For a woman with her background and reputation she talks extremely well and with a lot of passion and intelligence. Agree or disagree but she is doing a lot for tearing down stereotypes.
and what she says is true aswell. You SHOULD know as a teenager, drinking beers, surrounding yourself with young boys what you are getting yourself into. I think she is doing very well on raising sexual awareness, in youth, girls and boys. It is not blaming the victim, but if you go around, drinking, not giving a damn, wearing sleasy clothes, you become an easy victim for those who want to abuse you. It is pretty clear that teenage girls need to hear this. Even women. Know what you get yourself into. It is always nice provoking the devil, but not so nice crying when he bites. You know, dont play with a man either. If you clearly give hints he is aloud to go further . . . you should expect him to exactly do that. Nothing wrong with raising sexual awareness on that matter.
I love what she said. The bottom line is, people like Weinstein or Cosby will ALWAYS exist. A sociopath is born every 5 minutes. It's up to the rest of us to be aware, trust instincts, and know how to navigate our world. That's not victim shaming - it's preventative thinking.
Tell that to the underaged girls that were raped by Cosby. A child doesn't know how to navigate through the world yet. Some people were not taught how to protect themselves and that makes them vulnerable to people like Hugh Hefner and and Cosby. It dose sound like victim blaming to me.
Its not "learned", its common sense. At 16 or 17 I would have knowm myself never to go to a room alone with a man. Like come on, you must be extremely dumb to not know whats coming next. The problem I had with this whole metoo stuff is, yes I agree the men are wrong and they should go to jail. To make sexual advances in order to grant employment to another person is a crime. But all these girls knew what they are getting into. You cant tell me there are 80 women who are that dumb and cant think logically whats going to happen to them if they go to his room. 1 or 2 naive people I might still consider, but 80 women didnt make sense. Its so obvious they are willing to go to his room and sleep their way to the top. Whitney Cummings said it herself. There are written contracts that young espiring actress proposed to producers that they are willing to perform sex act for them if he give them the role. I'm sorry to say this bluntly but there are lots of rats in Hollywood, men or women. They will do anything for fame.
She is negatively labeled because of nasty, old fashioned anti-feminist jealousy. Pamela is amazing and I miss 2nd wave Girl Power sexy feminism so much.
I’m surprised to find that she’s so incredibly articulate. Also this interviewer is dense as fuck she’s acting like she’s pushing back with hard hitting questions but she isn’t really listening. It’s like having a conversation with someone who’s constantly looking out the window
Exactly. Pamela Anderson already said that she first voted for Obama after becoming a naturalized American and Stein (aka Jill Stein) for the 2016 presidential election and the presenter still proceeded to ask whether she voted for Trump. 🤦🏻♂️ If someone this dumb can be a presenter or “journalist”, then I can do the better job.
💯 The interviewer wasn’t really listening…she kept pushing and pushing the same narrative, asking the same question, hoping to get a different answer from Pamela.
No, I don't agree, as someone who has faced homelessness, you trust some people. I was a teenager, she was a young adult in Hollywood (from what I have heard). I was desperate for a roof over my head or facing extreme violence at home. Things happened that even I didn't know were wrong. Touching, eg. not full s*x. I completely repressed that, and at 44 it just came to me. But I was safe at that man's house. I thought he cared about me. She's forgetting the teens who aren't fully mentally developed. And I think anyone who has been raped, they always blame themselves, anyway, from what I have experienced from word of mouth.
Pamela Anderson is very articulated and brutally honest, the media on the other hand is not. She is right, we need to "fully educate ourselves" before forming an opinion that we try to shove down others throats.
i think pamela is an extremely intelligent and articulated person who's been stereotyped and misunderstood her whole life because of her looks. but some of the things she says in this interview are terrible. seems like she is more about teaching women to protect themselves rather than teaching men to keep it in their pants, "it is what it is and boys will be boys". i understand that decades in the industry can make you disenchnted but some things were straight up victim blaming.
I think the biggest issue here is that kids nowadays are shielded from reality, not just by parents, but by the school system and by various profesional organizations that seem to be over involved in kid's lives nowadays. It's unacceptable to speak any home truth to a child that isn't all rainbows and unicorns. As a result girls grow up without even knowing the extent to which there are monsters and perverts in the world. When I was still small, my mother warned me about stranger danger. She let me know that girls got kidnapped, she told me what rape was, and how I should always avoid being alone with a man or boy I don't know or trust. She told me that there were plenty of 'perverts out there' and she said that when men and boys go out of their way to be nice, they nearly always want something. She made me understand that it was my responsibility to do whatever I could to protect myself. The bottom line is, you can't expect bad people not to do bad things. You are the only person whose behavior you can control.
I agree, I was shielded and never really told about modern women's hypergamous, manipulative, self-centered and emotionally childish behavior. Never told on why some women will go out of their way to marry a man if he is a man of resources and money. Or, seduce a man into getting her pregnant just so she can get a paycheck. Another one is how some women tend to settle for men they don't really love, and LIE to him that they love him, but all they really want is to get the title of being married and flash to the world that they are happy n how theyve tied the knot. And last but not least, never told on how much EASIER it is for a woman to cheat n screw around in terms of willing and available horny men. Sad, sad world we live in. And here I thought men were the only monsters.
