Importance of Carrier Positioning in World of Warships

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 19

  • @fmmchannel6365
    @fmmchannel6365 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Carrier specific thought process would be very interesting

  • @neometallX
    @neometallX 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    With the Hybrids coming in play by next year, i think this guide will help, especially for future Hybrid ships to be revealed in the near future.

  • @Schorch1962
    @Schorch1962 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So nice to show your positioning fault in the 2nd battle, a very good example of "how not to do it". Yes, the autopilot is lame if you`re close to an island or the map border, it often acts there like a drunken helmsman. Sometimes it`s better to waste some time to steer the ship with your manual control, i had to learn that the hard way when my autopilot reversed and brought my carrier into enemy fire.

  • @jaywerner8415
    @jaywerner8415 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    HAY TIER 4 CV PLAYERS, WATCH THIS VIDEO! Its a big step on your way to being a Successful CV captain. Anyway, Loving these videos and YEAH parking near islands is definitely a double edged sword. On the one hand, Shell cover, but on the other hand, torpedo magnet. (Like a smoke screen, minus the lung cancer)
    And since you asked, a video on how to use carrier "ordinance" and what/when to use it would be grate. Ap Rocket and AP bomb tutorials would help alot, since they can be a bit....finiky. And honestly, iv never understood British Carpet bombers.....they are a real enigma to me. On a personal note, any tips on getting the Tiny Tims to WORK? That firing delay is absolutely BRUTAL.
    Although having done the math, the Hvars are Mathematically better. More rockets so more chances to hit, and if they do hit you generally do more damage then the tiny tims anyway. Like the Hvars have enough pen (33mms if i recall) to to deal with most things but the Tiny Tims (64mms) i think can punch though any Deck armor (besides a carrier).
    Side note, if i recall how WOWS math works, each tiny tim does 2200~ damage per PEN hit (6400 Max Damage, Pens are 1/3rd of that so 2200~) on unsaturated sections.

    • @Schorch1962
      @Schorch1962 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The british carpet bombers are bitches. I changed back to the standard ones because the drop area is smaller. Even with less bombs, i score more hits with them. They need any help to cause fires, so demolition expert is a must-have skill for them. And use the signals for more fire chance, then they work ok. British carriers deal dot, damage over time, they`re not good for sinking a full-life ship fast. The torpedos are slow but can deal much damage, the rocket planes are ok and can cause some extra fires. They`re ok against DD`s, too.
      My Audacious has a different problem, it is a noob team magnet 😱 like my Ark Royal and Midway. If your "team" does nothing to win a battle, it`s always the cv players guilt...
      The Tiny Tin just suck, useless against DD`s, hard to use against fast turning cruisers and only good to set some BB`s on fire. Sometimes they`re ok for an attack on the opponent carrier, too. But i prefer the HVAR, they`re more flexible to use and don`t have that ugly aiming of the TT. Saipan has only TT`s so this carrier suffers most from the rocket plane nerf with the huge delay. She suffers from the stronger AA on recent tier 8 - 10 ships, too, so she can lose planes like a Kaga without having a good restoration time or a big reserve. I don`t like the Saipan anymore, she needs HVAR rockets as an option and a better plane restoration time.

  • @MrTrool323
    @MrTrool323 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    In other words you need to get a game sense,and you will develop what to do and how to predict the battle outcome on the way by playing and learning from mistakes

  • @oldschoolgaming4763
    @oldschoolgaming4763 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When it comes to all non-Russian CVs like US and IJN, is it always benefit to pre drop one or two times before actually commencing the attacks so those squadrons head back to the CV and is this so you don't get de-planed as quickly?!
    Is Haku a stronger T10 CV then Midway or are they just completely different? Considering grinding the IJN line for potentially going for the IJN super Ship in the future

