You're spot on here. I've been sharing these articles with friends and family for a long time and the responses I get are all in defence of the church and "how wonderful" it is that they gave millions because "we can't do it all by ourselves." My husband and I have been alone in this. I remember listening to conference and hearing the words "good global citizens" and recognizing what that meant. It broke my heart to have solid validation of three wickedness and corruption we suspected was happening. I hope and pray that those of us who are seeing this will come together soon.
Sarah- I know what the testimony of the two witnesses will be, rather soon too imo. If you care to know, I've posted my first two videos explaining it. This information is found in the book of Mormon and the Bible. I do not however support the LDS church, they have a false prophet and false doctrines surrounding the book of Mormon. God bless
You are wrong. Even Christ said to render unto Ceaser the things which are Ceaser's. That did not mean He or the Church agreed with the government. You lack understanding.
Same here! I'll NEVER be a "good global citizen" hell no. That and learning RN is a bonesman... that was enough for me. I've been out and sounding the warning voice for those with ears to hear.
I just came across your channel and subscribed. I have known this for awhile and I am so glad you are getting the word out. Russell Nelson was a member of the Skull and Bones at the University of Utah. What is funny is that he admits it in his autobiography HEART TO HEART -- I believe it is on page 48. I believe this is why the church is going down this dangerous path with the United Nations.
Thank you for compiling all of this in one place. Definitely worth looking into. After the church leaders pulled back Brigham's very harsh tithing policy when he died, the Church of the Latter-day Saints began getting into more and more debt. But then it seems that after Wilford spoke at the Bohemian Club in San Fransisco (and died of a failed bladder surgery before getting back home), the church began to have its financial woes resolve. Yes, they were still not entirely in bed with evil people, but the seeds were planted. In Lorenzo's time, people started paying a little more tithing and magically all the financial problems went away. Then Ezra Benson, who was severely against the UN, calmed down his narrative after becoming president. And since Ezra there's been no opposing voice to globalized tyranny. And now the most wealthy christian church in the world is playing on the same team as the most evil people in the world. They sold the soul of "the kingdom of God on earth" for monetary security. I'm not usually one to take up wild conspiracy theories, but this progression is too much to ignore. And I'm not saying that God doesn't reward people for their charitable monetary sacrifices, but come on. The church was 2.3 million in debt (that's 1887 money, by the way) and then it wasn't. Look into the Edmunds-Tucker Act and the many church assets the government seized. All things are possible with God, but Wilford's connection to the Bohemian Club throws some doubt on who actually made that debt go away. It's my belief that he current leaders of the church are fulfilling a promise made generations ago by getting in bed with the UN now. And they don't seem very reluctant about it. Remember to read the Book of Mormon and seek Jesus. He's all we have left now, and He's enough.
Amen! Just read Alma 32 today as guided by the Spirit -- Alma told the poor (who had built the synagogues- ie tithing ? ) weren’t allowed to even come in- Alma’s council was perfect !
As it has been prophesied that our day will be a great day of deception. We should be continually seeking and praying for discernment and divine insight, so we can know for ourselves. Thanks again for your work.
When the president/ false prophet met with the pope and kissed the ring it should have been game, set, match. Its pretty clear they are not really serving the most high and his son yeshua.
Some of these meetings they are trying to compel and force the church under the table. But above the table its a different story; with a puppet show to pretend nice.
It became a Moroni 10:3-5 moment for me when I was shocked/taken aback by Pres. Nelson's video where he is leaning into the camera saying "Be a good global citizen" in regards to taking the remedy. I recognized the Gadianton Globalist language right away and why was that coming out of his mouth??? And he wasn't alone. I saw a collage of him and many church leaders of all faiths doing the same photo of themselves getting the shot so that their followers would follow. I noted that the commercials between conferences during that time ran shame ads against anyone resisting. And so I fasted and prayed like I hadn't done in years. 30 days (from sugar) and regular fast at the end. My question: Lord, is this remedy good for me? I opened my scriptures randomly to a scripture mentioned in this podcast: D&C 123:13 (the whole chapter actually) And Got: There's bad nefarious guys, do your research, a little helm can make a difference on a big ship. So I did. My conclusion: It was not good for anyone. believers
There is a difference between the President of the Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One carries the keys, the other does not. Is he speaking to the global citizens, or the Saints? Mat 5:25 "But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."
