Grace C No, most leftists including myself see being called a liberal an insult. Conservatives call liberals leftists because anything remotely left of conservatism is communism in the USA apparently.
@@marcoantonio9151 Yeah, but the Social Liberal party in Brazil before Bolsonaro was actually Social Liberal. Now it's Conservative and 0% Liberal, maybe in Economic affairs
to make it even more confusing for you peeps, in australia our conservative party is called the "liberal" party and so we have to use either "leftist" for the left wing party or "labor" it just shows how the political association of words can totally reverse over time
Both undermine human ties and relationships. Both put the individual good about the familial, cultural, or national good. Both are morally relativist. Both are Satanic.
Only Americans call leftists "liberals". In France "liberal" means that you're right-wing economically speaking. Edit : it comes from "libertarian" (right-wing economically speaking) different than "liberal". But we say "a liberal" or "he is liberal" to talk about libertarian.
@@bySenseGFX "Late Stage capitalism not exactly showing it[s] greatest side [eh]"... You still have products to buy, and we still have things to sell you. Capitalism for the win. Again. Please read the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and then read the Federalist Papers. Then tell us what you disagree with. If you have not read those, you are unworthy to speak on such topics.
@themailman43 That's what happen when you have only 2 shitty alternatives.... (IK there are more parties but they are too small then they will never gain a seat in the house or electoral votes)
@themailman43 Yeah it is not bad if you are a conservative.... But for the liberals, there is only a left wing party to vote for, since they are for liberalism
@themailman43 They are getting inspired by some European leftists, that as you know they are more radical left than the Dems in the US by a good amount... That's why some liberals become progressive, socialists and very far left like Elizabeth Warren and AOC. That's the problem, some of whom are becoming marxists who separate them from other liberals, but they have only 1 party to vote for if they are not conservatives Republicans... that's a problem. BTW I am from the middle east and Not America lol
@themailman43 Indeed actually I understand politics really well just in general and I never understand why AOC and Bernie want so badly to change the economic system if most of the people think the economy in the US is in a good place right now ... I mean won't it be better to do something about the illegal immigration that costs billions every year. I am not really a conservative either tho
this free market is just open boarders and the end of nation state and white people..because it is different for white people..they dont get white babies when they choose to intermix..that is the dominant ones eyes and see around you and you will see that this is the norm reguarding mixing...ending in children not looking like the white parent!!
liberals : everyone should be treated equally regarless of their ethnicity , race or skin color because we are all humans and race is'nt something we should think about. leftiests : your race matter , if you are white you have white privillage , if you balong to a racual minority then you are oppressed even if you were born to wealthy family or had good grades . races should be separated and treated differently . so true... that is jsut one examples of why the left and liberalism are so different
No, it's called a younger commenter that doesn't even know basic realities. Quit living is such a shallow world. Wikipedia: Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics and civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech.[1] Classical liberalism, contrary to liberal branches like social liberalism, looks more negatively on social policies, taxation and the state involvement in the lives of individuals, and it advocates deregulation.[2]
I'm a lifelong liberal. I agree with this completely. I've marched for gays, marched for the poor, volunteered for the homeless, volunteered with kids, watched and supported a longtime family friend transition from female to male - not to mention my mother and I both currently have jobs teaching underprivileged minorities in major urban areas. I've called myself a feminist since I was twelve. I'm a racial mixed-bag - half Jewish, half everything else. In college, I worked in a lab studying ethnic disparities in healthcare for two years. I was President of both the Gay-Straight Alliance and the Thespian Society in high school. I'm pretty much the DEFINITION of an Uberlib. And I am SO SICK of leftists coming in and mucking up my liberalism. Conservatives are my friends and countrymen - hearing them demonized as racist, sexist, and evil sickens my heart. But what truly disgusts me is hearing things like "ban hate speech" and "nationalism = white supremacy" presented as LIBERAL arguments. I've always thought liberalism is about freedom, and unlimited free speech (including hate speech), and nationalism, are two of the greatest tools for freedom ever to be developed by humanity. I'm a lifelong Democratic voter, but I've started voting Republican the past few years, because I feel that, as a LIBERAL, Republicans are currently doing a better job of defending my values. It honestly breaks my heart a little to have had faith in the left all my life, and to have had people I thought were friends tell me I'm racist and sexist - even though I'm a feminist activist who teaches inner-city blacks and Hispanics for a living, even though I'm part Hispanic, Arab, and North African myself - simply because I won't agree 100% with their statements. That has literally happened to me, multiple times, in the past 3-4 years - I agreed with someone I thought was a friend, but because I didn't agree with them ENOUGH, they attacked my character, and in several cases completely cut ties with me afterwards. One woman - my roommate and best friend at the time - not only cut off ties from me entirely (the same day she moved out, not kidding), but said I was 'dangerous,' simply because I politely disagreed with her boyfriend when her boyfriend vehemently said, "ALL sexism boils down to male violence against women." I didn't disagree that that was probably the worst part of sexism - I just said that I happened to know women who'd been victimized in a sexist way by women, and men who'd been victimized by men, and it was more complicated than that, and I didn't agree with being so reductionist. But nope. That wasn't me having an honest discussion with friends about an interesting social issue. That was me being a hateful sexist. That was me being DANGEROUS. Literally 'too dangerous to stay friends with.' I can't be the only liberal who feels this way, who is sick and tired of having to guard his lips all the time, sick of having to hide perfectly average opinions, sick of being afraid that coworkers, friends, bosses, etc. will attack me if I say the wrong thing. Sick of my country - which despite its imperfections, protects not only its own poor and downtrodden, but the world's poor and downtrodden, more than any other country in history - having its name and character dragged through the mud. Thank you, Dennis Prager, and other conservatives like you, who've been warm and welcoming to me and other liberals like me in this crazy time. Thank you for making these arguments. Thank you for sticking up for us, and for having our backs.
Yeah I love Dave Rubin :) I actually got to thank him in person when I saw Jordan Peterson speak outside Philadelphia - he and Candace Owens entered the lobby at the same time as me, so I called out to them. They were both extremely gracious, and paused to thank me back before going on. True class acts in the best sense. And thanks for the encouragement. I live in Manhattan - it feels pretty lonely here sometimes, lol.
I am a conservative nationalist by heart. And I have no issue with classical liberals. We need to progress in the right direction (politically), not be left to the demise of leftist politics and gloablist agendas.
Heckler with all respect sir as a liberal I would appreciate it if people would stop using the term classical liberal and just use liberal. please denounce the left as liberal whenever you hear someone use the term liberal as a synonym for leftism. we need to strike back and strike hard and strike fast to destroy left-wing propaganda. at least we can thank the left for one thing, they have managed to unite liberals and conservatives by getting us to unite through the last person many of us thought we would ever vote for. 🤣🤣🤣 #UnitedWeStand 🇱🇷 #Liberals4Trump 🇱🇷
I like the fact you said nationalist only, i HATE the fact that i should say CIVIC NATIONALISM rather than Nationalism because I'm scared of being called a racist...
Conservativitism is actually grown out of classical liberalism, it was however a reaction to radicalism of the French revolution, part of that radicalism was in fact hyper nationalism as well
@@sarahhess464 Hey what's up Psychopath, I hope you don't eat as much as you pew bullets at a target of a brown kid. We need you in shape to run and protect us!
As a liberal (by the definition Dennis gave) I will tell you that I have friends who are conservatives - we do not argue much about politics even though our opinions may differ on things - we have more in common than differences. Conservatives are not my enemy. I support the 2nd Amendment as it "shall not be infringed." And I did not vote for one single Democrat in the last election because all of them running in my area were on the left. It's the extremes on both ends of the political spectrum who are the enemy because if you look closely there is little difference between them.
There is a good PragerU video that talks about shared goals. You should give it a watch. It encapsulates why the left is so dangerous. Liberals and Conservatives share the same goals - a unified and prosperous America where all people have as much freedom of choice as possible. They only thing they tend to disagree on is how to get there. But the left doesn't share these goals. They want to burn it all down. They are the enemy. The ideological and cultural subversion of the American state has already begun. People must open their eyes and actively resist the creeping oppression that has already taken hold in this great country.
Wait, you think there's left-leaning candidates for office? Do you ever step outside of your overton window to figure out where you are, or do you just stumble blindly towards the next prageru lie?
@@franswaafranswaa5026 I can't speak for the OP, but I am smart enough to sniff out BS when I hear it. I don't agree with everything I hear from the likes of Prager, Shapiro, Crowder just because we're on the "same side." You are trying to make it sound like people who disagree with you are ignorant and just stumbling around in the dark but you don't make, or even attempt to make, any actual points. It's a thinly veiled and cowardly ad hominem from somebody who has a weak position or no idea how to actually engage in productive conversation or debate.
You surly don't know what extremism means. If you want to look at the whole political spectrum instead of embarassingly small sample in US politics, look at European Parliament. You can see that far left and far right have absolutly nothing in common, you silly centrist ;)
I mean, I don't know any major political movement that supports the idea that you can say literally anything- you can't shout fire in a crowded building, you can't slander people, you can't make false criminal accusations, you can't make threats. Lets not pretend this is a black/white issue.
@@mankytoes That's called lying But it's completely free to say what you think and what you feel (It's recommend to not be a dick about it but it's not forced)
Deus Dex But they're speech crimes, no? "Incitement to violence" is extremely subjective. If I say "Deus Dex is a scumbag", am I inciting violence against you? What if I say "unless we stop Deus Dex, they will destroy us?" "Deus Dex must be silenced by any means necessary". Like in England, someone tweeted that an airport should be bombed because of delays. They got arrested. But in context, it was pretty clear it was a joke. That's an extra complication, right? You want this to be a simple dichotomy. Us, the good guys, want free speech. Them, the bad guys, don't. Life is not a dichotomy. I can see you doing that because you've decided I'm on the "other side" and am saying opposing freedom of speech is acceptable. I'm usually on the free speech side in these arguments.
This video is inaccurate and misleading in some ways. It’s inaccurate in many ways and overgeneralises many political view points into one. A leftist who supports authoritarian socialism/communism will be against free speech if they managed to get power, but will usually be for free speech until that point, as they need to to campaign. Other leftists, such as democratic socialists are very pro free speech. You can’t lump those groups in together at all, leftist infighting is a big problem within leftist spaces for this reason. They have no real political power in the US, partially due to leftist infighting, mostly due to the war on red and misinformation campaigns. Such as people not knowing the difference between liberal and leftist, or between conservative and fascist. Most of his points here refer to liberals aswell when he talks about the left. Generally, leftists aren’t focused on culture wars, they’re focused on wanting capitalism gone. Liberals focus on culture wars aswell as the right.
My wife and I started talking a lot of politics lately. We share the same ideas and moral values, but I consider myself conservative and she is liberal. I only found out she considers herself liberal a few months ago, to which I thought “but don’t we make fun of liberals?” After some thought I came to the conclusion that leftists have been considering themselves liberal which skewed my opinion of it. I came to this conclusion weeks ago and this video beautifully illustrates my conclusion. For a moment, I considered my wife a leftist though she opposes those ideas. Because of this confusion I began really studying what each side believes and found that leftists are not liberals-they are socialists mislabeling themselves.
How can any American trust a (D)??? They say they want border security...... with open borders??? They say they are for the people but..... our people are getting killed by illegals??? The Socialist's like George Soros & company are destroying America and have control over the (D)'s thru Liberalism!!! It started way back>>>Norman Thomas....1944 "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.” Also see>>> The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 #11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. #15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. They now have control over the new Socialist Democratic Party. #17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. On June 17, 1963 the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that any Bible reciting or prayer, in public schools, was deemed unconstitutional.They now have in some schools...ISLAM being taught??? #21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. #26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." Remember Obama's Open Transgender Bathroom Policy!
As a Conservative, I support classical liberals. I may not agree with them on everything but I still support them. The Leftists are not true liberals. They are Marxists, socialists, communists, fascists disguised as liberals. I know people who are classic liberals (or libertarians) and I agree with them that leftists and Conservatives shouldn't become tyrants and use the government to enforce their views. I'll admit, I am Liberal/Libertarian some some things. Like for example, while I disagree with homosexuality and I believe it's wrong and sinful, I don't want laws passed banning homosexuality and I will not use the government to knock down the doors of homosexuals and dragged them away for being homosexual. I believe in a homosexual's right to be left alone and to live their life in peace. It's the same thing with atheists. While I disagree with atheism, I don't want to ban it. You have the right to believe in God and the right not to believe in God. I do totally understand where Classic Liberals/Libertarians are coming from. That's why I support them. I don't care if you are Black, White, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, male, female, gay, straight, Christian or Atheist...if you love America, freedom and Liberty and are a Conservative or Classic Liberal/Libertarian, I will support you and side with you.
Sara Lenau what about a Muslim who is a conservative and a classic liberal By the way I’m a conservative and I am Muslim and I respect people’s beliefs and religions I have no problem with anyone having a different faith through natural law people are free do what they want so as long they do not harm others and act immoral I live in the U.K. I am half Persian and British and I regret living in the U.K. due to the U.K. becoming a communist state unfortunately I really admire and respect the American constitution including your values and culture and I am huge fan of the founding fathers and what they stood for May gods blessings and peace be upon you sister 🙏🏽
Radman Pedram If you are true believer of your religion, it clearly demands many things that are completely antithetical to this countries values, people's, and other religions. There are peaceful Muslims, until they have the majority, than they are no longer peaceful and Islam is forced upon all. Even the peaceful Muslim will be killed by the more devout Muslims. You seem like a nice person, but Islam is not, and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool.
TheKnowerseeker read luke 19:27 before you cast the first stone. Both , Christianity and Islam have had bad streaks on humanity....their common denominator is their conservatism
Jonathan Cole the bible is full of contradictions. In one scripture God is loving and merciful and in another, he will command the killing of a man for picking up sticks. Its these contradictions that have given rise to tens of thousands of Christian sects and cults throughout the centuries. A passage that you might translate a certain way, can easily be translated to mean something completely different to another. Doesn't excuse the attrocities committed in the name of Christianity...
I have been using leftist instead of liberal here and elsewhere for several years now. What Prager U is describing is Classic Liberal, (Founders and most conservatives) to Progressive liberal, which has always been socialist leaning and government control since the 1920's.
@@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo I'm listening. Go ahead, give it your best. Prove me wrong. (which, by the way is how i went from left to right, so be forewarned)
I'm a moderate liberal and I couldn't agree more with what Dennis Prager said in this video. As much as I disagree with some right-winged, conservative values, they are a much better and sensible bunch than the not-so-progressive left.
Luca I’m conservative I actually respect liberals more than leftist progressives imbeciles who can’t grasp logic this world is doomed including western civilisation and its values including its culture and its stability I respect your opinion peace be with you
Luca - that’s because conservatives believe in reason and empirical evidence while the left believes in feelings and their virtue relies upon the group’s approval
Kzizzles - No. Although I agree in theory with Libertarian principals, the party itself is run by far-left radicals in disguise like Gary Johnson (who ironically used to be a republican).
