@@adev7760 No matter. According to the settings, dark history also includes AD timeline. Not to mention Sunrise never tells how powerful a full functional Turn A Gundam is.
@@KLSliverStar It's official that Correct Century encompasses all timelines. As per MG Turn X manual. But it doesn't make sense. UC 0001 starts in AD 2045-66 according to tomino's draft. Zeta states that UC 0001 starts in AD 2001. That means early and late UC are concurrent with Aeolia's time. Which means Unicorn Gundam and Victory Gundam happened in approximately year 2150 and 2200 of AD. which is 100+ years before Gundam 00 season one, which makes no sense at all because during which time HRL, AEU, Union, space elevator, Aeolia Schenberg(soon) already exist and there was no invention of Gundams at all. Meaning ALL EARLY AND LATE UC (0079 - 0153) COINCIDED with 00's Anno Domini. Heck, even all fuel on earth are depleted and everyone advanced to Solar power and solar rings. But late UC still uses fuel and oil and has no orbital rings and space elevator. And then there was the ELS war which resulted in 40% of human becoming innovators (yet newtypes consist only of a handful people) and ELS colonized the moon, and there was a desert flower shaped ELS space station. All these don't tally with what happens in UC and CC and are 100% impossible to coexist due to AD being AD and UC involving AD. But we are all expected to accept all these inconsistencies and plot holes just because turn X mg manual says so? Also, 00 Director Seiji Mizushima stated in an interview saying he intends AD to be separated from UC. Whereas Tomino stated that RC is 500 years after CC. Even if the franchise belongs to Bandai and they have the final say, i hold the directors' words to a higher pedestal. Now it doesn't mean the fact that CC encompasses all timelines to be false and unofficial. It is indeed official, it just doesn't make sense and it's very messy. So even if CC does encompass AD, it doesn't necessarily mean that Turn A is more powerful than 00 Qan[T] just because it comes after in the future. Take this for example, pieces of advanced and superior technologies can exist and vanish before another epoch of different technologies, i.e. Valyria (their tech is more advanced than Westeros' and current Essos) from asoiaf saga, Star Wars (their tech is more advanced than modern earth, despite having existed "a long long time ago") saga, United Republics of Mars from Alita, and etc.. All of these sagas have had civilizations that are more advanced that the current world settings, despite having existed in the past. To sum it up, being chronologically advanced doesn't necessarily mean technologically advanced. That said, this is where the gap that allows us fans to compare and judge "the strongest gundam" exists. Note that the version of Turn A i'm talking about is the Dark History version from the Turn A's novel. Its powers include beam warp, teleportation, Moonlight Butterfly with the range from Earth to Jupiter. It's very impressive and all that. But when you think about ELS's abilities, it is said to be able to assimilate all technologies and lives. To reiterate, both ELS Qan[T] and Turn A can teleport and warp weapons. The only difference being ELS vs MLB. which brings us to a common contradiction that is: ELS is matter, it can assimilate all matters. MLB is matter, it can disintegrate all matters. So which one takes out the other first? Assimilation or disintegration first? I'd say it doesn't matter because ELS share a hive mind that when it touches MLB, the rest of the ELS can form ELS version of MLB and use it against Turn A. If ELS touches Turn A, it can form their own version of Turn A and mass produce them. Note that ELS has reactive evolution, meaning whatever the Turn A throws at them will be counteracted. So imo, ELS Qan[T] > Turn A (Dark History ver.)
@@KLSliverStar 00 has it's power output squared not multiplied. So expect Normal Qan T to cut through the I Field. Not to mention, Qan T can cut the moon. The ELS Adapted to big beam attacks as seen with the beam that the meteorite ship fired bounced off the second time. And that was before Qan T used his big sword beam attack. And that attack made a cut on the ELS. Plus, Tieria cut off the Trans am because they need it to talk with the ELS, not get in there and be assimilated.
