Thank you brother Corey for having me on! I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation, but it was too short! After processing your responses, I have more questions 😂 I would love to continue this conversation in the near future. I emailed you my contact info. God bless you brother.
This has blessed my heart to see an hear two biblically strong men of God communicate in the Spirit of God. Please have brother Adam back. This was so refreshing.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. That's for you Adam. Our Father Loves both of you. He is with as he is with me. The day you are in his presence remember that.
Amen to both of these scriptures. So long as we continue in Christ grace and we faint not, having repented and been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, our names will not be blotted out.
@@travisstolcis3056 Don't forget the thief on the cross, who was not baptized. I'm sure there have been many millions in the past who, for whatever reason or circumstance, did not get baptized before they died, which includes soldiers on the battlefield, police, firemen, and the ailing and dying in nursing homes and hospices, etc. But their unfortunate circumstances lend us no reason to not get baptized if we can.
This was a great session of two men of GOD. Brothers and sisters in Christ need more videos like this for edification. Props to the both of you. Way to go Gents .
Lord, we pled the blood of Christ over her household, and we asked that you prick their heart, mind, and spirit so they may hear from you. For you said you came to seek the lost, so Lord, we ask that you bring them into the fold! In the name of Jesus we ask and believe it has already been done. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
Okay. You two need to spend more time together in the future. This conversation was great! Adam hasn't just read a couple of verses and then formed a belief. He has drilled down deeply and expressed himself with grace and class, and he had excellent questions and remarks. Another longer conversation on YT would be great!
God doesn’t make mistakes. Just like a person can make a football team or selected to be on the team. Even though that person made the team the person still must obey the rules of the game. If that person decides he/she doesn’t want to follow the rules then he/ she is off the team. They chose to walk away. Therefore, when a person comes into the kingdom of God they have to follow the rules of the kingdom. Since the lord doesn’t dismantle our free will when we are saved then we still have to chose to remain in him. This is so simple but people are trying to find other ways to appease themselves and the masses. The black guy is very wordy and taking scripture out of context to fit his idealogy doctrine of demons that onced saved always saved is automatic. I was it were that easy but the way into the kingdom is difficult and very few find it.
I have come to the belief that one can’t loose their salvation but one can walk away from their salvation. Luke 9:62 points to this in my opinion. I do believe however that the believer that walks away has to consciously walk away from God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit which then makes them not of God anymore.
But you're saved and sealed. That's a seal that we can not break. We can not exorcize the Holy Spirit from our bodies. Nor can we wash off the blood of Christ. And God being omniscient knowing everything would not give someone the Holy Spirit knowing they are going to reject him later.
@jonathansmith7065 If God give you something, no matter what you do, He won't take it away? Just asking because I see these warnings to not do in the bible....but why if I'm sealed no matter what?
@1timetoliveright Test it out, I did. And God will lay a heavy conviction on you, as well as severe consequences, possibly even calling you home early. A saved Christian will not be comfortable in their sin, the Holy Spirit will not allow it. Speaking from experience. You are now a purchased possession, and there is NO REFUNDS. Thank you, Lord Jesus. But try it out for yourself if you are unsure. And yes, you should heed those warnings.
How do I walk away From salvation When salvation is who call me and that's Jesus what people forget is god made a way for use to be save by christ we were cut off by one man Adam and bought back by one man and that's Jesus you don't come to Jesus he. Call you and you are save by his grace and mercy
In 1 Timothy and Thessalonians it says expressly that many will depart from the faith in the latter days…so that means they have the ability to do so. We are saved by Grace through faith…willful faith in the finished work. We can absolutely depart from that and start believing something else including but not limited to doctrines of demons. Also a person cannot fall away from something that you are not 1st established in. No matter if you call it: Excommunicate, Renounce, Repudiate, Disclaim, Diconvert, De-construction, Denounce, and Decommit. You willfully depart…Walk Away. It’s clear brother.
All I want to know is if the Old Testament had sacrifices being made for unknown sin-unknown- how can you possibly know to do whatever work is required to assure your salvation when you don’t even know you’re sinning? How many unknown sins does it take before you’re lost? See Lev. 5:17-19 and Psalm 19:12 for examples. He saves us for His name sake- Psalm 106:8, Psalm 23:3; and 1 John 2:12. Moreover, He is the Author, Grantor, Guarantor, and object of our faith- which is for His glory. If John 17:20-23 says that the Father is in the Son and the Son in the Father, and 2 Cor. 13:5-6; Gal. 2:20, and Col. 1:27 say Christ is in us- this means God is in us, too. Plus, 1 Cor. 6:19 says Holy Spirit is inside of us… how possibly would one be saved and lose it when it’s all for His glory? Is God just going to allow His name to go out bad like that? Sorry for the long comment. 😂 I am working on a teaching for the ladies, and I was actually working on it this morning.
I love watching Corey. He’s awesome Bible teacher. I just disagree on this one topic. He said “if” and then “I won’t” it’s not difficult to understand. To try to work around this verse you have to have the presumption of the contrary. Plus all the scriptures that teach otherwise. But I guess it does depend on one’s interpretation. Thanks for this video Corey! Much love brotha! 💯
A reprobate mind is a mind that is given over to sin and ungodly desires. It describes someone who has rejected God and chooses to live a selfish life. The phrase appears in the Bible in Romans 1:28. Explanation The Greek word for "reprobate" in the New Testament is adokimos, which means "unapproved" or "rejected". People with reprobate minds may know God's commandments, but they live impure lives and have little desire to please God. They are under God's condemnation and have no conviction of their sin.
