I clean it pretty much the same and with the same brush like yours. To lubricate I prefer a paint brush and chainsaw oil. I finish by wiping off any excess. It's cheaper and works pretty well. I don't like spraylubricants that much, It sprays...well...also on the floor or other stuff . With the brush , It just comes where it is supposed to go. Anyway, there are multiple roads that lead to Rome, they say, and as long as we keep our gear in good nick, it's fine. Thanks for this no nonsense video.
My Suzuki user manual stated to use only kerosene. Cheap but really does do a superb job. Top tip: cut out a card board splash plate to place between the wheel and chain. Stops cleaning fluid and chain lube getting anywhere near the tyres and avoids the final couple of minutes wiping down overspray. I have my splash plate set aside so I don’t have to re-make it each time.
Many ways to do one thing. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
I was always told and practice to not get any chems on your tire. I usually put a piece of cardboard behind to block any over spray. Maybe it's over kill. Great video love it. My current ride is a 2021 ZX6R
That's one way...doesn't have to be exact. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
Hey Moro, just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate your content. I’m a new rider and you helped me prepared for my MSF and I still (will admit only weekly) check up on your content to see what else I can learn. Keep it going brother!
Thanks for this video. After watching you clean your chain I couldn’t help myself and went out to buy the cleaning products. And man it didn’t take long to clean chain, lube chain and clean bike at all!! Legend 👍🏽💯🔥🥳
I love the ChainWax. I use diesel fuel in a spray bottle to clean the chain with. Spin the wheel and soak the chain, then scrub the crap out of it with the brush, and rinse the gunk off by spraying some more diesel on the chain while spinning it. I use some drop towels on the ground and between the chain and the wheel to catch the overspray and drippings so that I have minimal cleanup. Dry it with a clean cloth, and then apply the Chain Wax and let it dry before riding.
Many ways to do one thing...this is the easiest way I've found :) FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
@@MotoJitsu You are correct about many ways to do one thing. FYI: I subscribed to your other channel back when you first started advertising for it. Enjoyed the Andrew Branca stuff especially.
@@ddanf308 Diesel Fuel stinks : you may rather use kerosne (the stuff you put in kerosene heater is jsut the same as diesel fuel, with less aromatics ...hence odors !)
Great video, thank you. I just got my bike about a month ago and have done about 400 miles so far. I was looking for chain cleaning videos to finally clean my bike chain. Thank you
@@MotoJitsu He was talking about the floor getting dirty from all the grime, not that the technique doesn't work. I use a pizza box, opened up it protects both the floor underneath as well as prevents spraying the tyre and around with cleaner/lube. :)
@@DaxXx988 MotoJitsu was basically saying he doesn't wait for the chain to get dirty, which is fair enough. Myself I lube my chain weekly using a paint brush with a mix of oil & graphite cable lube which doesn't attract as much grit as most chain lubes, then once every few months give the chain a thorough clean pizza box & toothbrush method. My chain & sprockets last years as any well maintained setup should, exactly how long of course depends upon how hard you ride. If your chain starts to get tight links or the sprockets begin to show appreciable wear then it's time to replace. BTW I bought one of those chain brushes but the bristles on them are way too hard and can damage the O-Rings if you're not careful.
I use the used tooth brush to agitate the dirts off the chain after applying the chain cleaner or chain degreaser. That square type of hard brush could be too hard on the chain seals. For wiping off the the cleaner or wax, the used towel (or cheap towel) would be better, I think. New microfiber towels could be an overkill for cleaning up the chain.
Many ways to do one thing. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
Couple of things I would like to point out. You should cover your disc rotor when you're lubing the chain. Also you might want to rinse the chain off with some water rather than just using shop towels and a microfiber towel. Then dry it completely then lube. 👍
It All looks nice and easy on a track bike only used in the California sun. It takes a lot more time on a bike used in the wet uk winter with salty roads. Dozens of you tube videos on chain cleaning and they’re all different. Rinse with water after cleaner stage? Drying the chain before re lubricating? Is wax lube better than oil base? Just bought my first chain drive bike after years of shaft drives!
I'm also a bit OCD with cleaning but chain cleaner may become expensive if you do it often. I started to use querosene for cleaning and it is the perfect product. I go to the jetwash, soak the chain in querosene, scrub it just like you did and wash it clean. During the ride home (less than 1km) the chain dries and warms a bit which is perfect for the lube application. Massage the chain to evenly distribute the lube (also helps identify any bind) and I'm done! The better we treat them, the better they'll treat us. 😉
Hey man, something I do to minimize lube overspray is I cut a tall/ skinny rectangle of cardboard, then put the cardboard vertical with one short edge on the ground and slide the cardboard behind the chain where I want to spray. Spin the tire a little bit to make sure the cardboard doesn't move when you spin the tire. Then spray what you need while spinning the tire. The cardboard backer shouldn't move so you can spray with one hand and spin the tire with the other hand. You should have 0 overspray. Lemme know what you think!
That's one way...I don't care much..don't use much lube and it takes just a second to wipe any overspray that's on the floor. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
You have no idea how much that means to me to hear that I'm not alone with the OCD cleaning or anything. We should start a support group for excessively cleaning chains due to mental problems! Hahaha
Helps if you spray chain cleaner either side of the chain to actually clean both sides. Gear oil is so much better to apply and clean off. I have a chain oiler. Just apply more often if I end up riding in rain
Much better and cheaper to use kerosene with the brush to clean the chain, then a light coating of 80/90 gear oil for protection. Have been doing it for 51 years and has never failed.
This is great advice in fact this is what most chain manufacturers recommend. Not motorcycle manufacturer but chain manufacturer!!!!! Kerosene in a spray bottle to clean the chain and then gear oil to lubricate, again this is what the chain manufacturers recommend!! Honestly if there’s a better way I would love to know, I’m just asking a question why not use kerosene and gear oil?
Hello just FYI Since you use maxima chain cleaner which is the same thing I use, maxima recommends to hose down the chain after using the cleaner spray to get rid off of the dirt, old lube film, and the chemical it self completely Also another FYI, have you checked out the grease ninja chain lube tool? It allows you to spray the lube directly at the o rings and it saves you more lube by allowing you to apply only the inside part of the chain which is the only side that makes contact with the sprocket, no excess drips Many ways to do this task hence why I say just FYI
A thick brush, a glass of diesel and the chain gets cleaned very thoroughly!! It doesn't get messy and the o-rings do not get dry! A cloth to clean most of the diesel and a couple of miles ride to get rid of it all. Then lubricant spray. Worked for me for more than 25 years!