Ste B your parents should have warned you about the possible perils of relationships, but sadly, people are too afraid to tell children and teenagers anything nowadays that isn't all rainbows and unicorns or politically correct. In western countries everything is backwards. Most people don't even like acknowledging that there are differences between men and women. It's good to have a healthy level of cynicism.
L S it's all good, I bumped my head a few times n learned my lesson. Cant sit back n allow my past to hold me back from my future. Wish more people would just come to terms with the past n keep it moving.
Just because you were well prepared by your mother doesn't mean other women were, Pam. Common sense isn't common. Women who were sent by their agents to auditions trust that their audition is screened.
What strikes me is how dimwitted people can sometimes be. How in the world is it possible that someone making a point about being cautious, mentioning self-awareness and taking responsibility for one's own decisions and actions is then equated with "victim blaming" and "endorsing rape"?! Has it become really that hard for people to tell that there is a difference, you know, one is not like the other?!
Yeah cos men are so loaded with testosterone, it must completely obliterate all self-control. Therefore women should not place themselves in "vulnerable situations". Yeah right.
The interviewer took no interest in Pamela, she merely used her as a vehicle for ill-thought-out threats to conform with the Surveillance State or Compliance Culture. An interview should be like travelling together to somewhere that the subject has been before, yet can find new perspectives upon.
Yep, so annoying and not someone who truly respects all women equally!!! Very condescending in how she never almost allows PA to complete her sentence!!!!
Ouu, that reporter got a nice little dig in at the end. "You look amazing for your AGE" 😭😭😭 I love Pamela and all that she does for animal and human rights.
First time I've seen PA interviewed in a serious way but then I haven't seen many of her interviews except years ago on talk shows. She's very sensible and well spoken. A good friend to JA as well.
CSPeeler it’s the fault of the person committing the crime, of course. But she’s not linking prevention and blame the way so many SJWs do. If I don’t lock my front door, I’m not condoning burglary. But I would be foolish to do that because I know burglars exist
@@nsyrett472 they do exist in the society, which have poverty/criminal problems. For sure locking the door is a good idea, but it doesn't solve the problem. Better to have a society where you don't have to fear of a burglars.
If I, as a weaselly white male, walk around Harlem at midnight alone, I might expect some trouble. If I get attacked, is it my fault? No, but I must take the responsibility for choosing to walk around Harlem at night, knowing that it's a risk. And saying that is not victim blaming.
I respect your points about women being stronger and more aware of the possibilities of harm, however, we're not all the same. We're not all taught to be skeptical and wary of men's intentions at an early age. So, in that respect, let's not judge everyone based on how we were raised, or how we 'knew' the possibility of abuse was evident. It's just not the case for every young woman, and they are not responsible for the bad/criminal behavior of men.
I legally can walk down any street in America with ten thousand dollar gold chain flashing, Rolex on my wrist, hundred dollar bill hanging out of my pocket but that behavior would be stupid, irresponsible, and dangerous. I had the discussion with my teen granddaughters about safety, personal responsibility, risks, and consequences. What a world when Pam Anderson is a voice of reason and responsibility.
boy do I agree. I met her once after the death of my daughters 19 year old best friend. Her comment to the mother of the dead child was she knew someone that could give her a good face lift.. I looked at Pam and said this woman just lost her daughter..!!!!there was absolutely no connective tissue..this is not a voice of reason nor a woman who has a full view of the female condition.... good self positioning though and merchandising ..for that she is clever..
I have to respectfully disagree with her. As someone who was raped and has always been objectified, I never blamed myself. Of course it’s important to be safe, but we should tread carefully when addressing women’s choices and the ramifications of those. Not all women, like myself, are raised being taught “common sense” and what situations to avoid and how to protect yourself. Victim blaming is unacceptable, especially when we are talking about rape. Still love Pam though. She’s so powerful and breaking stereotypes. I greatly appreciate it.
I consider myself a Conservative, but I really do love Pam. She speaks a lot of sense and isn't as stupid as people make her out to be. Very smart business woman.
Oh my, all those people with female sounding usernames making fun of her looks instead of talking about her oppinions. You must all be very good feminists ;)
Lol, dude I agree wit’s you but your comment is so dumb. First you say “female sounding usernames”, which doesn’t necessarily even mean it’s a woman, then you automatically assume that all women are feminist which is not even remotely true, then you shame them for being bad feminist. It’s like you’re grasping at straws to criticize feminists.