It won’t work for a Reprobate mind. They will be blotted out of the book of life. Salvation is extended to all but if we choose to act a fool, and be in that condition when Christ returns we won’t make it into heaven
There is a condition to Revelation 3:5. He did not make a blanket statement saying He will not blot out anyone's name in the Book of Life. God said He will not blot out the names of he who overcomes. So, what happens to those who do not overcome?
Some are predestined to be saved, chosen by the most high. Romans 8:29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
@WordMadeFlesh777 Because he knows everyone won't repent. To desire something doesn't mean you get the thing you desire. Think about some of the worse evil people throughout history. Did any of those people repent even though it was a desire of YAH for them to be saved? No. Even in scripture we know this from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. What about the disciple Judas? Furthermore I have no affiliation or association with any group called Calvin or otherwise. I associate with Yahusha alone.
The main problem with Calvinist is not necessarily the "predestination" but the perspective they claim. Predestination is 100% true, but ONLY from God's point of view! For man to use it in any way, is the height of arrogance!
@whymindsetmatters God knows ALL, the end from the beginning so OF COURSE all has been set by Him but we don't know what all He set. Also, Judas WAS saved...too long to type, but a quick bit of evidence is the honor bestowed on him as indicated in Revelation 21:14. Remember His ways are not our ways, thus we should not lean unto our own understanding. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
In order to truly understand this you need to know the truth why did Jesus come to die for our sins!!! Do you believe like most Christians that call themselves Christians that believe that Jesus died on the cross so we can continue to sing for the rest of our lives and do the works of our father the devil and still be saved!!! Or did Jesus come on the cross to die for our sins so he can leave us and send us the Holy Spirit and he will give us a new heart so we walk in righteousness with Lord Jesus so we do not sin because we follow and listen to the Holy Spirit!!! Now these people that call themselves Christians need to figure out which one is it it can't be both of them!! If anybody thinks one minute Jesus died for our sins so we can continue in our sins is a very foolish person and they don't know Jesus Christ and they don't have the gift of the Holy Spirit these people are still stuck in bondage to sin and they don't want to let it go!!! Plus these people are denying power of the Holy Ghost to change your life!! And we know what happens when you deny the Holy Spirit it's the unforgivable sin!!!!
The Hebrews passage isn't saying you can't come back. It's saying there is no more sacrifice for sins- speaking to Jews who were trained into temple sacrifice for the covering of sin. The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin. There is no more renewing into repentance when Jesus died ONCE for ALL. you have to put yourself into the mind of a first century jew who were under the mosaic law.
The NET full notes Bible has a study note on Psalm 69:28 that agrees with Corey's interpretation: "The phrase the scroll of the living occurs only here in the OT. It pictures a scroll or census list containing the names of the citizens of a community. When an individual died, that person’s name was removed from the list. So this curse is a very vivid way of asking that the enemies die." Interestingly, translations like the KJV, ESV, RSV, NRSV, etc, do say "book of the living", which does seem more accurate than saying "book of life", or at least there's less confusion with the book of life, if it's translated as "book of the living."
Corey brother God bless you and your ministry to all who want to listen to the truth. Corey I would like to know how can I get a hold of you about questions about my church that im going to. There is a couple things that I know that they're not right and I want to know how to approach my pastor about them
What? No one talks about Adam losing his eternal life and Dying, but he did not die. He continued to walk the Earth, which means the Salvation, he had. He didn't lose So, what I'm saying is if its left up to us to keeping salvation were not righteous enough so i say by the holy spirit which is the grace that the father gives us as Comforter will keep us from dying meaning Spiritual death deaf So all i'm saying if it's left up to us to keep in salvation which adam couldn't do That's why Jesus died for. To be able to be sealed
Shalom men of God and many blessings to you both and to your beautiful wives and families (personal/ministries). I respect this dialogue and I am not here to oppose it. But I do desire to share some truth with you, especially in regards to Revelation 3:5 and Psalm 69:28. Pastor Minor, the reason why The Most High will write a person's name in His Book of Life, is because it extends a show of His gift of grace. Because this gift is present on a person's life, it creates room for a person to see and understand their accountability in this walk. If a person is truly saved, then that person does not have to worry about having his or her name blotted from The Book of Life. Because that believer is producing the fruit of Christ in his or her walk. If a person refuses to produce the fruit of Christ in his or her walk because of their indulgence in sin, then that person is leaving himself or herself in a position to be removed from The Book (of Life). The Most High GOD demonstrates a show of pure genuine love for the human soul when He writes a person's name in this book (The Book of Life). It reveals the grace that is covering that person's soul. It is up to that person to learn how to respect and honor the grace that is on his or her life. Because it is not there so it can be abused and taken for granted. Those kind of behaviors will cause a person to be removed from The Book. As for Psalm 69:28, the word "living" is still referring to the word "life." This is why it is important for believers to also study The Bible through the Hebrew language. The Bible was originally written in this language. Because it was written to the Hebrew people. The Greek language is primary based on philosophy and philosophical perspectives when the Hebrew language goes deeper into the perspectives of spiritual life. The Hebrew words for living are "chai", "chayah", and "nephesh." Chai means life. Chayah means "to live prosperously" and "to sustain life." A prosperous life from The Most High's perspective is an existence that expresses eternal life. And nephesh means "living soul." And we can see this term in Genesis 2:7 when Adam became a living soul after receiving the breath of GOD. It is His breath that makes us come alive with new life. And this is what we experience when we receive redemption. So David is speaking about The Book of Life in this Psalm Pastor Minor. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. GOD Bless you and Shalom unto you both and to your beautiful wives and families.