Left and right wings are universal parties though. If you vote or pay attention to politics then it's important to understand the distinction in order to organize your thinking and become a better communicator. What Praguer was primarily conveying here is that the left has perverted what it means to be a liberal.
Pedro Amaral Right! This video is so weird to me, because I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with a smattering of concepts on both “sides” he talks about - and in some cases, I agree with neither. Ridiculous to say “liberals are X, left is Y :)” - it’s not that simple.
There's this Ladytron song called "Destroy Everything You Touch." It's about a psychopathic ex, but whenever I hear the term leftist or progressive, I hear that song in my head...."Do not know what you steal/Shakes your hand/Takes your gun..." (The song: )
@TH-cam Darling Rolls eyes, you are exactly the same as a third wave feminist. Or Antifa calling itself anti-Fascist. Do you know the definition of hypocrisy or paradoxical?
America has been a nation for less than 300 years and statistically speaking we have been at war 93% of our existence. That is disgusting and immoral. Those who keep saying "God bless the USA" and "America is the best" are clearly lacking any logic or critical thinking skills. You must fit into the category of adults who statistically cannot read at all which is 15%. Or you fall into the category of adults who cannot read above a 7th grade level....65%. America is not the best when you consider our military is responsible (thanks to your tax dollars) for killing over 50 million in the past 60 years alone in 37 different nations. Again 37 different nations. You are going to sit here and still tell me the USA is the greatest nation? Great nations don't spend 1 trillion a year on the military for ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS that are supported by the two party rigged failed system. Always bipartisan on war and bailing out bankers and corporations. But you think there is a difference and that two choices are acceptable every four years. Greatest country?= 1 in 5 children-17.5 percent-were poor in 2017, compared with 11.2 percent of people ages 18-64 and 9.2 percent of people ages 65 and older. 12,808,000 children lived in poverty in 2017. The proportion of children living in poverty was 17.5 percent in 2017, a decrease from 18.0 percent in 2016. I guess that defines greatness too. Greatest country?==== Almost 74% of adults suffering from a substance use disorder in 2017 struggled with an alcohol use disorder. About 38% of adults in 2017 battled an illicit drug use disorder. Now go worry about immigrants and Russia and China and all your other tired old propaganda from the media instead of taking care of your own country and minding your own business instead of playing the police man bully Nazi of the world.
@@adamlinder4939 Stay mad lol. There's a reason why everyone comes here and why anyone can be successful here. Its not the fault of the US some people are either lazy or just not creative or efficient enough to succeed.
@@kfoxin3545 They are accusing them for that BECAUSE the mainstream media is very PC (Politically Correct), meaning they say that anyone has the right to come to America/Europe. They are not against open borders. They also accept the "36 gender and you have the right to choose which one is yours"-agenda, They say that BLM is so great and they refuse to accept/tell the people that BLM is a lefties/communistic ideology. They are so PC - and they are always defending the left. Etc etc. No wonder the mainstream media is called left-winged.
@@roinerov9348 Yeah but how is it that the media in almost all the countries are like that? not just the US. Besides, what's wrong with 36 genders? what's wrong with accepting immigrants to come to the USA to work and build a life? about BLM I'm not sure yet.
Thank you! I just stumbled across this video today but these are the same things I’ve been saying for years and I find that a lot of my so-called “liberal“ friends, which I have mostly identified with throughout my life, have become much more leftist in their ideology and it’s difficult to explain to them what the differences are.
By the sound of it, they are drifting with the tide. No wonder they do not recognize the difference. One must try to stay alert, and not fall for deceptive narratives.. As it says, satan is 'god of this world'. We know that one ideology is often permeable by another. It is hard to build fences around ideas. The leaven of New Left ideology from the 1960s is evident in cotemporary 'liberal' circles. Do your friends vote for the Democrats? Do they know that the Democrats were the party of slavery in Lincoln's day? The Radical Republicans represented the 'far left' in Congress, those who considered Abe too soft. Karl Marx sent Lincoln a telegram in 1864, congratulating him on his re-election. Even I, as a foreigner, know these things. Do they know that William Jennings Bryan, a major figure in Democratic politics ca. 1900, was a devout Christian and hostile to the theory of evolution? I think he's cool for that very reason; perhaps they would disagree. Now there are 'bona fide' social-liberal or semi-liberal traditions in many Western countries, which date back to the 1890s at least. They responded to industrialization and the rise of radical working-class politics by offering piecemeal reforms and social legislation. The 'welfare State' is not specific to social liberalism, but reached its full development in the generation following ww2. Arguably conservatives/classical liberals have been trying to weaken it since the 1980s. I think they made a big mistake not to maintain a secure tax base, by letting the rich get off the hook. Just look at the indebtedness of governments today. It's OK for the rich, but not for anyone else. Unfortunately 'social liberalism; has a connotation in America which is different and, for me, uncomplimentary. It has to do with supporting abortion, changing the definition of marriage, and other ungodly practices.
the definitions can be modified and adjusted...nobody has the final say on what liberalism mean...liberalism and leftism are just names...the intended concepts can be re-examined and renamed and ideas can be borrowed from either one of them to come up with the most desirable views
@@PJSmartATG Yes indeed, arriving at a secure definition of either would be like grasping oil or water in one's hand when it is poured. Even if one tried to define them by what they are not, one would fail because of the overlapping and permeable nature of ideologies, also human inconsistency. It may be that some ideologies are much worse than some others, but all natural-born humans are sinners. Ideology can redeem no one. Only Christ can do that.
Thank God, someone is finally clearing this mess up. As a foreigner, I was initially confused when I got to the States when leftists were calling themselves "liberals" and right-wingers "conservatives". In the rest of the world (that is, not the United States or Canada), "liberal" actually means someone on the political right (ie. the Australian Liberal Party). Contrary to how Americans insult leftists as "liberals" , in France, "liberal" is an insult for right wingers. Today's American "Conservatives" actually share a lot more in common with classical liberalism than traditional conservatism. Heck, America was founded on liberalism. (BTW, some corrections for the video. Liberals do not want the government to have a bigger role in business. Capitalism is a creation of Liberalism, and the liberal position was always that of "less government" regarding almost everything. On the contrary, traditional conservatism was anti-capitalist. For example, the British Conservative Party in the 19th century was notoriously protectionist and opposed to free trade, and Benjamin Disraeli, the famous Conservative British Prime Minister, argued for an alliance between the landed aristocracy and the working class against the increasing power of the merchants and new industrialists in the middle class. Also, FDR and Alan Dershowitz are not liberals, they are progressives.)
Also, the thumbnail shows the Democrats as the "liberals", while the opposite is true. The Democrats are historically and presently one of the most illiberal political parties on Earth.
Je n'ais se quoi , this happened in the U.S. because socialism was typically utterly rejected in the States. So socialist hijacked the name Liberal because it had a positive connotation to it in the states, in an attempt to manipulate people into supporting socialism. Because of this, a lot of Americans don't even know what Liberalism really means or its influence on American founding values. George Orwell was right about political language and how it can be used.
Liberal just means anti-government intervention. Libertarians are the right-wing liberals and, Marxist are the left-wing equal. The difference is whether or not they agree with equality of opportunity or equality of outcome.
Will Higgins 'Except equality and Democracy.' - Democracy is two wolves and a sheep arguing about what's for dinner, and the left only cares about *some* equalities. They don't want people to speak their minds, think their own thoughts, defend themselves, own their own property, etc. That people don't seem to see that the left is as greedy and power-hungry as everyone else seems to be is astounding.
@@pokenaut7803 didn't dennis just say that the liberals wanted a little more government than the conservatives? Then what really is the difference between liberals and libertarians? I don't know much about this terminology stuff
Because Liberalism is virtually the closest thing to centre-left there is Just like saying Rightism is much more extreme than Conservativism But of course Marxist-Leninist Communism is the only way to a better, freer, and happier world You want to convince me otherwise You will have to prove to me that having sbasic human decency is bad
Leftism is basically extreme liberalism in today's world. Most leftists would label classical liberals as right wing even if they're on the same side of the political spectrum.
From center-left to center-right: Labor - Liberal - Conservative, or Social Democrats - Liberal Democrats - Christian Democrats This European understanding of the spectrum should help clear up the confusion: Liberalism is the CENTER position in practically all the West, since every Western nation has adopted a liberal constitution.
Exactly. 'Extreme' things like Social Security, Medicare, and Civil Rights are all things that Leftists fought for and won, not milquetoast liberal weaklings
@@swaggawagga5235 Denis Prager is making all liberals sound like the right, this is simply not true you can be a leftist liberal or a right liberal. he is leftist, that doesn't mean he wants to destroy western values, just that he believes in more government spending. I'm pro-free speech and universal human rights and I believe that nationalization is a good thing that's not impossible.
@@swaggawagga5235, I'm a libertarian free-market socialist who believes Stalin was a monster, that capitalist ownership is wrong, and that WORKPLACES SHOULD ALL BE OWNED BY THEIR WORKERS, not by investors. I'm not really a liberal.
"I don't give a damn about the so-called browning of America." -- Ben Shapiro That Tweet alone sums up everything Neo-Conservative, so-called classic liberals, stand for. Abraham Lincoln is rolling over in his grave!
With the current voting system, having more than 2 parties simply won't work. Here's a good video that illustrates why:
@@testaccount5371 Brazil has too many parties, US has too few. Ideal number is Germany, 6 major parties: AFD - nationalist right CDU - center right FDP - liberal SPD - center left The Greens - tree huggers The Left - leftists
Thank goodness they came out with this video. We the people need to understand that liberals and conservatives are not enemies. Both sides supplement each other and are both crucial to America’s success. When we debate, we debate to find the truth of reality to make the world a better place. Our enemies are on the extreme of both sides. These people can believe nothing else but their own reality. They lack the critical thinking skills to look at the other side and try to understand why a person thinks the way they do.
There are enemies on both sides, but when I see the white separatists on the far right I believe they stem from left rather than the right. Don't let the disguise fool you. The political scale is a circle, not a straight line.
RINOtards Suck, Each axis measures central authority, scaled from total liberty to total control. Liberalism stands for freedom, in which others have the right to do as they wish as long as they respect our rights. Totalitarianism is the busybody taken to the extreme, a system in which every aspect of life is tightly controlled by legislation. This is related to collectivism, where individualism is on the side of liberty and collectivism is for control, as the good of the group is most often used as an argument for authoritarian measures. The social axis refers to the actions or self-expression of individuals or within a small circle of intimates in which money is not involved. Examples of these are most social political issues like nonconforming expression of gender/sexuality, drug usage, abortion, etc. The left generally tends towards more social freedom, except when it is opportune to reverse course (because they have no principles) as in speech codes or political correctness. Is there no such thing as victimless crime, or will lack of moral authority lead to an escalation of crime? The economic axis refers to lower-trust interactions between strangers or acquantences where money and contracts are used. The conservatives are closer to the classical liberals in supporting free markets and trade. The leftists are extremely suspicious of money changing hands, and are control freaks over the economy. Is each party better off in a voluntary exchange, or does one party exploit the other in the absence of authority? Having a 2-axis system allows the separation of political ideologies which get lumped together on the left/right scale which don't make much sense. Think of the debate over whether national socialism is right or left wing. Libertarians (s.lib/e.lib) are now separate from conservatives (s.con/e.lib). American liberals (s.lib/e.con), and Progressives, the modern PC puritans (s.con/e.con).
@@RedRageStudio liberals are capitalists who think the capitalist system can be a force for good somehow while oppressing the working class. They are bought and paid for by lobbyists and are imperialists
@@braxaculee I disagree with your point, capitalism is not oppresion of the working force, for someone who's sister has worked in amazon she was very happy with her job, she got 14 dollars an hour, prime free, health insurance for free, and she got promoted twice in 3 years. The working class is not oppressed under capitalism
I am from India, and I can totally relate to it. We Indians face the same problem! These left wing people are menace on earth, they are hell bent on destroying anything good and constructive! They claim to be liberals but they are the most intolerant creatures! Kudos to Team PragerU for this much needed analysis! 👍
If you tolerate free speech only when you agree with it, then you don't tolerate it at all. This channel is giving me hope in America, and the world at large.
@@keepingbloodpuretypenation5906 I wish people would do that. I also would like it if people would do some research before they condemn someone. Being a conservative libertarian is truly an awesome thing, I want the best schools, police, fire and boarders without all of the "handouts" that I see. In California the state is giving away free cell phones with internet access to just about anyone that claims they can't pay for their own... I want out of hear so bad but I have to wait to see where my kids wind up after college is done and they move onto their careers, then I will be packing up and following them out of here (and never coming back).
Prager U is one of the best right wing TH-cam channels there is. Fight me. (Actually don't can't be bothered) Love everyone on the channel you all do amazing 👏👏👏👍
theyre not even describing the left really well, woke people appropriated that term too but og leftism is socialism which is about class struggle and mostly unrelated to race struggle
Thank you so much for making this video. I'm a centrist, but my best friend is a liberal and he also despises the left, especially the SJW crowd. I've talked to other liberals as well, and they said that they hate making the distinction between "liberal" and "SJW".
I don't really know. The only reason why I'm a centrist is because I share values with both sides but also disagree a lot with both sides. For instance, liberals think that Gun Control should be implemented and that violent belief systems should be tolerated. I disagree. Conservatives think that Abortion should be made illegal and that Global Warming is nonsense. I also disagree. This is why I don't support either side.
@@kristofgriffin384 That is not what Liberalism is. Gun control is against the freedom of the people. Liberals stand for the freedom of the people. You can't just identify as a liberal. This word originally had a certain meaning.
@Cylenium wow it's almost like you're literally supposed to assume what each party believes in because they're too big with too many people in them so it's incredibly easy to get misinformation
@Cylenium I'm not saying it wasn't an absolutely ridiculous claim but as it stands it wasn't unreasonable to think that with how much propaganda there is and what not
The anarchy of Proudhon, Kropotkine, Stirner , et cetera is about create an order but an order made from the bottom not an order imposed by the nation or the state. The Freedom of individuals is the 1st value for an anarchist how have a minimum of culture. The anarchy thinking is not a Chaos at all. XIX century anarchists were that's we can call today "autonomists libertarianists". Free cities ruled by laws made by the people how lived in. And free associations between cities.
As a moderate liberal I appreciate this video so much. So many people lump liberals in with the insane woke left true liberalism is so far gone from this shit. Thank you
I call myself liberal classic. I can’t believe what has been happening....especially on college campuses.....where the point (I was taught) was to hear all ideas/POV and come to your own conclusions. Now are you even allowed to “agree to disagree?”
One of the best videos Prager has produced. This is what I've been saying for a long time now. The terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' are poisoned and can't be used without more precise clarification. Who is against equal pay for equal work? Who is against separation of church/state? The basic defining characteristics of being liberal are the same as those of our founding fathers. Responsibility, liberty, freedom from oppression. Who is against any of that? No rational person can argue with these issues. Does that make me a leftist? Not hardly. Leftists, Marxists, socialists, and those who pander to the ignorant with propaganda from these camps are not liberal. They're America-hating, socialist, malcontents who are smart enough to avoid a label they know will remove them from any legitimate discussion. Everyone needs to see and think about this video.
