Thank you for this, Keith! I grew up Protestant but about two months ago I decided to be fair to Catholicism & look into what she teaches. Once I read the Mathew/Isaiah text you referenced I knew I was in schism and had to convert. I’m currently in RCIA & will be confirmed next Easter. It’s like I’ve been reborn & seeing everything for the first time! God bless you.
I think you need to rethink and pray about that decision. You are listening to the voice of men and not the Holy Spirit. Jesus said one of the signs of the last days is deception. Read John 5:39, and John 14:6. Please meditate on those verses.
@@georgekosho548there is always someone like you in every commentary box. You obviously were interested enough to be here but balk at the idea of people being moved enough to become Catholic. You people will Always use biblical verses to to try and scare people. Open your eyes to the fact that what your doing is cheap and grubby…
@@georgekosho548 let me tell you, once you start to understand the the Catholic view of Scripture, you can’t unsee it! Catholic stuff jumps off every page and it’s deeper and more beautiful than you ever imagined! God’s plan of our salvation woven throughout scripture, Old and New. And don’t even get me started on Church Fathers, they are witness to apostolic teaching and how the faith is lived. I challenge you to read them and other Catholic writings
@Jiminy Cricket You mean, Don't confuse me with the facts because my mind is made it up. You rather believe the lie than the truth. No wonder the Apostle Paul condemns when he said in Rome to the city that is given to idol worship...ironically until this day Romans 1:21-25 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Your mato "Lies, lies, lies, tell me sweet little lies."
@Mike Lopez hi Mike I grew up in the Catholic Church. I know enough about its teachings. When its multiple doctrines conflict with the Scriptures, that change the Word of God is a huge problem. For instance praying to the saints. Where do you find it in Scriptures? It's in violation of 1 Timothy 2:15. Or the Virgin Mary as the mother of God is in violation of the Trinity Doctrine. Or making confession to a priest is in violation of 1 John 1:9 Point me to a Scripture in the bible that says otherwise. I can add few more. But anyway if church Doctrine overrides the word of God. There is the manipulation that Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for traditions that annulled the Word of God making it of no effect. Please advise me Thanks 😊
Thank you for your content, Keith. I'm a lifelong devout Evangelical that's getting confirmed in the Church this Easter Vigil. My family, especially my mom, is not happy or supportive. Please keep my family in your prayers, and myself as well as I'm still coming into full Communion. Glory to Jesus Christ
Peter always had some sort of leadership role over the rest of the apostles. When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?’ He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ He said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’ A second time he said to him, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’ He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ He said to him, ‘Tend my sheep.’ He said to him the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ And he said to him, ‘Lord, you know that I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep’” (John 21:15-17). No other apostle was called to this specifically.
Peter was suicidal, just like Judas. When grieving Mary Magdalen saw the Lord, the Risen Lord. Jesus said, "Go tell Peter and the disciples that I have risen." Peter was losing hope and on the verge of collapse. Jesus sent Him a message of hope. Since Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus, in return, restored him three times. Peter was the master peice of Jesus' grace. Jesus can turn your mess into a message of hope. Jesus can turn your weakness into strength, where sin abounds grace abounded much more 🙏. Grace can turn sinners into saints, disciples into apostles. This is why Jesus asked, "Peter, do you love Me more than these?"
@wolfthequarrelsome Unlike the other disciples who followed the Lord, which are countless. The Lord hand picked 12. When you look at two of leading apostles and close knit to Jesus who ate, drank, slept in His house, and had deep encounters with Jesus and knew the deep secrets of the Kingdom, received special authority. Who are the two apostles I am talking about, Judas and Peter. Judas was Jesus's treasurer, and Peter was part of the inner circle. After betraying the Lord, selling Him for thirty pieces of silver, had a great remorse, and said, "I have betrayed innocent blood." Judas hung himself. Peter, who said, "Lord, I will go with you, even to death." The Lord said to Peter, "Satan asked for you by name and wants to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you, so that when you are converted, you will strengthen your brethren." Now, on the night, the Lord Jesus was bettrayed, the Lord again said to Peter, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times." Peter obviously have forgotten his promises to the Lord, "I will go with you to the death." And now finding himself close to the action and the passion of Christ, as he was warming himself with the fire, he was questioned by the people and the servant girl. Peter denied knowing the Lord. He began to curse and disassociated himself. When the rooster crowd three times, he remembered the Lord's words to him, "You will deny Me three times,"at that same moment, he came face to face with the Lord thier eyes were locked together. Peter went out and wept bitterly. Imagine the torment and the fear all the disciples had from the Jews and the Romans. Peter was frail paralyzed and overtaken by oppression and depression for three straight days, "Satan wanted to sift you like wheat." Remember that, though Peter was a disciple and an Apostle yet was not yet converted until the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell on the Church. Without the Holy Spirit, the HELPER that Jesus promised. Peter was helpless facing Satan on his own. So when Mary who was weeping before the Lord's grave and distraut, thinking the angels were gardners and the Lord came and called her by name. Her sorrow was turned into great joy. As she told Peter, his despair was turned into great hope. He was the first to walk inside the grave and take hold of the Shroud. Thus, the Lord restored him three times and breathed on all of them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." Is there a theological doctrine? No. But is there a logical perspective, absolutely yes. If Judas killed himself, what makes think that Peter was not taken by the same feelings. Put yourself in their place. How would you react? Please let me know if you have any other questions.
@wolfthequarrelsome Hi there I pondered more about what you asked if this is a theological statement. I mentioned it was from an observational point of view. But now it seems a bit more onto a theological position as well. Here is why: Ephesians 6:10-12 The Apostle Paul declared, "10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Also, the Apostle Paul writes to the Colossions church, speaking of God the Father, "1:13-14 "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins." Peter and all the apostles, including you and me, were under Satan's tyranny and domain since Adam and Eve sold us as slaves to sin and its passions. Jesus, as our only living High Priest and Mediator, is able to interceed on Peter's and our behalf. Satan had legal right over every human ever lived on planet earth, until the Lord Jesus paid in full the debt of our sin. When the Lord said, "it is finished." Every demonic activity against humanity was dismissed. Colossians 2:13-15 13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 HAVING WIPED OUT THE HANDWRITING OF REQUIREMENT THAT WAS AGAINST US, WHICH WAS CONTRARY TO US. AND HE HAS TAKEN IT OUT OF THE WAY, HAVING NAILED IT TO THE CROSS. 15 HAVING DISARMED PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS, HE MADE A PUBLIC SPECTACLE OF THEM, TRIUMPHING OVER THEM IN IT. The gospel of the kingdom teaches that freedom has been granted through the shedding of the blood of Jesus. Every legal right of sin, sickness, and curses have been demolished by the Resurrection of our Lord. 1 John 3:8, "Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil." Satan was able to enter and possess Judas because he gave Satan legal right over him. Satan also had legal right over Peter, but the Lord interceed on his behalf. John 14:30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world (Satan) is coming, and he has nothing in Me. (Or legal right against Me, since the Lord was the only sinless human ever walked on planet earth.) That's what qualified Him to be our Eternal High Priest. Thus, the scripture to the Colossians declares, the Father moved us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son. When? After Christ has risen from the dead. Prior to the cross, God the Father could not deliver us from the kingdom of darkness. The theological point is that Peter could not deliver himself from the weakness of the flesh and Satan's dominion even if he tried so hard with his natural willpower. Therefore, from this point of theological view of Peter's duress being suicidal. Both observational and theological are true statements . Please let me know what you think. Thanks
That is not true. Peter was a natural leader, but he was never over the rest of the apostles. They were all equal, not one of them was greater than the rest. See Luke 9:46. Also, if Peter was the rock and leader of Christ's Church, then why were the apostles questioning who was the greatest among them? Why did Jesus question Peter three times? and why was Peter grieved if this was his special role to shepherd the flock? All the apostles were given the same gifts and mission.
When God changes someone's name that's a clue in the text to wake up and pay attention because something amazing just happened. It's emphasizing some aspect of that person that is exceptional.
@@jrkersey5792 he stated he was God many times by his words and actions. He assumed the divine name. He's forgave sins. He raised people from the dead. He accepted worship. All things reserved only to God. It's really really clear by his words and actions my friend that Jesus is God.
Keith, Thanks for doing this brief video! As an evangelical protestant all my life, I have always cherished the scriptures and in the past have memorized many scripture verses especially Peter's proclamation in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) so that as a protestant Christian I can witness to others that who Jesus is matters! Of course this is still the truth and tremendously important, but within the last few years, I am learning - simply by actually studying the history of the Church and Christianity (DUH!) - that the fullness of the Faith is found in Catholicism. I have missed the forest for the trees (the Lord has been patient with me) and until recently have not taken seriously the absolute importance of this issue in your video - The Papacy. As a protestant, I've grown weary of chasing "the right interpretation" of scripture, especially regarding all the social ills/evils in our society. Scripture seems to be clear on certain issues yet too many "Sola Scriptura" protestants can't ever seem to embrace your #1 - the plain meaning of the text! The irony should be eye-opening! Your argument presented in this video is as simple and sound as it gets!
Welcome home. Protestants have been split since before the Marburg Colloquy. Sola scriptura has splintered those who claim to be Christ's followers since its very beginnings as a concept.
You are a hidden gem of Catholicism! I love listening to your apologetics!! You are so knowledgeable, insightful and clearly inspired by The Word, The Truth!! God bless you, Keith!!!
15 years ago I was at daily Mass and an older priest gave a homily, saying that Peter was not the rock, but only his faith. Well, Mass continued but at the end after the priest said "the Mass is over, go in peace", a lady in the front row started singing "Faith of our Fathers", and everybody joined in with gusto. I hope that priest got the message!
Faith in Jesus Christ vs faith in our earthly fathers ? Think about that for awhile!!!! Jesus is the only way !! Romans 3:23 All have sinned even your pope and needs a saviour Jesus Christ.God definitely used the apostle Peter to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ Acts 2:38 The original way into the Church. God even added to his Church daily such as should be saved. Found in Acts 2:47 Following Peter ( MAN ) would be wrong. Following what Peter preached is correct. Jesus is our Rock !!! Peter is the messenger to deliver the plan of salvation. God used Peter to deliver the sermon. It’s Gods church !!! Matthew 16:18 “ Jesus says My Church “ We don’t need titles and denominations or the Catholic Church saying they’re first because of Peter. It’s about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is first and last according to Revelation 1:17 🙏❤️
Thank you Keith for your feisty defence of the faith that's I like your videos so much. They are so full of deep faith and also teaching us how to know and defend our faith as well.
