up and reported on in a 24 hour rolling news cycle and on the Tv channel/show’s social media channel.
That does, unfortunately, mean that we have lost a lot of the nuance in interviews. MPs are trying to get that killer soundbites. Journalists are aiming to get a viral “gotcha” moment.
Why are you not a fan of her?
And the interviewer is the equivalent of what happens now. She asked to be able to speak many times.
English people were politer back then.
I respect your opinion. I on the other hand was a fan of her. She got things done in Britain which is something we need here in America as of now.
But they still can if there’s intellect, rational thought & reasoning and knowledge.. Like him or not but Jacob rees mogg seems to always tactfully and calmly get his point across with facts and historical evidence.
Well, at 32 years old this is a higher calibre of politician than I’m used to
She was one of the worst in my opinion
I think we went from one extreme to another from the 70s strikes too Right wing nutters Norman Tebbitt get on your bike an look for work 3 million unemployed!!!!
You're too blinded by nostalgia, this bitch was evil
@@hueyfreeman1983 Grow up.
@@hueyfreeman1983 ironic
Looking back at this interview it is crystal clear why the pits need to close, today we have far more understanding of finance and commerce back in the 1980s weren’t so clued up but for any government to prop up a failing business to the tune of £1.2 billion it’s quite ridiculous, especially when each minor got £30,000 redundancy money which was an awful lot of money back then.
she was a fuck wit
destroyed our industry and never replaced it
@@keir92was doomed in the first place with global market integration. Same happened in the US with NAFTA.
When you compare the intelligence of Mrs Thatcher against politicians today there is no comparison. She ran rings round Labour and their unions. What this scountry needs is another iron lady, or iron man for that matter.
Run rings around Foot and Kinnock?? I could do that . They were useless Labour Leaders. She couldn't have rings around Wilson...or Smith ..or Owen .
Did you vote for Boris ??!!
Margaret in total control, she knew she had humiliated them by this stage.Macho men in tears as the great lady savours her victory.
Indeed,resolute lady
Sounds like you are harbouring some type of dominatrix fetish
You were wiser in the eighties.
@suckmyporkerporker7099 I was a punk then too & I feel exactly about Mrs Thatcher as you do nowadays. That lady was truly not for turning, unlike the pirouetting "woke" morons masquerading as politicians nowadays.
@suck… it takes a brave man to say that . I too was fooled by the media machine .
What a back bone!, She told it exactly how the reality was.
Facts, she may be disliked by anyone who wants government handouts, and compared to Hitler by people who don’t know history, but she wasn’t. I know you may or may not agree with all of what I said, but I agree with you about how strong she was
This interview blows apart the old myth that 'mining communities were devastated' ..here she is offering the young miners £30,000 redundancy and a pension, the older miners got even more..30K would have bought a house in those days and certainly a new start.
Often wilfully forgotten when people damn her today.
A future doing what though ? The redundancy money would only last so long ...then I know loads of miners who were way to young to retire and ended up in jobs paying less than half their miners earnings ..so what use whas that ?? Mostly agency jobs .. dead end jobs and they struggled both financially and mentally by not doing the job they loved .
The coal was basically gone anyway. Many of those mines had been going for centuries and it had been ages since those pits’ coal output could cover the miners’ wages. It’s just that Thatcher called it out on her watch, after a decade of Labour denial. So of course, she gets all the blame.
@@rmkerslake get your facts straight. Our own mine has over 200 years of coal..as do many others
@@davidalexander2607 Sure. I should clarify that it's the 'easily accessible' coal that's largely depleted. The problem is that with most British mines the remaining coal is very deep underground (up to 1 km) and the seams are thin. Those remaining 100's of years' coal would be expensive to extract. Very difficult to compete with other countries, e.g. China, assuming miners want better than Chinese safety conditions and wages.
Very clever politician speaking so slowly, clearly and with (apparent) sincerity and reasonableness. That is how to win.
A sociopath
Absolute sincerity
The greatest form of sincerity possible, believing your own lies and sh-te!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Absolute clarity. You new where you were with her. Like her or not.