Separation of church/state comes from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the church in Danbury CT wishing there was wall to keep the government out of the church.
TH-cam will probably consider this video hate speech lol..,, I'm a liberal that's economically conservative. If you asked a Leftist then I'd be considered an alt right. 😂
Funny. I'm a Leftist, and I say you're probably more center-right. I think maybe someone who you thought was a Leftist said you were alt-right, and so you just assume all Leftists would call you "alt-right".
Lifetime liberal here. You hit the nail on the head with me personally on every point until the very end. I can only speak for myself and a handful of close friends, but it isn't fear of the right for some of us. Rather, it started with the mantra "I don't have to like what you say..." that you identified earlier. So many of the things the left says come from what would be a good place, if not for the way the left goes about implementing concepts. I personally turned away from the more radical elements a long time ago, but some friends and family are only now becoming aware of the poor application and often bad ulterior motives that the extreme leftists are pushing. For so long we had vowed to let people say what they wanted regardless of how strongly that we disagreed, and that trait worked against many of us because we were reluctant to compromise what we consider to be a core prinicple of our worldview in order to face down something much worse.
@Illunworth Debate me, then. Prove you're not the dumb one. I'll start by making two claims: 1.) one must either be a scumbag or dumb to support conservative policies 2.) left-wing policies drastically improve happiness overall for everyone except for a tiny fraction of salty rich people who aren't as rich now as they used to be You can feel free to focus on either one or both claims.
I would have to second that. I first was a conservative due to adopting my parents view, then my social opinions swung left, and still do. But this perversion of the left is sad to see. I never thought someone with my views could be seen as a moderate/centrist. I speak only of social matters as I am not well enough informed to have a displayable opinion of what the government should do to promote business and the economy. (For example I support gay marriage in that the government should not have the power to ban it, but have no desire to discriminate against people for being heterosexual as some left extremists seem to)
Juan Manuel Penaloza, That's exactly how I feel. I'm an Atheist and hold several liberal point of views, but if I express any pro American or pro law views, then my friends would attack me for it. Even if I agree with Trump on some thing I'm attacked for speaking my mind. The left isn't open minded. Liberals are.
To tell you the truth, there are people who call themselves liberals, but act like a deranged leftist. I called them lib. However, I’m glad that they started to call themselves leftist now because real liberals finally said “we’re not you. This is not liberal” to leftist.
1:40 WRONG!!! LIBERALS or Libertarian wants the size of the government to be as small as possible and efficient as possible! Socialism wants bigger governments to have more control on the economy among other areas. Also, as Minarchist Libertarian i believe that the government should only be in charge of the justice and security of the population. Then the rest is up to the individual since will have more freedom. There are some conceptual errors around the liberalism in this video but at least it separates the concept of liberal and the left (or socialism). The Liberalism is defined as the unrestricted proyect of life of an individual, basically, freedom
TheSinisterEyes1 so based on that logic the Democratic peoples Republic of Korea (north Korea) is both democratic and a republic, right? Just because you call yourself something doesn’t make you that thing.
It's an insult calling Democrats as liberals. In Brazil, liberals are part of the right wing party. The authors like Adam Smith, Mises,Hayek, Ayn Rand are our references to Liberalism. The people that belong to the left wing party are called "socialists" or "communists".
@@the_royticus2429 - Personally, I really DO NOT think that the majority of Democrats are either socialist or Communist anyway because it is the kind of thing that only the right-wing zealots think they are. After all, some of my friends who may be left-wing consider themselves only OUTSIDE of the two-party system, which in other words, they just only believe in dealing with alternative political parties that are somewhat more progressive than the faulty Democrats. As for the GOP Republicans, my left-wing friends also otherwise think of them as just plainly fascists because they tend to be somewhat racists, homophobic, sexists, too religious, too conservative, even anti-Communist, along with other ills that already effected the party for decades. As for the Democratic Party, it is just a complicated mixture of liberals, moderates, and even conservatives as well. That is my personal view anyway.
Yes. The fact the video says "Leftists appropriated the word Liberal," is very misleading. Most Far-Left people *hate* Liberals and would never call themselves that.
I generally fall right of center politically, but I’ve recently come to the realization that I hold many classically liberal ideals. I grew up in a home where the debate of ideas was done often. All ideas were allowed at the table, and we’d discuss them, and I was able to come to my own conclusions about what I thought was right, while also having a strong foundation in traditional values, and morals. It irritates me that the left has hijacked this term, there are many people who are conservative in a political sense, who also hold these classically liberal ideals.
@@theowillis6870from a marxsist perspective, yes, even they view the Democrats as right wing since they still uphold capitalism in a mixed economy. Marxists want to have a complete abolishment of capitalism & gender binary which still currently upholds the system.
@@theowillis6870 That's an interesting thought. Would you care to explain? Fascism is a terribly malignant ideology; just look at the historical results. But in its theoretical expression of economic ideals, it is quite centrist. Mussolini's idea, after stomping on the labor unions, was to forge a 'third' way' between capitalism and socialism. He remarked on the similarity between his ideas and FDR's New Deal. Isn't it odd how the 'progressives' hail FDR? If only they knew. If one regard centrism not as a compromise position, but an independent position which examines things as they are, perhaps leaning Right or Left according to the merits of the case--------well then, I am a centrist. I'm so centrist that I refuse to vote. I don't claim to be 'good' or to have good ideas. Only God is good and knows all things; only Jesus is without sin. But I have studied fascism, and I understand the diversity of its sources. So what's your argument?
I am a conservative, but I do support some libral positions. I belive in borders and national sovereignty. Political opinions can be diverse AS LONG as a person dosent force agrement or get radical. A reasonable ammount of regulation to me is important.
In Canada it is different because the liberals used to be the free market/laissez-faire party while the conservatives were the government guided economy party with conservative social values. Nowadays the liberals are essentially full blown socialists led by Justin Trudeau. The Conservative party is the most right wing of the mainstream parties but still in support of many policies that would be considered left wing by American standards. So... Not much hope for Canada.
NDP (New Democratic Party) are way more left-leaning and themselves are out and out socialist and I dare say, about two steps away from full blown communist. Recent Liberal policy is far more left leaning into that sort of direction, but the party itself for the longest time was just edging out of what you might consider "center-left" into just a left oriented party. The Progressive Conservative Party is for all intents and purposes a center-left party that dabbles in some right leaning policies. So in Canada, there is no "right" leaning party, it's just different flavours of left. Or to put it simply for the predominately American audience, Canada at it's most "right" would be what you might consider a classic Democrat.
FINALLY! Amazing work guys! I was so tired of ppl confusing me for a leftist when i’m just liberal, i’m probably the most anti-communist guy you’ll ever meet. And as a liberal i’m proud to say that i’m on an aliance with the conservatives against the left! So, thank y’all for helping clean the name of the liberals
Interesting and informative, but I find it somewhat disingenuous the way “left” and “liberal” are separated, but “conservative” and “right” are not. If this video is going to take the stance that the far left (progressive left, neoliberal left etc.) is the standard of leftism, then the standard of the right should be shown as far right (stances such as nativism, extreme nationalism, laissez-faire capitalism, etc.) The video shows how Liberals get painted with the brush of the far left, but doesn’t similarly state that Conservatives get painted with the brush of the far right, and seems to act as though the entire right is reasonable. Towards the end he makes a statement “Dear liberals, the conservatives are not your enemies, the left is.” And while I would agree with that statement, it would have been more apt to say, “The left and the right are your enemies, conservatives are not.” I would agree with the idea that the extreme left is more of a danger then the extreme right these days, mainly because it’s easier to identify when those on the extreme right have gone “too far” (white supremacy for example is easy to identify and denounce) whereas it’s not as easy to identify on the left. Aside from that though, a good breakdown of the differences between the far left and liberal ideas.
When you go to far left, you wind up on the far right. It's a circle. You can change your position upon it, but you can never find the end. If using a clock, Conservatives and Liberals exist in the 3-9 range. Extreme right at 12-3, and Extreme Left at 9-12. Where things start to get interesting is at 11:59 and 12:01....
Excellent comment. i remember that Jordan Peterson said, as you say, that the Right had defined what is "too far" right -- but the Left had failed to distinguish what is too far left..
@@MH3GL I noticed that circle in my own political evolution -- but I thought it ended up more like Libertarian than Right. I suspect we should discard those maps altogether and start fresh.
@J. Fred Muggs Not necessary, he's as libertarian as liberal because it's the same meaning. The word "liberal" comes from our french word "libéral" which means "for liberty". The 1st word was stolen by US socialists to escape Maccarthysm during the Cold War and in order to be elected. Almost nobody wants socialism in the USA, and because of the USA two-party system, the US Socialist party will never win. Thus, it explains why a lot of socialist politicians are in the Democratic party and nicknamed liberals by all the US political spectrum since then. This is why the real US liberals call themselves libertarians. It created another semantic problem : libéraux (liberals) are for limiting State control to regalian functions, however some of them are for 0 control and call themselves libértariens (libertarians). Thanks to US socialists, things are so much confusing...
Actually there's one thing that's incorrect here. Liberals will often describe themselves as "patriot, not nationalist." Also, liberals although many are for some border protection are not for the wall.
"old school" liberalism is not liberalism bcos it never liberated anybody except the ones who were already free, the rich people that is. You are therefore a fascist bcos that's what old school "liberalism" is.
There are two types of Liberals. Marxist and Market-Liberals (also known as Libertarians). Marxist believe in equality of outcome and they also believe in a government hands off system. The problem is this defies human nature to keep wanting more. Market-Liberals on the other hand, Are people who also want a government hands off model and want the Free Market to take the place of government . Like for example, NASA is exchanged into SpaceX. In a Market-Liberals view everything should be privatized. There are of course people in between like Sargon. Jordan Peterson also qualifies as a liberal like Sargon he is neither left or right. Both Sargon and Peterson take a solid anti-government stance and want people to be able to speak and live freely. But they oppose Communism and as take some anti-right stances form time to time.
@@pokenaut7803 total false dichotomy. What you are describing as market liberals are just libertarians, and what you describe as marxist liberals are just marxists. Liberals are distinct from both groups. Also, i dont know why he keeps getting away with saying thats he's apolitical, but Jordan Peterson is absolutely a conservative, nothing in between about him
Market-Liberals are libertarians. That is just another name for it. Then, Marxism is a also liberal, just that people who are Marxist believe in equality of outcome. Liberalism is a spectrum, just like how authoritarian is a spectrum. Personally , I think of Jordan as being more center than most.
Daniel Vincent First things first, misnomers are the norm when it comes to American political ideology. To sort of pick apart what Pokenaut7 was saying, if (for the sake of this example) we treat the political right as being all conservative, and we treat the political left as being all liberal (again, American definitions here) then there are indeed two main breeds of liberals: the market-liberals/libertarians and the marxists. The marxists are the socialists, the communists, the progressive censors, etc. while the market-liberals/libertarians are the subject of this video.
The reason conservatives are winning is because they're all on the same page, problem with the left is they're divided into sections with various's confusing
I agree, and we could be winning alot more if more conservatives stopped caring about offending people and the corrupt Republicans would just stop abusing power
3:30 no we just think that the us government and corporations are among those ideals and thoughts not the American culture for one I’m a leftist and I consider myself to be patriotic.
When it comes to free speach, I wish I could use the phrase "I wholly dissagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it," but I'm not personally brave enoguh for the "to the death," part. ... P.s. I'm not saying I dissagree with you. I agree with you on most issues, including this one.
Oh dear. Its always okey to disagree and if you state it as your opinion, you dont have to defend your selfe that you are pro free seach. Your not doing any wrong. Free speach only ends when you activly stop people from sharing their view and not by criticising them. And if you really want to talk super politically correct, try a scientific approch. Quote phrases you disagree with, add the source and indicate your own opinion that follows. At least I would love to hear your view, since it seems your putting a lot of thaught in what you write. ☺️
Most Americans dont understand the definition of free speech... they think it means you can say whatever you want with no consequence. Free speech usually ends where others rights begin... example: like screaming "fire!" in a crowded theater. Or "I'm going to kill you". Free speech means you're protected when saying an opposing position against your government.. period.
You know I think this finally explains what has been so confusing to me over the past 10-20 years regarding the state of free speech in this country. I was a teenager in the 90's, and what I remember was conservatives trying to ban violent video games like Doom or Mortal Kombat. Trying to ban gangsta rap. Trying to get shows like Married With Children and even at one point The Simpsons off the air. THEY were the hard-cord censorship group, and liberals were always the ones championing these causes. They believe in freedom of speech being essential to keep the the common man free of oppression. Which is why I've been so confused in this millennium how things have shifted to liberals demanding that speakers be banned from college campuses, pulling fire alarms when professors like Janice Fiamengo, who was a college professor who taught women's studies began to speak out on the state of modern feminism; and ultimately starting full-blown RIOTS when they couldn't suppress speakers saying things they didn't like. What in God's name happened? Maybe this is the answer. Maybe the people I'm seeing who are doing all these insane things are just leftists, and the liberals I remember from the 90's are a different group who don't think like them, but at same time have spent their whole lives being so opposed to the right that the feel OBLIGATED to the left. Which then raises the question: what do we do about it? How do we correct this? How do we bring about a more moderate America, where those of us who are reasonable aren't stuck in between the people who think that having we should have the the legal right to say shitty things, and that LEGAL right gives us the ETHICAL right on one end, and the people who think that because we DON'T have the ethical right, we shouldn't have the LEGAL right either, on the other end?
@Forrest Hunter I DO remember that, now that you bring it up. I was very young, so I certainly couldn't nail down a real timeline without research, and I'm really just going on memory here. Still, I'm certain the majority of it certainly came from the conservatives.
@Forrest Hunter Yes, as I just said, I remember that. The point stands. Also, I think the warning labels are a good idea. Makes it easier for parents to know what their kids are watching and listening to, which I'm all for. Censorship bad. Parenting good.
As a right wing conservative myself (with some liberalism mixed in), i don't support any kind of censorship that isn't in the interest of keeping the people physically safe (for example, a kids show encouraging children to put forks in electrical sockets or something). Anything that could be considered art should be able to be freely interpreted, at least that's my opinion
Thank you for providing this so succinct and so clearly discerning talk on the chasm spans between political leftism and liberalism. Yes, a huge chasm, whereby now, what was originally liberal has been ideologically pushed into the all encompassing derogatory (to the Left) category of "right wing." I so appreciate Dennis Prager and Prager U for your honorable and intelligent and blessed service.
I'm an Independent who used to vote for either Democrats or Republicans (never third party) but the Democratic Party got hijacked and basically have no liberals left and there are a lot of RINOs in the Republican party. It's been slim pickings honestly, but I still vote every election. Who have I been voting for lately? Conservatives and non-RINO Republicans. It annoys the leftists if anything else, lol!