Thanks for sharing. I like to see other riders' methods of cleaning a chain. I can always pick up some good points. I prefer to spray with kerosene, then scrub, then spray a generous amount of kerosene again to float out dirt, instead of just wiping off loose dirt. Love the wax lube for o-ring style chains. For old style chains, lube with chain saw lube. Nylon brush for o-ring style, and brass brush for old style chains. If the chain has at least 8,000 miles on it, start looking for the least sign that it needs to be replaced. Better to be a little over cautious than get thrown off my bike, or break down a hundred miles from home. Always replace chain and sprockets as a set. Chains and sprockets tend to wear a matched pattern. Putting a new chain on an old sprocket can cause an irritating noise. If the chain gets worn enough to be stretchy, it can fool you into thinking the throttle is jerky.
I do it different but this is a great video.... Clean and Lubricate your chain! I do it every 300-500 miles.... I use old towels or shirts to keep my tire/bike/floor chain lube free.
I would add “put on eye protection” as step 1. I use the same cleaner and once I had some cleaner droplets fly off the brush while spinning the tire and it went right into my eye. I was fortunate enough to have an eye wash station (ie kitchen sink lol) nearby so I didn’t suffer any permanent damage, but that was the most intensely painful several minutes my eyes have ever experienced.
Thank you Fast Eddy. You are very detailed oriented. Thanks for help and support to the motorcycle community. Your tire looks like its a road race tire. Did you drag your knee down this weekend. I hope to see you at the track here in wa take care. Al
Hi Greg, you should tell your fans to use their centre stand when installing the Paddock Stand. Lube use 70/30 of 90 gear oil and 30% kerosene. Works BRILLIANT. Safe riding!
They say not to do this, but ever since I've had my bike I have cleaned the chain with WD-40 and no lube. My first chain lasted 40000 miles, am I'm at 30,000 on the second one. DID X-Ring. 2007 Yamaha FZ1. I bought it new in 08.
I love how you are showing maintenance vids of Skittles ! :) I wish you could've done one on how to change the kickstand as well. Thats looks like the one that I put on my bike. I did mine myself but had some issues with correctly putting back the kickstand sensor thus my bike would shut off whenever I put the kickstand up and put it in first gear. I was able to fix it with some trial and error but wish there was a video from you lol then maybe it wouldn't have taken me as long to fix it lol :) as always thanks for sharing!
Great video, thanks for sharing! Great reminder I need to clean my chain!!! Will try your method and always something new to learn. Take care and stay safe 😊🙏
Thanks :) Many ways to do 1 thing :) FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
i use 1 rag soaked in kerosene to clean the chain. When it’s clean, use a dry rag to get any excess off (it’ll eventually evaporate but i’m usually in a hurry), then use a rag that is lightly soaked in heavy diff oil (light as in anything it touches gets oil on it bit if you squeeze it you cant get much if anything out of it). Use the oily rag and in your fist, wrap it around the chain and turn the wheel backwards (to avoid pulling your hand into the rear sprocket) until the chain is not dry. Not dripping wet, just oiled. The only problem is, you’ll need to oil it at least once a week or after each ride in the rain but you should be essentially inspecting your chain regularly anyway. The other benefit is, it is super easy to clean (chain wax sets like glue, and needs to be brushed off, oil can be removed from most surfaces safely with the kero). If you think kero and diff oil is unsuitable, try reading your manual. It’s exactly what they recommend. I used to use wax. It gets on everything, is nearly impossible to remove and turns dirt into abrasive paste. Just be careful not to over do it with the oil it will fling off more easily if you use too much and will end up on your back tyre. you really don’t need much, after a little practice, I promise you’ll never go back to waxes. A liter of diff oil costs nothing and a roll of shop rags is cheap too. Or microfibre if you feel so inclined, but be sure to soak them before you drop them in your washing machine, otherwise your clothes will smell and feel like a mechanics shop.
I haven't read thru all the comments so apologies in advance if this is a dupe: When I spray cleaner or lube on my chain I use a piece of cardboard as a shield to protect the background (wheel, tire etc). I'm not fanatical about a clean chain (I try) but I am fanatical about not adding any slipperiness to my equation. Using a shield with only 2 hands does make the job go a lil slower but that's me. Went riding today, ambient temp 40F. Yup, just breaking out of the thirties but the fever is strong in me. 8th day of riding in Dec so far. The extreme low sun bothers me way more than the cold. Be safe all.
Great video! One suggestion - use a piece of cardboard folded in half and push it up between the chain and the wheel/bike, then your cleaner and lube don't end up on the wheel or bike at all.
I use paraffin a spray bottle and a brush and rags, the ultimate cleaner. Cardboard box underneath to catch crud. Cleans chain lube and wax alike. Dissolves the grease and the mud. Wash off/ dry and relube. Gets all crap off wheel/swing arm and suspension. Does not damage o rings
I just use water and heavy duty dishsoap in a bucket. Then brush it with a paintbrush. Then rinse it of with a hose. And do it again with fresh bucket with soap. Rinse it of again and dry it with an old towel. Then use silicon spray to protect the Orings Or if i am low on time use the presure washer
Gloves? Great video. My aerosol chain cleaner recommends rinsing the chain after applying. You don’t agree? Rinsing after application is quite messy. I’ve used gear oil as a chain lube since the 70s. It works, but does leave a mess and probably attracts dirt. Ride safe.
Using brand new microfibre towels to clean a chain feels luxurious to me... I'd use rag if possible. But if you can afford it, microfibre towels is the best for cleaning anything.
The grease ninja puts your spray lube directly over the O'rings and I have been using one for 3 years (not affiliated). You connect it to any brand of spray lube - put cardboard below as there will be some dripping off. I use less spray, and the spray that does get used goes where it needs to go.
There's minimal to no dripping..and even if there is...I clean the tires, bike, and floor afterwards. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
I have that same battery tender as well. I end up hosing off the chain after brushing it, then spraying oil penetrating in that kit you use then wax. Good video! Thanks!
Many ways to do one thing. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
I freaking love it...getting new tires, first service, and something special done to it right now...going to pick it up tomorrow or Thursday then track again on Friday!
How I go about this: 1. Hold two used toothbrushes together with a rubber band. 2. Use Diesel to clean. 3. Use SAE 90 gear oil to lubricate 4. Fit the full chain case/cover back on. 5. Wash hands 🙂
Nicely done video! Diesel or kerosene is a great economical cleaner for roller chains. Brush it on and use it in a common hand sprayer bottle to rinse the dirt off. Dry the chain thoroughly and lube. The hardest part is keeping the muck off the tire. Don't forget to clean the plastic chain guides on the swingarm, too. Like you say, "There's lots of ways to do the job." Ignore the keyboard warriors' comments. I'd like to see them ride a bike with anything close to your skill level.