The great and abominable includes all those aligned with it. The mudder of Harlooots and the daughters. All churches have been corrupted as the Book of Mormon mentions. The Jacob allegory tells us the olive trees have all beautiful fruit of all kinds that are all bad. Then the Lord of the vineyard sends his servant one more time, slash and burn job, the man like Moses who will come. He will call other servants. We are still a ways from that as we are in the descent stage into terrible darkness and suffering. All these alliances will lead to nothing any more than they did for Jerusalem in Lehi and Jeremiah's days. We need to study what it was like for Mormon in his day as we are going into the same or worse. The scriptures tell us what we will go through will be worse than the world has ever seen. We are so blind and unless we are truly righteous the Lord will not hear our cries, just as he did not hear the cries of the people of King Noah. So we can chose to be like Alma's people, the remnant, or we can suffer like King Noah's people. God wants us to chose him over church or any worldly organization. It is all of them. Thanks for your thoughts and putting this all together.
the answer is easy, restore the policy of common consent for supporting leaders..simple. We nominate and sustain non campaigning members to represent us in leadership anonymously with heavy voting integrity and no parties. Like a pyramid from the bottom up with the understanding of those nominated will vote on our new leaders once the pool gets high into the pyramid enough..for instance three people elect one who is the next body , then three elect one on up the chain till there are triple the leader number at that level and then elect a leader (paid), start at the bishopric level , then have the bishops elect stake leaders etc etc on up the chain (no running for office) if the chosen leader declines to serve he opts out and another vote occurs. retake the church. this would be a democratic republic (not pure democracy) , the vote occurs after the nominated candidates answer some basic questions on where they stand on issues the public members has made. members should include a weighted vote to the portion of their income they contribute (not the financial amount but the percent of personal income for one year). see how easy this is...all in one paragraph on youtube. or it could be based on system is perfect so no need to bring up the flaws but its "our" church right? the bride of christs church...not the self chosen shepherds mistress. Test this one ward at a time and split off if the church disagrees with your own neighborhood church. then merge the neighborhood churches into a stake etc. Get that Mormon organization know how to work brothers and sisters. zero contributions for campaigning as nobody runs for office, nobody. All the keys are already in the melchizedek priesthood already. if you disagree just call them offices instead. Have we not been trained ? of course we have. take back the church. Encourage members to pay tithing as the tithing percentage of annual income pays the offices (keep your day job also), not for gain but for good honest work, for the true church, the brides church. Peace. Go to a mountain for temple ordinances or a set apart building that seconds as the ward building. How simple, hammer out the details as we go. Do we no longer have the HG? catch a clue.Re vote every year to sustain or replace with a assistant in waiting and training who makes the decisions till another is determined. Do this for all offices of bishop and higher. Let the HG in the membership determine leaders instead of the HG in the self appointees, trust me they do not have higher "keys" than you. Peace out.
I just went to the link and I couldn't find this info. I want to spread this information but I have to be able to show the actual info from the website or they won't believe me. I believe what you are saying.
It's sad to see so much truth with so few subscribers. Publish them smooth things. I am concerned some of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are card carrying Zoramites. That said, I will speak no ill of the Lord's anointed or stop paying my tithing. I would like to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints turn our resources to helping others, like in places where they kill orphans to clean up their streets. 😢
This is prophecied in Isaiah. Compare and contrast King Ahaz and King Hezekiah. Then compare and contrast the covenant with death and the covenant with life. We're in for a wild ride including many covenant curses.
So, I joined the LDS Church on October 13, 2019, when I was baptized and given the aaronic preisthood. That night, I had a dream about three churchlike buildings made of black marble. They gave me the creeps. So when I woke up, i told my roommates the dream they seemed uneasy about it but told me it wasn't meaningful, so i haven't really thought about it since. Now that I'm thinking about it, there was a warning. I have no idea what it could be about, though. Any thoughts? I know from later research that the early fathers were associated with the Masonic Brotherhood. And it's thought that the Smith bros were taken because they wanted the secret teachings to be taught openly. Who knows for sure however.
By the by, I'm not the guy your other videos talk about. I'm just a guy who dreams weird things. Like around the end of April 2017, I dreamed of sitting at the edge of a crumbling world with an old man on the hood of a car discussing philosophy of all things...😁 anyways! Take care and grace be yours.
Fireball-Tim, I have seen a video of the upcoming one world religion. The Pope headed this up. It is a dark warning. There are three large buildings bringing together Christianity and Islam ... Perhaps this was what you were foreseeing.