These verses were the cornerstone of my conversion to Catholicism. For all you Protestants that like to troll us Catholics, deal with it! Keith provides point after point of why Jesus was referring to Peter as the rock. Studying Catholic apologetics has taught me to look at what early Christians believed. They installed Peter as the Bishop of Rome, so it seems to me they understood this passage to mean Peter was the rock and Christ would use him as the cornerstone for His Church.
@@deleteduser1892 OK just making a point, Paul was appointed to preach to the gentiles. I will have to look it up but maybe you could lead me to a scripture that confirms Peter was ever in Rome. I thank you in advance for that, but I don't see his name in the book of Romans.
@@deleteduser1892 Romans 15:20- Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, NOT WHERE CHRIST WAS NAMED, lest I should build on any mans foundation. So I don't see it there, but I will gladly look up any other scripture that names Peter in Rome. I'm open minded, I'm not saying there isn't but I haven't found it.
@@deleteduser1892 I will read Peter, to confirm that. But I'm glad you see the seven hills and Babylon for Rome, have you also read what else it says about the city in Revelation 17:3,4,5,6,9,18. And Revelation is one of if not the only passage in the bible in LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS. And upon her forehead was a name written MYSTERY. BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTSAND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The words in the bible( Gods words), are sharper than any two edged sword.
Matthew 16:18-19 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give YOU the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever YOU bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever YOU loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. " ( Jesus changed the name of Simon into Peter in Aramaic means Kefa-rock like a parable in the Bible a man built a house in a rock not in a sand. Jesus is the Cornerstone/Foundation of the Church He established. And there is apostolic succession from Peter to Francis the 266th pope as of today.)
@@joycegreer9391 which history? History from your sect members? Be serious, even a simple google will show you the truth, secular history will show and confirm to you the same.
@@johnosumba1980 History from my sect members...lolololol. No, just not the manmade false history from your deceived sect. Simple Google search?...hahaha. No, real actual in-depth historical research. True biblical and secular research will show you the false claims of YOUR church, and the real truth. You should try being serious instead of simple.
Wow Bro Keith you are more knowledgeable than a cradle Catholic 💖 You are a converted protestant pastor who become the light of the church Jesus founded.
@@sunshinemoon4189 James 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
@@sunshinemoon4189 2 Thessalonians 2:15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by WORD OF MOUTH or by LETTER.
The fact that Jesus changes Simon's name (calling him rock) is sufficient to accept "Peter as the Rock" instead any other possibility. The rest of hypotheses cannot give such a strong argument. They are only counter-measures that don't work.
Even if we take St. Agustine's theory that Jesus is the rock in "....and on this rock" to be true ...the fact that Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter(rock) makes it even clearer Jesus wanted to pass on His "rockness" to Simon. :)
I love your passion Keith, it completely makes sense that Our Lord Jesus Christ would appoint a leader for his Church on earth, as only Jesus knew he would soon die on the cross. And his Church needed a leader. Keeping it simple makes sense. God Bless 🙏
No, it makes no sense. ALL humans are sinful and fallible. There is NO human who could be a leader for Christ. What Jesus gave us, all saved believers, is the Holy Spirit. We do have leaders, preachers, teachers; but everyone needs to use the discernment from the Holy Spirit, question all, and search the scriptures for ourselves. Heed the warnings about false teachers/preachers, doctrines of demons. It is very tempting to just trust and do whatever a leader says instead of taking responsibility and thinking for yourself, but that can be disastrous. Your salvation and eternity is too important to leave to another human being. You will personally be held responsible. Claiming you were just following the leader, keeping it simple, will not be an excuse.
This talk is graciously well said. Thank you Keith and praying the Rosary everyday for you and all Aologetics to be well equipped by the Holy Spirit to tell the truth, protect and defend the One Holy Appostolic and Catholic Church teachings. God bless.
@Lois I believe in the true Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha'Maciak. I believe in the WORD of the True and Living God. I don't believe in the words of lying men that don't even read from the Bible. Quit being deceived. The pope is the false prophet. Open your eyes.
We can read in Acts that Peter had the power to command life and death through our Lord. Thats a long ways to come for a humble fisherman who laid down his nets, his livelihood and followed Christ. . His life was incredible.
Ephesians 2:20- And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF BEING THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE: In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple to the LORD.
I heard GOD speak to me audibly while wide awake. It’s like time stopped and everything around me paused. And I heard GOD call my name and it was loud and thunderous and he spoke with authority and said his son is near and we need to get right with him. There is only believing on JESUS and obeying GODS word and enduring till the end. Everyone needs stay focused on JESUS because he is coming soon. There is no titles or buildings. Just the word of GOD.
In French, rock is a feminine noun, - UNE PIERRE = a ROCK also the translation of Peter = Pierre, yet, it clearly says, word for word translation, you are ROCK and upon this ROCK I will build my Church.
I appreciate and envy the holy zeal that bursts froth from the words you speak about our Catholic Faith. Thank you and please continue to make more content. The beauty, wisdom and breath of the Catholic faith should not be contained, but shouted from the top of every mountain on planet earth. Thank you for shouting! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! Thank God for you Keith!! God Bless!!
You can’t shout in a Catholic Church .It’s as dry and dead as yesterdays toast .No one shouts , or praises , or sings ,,or lifts Holy hands , or makes a joyful noise to the lord .It’s whispers , rope prayers and vain repetitions.
Yes! Yes! Yes! So many miss this moment in John’s gospel… It goes from Simon Peter, to just Peter in the matter of a few verses…yet doesn’t go into detail how and why. The writer just knew what happened without needing to go into Matthews account… Peter was the Rock; this is what happens and this is what it is. Great stuff!
You are exactly right Keith! Peter (Petra-Rock), was NOT Peter's original name. It was Simon Bar Jonah. Jesus changed his name after his profession of who the Apostles said/thought He (Jesus) was. " Blessed are you Simon Bar Jonah, for this has not been revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father who is in Heaven ... and I say to you, you are Peter(Rock), and upon this rock I will build My Church." This was one of the things that helped me make my decision that the Catholic Church was The Church of Jesus, started by Him in Judea/Jerusalem.
So Jesus said that He would build His church upon a man? In what world does that make any sense? Why would our Lord Jesus Christ build His church upon a man, and yet we have more of Paul's epistles than Peter's? and why did Paul have to correct Peter in Galatians if Peter had some special designation, and infallibility, as the person upon whom "the called out ones" would be built?
@@liljade53 So explain to me what was the purpose of changing Simon Bar Jonah's name at all ? Just because he said that Jesus was the Christ? Jesus also gave him the keys to His kingdom, making Peter overseer as was a Jewish custom. After Jesus had resurrected and ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 in the upper room at Pentecost. They received power to heal the sick and preach the Gospel to the world and Peter was more or less the leader at that time according to The Book of Acts. Peter ends up in Rome where he's eventually killed for his faith. Because of the seed that was planted by Peter and men like Paul and their followers, The Universal (Catholic) Church began to develop. " and upon this Rock I will build My Church."
@@ambu6478 I have no problem with Peter being a leader of the 12 and even the people in Rome. It's having a successor ever since NOT appointed by Jesus Himself being the head of every Christian through the centuries. That role his for Christ Himself.
@@liljade53 You are right, Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world! He is the founder of faith known now as Christianity as is laid out in the Scriptures. He also knew that there was soon coming a time when He would no longer be here in flesh and blood, so He needed a man strong enough to endure the prosecution and trials that His followers would soon face. According to history, Peter and later Paul both ended up in Rome. The Church in Jerusalem was still alive, but we don't hear a great deal about that Church after the death of James and many of the other Apostles, and after the Jewish Temple was destroyed. But over time the Church in Rome began to grow after much horrible persecution... and from that Church, The Christian faith was eventually spread around the world. It's gone through many hard times, even two major splits over the years, but it still stands, inspite of the foolishness of man, and the works of the evil one. The Catholic(Universal)Church is not perfect by any means, but Christ Jesus has still kept His hands on it through the years and it stands as a city on a hill and a light to the world inspite of the many imperfections of it's leaders and it's members. Despite it's faults and dark times, The Catholic Church has done more for good around the world than any Christian organization. May the Lord Jesus bless His Church and keep His hand on the wheel of this great Christian ship.
Thank you Keith !! We just love how you spoke on Matt 16:18 we love it. Thank you , thank you we love how you explain everything over and over again even though you have had videos on it. Thank you Keith you always help us defend our faith.
Christ Jesus revealed that those WORDS He had spoken (verbally/orally) from His mouth, came not from HImself but from His Father who sent Him. (ref. John 14:24-27)... With this passage from John 14:24-27... Let us now analyze the Gospel of Matthew 16:18... Christ said, "THAT" you are Peter, and upon "THIS" Rock, "I" will build "My" Church and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it." The English Pronouns used in the Original passage were the following... "THAT" (Hoti), 'THIS" (Taut'e), "I" (Oiko), and "MY" (Mou)... Take Note:... God/YHWH was talking/speaking verbally/orally from the mount of His Son, Christ Jesus... based on John 14:24-27... Who is the Pronoun "THAT" (singular - 3rd person)? = Simon Bar-Jonah (Peter) Who is the Pronoun "THIS" (singular - 2nd person)? = God's Son, Christ Jesus Who is the Pronoun "I" (singular - 1st person)? = Father God/YHWH Who is the (determiner) Pronoun "MY" (singular - 1st person)? = Father God/YHWH Therefore, Father God/YHWH was revealing to Simon Bar-Jonah called Peter that God will build His own Church upon His Son, Christ Jesus, the ROCK... and not building the Church of God upon PETER... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Also, if Simon was insignificant then why did Jesus change his name (as He did in changing Abram to Abraham)? Further, why did He give “Peter” the Keys and the authority to forgive sins and the power of that forgiveness be effective both temporally and eternally?
Petra means 'rock' in Greek. Peter was the first bishop of Rome. Jesus chose Rome to spread the faith because Rome was the center of the world in the 1st century. God knew that Constantine would make Catholicism the official roman religion. None of this is random. 'Protestants' are in protest against the true Church, they must repent.
Ummm. I applaud your strong desire to set setvthings right, but Constantine dud not make Catholicism the official religion, that's actually a lie Protestants believe and repeat.
@@cristinamz2137 Yes not immediately but eventually "The Edict of Milan gave Christianity legal status and a reprieve from persecution but did not make it the state church of the Roman Empire. That occurred in AD 380 with the Edict of Thessalonica." (wikipedia)
God help the protestants and weak lazy Catholics who won't bother to look into history or Catholicism because they're too busy being addicted to the world.