This needs more upvotes--it is the chain manufacturers procedure. Diesel of Kerosene. Kerosene is easier to come by in some areas - like I need a separate 'approved' yellow diesel jerry can (additional $20 cost) at any fuel station, so its cheaper to just grab an off-the-shelf $10-15 can of kerosene that will last me for years. I have some extra gear oil in the 90 and 140 weight variety from working on my own and family cars/trucks that works great. My only complaint is it is easy to over-apply both diesel/kerosene and the gear oil. A little goes a long way! This nets me ~15k miles per chain/sprocket set, or about 10k if I don't replace the sprocket, year round all-weather (except snow/ice) riding.
One tip I would add. Put some cardboard like a cereal box on the floor and a little bit bent up to cover the rear tire a bit to protect everything from the cleaning solution and lubricant.
@@MotoJitsu Yeah I was sure you do based on how nice that garage looks and the floor material. It applies more to people like me that have our bike on regular pavement/condo-style garage. If I do get some of the product on my tire is it bad? Only a tad gets on the side sometimes which I can wipe off but I'm not sure if it soaks in.
I did that for almost my whole riding career...only had this garage since June this year. But I never use much product...doesn't take much of anything to clean it since I do it at least once a week...this video was even excessive for me. You can just wipe if off...no biggie. I probably ride over crazier stuff everyday.
Fast eddie, please let me know if my chain cleaning procedure is ok... 1. Spray chain cleaner and let the grime fall off while rolling the tires. Then brush it. (Front and rear sprocket included) 2. After brushing, spray again with cleaner then wash the chain with garden hose (just running water, not pressurized). Satisfying to see dirt and grime fall off. 3. Dry the chain using microfibre or old rag. 4. Spray chain lube/wax. Then after a few minutes or after the chain absorbs the lube, wipe excess lube to avoid splatter. I don’t use paper towels though since it involves water. Is my cleaning style ok? Thank you
Hi,my Name is Michael.I am from Austria and i am a big Fan of your You Tube Videos. They helped me a lot to get a better Biker. There is always something to learn. Could you please make a Video of how to adjust the Chain tension and checking Chain line. Keep on making such interresting and helpful Videos.
Hi FE! Long time supporter... didn’t come to critique your chain cleaning video (good lord, why can’t people just admit there are many ways of doing the same thing?!) Love the ongoing videos and am happy for you and the new bike!! Curious, is this the final look of Skittles, or are the grey parts getting funky paint at some point too?!
i use water hose, water, dish soap and a brush to clean the chain, then with air compressor i blow out any water left in the chain and then i use chain lube.. all this with rear tyre jacked and bike running in first gear..im very pleased of the results... but u do need a water channel under the bike or it wil be messy
You're welcome. No, just spray and wipe off. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
When you're all finished don't forget to take some brake cleaner or isopropyl alcohol and clean the rear rotor off you will have gotten some small amount of residual cleaners or chain wax on to the rotor.
I used to use those scrub brushes, until I started noticing little pieces of O-rings coming out. Now immediately after riding the bike, with the chain still hot, I spritz the chain with kerosene and wipe it down with a micro fiber cloth, then I put a light coat on DuPont Teflon Chain-Saver Dry Self-Cleaning Lubricant on it. Chain looks like new until I replace it. Also D.I.D gold chains can’t be beat!
Trim scrap glossy cardboard to slip in between chain and wheel/tire - saves cleanup of wheel/tire, use kerosene liberally on chain (with a catch pan underneath) with brush and skip wiping, keep cardboard on while applying chain oil/wax/diff fluid. Clean catch pan with paper towel, most kerosene will evaporate quickly
I just use a flat pan under my chain filled with some kerosene and a brush to clean mine. Then let it dry for a while and lube with Motul paste. I don't have a lift so I found a video somewhere for using a floor jack with the kickstand that works for me. Takes forever to get the smell of the kerosene out of my nose but gets the job done 😋
I have done almost 20,000 km on my BMW S1000XR model 2020, but I have never ever cleaned its chain. After each ride I briefly spray the chain with BMW Motorrad chain spray, and that’s it. If there’s chain grease elsewhere on my bike, I wipe it off with a bicycle chain degreaser by the name of Morgan Blue or simply with good old WD-40, but I don’t touch the bike’s chain with that stuff. I believe that a greasy motorcycle chain is a happy chain.
@@MotoJitsu Exactly, because there’s no miracle solution. Every chain and its sprockets will wear out sooner or later, even those maintenance-free chains.
Guys im a new rider and this video has helped me a lot! My only question is, is it not necessary to open the front sprocket bracket and clean it too? Is the rear sprocket enough?
Don’t be tempted to use brake cleaner for the cleanup. It appears to do a great job BUT it seems it damages the o rings. My chain & sprockets weren’t worn out but I found two links frozen. Salt water must’ve got in and rusted them up. When I read the box for the new chain it says not to use brake cleaner. Recommends paraffin or diesel. Wipe off the excess then apply gear oil thinly with a brush. Much cheaper than the cans too, and as it costs next to nothing you’ll do it more often. It’s not that you’re cheap but……..😊
I clean my chain with kerosene, it's the cheapest and probably the easiest way to clean the chain. After cleaning I grease my chain with motorex white grease ( with a toothbrush). It works for me. And it's the cheapest way. I grease once or twice a week.
Many ways to do one thing. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
As per instructions on the can, Maxima chain cleaner needs to be rinsed off with water and the chain needs to be dried up before applying Maxima chain wax.
When you wash your bike, do you also clean/lube the chain at same time? I just washed my bike but the chain was recently cleaned/lubed so I didn’t bother. Wondering if I need to go back and at least re-lube the chain??
I am using KETTENMAX + kerosene. Cheap, fast and super clean..little bit more messy, but the goo se gone ;) Your method would be ok to do every +- 200km IMHO. Also you are applying the lube to the sides of the chain instead on the (o/x/z)rings parts.
Sorry for this stupid question but do you clean the brush after using it & also do you wash n reuse the microfiber cloth's or just use new cloths? Cheers 🙏🏿
When he said using a little bit of elbow grease my first thought what that I was sure he said he used chain cleaner. The idea made me smile so I figured I would share it
@@MotoJitsu thank you for your response. I started watching your videos for almost an year . Started riding a super sport that's when I realized I wasn't riding correctly . Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge. I live in Texas , if closer would have taken some rpfojh classes with you
If you follow the instructions in the owners handbook you will find most manufacturers only recommend EP90 gear oil for your chain. They only get dirty because of the sticky non- fling chain lube attracts road grime. Using oil keeps my chains immaculate, apply with oil can, wipe off excess and you are good for several hundred miles. Cheap too as a one litre bottle lasts forever
My owners manual says Pro Honda HP Chain Lube or equivalent...also tells me what pressure to put on based on biased ply tires, which I don't have anymore.
@@MotoJitsu as i said, most manufacturers say gear oil. Been riding and racing for 50 years and believe me it’s the best, all auto chain lubers use oil. Give it a try on a clean chain, you wont have to clean it again. Have tried many sprays but soon went back to oil when i saw how filthy the chain got. Good luck
My owners manual says what I just wrote. Who cares...it's fine. The speed limit says 65mph on the highway too...but I go 66 sometimes because I'm a rebel.