Hello there Marc :) I guess I'll have to disagree with some of the things you've said or rather further explain what I've tried to convey in my first message. Firstly: With "female sounding names" I've meant exactly that. I did observe that the names sound female but since I by no means could know the gender behind those names, I purposely abstained from making any statement on it but kept it factual. So yes, you are correct, it does not necessarily mean they are female which is why I heavily implied this thought. Secondly: I do not automatically assume that all women are feminists and I did not state such faulty logic. To add some detail here: I am female and am not a feminist (not an anti-feminist either) so I should know. Thirdly: I did not shame anyone for being a bad feminist, but rather made a not quite clear enough hint to the "no true scottsmen" of the movement. I couldn't even describe what a "bad feminist" is, since the movement harbours so many diverse, many times directely opposing schools of thought and everyone sails under the same flag. A person shaming someone with opposing thoughts based on their appereance can be, by definition, just as much of a feminist (a good one as I've written) as someone who does not. Lastly: What straws? In this oh so stupid debate (if one can even call it that) that has been happening for the past few years, both sides of the argument offer plenty of straws, no huge trees to grasp onto. Yes, there are very, very idiotic feminists (some of which would make fun of a womans appereance rather than debating her ideas) and there are also very, very moronic anti-feminists (some of which would also make fun of a womans appereance rather than debating her ideas). I guess you get where I'm going with this. In the end, the thing tried to criticise was merely the fact that many people (who happend to sport female sounding usernames) did not address Miss Andersons points, nor did they debunk or support her thoughts on the matter but instead went on making fun of her apperiance. If you want me to take a personal stance on that, I'd say this would make them a "bad person" or at the very least someone who is not able or willing to argue ideas. If you'd want my opinion, I'd like to note that this behaviour is "so dumb", while me making a sarcastic remark on it is at least slightly less so.
I know, right? She was perfectly fine stripping for playboy with her kids in school and then again while hosting SNL in front of a live audience. smh...
I was attacked for the same sentiment by a locker room full of women. They acused me of victim blaming. One girl dared to say she had the right to go to a bar dressed however she wants & take drinks from a stranger then go home with him. I said sure you have that right just like you have the right to walk into the jungle with a meat dress on!! I dont put the responsibility of myself on others that is beyond foolish. Women have to be responsible for themselves first before expecting men to change. We cant wait for men to evolve we must be proactive.
"I respect your points about women being stronger and more aware of the possibilities of harm, however, we're not all the same. We're not all taught to be skeptical and wary of men's intentions at an early age. So, in that respect, let's not judge everyone based on how we were raised, or how we 'knew' the possibility of abuse was evident. It's just not the case for every young woman, and they are not responsible for the bad/criminal behavior of men."
As a mother of two boys fathered by a man that abused her she would want to know everything men maybe talk about. Posing nude for Playboy empowered HER, now she is an influential activist, enviromentalist, and spokesperson with Russian politicians. But how exactly does that empower other women? Blaming women for putting themselves in "those situations" when they are in a work setting dealing with men of a good standing and reputation is the same as saying all men are perverts. Are they? And if so, how can we get out of THIS situation? And how is befriending a man accused of rape hiding in a foreing embassy not one of "those situations"?
I listened to this for two minutes until she started talking about how great Hugh Hefner was and then I had to shut it down! 🤮 For someone who’s seemingly smart I can’t understand why she would defend him!
Wow every interview she's had someone's literally insulted her or tried to make her feel low but she's always answered so honest. People want honesty but when she's her self people get triggered, alot of people want honesty but ONLY from their point of view you know?! NOT ALL but most especially these days I appreciate anyone who can stand their ground and keep their own opinion and she didn't change her opinion just because someone said something negative & tried to bully her out of the opinion she had. Her story is super consistent. SHE MAKES ME FEEL SO PROUD AND HOPE THAT THERE'S PEOPLE LIKE HER STILL .🧡🧡🧡🧡
Her saying common sense, saying she wouldn't do the same things is victim blaming. Just cos she articulates her thoughts well doesn't mean there well thought out. Evil will never be eradicated I understand Prevention but instead go to the problem of men disrespecting women
I’ve always been a Pamela fan . If you have only ever judged her for her exterior then you’ll be surprised. She’s definitely more then beautiful. I wish this interviewer would let her finish her answer !
The biggest proponent of your safety stems from self preservation. Would you not be the least bit suspicious if someone set up a job interview in a freaking hotel room and proceeded to answer the door garbed in a but a robe? Don't be naive, darlings. Ya best protect ya neck.
It is not victim blaming to have self worth and awareness. More women need to be speaking up like Pam Anderson. I am a fan . She is completely underestimated and has survived domestic and narcissistic abuse. She is the perfect woman to speak on these subjects.
Wow, I didn't know much about Pamela before this, but preach! Real feminism is a beautiful thing to see. When a smart, gorgeous, sharp witted woman with a strong personality uses her feminine powers to make change. New feminism has it wrong. They think anything feminine is weak and they're trying to turn our girls into dudes
I agree so much. If we live in a world where a large percentage of men are abusive and controlling and use their physical power to overpower women into submission of their will against ours, then it is time to get creative in our solutions to protect ourselves. Exercise our right to demand that which we deserve, safety from harm in our daily lives. I read about a woman in Europe who trained in martial arts due to the significant problem of sexual assault being a result of the migrants from foreign lands. She actually protected herself and beat the crap out of an assailants attack, protecting herself from rape. She left him beat and defeated and if this is what it takes so be it, I am not a violent person yet I see that we can take measures to protect ourselves from physical harm and you have to admit that to have that skill would be so empowering and fear would literally vanish from women and attach itself to the male perpetrator who perhaps could fear a beating coming from a woman. This is one example of a logical, attainable, change that could somewhat balance the playing field in circumstances that have been so out of balance for far, far too long.