Exactly. Those kinds of politicians were the best. I think her actions on industry were disastrous for Britain in the long run, as was her opportunistic selling off of British industries. That doesn't change her straight-mindedness and independence.
stuck in a shitty political landscape
That didn't make her a great politician. Very smart. Too smart for her own good and those she served. Nice nickname too. Iron Lady.
@@rubinturner8233 she was a nasty warped cow
@@Ana_crusis so why are people so complimentary of her? Lol
This is it, we did not like her at the time but she had a backbone, gave straight answers and did what she believed was good for the country. Politicians no longer care about this country, just lining their own pockets. Thatcher was a scientist, Covid would have been far less of a mess with her decisive leadership and knowledge.
Ah, but Thatcher was far from being the _only_ scientist around town. It still got messy.
An interesting hypothetical. How did she handle the unfolding AIDS crisis during her Prime Ministership? (I'm genuinely curious. I'm from Australia and I don't know).
The sick man of Europe before she came to power, buy the time she left, we were respected though out the world again, thank you the Iron Lady.
**Feared** yes!
hardly "respected" at all !
Completely different.
She solved some problems, created others, and did absolutely nothing about many others. Britain, throughout every government since at least the late 1800s, has been haunted by the same problems. Chronic underinvestment, failure to move into new industries and methods, and very poor levels of education and training. Her government was no more successful at addressing those problems than any other. Like pretty much every other period of prosperity in the UK since the war, the Lawson boom was essentially based on credit and wasn't real. It ended with a bust like all the others.
And now you're back to being the cancer patient of Europe.
Hilarious... 9 out of 10 of the poorest places in Northern Europe are all in Britain. She only ever looked after the rich who bankrolled her party. She pulled the rug from under most working class people. Those very communities are still reeling from her all these years later
@@matthewholmes8445 not true, she empowered everyone to buy their property and better themselves.
Margaret was exactly what Britain needed at the time.
She did a great job of looking after Britain's interests, hence The Iron Lady title.
Never forget that Margaret was the force that initiated talks between Gorbachev and Reagent.
blood Lady you mean
Agreed with
We need her now too!!
When I was younger I couldn't stand her because of listening to ill informed people. I think she was the best prime minister weve ever had who knew her stuff . Educating myself instead .
Its a pity the ira didn't blow her up😜
I’ve said exactly the same in a comment , I was a kid then , watching her now I think I have changed my mind
...what a civilised discussion. Sadly both professions have suffered massive decline since and are now just a distant memory.
I never liked her politics but I would rather have her than the last 3 PMs..She was almost hypnotic, a great leader especially on the world stage.
I echo every word.
Once again the greatest leader ever. If the person who replied negatively to my comment, doesn't like her not my problem. She saved our country.
John Derham saved your part of it and killed the rest of it
Never were truer words spoken Well said John
John Derham. Yes the people who responded negatively to your comments probably know nothing about her because they were either too young or have been brainwashed at school or collage !
What a wonderful grasp of industry and finances this PM had in her tenure.
Maggie, would sort out this Covid mess in no time.
„I want it to be clear“ - bloody great girl - this is proper use of language ! 🤗
The Iron Lady looks and talks like, a lady. Dignified, firm but polite, in command of her subject. The interviewer deserves much credit too. How far we have fallen,!!
Clive Lindley Alastair Burnett isn’t talking over Margaret and constantly interrupting her like modern day interviewers do to politicians these days.
This talented colossus of a woman singlehandedly destroyed the idea that only men were capable of carrying out the job of PM, utterly formidable and indefatigable. How we could do with her now.
@TT Foley Thatcher never believed that she deserved the job because she was a woman, or because a woman had never held the job before (although that claim ignores the several women who had been Head of State, a higher office than PM). She simply demonstrated her ability through taking the same political risks as the men around her. This despite the undoubted sexism of the 60's and 70's.
@TT Foley It is amazing. I am only 11 yrs older than Philips. Maggie taught us that we could achieve. The Blair era, taught women entitlement. Positive discrimination to recruit women and putting them in solid labour seats where they could not lose was pathetic.
Mrs Thatcher was always attacked over wanting to close coal mines that didn't make money in any other business if something doesn't make money you close it. The Labour Party the friend of the miners union CLOSED more coal mines then Mrs Thatcher ever did.