@@MotoJitsu not quiet sure what that has to do with chain lube but stay safe, keep your rubber side down and if you want to ride super fast then save it for the track. Just looked at your site, some good stuff there, anyone trying to promote bike safety has my vote
Not sure? Just because the owners manual says something, doesn't mean you have to do it...just like the speed limit doesn't mean you have to follow it. Not sure what "ride super fast then save it for the track" has anything to do with chain lube either.
I think to where you do your riding, the area is just not as dusty as where I ride, every time it's chain cleaning time for my bike is like cleaning a old 2 stroke dirt bike with a little bit of leak down the skid plate. Cool video though. ✌👍
this is perfect i was about to watch your new video, and ask this question about how to clean the chain. then i came across this randomly. perfect lol.
Do you only do what the owner manual says? FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
Check out the Ryan FortNine chain lube test video. He scientifically proved that transmission oil is the best chain lube. Just like it says in the manual
Great video 👍 But it looks like over spray from the chain lube was going towards the tyre. I use the little straw on my chain lube and spray it along the top of the chain and dont get over spray.
Quick tip. Start the bike and engage 1st gear, get a friend or your wife to rev it to 3k revs ( no more as it can become dangerous). You hold a rag with petrol against the chain and sprocket and hey presto super clean chain super fast 👍
I don't spin the chain. I clean and lube the chain in sections as to not load the front sprocket with dirty gunk. I then clean and lube the front sprocket area. Take longer but it does a better less messier job.
It is also a good idea to put some kind of cover between the chain and the tires when spraying lube just to make sure none of the lube gets to the tire.
Even if it does, it's minimal...and I clean the bike and tire and floor afterwards. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
Many ways to do one thing....I doubt you only put the tire pressure to what is says in there too. FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :) th-cam.com/channels/VJeRk29mNO-YRuvOJ73klQ.html
You are using an antiquated method of chain cleaning. The newer chains have O, Z, Or X, rings, Kerosene along with a couple of the other trusted chain cleaners of YORE almost instantly migrate behind the seals and break down that factory sealed lubricant in your $200 chain. I know that's a tough pill to swallow but it is the irrefutable truth.
If you shop on Revzilla, start with my affiliate link!! www.motojitsu.com/gear
Hay where did you get your rims painted?
Hello from Croatia...i am confused..so you spray on chain only from inside of chain????
@@TheBlabor yes, the centrifugal forces while riding will take care of spreading it
Hey if we start with that link and then browse revzilla, do you still get credit? I just bought these items - hope you get the affiliate comps!
Very nice chain
Rare blessing where we get a video that keeps it simple and to the point with excellent quality
I clean it pretty much the same and with the same brush like yours.
To lubricate I prefer a paint brush and chainsaw oil. I finish by wiping off any excess. It's cheaper and works pretty well.
I don't like spraylubricants that much, It sprays...well...also on the floor or other stuff . With the brush , It just comes where it is supposed to go.
Anyway, there are multiple roads that lead to Rome, they say, and as long as we keep our gear in good nick, it's fine. Thanks for this no nonsense video.
My Suzuki user manual stated to use only kerosene. Cheap but really does do a superb job. Top tip: cut out a card board splash plate to place between the wheel and chain. Stops cleaning fluid and chain lube getting anywhere near the tyres and avoids the final couple of minutes wiping down overspray. I have my splash plate set aside so I don’t have to re-make it each time.
Many ways to do one thing.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
That's exactly how I do it.
My suzuki manual for 3rd gen SV650 says to NOT use kerosene. Even DID chains says not to too. Always read your manual!
I've seen people recommend non chlorinated brake cleaner.
I was always told and practice to not get any chems on your tire. I usually put a piece of cardboard behind to block any over spray. Maybe it's over kill. Great video love it. My current ride is a 2021 ZX6R
Quick tip. All ways start at the chain lock. So you know hoe much rotations you already did. I mostly do 5 both direction all 4 sides.
That's one way...doesn't have to be exact.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
@@MotoJitsu im pretty nitpick about my chain. I clean her after every ride 😂
Every ride! I ride at least 300 miles a week on average so I clean it once a week. But I know a lot of people who do the same thing ;)
@@MotoJitsu same here 😅 about 100 kilometers dayli during season. Must be around 60ish miles. I may have a slight addiction problem it seems.
I know riders who clean every inch of their bike after every ride....hours of cleaning each time. We all have our thing.
Hey Moro, just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate your content. I’m a new rider and you helped me prepared for my MSF and I still (will admit only weekly) check up on your content to see what else I can learn. Keep it going brother!
Glad to hear!
Thanks for this video.
After watching you clean your chain I couldn’t help myself and went out to buy the cleaning products. And man it didn’t take long to clean chain, lube chain and clean bike at all!!
Legend 👍🏽💯🔥🥳
I love the ChainWax. I use diesel fuel in a spray bottle to clean the chain with. Spin the wheel and soak the chain, then scrub the crap out of it with the brush, and rinse the gunk off by spraying some more diesel on the chain while spinning it. I use some drop towels on the ground and between the chain and the wheel to catch the overspray and drippings so that I have minimal cleanup. Dry it with a clean cloth, and then apply the Chain Wax and let it dry before riding.
Many ways to do one thing...this is the easiest way I've found :)
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
@@MotoJitsu You are correct about many ways to do one thing. FYI: I subscribed to your other channel back when you first started advertising for it. Enjoyed the Andrew Branca stuff especially.
Thanks...me too! I signed up for Andrew's monthly stuff too :)
@@ddanf308 Diesel Fuel stinks : you may rather use kerosne (the stuff you put in kerosene heater is jsut the same as diesel fuel, with less aromatics ...hence odors !)
Great video, thank you. I just got my bike about a month ago and have done about 400 miles so far. I was looking for chain cleaning videos to finally clean my bike chain. Thank you
You just motivated me to clean my chain, rather than brush & lube😅. Thank you for this🙏🏼
You’re welcome 😊
Great video. 👍
Great attention to detail. Really makes me think I’ve been neglecting my chain.
clean that thing!
Firstly, love your channel. Secondly, that chain was really clean to begin with. When I do mine, I have to put cardboard down on the garage floor. :)
Thanks...what's it matter if it's clean or not? Been doing it this way for 7 years...it works.
MotoJitsu.com for my new app, books, merch, etc.
@@MotoJitsu He was talking about the floor getting dirty from all the grime, not that the technique doesn't work.
I use a pizza box, opened up it protects both the floor underneath as well as prevents spraying the tyre and around with cleaner/lube. :)
@@DaxXx988 good idea!
