I'm not scared of heights. I'm just skeptical of the equipment that's supposed to keep me from falling. If a scaffolding is swaying slightly, I want to get off.
Yeah, its the sense of trust and controll, lets take that 'speedfear' for example; when you are speeding on a highway 150km/h, it isnt really scary. But once you lose controll of your car or hear anything breaking out of nowhere at such speed you'll deffintly shit your pants
Sensing that you are high spot in a tall building is not an unexplained aspect of fear of heights. As one builds taller buildings, winds effect increases. This causes the building to shake more as you go higher, which sometimes reaches noticeable levels.
Respect is a very good term. Respecting danger is different then being scared of danger. Respect is to be aware of the risk and be prudent, make rational decisions. Fear is to dwell too much on the danger and let the danger control your emotions and choices
admittedly, I could never imagine myself being one of those construction workers sitting with no supports that high up. While I am training myself to no longer fear heights, I would still freak out something awful that high up.
I get uneasy when riding really fast on my bike ( >45 km/h) but not when in a car. I think it is related to the feeling of wind rushing by, but also that I am more vulnerable on a bike with no big metal casing and seat-belt to protect me.
The bit about fear of speed reminded me of the chime alarm most japanese cars came with that goes off when reaching past 105 km/h. Although, while it doesn't tell the driver to be afraid of going fast, it rather hints him to be cautious.
Well there are many stories and movies about narrow canyons which are portrayed as scary. And yes, falling debris is an issue exponentially as the valley is narrower.
I'm a pilot for aircraft SE-URG (you can Google it) and it is only the first 2-4 seconds when you lift one gets the feeling that go up at high altitude. once you have reached a height and looking down, it's not worse than looking at Google maps.
being afraid of speed isnt so common because you will tend to rely on something resistive to slow you down for example friction, air resistance... but with heights there is simply nothing you can do to slow down unless you use a parachute which is still dangerous.
This I believe is more accurate as we have no real measure in our head of dying but we do of falling, and it has a link to the feeling of being helpless and having no control.
I'm scared of speed. It's something I've had to overcome learning to drive, and sitting in the car with my mum who's a terrible speeder a lot of the time. But even on a bicycle I never go as fast as I could. I would say it's because I once crashed my bike at the bottom of a hill, but that was the first time I let off the brakes all the way. On the other hand, I'm not afraid of the speed of height that comes with throwing myself down an icy and snowy hilltop. That's often much faster than a bike.
... its great that we learn new stuff about James May every Friday. Can he ride a Unicycle like Gregg Ball said? And how big is his flowered shirt collection?
Imagination is what gets me. I imagine what it would be like falling off. All the videos I have seen of people falling off of buildings flashes through my mind.
agreed. fear of heights is smart. oddly I'm not at all afraid of those glass floors because I know they're stronger than the normal floor. also speed is something you're introduced to as a small child, I assume if one was dangled from a large building every day as a child they probably wouldn't be very scared of heights... either that or terrified.
There's a ride at Disneyland where an entire room of people is slowly inched upwards about five stories. There is no sensation of movement. It's the sense of movement along with your irrational fears that have you scared.
I'm the same as James, terrified of tall buildings or cliffs but quite happy to fly in a plane. It makes no sense. Especially as I only fly on commercial airliners so never have a parachute!
That vertigo you feel is in your mind. There is a game my son has for his PS3 that has the character climb this great high tower and I get a weird feeling in my head exactly like I was on a cliff?
I am not a bird, but I know someone that had a pet bird that was afraid of heights. It was not very confident in its own flying and whenever it did fly it was always very close to the ground and very short distances.
Funny how this topic came up only a few days after I visited the pulpit rock on Norway. That's a cliff with a 604 meter drop right down into the ocean. There was one guy doing pull ups off the edge to pose for a picture. I never even approached the edge.