@@BeauTardy correct, it was Theodosius the 1st, the Spanish born Ceasar, who made it the official religion and fought heavily against paganism. I mention this also because Protestants often accuse Catholics of adopting paganism into Christianity.
Christ Jesus changed the name of his Apostles Simon Bar/Ben (Son of) -Jonah into Simon Peter (Cepha/Petra) to remind us all (from generation to generation) that it was to him (Simon) that His Father God/YHWH had revealed that He (Christ Jesus) is the Son/Word of God and the ROCK upon which God built His Own CHURCH... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
It strengthens me to hear you Kieth. You make me feel like I'm not alone. I can here some of the frustration in your voice that I have felt for 30 years defending Catholicism from propaganda. Don't get me wrong I do not hate Protestants or even dislike them, faith in Christ is a good thing. It just gets tiring rehashing things over and over again with different people. Thank you!🌹
What God never did in the old testament was to establish a council. He always spoke to just one Prophet or Patriarch, Moses, Abraham, Elijah. He did exactly the same to Peter.
This was great, thank you for making it. Really looking forward to your upcoming video on the schism. I know the Orthodox draw is growing for some Catholics or apostolic-seeking Christians and the debate is fierce on TH-cam. So I suspect that video will be looked at and examined closely by some. I think you made a great case on this one for Peter, so can't wait to see your next presentation.
Peter is not the rock, Peter is a rock like every other christians 1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. This is Peter talking you also are living stones.... which Jesus builds His church with. "Christians " that believe that Jesus is the( Messiah the Son of the living God. )
@@langleybeliever7789 there is only one God in the Catholic church Jesus Christ who died on a cross for the sins of mankind and rose from the dead the triune God The papacy is a gift from this God
This is a very interesting topic, and I definitely appreciate the insights into the Catholic perspective. I definitely agree, there's no way around the idea that Jesus is calling Peter the Rock. It's very clear, and we can't come up with any other meaning without reading it into the text. However, if we then conclude that Jesus is creating an institutional church, passing on some kind of spiritual authority from Bishop to Bishop, and Pope to Pope for generations throughout the entire church universal, we are also reading that idea into the text. Jesus is clearly giving Peter a place of honour and status among the apostles, but I think if we go beyond that point, we are reading into the text. Ultimately I don't believe that there is any need to hold to the idea that the church cannot be united unless we are all part of the Catholic Church institution. We can all be united "as many parts of one body". The Holy Spirit clearly moves in powerful ways inside and outside the Catholic Church institution, which should be evidence enough of this point. With all due respect, I'm curious about the reference back to Isaiah 22. In my view, if you continue to the end of Isaiah 22, in the last verse it says "In that day, declares the Lord Almighty, "the peg driven into the firm place will give way; it will be sheared off and will fall, and the load hanging on it will be cut down." The Lord has spoken." This is clearly speaking about Eliakim, who is referred to as the Peg or Nail driven into the firm place. So if you follow that analogy through to the end, it would appear that the institution under Peter will eventually be "cut down". I know typologies don't always transfer 100%, but it is a fair point, I would think. Also if you look at Matthew 18:15-20, Peters Keys are also given to the rest of the apostles. So it seems that the argument of whether Peter is the rock or not, is not the more important discussion. I think that is easily settled within the text. Thanks for this video Keith! Praise God that we can have these discussions and still remain part of the one body of Christ!😁
The Catholic Church was founded upon Peter the Rock. The Catholic Church is also the Mystical Body of Christ, which many don’t believe in either. Amen!
"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book". Nice one Keith. You are fullfilling Holy Scripture. I personally think all the people who try to make it mean something else are deluded. To them all i say, "Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all soul's to Heaven, ESPECIALLY THOSE MOST IN NEED". 🙏🙏🙏💓.
Can you do a follow up where just a few verses later Jesus calls Peter Satan and how we are now to believe this is figurative vs the one calling Peter the rock? BTW… I do agree that Peter is given a primacy but it’s based on what he said in the passage.
Jesus was not talking to Peter when He said satan. He was talking directly to satan because satan was talking through Peter's mouth. Like me I knew exactly when it was the devil talking through my ex-boyfriend's mouth when he wanted to attack me because I have faith in Jesus.
It the revelation of Jesus that he will build His church upon ~ NOT a failing human being ~ maybe this is why the catholic church is for the most part is very redundant and not appealing to most ~ think about that
Keith ….I thank you for preaching the truths of the Catholic Church …. Thank you my brother for bringing your experience in being a protestant pastor to the Church that Jesus has himself established here on earth…I will always be your pupil as you teach ….please keep preaching…if you’re ever in Arkansas please inform me as to when and where … until then TH-cam it is
Simply proclaim the Truth Keith. Feed them the Word of God. "The word of God is quick and powerful, ..Cutting even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit Joints and morrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts". A good book compiled by David W Bercot, Titled "A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs". Compiled of the Early Church Father's writing of the first 390 or so years of the Church. It is loaded with statement after statement by the first Ministers of the Church. AKA THE CHURCH FATHER'S. Many golden nuggets of knowledge in their writings. Present the Truth supported by the Word of God and let the chips fall where they may. If anyone don't agree it's not on you. Plant the seeds and let the Holy Spirit do His thing. As adults we are slow to change our thinking no matter how wrongly we might have been taught. The Truth stands on its own even when it is rejected.
In disputes with the bishop of Rome, St Cyprian asserted that the people and their bishop constituted the church, that there was no “bishop of bishops” in Rome, that all bishops equally possessed the Holy Spirit, and that their consensus expressed the church's unity.
John 4:21, ESV: Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. John 4 :24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
Matthew 19:16-22. "And behold one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I may have life everlasting? [17] Who said to him: Why asketh thou me concerning good? One is good, God. But if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. [18] He said to him: Which? And Jesus said: Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness. [19] Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [20] The young man saith to him: All these I have kept from my youth, what is yet wanting to me? [21] Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me. [22] And when the young man had heard this word, he went away sad: for he had great possessions." See, I can do that too.
Absolutely spot on! I’ve had SO many debates with protestants over this. It’s amazing how they have to twist themselves into pretzels to deny Peter is the Rock. I guess what Jesus is saying in Matthew is “blessed are you, Simon bar Jonah, you tiny, insignificant little pebble….here are the keys to the kingdom of Heaven…”! Please. Like you said, Keith- Peter is obviously the Rock here.
Protestants are so desperate to deny that Christ established exactly ONE Church, because it means their many different sects cannot all be acceptable. If they admit that Christ, indeed, established ONE Church, it means they must admit that they are scattered and splintered, and therefore, the means they used to get there, SOLA SCRIPTURA, does not lead to the true Church of Christ. Then, they all begin fighting with each other again. They're right back where they started before the Marburg Colloquy.
@@ClergetMusic Perfectly stated! 47,000 (and counting) prot sects and they’re all their own “popes” based upon their own interpretations of Scripture. And have you noticed when you call them on (the man-made tradition) Sola Scriptura, their definition of it changes as well? In their hearts they know it’s self refuting. Edited for typo.
@@TheBadTrad yes, the Prots desperately try to defend that feeble excuse for a rule of faith, but to no avail. I actually just head it off now, and when I ask them to show me where sola scriptura is in the Bible, I tell them I don’t want 2 Tim 3:16-17 because it doesn’t say what they think it says, and offer the following: the Latin says “omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata est utilis…” meaning “all divinely inspired scripture is useful for…”, and not the “all scripture is divinely inspired,” like they want to make it say. If they believe all scripture is divinely inspired, then they must accept the Deuterocanonical books, which means they have to accept things like 2 Maccabees 12:42 on the existence of purgatory, and Ecclesiasticus 15:18 refuting double predestination.
Call No man father except your heavenly Father. Amen in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST- The alpha and omega, the first and last, King of kings Lord of lords the Creator. We are patiently waiting for His second coming.
Peter was filled the Holy Spirit. He was the Rock in that period of time. Jesus wants to fill us with the holy spirit. But we need to humble ourselves just like Peter did humbled himself. To be part of the body of Christ it requires repentance, baptisim of the holy ghost, water baptism, surrender to the holy spirit. Your Body is the temple.
@@ClergetMusic calm down my friend im not discrediting anyone I myself have a special admiration for Peter . Just stating the facts he is a man just like anyone else. He even told someone not to worship him because he was a man.
@@jersonviera3808 Correct. I'm just wondering as to the purpose of your statement. Especially now that you have added, "He even told someone not to worship him because he was a man." Who worships Peter, or by extension the Pope?
@@ClergetMusic my friend , I have nothing against The Catholic Church or whatever church as long as they are Holy Spirit Led, Preaching the Right Gospel Of Jesus Christ , not worshipping Idols Other than the lord. Bible centered churches. I believe in Heaven there is no differences. You believe In Jesus Christ as the son of God who died and resurected for the sins of man respect and much love for you. Lets be brothers in Christ lets put Christ as our Fundation and thats it. THIS IS THE LAST COMMENT I WRITE i wont waste my time fighting and throwing punches in the air.
@@jersonviera3808 Well put, friend. I have no intention of fighting with you either, just making sure you and I are on the same page, as it seems we are. Have a great day and God bless you.
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
Peter was never a bishop of rome. If he was a bishop, it should be the bishop of Antioch. And if there should be the 1st pope, James was the first patriarch. James the Just, House of David, Brother of Jesus who was The Christ, Author of James. There were reasons why James were chosen. He was the representation from both David and Levites lineage. And James was the closest person ever to know about Jesus. And Jesus appeared to him and made him believe. And James was there with Mary to attend the first council when they selected Matthias. The 12 apostles were not assigned as the leaders of the churches. They were always on the evangelical missions. Their disciples and elders were then be the leaders of the churches.
Matthew was extremely careful with his words, so when he interpreted the Aramaic Cephas to Petros he knew and implied by changing it the second time to "Petra" that Jesus was saying that on this rock of a person Jesus will build His church. Certainly Paul did write most of the New Testament letters but even he recognized that Peter was the number one disciple.
1 CORINTHIANS 3:11 "There is no other foundation (rock) other than the foundation (rock) we have in CHRIST. Ephesians 2:20 KJV [20] and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;" Jesus is the CHIEF CORNERSTONE (rock) and the Apostles are the foundation (along with prophets) cornerstones (rocks). Peter is part of the foundation along with the other apostles, but Jesus is the chief stone, the rock! When Jesus said to Peter "on this rock I will build my church", he did not mean Peter alone, but Peter along with the other Apostles and Prophets. Peter is part of a group that make up the foundation. On all these, Jesus being chief, the whole House of God is built, not Peter alone. Acts 4:11 KJV [11] This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
The other thing to think about is that Jesus said this while standing on the huge rock where the pagans had all their idols carved into them, and below that rock was a cave where they didn’t think had a bottom - so many considered it the entrance to hell. So Jesus seemed to choose this specific location for a very specific reason. He stands on all the idols. And stands above hell.