@@DaxXx988 MotoJitsu was basically saying he doesn't wait for the chain to get dirty, which is fair enough. Myself I lube my chain weekly using a paint brush with a mix of oil & graphite cable lube which doesn't attract as much grit as most chain lubes, then once every few months give the chain a thorough clean pizza box & toothbrush method. My chain & sprockets last years as any well maintained setup should, exactly how long of course depends upon how hard you ride. If your chain starts to get tight links or the sprockets begin to show appreciable wear then it's time to replace. BTW I bought one of those chain brushes but the bristles on them are way too hard and can damage the O-Rings if you're not careful.
I use the used tooth brush to agitate the dirts off the chain after applying the chain cleaner or chain degreaser. That square type of hard brush could be too hard on the chain seals. For wiping off the the cleaner or wax, the used towel (or cheap towel) would be better, I think. New microfiber towels could be an overkill for cleaning up the chain.
Many ways to do one thing.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
Couple of things I would like to point out. You should cover your disc rotor when you're lubing the chain. Also you might want to rinse the chain off with some water rather than just using shop towels and a microfiber towel. Then dry it completely then lube. 👍
many ways to do one thing
If you haven't already, check out MotoJitsu.com for my new app, books, merch, etc.
Dude water is the last thing you want in your chain 😅
@thegsdace9926 so when it rains should we pull over and pray to the heavens that our bike can't ride anymore? 🙄
It All looks nice and easy on a track bike only used in the California sun. It takes a lot more time on a bike used in the wet uk winter with salty roads. Dozens of you tube videos on chain cleaning and they’re all different. Rinse with water after cleaner stage? Drying the chain before re lubricating? Is wax lube better than oil base? Just bought my first chain drive bike after years of shaft drives!
I'm also a bit OCD with cleaning but chain cleaner may become expensive if you do it often.
I started to use querosene for cleaning and it is the perfect product.
I go to the jetwash, soak the chain in querosene, scrub it just like you did and wash it clean.
During the ride home (less than 1km) the chain dries and warms a bit which is perfect for the lube application. Massage the chain to evenly distribute the lube (also helps identify any bind) and I'm done!
The better we treat them, the better they'll treat us. 😉
whatever works for you
Hey man, something I do to minimize lube overspray is I cut a tall/ skinny rectangle of cardboard, then put the cardboard vertical with one short edge on the ground and slide the cardboard behind the chain where I want to spray. Spin the tire a little bit to make sure the cardboard doesn't move when you spin the tire. Then spray what you need while spinning the tire. The cardboard backer shouldn't move so you can spray with one hand and spin the tire with the other hand. You should have 0 overspray. Lemme know what you think!
That's one way...I don't care much..don't use much lube and it takes just a second to wipe any overspray that's on the floor.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
That's how Lemmy does it.
No matter what you say, it always takes me at least an hour to clean and lube my chains. OCD is sometimes a SOB🤣
whatever you wish to do :)
MotoJitsu.com for my app, books, merch, etc.
You have no idea how much that means to me to hear that I'm not alone with the OCD cleaning or anything. We should start a support group for excessively cleaning chains due to mental problems! Hahaha
@@SadShane +1
@@SadShane hell yeah. I HAVE to get my chain clean enough to eat off of it. I can't sleep otherwise.
Just pressure wash it at that point
thanks alot as a newbie Biker i appreciate your vids, tipps and tricks!
stay safe
Thanks, you too! :) Share it!
Helps if you spray chain cleaner either side of the chain to actually clean both sides. Gear oil is so much better to apply and clean off. I have a chain oiler. Just apply more often if I end up riding in rain
Much better and cheaper to use kerosene with the brush to clean the chain, then a light coating of 80/90 gear oil for protection. Have been doing it for 51 years and has never failed.
that's one way
MotoJitsu.com for my new app, books, merch, etc.
This is great advice in fact this is what most chain manufacturers recommend. Not motorcycle manufacturer but chain manufacturer!!!!! Kerosene in a spray bottle to clean the chain and then gear oil to lubricate, again this is what the chain manufacturers recommend!! Honestly if there’s a better way I would love to know, I’m just asking a question why not use kerosene and gear oil?
What do we use as kerosene ? I used straight gas and it fucked my seals up
Where do you buy kerosene and how do you apply it?
@@geirstella10 Home Depot sells it in a 3 gallon can. Also buy a professional grade spray bottle (large opening) and you are set for a very long time
Thanks for all of your videos that you put together. I'm picking up my first bike up next week and your videos are helping me a lot.
@@MotoJitsuhow often we supposed lube the chain ?
Hello just FYI
Since you use maxima chain cleaner which is the same thing I use, maxima recommends to hose down the chain after using the cleaner spray to get rid off of the dirt, old lube film, and the chemical it self completely
Also another FYI, have you checked out the grease ninja chain lube tool?
It allows you to spray the lube directly at the o rings and it saves you more lube by allowing you to apply only the inside part of the chain which is the only side that makes contact with the sprocket, no excess drips
Many ways to do this task hence why I say just FYI
A thick brush, a glass of diesel and the chain gets cleaned very thoroughly!! It doesn't get messy and the o-rings do not get dry! A cloth to clean most of the diesel and a couple of miles ride to get rid of it all. Then lubricant spray. Worked for me for more than 25 years!
Thanks for sharing. I like to see other riders' methods of cleaning a chain. I can always pick up some good points. I prefer to spray with kerosene, then scrub, then spray a generous amount of kerosene again to float out dirt, instead of just wiping off loose dirt. Love the wax lube for o-ring style chains. For old style chains, lube with chain saw lube. Nylon brush for o-ring style, and brass brush for old style chains. If the chain has at least 8,000 miles on it, start looking for the least sign that it needs to be replaced. Better to be a little over cautious than get thrown off my bike, or break down a hundred miles from home. Always replace chain and sprockets as a set. Chains and sprockets tend to wear a matched pattern. Putting a new chain on an old sprocket can cause an irritating noise. If the chain gets worn enough to be stretchy, it can fool you into thinking the throttle is jerky.
I do it different but this is a great video.... Clean and Lubricate your chain! I do it every 300-500 miles.... I use old towels or shirts to keep my tire/bike/floor chain lube free.
Many ways to do one thing :)
Best chain cleaning video I've seen by far. Easy demonstration, quick and to the point. Great demonstration 👍
a fan are you?
I would add “put on eye protection” as step 1. I use the same cleaner and once I had some cleaner droplets fly off the brush while spinning the tire and it went right into my eye. I was fortunate enough to have an eye wash station (ie kitchen sink lol) nearby so I didn’t suffer any permanent damage, but that was the most intensely painful several minutes my eyes have ever experienced.
That's one way to do it :)
Always wear safety glasses when spraying cleaners, I got back splash from carb cleaner cleaning my lawnmower one day.
Most important step: don't let your fingers get stuck in the sprocket while cleaning the chain !