Pamela Anderson is so awesome. She speaks well she’s beautiful intelligent. And she answered every question this lady had for her and didn’t hesitate for one second. What a beautiful soul she is.
Wow Pamela Anderson blaming women for putting themselves in what do you suggest Pamela...never to go out? never to get drunk at university or go to a boys room ? what if you may have agreed to certain consensual sexual activity but then something else happens without consent ...does that mean whatever goes ? and if you are drunk then whatever happens is on the woman ? I 've heard that Pamela Andersin experienced sexual abuse as a child and it seems she is more or less saying that for children who do not know how to protect themselves then obviously its not their fault but for those old enough to know better or women who should have known not to go to the hotel room or never to get drunk or maybe never date a guy and if he rapes her then this is her fault Pamela you are really not doing many women alot of favours who have expereinced rape and sexual assault thriiugh no fault of their own.
its a shame that she feels the need to plasticise her face. other than that, I love that she's in tune with the truth and is Vegan. thumbs up Pamela. I agree that as women we do need to be cautious how we interact with males but I also think there is so much pressure on everyone to perform that the lines get very blurred.
For a woman with her background and reputation she talks extremely well and with a lot of passion and intelligence. Agree or disagree but she is doing a lot for tearing down stereotypes.
stringer 2295 it's the preferable type of feminism.
Yes. I was suprised. But happy to hear it.
and what she says is true aswell. You SHOULD know as a teenager, drinking beers, surrounding yourself with young boys what you are getting yourself into. I think she is doing very well on raising sexual awareness, in youth, girls and boys. It is not blaming the victim, but if you go around, drinking, not giving a damn, wearing sleasy clothes, you become an easy victim for those who want to abuse you. It is pretty clear that teenage girls need to hear this. Even women. Know what you get yourself into. It is always nice provoking the devil, but not so nice crying when he bites. You know, dont play with a man either. If you clearly give hints he is aloud to go further . . . you should expect him to exactly do that. Nothing wrong with raising sexual awareness on that matter.
@@waggybaggy1466 I agree & females need 2 use common sense & have self awareness
I’m very impressed with Pamela Anderson. She is well spoken, Intelligent and she has always come across as authentic and genuine.
what a comedian
She speaks softly but is heard loudly.
First of all we need to teach our kids how to respect every human being .
If everyone respected everyone this wouldn't even be an issue.
True but some people don't have any respect for THEMSELVES so it's difficult to have respect for others :-(
Well said dear Pamela! ❤
LIke I did.
Let's start by not supporting men like Hugh Hefner.
I love what she said. The bottom line is, people like Weinstein or Cosby will ALWAYS exist. A sociopath is born every 5 minutes. It's up to the rest of us to be aware, trust instincts, and know how to navigate our world. That's not victim shaming - it's preventative thinking.
Tell that to the underaged girls that were raped by Cosby. A child doesn't know how to navigate through the world yet. Some people were not taught how to protect themselves and that makes them vulnerable to people like Hugh Hefner and and Cosby. It dose sound like victim blaming to me.
I like her, she has a very powerful pointers which i really agree. We Women should really learn how to protect ourselves.
It's a known fact
Its not "learned", its common sense. At 16 or 17 I would have knowm myself never to go to a room alone with a man. Like come on, you must be extremely dumb to not know whats coming next. The problem I had with this whole metoo stuff is, yes I agree the men are wrong and they should go to jail. To make sexual advances in order to grant employment to another person is a crime. But all these girls knew what they are getting into. You cant tell me there are 80 women who are that dumb and cant think logically whats going to happen to them if they go to his room. 1 or 2 naive people I might still consider, but 80 women didnt make sense. Its so obvious they are willing to go to his room and sleep their way to the top. Whitney Cummings said it herself. There are written contracts that young espiring actress proposed to producers that they are willing to perform sex act for them if he give them the role. I'm sorry to say this bluntly but there are lots of rats in Hollywood, men or women. They will do anything for fame.
Pamela is A Very Beautiful Person inside and out!!
have no idea what beauty really means
Wow! What maturity, lucidity and insight from a woman labelled as a shallow, superficial “bimbo” by so many.
She is negatively labeled because of nasty, old fashioned anti-feminist jealousy. Pamela is amazing and I miss 2nd wave Girl Power sexy feminism so much.
Jean, it just goes to prove, "so many" peeps, dont know Jack! Just like to run their big mouth..😲
I'm sorry but she was a bimbo in the 90s but has matured with age...
Even better, she has a sense of humor about it. She does not take offense easily.
she is a complete idiot
Really smart woman, goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover or a person based on preconceived notions of one aspect of thier life.
