Morning: Verse by verse is awesome way to learn the bible. I personally have learned a lot. The big one is rightly dividing. Glory to God. Read the word daily.
Text you copy will automatically show hereSlide clipboard items to delete themText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show hereText you copy will automatically show hereSlide clipboard items to delete themPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hour@@Reaper_One
My understanding of the bible is getting clearer by the day. I was hesitant about learning the book of Matthew, as his gospel is more related to the Jews and I was concentrating more on Paul's Gospel. But what a revelation this teaching brought me. I believe these 1h47 minutes will save many souls and must be shared to many, so called Christians. Thank you pastor for the edification. God bless you and all brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen
People don't like being told that they're wrong or are doing something wrong, but what people like or don't like is irrelevant, it's all about what God likes.
This made my day!! GOD Bless this Man Robert Breaker, Great sermon! Thank you, And online school would be pretty great. Glad to him bring that up again.
Thank you brother Robert Breaker you are a magnificent preacher my eyes are more open and I am believing that gospel that the Lord Jesus Christ give the apostle Paul is the gospel of salvation.amen God bless you and your family and your congregation I love you brother.
Thank you Robert breaker for you passion and time to help me to study the book of Matthew I have completed chapter 1 to chapter 28 of Matthew, and you given me a more deeper understanding. God bless you, your family and your ministry.
good morning, 2-6-24 I love u all so much, learned so much from Robert over the years,,im going to c Care this morning for pet scan, pray for clean results ,have cancer but God been healing,,,im praying i be healthy for the rapture,,love u Robert and forever family ,,Randy Strunk from oakhurst ca,, by yosemite,,, God is so good ,,
Thank God, He gave Robert Breaker on my life path. I learned so much more by these verse by verse Bible studies. And then mostly: Rightly dividing the Word. 2 Tim. 2 vs 15. Thanks Robert for your studies 👍👍👍
❤ Brother Breaker, You are a brilliant teacher of God's word. I love God, Jesus and the Bible. Thank the Lord for you can read, understand and teach from the KJV. I have a hard time with the KJV but can study other versions knowing you will put me straight if I misunderstand the meaning God intended in the scriptures. Thank you and blessings to you.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first. You’re 100% right Brother Breaker. It’s always been faith in the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and that’s not communion on Sunday like the catholic’s teach.
I was not baptized but when I was saved I cried for a while for what Jesus did. Beautiful for what he has done, terrible that happened to him. No words in this world to describe that feeling, but I felt my tears were like a baptism.
I live above an evangelical and Pentecost church and there “ vision “is to show the world who Jesus is! wrong dispensation. Bible believers should tell the world what Jesus Christ did on the cross for hopeless sinners. These teachings help me to expose this cult.
Oh my word Brother Breaker you crack me up! 😂 but in all seriousness I’m so sick of these preachers not preaching Paul’s gospel! It just breaks my heart to see all these ppl getting deceived 😢and it’s so hard to make them understand once they have been under the wrong doctrine/gospel for so long. I have a lot in my plate trying to convince my family, my friends, and even a church that they have been under the wrong gospel! Thank you so much for your teachings it has helped me tremendously! I myself was lost and confused till God led me to you and Gene Kim! You both have been a blessing to my life!! ❤
If I want to keep learning I Will stay rite here, I studied under the wonderful pastor Stephen Armstrong and God called him home , and now there is also you PBB, keep on , keeping on ❤ from Canada, blessings to you and yours.
Robert Breaker just don't say you're of any denomination and just say you belong to Lord Jesus and what he preached to spread under the ones he told to go and spread the Good News. Thank you for this video, I am going to share this one, because you hit the nail on the head with the truth. God Bless!
Hello brother Breaker. I just texted your entire study on the book of Revelation. She is looking forward to studying it. I am understanding the Bible because of your in-depth studies. May our God continue to bless your ministry. Praising god Almighty always Amen.
I've watched breaker for a long time I believe I watched every video he's ever put out not because I am a fanatic but because I want to learn everything I possibly can from all aspects but I'm telling you right now this one hit me very differently there was a lot to take away from this that a lot of people need to hear and I wish I was more able to express what I want folks to know but alas I am not. For Anyone who reads my comment please watch this whole video and pay attention don't be distracted
Thank you for sharing and educating on the truth of the Bible. I have family members that wholeheartedly believe the teachings of Herbert Armstrong and his replacement in Armstrongism Fred coulter. This man actually had to rewrite and interpret the Bible with his own that he teaches from. Scary that my wife and kids have no relationship with my parents because of their belief and worship of him.
Thank you so much for the clarification❤ I appreciate you showing us where to find the information in the bible so we can see and read it ourselves. Many blessings to you.