Right now I’m all over the place. But this video hasn’t really helped my faith with the church. I made a long post on another post and got some help, then one person accused me of making a fake comment and told others not to get baited. I would post it here but it is long, basically for issues with stuff like “Quakers on the moon” and such. And after this and then that guy sating that I think it’s a cult. If your that close minded you don’t want to hear stuff that is concerns that’s unhealthy. (Also my comments got no likes and his got a few, so obviously more agree with him than me.) If it was Gods church why would they agree with this 2030 stuff? How could a prophet?
Isaiah told us these things way before now. Ahaz was a king who made alliances with the Assyrian. After they were destroyed, king Hezekiah was faced with the same circumstances. Prophet priest and king went to the lord for revelation. Despite being threatened with destruction, they trusted in God. Also compare the covenant with death vs the covenant with life. To help understand Isaiah better, see the bifid structure.
Seek after God. Read the scriptures of God, not the precepts of men. Fillow the prophets that were visited and ordained by God, not the men that claim their ordination came by men, or through tradition. Lean of the Hand of Divine Providence, not on the arm of flesh, precepts of men.
Perhaps you are the one who is wrong. By their fruits. We're surrounded by false prophets, just as the BofM and the prophets in the Bible warn! Open your eyes
Although I do understand where you are coming from. 5 years ago I still believed the church was the only one not infiltrated... I was a brigham apologist for 46 years. Then last year God opened my eyes and the scriptures bore testimony of our awful situation... RN is part of Skull and Bones. Look it up. And ALL THIS that was just presented... are you going to choose to ignore this and put your head in the sand? To your and your loved ones detriment.... If the prophets can't lead us astray. Then tell me why God spent so much time warning US in particular about false prophets? And why if the D&C does God warn Joseph about falling from his position (if that wasn't possible?) Joseph WAS/IS a true prophetand servant of Jehovah. He was the last. Go read D&C 84 and 124, and then don't stop see where God takes you. Probably to Ezekiel and Jeremiah, the chapters skipped over in Come Follow Me....
@@Kristy_not_KristineI don't know why but I still believe the Prophet is good- inspired and trying to do the right things. I am sad he took the va$$ and encouraged all to the same although the first presidency didn't tell just asked! Still so many died and still are dying of cancer- turbo cancers -leukemia and Lyme just to name a few! It is troubling and many are angry! I'm not angry but somewhat disillusioned.
I don’t know that people are saying the church doesn’t give to the poor, but of the tithing they receive, 0.8% goes to humanitarian aid. Less than 1%. This according to widows mite report on church finances. Besides that, if they are giving millions to an organization that has evil plans, is all that money really being used for those supposed causes…or being used to fund other things? We need accountability how donations actually get used.
@SamIAm1808 But fast offerings go wholly to support the poor in the church. Have you forgotten this? Humanitarian aid is fir helping with natural disasters, famine, etc.
@@buntzy2 So the offering is mentioned in Malachi. The offering the scriptures teach us is that we are to offer the sacrifice of a broken heart and contrite spirit. However, in Malachi it is the priests who are robbing God, because they are taking the tithing to pay for great and spacious buildings, to live off the labors of the people (priestcraft) and thus they have transformed what the offering is supposed to be into a fast offering to collect more money and yes that is then used for humanitarian aid.
You're spot on here. I've been sharing these articles with friends and family for a long time and the responses I get are all in defence of the church and "how wonderful" it is that they gave millions because "we can't do it all by ourselves." My husband and I have been alone in this. I remember listening to conference and hearing the words "good global citizens" and recognizing what that meant. It broke my heart to have solid validation of three wickedness and corruption we suspected was happening. I hope and pray that those of us who are seeing this will come together soon.
Sarah- I know what the testimony of the two witnesses will be, rather soon too imo. If you care to know, I've posted my first two videos explaining it. This information is found in the book of Mormon and the Bible. I do not however support the LDS church, they have a false prophet and false doctrines surrounding the book of Mormon. God bless
You are wrong. Even Christ said to render unto Ceaser the things which are Ceaser's. That did not mean He or the Church agreed with the government. You lack understanding.
Same here! I'll NEVER be a "good global citizen" hell no. That and learning RN is a bonesman... that was enough for me. I've been out and sounding the warning voice for those with ears to hear.
@derrickcox7761 your interpretation of that is nothing but desperately trying to hold on to a very corrupt church.
We stand with you!