The reason we are not scared of speed is that we have only been able to actually move at high speeds for a very short time of human history. We have developed a fear of heights thanks to evolution (people who felt down from tall places got injured or died, so through time those who didn't learn that lesson became extinct effectively leaving us as a species scared of heights (which is a good thing I might add)), but we simply haven't had time to learn that high speed is in fact just as dangerous.
I don't feel scared going fast, but more accelerating & braking, where G Force comes into play. Usually I'm in an enclosed space at high speed, so there is only a visual reference. This only becomes alarming when another object is approaching (relatively) the car I'm in, such as an oncoming vehicle or concrete wall; at which point I tense up and my legs lock in place. Is my mum that bad a driver? :-P
I'm not scared of speed per se but will get uncomfortable if going too fast. When I was about 7 family was in a motor boat and I wouldn't let my dad go faster than 40mph. I could not see the gauges, I could tell by the wind in my face.
I hadn't ridden a bicycle for a long time and when I got back on and was riding down a slope and started speeding up faster than my feet could peddle me, something as a child I loved, I started to panic. Perhaps it was that my balance wasn't the same as it had been and I felt unstable, but I was scared of going too fast. I think anyone who has been on a run away horse has felt the same. I think the enclosed space of a car is what gives us a false sense of security.
Somebody should take this idea: someone should build a really tall building then make the walls completely opaque and remove windows and stuff so that when you go up to that floor (80th for example) a person could truly test for vertigo and whatnot. Idk if I made sense there but to me it sounds absolutely wonderful.
I completely agree with you James funny i was talking about this the other day! Also i have that fear going up in lifts because of the height and honestly the feeling of if this snaps or whatever im going to die so thats definetly why i have a fear of height!
And i have no fears in flying as i want to be a pilot but some many people say well if your scared of heights, why be a pilot but in the air i feel safe, although there is that danger, i just dont feel scared of the height.
I remember James and his fear of heights on Top Gear UK while they were driving in the mountains cliffs. I loved how he almost chopped off Jeremys head because he ran into the back of him.
For me I'm weird with heights, because if it high enough to injure me badly like paralyze me I'm scared but if it's high enough to just kill me I have no issue what so ever.
I'm scared of speed.Well, not really, I'm scared of crashing at high speeds. I am even utterly terrified of tubing and other speedy water sports, and I feel a horrible fear every time I do it. I guess I like being a little scared sometimes.
2:38 - I'am scared of depth...sort of. I don't feel confortable swimming in deep waters like deep rivers or lakes despite being a good swimmer. On the other hand I don't have a problem at all swimming in a deep pool. I'm also a bit scared of heights so that probably has something to do with it.
I have almost zero fear for heights, and no fear for any sort of pool. But my god please dont let me swim in a deep ocean/lake because that is so scary, for me it has to do with the organisms and chances that something will pull me down. Also, i think when swimming in a pool you can see whats underwater, while swimming in mother nature you cant see it 99% of the time, maybe that has something to do with it
people aren't as scared of speed, because usually our speed is under our control unless we are falling, which is why we are more afraid of heights - because we can't control our speed as well unless you are at 73,000 feet in a plane that has been that high and returned numerous times. and that's why you aren't as scared at that height in a plane as you are at a quarter of that height on a cliff of a mountain with no safety gear. it's easier to imagine the plane gently falling to a landing.
probably height when you get to the top and roller coaster start to go down you feel so much pressure that you feel it will break and you will fall down
Perhaps we don't have a fear of speed because we don't really sense it. We can sense acceleration and deceleration, but being at a constant speed just feels like sitting on a bouncy chair. That is if you're in an enclosed space like a car. If you are out in the elements it's probably a different story, and why people say travelling like that makes you feel like you're going much faster than you actually are.
James if you have time did You ever jump with parachute?Asking cos i wonder how it felt as you seem to be as afraid of heights as i am,thou i am probably more!