V mene boziom vas zdravim pochadzaam zo Slovenska a mam na vas otazku s prosbou ci budu videa aj v cestime nakolko t ie predosle mam vsetky pozrete a mam z nich velke duchovne pozehnanie pre skore vychvatenie amen
Pozdrav Magda: NEZASLÚŽENÝ DAR SPASENIA ZADARMO prijíma KTOKOĽVEK, kto dôveruje vo svojom srdci IBA Ježišovej smrti (Bohu Synovi, ktorý prišiel ako Boh v tele) SMRTI (zahŕňa preliatie krvi Pána Ježiša), POHREBU a ZMŔTVYCHVSTANIA pre spasenie, bez ŽIADNEJ viery v spasenie na akomkoľvek druhu ľudského úsilia, skutkov alebo nárokovaných pozitívnych ľudských vlastností. Keď človek verí iba v dobrú správu (evanjelium) spasenia, 1 Korintským 15:1-4 (KJV), zhrnuté vyššie, RAZ, Boh okamžite robí veriaceho znovuzrodeným (trvalo duchovne BEZHRIEŠNYM v Božích očiach, pokiaľ ide o postavenie a spasenie). Efezským 2:8-9 (KJV) - "Lebo milosťou ste spasení skrze vieru; a že NIE ZO SEBA: je to dar Boží; NIE zo skutkov, aby sa nikto nevychvaľoval." (MILOSŤ znamená NEZASLÚŽENÝ DAR ZADARMO. ŽIADNE ľudské úsilie alebo skutky nemôžu byť zapojené do prijatia alebo udržania spásy. Musíme dôverovať IBA zaplateniu za všetky hriechy, ktoré Pán Ježiš urobil na kríži.) Rímskym 11:6 (KJV), "A ak z milosti, tak už nie je zo skutkov, inak milosť už nie je milosťou..." (Dôverovať AKÉMUKOĽVEK ľudskému úsiliu alebo skutkom znamená, že osoba nie je pod milosťou, ale pokúša sa byť spôsobilá na spasenie zákonom/dodržiavaním prikázaní/ľudským úsilím, a preto NIE JE spasená). Veriť evanjeliu (1. Kor. 15:1-4) bez VIERY v AKÉKOĽVEK ľudské úsilie, je JEDINÝ spôsob, ako prijať spasenie. Všimnite si, čo NIE JE zahrnuté (práca / ľudské úsilie). Rímskym 4:5 (KJV), "Ale tomu, kto nekoná skutky, ale VERÍ tomu, kto ospravedlňuje bezbožného, jeho viera sa počíta za spravodlivosť." ("spravodlivosť" znamená, že Boh robí veriaceho bezhriešnym v Božích očiach, pokiaľ ide o postavenie a spasenie) Skutky 16:30-31 - "Filipský žalárnik sa pýtal Pavla a Sílasa: Pane, čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený? A oni povedali: VERTE v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený." Rímskym 3:28 (KJV), "Preto prichádzame k záveru, že človek je ospravedlnený VIEROU bez skutkov zákona." Dôverovať akýmkoľvek skutkom alebo nárokovanej ľudskej dobrote pre večnú spásu neznamená ŽIADNU spásu. Galaťanom 5:4 (KJV), "Kristus je pre vás bez účinku, ktokoľvek z vás je ospravedlnený zákonom (skutky); ste odpadnutí (oddelení) od milosti (nie spasení). Galaťanom 3:10 (KJV), "Lebo všetci, čo sú zo skutkov zákona, SÚ POD KLIATBOU; lebo je napísané: Prekliaty je každý, kto nepokračuje vo všetkom, čo je napísané v knihe zákona, aby ich konal." (Nemôžeme dodržiavať celý zákon (nie hriech), a preto sme zákonom odsúdení.) Naše NAJLEPŠIE spravodlivé skutky, za účelom získania alebo spôsobilosti na spasenie, sú ako ŠPINAVÉ RAGY: Izaiáš 64:6 (KJV), "Ale my všetci sme ako nečistá vec a všetky spravodlivosti naše sú ako špinavé handry; a všetci bledneme ako list; a naše neprávosti, ako vietor, nás vzali preč." Krst vo vode nemôže byť súčasťou toho, AKO je človek spasený / znovuzrodený. 1 Korinťanom 1:17 (KJV) - "Lebo Kristus ma neposlal BAPTIZE, ale kázať evanjelium; nie múdrosťou slov, aby Kristov kríž nemal žiadny účinok." Boh robí veriaceho natrvalo znovuzrodeným (duchovne bezhriešnym postavením v Božích očiach), akoby veriaci NIKDY nezhrešil; Toto je jednorazová udalosť. Všimnite si, že to NIE JE ľudským úsilím. Toto je DUCHOVNÉ UMÝVANIE, ktoré krst vodou IBA SYMBOLIZOVAL. Vtedy Boh (Duch Svätý, Syn a Otec) prichádza, aby natrvalo žil vo veriacom: Ján 3:3 (KJV), "Ježiš odpovedal a povedal mu: Veru, veru, hovorím ti: Ak sa človek nenarodí znova, nemôže uzrieť kráľovstvo Božie." Ján 1:12-13 (KJV), "Ale koľkí, čo ho prijali, im dal moc stať sa synmi Božími (deťmi), dokonca aj tým, ktorí veria v jeho meno. Ktoré sa NARODILI, nie z krvi, ANI Z VÔLE TELA, ANI Z VÔLE ČLOVEKA, ALE Z BOHA." Títovi 3:5 (KJV), "Nie skutkami spravodlivosti, ktoré sme vykonali, ale podľa svojho milosrdenstva nás spasil obmytím znovuzrodenia a obnovením Ducha Svätého." Ježiš je Boh Syn, ktorý prišiel ako Boh v tele: Títovi 2:13 (KJV), "Očakávajúc tú požehnanú nádej a slávne zjavenie veľkého Boha a nášho Spasiteľa Ježiša Krista." (Vytrženie) Kolosenským 1:15 (KJV), "Ježiš je obraz neviditeľného Boha......" 1. list Timoteovi 3:16 (KJV), "A bez sporov je veľké tajomstvo zbožnosti: Boh sa zjavil v tele." Izaiáš 9:6 (KJV), "Lebo nám sa narodilo dieťa, nám je daný syn: a vláda bude na jeho pleciach; a meno jeho sa bude volať Obdivuhodný, Radca, Mocný BOH, Večný Otec, Knieža pokoja." Ján 10:33 (KJV), "Židia mu odpovedali: Pre dobrý skutok ťa nekameňujeme; ale za rúhanie; a pretože ty, ktorý si človek, UČINÍŠ SA BOHOM." Večná istota pre znovuzrodeného veriaceho je pravdivá. Znovuzrodený veriaci NEMÔŽE stratiť spasenie. Veriť, že znovuzrodený človek môže stratiť spasenie znamená, že sa približujeme k Bohu pre spasenie s vierou v ĽUDSKÉ ÚSILIE, a to znamená ŽIADNE spasenie. Efezským 4:30 (KJV), "A nezarmucujte Ducha Svätého Božieho, ktorým ste SPEČATENÍ ku dňu vykúpenia." Ján 6:37 (KJV), "Všetko, čo mi dáva Otec, príde ku mne; a toho, ktorý prichádza ku mne, NEBUDEM MÚDRY VYHÁŇAŤ." 1. list Petra 1:4-5 (KJV), "Dedičstvu neporušiteľnému a nepoškvrnenému, ktoré nezaniká, vyhradenému v nebi pre vás, ktorí ste UDRŽIAVANÍ MOCOU BOŽOU skrze vieru k spáse pripravenej na zjavenie v poslednom čase."