I have never been a fan of the Tories or Margaret Thatcher, but when looking and listening to this interview there is a world of difference between Margaret Thatcher and the current Tories. If nothing else, she was straight and had a great grasp of situations. There is just no comparison between her and the current day Tories. They are like a different party now, a bunch of spivs.
She’d have thrown half the Tory party out if she was in charge now.
It was cool to hate her but daaaaayum the older I get the more realise I was wrong. She was head and shoulders above her peers then, compared to today's shower of shyte she's a goddess of intelligence, clarity and incisive, decisive leadership.
fully agree with you we could do with her in charge now. We wouldnt be having the p*** taken out of us lrft right and centre. .
Fascism creeps in without anyone noticing.
Thank you for creating the environment for me to thrive.
Bovril leader, a true resolute one off woman, a politician who had real conviction for her policies, i hated her, but plenty didn't, that is democracy.
Can you believe Liz Truss is being compared to Thatcher. 😂
It's woeful at best!
perhaps the Tories don't realize that people have their own minds and remember that Thatcher totally failed to reduce inflation, her stated top priority, just like the long term economic effects of placing the fate of the UK in the hands of the financial services sector of the economy have led to the pathetic mess today
Sad! The Tories of today don't hold a candle. Britons, vote Reform UK!
@@lesnorth9431absolute nonsense. If you check the inflation figures on Gov.uk you will see that when she came to power, the inflation rate left by the Labour Party was 18%. That inflation rate then reduced every year until it was 3.4% in 1986. Yet you say that she failed to reduce inflation?!😂😂
More balls than the rest of parliament put together, when she went to Europe they never treated her with the shameful contempt that they showed David Cameron.
Journalist and mainstream news media are al lefty nut jobs now
No one can equal this amazing lady!
Despicable person
@@denisalderson3749 yes you are Denis
Thatcher was a filthy bitch.
A true and great leader of men.
How we need her now - shed have sorted the Brexit and COVID problems out in no time. Decisive but divisive.
Britain's greatest ever Prime Minister.
Britain's worst by a country mile. She destroyed industrial Britain. Effects still felt today over 30 years later.
The worst ever
When adults governed the country. BTW not "ruled the country" wanting limited Government
She was exceptional!
Scott Walker struggled to work out what you were saying there. Merry Christmas.
Scott Walker and of course I voted Conservative. I’m not a Socialist.
You tell them lad .Margaret thatcher. Best prime minister ever .
Josh Charlie What a pity.
Josh Charlie The last memorable Prime Minster. It went completely downhill from
spot on Maggie- i was there, God bless her
God blessed her with death.
She was the best thing that ever happened to this country. The unions had to be brought to heel. I was British Airways crew, and was often asked to withdraw my labour for the most spurious of reasons. I was well paid, with great working conditions and I was grateful.
How do you think you got those good working conditions??
@@conor85882 because he signed a contract which set out what was expected of him for the salary that was agreed for his Labour. Unions have a very important job….To support the workers, not fight with management over everything. Blame the socialists for all the discontent.
This PM is needed back now in the UK, she was the strongest PM and would get Brexit sorted
@Daniel Clark Clark
She would have stayed in the EU.
Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet were considered strong leaders.
She was a huge supporter of the EU you moronic gammon. Thatcher was evil, but even she would be disgusted at what the Tory Party has become. She would've told the ERG to get lost.
21:25 Something that Boris Johnson should remember as he splashes our taxpayers cash on minimum wage increases and all.
I was working in London on the buildings from 1987 for 4 years the irish everywhere and they worked hard and made money good decent people, Maggie was in power people were doing well had plenty of money that was my observation of margret thatcher .
OMG - Would this Lady have sorted Brexit in 6 months
Or What?
What Do You Think?
tedibair. Yes she would have sorted it out but she would never have let Europe govern use like they do now in the first place and if she was here now she would have the balls to leave without a deal !
A damn sight quicker than that!! The EU have no decent negotiators, she would have put that little Hitler Verhofstadt in his place pretty and the rest of the tossers in the EU!!