You can be predestined and walk away. This doesn’t make God a lie, the person rejected enduring until the end. “But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off.” Romans 11:17-22
There are so many possibilities, like for instance, Yah appointed many or few unto His plan of Salvation: but what law or method did He use to determine or base this absolute or non-absolute knowledge and wisdom on? Was it based upon our Faith and Truth or His or Both? And can God make a mistake in His plan of Salvation and Predestination? (The correct answer is no!) Is it not written that whom He forknew, He also did Predestine to be conformed to the Image of His Son? Now, if He forkew all of us (who would Believe in and Receive His plan of Adoption and Salvation) and all who would not, (And that way before we were born!) then He can 100% be perfect, absolute, in His picking, chosing and Prophecy!!! And base His plan, choice, decision, of Salvation and Adoption on His Words of Grace, Faith,Truth, and Love alone. So conclusion is that all who were chosen by Him, before the Foundation of the world, had no choice in the matter and had to come to Him and believe that we might be saved from our Sins, through His blood offering when He died in human form on that tree: and was saved by Him, through His Faith, Obedience and Grace through His Gospel!!! For why did all other human beings in the human race, hear the same exact Gospel of His Salvation, but chose not to believe and we (the Elect) chose to believe? Why did we not fuss and fight againts and resist, blaspheme and be ashamed of God and His Son, like two thirds of the Human race??? Why was it so easy for many of us and hard for others to believe and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour??? God knew who would believe and receive Him (and all who would not!) way before us all when He called the whole human race back to Him in Repentance!!! Nothing catches Him by surprise, for He knows the good and evil motives, thoughts, desires, outcome of everyones heart and destiny. We all are naked and open to Him, our inward and outward features and parts!!! Never was there a time when God never knew Himself and all of us, Angels, Adams, Animals, and all of us His creation, in Heaven, Earth, and under the Earth!!! So if there is a way for a "Born again Believer" to lose our Salvation, it would be intentional on our part: we would have to "On purpose" begin to "Blaspheme the Holy Ghost" Deny Christ as the Son of the Living God, who came in Human form, born of the virgin Mary out of the tribe of Judah: and then begin to "On purpose" preach Heresy!!!
...but does it ever say He WILL blot out anyone from the Book of Life? No, it does not . Exodus may not be referring to the Book of Life. The Bible says, "...and the books were opened" No, that person still has eternal life but is no longer "saved"through Him in this life, before eternity. The Good Shepherd will never ever ever ever leave one of His sheep without finding him. Let me say this again, The Good Shepherd will never ever ever ever leave one of His sheep without coming and getting him. I disagree with Cory a lot but I think what he's saying about Book of the Living He might be on to something.
Soteriology should be divided over. It is the foundation of the gospel. Jesus and Paul preached conditional security. It is all over the parables and letters and taught in the OT as well. If conditional security is what Jesus and Paul preached, then thst is the gospel. Then, OSAS would be another gospel in which Paul said those who preach another gospel should be accursed. So I think this topic matters grately and should be divided over as those who teach OSAS would be erring from the truth.
Only THE WORD is correct, and when our living and our deeds are in alignment with THE WORD, then we are right! ALL who think to flip flop THE WORD, thinking to make THE WORD fit their carnal mind, and not letting THE WORD define and clarify THE WORD, have Christ JESUS of Nazareth's "Depart from me" in sight! GRACE and TRUTH came by JESUS Christ, as told by AKJV HOLY SCRIPTURES, John 1:1; John 1:14; John 1:17; so what will the mockers say on that great day, having kicked TRUTH to the curb, and making GRACE their delight? WOE! WOE! WOE unto all who dare to take AKJV HOLY SCRIPTURES, as translated out of the original tongues, Ezekiel 3:18-21; Acts 20:26-28; Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 3:14; 2 Peter 3:14; 2 Peter 3:17; Exodus 3:14; John 8:56-58; Hebrews 13:8; and least esteemed by the carnal-minded man, woman, light! THE WORD is FOREVER right, even when THE WORD is tight, and when THE WORD sends out a bite; because THE WORD slaps our carnal insight! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! PS: Ask that devil satan, and that third of Heaven's angels that devil enticed to join him in his rebellion against GOD ALMIGHTY, if "once saved always saved" is true, John 8:44; Revelation 12:7-9; Revelation 12:12; John 12:31; Luke 10:18; Almost positive he might say "YES!" to you! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
I think what I don’t like about Christian’s that’s yHall think yHall can be saved, and then one day say (you know what,I don’t want to do this no more. I don’t want to serve Jesus no more. But Jesus died for my sins so I’m still saved) AND STILL GO TO HEAVEN…….NEGATIVE You can’t lose salvation in the sense of messing up because we all fall short……. But you can MOST DEFINITELY GIVE IT UP
Revelation 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. It would can lose their salvation if they violate this passage.....what say you? also...during the tribulation...there will be people who will be believers who have been left behind after the rapture or who have accepted the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom...however...this warning is given by God Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. who or whosoever does refer to a specific group...if refers to any it would suggest that salvation can be rejected or one can willfully choose another path....look forward to your explanation
Calvism mental gymnastics. I see it all over Adam’s face.he predestined us in Christ from the foundation of the world.maybe everyone was predestined in Christ? And believe in Christ keeps you there!!
