Can confirm that I’m a Combs Simp 😂. I even got lucky enough to attend a virtual convention via Zoom and finally meet one of my idols to try to balance out how literally all the usual conventions were cancelled
Not to take anything away from a brilliant actor, but ENT was the least popular and arguably least successful of all shows. (Source: Rotten Tomatoes, imdb) Granted, because of some review bombing by the snowflake squad, Discovery has the lower imdb ratings, but it doesn't take a lot of research to figure out that that's very skewed. Bottom line: If you like ENT, you like ENT and I'm happy for you, but there will be plenty of Star Trek fans out there who don't care at all for that race.
Combs did for the Andorians what Nimoy did for the Vulcans, Dorn did for the Klingons, or Shimerman did for the Ferenghi: his portrayal became the standard for an entire species, becoming more author than actor.
Combs is one of the best actors I’ve EVER seen; there has been some bad acting in the Star Trek universe, even hammy, but Combs truly took the craft of acting seriously in Star Trek... thank you Jeffrey !!!!!
I got to see him do his one man pkay Nevermore An Evening With Edgar Allan Poe here in Nashville a few years back. I think this was for Poe's birthday. So many people showed up at the main library's auditorium, they has to open up a meeting g room to hold the overflow. Didn't get to meet & greet, but man oh man did he put on a show. With the makeup, costume & all, if you didn't know better, you'd have thought he was Poe.
Despite his prolific presence, I've never been a fan of Dorn's acting. Worf being stoic and rigid seems like a character trait but it's really just a limitation of Dorn I think. Seeing his character in Far Beyond the Stars seems to expose that.
@@SphincterOfDoom I have no problem with Michael Dorn. I do think he’s a decent actor. For me, Marina Sirtis was one of the worst. A very two dimensional actress. Her performance made Deanna Troi an uninteresting, boring, often irritating, one note character that, frankly, I cared nothing about. They could have killed her off and I wouldn’t, have cared one bit.
My favorite Jeffrey Combs scene was when Tiron went into the holosuite and was expecting to find major Kira but instead found Quark in drag saying "I've been waiting for you!"
Weyoun. A good sneaky, oily, villain who wasn't physically intimidating but just the right mix of diplomatic and off-putting to keep the heroes on their toes.
His mercurial mood switches always threw me and kept me deeply uncomfortable. Like when he went from asking Kira's opinion about art he couldn't connect with to threatening her people with death. With barely a change in tone or demeanor. *shudder*
not to mention the fact that Combs is singlehandedly responsible for the Vorta's cloning shtick, because the writers loved his performance so much and wanted to bring him back.
Im so glad to have met him at a Star Trek convention in 2010, during one of his moments on stage he said he wished he could have had a moment near the end of DS9 where Brunt and Weyoun passed each other in a corridor glancing at each other.
@@macswanton9622 Loved their interactions, cause you tell Weyoun could tell Dukat was delirious but looked at him with this fascination for the crazy Dukat was always spouting off.
TransDimensional Relocation too bad that we never got the fifth season of “Star Trek: Enterprise.” If possible, I would still want it to happen despite its cancellation in 2005. Maybe CBS All Access would be interested in pursuing a fifth and final season of that series.
I liked that first episode he was in in Enterprise as well, as it showed the Vulcans as not entirely goody two-shoes. "Of course we don't have a listening post in this sacred temple!" (Opens door) "Oh, you mean _this_ listeing post?"
While it would have been great to have him as a regular, his availability to portray several different characters allowed him to show many facets of his abilities. Think about it: John De Lancie's portrayal of Q (for example) is great, but it wouldn't be as good week after week.
Weyoun. He was the greatest recurring character in a supporting role ever on star trek. Brilliantly portrayed as far I am concerned. I could see him working in the oval office today as a "Special Advisor".
@@Krytern You would need to watch the entire series of Star Trek The Next Generation to understand. In STNG Picard is strong and decisive but with humanity. In STP he is weak, indecisive and counts for nothing. There have been some rare moments when we did see a glimpse of the old Picard but these moments were short-lived.
@@Pythonaria What makes you think I haven't? I have watched the entire season of TNG. And VOY, DS9 and ENT. Didn't like TOS so didn't watch it all. If you actually pay attention to the Picard shows you see why he had changed and became weak and indecisive, the organisation you give your life to turning their back on you can do that.