xs 看着像蛋头博士
TURN A雖然還是因為市場/題材所限被改成比較傳統的樣子,但即使在眾多日本機人中還是充滿罕見的未來科技感
Turn a的设计和永野护的FSS设计一样的感觉。
而我是在入坑mg10多年后,入手mg turn a
UC纪元还是有很多现代社会的痕迹,特别建筑风格和设计基本就是现代社会原封不动上宇宙,殖民地还有一堆二战年代的欧式风格建筑,特别是月光碟对轰地球濒临毁灭又一轮之后的文明退化更让倒A高达在这种环境下显得格格不入,而Syd Mead的未来风格是全方位的设计,从建筑到载具在到服装以及日常用品皆有涉及且风格高度统一,当宇宙世纪发展到Syd Mead设计中那种未来世界,倒A高达的存在就毫无违和感了
小時候已經很喜歡,倒A,flat, kapool, sumo全都有
起初我也是不是很喜歡的但是Turn A 是越看越好看的那種類型,看多幾次就喜歡上了
@@io5362 然後出了一台不是紅色的夏亞專用機...
@@Tommy771207 笑死XD
以前也是覺得逆A有夠醜 彷彿邪教般的存在
但是看過動畫後整個改觀 在動畫裡表現很威 加上主角的逗趣跟美貌(?) 有加分的效果
喜欢逆A的bgm 特别是月之茧
turn A 很帥啊,小時候就很喜歡了,以前 gundam war 卡牌,有一張黑影倒A,記得是最稀有的!
还是turn X好看点,至少感觉设计师是放开了约束搞的。turn A有一种未来机体强行往复古高达这个方向上去靠拢结果却不伦不类的感觉
那時候查設計師的資料時他在自宅就擺了個MG 逆X
一開始SYD MEAD筆下的TURN A就是SUMO那個樣子,中間的臉藏了半張GUNDAM雪鐵龍臉
之後因為太不像GUNDAM而被要求修改,中間出了個故意惡搞的過後便出了現在TURN A
倒A是正歷C.C. 設定上黑歷史是包含所有的高達作品
膝盖后面那个零件松得一塌糊涂 不用碰就会掉落 根本按不上
好多年前拼过tv 版的,看久了真的有它的味道
@@再生高達 渣渣,神棍兽有管理员权限,逆A有没有😂
电磁场 独角兽的管理员权限只能让其他机体的引擎原地解体,月光碟可以让其他机体直接沙化
我也這樣認為 高達不是只用來打仗 劇情也用到生活方面
海賊王的白胡子也是跟turn a 的
Dang, I never knew this Gundam is pretty cool!
回憶起那時候富野老頭的逆A劇情 對比現在的G復國...
只能說各有所愛吧 TA這個線條美實在是沒的說 特別是腿部
Turn X!!下期安排安排安排~~来个姊妹篇
turn x真的不错,骨架精奇,设计一流。就是有些人觉得丑。
xiaodong yang 我觉得逆X比逆A好看
@@Judaswyq 主要是t x模型做的好
用fail 夾做一個月光蝶 其實很易
File 才對喔
嚴格來說不是UC後續,而是所有高達的後續. 定位就是最後的高達.
只要有大胡子放到額頭,那就像高達了 XD
超哥,可以介紹TURN X嗎,那隻玩起來超驚豔
其实Turn X还是挺帅气的
關老爺鋼彈! 越看越好看 ~
超哥求出逆x啊 机设第一眼看到就觉得诡异得好看
我在想一个问题。独角兽的精神力感应框架结晶化能拆掉整个战场的机械 和 月光蝶系统是拆掉整个地球的机械。所以月光蝶是不是结晶化的科技破解量产版本?所以倒A高达是否存在倒A模式和毁灭模式两种模式呢?
@@suika_desu_2282 不是吧,逆x有精神感应系统啊
@@roylu1398 可是那不是精神感應框架,很多機體都有精神感應系統
真的是G20 vs G40!
機戰z2 男豬腳的後繼機音樂 沒記錯的話
@@HkgGodTracks 感謝!!!
@@blazinggalar8384 我搞錯了 是女豬腳 叫 work hard and love
從大龍的清單看來,MG 200號不是deep striker
@@will3641 201是pb转通贩的 小说版报丧。202才是深度强袭
@@yang62696 what???!!!! XD, 忘了萬惡的pb.....