What Jesus Christ is saying to all of os,that we all must wake up from ours locking of canchos of the way we living in sin .example I am living with a women who already married to a other man and they sepetate and I took her home and her husband is still living I are living in sin , or every week end I go and Gamble and drink liquor or go to a whore house and buy women's or worshipping some so call God ,that what Jesus Christ is saying wake up and repent change ours life stile get Baptize start become a child of light that what he means to wash ours robe and make it clean .so when the day of ours leaving this Earth to meet ours Creator Jehovah our God and Jesus Christ is the one who will carry os to see him JESUS will not had to remove your name from the Book of Life because you stop sining by doing what pleased to Satan
Brother , you're still holding on to augustinian predestination instead of biblical predestination ? GOD knows who will be saved because HE knows what choice they will make , not the false fatalism view of calvinism where GOD has to predetermine who will believe in order to know who will accept HIS free gift . Calvinism corruptly portrays GOD and HIS righteousness and denies what CHRIST did in HIS death and resurrection. If one is honest to the texts of scripture they'll admit this as scripture says explicitly over n over that CHRIST died and resurrected for everyone.
1Co 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. ((( Paul said that if he does not keep under his body, and bring it under subjection, he would be a castaway )))
God doesn’t make mistakes. Just like a person can make a football team or selected to be on the team. Even though that person made the team the person still must obey the rules of the game. If that person decides he/she doesn’t want to follow the rules then he/ she is off the team. They chose to walk away. Therefore, when a person comes into the kingdom of God they have to follow the rules of the kingdom. Since the lord doesn’t dismantle our free will when we are saved then we still have to chose to remain in him. This is so simple but people are trying to find other ways to appease themselves and the masses. The black guy is very wordy and taking scripture out of context to fit his idealogy doctrine of demons that onced saved always saved is automatic. I was it were that easy but the way into the kingdom is difficult and very few find it.
@ we need to stop running away from our responsibility to remain in faith. The lord ain’t playing games with people. If we love him and want to stay he will keep us. This once saved always saved no matter how you live is down right dangerous. It’s dangerous for the ones that teach it and it’s dangerous to the ones that are led astray by it. It breaks my heart..
Finally...someone who is truly searching not to be "right" but to be "correct" when they share the word with others. Bless them both.
Thank you brother Corey for having me on! I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation, but it was too short! After processing your responses, I have more questions 😂 I would love to continue this conversation in the near future. I emailed you my contact info. God bless you brother.
Thank you, Adam.
I just loved the way you both had a cordial conversation!
Now this was spot on!!!! Love the teaching, made it so simple an understanding.
Thxs C😻
Adam this was great and way to go.
This has blessed my heart to see an hear two biblically strong men of God communicate in the Spirit of God. Please have brother Adam back. This was so refreshing.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
That's for you Adam.
Our Father Loves both of you. He is with as he is with me. The day you are in his presence remember that.
Amen to both of these scriptures. So long as we continue in Christ grace and we faint not, having repented and been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, our names will not be blotted out.
Baptism isn't needed by any means for Salvation.
Faith in the Cross and belief in what Christ accomplished is the only criteria. 📖⚘️⚔️
Then why does scripture say that baptism now saves you and Jesus says you must be born of both water and Spirit?
@@travisstolcis3056 Don't forget the thief on the cross, who was not baptized. I'm sure there have been many millions in the past who, for whatever reason or circumstance, did not get baptized before they died, which includes soldiers on the battlefield, police, firemen, and the ailing and dying in nursing homes and hospices, etc. But their unfortunate circumstances lend us no reason to not get baptized if we can.
I listen to both of these TH-camrs wow what a day grace and peace.
Amen me too 🥰
Great teaching Corey 👍 God bless that young man Adam with wisdom and grace.
THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK 🙏🏿❤️🎉🎉 ❽❶❹❷❶❾❹❽❻❺!!!
My goodness this is an awesome conversation
Great video Corey..Shout out to Adam too..Very cool, respectable man..
This was a great session of two men of GOD. Brothers and sisters in Christ need more videos like this for edification. Props to the both of you. Way to go Gents .
@@jonathanmcclinton8730. Thank you, Jonathan ❤. God bless 🙏🏻 you.
Lord, we pled the blood of Christ over her household, and we asked that you prick their heart, mind, and spirit so they may hear from you. For you said you came to seek the lost, so Lord, we ask that you bring them into the fold! In the name of Jesus we ask and believe it has already been done. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
@@leahberry8073 THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK 🙏🏿❤️🎉🎉 ❽❶❹❷❶❾❹❽❻❺!!!