Thank you Pastor Breaker!! I was just listening to a podcast, that was talking about how they got mailed a book and everyone Ina few towns in Georgia by a lady named Lynn(Ellen white)I think, with a book called The great battle, war or (controversy is it) between God & Satan or something like that. She is a 7th day adventist if I'm remembering the right podcast ,hopefully lol. But thank you for covering this!! And I was prepared and so were the guys only I this podcast. Thank you!!
Hey, Robert, Yes it's The ministry of reconciliation for us today. According to Paul. Alot of times today it seems people just should catch up. Go over to Acts and Paul's epistles. Thanks for message.
We thank you and GoD BLess you abundantly, Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to ALL that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our GoD shall call.
MR. BREAKER. Very good on the blood. Connected some dots for me, and I concur with your line of thought--which also walks in line with why we would not bring our blood to heaven. Unless we will need it to offer ourselves??? But then the dead would NOT be able to offer theirs... Which again confirms...
I appreciate the clarification of the gospels. The water baptism and holy spirit baptism did confuse me. Dispensation does explain the differences in the teachings and dispels the perception of conflicting messages.
Thank you very much brother breaker. We are saved by the prcious Blood of Jesus Christ. The most important teaching we find in the holy Bible. You explained it very well.
10 Commandments 1. You shall have no other Gods 2. You shall not make any idols 3. You shall not take the lord your God’s name in vain(YAH) 4. Keep the Sabbath day holy(Saturday dawn to Sunday dawn) Isaiah 56 & 58 5. Honor your mother and father 6. You shall not murder 7. You shall not commit adultery 8. You shall not steal 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 10. You shall not covet 1 John 2:4 He that says,I know him,and don’t keep His commandments,is a liar,and the truth is not in him. Matthew 19:17 And he said unto them,Why call me good? There is none good but one,that is God:but if you will enter into life,keep the commandments. Matthew 22:36-40 is quoting Deuteronomy 4-10 & Leviticus 19:15-18,Revelation 22:14,1 Corinthians 7:19,James 1:22,Acts 5:32,John 14:15-18,Romans 2:13 Read the Bible cause time is very short. The church is lying the Messiah died for ours sins so they could be blotted out. He also came and refreshed the 2 covenants:Acts 3 is quoting Deuteronomy 18. Repent and keep His covenants time is short. Holy covenant is in Genesis 16-21,Deuteronomy 4-10 and the rainbow covenant is in Genesis 6-9,Leviticus 11,15 & 19 & Acts 15:20 Rainbow covenant is to stay away from blood,things strangled,pollution of idols like Christmas,Easter,Halloween,etc cause it’s pagan and God hates,fornication,and unclean meats. Isaiah 65&66. Repent or perish cause time is very short. Take heed and listen,keep His covenants cause that’s how you love Him,1 John. Christmas,Easter,Halloween is pagan witchcraft and the Bible says to not mix the holy with the profane,it has nothing to do with the Messiah,it’s all idol worship,look it up. Read 2 Kings 17-25,on why Israel got booted out of the land,and then read Romans 11 on if the Gentiles do the same thing they too will be cut out of the tree,Hint:they did pagan holidays/learned the ways of the heathen. Jeremiah 10. God hates the traditions of men,Mark 7:7-9,Revelation 9:20.They also changed the Messiah’s name to Jesus which comes from a Roman solstice Demi god”Hesus Horus Krishna” his name is Yahusha,John 5:43 warns you about another one coming in his own name. Hosea 2:16-17,don’t take my word for it,read it yourself. If you don’t take the warning now,remember Deuteronomy 4:26-31
I hope after Bro. Breaker's done with the Matthew verse by verse he'll start with Genesis 1 and begin the verse by verse of the O.T. That would be great!!