Weyoun, absolutely. He did a marvelous job in everything, but especially from DS9. Weyoun had so many layers to his character and his portrayal was profound for the series and sci-fi at the time.
Weyuon is my favorite recurring Star Trek character. To bad Brunt and Weyuon never met. It would have been pure gold. Then again any character Jeffery Combs plays is pure gold.
I met Jeffrey Combs at a Sci-Fi convention a few years ago at a Boston area convention, called Slanted Fedora. The Saturday evening dinner was cancelled by the hotel, so those with dinner tickets got to spend time with the guest stars. Jeffrey was very out going and personable very easy to talk with and joke around with. I wish him all the best.
Shran is his best role. And, I didn't even remember his Enterprise Feringi character.They need to cast him on STD and Picard, just to round out his resume.
Wow! He is such a great actor that I never realized he had played all those different characters. Of course, the makeup and prosthetics help, too, but still, great acting!
@@jaysmythe154 Yes, Brunt was a liquidator working for the F.C.A. Jeffrey Combs did in fact play two Ferengi, one being on Star Trek: Enterprise. I only recently watched Enterprise, so I didn't know about the second Ferengi role when I found out he first played Brunt.
He's amazing -- I was lucky enough to see him live performing "An Evening with Edgar Allen Poe" -- legendary -- even got to chat with him for a few moments after, he was kind and friendly
Weyoun is my favourite. And Jeffrey is one of my all time favourite actors. He gives all he's got no what what role you put him in. Be it Star Trek or any other movie or series. He is just great.
Agreed. The Weyoun role had a complexity. Not just a villian dripping with evil, and that's what Jeff brought when needed, but also loving sycophantic devotion in terrific scenes with Odo. You really believed the conflict in the character who was speaking to his gods. And hey, loved Jeff since Re-Animator; "We can save everyone"!
Weyoun is exceptional in many ways, but still Shran is my favourite. A so clean cut character, direct, driven, full of an inner world that was unknown to us and played so well. You had not expect this letting himself go from him after all those past characters, but with Shran, J. Combs unleashed himself fully.
Shran is my Fave, I love the way he called Archer, and the others "PinkSkins".. but this might because Im watching them again on Netflix with my kids while in LockDown
J.G Hertzler is another great ST utility actor. He may not have played as many characters, but the ones he did were also fantastically acted. Those two could probably pull off an entire episode of many characters with just the two of them.
Also you can add to that list James Cromwell who played quite a few different aliens on the Star Trek series and Zefram Chochrane in Star Trek: First Contact movie! In many episodes the aliens he played obscured his face to such a degree you could only tell it was him from the sound of his voice. What always strikes me about the Star Trek's since TOS (which acting was a lot different then, so I'm sure it was good for it's original time) is that every single actor and actress brought their A-game to the roles they were playing... nobody gave less than their best performance from what I've seen! Even a simple walk-on role for a few seconds by the now King of Jordan on a Voyager Episode was extremely well done... yeah the then Prince of Jordan was on a Star Trek Voyager Episode giving a pad to Captain Janeway! Now how cool is that?
Other great actors who prolifically guest-starred on the Star Trek franchise: - John Fleck - Vaughn Armstrong - Suzi Plakson - Tony Todd - Marc Alaimo to name a few.
Jeffrey Combs rules. I was just watching a B sci-fi movie from the early 90's called "Fortress" with him (and Kurtwood Smith who was also in Star Trek) in it. I didn't realize he was in this many different Star Trek roles.