Even if Peter was in fact "the rock", that doesnt validate or support the papacy's claim to primacy. Anyone could claim that with a little bit of power and influence such as the Catholic church did after it gained power given by Constantine.
Had Christ been named “ROCK” everyone in a the Bible would have called Christ “PETER” Or “CEPHAS” because the ONLY way to pronounce the *proper name* "Rock" in the bible is PETER OR CEPHAS!! The Protestants are caught in their desire to deceive themselves and others!
Translated to remove Peter from being the rock. And I tell you that you are *Jesus* and on this *Jesus* I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give *Me* the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever *I* bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever *I* loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Does anything about this make any sense? Who are the keys given to? Why is Simon being referred to if he isn't being renamed? If he Is renamed why does Jesus then take the rock for Himself? What is the purpose of this passage? Simon's name is definitely changed as it appears as Peter most of the time.
We who believe in JESUS have the keys to the Kingdom. We conquer death and hell. We are the church. It’s not about a building or being catholic. It’s about JESUS and following the word of GOD. There is GOD, JESUS, believers and unbelievers. That’s it.
God bless you, brother! Christians had me questioning my Catholic faith, but Catholics like you renew my faith in the faith. I’ll also mention that Martin Luther committed suicides. If he was right and guided by God, he would have never committed suicide. He even came to despise the ideas he set forth in the 95 Theses at the end of his life. Take the example of King David who was protected by God, he never committed suicide despite being ostracized by King Saul. No one did more damage to the Catholic Church than Martin Luther. May God have mercy on his soul.
Since when does having a disagreement over the meaning of Matthew 16 make someone an anti-Catholic? Why do we have to demonize those who disagree with you on this subject? People of goodwill have disagreed about this through the centuries. Even the church fathers had diverse views on this so are we to demonize those who don’t support Rome’s understanding of this passage too? and why the sarcasm about reading from ESV version as if Protestants and Evangelicals are a bunch of unsophisticated dunces? Is that really necessary? One’s salvation does not hinge on believing Peter was the first Pope. That is not the Gospel.
@@lisapolanski9379 The moment I was spiritually reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit several things happened: I became fully united to Christ and his church and I received all of Christ. Please don’t presume to tell me about my spiritual condition. That is so arrogant.
Paul likes to comment on the Catholic church and why it is wrong. He seems to be an AntiCatholic himself. It is better to be in harmony with the one true Catholic church than to protest it. Papacy is true and we should all be Catholic. Read book Pope Peter by Heschmeyer.
Historical research done by Roman Catholic Archbishop Peter Richard Kenrick regarding the early church’s view on Matthew 16:18. Archbishop Peter Kenrick wrote a paper on this subject, which was to be delivered to Vatican I (1870). However, it was never delivered, but it was published later, along with other points.[5] He points out the 5 interpretations of Matt. 16:18, to which Fathers of antiquity held: All Christians were the living stones, -. Origen who is a common source of patristic exegetical tradition: states “‘If we also say “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God,” then we also become Peter . . . for whoever assimilates to Christ, becomes rock. Does Christ give the keys of the kingdom to Peter alone, whereas other blessed people cannot receive them?’” (Origen, Commentary on Matthew). All the apostles, 8 Fathers (Cyprian et al). Christ as the Rock, 16 Fathers (Eusebius, early Augustine). Eusebius of Caesarea (D. 263-339), in his view (“rock” as Christ), this interpretation with the parallel rock and foundation statements of 1 Corinthians 3:11 and 10:4. Peter as the Rock, 17 Fathers. The Rock upon which the Church was built was the Faith that Peter confessed, 44 Fathers, including the most important Fathers (e.g., Basil of Seleucia [448]; Cyril of Alexandria; Chrysostom, Ambrose, Hilary,[6] Jerome, and Augustine again. Augustine stated: Christ, you see, built his Church not on a man but on Peter’s confession. What is Peter’s confession? ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ There’s the rock for you, there’s the foundation, there’s where the Church has been built, which the gates of the underworld cannot conquer (Retractations).[7] Therefore, only 20% of the Fathers held to Rome’s now canonized ” “Petrine Rock” interpretation of Matthew 16:18. That is far from being the norm of the early church. Kendrick concluded: “If we are bound to follow the majority of the fathers in this thing, then we are bound to hold for certain that the “rock” should be understood the faith professed by Peter, not Peter professing the faith.”[8] 5] Cf. An Inside View at Vatican I, ed. Leonard Woolsey Bacon (New York: American Tract Society, 1871). [6] Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity (Book II): “Thus our one immovable foundation, our one blissful rock of faith, is the confession from Peter’s mouth, Thou art the Son of the living God” (On the Trinity). [7] Augustine wrote The Retractations late in his life to correct points expressed in his own writings. Here, Augustine corrects his earlier opinion that Peter was the rock of Matthew 16:18. According to Augustine the rock is Christ or Peter’s confession which pointed to the person of Christ [8] Speech of Archbishop Kenrick, 109, An inside view of the vatican council, edited by Leonard Woolsey Bacon. The Council of Trent decreed that nobody can interpret Scripture contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers" 20 percent is obviously not unanimous.
I agree, but my friend says that the word Peter actually means stone and that, the distinction matters. How do I get around that? Because something doesn't quite sit right with me about that.
The word for Stone is "Lithos" not Petros. Had Christ been named “ROCK” everyone in a the Bible would have called Christ “PETER” Or “CEPHAS” because the ONLY way to pronounce the *proper name* "Rock" in the bible is PETER OR CEPHAS!! The Protestants are caught in their desire to deceive themselves and others!
I don’t see evidence that Peter was the rock in the church, or in Jesus declaration in Matthew 16. That said, even if he were, it doesn’t really hurt anything regardless. I could go on and on in a wall of text, but my position will always be whether or not your heart has changed versus dogmatic disagreement. But if anyone’s curious, my position is that the grammar would be kind of strained with Jesus his words with regard to calling Peter the rock because the entire context of the passage was about who Christ was, not who Peter was. Additionally, to make Peter the rock, you would have to infer that Peter is a “thing” versus a person in the original Greek. That doesn’t work too well either. As I said, this is not really one of those things to divide on in my opinion. I would be more inclined to argue against pope fallibility than the legitimacy of the office itself. Proclaiming the gospel is all that matters to me. But if anyone would like to talk about it, please just be respectful, I have no intention in disrespecting Catholicism with my view.
Uninterestingly, I agree with your interpretation. Matthew 16 15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” (Asking him about the revelation he knew Simon Peter had received). 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock(the revelation from God that Jesus is Christ the Messiah, Son of the Living God) I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
@@BlessedAssurance. exegesis is wonderful and FUN. The reveal of truth is intoxicating. I revel in the nuances of the greek. And I’m always encouraged when I’m wrong. A recent revelation was the reality that the rapture wasn’t a separate event from the 2nd coming but one and the same. I LOVE our church. Meaning Rome, Baptist, everyone. Do i disagree on points?? Oh yeah. But i REFUSE to split with, battle against or come against my brothers and sisters in Christ no matter where they are…..unless they are Muslim or Mormon or JW or southern Church of Christ. cant compromise the Gospel and THEY botch it.
Thank you for this, Keith! I grew up Protestant but about two months ago I decided to be fair to Catholicism & look into what she teaches. Once I read the Mathew/Isaiah text you referenced I knew I was in schism and had to convert. I’m currently in RCIA & will be confirmed next Easter. It’s like I’ve been reborn & seeing everything for the first time! God bless you.
I think you need to rethink and pray about that decision. You are listening to the voice of men and not the Holy Spirit. Jesus said one of the signs of the last days is deception. Read John 5:39, and John 14:6. Please meditate on those verses.
@@georgekosho548there is always someone like you in every commentary box. You obviously were interested enough to be here but balk at the idea of people being moved enough to become Catholic. You people will Always use biblical verses to to try and scare people. Open your eyes to the fact that what your doing is cheap and grubby…
@@georgekosho548 let me tell you, once you start to understand the the Catholic view of Scripture, you can’t unsee it! Catholic stuff jumps off every page and it’s deeper and more beautiful than you ever imagined! God’s plan of our salvation woven throughout scripture, Old and New. And don’t even get me started on Church Fathers, they are witness to apostolic teaching and how the faith is lived.
I challenge you to read them and other Catholic writings
@Jiminy Cricket You mean, Don't confuse me with the facts because my mind is made it up. You rather believe the lie than the truth. No wonder the Apostle Paul condemns when he said in Rome to the city that is given to idol worship...ironically until this day
Romans 1:21-25
21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man-and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Your mato
"Lies, lies, lies, tell me sweet little lies."
@Mike Lopez hi Mike
I grew up in the Catholic Church. I know enough about its teachings. When its multiple doctrines conflict with the Scriptures, that change the Word of God is a huge problem.
For instance praying to the saints. Where do you find it in Scriptures? It's in violation of 1 Timothy 2:15.
Or the Virgin Mary as the mother of God is in violation of the Trinity Doctrine.
Or making confession to a priest is in violation of 1 John 1:9
Point me to a Scripture in the bible that says otherwise.
I can add few more.
But anyway if church Doctrine overrides the word of God. There is the manipulation that Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for traditions that annulled the Word of God making it of no effect.
Please advise me
Thanks 😊
Thank you for your content, Keith. I'm a lifelong devout Evangelical that's getting confirmed in the Church this Easter Vigil. My family, especially my mom, is not happy or supportive. Please keep my family in your prayers, and myself as well as I'm still coming into full Communion. Glory to Jesus Christ
Welcome, I also came back to the church in 2021, never looked back 🙏❤️
Tragic. So sorry for you.
@@lois2997 Baby Lois strikes again...hahahaha. What a childish troll!!
Why don't you learn some truth and respect and GROW UP.
God help you.
I converted in 2011. Best decision ever.
Peter always had some sort of leadership role over the rest of the apostles.
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?’ He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ He said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’ A second time he said to him, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’ He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ He said to him, ‘Tend my sheep.’ He said to him the third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ And he said to him, ‘Lord, you know that I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep’” (John 21:15-17).
No other apostle was called to this specifically.