@@GodisGracious1031Ministries Flat Earth is pure doctrine of devils! The King James Bible doesn't even teach a flat Earth at all. There's three heavens that the bible describes. The first heaven is mentioned in Genesis 1: 6-8. It's the sky and when you read several verses down in Gen. 1: 20 It says the fowls that fly in the open firmament of heaven. That's the sky, my friend. Then in Genesis 1: 14-19 that's when God places the two lights in the second heaven, the lesser one which is the moon and the greater one which is the sun. Later in the bible there's verses that say "the stars in heaven" That's outer space. The words "firmament of heaven" has a dual application and the word heaven has a triple application. Flat Earthers are confused on that and don't know of those applications. Then in the New Testament, Paul mentions being in the spirit and caught up into the third heaven. That's Heaven, the place where the Lord Jesus Christ is and sits at the right hand of the Father. It always was and always will be and the third heaven existed before Genesis 1. If there's a third heaven, that demands that there's a first and second heaven which the bible clearly says there is! All those galaxies, planets and the whole Cosmic Web (and beyond) itself was created so big by God because there's plans for them in the future. Isaiah 9: 7 KJV mentions that plan and it takes place after Revelation 21: 1 KJV. It will be infinite after that if it's not already now. Other mistakes that flat Earthers make is taking figurative words and phrases like who laid the foundations of the earth?, footstool, immoveable, unshakable and the like as 100% literal when they're not. You have to know the bible and pray and have discernment. Flat Earthers are confused by the devil and can't see the truth. After all who's the arthur of confusion? The devil, Satan, Lucifer. As you can tell by this long and in-depth comment that I've encountered my fair share of flat Earthers in my Christian life, haha :) You have a blessed day!
I realized as I was looking my old kjv that was worn out and missing pages. I noticed in Acts or somewhere it said the stars of the sky.. it seems that sky is the greek transliteration and firmament is the hebrew. Just like Noe/Noah and the other things. Thanks, God bless :) @@Reaper_One
The Good News: The Lord Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again on the third day and shed his blood for the forgiveness of all sins for all who believe! Get saved today if you aren't already! Have a safe and blessed day folks!!
Hello Mr. Breaker! On the Sin part that you mentioned about Eve. Yes it was Eve that got us into the sin mess but I tend to think Adam wasn't really upholding his duties either. I tend to think it was on both of them. Adam did not do his part of telling Eve WHY not to do it, and where was he while this was happening? He wasn't working fields or hunting. He neglected his duties and that led to Eve being led astray by Satan. This is just my thoughts though. If you would Mr. Breaker what are your thoughts on this? You are one of my favorite Pastors also and would be thrilled to hear. Thanks!
Pastor Breaker, are Jews today required to be baptized by water or are they now under the new dispensation as given to Paul for the Gentiles? Are they now saved by faith?
Romans 1 kJV ♥️ 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 1 Corinthians 15 kJV 1-4
Thank You Brother Robert, Love A Good Bible Teaching As I Did With Les FELDICK And All Other Grace And Rightly Dividing Teacher And Preachers, Amen To You Pastor Robert And GOD BLESS YOU🙏😃❤️
Robert Breaker the men fainted, because of their pride and the woman loved Jesus and believed what he said and listened to what he said and knew it was the truth.
Morning: Verse by verse is awesome way to learn the bible. I personally have learned a lot. The big one is rightly dividing. Glory to God. Read the word daily.
Amen 💯
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Good morning everyone and Thank you Pastor.
Good morning!!!
Aren't we all blessed that we were drawn ; by no mistake of our father, to Pastor Breaker😊. God is wonderful! Waiting on his soon return ❤🙏🧎🏻♀️
@@sandyroop8365 👍
My understanding of the bible is getting clearer by the day.
I was hesitant about learning the book of Matthew, as his gospel is more related to the Jews and I was concentrating more on Paul's Gospel. But what a revelation this teaching brought me.
I believe these 1h47 minutes will save many souls and must be shared to many, so called Christians.
Thank you pastor for the edification. God bless you and all brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen
Thank you ,Robert , God bless you
For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
Psalm 119:89
This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ❤😊
Love that song :)
People don't like being told that they're wrong or are doing something wrong, but what people like or don't like is irrelevant, it's all about what God likes.
This made my day!! GOD Bless this Man Robert Breaker, Great sermon! Thank you, And online school would be pretty great. Glad to him bring that up again.
Thank you brother Robert Breaker you are a magnificent preacher my eyes are more open and I am believing that gospel that the Lord Jesus Christ give the apostle Paul is the gospel of salvation.amen God bless you and your family and your congregation I love you brother.
That’s so awesome grate revelation hallelujah Yah!
Thank you for a great sermon, brother Breaker. God bless you.
Your a wonderful teacher love to hear the Lords word straight from the Bible Thank You Brother 😊 🙏 ❤
Thank you Brother Breaker ! God Bless!
Thank you brother that was and amazing bible study truly you were called to teach Amen ❤
Thank you Robert breaker for you passion and time to help me to study the book of Matthew I have completed chapter 1 to chapter 28 of Matthew, and you given me a more deeper understanding. God bless you, your family and your ministry.
Love your teaching, brother breaker. I feel fed by the hand of God when I listen to you preach. Praise God.
good morning, 2-6-24 I love u all so much, learned so much from Robert over the years,,im going to c Care this morning for pet scan, pray for clean results ,have cancer but God been healing,,,im praying i be healthy for the rapture,,love u Robert and forever family ,,Randy Strunk from oakhurst ca,, by yosemite,,, God is so good ,,
Praying for you!
This was truly a blessing Robert.
What a beautiful teaching... thank you.