@@leahberry8073. Thank you so much for that beautiful 🙏🏻prayer, Leah❤❤❤
LEAH BERRY 8073. Thank you dear sister for that beautiful prayer 🙏🏻 for my family 🌹🌹🌹
Okay. You two need to spend more time together in the future. This conversation was great! Adam hasn't just read a couple of verses and then formed a belief. He has drilled down deeply and expressed himself with grace and class, and he had excellent questions and remarks. Another longer conversation on YT would be great!
A conversation about spiritual gifts would be great.
@@FishermsnBubb2 THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK 🙏🏿❤️🎉🎉 ❽❶❹❷❶❾❹❽❻❺!!!
One of the best. Thanks Corey.
I truly enjoyed this conversation fellas. God bless you both 🙏🏾
Wow thank you for this thorough study of this topic brother!
Thank you, Corey. This was a great conversation. You have honest sound explaining. 🙏
God doesn’t make mistakes. Just like a person can make a football team or selected to be on the team. Even though that person made the team the person still must obey the rules of the game. If that person decides he/she doesn’t want to follow the rules then he/ she is off the team. They chose to walk away. Therefore, when a person comes into the kingdom of God they have to follow the rules of the kingdom. Since the lord doesn’t dismantle our free will when we are saved then we still have to chose to remain in him. This is so simple but people are trying to find other ways to appease themselves and the masses. The black guy is very wordy and taking scripture out of context to fit his idealogy doctrine of demons that onced saved always saved is automatic. I was it were that easy but the way into the kingdom is difficult and very few find it.
I have come to the belief that one can’t loose their salvation but one can walk away from their salvation. Luke 9:62 points to this in my opinion. I do believe however that the believer that walks away has to consciously walk away from God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit which then makes them not of God anymore.
But you're saved and sealed. That's a seal that we can not break. We can not exorcize the Holy Spirit from our bodies. Nor can we wash off the blood of Christ. And God being omniscient knowing everything would not give someone the Holy Spirit knowing they are going to reject him later.
@jonathansmith7065 If God give you something, no matter what you do, He won't take it away? Just asking because I see these warnings to not do in the bible....but why if I'm sealed no matter what?
@1timetoliveright Test it out, I did. And God will lay a heavy conviction on you, as well as severe consequences, possibly even calling you home early. A saved Christian will not be comfortable in their sin, the Holy Spirit will not allow it. Speaking from experience. You are now a purchased possession, and there is NO REFUNDS. Thank you, Lord Jesus. But try it out for yourself if you are unsure. And yes, you should heed those warnings.
@jonathansmith7065 If I am a believer for years and die after a sin like murdering someone, will my salvation still be sealed?
How do I walk away From salvation When salvation is who call me and that's Jesus what people forget is god made a way for use to be save by christ we were cut off by one man Adam and bought back by one man and that's Jesus you don't come to Jesus he. Call you and you are save by his grace and mercy
In 1 Timothy and Thessalonians it says expressly that many will depart from the faith in the latter days…so that means they have the ability to do so. We are saved by Grace through faith…willful faith in the finished work. We can absolutely depart from that and start believing something else including but not limited to doctrines of demons. Also a person cannot fall away from something that you are not 1st established in. No matter if you call it: Excommunicate,
Denounce, and Decommit. You willfully depart…Walk Away. It’s clear brother.
All I want to know is if the Old Testament had sacrifices being made for unknown sin-unknown- how can you possibly know to do whatever work is required to assure your salvation when you don’t even know you’re sinning? How many unknown sins does it take before you’re lost? See Lev. 5:17-19 and Psalm 19:12 for examples. He saves us for His name sake- Psalm 106:8, Psalm 23:3; and 1 John 2:12. Moreover, He is the Author, Grantor, Guarantor, and object of our faith- which is for His glory. If John 17:20-23 says that the Father is in the Son and the Son in the Father, and 2 Cor. 13:5-6; Gal. 2:20, and Col. 1:27 say Christ is in us- this means God is in us, too. Plus, 1 Cor. 6:19 says Holy Spirit is inside of us… how possibly would one be saved and lose it when it’s all for His glory? Is God just going to allow His name to go out bad like that? Sorry for the long comment. 😂 I am working on a teaching for the ladies, and I was actually working on it this morning.
THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK 🙏🏿❤️🎉🎉 ❽❶❹❷❶❾❹❽❻❺!!!
I love watching Corey. He’s awesome Bible teacher. I just disagree on this one topic. He said “if” and then “I won’t” it’s not difficult to understand. To try to work around this verse you have to have the presumption of the contrary. Plus all the scriptures that teach otherwise. But I guess it does depend on one’s interpretation. Thanks for this video Corey! Much love brotha! 💯
If God won't blot out names in The Book of life,what about if you are turned over to a reprobate mind,or if you keep sinning,how does that work
A reprobate mind is a mind that is given over to sin and ungodly desires. It describes someone who has rejected God and chooses to live a selfish life. The phrase appears in the Bible in Romans 1:28.
The Greek word for "reprobate" in the New Testament is adokimos, which means "unapproved" or "rejected".
People with reprobate minds may know God's commandments, but they live impure lives and have little desire to please God.
They are under God's condemnation and have no conviction of their sin.