Cats are scared of heights, that's how they get stuck in trees.They also survive falls at their terminal velocity on a regular basis.If fact, there was a study once that showed that cats that fell out of tall buildings had the highest chance of dying only between roughly 10-20 stories. The theory is that the cat is having a reflex under 10 stories, getting scared and flailing between 10-20 and therefor landing on its head or something, and after 20 relaxes again and falls just like under 10. lol
My mother in law does actually have fear of speed. Every time when we're on the highway and I'm doin' a reasonable 120 km/h she tents holds herself tighter to whatever she can get grip on and her facial expression changes drasticly to fear. She becomes a lot less chatty and can't stop watching forward.
Well, our percepcion of how fast we are going isn't acurate at all. When I was learning for my licance instructor mentioned couple of times that I need to slow down, which made me realise there's no differance betwen 30-40 and that can already be a life and death differance.
I'm not afraid of heights anymore not because I don't have a good imagination or that I don't see my self falling, it's because my logistic part of my brain kicks in and tells me that there really isn't anything to be afraid about.
I think James summed it up beautifully when he made the point that a normal fear of heights is the result of an evolved fear of death. Any birds who fear heights? ... maybe chickens :)
People also don't suffer from fear of heights in a hot air balloon, so the argument of "there's a door to keep me from falling out of my plane" isn't really holding up; the basket doesn't offer much protection at all. You don't get fear of heights in a plane or a hot air balloon because your eyes can't measure the distance to the ground, since you're not standing on something that is connected to it.
I am scared of heights, but only since i had my first child. Particularly heights near water. It is bad enough on my own but if the kids are with me i fi d myself walking as far away from the edge and making myself as heavy as possible. On the other hand i am scared of them from both ends, looking up at high buildings etc. is as scary as looking down. Also i am not scared of falling, just of heights.
I too have a fear of matches under my eyeballs! P.S. I started watching you because I love Nick Lowe, whom I thought you were, but I now love you for whom you are!
"if there are any birds scared of heights..." Yes a lot of females will write in ;) I had thought when James had spoke about his vertigo in the past being height related that it was actual vertigo. However now he's made it sound like the vertigo is anxiety/panic attack related. Speaking of which could James please do one on anxiety and panic attacks. I've also heard mixed about panic attacks as to whether you can die or not from them.
Would being in an airy cave cavern be a fear of depths or claustrophobia? For some people freak out when we enter them and just sit there. It's like being in the largest auditorium you have ever seen, but they still get scared.
I don't know anyone scared of valleys either, but people get killed in rock/mud slides, which slide into valleys. And of course riding in a car makes your much more susceptible to being in a car crash, which can kill you at just normal speeds. Of course you have much more control over whether or not you'll fall off a building or cliff then if you'll be hit by a car, ergo fear is irrational and not a sign of intelligence
actually back in the day people were scared shitless from speed. take danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, he wrote after a train ride that he was pretty scared in a train going 50 KM/h, the reason we're not scared of speed is because we're used to it, the same way that people who grew up in a skyscraper is not all that afraid of heights
Probably the reason we are not widely scared of speed is that it is only recently (genetically speaking) that we have been able to travel significantly faster than what we ourselves can achieve. Also, generally while it is more dangerous theoretically, the actual incidence of death probably isn't crazily high.
It's not stupid to not be scared of heights. It just means you're smart enough to know how not to fall off really. Heights aren't dangerous - falling off is dangerous, and if you don't randomly fall off there is no real reason to be afraid.
I'm fine going high speeds in a confined space such as a car or a plane, but in an unconfined space (motorcycle, amusement rides, etc) I get scared of speed easily
I understand that a lot of people are scared of heights, I'm not a big fan of heights until i get used to them, for example when i first walk up to a window on the top floor of a tall building, I'm naturally over come by the fear of falling but that passes within minutes because I've got used to the fact that I'm so high up. When James said he's not scared of flying his light aircraft but he gets scared in a lift, that doesn't make any sense to me what so ever, that to me isn't the fear of falling, its something else completely.
i'm not afraid of heights, even though i thought i was for all of my life. i'm terrified of falling. in a car i'm scared the door flies off, when i'm high i see myself falling. so yeah scared of falling.