Thank you for doing this. I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain to conservatives that the left hasn't been liberal for years, and that liberals have more in common with conservatives than they do with the left in 2018. It usually doesn't sink in because the word 'liberal' is so misused and vilified at this point. Maybe this video will help.
+mouser mouse You're right about nationalist but unfortunately racist and Nazi, themselves, like to be right or conservative. Just like gays and trans like to be left. Guilty through association
There's no such thing as guilty through association here. I'm gay and nowhere near being on the left in 2018. Am I guilty of being a leftist just because there are many gays on the left? No. The way you throw stupid words like nazi around, and seem to think that being a nationalist is a bad thing, makes you sound like a leftist. I don't want to be associated with such stupidity.
J Steiner4791 It's fighting the big lies we've been told repeatedly by the Very Fake News Propaganda Presstitutes and political grifters for years on end. It just takes time and persistence, but they have had the bigger megaphones and platforms from k-12 along with media and entertainment on their side. Keep up the good fight ... mouser mouse NAZIS are part of the same theme of Collectivists as Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Marxists, etc of the LEFT. Nazis were Nationalist, but first and foremost they were Socialists (Collectivists). Racists are identitarians/Identity Politic using Leftists and although people are of all stripes they are mainly LEFTIST and not on the right. Alex Ferrando Medicare for all is Totalitarian/Despotic and is LEFTIST/Collectivist as it requires robbing me to pay for you to get what you did not earn. Just because someone identifies as a "Republican"/RINO/Democrat doesn't make them a fish (or an attck helicopter). Do you understand?
I look at it like this. Liberal and conservative have always been separated by the way they view rights, laws, etc. Conservatives typically approach change to current policies cautiously. Liberals are more willing to experiment with new ideas if they have shown the potential for success. Conservative and liberal are inherently similar to their right and left policy. Right is mostly about individual rights Left is more about social justice
but liberals recognize that america has flaws without hating it. leftists think america is the worst country in earth and would rather please china before they please trump
@@samp4184 it does seem like the Democrats think that class makes a person as opposed to Republicans think a person makes their class. But that needs explanation. Dem- being born determines how you should be treated Rep- your actions should determine how you should be treated. There are places that practice 'classim' where if your parents are farmers, you are farmer. It leads to seperate rights, privilege, etc. Horrible practice.
Here in Brazil is like this: - Right / Conservatives: They defend economic freedom because it's convenient for the nation, but they don't defend social freedom (or individual rights for that matter) since the nation is above that. - Liberals: Soft version of the Libertarians. They defend economic and social freedom and the state power should be minimum. But I don't think these guys defend heavy national borders as the video says. Liberals tend to believe that immigration may increase the number of enterprises in the country and it'll be mutual beneficial for everybody. - Left: The only ones that actually defends heavy social programs, economic regulations and basically Marxism. They've been ruling Brazil for decades, spending money like crazy and ruin our economy. They're pretty much the US Democrats and even uses the same arguments but they have a louder voice because most of the people here doesn't know what individual rights means.
@@lucasjunqueirabastos8300 I was close to agreeing with you but the idea of Brazil being left wing is just not true, plus leftists are nothing like democrats. The primary winner for the democratic party was the face of opposition to desegregation in the 70's and repeatedly voted to not only enter the war in Iraq but also to cut social security. None of that is leftwing. The Green party is kinda? They're not Socialists or anything like that though
@2:40 "And there will be peace - there will be peace when the people of this world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them." "I just wish you could all see the Earth the way that I see it. Because when you really look at it, it's just one world." --Superman, July 24, 1987 USA
The problem with the U.S. today is this...the People believe in the "goodness" of their government. The American Founders established a government predicated on the idea that no government is "good" and that it is a necessary evil. Unfortunately, the American people have been trained to believe that the U.S. government is benevolent...actually, the "most benevolent government on Earth".
It's interesting that Lincoln, the Founder of the U.S. Empire, made the statement: "America is the last, best hope of Earth." As for the Liberal movie folks of the early-to-mid 20th Century, they produced pro-American films because they wanted to continue to work and not be prosecuted/persecuted by the U.S. government and society. Their mindset was the same in the past as it is today, but today society and government aren't nearly as strict as they used to be.
The_Gilded_Age_Phoenix People have the nature of lazy, lazy to depend on themselves, to think independently. Tax and government is the necessity of evil, not the good we should depend on. I'm so sad that when I try to act as a free and responsible citizen in my country, your Westerners, as my example, tend to give more power to your governments.
The American government probably IS the most benevolent government on Earth. But this is not a resounding embrace of the goodness of American government, rather it is a recognition that the alternatives are really that BAD. For example: Say you lived in one of the liberal paradise cities, and despite guns being banned, you were mugged at gunpoint twice in a week. Well, the guy who stole your wallet and ran off is going to seem far better than the guy who stole your wallet, pistol-whipped you, and threatened to shoot you if you called the cops.
This gets creepier the more I learn. It's what I get for ignoring MSM and most of social media as "BS not worth my time." That BS is a legitimate threat.
@@nopenope1510 Nazbols are for the most part economically left. They view class conflict in much of the same way as the left, but the rest of the left despises them lol
Thanks for clearing that up, six more reasons to dislike liberals right there. On a serious note, the main difference between liberals and leftists is that liberals, like conservatives, want to maintain the status quo no matter what. They just don't believe in systemic change. Leftists, on the other hand, recognize the systemic problems of our society and seek to combat them by advocating for systemic change and moving away from the status quo. Liberals and conservatives are much closer than liberals and leftists.
In Australia the Liberal Party is the right wing party.
jesus christ!
Maybe the American leftists stole the liberal from the American right wing .
Grace C No, most leftists including myself see being called a liberal an insult. Conservatives call liberals leftists because anything remotely left of conservatism is communism in the USA apparently.
@@mysteriousmuffin6017 that's odd complaint from someone whose tag is comrade and whose avatar says communist
xpusostomos Yeah, I never said I was a liberal now did I?
In Japan liberal party (Liberal Democratic Party) is a right wing party.
In Japan, Conservatism IS Liberalism, and Liberalism is Conservatism. Isn't that correct?
It's expected. Backwards first and last names, backwards party names.
In Brazil too
Yeah, but the Social Liberal party in Brazil before Bolsonaro was actually Social Liberal. Now it's Conservative and 0% Liberal, maybe in Economic affairs
Yeah well, Japan also has far more pride in its own culture and nation. Something that the West needs to regain.
to make it even more confusing for you peeps, in australia our conservative party is called the "liberal" party and so we have to use either "leftist" for the left wing party or "labor" it just shows how the political association of words can totally reverse over time
If you control the meaning of words, you greatly influence the dialog.
@@comesahorseman ...I think George Orwell made that point in his novel "1984"...
@@miklosernoehazy8678: exactly.
Liberals are more liberal than the ALP. I’ll be voting Liberal for the first time in the next election. I’m so sick of the left.
meh, everything in Australia is upside-down ;)
Liberalism believes in free market capitalism more right wing
left is more socialist and non capitalist that is all you need to know
Left is pretty much neo-marxist and subversive to the Western culture.
As much as I agree with you there is a bit more to it than just that.
I’d like to know who the left will run to when Sharia law knocks on your door?
Both undermine human ties and relationships. Both put the individual good about the familial, cultural, or national good. Both are morally relativist. Both are Satanic.
" I wholly disapprove of what you say. But I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Love this.
Then you might like Voltaire who is the person usually credited for saying the first iteration of it.
Do any of us really want to lay down our lives so that a communist can have his say? I wouldn't.
@@danmart1879 Defend to the death, not lay down my life. There is a big difference.
Probably the most important quote of this current era.
I'm late to the party but to anyone reading this do not let them take your guns, it is your constitutional right.
Only Americans call leftists "liberals". In France "liberal" means that you're right-wing economically speaking.
Edit : it comes from "libertarian" (right-wing economically speaking) different than "liberal". But we say "a liberal" or "he is liberal" to talk about libertarian.
Liberal/total is on the Y axis, the right/ left wing is on the x axis, the modern right is more liberal tho.
NPC 86740296 Same in Argentina. In fact, “liberal” is kind of a bad word for leftists.
We live in the USA.
Who cares what they do.
@@hotrodray6802 you should. late stage capitalism not exactly showing its greatest side eh
@@bySenseGFX "Late Stage capitalism not exactly showing it[s] greatest side [eh]"...
You still have products to buy, and we still have things to sell you.
Capitalism for the win. Again.
Please read the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and then read the Federalist Papers. Then tell us what you disagree with. If you have not read those, you are unworthy to speak on such topics.
Iam a liberal. I want as much freedom as possible without harming other people. I also want a free market.
That's what happen when you have only 2 shitty alternatives....
(IK there are more parties but they are too small then they will never gain a seat in the house or electoral votes)
Yeah it is not bad if you are a conservative....
But for the liberals, there is only a left wing party to vote for, since they are for liberalism
They are getting inspired by some European leftists, that as you know they are more radical left than the Dems in the US by a good amount...
That's why some liberals become progressive, socialists and very far left like Elizabeth Warren and AOC.
That's the problem, some of whom are becoming marxists who separate them from other liberals, but they have only 1 party to vote for if they are not conservatives Republicans... that's a problem.
BTW I am from the middle east and Not America lol
Indeed actually I understand politics really well just in general and I never understand why AOC and Bernie want so badly to change the economic system if most of the people think the economy in the US is in a good place right now ...
I mean won't it be better to do something about the illegal immigration that costs billions every year.
I am not really a conservative either tho
this free market is just open boarders and the end of nation state and white people..because it is different for white people..they dont get white babies when they choose to intermix..that is the dominant ones eyes and see around you and you will see that this is the norm reguarding mixing...ending in children not looking like the white parent!!
I always thought I wasn't a liberal because all the self proclaimed liberals I knew did not share any of my philosophical viewpoints.
liberals : everyone should be treated equally regarless of their ethnicity , race or skin color because we are all humans and race is'nt something we should think about.
leftiests : your race matter , if you are white you have white privillage , if you balong to a racual minority then you are oppressed even if you were born to wealthy family or had good grades . races should be separated and treated differently .
so true... that is jsut one examples of why the left and liberalism are so different
No, it's called a younger commenter that doesn't even know basic realities. Quit living is such a shallow world.
Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics and civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech.[1] Classical liberalism, contrary to liberal branches like social liberalism, looks more negatively on social policies, taxation and the state involvement in the lives of individuals, and it advocates deregulation.[2]
@@malachi-So, classical liberals are democrats while communists like me are lefties
@@maxsmusings339 😂 Not any more, I grew up Democrat, the Democrats of today are nothing like "classic liberals."
@@malachi- The modern day democrats are far closer to Clinton than they are to me, so idk.
I'm a lifelong liberal. I agree with this completely.
I've marched for gays, marched for the poor, volunteered for the homeless, volunteered with kids, watched and supported a longtime family friend transition from female to male - not to mention my mother and I both currently have jobs teaching underprivileged minorities in major urban areas. I've called myself a feminist since I was twelve. I'm a racial mixed-bag - half Jewish, half everything else. In college, I worked in a lab studying ethnic disparities in healthcare for two years. I was President of both the Gay-Straight Alliance and the Thespian Society in high school. I'm pretty much the DEFINITION of an Uberlib.
And I am SO SICK of leftists coming in and mucking up my liberalism. Conservatives are my friends and countrymen - hearing them demonized as racist, sexist, and evil sickens my heart. But what truly disgusts me is hearing things like "ban hate speech" and "nationalism = white supremacy" presented as LIBERAL arguments. I've always thought liberalism is about freedom, and unlimited free speech (including hate speech), and nationalism, are two of the greatest tools for freedom ever to be developed by humanity.
I'm a lifelong Democratic voter, but I've started voting Republican the past few years, because I feel that, as a LIBERAL, Republicans are currently doing a better job of defending my values.
It honestly breaks my heart a little to have had faith in the left all my life, and to have had people I thought were friends tell me I'm racist and sexist - even though I'm a feminist activist who teaches inner-city blacks and Hispanics for a living, even though I'm part Hispanic, Arab, and North African myself - simply because I won't agree 100% with their statements. That has literally happened to me, multiple times, in the past 3-4 years - I agreed with someone I thought was a friend, but because I didn't agree with them ENOUGH, they attacked my character, and in several cases completely cut ties with me afterwards. One woman - my roommate and best friend at the time - not only cut off ties from me entirely (the same day she moved out, not kidding), but said I was 'dangerous,' simply because I politely disagreed with her boyfriend when her boyfriend vehemently said, "ALL sexism boils down to male violence against women." I didn't disagree that that was probably the worst part of sexism - I just said that I happened to know women who'd been victimized in a sexist way by women, and men who'd been victimized by men, and it was more complicated than that, and I didn't agree with being so reductionist. But nope. That wasn't me having an honest discussion with friends about an interesting social issue. That was me being a hateful sexist. That was me being DANGEROUS. Literally 'too dangerous to stay friends with.'
I can't be the only liberal who feels this way, who is sick and tired of having to guard his lips all the time, sick of having to hide perfectly average opinions, sick of being afraid that coworkers, friends, bosses, etc. will attack me if I say the wrong thing. Sick of my country - which despite its imperfections, protects not only its own poor and downtrodden, but the world's poor and downtrodden, more than any other country in history - having its name and character dragged through the mud.
Thank you, Dennis Prager, and other conservatives like you, who've been warm and welcoming to me and other liberals like me in this crazy time. Thank you for making these arguments. Thank you for sticking up for us, and for having our backs.
Yeah I love Dave Rubin :) I actually got to thank him in person when I saw Jordan Peterson speak outside Philadelphia - he and Candace Owens entered the lobby at the same time as me, so I called out to them. They were both extremely gracious, and paused to thank me back before going on. True class acts in the best sense.
And thanks for the encouragement. I live in Manhattan - it feels pretty lonely here sometimes, lol.
Shit you're an embarrassment.
Did you adopt a kid from Haiti as well?
LandInbetween and if so, what’s your problem with that?
*applauds* 👏👏👏
Keep standing for the Truth , its our only defense against Tyranny!
In Sweden, our right-wing party is liberal-conservative.
whait, you can be conservative and liberal at the same time? and to be clear Im not talking bout libertarian but liberal
@@awake7586 yes, in the netherlands the liberals and conservative are forming a coalition.
@@awake7586 only in us liberalism equals progressivism,but in the another countries liberalism is a more moderate right libertarianism
@@blazehell8894 nah I’m from Canada and the liberal party is our left wing one
@@declaniii6324 get rid of the left
I am a conservative nationalist by heart. And I have no issue with classical liberals. We need to progress in the right direction (politically), not be left to the demise of leftist politics and gloablist agendas.
Heckler with all respect sir as a liberal I would appreciate it if people would stop using the term classical liberal and just use liberal. please denounce the left as liberal whenever you hear someone use the term liberal as a synonym for leftism. we need to strike back and strike hard and strike fast to destroy left-wing propaganda.
at least we can thank the left for one thing, they have managed to unite liberals and conservatives by getting us to unite through the last person many of us thought we would ever vote for. 🤣🤣🤣
#UnitedWeStand 🇱🇷
#Liberals4Trump 🇱🇷
I like the fact you said nationalist only, i HATE the fact that i should say CIVIC NATIONALISM rather than Nationalism because I'm scared of being called a racist...