Peter was suicidal, just like Judas. When grieving Mary Magdalen saw the Lord, the Risen Lord. Jesus said, "Go tell Peter and the disciples that I have risen." Peter was losing hope and on the verge of collapse. Jesus sent Him a message of hope. Since Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus, in return, restored him three times.
Peter was the master peice of Jesus' grace. Jesus can turn your mess into a message of hope. Jesus can turn your weakness into strength, where sin abounds grace abounded much more 🙏. Grace can turn sinners into saints, disciples into apostles. This is why Jesus asked, "Peter, do you love Me more than these?"
@@georgekosho548suicidal? The theology please.
Unlike the other disciples who followed the Lord, which are countless. The Lord hand picked 12. When you look at two of leading apostles and close knit to Jesus who ate, drank, slept in His house, and had deep encounters with Jesus and knew the deep secrets of the Kingdom, received special authority.
Who are the two apostles I am talking about, Judas and Peter. Judas was Jesus's treasurer, and Peter was part of the inner circle. After betraying the Lord, selling Him for thirty pieces of silver, had a great remorse, and said, "I have betrayed innocent blood." Judas hung himself.
Peter, who said, "Lord, I will go with you, even to death."
The Lord said to Peter, "Satan asked for you by name and wants to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you, so that when you are converted, you will strengthen your brethren."
Now, on the night, the Lord Jesus was bettrayed, the Lord again said to Peter, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times."
Peter obviously have forgotten his promises to the Lord, "I will go with you to the death." And now finding himself close to the action and the passion of Christ, as he was warming himself with the fire, he was questioned by the people and the servant girl. Peter denied knowing the Lord. He began to curse and disassociated himself. When the rooster crowd three times, he remembered the Lord's words to him, "You will deny Me three times,"at that same moment, he came face to face with the Lord thier eyes were locked together. Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Imagine the torment and the fear all the disciples had from the Jews and the Romans. Peter was frail paralyzed and overtaken by oppression and depression for three straight days, "Satan wanted to sift you like wheat."
Remember that, though Peter was a disciple and an Apostle yet was not yet converted until the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell on the Church.
Without the Holy Spirit, the HELPER that Jesus promised. Peter was helpless facing Satan on his own.
So when Mary who was weeping before the Lord's grave and distraut, thinking the angels were gardners and the Lord came and called her by name. Her sorrow was turned into great joy.
As she told Peter, his despair was turned into great hope. He was the first to walk inside the grave and take hold of the Shroud. Thus, the Lord restored him three times and breathed on all of them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit."
Is there a theological doctrine? No. But is there a logical perspective, absolutely yes. If Judas killed himself, what makes think that Peter was not taken by the same feelings. Put yourself in their place. How would you react?
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi there
I pondered more about what you asked if this is a theological statement. I mentioned it was from an observational point of view. But now it seems a bit more onto a theological position as well. Here is why:
Ephesians 6:10-12 The Apostle Paul declared, "10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Also, the Apostle Paul writes to the Colossions church, speaking of God the Father, "1:13-14
"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins."
Peter and all the apostles, including you and me, were under Satan's tyranny and domain since Adam and Eve sold us as slaves to sin and its passions.
Jesus, as our only living High Priest and Mediator, is able to interceed on Peter's and our behalf.
Satan had legal right over every human ever lived on planet earth, until the Lord Jesus paid in full the debt of our sin. When the Lord said, "it is finished." Every demonic activity against humanity was dismissed.
Colossians 2:13-15
The gospel of the kingdom teaches that freedom has been granted through the shedding of the blood of Jesus. Every legal right of sin, sickness, and curses have been demolished by the Resurrection of our Lord. 1 John 3:8, "Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil."
Satan was able to enter and possess Judas because he gave Satan legal right over him. Satan also had legal right over Peter, but the Lord interceed on his behalf.
John 14:30
I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world (Satan) is coming, and he has nothing in Me. (Or legal right against Me, since the Lord was the only sinless human ever walked on planet earth.) That's what qualified Him to be our Eternal High Priest.
Thus, the scripture to the Colossians declares, the Father moved us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son. When? After Christ has risen from the dead.
Prior to the cross, God the Father could not deliver us from the kingdom of darkness.
The theological point is that Peter could not deliver himself from the weakness of the flesh and Satan's dominion even if he tried so hard with his natural willpower.
Therefore, from this point of theological view of Peter's duress being suicidal. Both observational and theological are true statements . Please let me know what you think. Thanks
That is not true. Peter was a natural leader, but he was never over the rest of the apostles. They were all equal, not one of them was greater than the rest. See Luke 9:46. Also, if Peter was the rock and leader of Christ's Church, then why were the apostles questioning who was the greatest among them?
Why did Jesus question Peter three times? and why was Peter grieved if this was his special role to shepherd the flock? All the apostles were given the same gifts and mission.
When God changes someone's name that's a clue in the text to wake up and pay attention because something amazing just happened. It's emphasizing some aspect of that person that is exceptional.
God didn’t change any names Jesus did
@@jrkersey5792 Jesus is God. He stated this about a dozen times in his words and actions.
@@fivevs1 he has never stated it .but he has mentioned several times that goes was his father.if Jesus was god who did he who did he pray to
@@jrkersey5792 he stated he was God many times by his words and actions. He assumed the divine name. He's forgave sins. He raised people from the dead. He accepted worship. All things reserved only to God. It's really really clear by his words and actions my friend that Jesus is God.
@@fivevs1 no he doesn’t he literally says the exact opposite like several times
God Bless you, Keith for your "on fire" truth of the Catholic faith. Praying for Keith and family.
Keith, Thanks for doing this brief video! As an evangelical protestant all my life, I have always cherished the scriptures and in the past have memorized many scripture verses especially Peter's proclamation in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) so that as a protestant Christian I can witness to others that who Jesus is matters! Of course this is still the truth and tremendously important, but within the last few years, I am learning - simply by actually studying the history of the Church and Christianity (DUH!) - that the fullness of the Faith is found in Catholicism. I have missed the forest for the trees (the Lord has been patient with me) and until recently have not taken seriously the absolute importance of this issue in your video - The Papacy. As a protestant, I've grown weary of chasing "the right interpretation" of scripture, especially regarding all the social ills/evils in our society. Scripture seems to be clear on certain issues yet too many "Sola Scriptura" protestants can't ever seem to embrace your #1 - the plain meaning of the text! The irony should be eye-opening! Your argument presented in this video is as simple and sound as it gets!
Thank you brother
Welcome home. Protestants have been split since before the Marburg Colloquy. Sola scriptura has splintered those who claim to be Christ's followers since its very beginnings as a concept.
@@KeithNester thank you Keith for the great help
Coach, well said. Welcome home, glory be to God.
One more 'Deal with it' series.
Always learning.
You are a hidden gem of Catholicism! I love listening to your apologetics!! You are so knowledgeable, insightful and clearly inspired by The Word, The Truth!! God bless you, Keith!!!
Obviously not the Truth as he is R Cath.
15 years ago I was at daily Mass and an older priest gave a homily, saying that Peter was not the rock, but only his faith. Well, Mass continued but at the end after the priest said "the Mass is over, go in peace", a lady in the front row started singing "Faith of our Fathers", and everybody joined in with gusto. I hope that priest got the message!
Prayers for the people and that the priest repents or corrects himself, hopefully it was ignorance and not malice.
I love that lady!!
For once a Priest was right
@@michellemcdermott2026 Me too! 🙂
Faith in Jesus Christ vs faith in our earthly fathers ? Think about that for awhile!!!! Jesus is the only way !! Romans 3:23 All have sinned even your pope and needs a saviour Jesus Christ.God definitely used the apostle Peter to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ Acts 2:38 The original way into the Church. God even added to his Church daily such as should be saved. Found in Acts 2:47 Following Peter ( MAN ) would be wrong. Following what Peter preached is correct. Jesus is our Rock !!! Peter is the messenger to deliver the plan of salvation. God used Peter to deliver the sermon. It’s Gods church !!! Matthew 16:18 “ Jesus says My Church “ We don’t need titles and denominations or the Catholic Church saying they’re first because of Peter. It’s about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is first and last according to Revelation 1:17 🙏❤️
Thank you Keith for your feisty defence of the faith that's I like your videos so much. They are so full of deep faith and also teaching us how to know and defend our faith as well.
Thank you Keith. May God bless us all
Keith ,you are so passionate about the Catholic faith . I love watching all your videos. This one was needed. Thank you ❤️🇨🇦
Go, Keith! Your videos are always informative. Thank you for defending the Faith. God bless you and your family.
Well said, @Keith Nester!
Bravo! Great argument! Great enthusiasm and charity too!
These verses were the cornerstone of my conversion to Catholicism. For all you Protestants that like to troll us Catholics, deal with it! Keith provides point after point of why Jesus was referring to Peter as the rock. Studying Catholic apologetics has taught me to look at what early Christians believed. They installed Peter as the Bishop of Rome, so it seems to me they understood this passage to mean Peter was the rock and Christ would use him as the cornerstone for His Church.
Protestants should take RCIA
Did you know Peter had never been to Rome before Paul when Romans was written.
@@deleteduser1892 OK just making a point, Paul was appointed to preach to the gentiles. I will have to look it up but maybe you could lead me to a scripture that confirms Peter was ever in Rome. I thank you in advance for that, but I don't see his name in the book of Romans.
@@deleteduser1892 Romans 15:20- Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, NOT WHERE CHRIST WAS NAMED, lest I should build on any mans foundation.
So I don't see it there, but I will gladly look up any other scripture that names Peter in Rome.
I'm open minded, I'm not saying there isn't but I haven't found it.
@@deleteduser1892 I will read Peter, to confirm that. But I'm glad you see the seven hills and Babylon for Rome, have you also read what else it says about the city in Revelation 17:3,4,5,6,9,18.
And Revelation is one of if not the only passage in the bible in LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS. And upon her forehead was a name written MYSTERY. BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTSAND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
The words in the bible( Gods words), are sharper than any two edged sword.
Matthew 16:18-19 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give YOU the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever YOU bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever YOU loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. " ( Jesus changed the name of Simon into Peter in Aramaic means Kefa-rock like a parable in the Bible a man built a house in a rock not in a sand. Jesus is the Cornerstone/Foundation of the Church He established. And there is apostolic succession from Peter to Francis the 266th pope as of today.)
I'm a catholic from the Philippines trying to watch all your videos. You are amazing.
Wow, thank you
You nailed it! Only way one could argue against this is to go against Jesus. The evidence is clear.
Hahaha. NO.
@@joycegreer9391😂😂😂😂 busy protesting.
@@johnosumba1980 ??? No, just facts and history.