She would never have agreed to the more recent treaties. She would have given them all a major handbagging.
She wouldn't have gone in, in the first place. There would have been no need for exciting. She was always against it. In her autobiography she states it wire clearly, also broadly predicted much of what has occurred. No wonder Boris admires her so greatly, she was a political mastermind and he's learned his lessons well.
As soon as North Sea oil and gas was on tap it was over for the dying coal industry.
Conviction, belief and understanding
First time I was in the UK was in the 1970s and I was shocked, it looked like something out of a Charles Dickens novel. Run-down factories, hardly anything worked and the labor force was often out on strike. The basically bankrupt UK looked like a country stuck in the days of the 19th century industrial revolution. Then came Thatcher and dragged the UK into modernity, she fixed the UK, and not a moment too soon.
You saw the take over of the EU, the EU destroyed everything that put food on the table and a roof over the heads of the people, Germany then exported the same goods the British were making on British soil. Now the UK is a nation of renters and week to week survival.
she ruined the uk
@@michaelgoulding6609 You wouldn’t be typing that comment on your mobile phone/laptop/computer if it wasn’t for Thatcher
@@brumav9779 why what has thatcher got to do with mobile phones etc
@@michaelgoulding6609 rise of the quaternary sector in the 1980s thanks to Thatcher’s reforms
Here here the greatest leader ever.
You should get out more
John Derham now burning in hell
Who? Surely you don't mean this bitch?
Good grief. Get a life and read some history.
Can't say I've ever heard a convincing argument in favour of keeping the mines open.
She controlled the strike brilliantly.Always in charge always ahead of the miners. She enjoyed crushing them.What a lady.
@Bluenose you ever been in a pit? Fucking rather be in a supermarket or Amazon office than a pit any day of the week
Well said John, I know many ex miners admired her strength.
I am a neutral here but why is it right she enjoyed crushing innocent people?
Hi Ben, if truth be told the miners wanted to overthrow Margaret Thatcher by undemocratic means.The great lady warned them not to go ahead with strike be sensible and accept her proposals. The union choose to ignore her advice, and proceeded with violence to take her on. BIG MISTAKE. She decided to break their strike with no compromise or fudging. End result they returned to work demoralised and humiliated .The Iron Lady won hands down. P.s. they were not innocent. Rgds J.
I am neutral, I can see you're very pro Thatcher;)😂
She did provide the working class with better opportunity but the manufacturing industry suffered as a result. Many northern towns and communities never recovered from the damage and the unemployment rate ended up going to an all time high.
I admired her authority, leadership and brutality but her policies were just too ambitious.
What a thrilling politician.
Thames TV what would I do without you?
Wouldn't have to watch this cow for a start
@@melgrant7404 But you're here.
I know it is like the only tv programme with old television from the 1970s and 1980s.
The best ever PM!
The last rememberable Prime Minister. No Prime Minister after her was memorable.
@@thecinematicmind she,ll be rememberd alrite,esp up north of uk
Margaret Thatcher was a great leader.
By the end of strike macho miners were terrified of her,Strong leader indeed.
Uk's first Marmite prime minister. u either loved her or totally hated her.
The only decent PM since Churchill
David Viner kinda shows your moral compass
@@myoctobersymphony4446 maggie lost hers too
@@davidviner4932 really? so attlee the man who created the nhs is a bad pm but a evil psychopath who destroyed britain is great
Know the feeling! I was the only Maggie fan out of all my friends in the 80's, unlike today!! We practiced live and let live, politics didn't enter into our friendships, we were too busy having a good time!!
Even though people feel differently about the Prime Minister and her achievements, she was undoubtedly a very classy and clever lady.
What a well spoken woman
Good interview
The difference between Thatcher and May - Thatcher knew when she wouldn't get something through the House, May tried ramming it through three times with record defeats and still thinks 'one day' it'll go through. #Brexit
Thatcher had a parliamentary majority.
She was a liar 🤥 she was just cutting down the poor and expanding the rich poor family dies great there just small numbers, get a wealthier family it's orrrrr big numbers walking round nomn nomn nomn
May was a weak prime minster she lacked the guts and spirit, Dorris Johnson and And Will Cunt (sorry Hunt) are both idiots
@@alextilson5809 But Boris will soon be Prime Minister and we will soon be out of the EU, Alex!
