So interesting to see the process. I probably heard guitar number 46 being made - back when we were neighbours! I could hear you busy in your workshop/garage while I write computer code in my study. It's great to see Atkin going from strength to strength over the years. Smart move to change the logo 😀.
Honestly ,there are more appealing guitars out there with flawless,and beautiful finishes,but you will not,i repeat will not find any guitars out there that are historically accurate in design and sound and play better than the originals. These guitars are set up with a dead accurate precision ,play like butter,feel great ,and sound like they are on steroids. I have a small black lg style model and it looks beat up and ugly,but the sound always floors any one who plays it,and it gets so many compliments from my listening audience.
I swear I’m gonna buy one of these one day… great vid , awesome team , beautiful workmanship
Your L-36 is still the best guitar I've ever played. Instant connection, incredible work!
Great to meet the team. I'm a very happy owner of an Atkin Essential D!
So interesting to see the process.
I probably heard guitar number 46 being made - back when we were neighbours! I could hear you busy in your workshop/garage while I write computer code in my study. It's great to see Atkin going from strength to strength over the years. Smart move to change the logo 😀.
It's crazy that Laurence has only been making pickups for a short number of years. They are some of the best I've ever used!
Alister, I really hope you still make guitars yourself - your infectious passion for them remains the same!! 💜💚❤
Do you guys offer 1 3/4 nut width and C shaped low profile or thin necks on your acoustic guitars? Thanks
Honestly ,there are more appealing guitars out there with flawless,and beautiful finishes,but you will not,i repeat will not find any guitars out there that are historically accurate in design and sound and play better than the originals. These guitars are set up with a dead accurate precision ,play like butter,feel great ,and sound like they are on steroids. I have a small black lg style model and it looks beat up and ugly,but the sound always floors any one who plays it,and it gets so many compliments from my listening audience.
Atkin guitar makes gibsons better than gibsons all hands down.