Thank God, He gave Robert Breaker on my life path. I learned so much more by these verse by verse Bible studies. And then mostly: Rightly dividing the Word. 2 Tim. 2 vs 15. Thanks Robert for your studies 👍👍👍
❤ Brother Breaker, You are a brilliant teacher of God's word. I love God, Jesus and the Bible. Thank the Lord for you can read, understand and teach from the KJV. I have a hard time with the KJV but can study other versions knowing you will put me straight if I misunderstand the meaning God intended in the scriptures. Thank you and blessings to you.
Pastor Robert Breaker you are saving so many misguided souls of people that assumed they were already saved, praise the most Mercifiul Lord.
Thank you Pastor Breaker, I really enjoyed the study on Matthew. Thank you again and God Bless.
Best I have heard on this subject
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first. You’re 100% right Brother Breaker. It’s always been faith in the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and that’s not communion on Sunday like the catholic’s teach.
You’re right my brother I love your teachings-much love
Hallelujah ❤. Praise Jesus Christ Holy Name ❤
I was not baptized but when I was saved I cried for a while for what Jesus did. Beautiful for what he has done, terrible that happened to him. No words in this world to describe that feeling, but I felt my tears were like a baptism.
Thank you Brother Breaker! Thank you for correct doctrine and showing us the difference. May God bless you & your family! Praise the look!
Thank you very much brother Breaker for this great study ❤🙏
I live above an evangelical and Pentecost church and there “ vision “is to show the world who Jesus is! wrong dispensation. Bible believers should tell the world what Jesus Christ did on the cross for hopeless sinners. These teachings help me to expose this cult.
God bless you... Just finish reading Matthew and i was still confused. So happy to came across this channel. Lets keep learning.
Thank you for another awesome teaching!🙏🙏🙏
Blessings 💞 Pastor
Thank you for digging and teaching, it makes me want to search the scriptures more❤🙌❤️
Good message God through you Brother Robert. Keep them coming bud
Oh my word Brother Breaker you crack me up! 😂 but in all seriousness I’m so sick of these preachers not preaching Paul’s gospel! It just breaks my heart to see all these ppl getting deceived 😢and it’s so hard to make them understand once they have been under the wrong doctrine/gospel for so long. I have a lot in my plate trying to convince my family, my friends, and even a church that they have been under the wrong gospel! Thank you so much for your teachings it has helped me tremendously! I myself was lost and confused till God led me to you and Gene Kim! You both have been a blessing to my life!! ❤
Paul’s Gospel ( doctrine )?? 🤣😂
It wasn’t even Jesus Gospel much less Paul’s.
👉🏼 John 7:17 👈🏼
Bunch of lying so called Baptists.
Gene Kim is a liar too, same lying school as Breaker.
They were taught by an adulterer.
Thank you Pastor breaker, God bless you.
Thanks for this message. This is so important when encounter with the 7th Advantists.
Amen brother I pray God bless you and your family
If I want to keep learning I Will stay rite here, I studied under the wonderful pastor Stephen Armstrong and God called him home , and now there is also you PBB, keep on , keeping on ❤ from Canada, blessings to you and yours.
Robert Breaker just don't say you're of any denomination and just say you belong to Lord Jesus and what he preached to spread under the ones he told to go and spread the Good News.
Thank you for this video, I am going to share this one, because you hit the nail on the head with the truth. God Bless!
Thank you for your message from Paul.
Pastor Breakers teaching reminds me a lot of les feldick. I've been listening to Mr Feldick for years.
Thanks Pastor is a great teaching
Awesome study on the book of Matthew. Thank you, brother!
Watching from Aus 🇦🇺
Hello brother Breaker. I just texted your entire study on the book of Revelation. She is looking forward to studying it. I am understanding the Bible because of your in-depth studies. May our God continue to bless your ministry. Praising god Almighty always Amen.
Awesome as always!! Thank you for the clarity and helping us understand the truth of the Bible!
The truth of the Bible??
Thank you very much for giving explanation on Matthew 28:9
I've watched breaker for a long time I believe I watched every video he's ever put out not because I am a fanatic but because I want to learn everything I possibly can from all aspects but I'm telling you right now this one hit me very differently there was a lot to take away from this that a lot of people need to hear and I wish I was more able to express what I want folks to know but alas I am not. For Anyone who reads my comment please watch this whole video and pay attention don't be distracted
Thank you for sharing and educating on the truth of the Bible.
I have family members that wholeheartedly believe the teachings of Herbert Armstrong and his replacement in Armstrongism Fred coulter. This man actually had to rewrite and interpret the Bible with his own that he teaches from. Scary that my wife and kids have no relationship with my parents because of their belief and worship of him.
Thank you pastor Breaker 🙏🏼👏🏼
Thank you so much for the clarification❤ I appreciate you showing us where to find the information in the bible so we can see and read it ourselves. Many blessings to you.
Thank you for this wonderful teaching.
Brother Breaker is gonna have many rewards in heaven. I want rewards too .
I know I can come to your bible study and hear and be taught the truth
Morning Robert!!!!!!! Tina and I are listening to youuuuuu❤️✝️🙏😛
Amen! Thanks!
Thank you Pastor
Thank you! ❤️✝️🙏🏻
Fantastic study!!
Brilliant idea about the Bible institute Brother Breaker
Thank you❤❤! This was such eye opening and further understanding.
Blessings from Canada
thank U Paster❤❤❤
Thank you and God bless!