I love Shran. He permanently won my heart when he and his crew risked their lives to destroy the Xindi weapon's escort vessel, clearing the way for Archer's boarding party to destroy the weapon from within at the last moment. We got more help from the Andorians than we _ever_ got from the High Command. If we'd listened to _Soval,_ this planet would be a cloud of dust _right now!_ As for Brunt, while I'm not suggesting he was a changeling or something even more ridiculous like Weyoun in disguise, I very much believe he may have been a Dominion stooge. In "The Magnificent Ferengi," Zek's beloved Moogie is saved from Dominion kidnappers with significant help from Starfleet. The contrast between a government that kidnaps his main squeeze and close adviser and a government that provided invaluable assistance in getting her back would certainly push the Nagus to a more pro-Federation foreign policy. Now Ferengi soft power makes them a more important ally than you might think. They're in a position to serve as economic go-betweens in ways that no other Alpha Quadrant civilization can really hope to match. The Orion Syndicate might be able to serve some of the same functions, but this would be much more dangerous and less respectable, possibly harming the legitimacy of a Dominion that is still trying to convince other neutral Alpha Quadrant powers that it will be a good neighbor after victory ("In the Pale Moonlight" has not yet happened). Nevertheless, just a few weeks after "The Magnificent Ferengi," the Dominion is engaged in all sorts of shady dealings with the Orions, as seen in "Honor Among Thieves." And just a few weeks after _that,_ Zek turns up on DS9 announcing hat he's been deposed and Brunt is now Acting Nagus. TheFederation gives him safe harbor in his hour of need and lends a hand in the campaign to keep Zek in power and prevent Brunt from dropping the first word from his title. A Federation starbase is the first place Zek turns at the outset of his exile, and if that's because he thought he knew who his friends were, he turned out to be dead right. The Prime Directive would forbid Starfleet from backing Zek unless Brunt had a foreign backer of his own, as the Duras Sisters did when they challenged Gowron in "Redemption." Can there be any doubt who would be backing Brunt under these circumstances?
That’s amazing! I never noticed these were the same actor! I have been rewatching voyager, and there was a character in one of the episodes whose voice was soooo familiar... She played the judge for a race of creatures who were trying to decide if they were evolutionarily linked to Earth. (It was a commentary on Galileo’s story.) It took me a minute to place it, but finally I did. It was the actress who plays the representative from the Great Link in DS9! A very distinctive voice.
I got to meet him and chat with him alittle at Crypticon 2019 in Seatac, WA. Great guy to visit with and the only Star Trek actor I've gotten to meet in person. Shran was my favorite character from Enterprise. Got an autographed picture when I met him.
Jeffrey Combs is incredibly talented. I didn't even know half of the characters he played were him. Makeup helps, of course. But much of the time I can see through that when the actor talks.
Combs. My absolute favorite Actor from Star Trek! Weyoun, Shran, and all the others. Absolute brilliant! My favorite scene is, when Sisko was sitting in Quarks bar with Dukat and Weyoun and Weyoun drinks the poisened cardassian ale ^^
Combs is great to me because even though he has that voice that you recognize whenever he opens his mouth, he gives his characters such life and plays them all differently
I loved how he played Weyoun. He perfectly conveyed what a Vorta is: charming, charismatic, sinister. Despite him being a considerable threat almost every time he’s on screen, I almost always catch myself liking the dude when I have every reason to hate him. Great execution of that part.
The man was made for Star Trek. Charismatic, versatile and a scene stealer every time he’s on screen. I enjoyed DS9 and Enterprise that much more because of him. 👍🏻
Mr. Combs deserved an Emmy for his many characters he created on Star Trek. I also feel he should have been made a regular on one of the series, perhaps in the future.
Weyoun made me laugh the most of all those characters, next to Shran then Brunt. Weyoun was just so sleazy that I loved it! Jeffrey Combs is a Trek legend!
Such a brilliant actor. Jeffrey Combs made every and each of the characters he played into a relevant character (even if they were supposed to be support characters). Weyoun and Brunt were my favorite. I hope to see another video about Mark Alaimo, him and Combs made a really good evil-duo.
Knowing how many characters he's played in Star Trek I'd like to see him make a return in Discovery. It'd be amazing to see him work with Doug Jones on screen! My little Re-Animator and Hellboy fan heart would lose it if that ever happens.
Love me some Jeffrey Combs! He is a brilliant, yet underrated, actor! Loved him as the various Star Trek characters. Loved him in The 4400 as Dr. Kevin Burkoff too. What range this man has! I agree with this ranking. He was brilliant as Weyoun in DS-9, but something about Shran was so much the complete opposite of Weyoun, that he actually made Shran kinda (don't laugh) sexy. There were definitely some sexy men on Enterprise. Many of the extras and guest stars were eye candy as well. Combs held it down in the sexy department with Shran. Shran was a hottie, for an Andorian. -Trekkie Chick-
As far as his range, he had a one-man show were he played Edgar Allen Poe. There is (or at least was) a clip on TH-cam, check it out if you can. It was brilliant.