Heckler but globalism is pretty good and free market
Conservativitism is actually grown out of classical liberalism, it was however a reaction to radicalism of the French revolution, part of that radicalism was in fact hyper nationalism as well
1:12 Ah yes, the good old INTREAGORIAATLION
"There's only one race, the human race" slap wHaT aBoUt NaScAr
LOL good one!
thats it thats the best comment
I don't believe you now run along back to your world of fantasy and make believe.
@@sarahhess464 look out boys, we got ourselves a fake fan
@@sarahhess464 Hey what's up Psychopath, I hope you don't eat as much as you pew bullets at a target of a brown kid. We need you in shape to run and protect us!
As a liberal (by the definition Dennis gave) I will tell you that I have friends who are conservatives - we do not argue much about politics even though our opinions may differ on things - we have more in common than differences. Conservatives are not my enemy. I support the 2nd Amendment as it "shall not be infringed." And I did not vote for one single Democrat in the last election because all of them running in my area were on the left. It's the extremes on both ends of the political spectrum who are the enemy because if you look closely there is little difference between them.
There is a good PragerU video that talks about shared goals. You should give it a watch. It encapsulates why the left is so dangerous. Liberals and Conservatives share the same goals - a unified and prosperous America where all people have as much freedom of choice as possible. They only thing they tend to disagree on is how to get there. But the left doesn't share these goals. They want to burn it all down. They are the enemy. The ideological and cultural subversion of the American state has already begun. People must open their eyes and actively resist the creeping oppression that has already taken hold in this great country.
Wait, you think there's left-leaning candidates for office? Do you ever step outside of your overton window to figure out where you are, or do you just stumble blindly towards the next prageru lie?
@@franswaafranswaa5026 I can't speak for the OP, but I am smart enough to sniff out BS when I hear it. I don't agree with everything I hear from the likes of Prager, Shapiro, Crowder just because we're on the "same side." You are trying to make it sound like people who disagree with you are ignorant and just stumbling around in the dark but you don't make, or even attempt to make, any actual points. It's a thinly veiled and cowardly ad hominem from somebody who has a weak position or no idea how to actually engage in productive conversation or debate.
You surly don't know what extremism means. If you want to look at the whole political spectrum instead of embarassingly small sample in US politics, look at European Parliament. You can see that far left and far right have absolutly nothing in common, you silly centrist ;)
I view the political spectrum like a circle rather than a line... the extremes of both are the equivalent of 11:59 vs 12:01, I’m a 6 kinda guy
You can't say
I support freedom of speech *BUT*
@Deus Dex
*Not your feels oh noooooooooooooooooo0000000*
I mean, I don't know any major political movement that supports the idea that you can say literally anything- you can't shout fire in a crowded building, you can't slander people, you can't make false criminal accusations, you can't make threats. Lets not pretend this is a black/white issue.
That's called lying
But it's completely free to say what you think and what you feel
(It's recommend to not be a dick about it but it's not forced)
Deus Dex But they're speech crimes, no? "Incitement to violence" is extremely subjective. If I say "Deus Dex is a scumbag", am I inciting violence against you? What if I say "unless we stop Deus Dex, they will destroy us?" "Deus Dex must be silenced by any means necessary". Like in England, someone tweeted that an airport should be bombed because of delays. They got arrested. But in context, it was pretty clear it was a joke. That's an extra complication, right?
You want this to be a simple dichotomy. Us, the good guys, want free speech. Them, the bad guys, don't. Life is not a dichotomy. I can see you doing that because you've decided I'm on the "other side" and am saying opposing freedom of speech is acceptable. I'm usually on the free speech side in these arguments.
I support freedom of speech but promoting violence is never acceptable...
Thanks for this. I was one of many who thought liberal was the same as the left. Love Prager U
This video is inaccurate and misleading in some ways. It’s inaccurate in many ways and overgeneralises many political view points into one. A leftist who supports authoritarian socialism/communism will be against free speech if they managed to get power, but will usually be for free speech until that point, as they need to to campaign. Other leftists, such as democratic socialists are very pro free speech. You can’t lump those groups in together at all, leftist infighting is a big problem within leftist spaces for this reason. They have no real political power in the US, partially due to leftist infighting, mostly due to the war on red and misinformation campaigns. Such as people not knowing the difference between liberal and leftist, or between conservative and fascist.
Most of his points here refer to liberals aswell when he talks about the left. Generally, leftists aren’t focused on culture wars, they’re focused on wanting capitalism gone. Liberals focus on culture wars aswell as the right.
This is not an educational video.
My wife and I started talking a lot of politics lately. We share the same ideas and moral values, but I consider myself conservative and she is liberal. I only found out she considers herself liberal a few months ago, to which I thought “but don’t we make fun of liberals?”
After some thought I came to the conclusion that leftists have been considering themselves liberal which skewed my opinion of it. I came to this conclusion weeks ago and this video beautifully illustrates my conclusion. For a moment, I considered my wife a leftist though she opposes those ideas. Because of this confusion I began really studying what each side believes and found that leftists are not liberals-they are socialists mislabeling themselves.
How can any American trust a (D)???
They say they want border security...... with open borders???
They say they are for the people but..... our people are getting killed by illegals???
The Socialist's like George Soros & company are destroying America and have control over the (D)'s thru Liberalism!!!
It started way back>>>Norman Thomas....1944 "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party.
The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”
Also see>>> The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
#11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
#15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
They now have control over the new Socialist Democratic Party.
#17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
On June 17, 1963 the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that any Bible reciting or prayer, in public schools, was deemed unconstitutional.They now have in some schools...ISLAM being taught???
#21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
#26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
Remember Obama's Open Transgender Bathroom Policy!
I consider myself a right winger and a nationalist Socialist or Conservative.
Sarah Hess You do know National Socialist is literally Nazi? Like the shortened name of the National Socialist party of Germany 1936-1945 is Nazi
I'm a leftist national, I like socialist ideas such as state owned energy. But I also consider myself a patriot to my country (Great Britain).
@@blazingblizzard-6894 you do realise that Nazi Germany wasn't socialist lol.
As a Conservative, I support classical liberals. I may not agree with them on everything but I still support them. The Leftists are not true liberals. They are Marxists, socialists, communists, fascists disguised as liberals. I know people who are classic liberals (or libertarians) and I agree with them that leftists and Conservatives shouldn't become tyrants and use the government to enforce their views. I'll admit, I am Liberal/Libertarian some some things. Like for example, while I disagree with homosexuality and I believe it's wrong and sinful, I don't want laws passed banning homosexuality and I will not use the government to knock down the doors of homosexuals and dragged them away for being homosexual. I believe in a homosexual's right to be left alone and to live their life in peace. It's the same thing with atheists. While I disagree with atheism, I don't want to ban it. You have the right to believe in God and the right not to believe in God.
I do totally understand where Classic Liberals/Libertarians are coming from. That's why I support them. I don't care if you are Black, White, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, male, female, gay, straight, Christian or Atheist...if you love America, freedom and Liberty and are a Conservative or Classic Liberal/Libertarian, I will support you and side with you.
Sara Lenau what about a Muslim who is a conservative and a classic liberal
By the way I’m a conservative and I am Muslim and I respect people’s beliefs and religions I have no problem with anyone having a different faith through natural law people are free do what they want so as long they do not harm others and act immoral I live in the U.K. I am half Persian and British and I regret living in the U.K. due to the U.K. becoming a communist state unfortunately
I really admire and respect the American constitution including your values and culture and I am huge fan of the founding fathers and what they stood for
May gods blessings and peace be upon you sister 🙏🏽
Radman Pedram If you are true believer of your religion, it clearly demands many things that are completely antithetical to this countries values, people's, and other religions.
There are peaceful Muslims, until they have the majority, than they are no longer peaceful and Islam is forced upon all. Even the peaceful Muslim will be killed by the more devout Muslims. You seem like a nice person, but Islam is not, and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool.
TheKnowerseeker read luke 19:27 before you cast the first stone. Both , Christianity and Islam have had bad streaks on humanity....their common denominator is their conservatism
@@mr.e3894 The difference is Christianity was extremely misunderstood by most followers of it throughout history.
Jonathan Cole the bible is full of contradictions. In one scripture God is loving and merciful and in another, he will command the killing of a man for picking up sticks. Its these contradictions that have given rise to tens of thousands of Christian sects and cults throughout the centuries. A passage that you might translate a certain way, can easily be translated to mean something completely different to another. Doesn't excuse the attrocities committed in the name of Christianity...
1:13 - ah yes. intreagcriaatlion
I died when I saw this
Lmao u get dah drift don’t u?
Made me laugh 😆
#sosimpseptember, proud of u luke
I have been using leftist instead of liberal here and elsewhere for several years now. What Prager U is describing is Classic Liberal, (Founders and most conservatives) to Progressive liberal, which has always been socialist leaning and government control since the 1920's.
Its unsurprising you and PragerU equally don't know what they are talking about.
@@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo I'm listening. Go ahead, give it your best. Prove me wrong. (which, by the way is how i went from left to right, so be forewarned)
I'm a moderate liberal and I couldn't agree more with what Dennis Prager said in this video. As much as I disagree with some right-winged, conservative values, they are a much better and sensible bunch than the not-so-progressive left.
Ur still a midget
Libertarian for the win!
Luca I’m conservative I actually respect liberals more than leftist progressives imbeciles who can’t grasp logic this world is doomed including western civilisation and its values including its culture and its stability
I respect your opinion peace be with you
Luca - that’s because conservatives believe in reason and empirical evidence while the left believes in feelings and their virtue relies upon the group’s approval
Kzizzles - No. Although I agree in theory with Libertarian principals, the party itself is run by far-left radicals in disguise like Gary Johnson (who ironically used to be a republican).
I just don't discuss about whether something is this or that. I just state what I believe and let people put in whatever box they want it.
PragerU exposed:
Left and right wings are universal parties though. If you vote or pay attention to politics then it's important to understand the distinction in order to organize your thinking and become a better communicator.
What Praguer was primarily conveying here is that the left has perverted what it means to be a liberal.
Pedro Amaral Right!
This video is so weird to me, because I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with a smattering of concepts on both “sides” he talks about - and in some cases, I agree with neither.
Ridiculous to say “liberals are X, left is Y :)” - it’s not that simple.
If you can't name ideas you can't compare or contrast them. Which means you can't understand them.
That always works only until you are an individual
"Everything the Left touches, it ruins" - DP
I miss starwars and when I could take a feminist seriously
There's this Ladytron song called "Destroy Everything You Touch." It's about a psychopathic ex, but whenever I hear the term leftist or progressive, I hear that song in my head...."Do not know what you steal/Shakes your hand/Takes your gun..." (The song: )
@TH-cam Darling Rolls eyes, you are exactly the same as a third wave feminist. Or Antifa calling itself anti-Fascist. Do you know the definition of hypocrisy or paradoxical?
And what has conservatives created ?
would you please explain what DP is?
I'm curious
Thank you for educating us ! Excellent.
@@avz_wastakenshut you pie hole leftist ! eeee
"I'm so liberal I'm a libertarian." --My American Government teacher, first college semester. She was a pretty cool lady. Retired no-nonsense nurse.
see i lined up with what he called liberal until he mentioned big government. hate big government, really want it small as possible
America has been a nation for less than 300 years and statistically speaking we have been at war 93% of our existence. That is disgusting and immoral. Those who keep saying "God bless the USA" and "America is the best" are clearly lacking any logic or critical thinking skills. You must fit into the category of adults who statistically cannot read at all which is 15%. Or you fall into the category of adults who cannot read above a 7th grade level....65%. America is not the best when you consider our military is responsible (thanks to your tax dollars) for killing over 50 million in the past 60 years alone in 37 different nations. Again 37 different nations. You are going to sit here and still tell me the USA is the greatest nation? Great nations don't spend 1 trillion a year on the military for ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS that are supported by the two party rigged failed system. Always bipartisan on war and bailing out bankers and corporations. But you think there is a difference and that two choices are acceptable every four years. Greatest country?= 1 in 5 children-17.5 percent-were poor in 2017, compared with 11.2 percent of people ages 18-64 and 9.2 percent of people ages 65 and older. 12,808,000 children lived in poverty in 2017. The proportion of children living in poverty was 17.5 percent in 2017, a decrease from 18.0 percent in 2016. I guess that defines greatness too. Greatest country?==== Almost 74% of adults suffering from a substance use disorder in 2017 struggled with an alcohol use disorder. About 38% of adults in 2017 battled an illicit drug use disorder. Now go worry about immigrants and Russia and China and all your other tired old propaganda from the media instead of taking care of your own country and minding your own business instead of playing the police man bully Nazi of the world.
Ironic, considering libertarianism originated as a far-left, Marxist influenced movement. And still means that in many countries.
@@danielzak4405 that makes no sense at all. marxist is more government, just a different words for communism, libertarian is the opposite
@@adamlinder4939 Stay mad lol. There's a reason why everyone comes here and why anyone can be successful here. Its not the fault of the US some people are either lazy or just not creative or efficient enough to succeed.
Well.... thats only in america, pretty much every other country in the world associates liberalism whit the right wing.
and in every country(including America) the conservative wing accusing the mainstream media to be left wing
It depends on what you mean by liberal i bet most of those right wing parties who belive they are liberals are economicly liberal and culturally left
@@kfoxin3545 ??????????
@@kfoxin3545 They are accusing them for that BECAUSE the mainstream media is very PC (Politically Correct), meaning they say that anyone has the right to come to America/Europe. They are not against open borders. They also accept the "36 gender and you have the right to choose which one is yours"-agenda, They say that BLM is so great and they refuse to accept/tell the people that BLM is a lefties/communistic ideology. They are so PC - and they are always defending the left. Etc etc. No wonder the mainstream media is called left-winged.
@@roinerov9348 Yeah but how is it that the media in almost all the countries are like that? not just the US.
Besides, what's wrong with 36 genders? what's wrong with accepting immigrants to come to the USA to work and build a life?
about BLM I'm not sure yet.
This is so true! In the Netherlands, liberals and leftists are definitely not the same
Is the difference between the two commonly known in the Netherlands?
In the Netherlands, liberals are seen as right wing.
True, however in the Netherlands you also have D66.
Clearly you aren't keeping up to date then.
Thank you! I just stumbled across this video today but these are the same things I’ve been saying for years and I find that a lot of my so-called “liberal“ friends, which I have mostly identified with throughout my life, have become much more leftist in their ideology and it’s difficult to explain to them what the differences are.
Leftism is a right wing conspiracy, they are not opposed
By the sound of it, they are drifting with the tide. No wonder they do not recognize the difference. One must try to stay alert, and not fall for deceptive narratives.. As it says, satan is 'god of this world'.