I just came across your channel and subscribed. I have known this for awhile and I am so glad you are getting the word out. Russell Nelson was a member of the Skull and Bones at the University of Utah. What is funny is that he admits it in his autobiography HEART TO HEART -- I believe it is on page 48. I believe this is why the church is going down this dangerous path with the United Nations.
The church has sided with the secret combinations.
Thank you for compiling all of this in one place. Definitely worth looking into.
After the church leaders pulled back Brigham's very harsh tithing policy when he died, the Church of the Latter-day Saints began getting into more and more debt. But then it seems that after Wilford spoke at the Bohemian Club in San Fransisco (and died of a failed bladder surgery before getting back home), the church began to have its financial woes resolve. Yes, they were still not entirely in bed with evil people, but the seeds were planted. In Lorenzo's time, people started paying a little more tithing and magically all the financial problems went away. Then Ezra Benson, who was severely against the UN, calmed down his narrative after becoming president. And since Ezra there's been no opposing voice to globalized tyranny. And now the most wealthy christian church in the world is playing on the same team as the most evil people in the world. They sold the soul of "the kingdom of God on earth" for monetary security.
I'm not usually one to take up wild conspiracy theories, but this progression is too much to ignore. And I'm not saying that God doesn't reward people for their charitable monetary sacrifices, but come on. The church was 2.3 million in debt (that's 1887 money, by the way) and then it wasn't. Look into the Edmunds-Tucker Act and the many church assets the government seized. All things are possible with God, but Wilford's connection to the Bohemian Club throws some doubt on who actually made that debt go away. It's my belief that he current leaders of the church are fulfilling a promise made generations ago by getting in bed with the UN now. And they don't seem very reluctant about it.
Remember to read the Book of Mormon and seek Jesus. He's all we have left now, and He's enough.
Amen! Just read Alma 32 today as guided by the Spirit -- Alma told the poor (who had built the synagogues- ie tithing ? ) weren’t allowed to even come in- Alma’s council was perfect !
So good! Thanks for shredding light on this!
Thank you for doing this. I had no idea. The church should not be in bed with tyrants! 🤬
All churches have infiltrated with Rome, all Jesuit Pastors not feeding the flock Roman Catholicism has taken over all Religions
Thanks for another great video .Excellent information. Rebekah Griffin did a wonderful expose on this very subject as well called UNholy Alliance.
As it has been prophesied that our day will be a great day of deception.
We should be continually seeking and praying for discernment and divine insight, so we can know for ourselves.
Thanks again for your work.
Thank you for this video. It takes courage to speak truth. 💔🕊️
When the president/ false prophet met with the pope and kissed the ring it should have been game, set, match. Its pretty clear they are not really serving the most high and his son yeshua.
Some of these meetings they are trying to compel and force the church under the table. But above the table its a different story; with a puppet show to pretend nice.
Amen. 💔☠️
The Pope just announced that all path's ( religion's)lead to God.
He previously said that Jesus failed at the cross. 🤯😰 What!!???
It became a Moroni 10:3-5 moment for me when I was shocked/taken aback by Pres. Nelson's video where he is leaning into the camera saying "Be a good global citizen" in regards to taking the remedy. I recognized the Gadianton Globalist language right away and why was that coming out of his mouth??? And he wasn't alone. I saw a collage of him and many church leaders of all faiths doing the same photo of themselves getting the shot so that their followers would follow. I noted that the commercials between conferences during that time ran shame ads against anyone resisting. And so I fasted and prayed like I hadn't done in years. 30 days (from sugar) and regular fast at the end. My question: Lord, is this remedy good for me? I opened my scriptures randomly to a scripture mentioned in this podcast: D&C 123:13 (the whole chapter actually) And Got: There's bad nefarious guys, do your research, a little helm can make a difference on a big ship. So I did. My conclusion: It was not good for anyone.
There is a difference between the President of the Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One carries the keys, the other does not. Is he speaking to the global citizens, or the Saints? Mat 5:25
"But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."
@@SuHwakHe has no keys. ☠️💔🛡️⚔️✝️
This is sophistry in action.
Hales was also Skull and Bones.
Thanks for sharing.
