Thirsting roots is a 1 mana proliferate card. Could help you ultimate on turn 3. If you a re on the play an opponent would have to play a turn 1 creature or a turn 2 creature with haste to attack in before you can ultimate. Or they can bolt the guy. All in all seems degenerate, but goofy as heck.
Thirsting roots is a 1 mana proliferate card. Could help you ultimate on turn 3. If you a re on the play an opponent would have to play a turn 1 creature or a turn 2 creature with haste to attack in before you can ultimate. Or they can bolt the guy. All in all seems degenerate, but goofy as heck.
Ohhhh YES, I think thats the best choice now that I'm thinking about it!
Verdant Command baby!!!!
I think that would be a great one here, it even makes squirrils!