I’m surprised to find that she’s so incredibly articulate. Also this interviewer is dense as fuck she’s acting like she’s pushing back with hard hitting questions but she isn’t really listening. It’s like having a conversation with someone who’s constantly looking out the window
redfox01001011 I fully concur
Exactly. Pamela Anderson already said that she first voted for Obama after becoming a naturalized American and Stein (aka Jill Stein) for the 2016 presidential election and the presenter still proceeded to ask whether she voted for Trump. 🤦🏻♂️
If someone this dumb can be a presenter or “journalist”, then I can do the better job.
💯 The interviewer wasn’t really listening…she kept pushing and pushing the same narrative, asking the same question, hoping to get a different answer from Pamela.
Thank you Pam for speaking up for animals and our environment! You're awesome!
Pam is one of those cool hot chicks we all know. All for empowering women, but also logical.
I 100% agree with what she says. Don't be stupid. Don't put yourself in a situation you can't get out of. This goes for men as well as woman.
No, I don't agree, as someone who has faced homelessness, you trust some people. I was a teenager, she was a young adult in Hollywood (from what I have heard). I was desperate for a roof over my head or facing extreme violence at home. Things happened that even I didn't know were wrong. Touching, eg. not full s*x. I completely repressed that, and at 44 it just came to me. But I was safe at that man's house. I thought he cared about me. She's forgetting the teens who aren't fully mentally developed. And I think anyone who has been raped, they always blame themselves, anyway, from what I have experienced from word of mouth.
she is a woman through and and strength combined
Did you listen?
@Crazy Canuck 👀
Pamela Anderson is very articulated and brutally honest, the media on the other hand is not. She is right, we need to "fully educate ourselves" before forming an opinion that we try to shove down others throats.
She’s not blaming victims, she’s being a Realist.
i think pamela is an extremely intelligent and articulated person who's been stereotyped and misunderstood her whole life because of her looks. but some of the things she says in this interview are terrible. seems like she is more about teaching women to protect themselves rather than teaching men to keep it in their pants, "it is what it is and boys will be boys". i understand that decades in the industry can make you disenchnted but some things were straight up victim blaming.
I think the biggest issue here is that kids nowadays are shielded from reality, not just by parents, but by the school system and by various profesional organizations that seem to be over involved in kid's lives nowadays. It's unacceptable to speak any home truth to a child that isn't all rainbows and unicorns. As a result girls grow up without even knowing the extent to which there are monsters and perverts in the world. When I was still small, my mother warned me about stranger danger. She let me know that girls got kidnapped, she told me what rape was, and how I should always avoid being alone with a man or boy I don't know or trust. She told me that there were plenty of 'perverts out there' and she said that when men and boys go out of their way to be nice, they nearly always want something. She made me understand that it was my responsibility to do whatever I could to protect myself. The bottom line is, you can't expect bad people not to do bad things. You are the only person whose behavior you can control.
I agree, I was shielded and never really told about modern women's hypergamous, manipulative, self-centered and emotionally childish behavior. Never told on why some women will go out of their way to marry a man if he is a man of resources and money. Or, seduce a man into getting her pregnant just so she can get a paycheck. Another one is how some women tend to settle for men they don't really love, and LIE to him that they love him, but all they really want is to get the title of being married and flash to the world that they are happy n how theyve tied the knot. And last but not least, never told on how much EASIER it is for a woman to cheat n screw around in terms of willing and available horny men. Sad, sad world we live in. And here I thought men were the only monsters.
Ste B your parents should have warned you about the possible perils of relationships, but sadly, people are too afraid to tell children and teenagers anything nowadays that isn't all rainbows and unicorns or politically correct. In western countries everything is backwards. Most people don't even like acknowledging that there are differences between men and women. It's good to have a healthy level of cynicism.
L S it's all good, I bumped my head a few times n learned my lesson. Cant sit back n allow my past to hold me back from my future. Wish more people would just come to terms with the past n keep it moving.
7charlierox good point but when it's all said and done, a woman has the FINAL decision in WHO gets her pregnant.
Just because you were well prepared by your mother doesn't mean other women were, Pam. Common sense isn't common. Women who were sent by their agents to auditions trust that their audition is screened.
I pray for the animals,. So I thank God for Pamela.
Guys need to respect women much more around the world
Ms. Anderson is spot on!!! Females need to understand that knowing how to protect themselves is key. Which in the 70's feminists actually stressed!
This video could be used to teach a class on how to be a toxic interviewer. Amazing how sweet Pamela is next to that.
Her attitude is awesome now but she did help create the culture we live in.
So rude for people to say you look so good for your age just say you look good!
Yeah I'm sure she hasn't had any surgery or any injections 😂😂😂
What strikes me is how dimwitted people can sometimes be. How in the world is it possible that someone making a point about being cautious, mentioning self-awareness and taking responsibility for one's own decisions and actions is then equated with "victim blaming" and "endorsing rape"?! Has it become really that hard for people to tell that there is a difference, you know, one is not like the other?!
I agree with this comment 100% .