With 2 fingers almost lost I can confirm that
learnt that the hard way. luckily other than pierced and split thumbnail, nothing else happened
Thank you Fast Eddy. You are very detailed oriented. Thanks for help and support to the motorcycle community.
Your tire looks like its a road race tire. Did you drag your knee down this weekend. I hope to see you at the track here in wa take care.
you're welcome!! :)
MotoJitsu.com for my app, books, merch, etc.
Hi Greg, you should tell your fans to use their centre stand when installing the Paddock Stand. Lube use 70/30 of 90 gear oil and 30% kerosene. Works BRILLIANT. Safe riding!
They say not to do this, but ever since I've had my bike I have cleaned the chain with WD-40 and no lube. My first chain lasted 40000 miles, am I'm at 30,000 on the second one. DID X-Ring. 2007 Yamaha FZ1. I bought it new in 08.
I love how you are showing maintenance vids of Skittles ! :) I wish you could've done one on how to change the kickstand as well. Thats looks like the one that I put on my bike. I did mine myself but had some issues with correctly putting back the kickstand sensor thus my bike would shut off whenever I put the kickstand up and put it in first gear. I was able to fix it with some trial and error but wish there was a video from you lol then maybe it wouldn't have taken me as long to fix it lol :) as always thanks for sharing!
Great video, thanks for sharing! Great reminder I need to clean my chain!!! Will try your method and always something new to learn. Take care and stay safe 😊🙏
Thanks :) Many ways to do 1 thing :)
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
i use 1 rag soaked in kerosene to clean the chain. When it’s clean, use a dry rag to get any excess off (it’ll eventually evaporate but i’m usually in a hurry), then use a rag that is lightly soaked in heavy diff oil (light as in anything it touches gets oil on it bit if you squeeze it you cant get much if anything out of it). Use the oily rag and in your fist, wrap it around the chain and turn the wheel backwards (to avoid pulling your hand into the rear sprocket) until the chain is not dry. Not dripping wet, just oiled. The only problem is, you’ll need to oil it at least once a week or after each ride in the rain but you should be essentially inspecting your chain regularly anyway. The other benefit is, it is super easy to clean (chain wax sets like glue, and needs to be brushed off, oil can be removed from most surfaces safely with the kero). If you think kero and diff oil is unsuitable, try reading your manual. It’s exactly what they recommend. I used to use wax. It gets on everything, is nearly impossible to remove and turns dirt into abrasive paste. Just be careful not to over do it with the oil it will fling off more easily if you use too much and will end up on your back tyre. you really don’t need much, after a little practice, I promise you’ll never go back to waxes. A liter of diff oil costs nothing and a roll of shop rags is cheap too. Or microfibre if you feel so inclined, but be sure to soak them before you drop them in your washing machine, otherwise your clothes will smell and feel like a mechanics shop.
Many ways to do one thing. This is how I do it. Never said it’s how you should.
I haven't read thru all the comments so apologies in advance if this is a dupe: When I spray cleaner or lube on my chain I use a piece of cardboard as a shield to protect the background (wheel, tire etc). I'm not fanatical about a clean chain (I try) but I am fanatical about not adding any slipperiness to my equation. Using a shield with only 2 hands does make the job go a lil slower but that's me. Went riding today, ambient temp 40F. Yup, just breaking out of the thirties but the fever is strong in me. 8th day of riding in Dec so far. The extreme low sun bothers me way more than the cold. Be safe all.
I clean the tire, bike, wheels, etc. after doing this.
Great video! One suggestion - use a piece of cardboard folded in half and push it up between the chain and the wheel/bike, then your cleaner and lube don't end up on the wheel or bike at all.
I use paraffin a spray bottle and a brush and rags, the ultimate cleaner. Cardboard box underneath to catch crud. Cleans chain lube and wax alike. Dissolves the grease and the mud. Wash off/ dry and relube. Gets all crap off wheel/swing arm and suspension. Does not damage o rings
I just use water and heavy duty dishsoap in a bucket. Then brush it with a paintbrush. Then rinse it of with a hose. And do it again with fresh bucket with soap. Rinse it of again and dry it with an old towel. Then use silicon spray to protect the Orings
Or if i am low on time use the presure washer
I did it this way at first but I learned it was easier to use cardboard between chain and wheel and prevent unnecessary cleaning of tire and rim
Gloves? Great video. My aerosol chain cleaner recommends rinsing the chain after applying. You don’t agree? Rinsing after application is quite messy. I’ve used gear oil as a chain lube since the 70s. It works, but does leave a mess and probably attracts dirt. Ride safe.
Using brand new microfibre towels to clean a chain feels luxurious to me... I'd use rag if possible.
But if you can afford it, microfibre towels is the best for cleaning anything.
They're very cheap...the ones I got.
@@MotoJitsu that giant pack of yellow ones at Costco?
The grease ninja puts your spray lube directly over the O'rings and I have been using one for 3 years (not affiliated). You connect it to any brand of spray lube - put cardboard below as there will be some dripping off. I use less spray, and the spray that does get used goes where it needs to go.
There's minimal to no dripping..and even if there is...I clean the tires, bike, and floor afterwards.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
I have that same battery tender as well. I end up hosing off the chain after brushing it, then spraying oil penetrating in that kit you use then wax. Good video! Thanks!
:) You're welcome
Hose off the chain after the cleaning spray to get more gunk out then use rag to dry. Also I envy how clean your rear wheel is
Many ways to do one thing.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
chain cleaner, pressure water (not to close), lube... less work, same effect :) but i used to clean it same way like you do
I cried through this entire video......what a tearjerker.....got me deep down
oh yeah?
your CBR is looking good, every time I see it, I'm instantly jealous, I'd love to be riding track more frequently
I freaking love it...getting new tires, first service, and something special done to it right now...going to pick it up tomorrow or Thursday then track again on Friday!
Great stuff! I also take my time to read the comments. Respect!
Thanks :)
@@MotoJitsu i am confused..so you spray lube your chain only from inside??
How I go about this:
1. Hold two used toothbrushes together with a rubber band.
2. Use Diesel to clean.
3. Use SAE 90 gear oil to lubricate
4. Fit the full chain case/cover back on.
5. Wash hands 🙂
That's one way :)
Nicely done video! Diesel or kerosene is a great economical cleaner for roller chains. Brush it on and use it in a common hand sprayer bottle to rinse the dirt off. Dry the chain thoroughly and lube. The hardest part is keeping the muck off the tire. Don't forget to clean the plastic chain guides on the swingarm, too.
Like you say, "There's lots of ways to do the job." Ignore the keyboard warriors' comments. I'd like to see them ride a bike with anything close to your skill level.
This needs more upvotes--it is the chain manufacturers procedure.
Diesel of Kerosene. Kerosene is easier to come by in some areas - like I need a separate 'approved' yellow diesel jerry can (additional $20 cost) at any fuel station, so its cheaper to just grab an off-the-shelf $10-15 can of kerosene that will last me for years.