So ready to go home with Jesus
thanks for this great study
Thanks pastor
V mene boziom vas zdravim pochadzaam zo Slovenska a mam na vas otazku s prosbou ci budu videa aj v cestime nakolko t ie predosle mam vsetky pozrete a mam z nich velke duchovne pozehnanie pre skore vychvatenie amen
Pozdrav Magda: NEZASLÚŽENÝ DAR SPASENIA ZADARMO prijíma KTOKOĽVEK, kto dôveruje vo svojom srdci IBA Ježišovej smrti (Bohu Synovi, ktorý prišiel ako Boh v tele) SMRTI (zahŕňa preliatie krvi Pána Ježiša), POHREBU a ZMŔTVYCHVSTANIA pre spasenie, bez ŽIADNEJ viery v spasenie na akomkoľvek druhu ľudského úsilia, skutkov alebo nárokovaných pozitívnych ľudských vlastností. Keď človek verí iba v dobrú správu (evanjelium) spasenia, 1 Korintským 15:1-4 (KJV), zhrnuté vyššie, RAZ, Boh okamžite robí veriaceho znovuzrodeným (trvalo duchovne BEZHRIEŠNYM v Božích očiach, pokiaľ ide o postavenie a spasenie).
Efezským 2:8-9 (KJV) - "Lebo milosťou ste spasení skrze vieru; a že NIE ZO SEBA: je to dar Boží; NIE zo skutkov, aby sa nikto nevychvaľoval." (MILOSŤ znamená NEZASLÚŽENÝ DAR ZADARMO. ŽIADNE ľudské úsilie alebo skutky nemôžu byť zapojené do prijatia alebo udržania spásy. Musíme dôverovať IBA zaplateniu za všetky hriechy, ktoré Pán Ježiš urobil na kríži.) Rímskym 11:6 (KJV), "A ak z milosti, tak už nie je zo skutkov, inak milosť už nie je milosťou..." (Dôverovať AKÉMUKOĽVEK ľudskému úsiliu alebo skutkom znamená, že osoba nie je pod milosťou, ale pokúša sa byť spôsobilá na spasenie zákonom/dodržiavaním prikázaní/ľudským úsilím, a preto NIE JE spasená).
Veriť evanjeliu (1. Kor. 15:1-4) bez VIERY v AKÉKOĽVEK ľudské úsilie, je JEDINÝ spôsob, ako prijať spasenie. Všimnite si, čo NIE JE zahrnuté (práca / ľudské úsilie). Rímskym 4:5 (KJV), "Ale tomu, kto nekoná skutky, ale VERÍ tomu, kto ospravedlňuje bezbožného, jeho viera sa počíta za spravodlivosť." ("spravodlivosť" znamená, že Boh robí veriaceho bezhriešnym v Božích očiach, pokiaľ ide o postavenie a spasenie) Skutky 16:30-31 - "Filipský žalárnik sa pýtal Pavla a Sílasa: Pane, čo mám robiť, aby som bol spasený? A oni povedali: VERTE v Pána Ježiša Krista a budeš spasený." Rímskym 3:28 (KJV), "Preto prichádzame k záveru, že človek je ospravedlnený VIEROU bez skutkov zákona."
Dôverovať akýmkoľvek skutkom alebo nárokovanej ľudskej dobrote pre večnú spásu neznamená ŽIADNU spásu. Galaťanom 5:4 (KJV), "Kristus je pre vás bez účinku, ktokoľvek z vás je ospravedlnený zákonom (skutky); ste odpadnutí (oddelení) od milosti (nie spasení). Galaťanom 3:10 (KJV), "Lebo všetci, čo sú zo skutkov zákona, SÚ POD KLIATBOU; lebo je napísané: Prekliaty je každý, kto nepokračuje vo všetkom, čo je napísané v knihe zákona, aby ich konal." (Nemôžeme dodržiavať celý zákon (nie hriech), a preto sme zákonom odsúdení.) Naše NAJLEPŠIE spravodlivé skutky, za účelom získania alebo spôsobilosti na spasenie, sú ako ŠPINAVÉ RAGY: Izaiáš 64:6 (KJV), "Ale my všetci sme ako nečistá vec a všetky spravodlivosti naše sú ako špinavé handry; a všetci bledneme ako list; a naše neprávosti, ako vietor, nás vzali preč."
Krst vo vode nemôže byť súčasťou toho, AKO je človek spasený / znovuzrodený. 1 Korinťanom 1:17 (KJV) - "Lebo Kristus ma neposlal BAPTIZE, ale kázať evanjelium; nie múdrosťou slov, aby Kristov kríž nemal žiadny účinok."
Boh robí veriaceho natrvalo znovuzrodeným (duchovne bezhriešnym postavením v Božích očiach), akoby veriaci NIKDY nezhrešil; Toto je jednorazová udalosť. Všimnite si, že to NIE JE ľudským úsilím. Toto je DUCHOVNÉ UMÝVANIE, ktoré krst vodou IBA SYMBOLIZOVAL. Vtedy Boh (Duch Svätý, Syn a Otec) prichádza, aby natrvalo žil vo veriacom: Ján 3:3 (KJV), "Ježiš odpovedal a povedal mu: Veru, veru, hovorím ti: Ak sa človek nenarodí znova, nemôže uzrieť kráľovstvo Božie." Ján 1:12-13 (KJV), "Ale koľkí, čo ho prijali, im dal moc stať sa synmi Božími (deťmi), dokonca aj tým, ktorí veria v jeho meno. Ktoré sa NARODILI, nie z krvi, ANI Z VÔLE TELA, ANI Z VÔLE ČLOVEKA, ALE Z BOHA." Títovi 3:5 (KJV), "Nie skutkami spravodlivosti, ktoré sme vykonali, ale podľa svojho milosrdenstva nás spasil obmytím znovuzrodenia a obnovením Ducha Svätého."