@@joycegreer9391 which history? History from your sect members? Be serious, even a simple google will show you the truth, secular history will show and confirm to you the same.
@@johnosumba1980 History from my sect members...lolololol. No, just not the manmade false history from your deceived sect. Simple Google search?...hahaha. No, real actual in-depth historical research. True biblical and secular research will show you the false claims of YOUR church, and the real truth. You should try being serious instead of simple.
Wow Bro Keith you are more knowledgeable than a cradle Catholic 💖 You are a converted protestant pastor who become the light of the church Jesus founded.
God bless you Keith for standing up for Christ's church.
Luke 6:39
He also told them a parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?
@@sunshinemoon4189 So who is blind? Martin Luther doctrine of Sola scriptura and Sola fide are all Half Truth.
@@sunshinemoon4189 James 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
@@sunshinemoon4189 2 Thessalonians 2:15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by WORD OF MOUTH or by LETTER.
Thank you this was edifying
The fact that Jesus changes Simon's name (calling him rock) is sufficient to accept "Peter as the Rock" instead any other possibility. The rest of hypotheses cannot give such a strong argument. They are only counter-measures that don't work.
Even if we take St. Agustine's theory that Jesus is the rock in "....and on this rock" to be true ...the fact that Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter(rock) makes it even clearer Jesus wanted to pass on His "rockness" to Simon. :)
I love your passion Keith, it completely makes sense that Our Lord Jesus Christ would appoint a leader for his Church on earth, as only Jesus knew he would soon die on the cross. And his Church needed a leader. Keeping it simple makes sense. God Bless 🙏
Indeed, even the Orthodox Church until this day doesn't want to recognize that, it's sad.
No, it makes no sense. ALL humans are sinful and fallible. There is NO human who could be a leader for Christ. What Jesus gave us, all saved believers, is the Holy Spirit. We do have leaders, preachers, teachers; but everyone needs to use the discernment from the Holy Spirit, question all, and search the scriptures for ourselves. Heed the warnings about false teachers/preachers, doctrines of demons.
It is very tempting to just trust and do whatever a leader says instead of taking responsibility and thinking for yourself, but that can be disastrous. Your salvation and eternity is too important to leave to another human being. You will personally be held responsible. Claiming you were just following the leader, keeping it simple, will not be an excuse.
Jesus said" my kingdom is not of this earth"
@@mikehartley9352 Exactly!!
@@joycegreer9391😂😂😂😂 continue protesting Jesus Christ own Church you will answer to him at the end of time.
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Awesome video Keith I love your enthusiastic approach to apologetics!! May God continue to bless you and guide you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
This talk is graciously well said. Thank you Keith and praying the Rosary everyday for you and all Aologetics to be well equipped by the Holy Spirit to tell the truth, protect and defend the One Holy Appostolic and Catholic Church teachings. God bless.
Blaspheming Jesus praying to his mother? That's not gonna get you into heaven. Repent and turn from that wicked beast that is the catholic church.
@@witnessrevelation You are a wicked beast. Your dishonoring of and outrages against the Lord's Mother won't go unpunished.
@@witnessrevelation what a fallacious comment
@@witnessrevelation wah wah your religion is heresy and you talk about us
@Lois I believe in the true Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha'Maciak. I believe in the WORD of the True and Living God. I don't believe in the words of lying men that don't even read from the Bible. Quit being deceived. The pope is the false prophet. Open your eyes.
We can read in Acts that Peter had the power to command life and death through our Lord. Thats a long ways to come for a humble fisherman who laid down his nets, his livelihood and followed Christ. . His life was incredible.
Ephesians 2:20- And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF BEING THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE: In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple to the LORD.
"And Rock answered him: "
Here, fixed it for ya!
Changing the Bible I see. No thanks
I heard GOD speak to me audibly while wide awake. It’s like time stopped and everything around me paused. And I heard GOD call my name and it was loud and thunderous and he spoke with authority and said his son is near and we need to get right with him. There is only believing on JESUS and obeying GODS word and enduring till the end. Everyone needs stay focused on JESUS because he is coming soon. There is no titles or buildings. Just the word of GOD.
In French, rock is a feminine noun, - UNE PIERRE = a ROCK also the translation of Peter = Pierre, yet, it clearly says, word for word translation, you are ROCK and upon this ROCK I will build my Church.
Morning, Grandma Lynn!! 🙂🙏💓
@@CatholicCat-er9xn good morning to you as well!!🤗🌹❤️🕊️
I appreciate and envy the holy zeal that bursts froth from the words you speak about our Catholic Faith. Thank you and please continue to make more content. The beauty, wisdom and breath of the Catholic faith should not be contained, but shouted from the top of every mountain on planet earth. Thank you for shouting! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! Thank God for you Keith!! God Bless!!
You can’t shout in a Catholic Church .It’s as dry and dead as yesterdays toast .No one shouts , or praises , or sings ,,or lifts Holy hands , or makes a joyful noise to the lord .It’s whispers , rope prayers and vain repetitions.
Amen praise THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, The name above every other name.
Killin’ it Keith. This was 10/10 content. Concise and powerful.
Thank you my friend
Still praying for the conversion of your children. 🙏
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.... ". Our Lord Jesus is clearly talking only to Peter not to Himself or to anyone else.
Yes!!!! Amen!!!
When the Lord and Peter first met, Jesus had said Simon would be named Cephas (Aram. for “rock”) or Peter (Gr. for rock)
Yes! Yes! Yes! So many miss this moment in John’s gospel… It goes from Simon Peter, to just Peter in the matter of a few
verses…yet doesn’t go into detail how and why.
The writer just knew what happened without needing to go into Matthews account… Peter was the Rock; this is what happens and this is what it is.
Great stuff!
1 Corinthians 10:4
Your content is so great. Thank you brother.
You are exactly right Keith! Peter (Petra-Rock), was NOT Peter's original name. It was Simon Bar Jonah. Jesus changed his name after his profession of who the Apostles said/thought He (Jesus) was. " Blessed are you Simon Bar Jonah, for this has not been revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father who is in Heaven ... and I say to you, you are Peter(Rock), and upon this rock I will build My Church." This was one of the things that helped me make my decision that the Catholic Church was The Church of Jesus, started by Him in Judea/Jerusalem.
So Jesus said that He would build His church upon a man? In what world does that make any sense? Why would our Lord Jesus Christ build His church upon a man, and yet we have more of Paul's epistles than Peter's? and why did Paul have to correct Peter in Galatians if Peter had some special designation, and infallibility, as the person upon whom "the called out ones" would be built?
@@liljade53 So explain to me what was the purpose of changing Simon Bar Jonah's name at all ? Just because he said that Jesus was the Christ? Jesus also gave him the keys to His kingdom, making Peter overseer as was a Jewish custom. After Jesus had resurrected and ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 in the upper room at Pentecost. They received power to heal the sick and preach the Gospel to the world and Peter was more or less the leader at that time according to The Book of Acts. Peter ends up in Rome where he's eventually killed for his faith. Because of the seed that was planted by Peter and men like Paul and their followers, The Universal (Catholic) Church began to develop. " and upon this Rock I will build My Church."
@@ambu6478 I have no problem with Peter being a leader of the 12 and even the people in Rome. It's having a successor ever since NOT appointed by Jesus Himself being the head of every Christian through the centuries. That role his for Christ Himself.
@@liljade53 You are right, Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world! He is the founder of faith known now as Christianity as is laid out in the Scriptures. He also knew that there was soon coming a time when He would no longer be here in flesh and blood, so He needed a man strong enough to endure the prosecution and trials that His followers would soon face. According to history, Peter and later Paul both ended up in Rome. The Church in Jerusalem was still alive, but we don't hear a great deal about that Church after the death of James and many of the other Apostles, and after the Jewish Temple was destroyed. But over time the Church in Rome began to grow after much horrible persecution... and from that Church, The Christian faith was eventually spread around the world. It's gone through many hard times, even two major splits over the years, but it still stands, inspite of the foolishness of man, and the works of the evil one. The Catholic(Universal)Church is not perfect by any means, but Christ Jesus has still kept His hands on it through the years and it stands as a city on a hill and a light to the world inspite of the many imperfections of it's leaders and it's members. Despite it's faults and dark times, The Catholic Church has done more for good around the world than any Christian organization. May the Lord Jesus bless His Church and keep His hand on the wheel of this great Christian ship.
@@liljade53 stop trolling Catholics
Thank you Keith !! We just love how you spoke on Matt 16:18 we love it. Thank you , thank you we love how you explain everything over and over again even though you have had videos on it. Thank you Keith you always help us defend our faith.
Thank you, Keith, for such a clear and passionate explanation.
Christ Jesus revealed that those WORDS He had spoken (verbally/orally) from His mouth, came not from HImself but from His Father who sent Him. (ref. John 14:24-27)...
With this passage from John 14:24-27... Let us now analyze the Gospel of Matthew 16:18...
Christ said, "THAT" you are Peter, and upon "THIS" Rock, "I" will build "My" Church and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it."
The English Pronouns used in the Original passage were the following... "THAT" (Hoti), 'THIS" (Taut'e), "I" (Oiko), and "MY" (Mou)...
Take Note:... God/YHWH was talking/speaking verbally/orally from the mount of His Son, Christ Jesus... based on John 14:24-27...
Who is the Pronoun "THAT" (singular - 3rd person)? = Simon Bar-Jonah (Peter)
Who is the Pronoun "THIS" (singular - 2nd person)? = God's Son, Christ Jesus
Who is the Pronoun "I" (singular - 1st person)? = Father God/YHWH
Who is the (determiner) Pronoun "MY" (singular - 1st person)? = Father God/YHWH
Therefore, Father God/YHWH was revealing to Simon Bar-Jonah called Peter that God will build His own Church upon His Son, Christ Jesus, the ROCK... and not building the Church of God upon PETER... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
Preach it Keith! ✝️
Also, if Simon was insignificant then why did Jesus change his name (as He did in changing Abram to Abraham)? Further, why did He give “Peter” the Keys and the authority to forgive sins and the power of that forgiveness be effective both temporally and eternally?
Petra means 'rock' in Greek. Peter was the first bishop of Rome. Jesus chose Rome to spread the faith because Rome was the center of the world in the 1st century. God knew that Constantine would make Catholicism the official roman religion. None of this is random. 'Protestants' are in protest against the true Church, they must repent.
Ummm. I applaud your strong desire to set setvthings right, but Constantine dud not make Catholicism the official religion, that's actually a lie Protestants believe and repeat.
