A Ballad for JFK

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024
  • To: Sheskin, Scotstown, Co Monaghan. 25/01/1967. Thank you for your recent letter and for your thoughtfullness in sending me a copy of the "Ballad" you have written in honour of President Kennedy.
    The respect for President Kennedy that prompted your composition means a great deal to me and my family. Indeed it is a source of great honor to all Americans to know that the memory of President Kennedy is held in such high esteen throughout the world.
    With appreciation and kindest regards, Robert F. Kennedy, United States Senate. Enjoy this campfire style version of 'A Ballad for J.F.K'
    1st Verse
    The city of Dallas - in the state of Texas
    There rode the President - of the USA.
    His wife behind him - his friends all around
    Not knowing that death - lurked on the way.
    2nd Verse
    Like a flash of lightning - a cruel assassin
    Had pierced the heart - of that leader so grand.
    His young wife cried out - in shock and sorrow
    "Oh no, oh no, - not my darling John".
    3rd Verse
    The cheering crowds - were bewildered all
    Not knowing where - the mo-tor-cade had gone
    Not knowing that - their leader beloved
    His life's blood a flowing - had just passed on.
    4th Verse
    The tragic news - caused the whole world over
    To stand in mourning - and the tears to flow
    For one great statesman - had been taken away
    How great that loss - we never will know.
    5th Verse
    Then from the office - of the United States Senate
    Went a letter to Sheskin - from the Robert F Kennedy
    Thanking Kay Mullan - for thoughtfullness in sending
    The ballad she wrote - honouring John F Kennedy.
    Yeah.... the President of the USA.

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