Man, those things look like a lifesaver if used correctly. For me, screeding concrete is what kills me when I pour. Especially in a big, flat slab with a lot of wet screeding involved. It just doesn't ever get easier. It makes it far worse when you got mud pullers who can't tell weather it's damn high or low or how much they need to push or pull with the come along to get it near grade so you don't have to stop and freaking set back every 2 feet and direct them on when, where, and how to pull mud. I'm sure other experienced concrete men can identify with me. Concrete can be brutal. Is that Mike day i see right there?
Thought it was Mike Day's Concrete
lucky you got a good raker....
Man, those things look like a lifesaver if used correctly. For me, screeding concrete is what kills me when I pour. Especially in a big, flat slab with a lot of wet screeding involved. It just doesn't ever get easier. It makes it far worse when you got mud pullers who can't tell weather it's damn high or low or how much they need to push or pull with the come along to get it near grade so you don't have to stop and freaking set back every 2 feet and direct them on when, where, and how to pull mud. I'm sure other experienced concrete men can identify with me. Concrete can be brutal.
Is that Mike day i see right there?
Ever used a two by four 16 fr trying to doing it.
no "shovels on" that straight edge,
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