Awesome! Redeeming the time and making the time and effort effective for right now! I am so hungry for a different kind of education for my children. I am currently subbing in the public school system and seeing the desperate need to change the model of education in the world. Facts and figures aren't significant in the absence of wisdom. We need to be instilling more wisdom into our children and giving them the opportunity to shine. I am a Christian and the school system seems to reflect most of our churches where one person speaks and the rest listen offering little to no contribution to the organization at large. How many other people don't want to see their children's lives wasted sitting behind a desk day in and day out learning information by which only a small percentage is retained? I want this generation to redeem the time and make the most of their imagination and energies for the common good!
Awesome! Redeeming the time and making the time and effort effective for right now! I am so hungry for a different kind of education for my children. I am currently subbing in the public school system and seeing the desperate need to change the model of education in the world. Facts and figures aren't significant in the absence of wisdom. We need to be instilling more wisdom into our children and giving them the opportunity to shine. I am a Christian and the school system seems to reflect most of our churches where one person speaks and the rest listen offering little to no contribution to the organization at large. How many other people don't want to see their children's lives wasted sitting behind a desk day in and day out learning information by which only a small percentage is retained? I want this generation to redeem the time and make the most of their imagination and energies for the common good!
Thank you Caleb for looking and showing us the positive impact that different ways of learning can advance us.