What? I think it's perfectly normal. I'm afraid of heights too but I love flying - I am actually training for a glider pilot's licence. It's because you can easily fall off a building but when you're strapped to the seat of an airplane, it feels like you've become one with the machine. You know you won't just fall off and die unless shit really goes down.
Actually, it's probably much less painful. dropping 100m kills you instantly, while with 15m you might be left in a coma forever or get mortally wounded and keep dying for a few hours in unimaginable pain.
It's rather scary the first few times a normal person got into a race car and went full speed down a track. It might not occur to James since he's been in really fast cars. I've heard of people getting a ride in a car that they race in the Indianapolis 500 and they're terrified the entire time.
I know that thing's true, that I'm scared of dying more than scared of heights. I took a closed gondola between two mountain peaks, and I was just fine. But the open ski lift to get up the mountain, that made me very uncomfortable. I'm happy in an airplane, but unhappy looking down from a second floor balcony
I am more afraid as James said, of death from falling from a high height. I like climbing mountains, high hills or tall towers etc... just as long as I know there won't be a chance I'll fall of these places and be killed.
But we are scared of speed, like when youre in a car and there is a change in elevation and you go down but the inertia keeps you up for a little bit and then you feel something in your stomach like very string butterflies
It think speeding in a car or on an airplane is not scary because at least someone is in control. When you fall, you're completely on your own and landing is the only thing that can possibly stop you.
What if James was asleep when someone carried him up to the 80th floor: would he feel vertigo immediately ahter waking up or would he feel okay until he was told he was on the 80th floor?
Weird. I am not at all scared of heights. I am scared of speed though, I just can't stop thinking "well what if a front tire blows off, what if steering jams, what if brakes stop working, what if there is a huge pothole that's going to send the car into a ditch upside down". I get more of that if someone else is at the wheel, and a bit less if I am.
Surely if a bird was scared of heights, the logical way to let James May know would be to tweet it.
"What is the highest you've ever been"
My answer would have been different.
Oh men, one time i almost OD'ed on GHB. That was the highest time EVER
DrewPeacock69 TrippyDrew69 i was once so high.... i made fichtls lied
LSD is better than weed unless it’s Girl Scout cookies.
"People who aren't scared of heights aren't to be trusted!" brilliant line :)
his shirt is hypnotic!
I'm not scared of heights.
I'm just skeptical of the equipment that's supposed to keep me from falling.
If a scaffolding is swaying slightly, I want to get off.
Good point.
Yeah, its the sense of trust and controll, lets take that 'speedfear' for example; when you are speeding on a highway 150km/h, it isnt really scary. But once you lose controll of your car or hear anything breaking out of nowhere at such speed you'll deffintly shit your pants
I love it when he just rambles of ! Anyway, I do think I have a fear of speed.
Sensing that you are high spot in a tall building is not an unexplained aspect of fear of heights. As one builds taller buildings, winds effect increases. This causes the building to shake more as you go higher, which sometimes reaches noticeable levels.
Respect is a very good term. Respecting danger is different then being scared of danger. Respect is to be aware of the risk and be prudent, make rational decisions. Fear is to dwell too much on the danger and let the danger control your emotions and choices
James May explains everything very well. I really like it.
yup, and that's also what he said (apart from the "we may develop it" part) in the main video
admittedly, I could never imagine myself being one of those construction workers sitting with no supports that high up. While I am training myself to no longer fear heights, I would still freak out something awful that high up.
I get uneasy when riding really fast on my bike ( >45 km/h) but not when in a car. I think it is related to the feeling of wind rushing by, but also that I am more vulnerable on a bike with no big metal casing and seat-belt to protect me.