I have some extra gear oil in the 90 and 140 weight variety from working on my own and family cars/trucks that works great. My only complaint is it is easy to over-apply both diesel/kerosene and the gear oil. A little goes a long way!
This nets me ~15k miles per chain/sprocket set, or about 10k if I don't replace the sprocket, year round all-weather (except snow/ice) riding.
Is it fine to use diesel on an O-ring chain? Not break the seals?
One tip I would add. Put some cardboard like a cereal box on the floor and a little bit bent up to cover the rear tire a bit to protect everything from the cleaning solution and lubricant.
I clean the tire, bike, floor afterwards...and there's barely any overspray.
@@MotoJitsu Yeah I was sure you do based on how nice that garage looks and the floor material. It applies more to people like me that have our bike on regular pavement/condo-style garage. If I do get some of the product on my tire is it bad? Only a tad gets on the side sometimes which I can wipe off but I'm not sure if it soaks in.
I did that for almost my whole riding career...only had this garage since June this year. But I never use much product...doesn't take much of anything to clean it since I do it at least once a week...this video was even excessive for me. You can just wipe if off...no biggie. I probably ride over crazier stuff everyday.
@@MotoJitsu Cool, thanks.
5 commercials for a 8 min video is insane youtube
Or pay than no commercials 🤔💥🫨🫨🫨
TH-cam Premium dude.
This why i have premium
Fast eddie, please let me know if my chain cleaning procedure is ok...
1. Spray chain cleaner and let the grime fall off while rolling the tires. Then brush it. (Front and rear sprocket included)
2. After brushing, spray again with cleaner then wash the chain with garden hose (just running water, not pressurized). Satisfying to see dirt and grime fall off.
3. Dry the chain using microfibre or old rag.
4. Spray chain lube/wax. Then after a few minutes or after the chain absorbs the lube, wipe excess lube to avoid splatter.
I don’t use paper towels though since it involves water. Is my cleaning style ok? Thank you
There’s no right or wrong
Hi,my Name is Michael.I am from Austria and i am a big Fan of your You Tube Videos. They helped me a lot to get a better Biker. There is always something to learn. Could you please make a Video of how to adjust the Chain tension and checking Chain line. Keep on making such interresting and helpful Videos.
Thank you Michael!
If this is how you clean motorcycle chain, I just cannot imagine how clean your rifle is.
Don't have one anymore but kept it clean while I was in the Marines.
@@MotoJitsu That explains why you know how to use a small, toothbrush sized scrubbing utensil so well.
Hi FE! Long time supporter... didn’t come to critique your chain cleaning video (good lord, why can’t people just admit there are many ways of doing the same thing?!) Love the ongoing videos and am happy for you and the new bike!! Curious, is this the final look of Skittles, or are the grey parts getting funky paint at some point too?!
Many people are black and white thinking
thank you for sharing..I used kerosene to clean and finish it with synthetic 80W/90 gear oil works great...
Many ways to do one thing
i use water hose, water, dish soap and a brush to clean the chain, then with air compressor i blow out any water left in the chain and then i use chain lube.. all this with rear tyre jacked and bike running in first gear..im very pleased of the results... but u do need a water channel under the bike or it wil be messy
whatever works for you
You're machine looks good. Clean and lubed chain ftw! They sing when maintained properly.
This is cool. Thanks Greg. Can you show us how you clean your bike in another video?
You're welcome. No, just spray and wipe off.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
When you're all finished don't forget to take some brake cleaner or isopropyl alcohol and clean the rear rotor off you will have gotten some small amount of residual cleaners or chain wax on to the rotor.
I clean the whole bike after I do the chain.
Check out MotoJitsu.com if you have a min :)
I prefer to use bit of diesel and brush it then use the clean cloth too with a drop of diesel ! Works fine and its cheep. Used for years
Many ways to do one thing.
Check out MotoJitsu.com for my new app, books, merch, etc. Thank you for watching!! Share with others :)
Great video!! Only guy that actually goes into detail!! Got a like from me 👍🏼
this has been very helpful, thanks! Do you use that brush more than once?
Thanks for the video.
Quick question, how do you clean the tools (brush and microfiber cloth) to remove the old oil?
Fast simple easy and very well explained. Thanks for the video 🍻😎🤙
No problem 👍
Not sure if you will see this but man I love those wheels! Where did you get them done at or did you do it your self!?
Such a nice blue!! 👀👌🏼
How do you clean the microfiber after?
Frequency is better than intensity. Spot on!
How often do you clean your chain? and do you clean the brush afterwards, thanks.
1,000 miles or so, yes with a pressure washer
I'm embarrassed, as you did say later in the video, thanks for the reply.@@MotoJitsu
I used to use those scrub brushes, until I started noticing little pieces of O-rings coming out. Now immediately after riding the bike, with the chain still hot, I spritz the chain with kerosene and wipe it down with a micro fiber cloth, then I put a light coat on DuPont Teflon Chain-Saver Dry Self-Cleaning Lubricant on it. Chain looks like new until I replace it. Also D.I.D gold chains can’t be beat!
whatever works for you
MotoJitsu.com for my updated app, books, merch, affiliate links, etc.
Trim scrap glossy cardboard to slip in between chain and wheel/tire - saves cleanup of wheel/tire, use kerosene liberally on chain (with a catch pan underneath) with brush and skip wiping, keep cardboard on while applying chain oil/wax/diff fluid. Clean catch pan with paper towel, most kerosene will evaporate quickly
Many ways to do one thing...this is what I do. And since I do it weekly, it's literally 5 mins to clean chain and entire bike, tires, wheels, etc.
Can you share a link for bike stand you’re using in this video? Thanks!
Pitbull rear stand
I just use a flat pan under my chain filled with some kerosene and a brush to clean mine. Then let it dry for a while and lube with Motul paste.
I don't have a lift so I found a video somewhere for using a floor jack with the kickstand that works for me.
Takes forever to get the smell of the kerosene out of my nose but gets the job done 😋
That's one way :)
I have done almost 20,000 km on my BMW S1000XR model 2020, but I have never ever cleaned its chain.
After each ride I briefly spray the chain with BMW Motorrad chain spray, and that’s it.
If there’s chain grease elsewhere on my bike, I wipe it off with a bicycle chain degreaser by the name of Morgan Blue or simply with good old WD-40, but I don’t touch the bike’s chain with that stuff.
I believe that a greasy motorcycle chain is a happy chain.
whatever works for you
@@MotoJitsu Exactly, because there’s no miracle solution.
Every chain and its sprockets will wear out sooner or later, even those maintenance-free chains.
Guys im a new rider and this video has helped me a lot! My only question is, is it not necessary to open the front sprocket bracket and clean it too? Is the rear sprocket enough?