We know that one ideology is often permeable by another. It is hard to build fences around ideas. The leaven of New Left ideology from the 1960s is evident in cotemporary 'liberal' circles.
Do your friends vote for the Democrats? Do they know that the Democrats were the party of slavery in Lincoln's day? The Radical Republicans represented the 'far left' in Congress, those who considered Abe too soft. Karl Marx sent Lincoln a telegram in 1864, congratulating him on his re-election. Even I, as a foreigner, know these things.
Do they know that William Jennings Bryan, a major figure in Democratic politics ca. 1900, was a devout Christian and hostile to the theory of evolution? I think he's cool for that very reason; perhaps they would disagree.
Now there are 'bona fide' social-liberal or semi-liberal traditions in many Western countries, which date back to the 1890s at least. They responded to industrialization and the rise of radical working-class politics by offering piecemeal reforms and social legislation. The 'welfare State' is not specific to social liberalism, but reached its full development in the generation following ww2. Arguably conservatives/classical liberals have been trying to weaken it since the 1980s.
I think they made a big mistake not to maintain a secure tax base, by letting the rich get off the hook. Just look at the indebtedness of governments today. It's OK for the rich, but not for anyone else.
Unfortunately 'social liberalism; has a connotation in America which is different and, for me, uncomplimentary. It has to do with supporting abortion, changing the definition of marriage, and other ungodly practices.
the definitions can be modified and adjusted...nobody has the final say on what liberalism mean...liberalism and leftism are just names...the intended concepts can be re-examined and renamed and ideas can be borrowed from either one of them to come up with the most desirable views
Yes indeed, arriving at a secure definition of either would be like grasping oil or water in one's hand when it is poured.
Even if one tried to define them by what they are not, one would fail because of the overlapping and permeable nature of ideologies, also human inconsistency.
It may be that some ideologies are much worse than some others, but all natural-born humans are sinners. Ideology can redeem no one. Only Christ can do that.
@@PJSmartATGThat is literally the most confusing thing I've heard of in my life.
Thank God, someone is finally clearing this mess up. As a foreigner, I was initially confused when I got to the States when leftists were calling themselves "liberals" and right-wingers "conservatives". In the rest of the world (that is, not the United States or Canada), "liberal" actually means someone on the political right (ie. the Australian Liberal Party). Contrary to how Americans insult leftists as "liberals" , in France, "liberal" is an insult for right wingers. Today's American "Conservatives" actually share a lot more in common with classical liberalism than traditional conservatism. Heck, America was founded on liberalism.
(BTW, some corrections for the video. Liberals do not want the government to have a bigger role in business. Capitalism is a creation of Liberalism, and the liberal position was always that of "less government" regarding almost everything. On the contrary, traditional conservatism was anti-capitalist. For example, the British Conservative Party in the 19th century was notoriously protectionist and opposed to free trade, and Benjamin Disraeli, the famous Conservative British Prime Minister, argued for an alliance between the landed aristocracy and the working class against the increasing power of the merchants and new industrialists in the middle class. Also, FDR and Alan Dershowitz are not liberals, they are progressives.)
Also, the thumbnail shows the Democrats as the "liberals", while the opposite is true. The Democrats are historically and presently one of the most illiberal political parties on Earth.
RSECOMIC 12 Conservatives supported the monarchy and mercantilism.
Je n'ais se quoi , this happened in the U.S. because socialism was typically utterly rejected in the States. So socialist hijacked the name Liberal because it had a positive connotation to it in the states, in an attempt to manipulate people into supporting socialism.
Because of this, a lot of Americans don't even know what Liberalism really means or its influence on American founding values. George Orwell was right about political language and how it can be used.
Je n'ais se quoi conservatism requires context for America conservatism is about saving American values. In Europe it's the monarchy
I woke up when I watch this and yep I am a liberal all the way.
Concervatives and Liberals play in the same team
That's the best explanation in a nutshell.
Stop confusing axises
except for when it comes to gay marriage, drugs, religion or prostitution
@@MRGCProductions20996 what a beautiful day for theocracy!
Liberal means freedom like libertarian, left has nothing to do with freedom
cem vural Except equality and Democracy.
Liberal just means anti-government intervention. Libertarians are the right-wing liberals and, Marxist are the left-wing equal. The difference is whether or not they agree with equality of opportunity or equality of outcome.
Will Higgins
'Except equality and Democracy.' - Democracy is two wolves and a sheep arguing about what's for dinner, and the left only cares about *some* equalities. They don't want people to speak their minds, think their own thoughts, defend themselves, own their own property, etc. That people don't seem to see that the left is as greedy and power-hungry as everyone else seems to be is astounding.
Will Higgins Democracy is bad for a large, demographically diverse nation. Forced equality of outcome is immoral.
@@pokenaut7803 didn't dennis just say that the liberals wanted a little more government than the conservatives? Then what really is the difference between liberals and libertarians? I don't know much about this terminology stuff
Can’t believe this was 6 years ago. It sounds like right now in 2024.
As far as I know “Leftism” is much more extreme than Liberalism.
Because Liberalism is virtually the closest thing to centre-left there is
Just like saying Rightism is much more extreme than Conservativism
But of course
Marxist-Leninist Communism is the only way to a better, freer, and happier world
You want to convince me otherwise
You will have to prove to me that having sbasic human decency is bad
Leftism is basically extreme liberalism in today's world. Most leftists would label classical liberals as right wing even if they're on the same side of the political spectrum.
Kernel's crazy Adventure Nowadays most of the leftists are stupid, they support Muslims who are the most extreme community in the world.
From center-left to center-right:
Labor - Liberal - Conservative, or
Social Democrats - Liberal Democrats - Christian Democrats
This European understanding of the spectrum should help clear up the confusion: Liberalism is the CENTER position in practically all the West, since every Western nation has adopted a liberal constitution.
Exactly. 'Extreme' things like Social Security, Medicare, and Civil Rights are all things that Leftists fought for and won, not milquetoast liberal weaklings
I'm not a fan of PragerU but this is pretty much spot on
I'm a leftist, and the "leftist positions" he enumerates are not mine nor those of any leftists I know. The video is pretty much spot off.
Comrades of Perístanom then you are a LIBREAL
@@swaggawagga5235 Denis Prager is making all liberals sound like the right, this is simply not true you can be a leftist liberal or a right liberal. he is leftist, that doesn't mean he wants to destroy western values, just that he believes in more government spending. I'm pro-free speech and universal human rights and I believe that nationalization is a good thing that's not impossible.
@@swaggawagga5235, I'm a libertarian free-market socialist who believes Stalin was a monster, that capitalist ownership is wrong, and that WORKPLACES SHOULD ALL BE OWNED BY THEIR WORKERS, not by investors. I'm not really a liberal.
I agree
These guys should do a video on whats been going on in South Africa. The majority of main-stream medias haven’t been covering it.
BBC has had some news about it
I24 in Israel has been covering it...
I didn't mean that no medias were covering it, just that the majority of them weren't.
Fox News is.
Nobblk Praetorian Read my reply right above yours.
Thank you for clearing it up because I'm a liberal
If you're a "classical liberal", then you're not a liberal. Liberalism is a center-left ideology.
Most conservatives have libral views. (Secure borders/ reasonable regulations/ free speech)
I've been hesitant to call myself a liberal for years... because of association with woke lefties / progressives
This is epic!! Beautiful explanation!! I will share this will everyone! Thank you Mr Prager from Canada!!
lorem ipsum Found the small brained leftist.
By Prager's definition, America and Americans were originally leftists. That's why Prager is a fake American.
I just posted on my FB. I am tired of the left associating w8th liberalism.
"I don't give a damn about the so-called browning of America." -- Ben Shapiro That Tweet alone sums up everything Neo-Conservative, so-called classic liberals, stand for. Abraham Lincoln is rolling over in his grave!
This confusion is created by having only two parties. In Brazil we have many parties, for example, Liberal Right and Conservative Right.
America should implement single transferable vote so we can eliminate the spoiler effect and have more than 2 parties.
Errrrm... I wouldn’t use Brazil as a model democracy
@@testaccount5371 that's the way it works in many countries, he just used Brazil cuz it's his country
With the current voting system, having more than 2 parties simply won't work.
Here's a good video that illustrates why:
@@testaccount5371 Brazil has too many parties, US has too few. Ideal number is Germany, 6 major parties:
AFD - nationalist right
CDU - center right
FDP - liberal
SPD - center left
The Greens - tree huggers
The Left - leftists
Thank goodness they came out with this video. We the people need to understand that liberals and conservatives are not enemies. Both sides supplement each other and are both crucial to America’s success. When we debate, we debate to find the truth of reality to make the world a better place. Our enemies are on the extreme of both sides. These people can believe nothing else but their own reality. They lack the critical thinking skills to look at the other side and try to understand why a person thinks the way they do.
There are enemies on both sides, but when I see the white separatists on the far right I believe they stem from left rather than the right. Don't let the disguise fool you. The political scale is a circle, not a straight line.
The political scale has 2 axes: economic and social liberalism/totalitarianism.
CtrlAlt Debug, Elaborate please.
I'd say it should have 3 axis now and add globalism vs nationalism
RINOtards Suck, Each axis measures central authority, scaled from total liberty to total control. Liberalism stands for freedom, in which others have the right to do as they wish as long as they respect our rights. Totalitarianism is the busybody taken to the extreme, a system in which every aspect of life is tightly controlled by legislation. This is related to collectivism, where individualism is on the side of liberty and collectivism is for control, as the good of the group is most often used as an argument for authoritarian measures.
The social axis refers to the actions or self-expression of individuals or within a small circle of intimates in which money is not involved. Examples of these are most social political issues like nonconforming expression of gender/sexuality, drug usage, abortion, etc. The left generally tends towards more social freedom, except when it is opportune to reverse course (because they have no principles) as in speech codes or political correctness. Is there no such thing as victimless crime, or will lack of moral authority lead to an escalation of crime?
The economic axis refers to lower-trust interactions between strangers or acquantences where money and contracts are used. The conservatives are closer to the classical liberals in supporting free markets and trade. The leftists are extremely suspicious of money changing hands, and are control freaks over the economy. Is each party better off in a voluntary exchange, or does one party exploit the other in the absence of authority?
Having a 2-axis system allows the separation of political ideologies which get lumped together on the left/right scale which don't make much sense. Think of the debate over whether national socialism is right or left wing. Libertarians (s.lib/e.lib) are now separate from conservatives (s.con/e.lib). American liberals (s.lib/e.con), and Progressives, the modern PC puritans (s.con/e.con).
Wow, this absolutely NAILED it. Incredible. Thank you!!
The video is unlisted, I feel so special here. Love you PragerU!
what does it mean not listed?
@@ernestovado1041 I was wondering the same thing
It means it isn't public, but if you have a link then you can view it.
@@unleashthetrojanoftruth7845 same
I got it in my recommendations
As a liberal, thank you for highlighting this key distinction
As a leftist I agree
@@braxaculee I would love to know where you disagree with liberal ideology
@@RedRageStudio liberals are capitalists who think the capitalist system can be a force for good somehow while oppressing the working class. They are bought and paid for by lobbyists and are imperialists
@@braxaculee I disagree with your point, capitalism is not oppresion of the working force, for someone who's sister has worked in amazon she was very happy with her job, she got 14 dollars an hour, prime free, health insurance for free, and she got promoted twice in 3 years. The working class is not oppressed under capitalism
I am from India, and I can totally relate to it. We Indians face the same problem! These left wing people are menace on earth, they are hell bent on destroying anything good and constructive!
They claim to be liberals but they are the most intolerant creatures!
Kudos to Team PragerU for this much needed analysis! 👍
Congrats. You are not the only one!
Oof, the Indian media is the best example of leftist problem in the country
@@ashutoshkumar3864 many Indians In this video
SC St obc people are not poor because they are not included in well paying work but because the work they do is no longer well paying
If you tolerate free speech only when you agree with it, then you don't tolerate it at all.
This channel is giving me hope in America, and the world at large.
*I've been saying for 10 years that we need to stop calling anyone who doesn't support Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism a "Liberal".*
Why not start calling libertarians by there name instead of calling theme liberals?
@@keepingbloodpuretypenation5906 I wish people would do that. I also would like it if people would do some research before they condemn someone. Being a conservative libertarian is truly an awesome thing, I want the best schools, police, fire and boarders without all of the "handouts" that I see. In California the state is giving away free cell phones with internet access to just about anyone that claims they can't pay for their own... I want out of hear so bad but I have to wait to see where my kids wind up after college is done and they move onto their careers, then I will be packing up and following them out of here (and never coming back).
@@richardfowler3254 Get few Cell phones befor you leave than.
As a leftist it would be appreciated.
What about Modern Liberalism? (Social Liberalism, Modern Liberalism is the name here in America)
Prager U is one of the best right wing TH-cam channels there is. Fight me. (Actually don't can't be bothered) Love everyone on the channel you all do amazing 👏👏👏👍
I think Lrager U isn't Conservative but a Libertarian
@Daniel Ura I'll check out BPS and PJW. But I watch Steven Crowder *religiously*
Daniel Ura can't forget James Allsup and 1791
@@SensCodingStudio James allsup 💯% probably my fav conservative TH-camr
@Ana Paula Militz absolutely 👍
guys, whenever you put graphics of the USA up, you always forget about Alaska and Hawaii 🤦
detailness is not really needed,they prove this video still can have Millions of viewers
@Abhirup Nath ur the snowflake if ur bothered by them rightist lmao
It’s called *Illustration.* it’s a interpretation or visual explanation of text. It’s not meant to contain every minute details.
You can’t ship a lot of stuff to those two states anyways, lol.
This feels more like a left-bad, liberalism-okay video than educational video.
theyre not even describing the left really well, woke people appropriated that term too but og leftism is socialism which is about class struggle and mostly unrelated to race struggle
Because the left it bad based on historical events.
Truth hurts some time 🤷♂️
@@marycorbin8229 because it fucin is. Some shit is just bad.
@Peterson1451 That’s not an excuse for reason-less propaganda for whatever you think is right.
Thank you so much for making this video. I'm a centrist, but my best friend is a liberal and he also despises the left, especially the SJW crowd. I've talked to other liberals as well, and they said that they hate making the distinction between "liberal" and "SJW".
What is a centrist's view on immigration, nationalism, and healthcare?
I don't really know. The only reason why I'm a centrist is because I share values with both sides but also disagree a lot with both sides. For instance, liberals think that Gun Control should be implemented and that violent belief systems should be tolerated. I disagree. Conservatives think that Abortion should be made illegal and that Global Warming is nonsense. I also disagree. This is why I don't support either side.
That is not what Liberalism is. Gun control is against the freedom of the people. Liberals stand for the freedom of the people.
You can't just identify as a liberal. This word originally had a certain meaning.
@Cylenium wow it's almost like you're literally supposed to assume what each party believes in because they're too big with too many people in them so it's incredibly easy to get misinformation
@Cylenium I'm not saying it wasn't an absolutely ridiculous claim but as it stands it wasn't unreasonable to think that with how much propaganda there is and what not
Perhaps the anarchy of these leftists is what will ironically, help unite liberals and conservatives.