Yeah cos men are so loaded with testosterone, it must completely obliterate all self-control. Therefore women should not place themselves in "vulnerable situations". Yeah right.
@@chandrikadas9163 Huh?!
The interviewer took no interest in Pamela, she merely used her as a vehicle for ill-thought-out threats to conform with the Surveillance State or Compliance Culture.
An interview should be like travelling together to somewhere that the subject has been before, yet can find new perspectives upon.
Yep, so annoying and not someone who truly respects all women equally!!! Very condescending in how she never almost allows PA to complete her sentence!!!!
She is INCREDIBLE a empath.
I love Pam. She is so strong, always well spoken, classy and such a humanitarian
She has had an incredible life. Huge work ethic. She had a rough childhood which made her bulletproof.
Ouu, that reporter got a nice little dig in at the end. "You look amazing for your AGE" 😭😭😭 I love Pamela and all that she does for animal and human rights.
I caught that as well and I'm sure Pamela did too.
It's a shame people say stuff like that, not realizing the implication.
First time I've seen PA interviewed in a serious way but then I haven't seen many of her interviews except years ago on talk shows. She's very sensible and well spoken. A good friend to JA as well.
Hard to disagree with common sense. We're all protecting ourselves.
CSPeeler it’s the fault of the person committing the crime, of course. But she’s not linking prevention and blame the way so many SJWs do. If I don’t lock my front door, I’m not condoning burglary. But I would be foolish to do that because I know burglars exist
@@nsyrett472 they do exist in the society, which have poverty/criminal problems. For sure locking the door is a good idea, but it doesn't solve the problem. Better to have a society where you don't have to fear of a burglars.
Real mature words. Respekt
If I, as a weaselly white male, walk around Harlem at midnight alone, I might expect some trouble. If I get attacked, is it my fault? No, but I must take the responsibility for choosing to walk around Harlem at night, knowing that it's a risk. And saying that is not victim blaming.
She is very well spoken and has very strong arguments for the opinions that she holds. I admire her for her basic goodness and integrity
I respect your points about women being stronger and more aware of the possibilities of harm, however, we're not all the same. We're not all taught to be skeptical and wary of men's intentions at an early age. So, in that respect, let's not judge everyone based on how we were raised, or how we 'knew' the possibility of abuse was evident. It's just not the case for every young woman, and they are not responsible for the bad/criminal behavior of men.
Agreed, more education is needed
Great woman.
O my.. she is still such a dime. Very well spoken.
I legally can walk down any street in America with ten thousand dollar gold chain flashing, Rolex on my wrist, hundred dollar bill hanging out of my pocket but that behavior would be stupid, irresponsible, and dangerous. I had the discussion with my teen granddaughters about safety, personal responsibility, risks, and consequences. What a world when Pam Anderson is a voice of reason and responsibility.
boy do I agree. I met her once after the death of my daughters 19 year old best friend. Her comment to the mother of the dead child was she knew someone that could give her a good face lift.. I looked at Pam and said this woman just lost her daughter..!!!!there was absolutely no connective tissue..this is not a voice of reason nor a woman who has a full view of the female condition.... good self positioning though and merchandising ..for that she is clever..
@@pamela71947 wow, that sounds unbelievable!
My only issue with her is her eyebrows.
She doesn't have any after years of tweezing and waxing. Give her a break.
I wish the interviewer didn't cut Pamela off so much, especially when Pamela has some important things to say eloquently.
Never judge a book by it's cover! Love her!!!
How many of her books can she mention in one interview?
How many books have you written?
I love Pamela but I think her opinion on the me too movement would be very different if she had two daughters instead of two sons.
So basically her life experience is moot?
Her past taste in men doesn't make her a very reliable judge of character. She's intelligent but somewhat gullible.
Is she? Is she really? Your an idiot. We're you there? Did she tell you this? LMAO.. TH-cam experts.
I have to respectfully disagree with her. As someone who was raped and has always been objectified, I never blamed myself. Of course it’s important to be safe, but we should tread carefully when addressing women’s choices and the ramifications of those. Not all women, like myself, are raised being taught “common sense” and what situations to avoid and how to protect yourself. Victim blaming is unacceptable, especially when we are talking about rape.
Still love Pam though. She’s so powerful and breaking stereotypes. I greatly appreciate it.
I consider myself a Conservative, but I really do love Pam. She speaks a lot of sense and isn't as stupid as people make her out to be. Very smart business woman.
Oh my, all those people with female sounding usernames making fun of her looks instead of talking about her oppinions. You must all be very good feminists ;)
As apposed to ur username which states the obvious, ur a human being, no shit sherlock.
Well, yes, I am. Thank you for noticing :)
Lol, dude I agree wit’s you but your comment is so dumb. First you say “female sounding usernames”, which doesn’t necessarily even mean it’s a woman, then you automatically assume that all women are feminist which is not even remotely true, then you shame them for being bad feminist. It’s like you’re grasping at straws to criticize feminists.
Hello there Marc :)
I guess I'll have to disagree with some of the things you've said or rather further explain what I've tried to convey in my first message.