Why the hashtag you sheep
Deindustrialisation happened because we no longer had a captive market onto which we could force our products.
I'd trade any current day politician for her.
All very good, she starved the family's of striking miners by changing the law to refuse them from claiming benefits.
So men had to choose between protest or feeding their family.
Margaret knows she has them by their collective balls. Omg,she really enjoyed humiliating the poor men.Margaret Rules ..
I think she did rule actually.An iron fist in a velvet glove .
Yes she ruled and was awesome
Gorgon Don I don’t remember it. I’m American
Gorgon Don No trust me. She was your leader and a great one Mr. Conspiracy theory! “Chump” at this point is better than anything you go and we have right now I suppose.
She had the scent of victory in this interview.You can actually see her going for the kill. No compromise No fudging.Maggie in total control.
Margaret really enjoyed the power that went with her position.Confident,intelligent lady who micro managed tactics to crush the miners.Poor chaps made massive mistake under estimating the great lady's resolution.She trampled them into the coal dust with a smug smile on her face. The Victor,
Wish May was as loyal to the British people as MT, sadly not
Thatcher signed the Single European Act in 1986.
She sold everything to foreighners.............she was a cunt and I;m glad she died............
She was ruthless,but straight,took no shit,but done some damage to.
It's amazing how well Jillian Anderson impersonates Thatcher on The Crown
Yes although I thought meryl was better.
She didnt impersonate her well at all, she played a caricature not a person. I dont know if thats her performance, or very clearly the writers bias, but it does not mean it can he called good.
@@thegreatrediscovery3496 have you not watched this very clip? Thatcher was an odd lady and The Crown got it as close as anybodys done it yet.
@@callumhardy5098 agreed. Gillian is good but she’s just a touch over into a caricature rather than a respected portrayal. I was very impressed by the Iron Lady.
@@thegreatrediscovery3496 yes exactly. I wrote my comment before I read yours and it’s nice have that confirmed
Her point bout the intimidation hit home hard as my grandad was an electrician in the mines and ended up breaking strike cos he hated taking handouts from friends and family even paying back above and beyond after the earning again, to many miners the strikes became embarrassing as they feel like they failed their families by not bringing in an income so many like my grandad broke strike and ended up breaking line with the community ostracizing and treated him and others like him and their families as sub human. It got to the point that they had to leave for their own safety especially with my aunt still being in school as the harassment even extended there. The crying of people in this era about racism and other things have no idea what it is like for people in these working class communities who especially in male working class to this day has the highest levels of isolation and suicide of all groups.
Wow, such clear and logic arguments. Her ideology is controversial but she’s clear in what she wants
Harold Wilson of labour closed more pits. People forget that fact.
Look at this interview and look at an interview from today and you know why the Country is in the state it is.
I met her once - she drew you in like a magnet , she was a force in the room just by her presence. She was charming, friendly and amusing.
Say what you want about Maggie, good interview, answered all the questions fully and didn’t fudge anything
Fourteen minutes into this interview, Maggie denounces speculation. Ladies and gentleman, this is genuine conservatism.
Superior Lady,and the miners knew she would win from the start.
Yet the unions kept talking the workers into striking... the workers didn't get paid... the Union leaders did...
Scargill under estimated Thatcher and believed she would fold in a few weeks. Thatcher did not under estimate him and she had stockpiled about 3 years worth of coal for the power stations so she knew she could keep the lights on for that time.
Gosh she was well informed - some PM - some Woman!
Shame there are no other women in politics as good as she was all they go on about is how they can't do this and they can't do that because we're female she was priminister in 1979 how's that for women can't get high ranking jobs !
Best PM of Britain history period. Blessings from Argentina.
I'd like to have seen the EU argue with Maggie , like her or loath her you knew where you were with her
She would’ve actually brought forward a good deal for starters it took 2 prime ministers and several failed deals to get it right
She veto UK to stay in Europe to gain its status as a conglomerate nation without further ado.
Britain needs her now.