The bit about fear of speed reminded me of the chime alarm most japanese cars came with that goes off when reaching past 105 km/h. Although, while it doesn't tell the driver to be afraid of going fast, it rather hints him to be cautious.
Well there are many stories and movies about narrow canyons which are portrayed as scary. And yes, falling debris is an issue exponentially as the valley is narrower.
I'm a pilot for aircraft SE-URG (you can Google it) and it is only the first 2-4 seconds when you lift one gets the feeling that go up at high altitude. once you have reached a height and looking down, it's not worse than looking at Google maps.
being afraid of speed isnt so common because you will tend to rely on something resistive to slow you down for example friction, air resistance... but with heights there is simply nothing you can do to slow down unless you use a parachute which is still dangerous.
This I believe is more accurate as we have no real measure in our head of dying but we do of falling, and it has a link to the feeling of being helpless and having no control.
I'm scared of speed. It's something I've had to overcome learning to drive, and sitting in the car with my mum who's a terrible speeder a lot of the time. But even on a bicycle I never go as fast as I could. I would say it's because I once crashed my bike at the bottom of a hill, but that was the first time I let off the brakes all the way.
On the other hand, I'm not afraid of the speed of height that comes with throwing myself down an icy and snowy hilltop. That's often much faster than a bike.
... its great that we learn new stuff about James May every Friday. Can he ride a Unicycle like Gregg Ball said? And how big is his flowered shirt collection?
Imagination is what gets me. I imagine what it would be like falling off. All the videos I have seen of people falling off of buildings flashes through my mind.
agreed. fear of heights is smart.
oddly I'm not at all afraid of those glass floors because I know they're stronger than the normal floor.
also speed is something you're introduced to as a small child, I assume if one was dangled from a large building every day as a child they probably wouldn't be very scared of heights... either that or terrified.
There's a ride at Disneyland where an entire room of people is slowly inched upwards about five stories. There is no sensation of movement. It's the sense of movement along with your irrational fears that have you scared.
I'm the same as James, terrified of tall buildings or cliffs but quite happy to fly in a plane. It makes no sense. Especially as I only fly on commercial airliners so never have a parachute!
That vertigo you feel is in your mind. There is a game my son has for his PS3 that has the character climb this great high tower and I get a weird feeling in my head exactly like I was on a cliff?
I am not a bird, but I know someone that had a pet bird that was afraid of heights. It was not very confident in its own flying and whenever it did fly it was always very close to the ground and very short distances.
Funny how this topic came up only a few days after I visited the pulpit rock on Norway. That's a cliff with a 604 meter drop right down into the ocean. There was one guy doing pull ups off the edge to pose for a picture. I never even approached the edge.
As scuba instructor I've have felt the sensation of heights when descending on a deep dive in clear water, free fall :)
The reason we are not scared of speed is that we have only been able to actually move at high speeds for a very short time of human history. We have developed a fear of heights thanks to evolution (people who felt down from tall places got injured or died, so through time those who didn't learn that lesson became extinct effectively leaving us as a species scared of heights (which is a good thing I might add)), but we simply haven't had time to learn that high speed is in fact just as dangerous.
I don't feel scared going fast, but more accelerating & braking, where G Force comes into play. Usually I'm in an enclosed space at high speed, so there is only a visual reference. This only becomes alarming when another object is approaching (relatively) the car I'm in, such as an oncoming vehicle or concrete wall; at which point I tense up and my legs lock in place. Is my mum that bad a driver? :-P
Two or three weeks after I had quite a hard car accident I was still afraid of going fast (over 120kph or so). So yes, there is fear of speed!
james when you are in an elivator and you feel that innitial acceleration up but you dont feel a deceleration you know you are getting higher
I'm not scared of speed per se but will get uncomfortable if going too fast. When I was about 7 family was in a motor boat and I wouldn't let my dad go faster than 40mph. I could not see the gauges, I could tell by the wind in my face.