They usually fall in the category of 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and will not inherit the kingdom of God.
It won’t work for a Reprobate mind. They will be blotted out of the book of life. Salvation is extended to all but if we choose to act a fool, and be in that condition when Christ returns we won’t make it into heaven
There is a condition to Revelation 3:5. He did not make a blanket statement saying He will not blot out anyone's name in the Book of Life. God said He will not blot out the names of he who overcomes. So, what happens to those who do not overcome?
Can someone stop sinning 100% in this life?
The church is the people
Some people go to a building that is not a real church
Always pray and ask God to lead a person to a Godly Truth church.
Can’t wait to hear this because that verse has always had me curious! And I’ve heard so many different versions of what it means!
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Some are predestined to be saved, chosen by the most high.
Romans 8:29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
Calvinism is a nasty heresy. How can God desire for everyone to repent and be saved if He already chose who will be saved? Dosent make sense.
@WordMadeFlesh777 Because he knows everyone won't repent. To desire something doesn't mean you get the thing you desire. Think about some of the worse evil people throughout history. Did any of those people repent even though it was a desire of YAH for them to be saved? No. Even in scripture we know this from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. What about the disciple Judas? Furthermore I have no affiliation or association with any group called Calvin or otherwise. I associate with Yahusha alone.
The main problem with Calvinist is not necessarily the "predestination" but the perspective they claim. Predestination is 100% true, but ONLY from God's point of view! For man to use it in any way, is the height of arrogance!
@@CCD_106 meaning what?
@whymindsetmatters God knows ALL, the end from the beginning so OF COURSE all has been set by Him but we don't know what all He set. Also, Judas WAS saved...too long to type, but a quick bit of evidence is the honor bestowed on him as indicated in Revelation 21:14. Remember His ways are not our ways, thus we should not lean unto our own understanding. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
The saved by Grace and not by works and Faith alone is a Doctrine of Devils!
🙏KJV - Matthew 5 : 16 “Let YOUR Light So Shine Before Men, That THEY
May See YOUR Good WORKS, And Glorify YOUR FATHER Which IS In HEAVEN.”
So how many works do we need?????
@ Charity Is The Bond Of Perfectness! 🙏
KJV - Colossians 3 : 14
@@joycebegnaud9645 Gal 5 v6... Faith works by love
Galatians 5:19-26; Ephesians 5:1-19 this is exactly how names get blotted out.... People play too much 🤦🏾♀️
That's why the word comes, Hebrew 4:12
@@jonathanmcclinton8730 THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK 🙏🏿❤️🎉🎉 ❽❶❹❷❶❾❹❽❻❺!!!
Great content brother
As leaders be very careful of leading the lords sheep astray. Leaders will have to stand before the lord.
In order to truly understand this you need to know the truth why did Jesus come to die for our sins!!! Do you believe like most Christians that call themselves Christians that believe that Jesus died on the cross so we can continue to sing for the rest of our lives and do the works of our father the devil and still be saved!!! Or did Jesus come on the cross to die for our sins so he can leave us and send us the Holy Spirit and he will give us a new heart so we walk in righteousness with Lord Jesus so we do not sin because we follow and listen to the Holy Spirit!!! Now these people that call themselves Christians need to figure out which one is it it can't be both of them!! If anybody thinks one minute Jesus died for our sins so we can continue in our sins is a very foolish person and they don't know Jesus Christ and they don't have the gift of the Holy Spirit these people are still stuck in bondage to sin and they don't want to let it go!!! Plus these people are denying power of the Holy Ghost to change your life!! And we know what happens when you deny the Holy Spirit it's the unforgivable sin!!!!
The Hebrews passage isn't saying you can't come back. It's saying there is no more sacrifice for sins- speaking to Jews who were trained into temple sacrifice for the covering of sin. The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin. There is no more renewing into repentance when Jesus died ONCE for ALL.
you have to put yourself into the mind of a first century jew who were under the mosaic law.
@Gerard-q2j THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK 🙏🏿❤️🎉🎉 ❽❶❹❷❶❾❹❽❻❺!!!
The issue is the Bible speaks of apostasy you cannot backslide unless you front slid...
He chooses everyone but not all have followed him
The NET full notes Bible has a study note on Psalm 69:28 that agrees with Corey's interpretation:
"The phrase the scroll of the living occurs only here in the OT. It pictures a scroll or census list containing the names of the citizens of a community. When an individual died, that person’s name was removed from the list. So this curse is a very vivid way of asking that the enemies die."
Interestingly, translations like the KJV, ESV, RSV, NRSV, etc, do say "book of the living", which does seem more accurate than saying "book of life", or at least there's less confusion with the book of life, if it's translated as "book of the living."
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Corey brother God bless you and your ministry to all who want to listen to the truth. Corey I would like to know how can I get a hold of you about questions about my church that im going to. There is a couple things that I know that they're not right and I want to know how to approach my pastor about them
What? No one talks about Adam losing his eternal life and Dying, but he did not die. He continued to walk the Earth, which means the Salvation, he had.
He didn't lose So, what I'm saying is if its left up to us to keeping salvation were not righteous enough so i say by the holy spirit which is the grace that the father gives us as Comforter will keep us from dying meaning Spiritual death deaf So all i'm saying if it's left up to us to keep in salvation which adam couldn't do That's why Jesus died for.