    • @Schorch1962
      @Schorch1962 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Both lines are great, it`s your personal choice which line you prefer. AP bombs can troll you so many times that you get no citadel hit in a whole battle, next battle you score more than 10 cits. Same with fires with HE bombs, RNG can be a bitch. The handling of the american dive bombers is more easy than with the japanese ones, but the japanese torpedo bombers can deal much damage and floodings.
      Pre-drops are always better at the beginning, you need to safe your planes for later, when you can have more game impact. It depends on the matchmaking, too. If you`re -2 low-tier, then you have not many chances to attack some ships except yolo warriors. Is this situation i pre-drop more, 2 or 3x. As +2 top-tier you often need not too much pre-drops, but never underestimate the AA power of some low-tier ships!

    • @NotLakeline
      @NotLakeline 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I am pretty sure Rei considers Haku to better, but in the end Midway is a very solid option as well

    • @Schorch1962
      @Schorch1962 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NotLakeline Yes, i think you`re right. Haku can be a very strong carrier if RNG is with you and the bombs hit hard. The biggest problem with Haku is that the dive bombers can`t turn that easy during an attack, so any dodging ship can troll you and you score no hits. This makes Haku more difficult to play. Very slow turning ships like the "Super-BB`s" often eat more hits, but have a strong AA on the other side so you can lose many planes on the attack.
      Wargaming thought it is funny to bring RNG to torpedos, too. So sometimes i can see (from Ryujo to Haku) my torpedos swimming very close together like a single one, the next drop they have a spread so the attacked ship can get through them. My most annyoing attack with torpedo bombers was with my FDR. RNG caused a big gap, 5 torps ran more to the left, 3 more to the right, opening a gap. I attacked a radar cruiser, and this ship managed to avoid my torps by just turning away at a 45 degree angle. Ok, such a big RNG shit is more rare, but it can suck hard if it happens.
      Midway has some advantages with the HE bombs, with RNG luck they can nuke a DD. With bad RNG, you miss a DD completely. Small, fast turning cruisers are always a problem, it`s hard to hit them with any weapon because they dodge easy. So it`s up to the team to get him broadsides, a carrier can steer ships indirect because nearly every player dodges carrier attacks. Haku has the biggest problems to hit such ships with AP bombs, while Midway dive bombers can follow the dodge and score some hits.
      Midway is stronger if there are more small ships, Haku is stronger against huge, slow turning ships or bad players that can`t dodge.
      The german carrier line is worth to get MvR, and the secondaries are good to scare any DD away or blast it to pieces. The torpedos are weak, the bombs are ok and the rockets can deal amazing damage. Thanks to the short delay with mg-fire, they`re good against some DD`s, too. Those new DD`s with good armor can eat much full pens, and cruisers can eat cits even when angling. If you have Midway and Haku, the MvR could be one you like much.

  • @devilfish-dk-8771
    @devilfish-dk-8771 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    thanks nice vido with lot of tips
    how do you get your dive bombers to make such sharp 90-180 degrees, turn , have you changed anything in the settings?

    • @ReiYukihyo
      @ReiYukihyo  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      HE DB can turn very easily. It's one of their traits

    • @devilfish-dk-8771
      @devilfish-dk-8771 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ReiYukihyo what abaut Midway I think i saw you do the same in another video

    • @ReiYukihyo
      @ReiYukihyo  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Any CV that has HE DBs can do it. Harder with Kaga tho cuz her planes launches forward more compared to others

    • @devilfish-dk-8771
      @devilfish-dk-8771 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Okay then I just have to practice some more :)

  • @crazywarriorscatfan9061
    @crazywarriorscatfan9061 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @NotLakeline
    @NotLakeline 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    You need to stop teaching people these things, watching carriers go boom is my favorite pastime!

    • @crazywarriorscatfan9061
      @crazywarriorscatfan9061 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Unsure if you've seen this clip before, but it showed (I believe) a Massachusetts at the beginning of the battle spot the enemy carrier, fired a broadside, and annhiliated it in one strike. One of the most satisfying things I've ever seen in WoWs