I hadn't ridden a bicycle for a long time and when I got back on and was riding down a slope and started speeding up faster than my feet could peddle me, something as a child I loved, I started to panic. Perhaps it was that my balance wasn't the same as it had been and I felt unstable, but I was scared of going too fast. I think anyone who has been on a run away horse has felt the same. I think the enclosed space of a car is what gives us a false sense of security.
Dear James,
Why when we falling a sleep sometimes have a feeling of falling down?
Thanks for answering.!
I dont like looking down out of tall buildings but I have no trouble in planes, or in a skiing lift.
I remember when he revealed on top gear that he was scared of heights. I don't remember the name of the place they went.
I am scared of depths--at least when it comes to water. Is that related to the fear of heights, or is it closer to claustrophobia?
I know these photographs they're talking about. My sister had one of those in her office. Even looking at it made me feel uneasy.
Somebody should take this idea: someone should build a really tall building then make the walls completely opaque and remove windows and stuff so that when you go up to that floor (80th for example) a person could truly test for vertigo and whatnot. Idk if I made sense there but to me it sounds absolutely wonderful.
Totally understand where you are coming from James!
"I've been pretty high" lol
These videos are very useful, I am trying out some Green Screen editing and they make great testing material :P THANKS JAMES
I completely agree with you James funny i was talking about this the other day! Also i have that fear going up in lifts because of the height and honestly the feeling of if this snaps or whatever im going to die so thats definetly why i have a fear of height!
And i have no fears in flying as i want to be a pilot but some many people say well if your scared of heights, why be a pilot but in the air i feel safe, although there is that danger, i just dont feel scared of the height.
I remember James and his fear of heights on Top Gear UK while they were driving in the mountains cliffs. I loved how he almost chopped off Jeremys head because he ran into the back of him.
It's like if you're going fast on a bike or in a car, it's only scary if you go a bit to close to the side of the road or corner a bit fast.
For me I'm weird with heights, because if it high enough to injure me badly like paralyze me I'm scared but if it's high enough to just kill me I have no issue what so ever.
I'm scared of speed.Well, not really, I'm scared of crashing at high speeds. I am even utterly terrified of tubing and other speedy water sports, and I feel a horrible fear every time I do it. I guess I like being a little scared sometimes.
2:38 - I'am scared of depth...sort of. I don't feel confortable swimming in deep waters like deep rivers or lakes despite being a good swimmer. On the other hand I don't have a problem at all swimming in a deep pool. I'm also a bit scared of heights so that probably has something to do with it.
I have almost zero fear for heights, and no fear for any sort of pool. But my god please dont let me swim in a deep ocean/lake because that is so scary, for me it has to do with the organisms and chances that something will pull me down.
Also, i think when swimming in a pool you can see whats underwater, while swimming in mother nature you cant see it 99% of the time, maybe that has something to do with it
people aren't as scared of speed, because usually our speed is under our control unless we are falling, which is why we are more afraid of heights - because we can't control our speed as well unless you are at 73,000 feet in a plane that has been that high and returned numerous times. and that's why you aren't as scared at that height in a plane as you are at a quarter of that height on a cliff of a mountain with no safety gear. it's easier to imagine the plane gently falling to a landing.
probably height when you get to the top and roller coaster start to go down you feel so much pressure that you feel it will break and you will fall down
Perhaps we don't have a fear of speed because we don't really sense it. We can sense acceleration and deceleration, but being at a constant speed just feels like sitting on a bouncy chair. That is if you're in an enclosed space like a car. If you are out in the elements it's probably a different story, and why people say travelling like that makes you feel like you're going much faster than you actually are.
high change in acceleration is rather alarming, to me anyway. Such as taking of in a plane when you feel pressed against your seat.