@@cristinamz2137 Yes not immediately but eventually "The Edict of Milan gave Christianity legal status and a reprieve from persecution but did not make it the state church of the Roman Empire. That occurred in AD 380 with the Edict of Thessalonica." (wikipedia)
God help the protestants and weak lazy Catholics who won't bother to look into history or Catholicism because they're too busy being addicted to the world.
@@BeauTardy correct, it was Theodosius the 1st, the Spanish born Ceasar, who made it the official religion and fought heavily against paganism. I mention this also because Protestants often accuse Catholics of adopting paganism into Christianity.
@@cristinamz2137 One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church.
Christ Jesus changed the name of his Apostles Simon Bar/Ben (Son of) -Jonah into Simon Peter (Cepha/Petra) to remind us all (from generation to generation) that it was to him (Simon) that His Father God/YHWH had revealed that He (Christ Jesus) is the Son/Word of God and the ROCK upon which God built His Own CHURCH... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
You're Awesome my brother, God Bless
It strengthens me to hear you Kieth. You make me feel like I'm not alone. I can here some of the frustration in your voice that I have felt for 30 years defending Catholicism from propaganda. Don't get me wrong I do not hate Protestants or even dislike them, faith in Christ is a good thing. It just gets tiring rehashing things over and over again with different people. Thank you!🌹
What God never did in the old testament was to establish a council. He always spoke to just one Prophet or Patriarch, Moses, Abraham, Elijah. He did exactly the same to Peter.
This was great, thank you for making it. Really looking forward to your upcoming video on the schism. I know the Orthodox draw is growing for some Catholics or apostolic-seeking Christians and the debate is fierce on TH-cam. So I suspect that video will be looked at and examined closely by some. I think you made a great case on this one for Peter, so can't wait to see your next presentation.
We follow Jesus the Builder of the church upon st Peter and the apostles
A solid title that goes with a solid take on this very important aspect of the Catholic faith. Christ build His church on Peter the rock.
God bless you all
Great video, I just got Joe's book and can't wait to read it. He came to our church here in Missouri. Peter was the first pope for sure.
Peter is not the rock, Peter is a rock like every other christians
1 Peter 2:5
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
This is Peter talking you also are living stones.... which Jesus builds His church with. "Christians " that believe that Jesus is the( Messiah the Son of the living God. )
Keep the good work Keith. Me, from Malaysia.❤
The papacy is a gift from God
From which " god"?
@@langleybeliever7789 there is only one God in the Catholic church Jesus Christ who died on a cross for the sins of mankind and rose from the dead the triune God
The papacy is a gift from this God
@@andreeattieh2963 I hope you are aware there is a "god" of this world.
@@langleybeliever7789 I know there is a God I'm Catholic because that God died for me and lead me to the Catholic church
This is a very interesting topic, and I definitely appreciate the insights into the Catholic perspective. I definitely agree, there's no way around the idea that Jesus is calling Peter the Rock. It's very clear, and we can't come up with any other meaning without reading it into the text. However, if we then conclude that Jesus is creating an institutional church, passing on some kind of spiritual authority from Bishop to Bishop, and Pope to Pope for generations throughout the entire church universal, we are also reading that idea into the text. Jesus is clearly giving Peter a place of honour and status among the apostles, but I think if we go beyond that point, we are reading into the text. Ultimately I don't believe that there is any need to hold to the idea that the church cannot be united unless we are all part of the Catholic Church institution. We can all be united "as many parts of one body". The Holy Spirit clearly moves in powerful ways inside and outside the Catholic Church institution, which should be evidence enough of this point. With all due respect, I'm curious about the reference back to Isaiah 22. In my view, if you continue to the end of Isaiah 22, in the last verse it says "In that day, declares the Lord Almighty, "the peg driven into the firm place will give way; it will be sheared off and will fall, and the load hanging on it will be cut down." The Lord has spoken." This is clearly speaking about Eliakim, who is referred to as the Peg or Nail driven into the firm place. So if you follow that analogy through to the end, it would appear that the institution under Peter will eventually be "cut down". I know typologies don't always transfer 100%, but it is a fair point, I would think. Also if you look at Matthew 18:15-20, Peters Keys are also given to the rest of the apostles. So it seems that the argument of whether Peter is the rock or not, is not the more important discussion. I think that is easily settled within the text. Thanks for this video Keith! Praise God that we can have these discussions and still remain part of the one body of Christ!😁
100% Keith
Amen Amen, God bless you my brothers and sisters.
I’m about 99% of those Catholic supporting comments Keith, haha.
I have to defend the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church!
You are a great apologist. Thank you Keith for speaking the truth. May God Bless you.
Keith is so right that Protestants cant accept that Peter is the rock in Matthew 16 and they twist scripture to avoid that plain truth.
I feel like I’m getting yelled at in your videos but I’m learning so much
The Catholic Church was founded upon Peter the Rock. The Catholic Church is also the Mystical Body of Christ, which many don’t believe in either. Amen!
"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book".
Nice one Keith.
You are fullfilling Holy Scripture.
I personally think all the people who try to make it mean something else are deluded.
To them all i say,
"Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all soul's to Heaven,
God Bless you 🙏
Peter wasn’t even the leader/shepherd of the Jerusalem church so why should we think he was the first pontiff?
Thank you Keith! Excellent ♥️
Great preaching, Keith Nester!
Can you do a follow up where just a few verses later Jesus calls Peter Satan and how we are now to believe this is figurative vs the one calling Peter the rock?
BTW… I do agree that Peter is given a primacy but it’s based on what he said in the passage.
Jesus was not talking to Peter when He said satan. He was talking directly to satan because satan was talking through Peter's mouth. Like me I knew exactly when it was the devil talking through my ex-boyfriend's mouth when he wanted to attack me because I have faith in Jesus.
Peter is the Rock
It the revelation of Jesus that he will build His church upon ~ NOT a failing human being ~ maybe this is why the catholic church is for the most part is very redundant and not appealing to most ~ think about that
Keith ….I thank you for preaching the truths of the Catholic Church …. Thank you my brother for bringing your experience in being a protestant pastor to the Church that Jesus has himself established here on earth…I will always be your pupil as you teach ….please keep preaching…if you’re ever in Arkansas please inform me as to when and where … until then TH-cam it is
Well said as always. Don’t spend so much time responding to trolls
Thanks Keith for not deny our faith god bless you and family amen god bless❤❤
Thank you Keith
Love it Keith! Thanks much!
Simply proclaim the Truth Keith. Feed them the Word of God. "The word of God is quick and powerful, ..Cutting even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit Joints and morrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts".
A good book compiled by David W Bercot, Titled "A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs". Compiled of the Early Church Father's writing of the first 390 or so years of the Church. It is loaded with statement after statement by the first Ministers of the Church. AKA THE CHURCH FATHER'S. Many golden nuggets of knowledge in their writings. Present the Truth supported by the Word of God and let the chips fall where they may. If anyone don't agree it's not on you. Plant the seeds and let the Holy Spirit do His thing. As adults we are slow to change our thinking no matter how wrongly we might have been taught. The Truth stands on its own even when it is rejected.
In disputes with the bishop of Rome, St Cyprian asserted that the people and their bishop constituted the church, that there was no “bishop of bishops” in Rome, that all bishops equally possessed the Holy Spirit, and that their consensus expressed the church's unity.
John 4:21, ESV: Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.
John 4 :24
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
Matthew 19:16-22. "And behold one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I may have life everlasting? [17] Who said to him: Why asketh thou me concerning good? One is good, God. But if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. [18] He said to him: Which? And Jesus said: Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness. [19] Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [20] The young man saith to him: All these I have kept from my youth, what is yet wanting to me?
[21] Jesus saith to him: If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me. [22] And when the young man had heard this word, he went away sad: for he had great possessions."
See, I can do that too.
Thank you bro. Keith and bless you more and Happy new year to you and entire family
Absolutely spot on! I’ve had SO many debates with protestants over this. It’s amazing how they have to twist themselves into pretzels to deny Peter is the Rock.
I guess what Jesus is saying in Matthew is “blessed are you, Simon bar Jonah, you tiny, insignificant little pebble….here are the keys to the kingdom of Heaven…”! Please. Like you said, Keith- Peter is obviously the Rock here.
Protestants are so desperate to deny that Christ established exactly ONE Church, because it means their many different sects cannot all be acceptable. If they admit that Christ, indeed, established ONE Church, it means they must admit that they are scattered and splintered, and therefore, the means they used to get there, SOLA SCRIPTURA, does not lead to the true Church of Christ. Then, they all begin fighting with each other again. They're right back where they started before the Marburg Colloquy.
@@ClergetMusic Perfectly stated! 47,000 (and counting) prot sects and they’re all their own “popes” based upon their own interpretations of Scripture.
And have you noticed when you call them on (the man-made tradition) Sola Scriptura, their definition of it changes as well? In their hearts they know it’s self refuting.
Edited for typo.
@@TheBadTrad yes, the Prots desperately try to defend that feeble excuse for a rule of faith, but to no avail. I actually just head it off now, and when I ask them to show me where sola scriptura is in the Bible, I tell them I don’t want 2 Tim 3:16-17 because it doesn’t say what they think it says, and offer the following: the Latin says “omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata est utilis…” meaning “all divinely inspired scripture is useful for…”, and not the “all scripture is divinely inspired,” like they want to make it say. If they believe all scripture is divinely inspired, then they must accept the Deuterocanonical books, which means they have to accept things like 2 Maccabees 12:42 on the existence of purgatory, and Ecclesiasticus 15:18 refuting double predestination.
@@ClergetMusic Oh, I like that idea of heading them off on 2 Tim. I’m stealing it!
Call No man father except your heavenly Father. Amen in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST- The alpha and omega, the first and last, King of kings Lord of lords the Creator. We are patiently waiting for His second coming.
U help me stay with the true church of christ. So many people hatd n bash Catholics on TH-cam glad ur doing videos ao i know the truth n to stay here
thanks Keith, well said
Thank you for clearing the Peter faith as the rock bit that one caught me off guard from a Protestant Pastor's video.
Peter was filled the Holy Spirit.
He was the Rock in that period of time.
Jesus wants to fill us with the holy spirit. But we need to humble ourselves just like Peter did humbled himself.
To be part of the body of Christ it requires repentance, baptisim of the holy ghost, water baptism, surrender to the holy spirit. Your Body is the temple.
Are you attempting to discredit Peter as the rock? If so, this comment does a poor job of it.
@@ClergetMusic calm down my friend im not discrediting anyone I myself have a special admiration for Peter . Just stating the facts he is a man just like anyone else. He even told someone not to worship him because he was a man.