Ježiš je Boh Syn, ktorý prišiel ako Boh v tele: Títovi 2:13 (KJV), "Očakávajúc tú požehnanú nádej a slávne zjavenie veľkého Boha a nášho Spasiteľa Ježiša Krista." (Vytrženie) Kolosenským 1:15 (KJV), "Ježiš je obraz neviditeľného Boha......" 1. list Timoteovi 3:16 (KJV), "A bez sporov je veľké tajomstvo zbožnosti: Boh sa zjavil v tele." Izaiáš 9:6 (KJV), "Lebo nám sa narodilo dieťa, nám je daný syn: a vláda bude na jeho pleciach; a meno jeho sa bude volať Obdivuhodný, Radca, Mocný BOH, Večný Otec, Knieža pokoja." Ján 10:33 (KJV), "Židia mu odpovedali: Pre dobrý skutok ťa nekameňujeme; ale za rúhanie; a pretože ty, ktorý si človek, UČINÍŠ SA BOHOM."
Večná istota pre znovuzrodeného veriaceho je pravdivá. Znovuzrodený veriaci NEMÔŽE stratiť spasenie. Veriť, že znovuzrodený človek môže stratiť spasenie znamená, že sa približujeme k Bohu pre spasenie s vierou v ĽUDSKÉ ÚSILIE, a to znamená ŽIADNE spasenie. Efezským 4:30 (KJV), "A nezarmucujte Ducha Svätého Božieho, ktorým ste SPEČATENÍ ku dňu vykúpenia." Ján 6:37 (KJV), "Všetko, čo mi dáva Otec, príde ku mne; a toho, ktorý prichádza ku mne, NEBUDEM MÚDRY VYHÁŇAŤ." 1. list Petra 1:4-5 (KJV), "Dedičstvu neporušiteľnému a nepoškvrnenému, ktoré nezaniká, vyhradenému v nebi pre vás, ktorí ste UDRŽIAVANÍ MOCOU BOŽOU skrze vieru k spáse pripravenej na zjavenie v poslednom čase."
Thank you Pastor Breaker!! I was just listening to a podcast, that was talking about how they got mailed a book and everyone Ina few towns in Georgia by a lady named Lynn(Ellen white)I think, with a book called The great battle, war or (controversy is it) between God & Satan or something like that. She is a 7th day adventist if I'm remembering the right podcast ,hopefully lol. But thank you for covering this!! And I was prepared and so were the guys only I this podcast. Thank you!!
Hello Pastor good morning
Hey, Robert, Yes it's The ministry of reconciliation for us today. According to Paul. Alot of times today it seems people just should catch up. Go over to Acts and Paul's epistles. Thanks for message.
Amen! Good teaching....
Fantastic TRUTHFUL teaching 🙂🙏🏼
Truthful? 😂🤣
Another lying Baptist that doesn’t believe in baptism.
Isn’t that ironic. 🤣
Commandment to even gentiles.
👉🏼 ACTS 10:47-58 👈🏼
🤥 Baptist teaching. 🤣
Praise the Lord 👑🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✝️🛐
We thank you and GoD BLess you abundantly, Acts 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to ALL that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our GoD shall call.
Brother Breaker you should be a Narrator! You have good voice !
MR. BREAKER. Very good on the blood. Connected some dots for me, and I concur with your line of thought--which also walks in line with why we would not bring our blood to heaven. Unless we will need it to offer ourselves??? But then the dead would NOT be able to offer theirs... Which again confirms...
I appreciate the clarification of the gospels. The water baptism and holy spirit baptism did confuse me. Dispensation does explain the differences in the teachings and dispels the perception of conflicting messages.
Excellent, thank you so much dear brother Breaker!!!❤
l! I finallyget it!!!!!!! Thank you brother !!
Thank you very much brother breaker. We are saved by the prcious Blood of Jesus Christ. The most important teaching we find in the holy Bible. You explained it very well.
Bless you sir! I would surely be interested in those classes
Great message
10 Commandments
1. You shall have no other Gods
2. You shall not make any idols
3. You shall not take the lord your God’s name in vain(YAH)
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy(Saturday dawn to Sunday dawn) Isaiah 56 & 58
5. Honor your mother and father
6. You shall not murder
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
10. You shall not covet
1 John 2:4 He that says,I know him,and don’t keep His commandments,is a liar,and the truth is not in him.
Matthew 19:17 And he said unto them,Why call me good? There is none good but one,that is God:but if you will enter into life,keep the commandments.
Matthew 22:36-40 is quoting Deuteronomy 4-10 & Leviticus 19:15-18,Revelation 22:14,1 Corinthians 7:19,James 1:22,Acts 5:32,John 14:15-18,Romans 2:13
Read the Bible cause time is very short.