To be able to be sealed
Ephesians 2;8-9
For by Grace through Faith that we are saved, not from ourselves but it is a Gift from God, not of works so no one can boast.
Shall we continue to sin so Grace can abound, God forbid!!!!
God will NEVER erase the name of a person from the Lambs book of life those who has given their heart to Jesus as savior and Lord.
Amen 😎
Shalom men of God and many blessings to you both and to your beautiful wives and families (personal/ministries).
I respect this dialogue and I am not here to oppose it.
But I do desire to share some truth with you, especially in regards to Revelation 3:5 and Psalm 69:28.
Pastor Minor, the reason why The Most High will write a person's name in His Book of Life, is because it extends a show of His gift of grace. Because this gift is present on a person's life, it creates room for a person to see and understand their accountability in this walk.
If a person is truly saved, then that person does not have to worry about having his or her name blotted from The Book of Life. Because that believer is producing the fruit of Christ in his or her walk.
If a person refuses to produce the fruit of Christ in his or her walk because of their indulgence in sin, then that person is leaving himself or herself in a position to be removed from The Book (of Life).
The Most High GOD demonstrates a show of pure genuine love for the human soul when He writes a person's name in this book (The Book of Life). It reveals the grace that is covering that person's soul. It is up to that person to learn how to respect and honor the grace that is on his or her life. Because it is not there so it can be abused and taken for granted. Those kind of behaviors will cause a person to be removed from The Book.
As for Psalm 69:28, the word "living" is still referring to the word "life."
This is why it is important for believers to also study The Bible through the Hebrew language. The Bible was originally written in this language. Because it was written to the Hebrew people.
The Greek language is primary based on philosophy and philosophical perspectives when the Hebrew language goes deeper into the perspectives of spiritual life.
The Hebrew words for living are "chai", "chayah", and "nephesh."
Chai means life. Chayah means "to live prosperously" and "to sustain life." A prosperous life from The Most High's perspective is an existence that expresses eternal life.
And nephesh means "living soul." And we can see this term in Genesis 2:7 when Adam became a living soul after receiving the breath of GOD. It is His breath that makes us come alive with new life. And this is what we experience when we receive redemption. So David is speaking about The Book of Life in this Psalm Pastor Minor.
Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. GOD Bless you and Shalom unto you both and to your beautiful wives and families.
Adam looks like Honest Youth Pastor
Ten virgin tell another story.
The 10 virgins are a type of tribulation Jew. Most people don’t teach that parable correctly.
Make your election sure
You can be predestined and walk away. This doesn’t make God a lie, the person rejected enduring until the end.
“But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off.”
Romans 11:17-22
This is the order of salvation. Salvation
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There are so many possibilities, like for instance, Yah appointed many or few unto His plan of Salvation: but what law or method did He use to determine or base this absolute or non-absolute knowledge and wisdom on? Was it based upon our Faith and Truth or His or Both? And can God make a mistake in His plan of Salvation and Predestination? (The correct answer is no!) Is it not written that whom He forknew, He also did Predestine to be conformed to the Image of His Son? Now, if He forkew all of us (who would Believe in and Receive His plan of Adoption and Salvation) and all who would not, (And that way before we were born!) then He can 100% be perfect, absolute, in His picking, chosing and Prophecy!!! And base His plan, choice, decision, of Salvation and Adoption on His Words of Grace, Faith,Truth, and Love alone. So conclusion is that all who were chosen by Him, before the Foundation of the world, had no choice in the matter and had to come to Him and believe that we might be saved from our Sins, through His blood offering when He died in human form on that tree: and was saved by Him, through His Faith, Obedience and Grace through His Gospel!!!
For why did all other human beings in the human race, hear the same exact Gospel of His Salvation, but chose not to believe and we (the Elect) chose to believe? Why did we not fuss and fight againts and resist, blaspheme and be ashamed of God and His Son, like two thirds of the Human race??? Why was it so easy for many of us and hard for others to believe and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour??? God knew who would believe and receive Him (and all who would not!) way before us all when He called the whole human race back to Him in Repentance!!! Nothing catches Him by surprise, for He knows the good and evil motives, thoughts, desires, outcome of everyones heart and destiny. We all are naked and open to Him, our inward and outward features and parts!!! Never was there a time when God never knew Himself and all of us, Angels, Adams, Animals, and all of us His creation, in Heaven, Earth, and under the Earth!!!
So if there is a way for a "Born again Believer" to lose our Salvation, it would be intentional on our part: we would have to "On purpose" begin to "Blaspheme the Holy Ghost" Deny Christ as the Son of the Living God, who came in Human form, born of the virgin Mary out of the tribe of Judah: and then begin to "On purpose" preach Heresy!!!
...but does it ever say He WILL blot out anyone from the Book of Life?
No, it does not .
Exodus may not be referring to the Book of Life. The Bible says, "...and the books were opened"
No, that person still has eternal life but is no longer "saved"through Him in this life, before eternity.
The Good Shepherd will never ever ever ever leave one of His sheep without finding him. Let me say this again, The Good Shepherd will never ever ever ever leave one of His sheep without coming and getting him.
I disagree with Cory a lot but I think what he's saying about Book of the Living He might be on to something.