The great and abominable includes all those aligned with it. The mudder of Harlooots and the daughters. All churches have been corrupted as the Book of Mormon mentions. The Jacob allegory tells us the olive trees have all beautiful fruit of all kinds that are all bad. Then the Lord of the vineyard sends his servant one more time, slash and burn job, the man like Moses who will come. He will call other servants. We are still a ways from that as we are in the descent stage into terrible darkness and suffering. All these alliances will lead to nothing any more than they did for Jerusalem in Lehi and Jeremiah's days. We need to study what it was like for Mormon in his day as we are going into the same or worse. The scriptures tell us what we will go through will be worse than the world has ever seen. We are so blind and unless we are truly righteous the Lord will not hear our cries, just as he did not hear the cries of the people of King Noah. So we can chose to be like Alma's people, the remnant, or we can suffer like King Noah's people. God wants us to chose him over church or any worldly organization. It is all of them. Thanks for your thoughts and putting this all together.
the answer is easy, restore the policy of common consent for supporting leaders..simple. We nominate and sustain non campaigning members to represent us in leadership anonymously with heavy voting integrity and no parties. Like a pyramid from the bottom up with the understanding of those nominated will vote on our new leaders once the pool gets high into the pyramid enough..for instance three people elect one who is the next body , then three elect one on up the chain till there are triple the leader number at that level and then elect a leader (paid), start at the bishopric level , then have the bishops elect stake leaders etc etc on up the chain (no running for office) if the chosen leader declines to serve he opts out and another vote occurs. retake the church. this would be a democratic republic (not pure democracy) , the vote occurs after the nominated candidates answer some basic questions on where they stand on issues the public members has made. members should include a weighted vote to the portion of their income they contribute (not the financial amount but the percent of personal income for one year). see how easy this is...all in one paragraph on youtube. or it could be based on system is perfect so no need to bring up the flaws but its "our" church right? the bride of christs church...not the self chosen shepherds mistress. Test this one ward at a time and split off if the church disagrees with your own neighborhood church. then merge the neighborhood churches into a stake etc. Get that Mormon organization know how to work brothers and sisters. zero contributions for campaigning as nobody runs for office, nobody. All the keys are already in the melchizedek priesthood already. if you disagree just call them offices instead. Have we not been trained ? of course we have. take back the church. Encourage members to pay tithing as the tithing percentage of annual income pays the offices (keep your day job also), not for gain but for good honest work, for the true church, the brides church. Peace. Go to a mountain for temple ordinances or a set apart building that seconds as the ward building. How simple, hammer out the details as we go. Do we no longer have the HG? catch a clue.Re vote every year to sustain or replace with a assistant in waiting and training who makes the decisions till another is determined. Do this for all offices of bishop and higher. Let the HG in the membership determine leaders instead of the HG in the self appointees, trust me they do not have higher "keys" than you. Peace out.
I just went to the link and I couldn't find this info. I want to spread this information but I have to be able to show the actual info from the website or they won't believe me. I believe what you are saying.
They most likely will never believe you, mind control is deep.
It's sad to see so much truth with so few subscribers. Publish them smooth things.
I am concerned some of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are card carrying Zoramites.
That said, I will speak no ill of the Lord's anointed or stop paying my tithing.
I would like to see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints turn our resources to helping others, like in places where they kill orphans to clean up their streets. 😢
Do you think you’ll be absolved of guilt when you know about these things and yet support them with your dollars? I highly doubt it.
Great video
This is prophecied in Isaiah. Compare and contrast King Ahaz and King Hezekiah. Then compare and contrast the covenant with death and the covenant with life. We're in for a wild ride including many covenant curses.
So, I joined the LDS Church on October 13, 2019, when I was baptized and given the aaronic preisthood. That night, I had a dream about three churchlike buildings made of black marble. They gave me the creeps. So when I woke up, i told my roommates the dream they seemed uneasy about it but told me it wasn't meaningful, so i haven't really thought about it since. Now that I'm thinking about it, there was a warning. I have no idea what it could be about, though. Any thoughts? I know from later research that the early fathers were associated with the Masonic Brotherhood. And it's thought that the Smith bros were taken because they wanted the secret teachings to be taught openly. Who knows for sure however.
By the by, I'm not the guy your other videos talk about. I'm just a guy who dreams weird things. Like around the end of April 2017, I dreamed of sitting at the edge of a crumbling world with an old man on the hood of a car discussing philosophy of all things...😁 anyways!
Take care and grace be yours.
Fireball-Tim, I have seen a video of the upcoming one world religion. The Pope headed this
up. It is a dark warning. There are three large buildings bringing together Christianity and Islam ... Perhaps this was what you were foreseeing.
Moms for America running the “patriot movement” All Mormons! Al Jackson ex-Utah Senator
Sincere question - what is the problem with the movement? Is there something nefarious or immoral about the movement? Tell us more.