Wow, I didn't know one actor played all these characters. He is amazing. I think shran is my favorite, he made Enterprise episodes better when they were about the Andorians. I wish that enterprise would have been able to rewrite and regroup with the Shran character, I think the show could have had more seasons.
Do one for Spiner. Brent played Data, Lore, Soong, Groppler Zorn, a cloned Data held in a computer in STPicard, Anton Soong, every holodeck character on Fistful of Datas.
I had no idea when I recently started watching Star Trek in reruns who Jeffrey Combs was and kept seeing his name on the credits. He was amazing in every character he played. 💙 My favorite was that sexy Andorian Shran.💙 He was fantastic as Shran and I wish the show had stayed on another couple of years so he could have been a regular. Thanks for the video of all the characters he has played.🖖
Nope Shran #1 but Weyoun is a very close 2nd. And that interview could of been preEnterprise. I don't trust them to be completely accurate with research when they can not even pronounce Sudan's name right.
GREAT list! I've always really liked Combs's characters. I didn't even know he played Brunt. That speaks to what a great actor he is, that the can play so many different kinds of characters and do them do them so well that even a fan doesn't recognize him in some roles. And your choices for 1 and 2 are perfect. Wayoun was great, but Shran was one of the best characters in the entire Star Trek universes. In fact, the ONLY thing that kept me watching that dog of a series was some really great characters played by some great actors. The writing was abysmal, but Anthony Montgomery as Maywether, Combs as Shran and especially Connor Trenneer as Tripp were magnificent. The others were very good, too, Archer, Reed, T'pol Hoshi and Phlox, but those first three really stood out for me.
I'd have to check numbers, but you are right that many actors played several roles, but A) Jeffrey Combs is at or near the record, and B) he's the only one to have played _three different recurring_ (Brunt, Weyoun, and Shran) ones in addition to his one-off spots. That gives Combs a bit of a special pedestal by most metrics.
I don't differentiate between the 2 characters, as far as favourites go. Both characters were equally well portrayed and developed, and I find it impossible to decide which is objectively better. Because both were given incredible life by Mr. Combs. I will say this though: by far one of the most engaging character actors in Trek; even beating out many of the main cast for holding my attention.
Met Jeff at STLV. Was telling him that Shran was my favorite character...he kinda acted like he heard it a million times! Oh well. I'm sure he has heard it more than a million times...just wanted to tell him anyway being the fan girl I was and am. It's a shame we couldn't see him in a 5th season of Enterprise.
Jeffrey Combs is one of my all time favorite scifi actors. I personally would have swapped Brunt and Shran's 1st and 3rd spots, but I really can't complain about this list.
He is a very exceptional actor has a lot of depth, it took me a long time to realize that he was playing so many characters. The way he was able to change the voices of some and mannerisms. The only way I was able to figure that out was cuz he has a very distinctive voice
For me personally my number 1 pick which Jeffrey combs played is all the weyouns (4-8). I love how he is such a ruthless backstabbing traitor who will try and negotiate with you, until he no longer sees the point or if the founders tell him to stop. I love how much power Weyoun holds, being one of the highest ranking Vorta by the end of the Dominion War. The personality shift he had whenever a founder enters the room is so satisfying, he goes from a cunning, manipulative general to a grovelling peasant at the sight of his ‘Gods’. Weyoun is probably the most loyal of the vorta to the founders (except weyoun 6 yes ik), so much so that whenever someone speaks falsely of the founders he gets angry and refuses to believe their claims, because the vorta have been so genetically engineered and brainwashed to serve them. It’s quite tragic tbh. However Weyoun has that very calm pleasing demeanour which always makes you want to see more. Jeffrey Combs himself states it’s his favourite Star Trek role he played. Number 2 goes to Liquidator Brunt. The ever growing Thorn in Quarks side and arguably his greatest arch nemesis. He’s always scheming and waiting for an excuse to ruin Quark. He’s scheming, caniving, misogynistic, slimy, greedy and a typical snob, yet you cannot help bu still want to see more of him. Xx
Thank you for this retrospective of Jeffrey Combs in Star Trek. Hopefully the actor is smart enough to stay away from the "new" Star Trek series, which have almost nothing conceptually in common with the Star Trek we fans liked.
Actors like J Combs and M Alaimo carried many of the Trek storylines for me! They added color & context that I liked! If an episode had them, I made it a point to watch!