James if you have time did You ever jump with parachute?Asking cos i wonder how it felt as you seem to be as afraid of heights as i am,thou i am probably more!
Cats are scared of heights, that's how they get stuck in trees.They also survive falls at their terminal velocity on a regular basis.If fact, there was a study once that showed that cats that fell out of tall buildings had the highest chance of dying only between roughly 10-20 stories. The theory is that the cat is having a reflex under 10 stories, getting scared and flailing between 10-20 and therefor landing on its head or something, and after 20 relaxes again and falls just like under 10. lol
My mother in law does actually have fear of speed. Every time when we're on the highway and I'm doin' a reasonable 120 km/h she tents holds herself tighter to whatever she can get grip on and her facial expression changes drasticly to fear. She becomes a lot less chatty and can't stop watching forward.
i went to a place in canada were there was a landslide and it filled in an entire valley
Loved this
Well, our percepcion of how fast we are going isn't acurate at all. When I was learning for my licance instructor mentioned couple of times that I need to slow down, which made me realise there's no differance betwen 30-40 and that can already be a life and death differance.
I am not afraid of heights, I am afraid of being high up while intoxicated.
Is there a phobia for that?
May: I am scared of heights. Producer: What is the highest you have been? May: Space.... :P
Terrified of heights- myriads of possible scenarios of me falling off run through my head when I'm somewhere high.
I'm not afraid of heights anymore not because I don't have a good imagination or that I don't see my self falling, it's because my logistic part of my brain kicks in and tells me that there really isn't anything to be afraid about.
your shirt is freaking me OUT!!!
I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of surviving a high fall.
I think James summed it up beautifully when he made the point that a normal fear of heights is the result of an evolved fear of death.
Any birds who fear heights? ... maybe chickens :)
People also don't suffer from fear of heights in a hot air balloon, so the argument of "there's a door to keep me from falling out of my plane" isn't really holding up; the basket doesn't offer much protection at all.
You don't get fear of heights in a plane or a hot air balloon because your eyes can't measure the distance to the ground, since you're not standing on something that is connected to it.
I'm scared of depths as if in water. I've swam over a very deep dark crack in the ground which scared me. Probably a fear of the unknown there.
I am scared of heights, but only since i had my first child. Particularly heights near water. It is bad enough on my own but if the kids are with me i fi d myself walking as far away from the edge and making myself as heavy as possible. On the other hand i am scared of them from both ends, looking up at high buildings etc. is as scary as looking down. Also i am not scared of falling, just of heights.
I too have a fear of matches under my eyeballs! P.S. I started watching you because I love Nick Lowe, whom I thought you were, but I now love you for whom you are!
"if there are any birds scared of heights..." Yes a lot of females will write in ;)
I had thought when James had spoke about his vertigo in the past being height related that it was actual vertigo. However now he's made it sound like the vertigo is anxiety/panic attack related. Speaking of which could James please do one on anxiety and panic attacks. I've also heard mixed about panic attacks as to whether you can die or not from them.
Would being in an airy cave cavern be a fear of depths or claustrophobia? For some people freak out when we enter them and just sit there. It's like being in the largest auditorium you have ever seen, but they still get scared.
I don't know anyone scared of valleys either, but people get killed in rock/mud slides, which slide into valleys. And of course riding in a car makes your much more susceptible to being in a car crash, which can kill you at just normal speeds. Of course you have much more control over whether or not you'll fall off a building or cliff then if you'll be hit by a car, ergo fear is irrational and not a sign of intelligence
I'm scared of tall buildings falling on me, is that similar? I love looking off of tall buildings though.
Nice one with the Constuction worker correction...but watch the pocket billiards, James :)
I'm deeply terrified of deep water. If it's over my head (not difficult, I'm only 5 feet!), I won't go in.
actually back in the day people were scared shitless from speed. take danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, he wrote after a train ride that he was pretty scared in a train going 50 KM/h, the reason we're not scared of speed is because we're used to it, the same way that people who grew up in a skyscraper is not all that afraid of heights
Probably the reason we are not widely scared of speed is that it is only recently (genetically speaking) that we have been able to travel significantly faster than what we ourselves can achieve. Also, generally while it is more dangerous theoretically, the actual incidence of death probably isn't crazily high.
