真實個案: 如何自製$18000被動收入 合法節省高達30-45%稅! 加拿大退休生活理財秘技 終極慳稅投資收入|自製長糧每月入息滾動 打造退休金月月領「退休俸產生器」|Novella我想退休EP10


ความคิดเห็น • 40

  • @NovellaWealth
    @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ►如果想詳細了解,歡迎與理財顧問做免費諮詢:bit.ly/430I3q1 (👈🏻點擊連結預約)
    ►這個影片對你有幫助的話,請幫忙留言 🌟給我們支持一下!

  • @kieh7738
    @kieh7738 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    簡單d講,因為GIC,Capital gains或其他一次性既收入必需一次過在賺取該收入那一年計稅,所以跨到高稅階會被收多稅。 而SWP即係分拆式賺取Capital gains, 可以按個人情況(總收入)黎控制該年領幾多收入,從而將總收入控制在較低稅階。 如果其他收入太高,總收入點搬都係最高稅階,咁SWP係冇用😂)

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      如果嗰年突然之間佢係好少收入,想喺裏面攞多啲錢出嚟用,係可以的,但係就會搞亂咗SWP. 個人稅楷我們比較難控制,因為要看整體的收入而已。
      但係我哋可以將投資的inclusion rate 減低,所以相對嚟講,就算個人的税楷高,要付出的稅項亦都相對嚟講係少。 - Kinson

  • @huet1113
    @huet1113 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I live on Calgary AB how can I contact you?

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You can make an appointment with one of our advisors online through this link here: bit.ly/430I3q1

  • @garyng2000
    @garyng2000 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    it is not 'income' but cashflow which most of the time has quite a portion of return of capital. CRA is not stupid

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks for your input! You're absolutely correct that when making systematic withdrawals or periodic income from our accounts, a portion consists of return of capital, while another portion comes from gains such as interest, dividends, and capital gains. Our intention was to highlight these nuances in withdrawals and how these factors influence tax implications and achieving a low inclusion rate, based on our real-world client experiences.

  • @一舊雲
    @一舊雲 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    我未買過 SWP, 所以唔識,但想問清楚至買,你張 T3冇,想問張真正 T3 是否有 Return of Capital Box 42? 因我有買開 REIT. 如果有,即係我俾舊錢 你,你又分期 charge 我 MER , 然後俾番我,其實果 D Fund rate of return 有幾多?是否 $1200 是 actual return?咁只係小過 1%.($ 1200 / $150,000 ). 請教如果我今日用 $ 150,000 買 VOO, 每年賣 $ 18,000用, 個 result 同 SWP 分別大唔大?

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      感謝您的提問。與mutual fund和trusts income investment 相比,segregated funds 的T3報表通常不在box 42號顯示資本返還(ROC)。
      在我們的影片例子中,我們使用了segregated funds,這就是為什麼T3報表上沒有顯示ROC。不同的投資產品生成不同類型的T3報表。

  • @一舊雲
    @一舊雲 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    好似年年有蛋食,但隻鷄越來越瘦?是否果 $18000 係我自己本金俾番我,到時我想攞番本金,你話冇哂囉.這是我的疑惑.我退休時唔怕俾税,因税率低,但怕冇左隻鷄.🤔

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      首先多謝你嘅留言。我哋嘅工作,就係點樣幫你年年「有蛋食」,亦都係點樣可以幫你隻雞儲得越嚟越肥。當然每一個人嘅情況唔同,所以我哋會俾建議,同埋Example,去同你做一個長遠嘅退休方案。 - Kinson
      如有任何疑問,可以直接 WhatsApp 我哋了解更多:wa.me/16043703434 (點擊連結會直接打開Whatsapp對話)

  • @AlphonsusLui
    @AlphonsusLui 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Nonsense, The dividend includes a lot of return of capital and therefore the tax rate is low

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment. To confirm, when we are doing systematic withdrawal or periodic income from our accounts, there are a portion return of capital and a portion from gains of interest, dividend and capital gains. As stated in the video, because of the return of the capital thus the inclusion rate is low. We based our video on a real life client we had over the years and it may differ on a case by case basis. Please also note, if we were to have an account and we make lumpsum withdrawal the inclusion rate would not be as low. So, sometimes we do recommend doing these regular payments to the client to keep the investment tax inclusion rate low. - Edmond

  • @MKKan-k9m
    @MKKan-k9m 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    These two hosts say many many “其實 ” repeatedly, let alone they are wrong in use of Chinese sentence stuctures, hear too much repeated of same “ rubblish word ” making viewers very disgusting..

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your perspective and will take it into consideration for future videos to ensure a better viewing experience for all our audience.

  • @一舊雲
    @一舊雲 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    好奇,資產管理係加拿大有甚麽 requirement ? CFA ?你地只係艇仔轉我俾 insurance companies ? 有乜事邊個付責,sign 好多 disclaimer ? 尤其是 Insurance related, 我年紀大,比較小心.所以又問.