@@will3641 幸亏当年是没买。。。。买了fa原谅兽。。。
敬 Syd Mead
這設計 很像鐵血一樣 腰部當初很多看似吐槽 結果也成了一大賣點
设计师去世了 设计绝对有独立感的 当看腻了一般的高达设计,回过头来看倒A 会有一点释怀的感觉
愛了(=^-ω-^=) 太棒了
I guess you've never heard of ELS Qan[T] then.
@@adev7760 No matter. According to the settings, dark history also includes AD timeline. Not to mention Sunrise never tells how powerful a full functional Turn A Gundam is.
@@KLSliverStar It's official that Correct Century encompasses all timelines. As per MG Turn X manual. But it doesn't make sense. UC 0001 starts in AD 2045-66 according to tomino's draft. Zeta states that UC 0001 starts in AD 2001. That means early and late UC are concurrent with Aeolia's time.
Which means Unicorn Gundam and Victory Gundam happened in approximately year 2150 and 2200 of AD. which is 100+ years before Gundam 00 season one, which makes no sense at all because during which time HRL, AEU, Union, space elevator, Aeolia Schenberg(soon) already exist and there was no invention of Gundams at all. Meaning ALL EARLY AND LATE UC (0079 - 0153) COINCIDED with 00's Anno Domini.
Heck, even all fuel on earth are depleted and everyone advanced to Solar power and solar rings. But late UC still uses fuel and oil and has no orbital rings and space elevator. And then there was the ELS war which resulted in 40% of human becoming innovators (yet newtypes consist only of a handful people) and ELS colonized the moon, and there was a desert flower shaped ELS space station. All these don't tally with what happens in UC and CC and are 100% impossible to coexist due to AD being AD and UC involving AD. But we are all expected to accept all these inconsistencies and plot holes just because turn X mg manual says so?
Also, 00 Director Seiji Mizushima stated in an interview saying he intends AD to be separated from UC. Whereas Tomino stated that RC is 500 years after CC. Even if the franchise belongs to Bandai and they have the final say, i hold the directors' words to a higher pedestal.
Now it doesn't mean the fact that CC encompasses all timelines to be false and unofficial. It is indeed official, it just doesn't make sense and it's very messy. So even if CC does encompass AD, it doesn't necessarily mean that Turn A is more powerful than 00 Qan[T] just because it comes after in the future. Take this for example, pieces of advanced and superior technologies can exist and vanish before another epoch of different technologies, i.e. Valyria (their tech is more advanced than Westeros' and current Essos) from asoiaf saga, Star Wars (their tech is more advanced than modern earth, despite having existed "a long long time ago") saga, United Republics of Mars from Alita, and etc.. All of these sagas have had civilizations that are more advanced that the current world settings, despite having existed in the past. To sum it up, being chronologically advanced doesn't necessarily mean technologically advanced.
That said, this is where the gap that allows us fans to compare and judge "the strongest gundam" exists.
Note that the version of Turn A i'm talking about is the Dark History version from the Turn A's novel. Its powers include beam warp, teleportation, Moonlight Butterfly with the range from Earth to Jupiter. It's very impressive and all that. But when you think about ELS's abilities, it is said to be able to assimilate all technologies and lives.
To reiterate, both ELS Qan[T] and Turn A can teleport and warp weapons. The only difference being ELS vs MLB. which brings us to a common contradiction that is:
ELS is matter, it can assimilate all matters. MLB is matter, it can disintegrate all matters. So which one takes out the other first? Assimilation or disintegration first? I'd say it doesn't matter because ELS share a hive mind that when it touches MLB, the rest of the ELS can form ELS version of MLB and use it against Turn A. If ELS touches Turn A, it can form their own version of Turn A and mass produce them.
Note that ELS has reactive evolution, meaning whatever the Turn A throws at them will be counteracted. So imo, ELS Qan[T] > Turn A (Dark History ver.)
@@KLSliverStar 00 has it's power output squared not multiplied. So expect Normal Qan T to cut through the I Field.
Not to mention, Qan T can cut the moon. The ELS Adapted to big beam attacks as seen with the beam that the meteorite ship fired bounced off the second time. And that was before Qan T used his big sword beam attack.
And that attack made a cut on the ELS. Plus, Tieria cut off the Trans am because they need it to talk with the ELS, not get in there and be assimilated.
@@adev7760 offical setting told you which one is the most powerful gundam. There is no room for argument.