Firstly: With "female sounding names" I've meant exactly that. I did observe that the names sound female but since I by no means could know the gender behind those names, I purposely abstained from making any statement on it but kept it factual. So yes, you are correct, it does not necessarily mean they are female which is why I heavily implied this thought.
Secondly: I do not automatically assume that all women are feminists and I did not state such faulty logic. To add some detail here: I am female and am not a feminist (not an anti-feminist either) so I should know.
Thirdly: I did not shame anyone for being a bad feminist, but rather made a not quite clear enough hint to the "no true scottsmen" of the movement. I couldn't even describe what a "bad feminist" is, since the movement harbours so many diverse, many times directely opposing schools of thought and everyone sails under the same flag. A person shaming someone with opposing thoughts based on their appereance can be, by definition, just as much of a feminist (a good one as I've written) as someone who does not.
Lastly: What straws? In this oh so stupid debate (if one can even call it that) that has been happening for the past few years, both sides of the argument offer plenty of straws, no huge trees to grasp onto. Yes, there are very, very idiotic feminists (some of which would make fun of a womans appereance rather than debating her ideas) and there are also very, very moronic anti-feminists (some of which would also make fun of a womans appereance rather than debating her ideas). I guess you get where I'm going with this.
In the end, the thing tried to criticise was merely the fact that many people (who happend to sport female sounding usernames) did not address Miss Andersons points, nor did they debunk or support her thoughts on the matter but instead went on making fun of her apperiance. If you want me to take a personal stance on that, I'd say this would make them a "bad person" or at the very least someone who is not able or willing to argue ideas. If you'd want my opinion, I'd like to note that this behaviour is "so dumb", while me making a sarcastic remark on it is at least slightly less so.
kindAhumaNbeinG fair enough, I usually engage in these things for hours but in this case, I’m inclined to agree, sorry for misinterpreting you.
Interesting as they get old how they get morals and forget how they influenced others in the past lol
I know, right? She was perfectly fine stripping for playboy with her kids in school and then again while hosting SNL in front of a live audience. smh...
Yeah… interesting how men get “morals” as they grow in wisdom through the years (hopefully???)
I was attacked for the same sentiment by a locker room full of women. They acused me of victim blaming. One girl dared to say she had the right to go to a bar dressed however she wants & take drinks from a stranger then go home with him. I said sure you have that right just like you have the right to walk into the jungle with a meat dress on!! I dont put the responsibility of myself on others that is beyond foolish. Women have to be responsible for themselves first before expecting men to change. We cant wait for men to evolve we must be proactive.
"I respect your points about women being stronger and more aware of the possibilities of harm, however, we're not all the same. We're not all taught to be skeptical and wary of men's intentions at an early age. So, in that respect, let's not judge everyone based on how we were raised, or how we 'knew' the possibility of abuse was evident. It's just not the case for every young woman, and they are not responsible for the bad/criminal behavior of men."
I completely AGREE with Pam
As a mother of two boys fathered by a man that abused her she would want to know everything men maybe talk about.
Posing nude for Playboy empowered HER, now she is an influential activist, enviromentalist, and spokesperson with Russian politicians. But how exactly does that empower other women? Blaming women for putting themselves in "those situations" when they are in a work setting dealing with men of a good standing and reputation is the same as saying all men are perverts. Are they? And if so, how can we get out of THIS situation?
And how is befriending a man accused of rape hiding in a foreing embassy not one of "those situations"?
I listened to this for two minutes until she started talking about how great Hugh Hefner was and then I had to shut it down! 🤮 For someone who’s seemingly smart I can’t understand why she would defend him!
I like her she’s still a nice lady. She was on my wall as a teenager.😊
A bit tired of these interviews were the interviewer has such a biased view of Julian ASSANGE. We’ll done Pamela for bringing truth to light
Wow every interview she's had someone's literally insulted her or tried to make her feel low but she's always answered so honest. People want honesty but when she's her self people get triggered, alot of people want honesty but ONLY from their point of view you know?! NOT ALL but most especially these days I appreciate anyone who can stand their ground and keep their own opinion and she didn't change her opinion just because someone said something negative & tried to bully her out of the opinion she had. Her story is super consistent. SHE MAKES ME FEEL SO PROUD AND HOPE THAT THERE'S PEOPLE LIKE HER STILL .🧡🧡🧡🧡
The host should read and do her homework before you ask questions
Well spoken Pamela, you are a wonderful, intelligent woman and Canadian
I don't mind this type of feminist.
She's authentic in all regards, including being an authentic feminist rather than another indulgent Compliance Culture female-supremacist.
Good job Pammy.
Her saying common sense, saying she wouldn't do the same things is victim blaming. Just cos she articulates her thoughts well doesn't mean there well thought out. Evil will never be eradicated I understand
Prevention but instead go to the problem of men disrespecting women
I love this woman. She looks nice for her age. But I reallly like her wisdom and kindness
“For her age”?????
I’ve always been a Pamela fan . If you have only ever judged her for her exterior then you’ll be surprised. She’s definitely more then beautiful. I wish this interviewer would let her finish her answer !