Can you clarify?
The leaders of religion are not watchmen. They are watchers from the book of Enoch. The Jesus dragnet
Gods church shouldn't be aligning with Babylon...
Brother Benson's fervent prayers have been heard and answered. Embrace this Global Citizen Agenda, brothers and sisters.
I hope you are kidding
Joseph Almond, You are deceived!!💔🥺
Right now I’m all over the place.
But this video hasn’t really helped my faith with the church.
I made a long post on another post and got some help, then one person accused me of making a fake comment and told others not to get baited.
I would post it here but it is long, basically for issues with stuff like “Quakers on the moon” and such.
And after this and then that guy sating that I think it’s a cult.
If your that close minded you don’t want to hear stuff that is concerns that’s unhealthy. (Also my comments got no likes and his got a few, so obviously more agree with him than me.)
If it was Gods church why would they agree with this 2030 stuff?
How could a prophet?
Isaiah told us these things way before now. Ahaz was a king who made alliances with the Assyrian. After they were destroyed, king Hezekiah was faced with the same circumstances. Prophet priest and king went to the lord for revelation. Despite being threatened with destruction, they trusted in God.
Also compare the covenant with death vs the covenant with life. To help understand Isaiah better, see the bifid structure.
Your faith shouldn't be in a church but in the gospel of Jesus Christ which is unchanging and the only sure foundation upon which to build.
Seek after God.
Read the scriptures of God,
not the precepts of men.
Fillow the prophets that were visited and ordained by God,
not the men that claim their ordination came by men, or through tradition.
Lean of the Hand of Divine Providence,
not on the arm of flesh, precepts of men.
Is quoting UN statistics worth the trouble? Pretty silly
Of course there are some good things. If they were all nefarious then who would join the church. They have to do the same with everything else.
No, this is very bad. This is bad.
You are all making a very serious mistake if you think the Prophet and Apostles are wrong.
Which ones do you believe? Many conflict, do you believe Joseph that taught against polygamy, or Brigham that embraced polygamy?
They are more than wrong they are corrupt.
Perhaps you are the one who is wrong. By their fruits. We're surrounded by false prophets, just as the BofM and the prophets in the Bible warn! Open your eyes
Although I do understand where you are coming from. 5 years ago I still believed the church was the only one not infiltrated... I was a brigham apologist for 46 years. Then last year God opened my eyes and the scriptures bore testimony of our awful situation... RN is part of Skull and Bones. Look it up. And ALL THIS that was just presented... are you going to choose to ignore this and put your head in the sand? To your and your loved ones detriment....
If the prophets can't lead us astray. Then tell me why God spent so much time warning US in particular about false prophets? And why if the D&C does God warn Joseph about falling from his position (if that wasn't possible?)
Joseph WAS/IS a true prophetand servant of Jehovah. He was the last. Go read D&C 84 and 124, and then don't stop see where God takes you. Probably to Ezekiel and Jeremiah, the chapters skipped over in Come Follow Me....
@@Kristy_not_KristineI don't know why but I still believe the Prophet is good- inspired and trying to do the right things. I am sad he took the va$$ and encouraged all to the same although the first presidency didn't tell just asked! Still so many died and still are dying of cancer- turbo cancers -leukemia and Lyme just to name a few!
It is troubling and many are angry! I'm not angry but somewhat disillusioned.
I agree. These are evil bed fellows. But either the church is not giving to the poor or they are. We can have it both ways.
I don’t know that people are saying the church doesn’t give to the poor, but of the tithing they receive, 0.8% goes to humanitarian aid. Less than 1%. This according to widows mite report on church finances. Besides that, if they are giving millions to an organization that has evil plans, is all that money really being used for those supposed causes…or being used to fund other things? We need accountability how donations actually get used.
@SamIAm1808 But fast offerings go wholly to support the poor in the church. Have you forgotten this? Humanitarian aid is fir helping with natural disasters, famine, etc.
@@buntzy2 So the offering is mentioned in Malachi. The offering the scriptures teach us is that we are to offer the sacrifice of a broken heart and contrite spirit. However, in Malachi it is the priests who are robbing God, because they are taking the tithing to pay for great and spacious buildings, to live off the labors of the people (priestcraft) and thus they have transformed what the offering is supposed to be into a fast offering to collect more money and yes that is then used for humanitarian aid.
They aren't giving to the poor😂