Drama Time - Exposed!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- Everyone has a story to tell, share yours with us at drama@preachgaming.com
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Can you please make a "Air Conditioner" patreon tier where the money generated from the tier goes towards a proper AC unit. Drama time is starting to become hard to explain to my wife. "Its nothing dirty honey, i just watch some balding, sweat drenched british guy read me ERP drama stories from an online video game." Please and Thank you
Smart water? Not that smart is it - got itself trapped in a bottle.
My gods, this rogue story is amazing! This is my first Drama Friday, I've only just last night heard this was a thing and I'd been playing WoW for years. 10/10 proper Trolling!
Great stories, and baby preach is soooooo cute!!!!!
Volume, Mike. Your video needs more of it, I need to put my speakers up quite a few notches for your videos only.
What we can all take from this video, preach is super calm managing adds =3
BWL = CRT monitor time era. Easy for a cat to piss in the back was huge. My cat sat on top of my massive CRT all through Molten Core, and BWL. I would try to take her off the back of the monitor and she would dig her claws into the plastic slats in protest then jump right back up the second I started raiding again glaring at me while I raided.
It took me too long to realize that the reason there's a llama is because of the drama llama
It it just me or is his volume lowering with each video?
yeah pretty annoying
At least the neighbors don't wake up at the start of every video anymore when he shouts into the camera.
I think at this point he is doing it on purpose. I mean, how hard can it be to have acceptable audio volume in 2017 as a PROFESSIONAL content creator?
yes, also fucking preach needs to learn how to normalize audio, fucking annoys the shit out of me when he shouts while you're trying to listen to it like a podcast
thats because its not a pod cast
love the hand gesture with what hes saying starting at 20:25 :D
I'm more disappointed that the people telling the last story didn't know the short cut to that chest after you kill the dragon boss, just jump over the log.
Honestly, before I finally got curve, I saw over ten 0-3% wipes. Generally if it goes wrong with 3rd eyes, the raid will survive but lose enough healers to snowball into wipe at few percentage.
Lol, that first one reminded me of our alt run last week when the other healer whispers me as we're jumping down to krosus and says "we should let MrBearTank die" so we proceed to not heal him. Only some splash from vivify and possibly a couple chain heals hit him. As Krosus is breaking the second section the tank comes up on discord and says "I think the healers are trying to kill me!" and I could barely stop laughing.
Impressively, he managed to self heal almost all the way through, only dying right before we killed Krosus.
Pretty sure the rogue in our raid group has a kill order on the both of us, backed with a large sum of gold.
I think Emma lets the children go into the office intentionally and then excuses them for running in, so he knows they are waiting for him.
Psychological warfare. Woman is a keeper.
I just want to say that was an awesome drama Time. The exposed stigma is real. For anyone who says its just a game, I don't believe you guys understand the social stigma which is attached to the game. Most people still believe only nerds play video games. Gamers know otherwise, but playing Call of Duty is still more acceptable socially than World of Warcraft. Even World of Warcraft players perpetuate the stigma further. Players in trade chat troll fellow players as people who can't talk to girls, are virgins, and live in their parents basement.
I love WoW and have played since the end of vanilla. I found it hard to talk about WoW with others because of what people think about the people who play the game. I was in the army, workout 5 days a week, play ball all the time and have a normal social life, but felt if I was open about being a wow player my life style would be criticized.
I wasn't totally a closet player. When I met people who played, I talked about it with them, but wow players are excitable so I made sure they weren't to loud about it. That is totally unreasonable, but was a reality. You'll be happy to know that now as 30 year old player, I no longer care about people's opinions, but it was a big deal when I was younger. WoW carries a negative stigma for our younger generation of society. This is all just my opinion and experience. Feel free to comment.
Always have really good loot luck while I'm watching Drama time.
45:19 this is going in my flow chart as a stream violation.
we meet again euphoria-san
I was scrolling through comments, and had to think about where I knew that face from. Best waifu.
truly the best
if I am afk while tanking for just about 5-6 seconds I probably got myself a beer from the fridge.
AC in the UK is opening and closing a window.
the afk tank think is almost certainly waiting for a cooldown. i have seen dks who wait between each pull for death and decay.....
What cuties. Your boys' cuteness is maxed out.
Hey m8, don't know if this has already been commented, but I think I speak for the majority when I say thanks for adding timestamps to your videos. Makes it a lot easier to come back to videos when called to do something else. Also, I second the bro who said you need an A/C fund. Bruh, get some A/C and take care of that blinding forehead Kappa. Much love, DatHuntard.