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Soteriology should be divided over. It is the foundation of the gospel. Jesus and Paul preached conditional security. It is all over the parables and letters and taught in the OT as well. If conditional security is what Jesus and Paul preached, then thst is the gospel. Then, OSAS would be another gospel in which Paul said those who preach another gospel should be accursed. So I think this topic matters grately and should be divided over as those who teach OSAS would be erring from the truth.
Only THE WORD is correct, and when our living and our deeds are in alignment with THE WORD, then we are right! ALL who think to flip flop THE WORD, thinking to make THE WORD fit their carnal mind, and not letting THE WORD define and clarify THE WORD, have Christ JESUS of Nazareth's "Depart from me" in sight! GRACE and TRUTH came by JESUS Christ, as told by AKJV HOLY SCRIPTURES, John 1:1; John 1:14; John 1:17; so what will the mockers say on that great day, having kicked TRUTH to the curb, and making GRACE their delight? WOE! WOE! WOE unto all who dare to take AKJV HOLY SCRIPTURES, as translated out of the original tongues, Ezekiel 3:18-21; Acts 20:26-28; Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 3:14; 2 Peter 3:14; 2 Peter 3:17; Exodus 3:14; John 8:56-58; Hebrews 13:8; and least esteemed by the carnal-minded man, woman, light! THE WORD is FOREVER right, even when THE WORD is tight, and when THE WORD sends out a bite; because THE WORD slaps our carnal insight! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
PS: Ask that devil satan, and that third of Heaven's angels that devil enticed to join him in his rebellion against GOD ALMIGHTY, if "once saved always saved" is true, John 8:44; Revelation 12:7-9; Revelation 12:12; John 12:31; Luke 10:18; Almost positive he might say "YES!" to you! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
I think what I don’t like about Christian’s that’s yHall think yHall can be saved, and then one day say
(you know what,I don’t want to do this no more. I don’t want to serve Jesus no more. But Jesus died for my sins so I’m still saved) AND STILL GO TO HEAVEN…….NEGATIVE
You can’t lose salvation in the sense of messing up because we all fall short…….
What’s your view on backsliding? Is that a real thing meaning can you stray for years then come back?
Revelation 22:19
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
It would can lose their salvation if they violate this passage.....what say you?
also...during the tribulation...there will be people who will be believers who have been left behind after the rapture or who have accepted the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom...however...this warning is given by God
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
who or whosoever does refer to a specific group...if refers to any it would suggest that salvation can be rejected or one can willfully choose another path....look forward to your explanation
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Stop it with the computer COREY!
Calvism mental gymnastics. I see it all over Adam’s face.he predestined us in Christ from the foundation of the world.maybe everyone was predestined in Christ? And believe in Christ keeps you there!!
Yes. God removed King Solomon from the book of life, for turning away his heart from God. He began to worship Asherah the tree goddess.
What about hebrews 10:26???
@ what you mean ?
What Jesus Christ is saying to all of os,that we all must wake up from ours locking of canchos of the way we living in sin .example I am living with a women who already married to a other man and they sepetate and I took her home and her husband is still living I are living in sin , or every week end I go and Gamble and drink liquor or go to a whore house and buy women's or worshipping some so call God ,that what Jesus Christ is saying wake up and repent change ours life stile get Baptize start become a child of light that what he means to wash ours robe and make it clean .so when the day of ours leaving this Earth to meet ours Creator Jehovah our God and Jesus Christ is the one who will carry os to see him JESUS will not had to remove your name from the Book of Life because you stop sining by doing what pleased to Satan
Brother , you're still holding on to augustinian predestination instead of biblical predestination ? GOD knows who will be saved because HE knows what choice they will make , not the false fatalism view of calvinism where GOD has to predetermine who will believe in order to know who will accept HIS free gift . Calvinism corruptly portrays GOD and HIS righteousness and denies what CHRIST did in HIS death and resurrection. If one is honest to the texts of scripture they'll admit this as scripture says explicitly over n over that CHRIST died and resurrected for everyone.
Yes will can be blot out. If you taking away or add to the Bible. Revelation 22:17-20. Not preaching or teaching exactly the Bible .
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What about those who served GOD then go an take the mark.sorry i disagree about eternity security
so much error from Cory
1Co 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. ((( Paul said that if he does not keep under his body, and bring it under subjection, he would be a castaway )))
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God doesn’t make mistakes. Just like a person can make a football team or selected to be on the team. Even though that person made the team the person still must obey the rules of the game. If that person decides he/she doesn’t want to follow the rules then he/ she is off the team. They chose to walk away. Therefore, when a person comes into the kingdom of God they have to follow the rules of the kingdom. Since the lord doesn’t dismantle our free will when we are saved then we still have to chose to remain in him. This is so simple but people are trying to find other ways to appease themselves and the masses. The black guy is very wordy and taking scripture out of context to fit his idealogy doctrine of demons that onced saved always saved is automatic. I was it were that easy but the way into the kingdom is difficult and very few find it.
Correct 💯
@ we need to stop running away from our responsibility to remain in faith. The lord ain’t playing games with people. If we love him and want to stay he will keep us. This once saved always saved no matter how you live is down right dangerous. It’s dangerous for the ones that teach it and it’s dangerous to the ones that are led astray by it. It breaks my heart..
Make your election sure