When i was still a lot youngerr i only remeber him as Weyoun. But after rewatching the series i started noticing his voice and his special way of acting. He is a great actor!
Combs is a legend period.
Wonderfully believable character actor!
Prolific in other genres as well!
More of a period legend.
I just watched Re-animator for the first time. He was great in that and the movie is fun to watch
He was great in Trek. Did you ever watch The Frighteners? He was good in that movie.
Can confirm that I’m a Combs Simp 😂. I even got lucky enough to attend a virtual convention via Zoom and finally meet one of my idols to try to balance out how literally all the usual conventions were cancelled
Combs singlehandedly turned the Andorians from a background species only hardcore fans will know to one of the top 10 favorite in the whole franchise.
Not to take anything away from a brilliant actor, but ENT was the least popular and arguably least successful of all shows. (Source: Rotten Tomatoes, imdb) Granted, because of some review bombing by the snowflake squad, Discovery has the lower imdb ratings, but it doesn't take a lot of research to figure out that that's very skewed.
Bottom line: If you like ENT, you like ENT and I'm happy for you, but there will be plenty of Star Trek fans out there who don't care at all for that race.
@@DrZaius3141 Enterprise I thought wasn't bad, the start of the darker trek trend though.
@@DrZaius3141 Enterprise was great it doesn't get enough credit.
Indeed. A glorious character.
Combs did for the Andorians what Nimoy did for the Vulcans, Dorn did for the Klingons, or Shimerman did for the Ferenghi: his portrayal became the standard for an entire species, becoming more author than actor.
Combs is one of the best actors I’ve EVER seen; there has been some bad acting in the Star Trek universe, even hammy, but Combs truly took the craft of acting seriously in Star Trek... thank you Jeffrey !!!!!
I got to see him do his one man pkay Nevermore An Evening With Edgar Allan Poe here in Nashville a few years back. I think this was for Poe's birthday. So many people showed up at the main library's auditorium, they has to open up a meeting g room to hold the overflow. Didn't get to meet & greet, but man oh man did he put on a show. With the makeup, costume & all, if you didn't know better, you'd have thought he was Poe.
Despite his prolific presence, I've never been a fan of Dorn's acting. Worf being stoic and rigid seems like a character trait but it's really just a limitation of Dorn I think. Seeing his character in Far Beyond the Stars seems to expose that.
@@SphincterOfDoom I have no problem with Michael Dorn. I do think he’s a decent actor. For me, Marina Sirtis was one of the worst. A very two dimensional actress. Her performance made Deanna Troi an uninteresting, boring, often irritating, one note character that, frankly, I cared nothing about. They could have killed her off and I wouldn’t, have cared one bit.
My favorite Jeffrey Combs scene was when Tiron went into the holosuite and was expecting to find major Kira but instead found Quark in drag saying "I've been waiting for you!"
You should have counted Weyoun as 5 different characters; Combs said he played each version of the character slightly differently.
Nice! I did not know that.
Like Weyoun 6 vs Weyoun 8
He was the Tatiana Maslani of DS9
I felt that
Yeah that Weyoun that defected was probably the most obvious one.
Interviewer: so, which Star Trek character did you play?
Jeffrey Combs: *Y E S*
Haha, yes
I’ve seriously become a fan of his. We need him to come back to the franchise!
A more convincing Jane way...
Weyoun. A good sneaky, oily, villain who wasn't physically intimidating but just the right mix of diplomatic and off-putting to keep the heroes on their toes.
Exactly. Thank you!
His mercurial mood switches always threw me and kept me deeply uncomfortable. Like when he went from asking Kira's opinion about art he couldn't connect with to threatening her people with death. With barely a change in tone or demeanor.
Like Grema Wormtounge
Which ones?
6 was different.
not to mention the fact that Combs is singlehandedly responsible for the Vorta's cloning shtick, because the writers loved his performance so much and wanted to bring him back.
Im so glad to have met him at a Star Trek convention in 2010, during one of his moments on stage he said he wished he could have had a moment near the end of DS9 where Brunt and Weyoun passed each other in a corridor glancing at each other.
Not sure why they didn't actually do this. Would have been a nice easter egg for anyone who knew they were the same actor (I didn't until now!)