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      感謝您的詢問!Kinson Lai 和 Edmond Ng 都是加拿大Certified Financial Planner CFP®(中譯:註冊財務策劃師/國際金融理財師),同時也在 Insurance Council 註冊受規管。他們在卑詩省、安省、亞省、沙省均有註冊。您可以透過以下連結查詢他們的專業資格:
      Kinson Lai: www.fpcanada.ca/findaplanner?refId=d7e77869948ba7500ca20937afd59c8f9b7a0238adb81499a1681337279e297a
      Edmond Ng: www.fpcanada.ca/findaplanner?refId=8911628bbb5f27b210507ca979fe5f68a859ff2a8f4324e4e53aa9c9b4ece3a9
      此外,我們的公司 Novella Wealth Corporation 是一間註冊保險經紀公司,同樣受 Insurance Council 嚴格規管。您可以在 Insurance Council Licensee Directory 上搜尋 "Novella Wealth" 確認:
      如果您對於我們的專業資格或公司註冊有任何疑問,請隨時電郵與我們的 Operations Team 聯繫: info@novellawealth.com。我們非常重視您的關注,並願意提供您所需的所有信息。

  • @kwokchung2468
    @kwokchung2468 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Capital gains 升到 75% 知唔知幾時開始生效?

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  17 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      多謝你留言。資本增值稅的 inclusion rate 在 2024 年 6 月 25 日開始由 50% 增加至 66.7%,但只適用於個人資本增值超過 $250,000 的部分。

  • @joanho2767
    @joanho2767 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    其實到將基金放出時,不是一様要俾capital gain tax 嗎?

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      多謝你的留言!你提到的問題確實是關於SWP的重要一環。放出基金時確實需要計算資本增值稅。我們的目標是提供不同的取款方式建議,以最大程度地減少資本增值稅的含稅比率 (inclusion rate)。儘管個人稅率可能較高,但我們能夠降低投資的含稅比率,因此相對而言,需要支付的稅款也會相對較少。換句話說,SWP可以幫助你在稅收後保留更多的錢在口袋裡。有關詳細信息,您可以預約免費諮詢,我們將樂意為您提供進一步的指導: bit.ly/430I3q1

  • @tatmanleung145
    @tatmanleung145 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Management fee is also a concern as well but never mentioned. I believe it would not be low compared with other mutual funds.

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi there! Thank you for your comment! Just to clarify, we don't charge any fees for our services. In the example shown in the video, it was executed with segregated funds. Fund managers charged the fee and it is similar to mutual fund. However, segregated funds offer additional benefits such as principal reset and guarantees at death. - Kinson

    • @一舊雲
      @一舊雲 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@NovellaWealth If the tax document is T3, In theory the income will flow to me, how come I report much less ? is the $1180 X 2 my actual income. I am worrying about my investment. 冇左隻鷄?Any. ROC on the T3?

  • @lilianleung5659
    @lilianleung5659 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    If the withdrawal is from the RRSP or RRIF, because the funds were not paid tax from before until withdrawal from the account , so the entire amount withdrawn is becoming a taxable income in the year .

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Lilian, thanks for your comment! Yes, you are correct. This example was from client's own money in a non-registered account outside of the RRSP or RRIF account. - Kinson

  • @wilkins0904
    @wilkins0904 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What is the underlying assets of SWP?

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The underlying assets of the actual example were segregated fund offered by insurance company. - Kinson

  • @lynngraham9547
    @lynngraham9547 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @samlau3835
    @samlau3835 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @marklee8484
    @marklee8484 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How much you have to invest in order to get $1,500/month?? You did not explain?

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Mark, thanks for your comment! The example in the video was from our client starting at $150,000. - Kinson

    • @一舊雲
      @一舊雲 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@NovellaWealth What you are saying is annual return is 12%? Since in order to have $18000 from $150,000. Then, is the investment still low risk ?

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@一舊雲 Thank you for your interest in our SWP example. To clarify, the client chose to withdraw $18,000 annually from their initial $150,000 investment. While this may suggest a 12% annual return, the actual average rate of return over the past 6 years has been 8.5%. Despite market corrections in 2018, 2020, and 2022, the client's account has remained resilient.
      To mitigate risk, we emphasize long-term investments, dollar-cost averaging, and diversification. We tailor investment recommendations to match individual risk tolerance and objectives. In this case, the client's goal was to fund a project over 10 years, yet the income is projected to last over 14 years even with a conservative 5% rate of return.
      Each SWP is customized based on specific objectives, such as retirement planning, to ensure longevity of income. We encourage private consultations to assess suitability for individual circumstances. If you're interested in discussing your investment goals further, you can book a consultation here: bit.ly/430I3q1
      Thank you for engaging with us, and we're pleased to report the client's satisfaction with the results achieved. -- Kinson & Edmond

    • @一舊雲
      @一舊雲 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@NovellaWealth Okay,, then how can you make a living ? Trailing commission from mutual fund companies ? As the way you explain on the rate of return, how come you did not show the ROC on those T3 ? The first T3 you show, the return was not even a 1% ? Thanks

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@一舊雲Segregated fund T3 statements typically do not include Box 42 for Return of Capital (ROC), unlike mutual funds and trust income investments.
      In our example, we used segregated funds, which is why ROC was not shown on the T3 statement. Different investment products generate different types of T3 statements.
      Here's some more information if you'd like to learn more: www.manulifeim.com/retail/ca/en/viewpoints/tax-planning/understanding-your-tax-slip
      Please also note that our clients’ investments are not locked in, and there are no penalties for full redemption. Recent regulatory changes offer increased protection for investors. Many of our clients have been with us for over a decade, and they continue to be satisfied with their investments.
      If you have further questions or would like to discuss investment options, please feel free to reach out and schedule for an appointment. We’re here to assist you. bit.ly/430I3q1

  • @kimt2883
    @kimt2883 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    我 想连洛你 可以给我电'話吗多謝😊

    • @NovellaWealth
      @NovellaWealth  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      電話聯絡:(604) 370-3434 (可 Whatsapp)
      辦公時間: 星期一至五 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (西岸時間)