The biggest proponent of your safety stems from self preservation. Would you not be the least bit suspicious if someone set up a job interview in a freaking hotel room and proceeded to answer the door garbed in a but a robe? Don't be naive, darlings. Ya best protect ya neck.
I agree 100%
look at her choice of men, the bottom of the barrell,especially Jullian A.
Patti- really ?
Beautiful smart woman
Pamela, beautiful ❤
This interviewer is horrid. It was not a conversation, it was a biased interrogation meant to humiliate Pam.
Yea. Totally agree . The interviewer was 👎👎
Omg is that her ?
Afraid it is. Or not afraid. I'm not sure whether your question was negative or otherwise....
I think she is still beautiful
So true, I’m glad there is someone with common sense out there speaking out
I got to like Pamela Anderson. This woman is full of common sense!
'You look fantastic........for your age' giving a compliment and taking it at the same time! Btw Pam is smoking and super smart!
It is not victim blaming to have self worth and awareness. More women need to be speaking up like Pam Anderson. I am a fan . She is completely underestimated and has survived domestic and narcissistic abuse. She is the perfect woman to speak on these subjects.
She´s so much smarter and deeper than I ever expected! I like her!
I hope that she watches secrets of Playboy! I would hope that it would change her view about Hefner!
Massive respect for Pamela.
No wonder i always love her
I like Pam and she’s entitled to her opinions.
what a lame comment to end the interview with...
Does she spend a lot of time in England? Why does she all of a sudden speak with a british accent? Fellow Canadian here :)
Go Pam!
Wow, I didn't know much about Pamela before this, but preach! Real feminism is a beautiful thing to see. When a smart, gorgeous, sharp witted woman with a strong personality uses her feminine powers to make change. New feminism has it wrong. They think anything feminine is weak and they're trying to turn our girls into dudes
No, that is the gay move mb ent abd transhumznism
She's definitely not a dumb blonde. Astute articulate and very cute in her personality...
Why would you assume that she’s dumb?
That’s like assuming I work in a call center
Bob Singh I never assumed she was, it's what the media assumed once
Pamela is very intelligent and well spoken. I did get irritated that the interviewer kept cutting her off though.
Beautiful lovely intelligent passionate woman we all love you Pamela
Not a big fan of the journalist feels like she was trying to ask difficult questions and not be on her side. just my perception...
How dare she ask her who she voted for? What sort of journalist does that? No boundaries, no COURTESY!?!
She looks great
She has a great heart and is lucid in thought. All blonde jokes cancelled.
I agree so much. If we live in a world where a large percentage of men are abusive and controlling and use their physical power to overpower women into submission of their will against ours, then it is time to get creative in our solutions to protect ourselves. Exercise our right to demand that which we deserve, safety from harm in our daily lives. I read about a woman in Europe who trained in martial arts due to the significant problem of sexual assault being a result of the migrants from foreign lands. She actually protected herself and beat the crap out of an assailants attack, protecting herself from rape. She left him beat and defeated and if this is what it takes so be it, I am not a violent person yet I see that we can take measures to protect ourselves from physical harm and you have to admit that to have that skill would be so empowering and fear would literally vanish from women and attach itself to the male perpetrator who perhaps could fear a beating coming from a woman. This is one example of a logical, attainable, change that could somewhat balance the playing field in circumstances that have been so out of balance for far, far too long.
Pamela Anderson is so awesome. She speaks well she’s beautiful intelligent. And she answered every question this lady had for her and didn’t hesitate for one second. What a beautiful soul she is.
Pamela Anderson looks absolutely stunning here !
Wow Pamela Anderson blaming women for putting themselves in what do you suggest Pamela...never to go out? never to get drunk at university or go to a boys room ? what if you may have agreed to certain consensual sexual activity but then something else happens without consent ...does that mean whatever goes ? and if you are drunk then whatever happens is on the woman ?
I 've heard that Pamela Andersin experienced sexual abuse as a child and it seems she is more or less saying that for children who do not know how to protect themselves then obviously its not their fault but for those old enough to know better or women who should have known not to go to the hotel room or never to get drunk or maybe never date a guy and if he rapes her then this is her fault Pamela you are really not doing many women alot of favours who have expereinced rape and sexual assault thriiugh no fault of their own.
I am so proud of you Pamela!!! I am also Canadian and a woman.
Why do you have that as a thumbnail? It’s such an angry face I feel like it gives the video a negative look on it before I even click on it.
8:06, 10:02 I didn't like the constant interruptions of Pam's sentences by the interviewer - that is unprofessional and rude.
Awww my teenage idole - amazing, beautiful and wise words spoken ... thanks Pam ♥
its a shame that she feels the need to plasticise her face. other than that, I love that she's in tune with the truth and is Vegan. thumbs up Pamela. I agree that as women we do need to be cautious how we interact with males but I also think there is so much pressure on everyone to perform that the lines get very blurred.
She’s amazing and used her celebrity wisely.
Yeeeeaaasss girl "I know Im not wrong." Boom. That's a strong great woman right there!