The church is lying the Messiah died for ours sins so they could be blotted out. He also came and refreshed the 2 covenants:Acts 3 is quoting Deuteronomy 18. Repent and keep His covenants time is short. Holy covenant is in Genesis 16-21,Deuteronomy 4-10 and the rainbow covenant is in Genesis 6-9,Leviticus 11,15 & 19 & Acts 15:20
Rainbow covenant is to stay away from blood,things strangled,pollution of idols like Christmas,Easter,Halloween,etc cause it’s pagan and God hates,fornication,and unclean meats. Isaiah 65&66. Repent or perish cause time is very short. Take heed and listen,keep His covenants cause that’s how you love Him,1 John. Christmas,Easter,Halloween is pagan witchcraft and the Bible says to not mix the holy with the profane,it has nothing to do with the Messiah,it’s all idol worship,look it up. Read 2 Kings 17-25,on why Israel got booted out of the land,and then read Romans 11 on if the Gentiles do the same thing they too will be cut out of the tree,Hint:they did pagan holidays/learned the ways of the heathen. Jeremiah 10. God hates the traditions of men,Mark 7:7-9,Revelation 9:20.They also changed the Messiah’s name to Jesus which comes from a Roman solstice Demi god”Hesus Horus Krishna” his name is Yahusha,John 5:43 warns you about another one coming in his own name. Hosea 2:16-17,don’t take my word for it,read it yourself. If you don’t take the warning now,remember Deuteronomy 4:26-31
I hope after Bro. Breaker's done with the Matthew verse by verse he'll start with Genesis 1 and begin the verse by verse of the O.T.
That would be great!!
AMEN! Also, doth thoubelieve flat earth?
@@GodisGracious1031Ministries Flat Earth is pure doctrine of devils! The King James Bible doesn't even teach a flat Earth at all. There's three heavens that the bible describes. The first heaven is mentioned in Genesis 1: 6-8. It's the sky and when you read several verses down in Gen. 1: 20 It says the fowls that fly in the open firmament of heaven. That's the sky, my friend.
Then in Genesis 1: 14-19 that's when God places the two lights in the second heaven, the lesser one which is the moon and the greater one which is the sun. Later in the bible there's verses that say "the stars in heaven" That's outer space. The words "firmament of heaven" has a dual application and the word heaven has a triple application. Flat Earthers are confused on that and don't know of those applications.
Then in the New Testament, Paul mentions being in the spirit and caught up into the third heaven. That's Heaven, the place where the Lord Jesus Christ is and sits at the right hand of the Father. It always was and always will be and the third heaven existed before Genesis 1.
If there's a third heaven, that demands that there's a first and second heaven which the bible clearly says there is!
All those galaxies, planets and the whole Cosmic Web (and beyond) itself was created so big by God because there's plans for them in the future. Isaiah 9: 7 KJV mentions that plan and it takes place after Revelation 21: 1 KJV. It will be infinite after that if it's not already now.
Other mistakes that flat Earthers make is taking figurative words and phrases like who laid the foundations of the earth?, footstool, immoveable, unshakable and the like as 100% literal when they're not. You have to know the bible and pray and have discernment. Flat Earthers are confused by the devil and can't see the truth. After all who's the arthur of confusion? The devil, Satan, Lucifer.
As you can tell by this long and in-depth comment that I've encountered my fair share of flat Earthers in my Christian life, haha :)
You have a blessed day!
I see, thanks so much! I am no more of a flat earth now.Thanks so much for waiting me UP :) @@Reaper_One
I realized as I was looking my old kjv that was worn out and missing pages. I noticed in Acts or somewhere it said the stars of the sky.. it seems that sky is the greek transliteration and firmament is the hebrew. Just like Noe/Noah and the other things. Thanks, God bless :) @@Reaper_One
Also, I know that the mandela effect is real but hath thou dealt with them before? @@Reaper_One
Solid 💪 teaching
@Robert Breaker when and where will you be in Oklahoma?
I'll be at Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Tahlequah, Ok. Pastor Bill Holcomb. If you google it, you should find it. March 3-5th, 2024
Fantastic, thank you
The Good News: The Lord Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose again on the third day and shed his blood for the forgiveness of all sins for all who believe! Get saved today if you aren't already!
Have a safe and blessed day folks!!
Hello Mr. Breaker! On the Sin part that you mentioned about Eve. Yes it was Eve that got us into the sin mess but I tend to think Adam wasn't really upholding his duties either. I tend to think it was on both of them. Adam did not do his part of telling Eve WHY not to do it, and where was he while this was happening? He wasn't working fields or hunting. He neglected his duties and that led to Eve being led astray by Satan. This is just my thoughts though. If you would Mr. Breaker what are your thoughts on this? You are one of my favorite Pastors also and would be thrilled to hear. Thanks!
1 Timothy 2 kJV
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Obviously GOD himself or Adam taught EVE about the 🌳.
Genesis 3:2 👈🏼👈🏼
But her lust with the 👀 got the best of her.
Genesis 3:6 👈🏼👈🏼
Pastor Breaker, are Jews today required to be baptized by water or are they now under the new dispensation as given to Paul for the Gentiles? Are they now saved by faith?
Romans 1 kJV ♥️
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
1 Corinthians 15 kJV
Baptism is a Commandment to Jews & Gentiles. But 99.9% of Christianity doesn’t do it right or don’t believe in it at all.
👉🏼 ACTS 10:47-48 👈🏼
Thank You Brother Robert, Love A Good Bible Teaching As I Did With Les FELDICK And All Other Grace And Rightly Dividing Teacher And Preachers, Amen To You Pastor Robert And GOD BLESS YOU🙏😃❤️
Thanks 🙏🏾
so cool that you know about Sulphur ! I'm from Oklahoma, grew up about 30 mins from there! It definitely stinks lol
Robert Breaker the men fainted, because of their pride and the woman loved Jesus and believed what he said and listened to what he said and knew it was the truth.
Man can you do Verse By Verse for Old Testament? I love this series