You can, but since it’s covered I only do it once every 5 times or so
@@MotoJitsu thank you so much mate. That clears up everything for me! Cheers
No chicken strips. 🤙🏻 Skill is in the turns. Have you tried the spiral chain brush? Sport bike track and gear sells a nice chain kit.
I haven’t :)
Don’t be tempted to use brake cleaner for the cleanup. It appears to do a great job BUT it seems it damages the o rings. My chain & sprockets weren’t worn out but I found two links frozen. Salt water must’ve got in and rusted them up. When I read the box for the new chain it says not to use brake cleaner. Recommends paraffin or diesel. Wipe off the excess then apply gear oil thinly with a brush. Much cheaper than the cans too, and as it costs next to nothing you’ll do it more often. It’s not that you’re cheap but……..😊
I clean my chain with kerosene, it's the cheapest and probably the easiest way to clean the chain. After cleaning I grease my chain with motorex white grease ( with a toothbrush). It works for me. And it's the cheapest way. I grease once or twice a week.
Many ways to do one thing.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
As per instructions on the can, Maxima chain cleaner needs to be rinsed off with water and the chain needs to be dried up before applying Maxima chain wax.
Thanks for this video. What rear stand are you using?
It is called paddock stand
@@haroon4944 thanks!
When you wash your bike, do you also clean/lube the chain at same time? I just washed my bike but the chain was recently cleaned/lubed so I didn’t bother. Wondering if I need to go back and at least re-lube the chain??
I don't wash the bike...but if I did wash it, I'd do this service after probably
I am using KETTENMAX + kerosene. Cheap, fast and super clean..little bit more messy, but the goo se gone ;)
Your method would be ok to do every +- 200km IMHO.
Also you are applying the lube to the sides of the chain instead on the (o/x/z)rings parts.
Many ways to do one thing.
MotoJitsu.com for my app, books, merch, affiliate links, discounts, courses, etc.
Sorry for this stupid question but do you clean the brush after using it & also do you wash n reuse the microfiber cloth's or just use new cloths? Cheers 🙏🏿
Does revzella carry that brush that you were using?
When he said using a little bit of elbow grease my first thought what that I was sure he said he used chain cleaner. The idea made me smile so I figured I would share it
Hello , I have a question regarding how you have put the bike on the stand. I noticed that they are pit bull stands, but I dont see the spools
there aren't any...with this stand you turn the thing around so it's resting on the rubber part :)
@@MotoJitsu thank you for your response. I started watching your videos for almost an year . Started riding a super sport that's when I realized I wasn't riding correctly . Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge. I live in Texas , if closer would have taken some rpfojh classes with you
If you follow the instructions in the owners handbook you will find most manufacturers only recommend EP90 gear oil for your chain. They only get dirty because of the sticky non- fling chain lube attracts road grime. Using oil keeps my chains immaculate, apply with oil can, wipe off excess and you are good for several hundred miles. Cheap too as a one litre bottle lasts forever
My owners manual says Pro Honda HP Chain Lube or equivalent...also tells me what pressure to put on based on biased ply tires, which I don't have anymore.
@@MotoJitsu as i said, most manufacturers say gear oil. Been riding and racing for 50 years and believe me it’s the best, all auto chain lubers use oil. Give it a try on a clean chain, you wont have to clean it again. Have tried many sprays but soon went back to oil when i saw how filthy the chain got. Good luck
My owners manual says what I just wrote. Who cares...it's fine. The speed limit says 65mph on the highway too...but I go 66 sometimes because I'm a rebel.
@@MotoJitsu not quiet sure what that has to do with chain lube but stay safe, keep your rubber side down and if you want to ride super fast then save it for the track. Just looked at your site, some good stuff there, anyone trying to promote bike safety has my vote
Not sure? Just because the owners manual says something, doesn't mean you have to do it...just like the speed limit doesn't mean you have to follow it.
Not sure what "ride super fast then save it for the track" has anything to do with chain lube either.
I think to where you do your riding, the area is just not as dusty as where I ride, every time it's chain cleaning time for my bike is like cleaning a old 2 stroke dirt bike with a little bit of leak down the skid plate.
Cool video though. ✌👍
this is perfect i was about to watch your new video, and ask this question about how to clean the chain. then i came across this randomly. perfect lol.
If you use transmission oil, the chain will be clean. This is written in the manual
Do you only do what the owner manual says?
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
Check out the Ryan FortNine chain lube test video. He scientifically proved that transmission oil is the best chain lube. Just like it says in the manual
He's a scientist?
@@MotoJitsu He does have a physics degree. But like you said in other replies, there is definitely more than one way to do this.
No right or wrong
Great video 👍 But it looks like over spray from the chain lube was going towards the tyre. I use the little straw on my chain lube and spray it along the top of the chain and dont get over spray.
Many ways to do one thing, after I clean the chain, I clean the entire bike, so I'm not worried.
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You should lubricate the chain on the sides as well as the top.
Quick tip. Start the bike and engage 1st gear, get a friend or your wife to rev it to 3k revs ( no more as it can become dangerous). You hold a rag with petrol against the chain and sprocket and hey presto super clean chain super fast 👍
whatever works for you
I don't spin the chain. I clean and lube the chain in sections as to not load the front sprocket with dirty gunk. I then clean and lube the front sprocket area. Take longer but it does a better less messier job.
It is also a good idea to put some kind of cover between the chain and the tires when spraying lube just to make sure none of the lube gets to the tire.
Even if it does, it's minimal...and I clean the bike and tire and floor afterwards.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
Chain cleaning is only kerosene , lubricating only heavy motor oil...or is it something wrong with my owner's manual?
Many ways to do one thing....I doubt you only put the tire pressure to what is says in there too.
FYI: Have you heard about my other TH-cam channel? It's a podcast where I interview interesting people...it's called MyIgnorance. Check it out :)
You are using an antiquated method of chain cleaning. The newer chains have O, Z, Or X, rings, Kerosene along with a couple of the other trusted chain cleaners of YORE almost instantly migrate behind the seals and break down that factory sealed lubricant in your $200 chain. I know that's a tough pill to swallow but it is the irrefutable truth.
@@darrengillesdarrengilles8336 I have disagree. My motorcycle is nearly an antique one (1998) but it has a "newer" type of chain...
WD 40 is all you need, clean and lube. Give it a little spritz before and after every ride.
@@spoonman73 check WD40 datasheet and think twice...
Does it matter how much chain lube you put on the chain afterwards?
Yes, dont over do it
Isopropanol is supposed not to damage rubber, so that's what I use for cleaning. Not too pricey. In a recycled hand spray bottle...
What paddock stand do you use? Looks solid! Thanks for the video.
Unfortunately, I followed the link for the stand only to learn that Revzilla does not make things for Triumph :( Too bad.
I use a trackside for my trident 660.