Celestial Wing leftists r never satisfied unless chaos is involved
Doubt it. Not enough “normal” liberals will ever want to unite with conservatives or stand against leftist nuts.
The Dracobirthstonian Ummmmm yeah? You don’t live in 21st century I take it?
I hope so!!
The anarchy of Proudhon, Kropotkine, Stirner , et cetera is about create an order but an order made from the bottom not an order imposed by the nation or the state. The Freedom of individuals is the 1st value for an anarchist how have a minimum of culture. The anarchy thinking is not a Chaos at all.
XIX century anarchists were that's we can call today "autonomists libertarianists". Free cities ruled by laws made by the people how lived in. And free associations between cities.
Im Brazilian, and here the word "Liberal" hasn't lost it's meaning yet.
Kkkkkk claro que perdeu
Não tem um candidato que seja liberal aqui, não existe liberal na economia e conservador nos costumes
Yes, liberal aqui seria a coisa mais saudável. Só que aqui o governo ainda tem que ser pequeno.
give it time...
Mais perto é o Bolso
As a moderate liberal I appreciate this video so much. So many people lump liberals in with the insane woke left true liberalism is so far gone from this shit. Thank you
You are a fascist. Wokeism = SJW = progressivism = liberalism. As if Stalin was woke.
I call myself liberal classic. I can’t believe what has been happening....especially on college campuses.....where the point (I was taught) was to hear all ideas/POV and come to your own conclusions. Now are you even allowed to “agree to disagree?”
Amen to that Bruv.
I'm still figuring out what exactly I am, even though it shouldn't matter to me... Can you explain what a classical liberal stands for and supports?
Free Speech, Free Market, Free Trade, Equality of chances, Egalitarianism, Secularism and Democracy.
That what I said wasn't Classical Liberalism (at least not in the American sense), it's Centrist Liberalism.
One of the best videos Prager has produced. This is what I've been saying for a long time now. The terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' are poisoned and can't be used without more precise clarification. Who is against equal pay for equal work? Who is against separation of church/state? The basic defining characteristics of being liberal are the same as those of our founding fathers. Responsibility, liberty, freedom from oppression. Who is against any of that? No rational person can argue with these issues. Does that make me a leftist? Not hardly. Leftists, Marxists, socialists, and those who pander to the ignorant with propaganda from these camps are not liberal. They're America-hating, socialist, malcontents who are smart enough to avoid a label they know will remove them from any legitimate discussion. Everyone needs to see and think about this video.
Separation of church/state comes from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the church in Danbury CT wishing there was wall to keep the government out of the church.
I wholeheartedly reject church/state separation.
TH-cam will probably consider this video hate speech lol..,,
I'm a liberal that's economically conservative. If you asked a Leftist then I'd be considered an alt right. 😂
Funny. I'm a Leftist, and I say you're probably more center-right. I think maybe someone who you thought was a Leftist said you were alt-right, and so you just assume all Leftists would call you "alt-right".
DJ Felix it was a joke, you're definitely a Leftist ❄️ 😂
TH-cam still has not marked this video as hate speech... so you are full of shit
Bogdan Knezevic
Could just be a slow day or are postponing the usual crackdowns until after the next hearing when Cruz rips them another new one.
Anika Przybilla
Utter morons are creating what they fear.
Lifetime liberal here. You hit the nail on the head with me personally on every point until the very end. I can only speak for myself and a handful of close friends, but it isn't fear of the right for some of us. Rather, it started with the mantra "I don't have to like what you say..." that you identified earlier. So many of the things the left says come from what would be a good place, if not for the way the left goes about implementing concepts.
I personally turned away from the more radical elements a long time ago, but some friends and family are only now becoming aware of the poor application and often bad ulterior motives that the extreme leftists are pushing. For so long we had vowed to let people say what they wanted regardless of how strongly that we disagreed, and that trait worked against many of us because we were reluctant to compromise what we consider to be a core prinicple of our worldview in order to face down something much worse.
I remember my dad told me he grew up being a liberal in a conservative neighborhood, and now he's a conservative in a left controlled city.
Did his views change at all?
@@yudai7737 I wouldnt imagine that to some extent
So he's a scumbag living in paradise?
@Illunworth Typical of a conservative to ask questions with either false premises or no right answers, usually both.
@Illunworth Debate me, then. Prove you're not the dumb one. I'll start by making two claims:
1.) one must either be a scumbag or dumb to support conservative policies
2.) left-wing policies drastically improve happiness overall for everyone except for a tiny fraction of salty rich people who aren't as rich now as they used to be
You can feel free to focus on either one or both claims.
Not so fast, Mr. Prager. At 3:30, you forgot "misogynistic". They like to use that word.
+Tucker -- I noticed that, too.
@@obozomustgo5449 Right? How dare he forget that overly misused and overused word?
yeah they have so many words for all those things you do. how dare they implicate that your closed border policy is racist. how. dare. they.
@@maschae4500 the things I do? Enlighten me.
Umm yeah you left out misogynistic thank you
Hi from Brasil 🇧🇷
da silva
Merry Christmas
Tamo junto
Fernando Moulin
Hi from Indonesia 🇮🇩
vai brasiliam
Thanks for clearing this up. I was always confused why the freedom-loving liberals were associated with the left
You guys didn't pull me into conservatism, the Left pushed me to it.
I would have to second that. I first was a conservative due to adopting my parents view, then my social opinions swung left, and still do. But this perversion of the left is sad to see. I never thought someone with my views could be seen as a moderate/centrist. I speak only of social matters as I am not well enough informed to have a displayable opinion of what the government should do to promote business and the economy. (For example I support gay marriage in that the government should not have the power to ban it, but have no desire to discriminate against people for being heterosexual as some left extremists seem to)
Ronald Reagan, is that you?
I’ve been waiting for someone to say that. That’s exactly what happened to me as well
Juan Manuel Penaloza, That's exactly how I feel. I'm an Atheist and hold several liberal point of views, but if I express any pro American or pro law views, then my friends would attack me for it. Even if I agree with Trump on some thing I'm attacked for speaking my mind. The left isn't open minded. Liberals are.
Juan Manuel Penaloza doing our job for us
Yep Dennis Prager everything you're saying is totally correct
Uhm.. No.
The SlowReFast Show Care to elaborate?
@@gasparolea356 Typical leftist response. They deny & censor, anything but discuss.
Is this sarcasm i genuinely cant tell
@@castigousmetamageus8356 you really think your being censored? 😂😂
I’m so glad someone finally cleared this up. I got tired of being grouped with in to leftists
Too bad that's not going to help. Trumpists and MAGA chuds are still going to be calling anyone democratic a libtard.
@@DevilJin01 in all honestly, I can Vouch for most of them. I have a lot of friends who are Republicans and they’re nothing like what I see on tv
To tell you the truth, there are people who call themselves liberals, but act like a deranged leftist. I called them lib. However, I’m glad that they started to call themselves leftist now because real liberals finally said “we’re not you. This is not liberal” to leftist.
so, you're another one who doesn't like democracy. you have no idea how dumb you are do you.
@@andromedamessier3176 Not all leftists are deranged. I am a old school Marxist-Leninist and hates the woke shit.
1:40 WRONG!!! LIBERALS or Libertarian wants the size of the government to be as small as possible and efficient as possible! Socialism wants bigger governments to have more control on the economy among other areas.
Also, as Minarchist Libertarian i believe that the government should only be in charge of the justice and security of the population. Then the rest is up to the individual since will have more freedom. There are some conceptual errors around the liberalism in this video but at least it separates the concept of liberal and the left (or socialism). The Liberalism is defined as the unrestricted proyect of life of an individual, basically, freedom
"The leftists were always on the wrong side, they were against Hitler, but not against Stalin." - Silvio Berlusconi
However Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were both Socialist.
@@hydrolito Hitler was a fascist and Stalin was a communist.
@@Chaotic_Jackal Nazi ... National Socialist ... is a form of facism ... so it is socialist
TheSinisterEyes1 gotta start reading some books bro
TheSinisterEyes1 so based on that logic the Democratic peoples Republic of Korea (north Korea) is both democratic and a republic, right? Just because you call yourself something doesn’t make you that thing.
THANK YOU, seriously.
In India leftists claim to be liberals and they don’t know a sh*t about it. They have changed the definition of liberalism.
Kennedy was a "Liberal" When he was murdered, Liberalism died in aMerica.
@@paulfromdonmills ich bin en berliner
Indian Leftism = anti Hinduism
@@RealCherry8085 you're literally indian lol
This Video is talking about extreme leftism. May I remind everyone that extreme rightism has many many flaws as well. Extremism is not good.
Plane and shrimple extremism is bad in not most but all cases
it essentially becomes the exact same thing
In my country "liberals" are mostly right wing haha
@@smashingthreeplates2171 no
2:12 Alaska: *Am I a joke to you?*
Hawaii: Am I a joke to you?
Do your have to be so pedantic?
@@mrredacted85 It's a joke. Chill lol
@@mrredacted85 do you have to be so rude?
What about haweewee
It's an insult calling Democrats as liberals. In Brazil, liberals are part of the right wing party. The authors like Adam Smith, Mises,Hayek, Ayn Rand are our references to Liberalism. The people that belong to the left wing party are called "socialists" or "communists".
Yep. They knew that socialist and communist was horrible. So they took over the term Democrat.
lol the dems are liberals. pathetic capitalist bootlickers just like your precious trumptards
@@norincofan1949 Democrats are not liberal. They are leftist, don't believe me? Just pick up that dictionary you retard.
@@the_royticus2429 nah fam, i'm a leftist. i'm a communist actually. the democrats are liberal reactionaries just like your precious trumpties.
@@the_royticus2429 - Personally, I really DO NOT think that the majority of Democrats are either socialist or Communist anyway because it is the kind of thing that only the right-wing zealots think they are. After all, some of my friends who may be left-wing consider themselves only OUTSIDE of the two-party system, which in other words, they just only believe in dealing with alternative political parties that are somewhat more progressive than the faulty Democrats.
As for the GOP Republicans, my left-wing friends also otherwise think of them as just plainly fascists because they tend to be somewhat racists, homophobic, sexists, too religious, too conservative, even anti-Communist, along with other ills that already effected the party for decades. As for the Democratic Party, it is just a complicated mixture of liberals, moderates, and even conservatives as well. That is my personal view anyway.
I’m sure a lot of people appreciate you making the distinction
Is it not the right that made liberal and leftist synonymous?
That's true.
I didn’t know leftists existed until recently
Well pragerU is a complete neocon. Not too smart
Let’s spend time pointing fingers and not fix the problem.
Yes. The fact the video says "Leftists appropriated the word Liberal," is very misleading. Most Far-Left people *hate* Liberals and would never call themselves that.
I generally fall right of center politically, but I’ve recently come to the realization that I hold many classically liberal ideals. I grew up in a home where the debate of ideas was done often. All ideas were allowed at the table, and we’d discuss them, and I was able to come to my own conclusions about what I thought was right, while also having a strong foundation in traditional values, and morals. It irritates me that the left has hijacked this term, there are many people who are conservative in a political sense, who also hold these classically liberal ideals.
The classical liberals considered the right, traditional values and morals to be barbaric bcos your are barbaric savages.
centrism is just as good as fascism
@@theowillis6870from a marxsist perspective, yes, even they view the Democrats as right wing since they still uphold capitalism in a mixed economy. Marxists want to have a complete abolishment of capitalism & gender binary which still currently upholds the system.
That's an interesting thought. Would you care to explain? Fascism is a terribly malignant ideology; just look at the historical results. But in its theoretical expression of economic ideals, it is quite centrist.
Mussolini's idea, after stomping on the labor unions, was to forge a 'third' way' between capitalism and socialism. He remarked on the similarity between his ideas and FDR's New Deal.
Isn't it odd how the 'progressives' hail FDR? If only they knew.
If one regard centrism not as a compromise position, but an independent position which examines things as they are, perhaps leaning Right or Left according to the merits of the case--------well then, I am a centrist.
I'm so centrist that I refuse to vote.
I don't claim to be 'good' or to have good ideas. Only God is good and knows all things; only Jesus is without sin.
But I have studied fascism, and I understand the diversity of its sources.
So what's your argument?
I am a conservative, but I do support some libral positions. I belive in borders and national sovereignty. Political opinions can be diverse AS LONG as a person dosent force agrement or get radical. A reasonable ammount of regulation to me is important.
In Canada it is different because the liberals used to be the free market/laissez-faire party while the conservatives were the government guided economy party with conservative social values. Nowadays the liberals are essentially full blown socialists led by Justin Trudeau. The Conservative party is the most right wing of the mainstream parties but still in support of many policies that would be considered left wing by American standards. So... Not much hope for Canada.
Wall Mall Canadian liberals are NOT socialist.
We can all band together and fight the good fight!
NDP (New Democratic Party) are way more left-leaning and themselves are out and out socialist and I dare say, about two steps away from full blown communist.
Recent Liberal policy is far more left leaning into that sort of direction, but the party itself for the longest time was just edging out of what you might consider "center-left" into just a left oriented party.
The Progressive Conservative Party is for all intents and purposes a center-left party that dabbles in some right leaning policies.
So in Canada, there is no "right" leaning party, it's just different flavours of left.
Or to put it simply for the predominately American audience, Canada at it's most "right" would be what you might consider a classic Democrat.
to conservatives anyone left of center is a socialist/communist they have absolutly no perspective and call everyone they dissagree with a communist
Well said. You hit the nail on the head.
FINALLY! Amazing work guys! I was so tired of ppl confusing me for a leftist when i’m just liberal, i’m probably the most anti-communist guy you’ll ever meet. And as a liberal i’m proud to say that i’m on an aliance with the conservatives against the left! So, thank y’all for helping clean the name of the liberals
"most anti-communist guy you'll ever meet."
Allow me to introduce myself
@@ElessarEstel no no it's me...😼
funny how in america we say left and right but democrat and republican are both right wing parties
Um a proud communist
No, you are a fascist. Liberalism is opposed to conservatism bcos it's barbaric.
Very well said! This issue really needed to be cleared up. Thank you Dennis Prager!
Interesting and informative, but I find it somewhat disingenuous the way “left” and “liberal” are separated, but “conservative” and “right” are not.
If this video is going to take the stance that the far left (progressive left, neoliberal left etc.) is the standard of leftism, then the standard of the right should be shown as far right (stances such as nativism, extreme nationalism, laissez-faire capitalism, etc.)
The video shows how Liberals get painted with the brush of the far left, but doesn’t similarly state that Conservatives get painted with the brush of the far right, and seems to act as though the entire right is reasonable.
Towards the end he makes a statement “Dear liberals, the conservatives are not your enemies, the left is.” And while I would agree with that statement, it would have been more apt to say, “The left and the right are your enemies, conservatives are not.”
I would agree with the idea that the extreme left is more of a danger then the extreme right these days, mainly because it’s easier to identify when those on the extreme right have gone “too far” (white supremacy for example is easy to identify and denounce) whereas it’s not as easy to identify on the left.