Preacher, your kids are adorable.
Also as a side note, have you seen the new Star Citizen weapon manufacturer? Its named Preacher Armaments
If I was that rogue I would have tricksed the a boss onto a priest and vanished.
lol preaches serious face. love it
One of my friends is the afk tank type. He pulls a huge pack does some burst damage then text's his girlfriend, sometimes we kill the trash before he finishes texting so he just goes afk untill its sent
thanks for the story's love story time
I hate to say it, but that first story was HILARIOUS.
next patreon/donation goal: office fridge full of cold beer and monster
An all female night elf guild from Thailand called Exmen
i do that when i am checking relics on the dungeon journal or talking to the guild on discord
As other are saying, the volume on your video have alway been pretty low but lately it's been getting worse, I currently have to use my headset to simply hear what you are saying as my TV speaker are not loud enough.
We afk for 5 secs to empty the bowl into the ashtray
Crisp!!!!!!! Absolutely Crisp!!!!!!!!!!
omg i just hope it wont ruin my image of Sylvanas forever
lmfao i can relate to the 'talking to parents' lie
god i love these videos
is playing wow in sports communities really so looked upon that you have to hide it for years?
Mike please make The Legacy of the Priest pretty please
Need to adjust my balls from being best Tank there is after each trashmob.
I mean... seriously... Have you seen those balls? You need to adjust them.
Wonder if Scion is Truxxed or whatever his name was..
"Let's spell this correctly.."
*gets 2/3 words wrong*
Fluffy cupcake team lmfao.
*rouge is red in french man
also LOL funny story
How you ask do you wipe on 2%? Pft how about your guild disbands the day after you get Guldan to 15% on the first attempt.
hahahaha hot! Come to Australia mate!
Mandingo Party. Best Guild EU.
i suggest preachymoist as a new name and make it a Female Belf
On my boring adult guild's penultimate Heroic Guldan pull, we got him to 0% (2 MM health left). But no drama. Just groaning and apologizing. We killed him the next pull, with 3 people alive at the end.
I'm considering starting a casual alliance alt. Didn't Ghosty recently start a guild somewhere? Could anybody point me in the right direction here (ie server, guild name). Cheers in advance.
What do you mean how do you wipe at 2% XD .... back when guldan hc was progress I had a wipe on 0.4%
what is Emma's youtube. I'd like to join in the Ladies wow stuff. Even tho I'm on NA?
Xpriest should be renamed to Preachypriest!
What ever happened with Way of the Warrior 2?
> AmeliaSteed1231: I stomped my dog.
lol what
25:20 like 90% of my porn in my porn folder is wow porn.
You dont have A/C? XD Dude, I live in the south of the US. We still have heaters cause, yknow, seasons are a thing. It's science Preach!
shoulda changed it to cuckarsarus rex
too soon? anyone?
never understood why anyone ever cares WTF anyone thinks about them. OMG you play wow etc, I would say so? Why do you care
Chilled beer? Disgusting larger drinker. Get you some real beer, son.
Fake girl isnt a priest
am not sure where did you get that, (someone playing with second best rogue)
you've never sounded more like a manc in your life
Thumbs up for Emma taunts
senpai preach, we wiped at 0% (12M) mythic starboi
For the first story I was on your side until you said you had edgelord names :L
Boi, im early
frikken cucked by mini preach m8
oh boy i can totaly understand the boy friend in the last story... one time me and my gf waited for 30 minutes in a dungeon:
we qeued up together for a dungeon while leveling me as a tank and her as a dps i think it was diremaul im not sure though we had a crappy healer who was afk nonestop so we vote kicked him and got a new one at that point one of the other damage bros started to pull and for gods sake there is nothing i hate more then ppl who go in as dd and want to play tank so me and my gf walked with them but not doing anything the healer was ok but the dps guy couldnt hold aggro and he took to much damage so he died i steped in and saved the healer he rezzed the dps tank and the game went on again after a few trash packs the healer and the other remaining dps left i dont know why but i think back then there was like timer or so on the vote kick or it needed 5 ppl in the group but we couldnt kick him so i sit down not qeueing for another healer or dps and i said to the dps tank that im not gonna leave or tank or do anything untill he either stops trying to tank or untill he leaves some nice comments later we all sat there and didnt do anything waiting for each other go leave the group so i alt tabbed and brought my chrome to my second screen and watched an episode of i-dont-realy-know-what-it-was-probably-game-of-thrones halfway through the episode he left and we moved on
In what world if Sylv an uggo
am I first?
No, you're Jesse Falloni.