It's not stupid to not be scared of heights. It just means you're smart enough to know how not to fall off really. Heights aren't dangerous - falling off is dangerous, and if you don't randomly fall off there is no real reason to be afraid.
I find it odd but not at all a bad thing that the extras are almost as long as the episode itself.
I'm fine going high speeds in a confined space such as a car or a plane, but in an unconfined space (motorcycle, amusement rides, etc) I get scared of speed easily
I understand that a lot of people are scared of heights, I'm not a big fan of heights until i get used to them, for example when i first walk up to a window on the top floor of a tall building, I'm naturally over come by the fear of falling but that passes within minutes because I've got used to the fact that I'm so high up.
When James said he's not scared of flying his light aircraft but he gets scared in a lift, that doesn't make any sense to me what so ever, that to me isn't the fear of falling, its something else completely.
Same with falling! It's not the fall that kills you! It's when you hit the floor!
I think we just haven't been going as fast for long enough time to evolve a fear of speed. We may develop it in a few thousand years from now.
Fear of depths does exist. But it's more in the sense of swimming and not knowing what is under the waters surface that you can't see.
i'm not afraid of heights, even though i thought i was for all of my life. i'm terrified of falling. in a car i'm scared the door flies off, when i'm high i see myself falling. so yeah scared of falling.
I am more scared of the sudden stop after either falling, or speeding!
What? I think it's perfectly normal. I'm afraid of heights too but I love flying - I am actually training for a glider pilot's licence.
It's because you can easily fall off a building but when you're strapped to the seat of an airplane, it feels like you've become one with the machine. You know you won't just fall off and die unless shit really goes down.
Actually, it's probably much less painful. dropping 100m kills you instantly, while with 15m you might be left in a coma forever or get mortally wounded and keep dying for a few hours in unimaginable pain.
I've got to go up the Eiffel Tower next week 😭😭 scared shitless!!
I'm definitely scared of speed. I actually don't drive, my husband does and when he gets up to speed, it does make me nervous.
I was thinking I was scared of speed too, but I like roller coaster and things of that sort. So I realized I'm just scared of bad drivers.
It's rather scary the first few times a normal person got into a race car and went full speed down a track. It might not occur to James since he's been in really fast cars. I've heard of people getting a ride in a car that they race in the Indianapolis 500 and they're terrified the entire time.
I know that thing's true, that I'm scared of dying more than scared of heights. I took a closed gondola between two mountain peaks, and I was just fine. But the open ski lift to get up the mountain, that made me very uncomfortable. I'm happy in an airplane, but unhappy looking down from a second floor balcony
I am more afraid as James said, of death from falling from a high height. I like climbing mountains, high hills or tall towers etc... just as long as I know there won't be a chance I'll fall of these places and be killed.
What about the emu/ostrich?
But we are scared of speed, like when youre in a car and there is a change in elevation and you go down but the inertia keeps you up for a little bit and then you feel something in your stomach like very string butterflies
Moving quickly in a rollercoaster or something is scary
It think speeding in a car or on an airplane is not scary because at least someone is in control. When you fall, you're completely on your own and landing is the only thing that can possibly stop you.
What if James was asleep when someone carried him up to the 80th floor: would he feel vertigo immediately ahter waking up or would he feel okay until he was told he was on the 80th floor?
Weird. I am not at all scared of heights. I am scared of speed though, I just can't stop thinking "well what if a front tire blows off, what if steering jams, what if brakes stop working, what if there is a huge pothole that's going to send the car into a ditch upside down". I get more of that if someone else is at the wheel, and a bit less if I am.