Aside from that though, a good breakdown of the differences between the far left and liberal ideas.
When you go to far left, you wind up on the far right. It's a circle. You can change your position upon it, but you can never find the end.
If using a clock, Conservatives and Liberals exist in the 3-9 range. Extreme right at 12-3, and Extreme Left at 9-12. Where things start to get interesting is at 11:59 and 12:01....
@@MH3GL That's an interesting analogy. I never gave it much thought. Thank you.
@@1994Godsman The more common name for this concept is horseshoe theory.
Excellent comment. i remember that Jordan Peterson said, as you say, that the Right had defined what is "too far" right -- but the Left had failed to distinguish what is too far left..
@@MH3GL I noticed that circle in my own political evolution -- but I thought it ended up more like Libertarian than Right. I suspect we should discard those maps altogether and start fresh.
I'm a Liberal who is also a Conservative.
@J. Fred Muggs Not necessary, he's as libertarian as liberal because it's the same meaning. The word "liberal" comes from our french word "libéral" which means "for liberty". The 1st word was stolen by US socialists to escape Maccarthysm during the Cold War and in order to be elected. Almost nobody wants socialism in the USA, and because of the USA two-party system, the US Socialist party will never win. Thus, it explains why a lot of socialist politicians are in the Democratic party and nicknamed liberals by all the US political spectrum since then. This is why the real US liberals call themselves libertarians. It created another semantic problem : libéraux (liberals) are for limiting State control to regalian functions, however some of them are for 0 control and call themselves libértariens (libertarians). Thanks to US socialists, things are so much confusing...
You're a Liberal Conservative then. Yes, that's a thing. You can look it up and find out. I was surprised as to it being genuine.
Me too.
then who are the centrists?
give me a link to a page that confirms that this is a genuine term
Actually there's one thing that's incorrect here. Liberals will often describe themselves as "patriot, not nationalist." Also, liberals although many are for some border protection are not for the wall.
As a true "old school" liberal I agree with everything said in this video
"old school" liberalism is not liberalism bcos it never liberated anybody except the ones who were already free, the rich people that is. You are therefore a fascist bcos that's what old school "liberalism" is.
I Do consider myself Conservative and I did Not know many of these things about Liberals. Thank You Dennis. :)
There are two types of Liberals. Marxist and Market-Liberals (also known as Libertarians).
Marxist believe in equality of outcome and they also believe in a government hands off system. The problem is this defies human nature to keep wanting more.
Market-Liberals on the other hand, Are people who also want a government hands off model and want the Free Market to take the place of government . Like for example, NASA is exchanged into SpaceX. In a Market-Liberals view everything should be privatized.
There are of course people in between like Sargon. Jordan Peterson also qualifies as a liberal like Sargon he is neither left or right. Both Sargon and Peterson take a solid anti-government stance and want people to be able to speak and live freely. But they oppose Communism and as take some anti-right stances form time to time.
@@pokenaut7803 total false dichotomy. What you are describing as market liberals are just libertarians, and what you describe as marxist liberals are just marxists. Liberals are distinct from both groups. Also, i dont know why he keeps getting away with saying thats he's apolitical, but Jordan Peterson is absolutely a conservative, nothing in between about him
Market-Liberals are libertarians. That is just another name for it. Then, Marxism is a also liberal, just that people who are Marxist believe in equality of outcome. Liberalism is a spectrum, just like how authoritarian is a spectrum. Personally , I think of Jordan as being more center than most.
Daniel Vincent
First things first, misnomers are the norm when it comes to American political ideology.
To sort of pick apart what Pokenaut7 was saying, if (for the sake of this example) we treat the political right as being all conservative, and we treat the political left as being all liberal (again, American definitions here) then there are indeed two main breeds of liberals: the market-liberals/libertarians and the marxists. The marxists are the socialists, the communists, the progressive censors, etc. while the market-liberals/libertarians are the subject of this video.
The reason conservatives are winning is because they're all on the same page, problem with the left is they're divided into sections with various's confusing
I agree, and we could be winning alot more if more conservatives stopped caring about offending people and the corrupt Republicans would just stop abusing power
Prager is not a conservative.
lorem ipsum so prager is a classic liberal I presume
I know they're not conservative,I'm just saying there's a simple reason they win...and it's not Russian robot hackers
dub2459 "A nation divided against itself cannot stand." - President Lincoln, a true liberal.
3:30 no we just think that the us government and corporations are among those ideals and thoughts not the American culture for one I’m a leftist and I consider myself to be patriotic.
When it comes to free speach, I wish I could use the phrase "I wholly dissagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it," but I'm not personally brave enoguh for the "to the death," part.
P.s. I'm not saying I dissagree with you. I agree with you on most issues, including this one.
Oh dear. Its always okey to disagree and if you state it as your opinion, you dont have to defend your selfe that you are pro free seach. Your not doing any wrong. Free speach only ends when you activly stop people from sharing their view and not by criticising them. And if you really want to talk super politically correct, try a scientific approch. Quote phrases you disagree with, add the source and indicate your own opinion that follows. At least I would love to hear your view, since it seems your putting a lot of thaught in what you write. ☺️
Most Americans dont understand the definition of free speech... they think it means you can say whatever you want with no consequence.
Free speech usually ends where others rights begin... example: like screaming "fire!" in a crowded theater.
Or "I'm going to kill you".
Free speech means you're protected when saying an opposing position against your government.. period.
You know I think this finally explains what has been so confusing to me over the past 10-20 years regarding the state of free speech in this country. I was a teenager in the 90's, and what I remember was conservatives trying to ban violent video games like Doom or Mortal Kombat. Trying to ban gangsta rap. Trying to get shows like Married With Children and even at one point The Simpsons off the air. THEY were the hard-cord censorship group, and liberals were always the ones championing these causes. They believe in freedom of speech being essential to keep the the common man free of oppression.
Which is why I've been so confused in this millennium how things have shifted to liberals demanding that speakers be banned from college campuses, pulling fire alarms when professors like Janice Fiamengo, who was a college professor who taught women's studies began to speak out on the state of modern feminism; and ultimately starting full-blown RIOTS when they couldn't suppress speakers saying things they didn't like. What in God's name happened?
Maybe this is the answer. Maybe the people I'm seeing who are doing all these insane things are just leftists, and the liberals I remember from the 90's are a different group who don't think like them, but at same time have spent their whole lives being so opposed to the right that the feel OBLIGATED to the left.
Which then raises the question: what do we do about it? How do we correct this? How do we bring about a more moderate America, where those of us who are reasonable aren't stuck in between the people who think that having we should have the the legal right to say shitty things, and that LEGAL right gives us the ETHICAL right on one end, and the people who think that because we DON'T have the ethical right, we shouldn't have the LEGAL right either, on the other end?
@Forrest Hunter I DO remember that, now that you bring it up. I was very young, so I certainly couldn't nail down a real timeline without research, and I'm really just going on memory here. Still, I'm certain the majority of it certainly came from the conservatives.
@Forrest Hunter Yes, as I just said, I remember that. The point stands. Also, I think the warning labels are a good idea. Makes it easier for parents to know what their kids are watching and listening to, which I'm all for. Censorship bad. Parenting good.
@Forrest Hunter they were even called tipper stickers, your conversion is great, and Mutti is spot on
this is because far-right people support a lot of government control which comes with censorship
As a right wing conservative myself (with some liberalism mixed in), i don't support any kind of censorship that isn't in the interest of keeping the people physically safe (for example, a kids show encouraging children to put forks in electrical sockets or something). Anything that could be considered art should be able to be freely interpreted, at least that's my opinion
Thank you for providing this so succinct and so clearly discerning talk on the chasm spans between political leftism and liberalism. Yes, a huge chasm, whereby now, what was originally liberal has been ideologically pushed into the all encompassing derogatory (to the Left) category of "right wing." I so appreciate Dennis Prager and Prager U for your honorable and intelligent and blessed service.
Liberalism is by definition a center-left ideology.
I'm an Independent who used to vote for either Democrats or Republicans (never third party) but the Democratic Party got hijacked and basically have no liberals left and there are a lot of RINOs in the Republican party. It's been slim pickings honestly, but I still vote every election. Who have I been voting for lately? Conservatives and non-RINO Republicans. It annoys the leftists if anything else, lol!
Join a local conservative party of the GOP noe it very clear you are a conservative
How do you feel about Trump?
Thank you for doing this. I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain to conservatives that the left hasn't been liberal for years, and that liberals have more in common with conservatives than they do with the left in 2018. It usually doesn't sink in because the word 'liberal' is so misused and vilified at this point. Maybe this video will help.
+mouser mouse You're right about nationalist but unfortunately racist and Nazi, themselves, like to be right or conservative. Just like gays and trans like to be left. Guilty through association
There's no such thing as guilty through association here. I'm gay and nowhere near being on the left in 2018. Am I guilty of being a leftist just because there are many gays on the left? No. The way you throw stupid words like nazi around, and seem to think that being a nationalist is a bad thing, makes you sound like a leftist. I don't want to be associated with such stupidity.
Liberals are more conservative. Hell liberals compromise on ideas to work with conservatives even if it's against their own good
At least a plurality of self identifying republicans support Medicare for all
J Steiner4791
It's fighting the big lies we've been told repeatedly by the Very Fake News Propaganda Presstitutes and political grifters for years on end.
It just takes time and persistence, but they have had the bigger megaphones and platforms from k-12 along with media and entertainment on their side.
Keep up the good fight ...
mouser mouse
NAZIS are part of the same theme of Collectivists as Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Marxists, etc of the LEFT. Nazis were Nationalist, but first and foremost they were Socialists (Collectivists). Racists are identitarians/Identity Politic using Leftists and although people are of all stripes they are mainly LEFTIST and not on the right.
Alex Ferrando
Medicare for all is Totalitarian/Despotic and is LEFTIST/Collectivist as it requires robbing me to pay for you to get what you did not earn. Just because someone identifies as a "Republican"/RINO/Democrat doesn't make them a fish (or an attck helicopter). Do you understand?
I look at it like this. Liberal and conservative have always been separated by the way they view rights, laws, etc.
Conservatives typically approach change to current policies cautiously.
Liberals are more willing to experiment with new ideas if they have shown the potential for success.
Conservative and liberal are inherently similar to their right and left policy.
Right is mostly about individual rights
Left is more about social justice
but liberals recognize that america has flaws without hating it. leftists think america is the worst country in earth and would rather please china before they please trump
The left is about class if anything. Social Justice is more about auth vs lib and social issues
@@samp4184 it does seem like the Democrats think that class makes a person as opposed to Republicans think a person makes their class. But that needs explanation.
Dem- being born determines how you should be treated
Rep- your actions should determine how you should be treated.
There are places that practice 'classim' where if your parents are farmers, you are farmer. It leads to seperate rights, privilege, etc. Horrible practice.
Here in Brazil is like this:
- Right / Conservatives: They defend economic freedom because it's convenient for the nation, but they don't defend social freedom (or individual rights for that matter) since the nation is above that.
- Liberals: Soft version of the Libertarians. They defend economic and social freedom and the state power should be minimum. But I don't think these guys defend heavy national borders as the video says. Liberals tend to believe that immigration may increase the number of enterprises in the country and it'll be mutual beneficial for everybody.
- Left: The only ones that actually defends heavy social programs, economic regulations and basically Marxism. They've been ruling Brazil for decades, spending money like crazy and ruin our economy. They're pretty much the US Democrats and even uses the same arguments but they have a louder voice because most of the people here doesn't know what individual rights means.
@@lucasjunqueirabastos8300 I was close to agreeing with you but the idea of Brazil being left wing is just not true, plus leftists are nothing like democrats. The primary winner for the democratic party was the face of opposition to desegregation in the 70's and repeatedly voted to not only enter the war in Iraq but also to cut social security. None of that is leftwing. The Green party is kinda? They're not Socialists or anything like that though
"And there will be peace - there will be peace when the people of this world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them."
"I just wish you could all see the Earth the way that I see it. Because when you really look at it, it's just one world."
July 24, 1987
this is your friendly reminder that this is a video about an economic organization of the economy that does not mention any economic policies.
Lol prageru is good at doing stuff wrong
Finally someone on the internet who understands politics.
The problem with the U.S. today is this...the People believe in the "goodness" of their government. The American Founders established a government predicated on the idea that no government is "good" and that it is a necessary evil. Unfortunately, the American people have been trained to believe that the U.S. government is benevolent...actually, the "most benevolent government on Earth".
It's interesting that Lincoln, the Founder of the U.S. Empire, made the statement: "America is the last, best hope of Earth." As for the Liberal movie folks of the early-to-mid 20th Century, they produced pro-American films because they wanted to continue to work and not be prosecuted/persecuted by the U.S. government and society. Their mindset was the same in the past as it is today, but today society and government aren't nearly as strict as they used to be.
I live in america and not a single person I have met even trusts the government, let alone believes it has any so called "goodness".
The_Gilded_Age_Phoenix People have the nature of lazy, lazy to depend on themselves, to think independently. Tax and government is the necessity of evil, not the good we should depend on. I'm so sad that when I try to act as a free and responsible citizen in my country, your Westerners, as my example, tend to give more power to your governments.
The American government probably IS the most benevolent government on Earth. But this is not a resounding embrace of the goodness of American government, rather it is a recognition that the alternatives are really that BAD.
For example: Say you lived in one of the liberal paradise cities, and despite guns being banned, you were mugged at gunpoint twice in a week. Well, the guy who stole your wallet and ran off is going to seem far better than the guy who stole your wallet, pistol-whipped you, and threatened to shoot you if you called the cops.
Corrupt the population and you end up with a even more corrupt government.
This gets creepier the more I learn. It's what I get for ignoring MSM and most of social media as "BS not worth my time." That BS is a legitimate threat.
I'm glad you're thinking critically! I wish everyone would wake up.
ME too! (kind of a joke) but seriously spot on
"Our freedom of speech is freedom or death. We've got to fight the powers that be. Fight the power!"
PragerU: Leftists have always had disdain for nationalism
Nazbol Gang: Allow me to introduce myself
Nazbol Gang is a yea...
@@nopenope1510 Nazbols are for the most part economically left. They view class conflict in much of the same way as the left, but the rest of the left despises them lol
Nazbol is fascism lmao
Thanks PragerU / Obrigado Prager U
Respect from Brazil
Love to watch these videos early in the morning with some coffee.
I'mma morman (can't do coffee)
But we can both agree morning bagels are delicious
Lemon Ninja
COFFEE! Did someone mention the magic word COFFEE?
IlikecoffeeI'mnot addictedtoitoranythingIcouldquitanytimeIwant. :-)
Thanks for clearing that up, six more reasons to dislike liberals right there.
On a serious note, the main difference between liberals and leftists is that liberals, like conservatives, want to maintain the status quo no matter what. They just don't believe in systemic change.
Leftists, on the other hand, recognize the systemic problems of our society and seek to combat them by advocating for systemic change and moving away from the status quo.
Liberals and conservatives are much closer than liberals and leftists.