@@jersonviera3808 Correct. I'm just wondering as to the purpose of your statement. Especially now that you have added, "He even told someone not to worship him because he was a man." Who worships Peter, or by extension the Pope?
@@ClergetMusic my friend , I have nothing against The Catholic Church or whatever church as long as they are Holy Spirit Led, Preaching the Right Gospel Of Jesus Christ , not worshipping Idols Other than the lord. Bible centered churches. I believe in Heaven there is no differences. You believe In Jesus Christ as the son of God who died and resurected for the sins of man respect and much love for you. Lets be brothers in Christ lets put Christ as our Fundation and thats it. THIS IS THE LAST COMMENT I WRITE i wont waste my time fighting and throwing punches in the air.
@@jersonviera3808 Well put, friend. I have no intention of fighting with you either, just making sure you and I are on the same page, as it seems we are. Have a great day and God bless you.
Hallo Mr. Keith, I was just wondering, have you ever considering to become Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion in your parish?
Yeah Catholic Is not a denomination.. and Peter Is the 1st Pope ❤
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
@@uncommonsense7471 nonsense, Peter was forgiven and given the keys after this rebuke, making it irrelevant.
Peter was never a bishop of rome. If he was a bishop, it should be the bishop of Antioch.
And if there should be the 1st pope, James was the first patriarch.
James the Just, House of David, Brother of Jesus who was The Christ, Author of James.
There were reasons why James were chosen. He was the representation from both David and Levites lineage.
And James was the closest person ever to know about Jesus.
And Jesus appeared to him and made him believe.
And James was there with Mary to attend the first council when they selected Matthias.
The 12 apostles were not assigned as the leaders of the churches. They were always on the evangelical missions.
Their disciples and elders were then be the leaders of the churches.
Matthew was extremely careful with his words, so when he interpreted the Aramaic Cephas to Petros he knew and implied by changing it the second time to "Petra" that Jesus was saying that on this rock of a person Jesus will build His church. Certainly Paul did write most of the New Testament letters but even he recognized that Peter was the number one disciple.
Yeah Catholic Is not a denomination..
Fantastic. Love your work Keith.
Many thanks!
1 CORINTHIANS 3:11 "There is no other foundation (rock) other than the foundation (rock) we have in CHRIST.
Ephesians 2:20 KJV
[20] and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;"
Jesus is the CHIEF CORNERSTONE (rock) and the Apostles are the foundation (along with prophets) cornerstones (rocks). Peter is part of the foundation along with the other apostles, but Jesus is the chief stone, the rock!
When Jesus said to Peter "on this rock I will build my church", he did not mean Peter alone, but Peter along with the other Apostles and Prophets. Peter is part of a group that make up the foundation.
On all these, Jesus being chief, the whole House of God is built, not Peter alone.
Acts 4:11 KJV
[11] This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
The other thing to think about is that Jesus said this while standing on the huge rock where the pagans had all their idols carved into them, and below that rock was a cave where they didn’t think had a bottom - so many considered it the entrance to hell. So Jesus seemed to choose this specific location for a very specific reason. He stands on all the idols. And stands above hell.
The church cannot be built on sinful man. The Rock is Christ Jesus.
Even if Peter was in fact "the rock", that doesnt validate or support the papacy's claim to primacy. Anyone could claim that with a little bit of power and influence such as the Catholic church did after it gained power given by Constantine.
Had Christ been named “ROCK” everyone in a the Bible would have called Christ “PETER” Or “CEPHAS” because the ONLY way to pronounce the *proper name* "Rock" in the bible is PETER OR CEPHAS!! The Protestants are caught in their desire to deceive themselves and others!
Translated to remove Peter from being the rock.
And I tell you that you are *Jesus* and on this *Jesus* I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give *Me* the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever *I* bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever *I* loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Does anything about this make any sense? Who are the keys given to? Why is Simon being referred to if he isn't being renamed? If he Is renamed why does Jesus then take the rock for Himself? What is the purpose of this passage? Simon's name is definitely changed as it appears as Peter most of the time.
We who believe in JESUS have the keys to the Kingdom. We conquer death and hell. We are the church. It’s not about a building or being catholic. It’s about JESUS and following the word of GOD. There is GOD, JESUS, believers and unbelievers. That’s it.
Protestantism is like 1st class seats on theTitanic.
God bless you, brother! Christians had me questioning my Catholic faith, but Catholics like you renew my faith in the faith.
I’ll also mention that Martin Luther committed suicides. If he was right and guided by God, he would have never committed suicide. He even came to despise the ideas he set forth in the 95 Theses at the end of his life.
Take the example of King David who was protected by God, he never committed suicide despite being ostracized by King Saul.
No one did more damage to the Catholic Church than Martin Luther. May God have mercy on his soul.
Since when does having a disagreement over the meaning of Matthew 16 make someone an anti-Catholic? Why do we have to demonize those who disagree with you on this subject? People of goodwill have disagreed about this through the centuries. Even the church fathers had diverse views on this so are we to demonize those who don’t support Rome’s understanding of this passage too? and why the sarcasm about reading from ESV version as if Protestants and Evangelicals are a bunch of unsophisticated dunces? Is that really necessary? One’s salvation does not hinge on believing Peter was the first Pope. That is not the Gospel.
Agree. Thank you!
Go read all the comments I was responding to and you decide. If the shoe fits.. if it doesn't then great.
@@lisapolanski9379 The moment I was spiritually reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit several things happened: I became fully united to Christ and his church and I received all of Christ. Please don’t presume to tell me about my spiritual condition. That is so arrogant.
Paul likes to comment on the Catholic church and why it is wrong. He seems to be an AntiCatholic himself. It is better to be in harmony with the one true Catholic church than to protest it. Papacy is true and we should all be Catholic. Read book Pope Peter by Heschmeyer.
The Catholic church states “There is no salvation outside the Catholic church”… is exactly the gospel. Oral tradition…2 Thes 2:15
Historical research done by Roman Catholic Archbishop Peter Richard Kenrick regarding the early church’s view on Matthew 16:18. Archbishop Peter Kenrick wrote a paper on this subject, which was to be delivered to Vatican I (1870). However, it was never delivered, but it was published later, along with other points.[5]
He points out the 5 interpretations of Matt. 16:18, to which Fathers of antiquity held:
All Christians were the living stones, -. Origen who is a common source of patristic exegetical tradition: states “‘If we also say “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God,” then we also become Peter . . . for whoever assimilates to Christ, becomes rock. Does Christ give the keys of the kingdom to Peter alone, whereas other blessed people cannot receive them?’” (Origen, Commentary on Matthew).
All the apostles, 8 Fathers (Cyprian et al).
Christ as the Rock, 16 Fathers (Eusebius, early Augustine). Eusebius of Caesarea (D. 263-339), in his view (“rock” as Christ), this interpretation with the parallel rock and foundation statements of 1 Corinthians 3:11 and 10:4.
Peter as the Rock, 17 Fathers.
The Rock upon which the Church was built was the Faith that Peter confessed, 44 Fathers, including the most important Fathers (e.g., Basil of Seleucia [448]; Cyril of Alexandria; Chrysostom, Ambrose, Hilary,[6] Jerome, and Augustine again. Augustine stated:
Christ, you see, built his Church not on a man but on Peter’s confession. What is Peter’s confession? ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ There’s the rock for you, there’s the foundation, there’s where the Church has been built, which the gates of the underworld cannot conquer (Retractations).[7]
Therefore, only 20% of the Fathers held to Rome’s now canonized ” “Petrine Rock” interpretation of Matthew 16:18. That is far from being the norm of the early church. Kendrick concluded: “If we are bound to follow the majority of the fathers in this thing, then we are bound to hold for certain that the “rock” should be understood the faith professed by Peter, not Peter professing the faith.”[8]
5] Cf. An Inside View at Vatican I, ed. Leonard Woolsey Bacon (New York: American Tract Society, 1871).
[6] Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity (Book II): “Thus our one immovable foundation, our one blissful rock of faith, is the confession from Peter’s mouth, Thou art the Son of the living God” (On the Trinity).
[7] Augustine wrote The Retractations late in his life to correct points expressed in his own writings. Here, Augustine corrects his earlier opinion that Peter was the rock of Matthew 16:18. According to Augustine the rock is Christ or Peter’s confession which pointed to the person of Christ
[8] Speech of Archbishop Kenrick, 109, An inside view of the vatican council, edited by Leonard Woolsey Bacon.
The Council of Trent decreed that nobody can interpret Scripture contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers" 20 percent is obviously not unanimous.
I agree, but my friend says that the word Peter actually means stone and that, the distinction matters. How do I get around that? Because something doesn't quite sit right with me about that.
The word for Stone is "Lithos" not Petros. Had Christ been named “ROCK” everyone in a the Bible would have called Christ “PETER” Or “CEPHAS” because the ONLY way to pronounce the *proper name* "Rock" in the bible is PETER OR CEPHAS!!
The Protestants are caught in their desire to deceive themselves and others!
I don’t see evidence that Peter was the rock in the church, or in Jesus declaration in Matthew 16. That said, even if he were, it doesn’t really hurt anything regardless.
I could go on and on in a wall of text, but my position will always be whether or not your heart has changed versus dogmatic disagreement.
But if anyone’s curious, my position is that the grammar would be kind of strained with Jesus his words with regard to calling Peter the rock because the entire context of the passage was about who Christ was, not who Peter was. Additionally, to make Peter the rock, you would have to infer that Peter is a “thing” versus a person in the original Greek. That doesn’t work too well either.
As I said, this is not really one of those things to divide on in my opinion. I would be more inclined to argue against pope fallibility than the legitimacy of the office itself. Proclaiming the gospel is all that matters to me.
But if anyone would like to talk about it, please just be respectful, I have no intention in disrespecting Catholicism with my view.
Uninterestingly, I agree with your interpretation.
Matthew 16
15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
(Asking him about the revelation he knew Simon Peter had received).
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock(the revelation from God that Jesus is Christ the Messiah, Son of the Living God) I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
@@BlessedAssurance. exegesis is wonderful and FUN. The reveal of truth is intoxicating. I revel in the nuances of the greek. And I’m always encouraged when I’m wrong. A recent revelation was the reality that the rapture wasn’t a separate event from the 2nd coming but one and the same.
I LOVE our church. Meaning Rome, Baptist, everyone. Do i disagree on points?? Oh yeah. But i REFUSE to split with, battle against or come against my brothers and sisters in Christ no matter where they are…..unless they are Muslim or Mormon or JW or southern Church of Christ. cant compromise the Gospel and THEY botch it.