@Adrian Toko He was the perfect foil for Dukat. That could've gone on forever
*that would have been really interesting*
met him randomly at a private party in 2002 before i knew who he was -very gracious, patient, thoughful man.
@@macswanton9622 Loved their interactions, cause you tell Weyoun could tell Dukat was delirious but looked at him with this fascination for the crazy Dukat was always spouting off.
Shran saved the day for the "pink skins" more than once. I liked that Andorian.
TransDimensional Relocation too bad that we never got the fifth season of “Star Trek: Enterprise.” If possible, I would still want it to happen despite its cancellation in 2005. Maybe CBS All Access would be interested in pursuing a fifth and final season of that series.
I liked that first episode he was in in Enterprise as well, as it showed the Vulcans as not entirely goody two-shoes. "Of course we don't have a listening post in this sacred temple!" (Opens door) "Oh, you mean _this_ listeing post?"
Shran saved that series.
He was one of the saving graces of Enterprise.
@@TorIverWilhelmsen Vulcans never lie.
Jeffery combs should have been a regular he played every character brilliantly
While it would have been great to have him as a regular, his availability to portray several different characters allowed him to show many facets of his abilities.
Think about it: John De Lancie's portrayal of Q (for example) is great, but it wouldn't be as good week after week.
I'm pretty sure that it was planned that he become a regular on Enterprise season 5, but obviously the show was cancelled before that could happen.
He probably could have played the entire bridge crew by himself.
@@zdude0127 He can play with himself too
How did i not know he was brunt! Seriously this guy was some of my favorite characters he's a great actor.
They almost had a scene with both characters in one episode! Weyoun and Brunt were going to pass each other very awkwardly in a corridor.
I too discovered this rather late. I cringed at myself. :D
I have seen the series twice.. Had no idea he was brunt
Brunt. F. C. A.
Weyoun. He was the greatest recurring character in a supporting role ever on star trek.
Brilliantly portrayed as far I am concerned. I could see him working in the oval office today as a "Special Advisor".
Somehow I don't think having The Reanimator in the White House is a good idea.
Garak is the greatest imo, though weyoun comes close
Agreed. Wish they would have utilized Weyoun even more in DS9
@David Renton - It's COMBS, sir. Combs.
Weyoun would be perfect in the White House. He knew exactly how to grovel to those above him and how to spit on those beneath him!!
He's like the "Swiss Army Knife" of actors.
No, he has by far more features.
No, he can actually ... act ! What a concept !
He even played alien robot😂 I NEEDED THAT
Such a distinct voice and he lent it to such good characters. A Trek legend.
I actually wanted to see a series based upon Shran and Andorian life.
They should do that instead of Picard
@@gula_rata I don't understand the hate for Picard.
@@Krytern You would need to watch the entire series of Star Trek The Next Generation to understand. In STNG Picard is strong and decisive but with humanity. In STP he is weak, indecisive and counts for nothing. There have been some rare moments when we did see a glimpse of the old Picard but these moments were short-lived.
@@Pythonaria What makes you think I haven't? I have watched the entire season of TNG. And VOY, DS9 and ENT. Didn't like TOS so didn't watch it all. If you actually pay attention to the Picard shows you see why he had changed and became weak and indecisive, the organisation you give your life to turning their back on you can do that.
*a deeper dive would have been nice yes*
Weyoun, absolutely. He did a marvelous job in everything, but especially from DS9. Weyoun had so many layers to his character and his portrayal was profound for the series and sci-fi at the time.
I met this guy at a convention. Nicest guy you could meet. Treats you like he wants to meet you and not like he has to.
Weyuon is my favorite recurring Star Trek character. To bad Brunt and Weyuon never met. It would have been pure gold. Then again any character Jeffery Combs plays is pure gold.
Picard needs to make this happen!
He is a great actor. His portrayal of Wayoun was my favorite. Exemplifies every quality of the Vorta.
I met Jeffrey Combs at a Sci-Fi convention a few years ago at a Boston area convention, called Slanted Fedora. The Saturday evening dinner was cancelled by the hotel, so those with dinner tickets got to spend time with the guest stars. Jeffrey was very out going and personable very easy to talk with and joke around with. I wish him all the best.
Combs was outstanding in his multi-character roles---each character was done superbly. His Shran and Weyoun were the best.
Shran is his best role. And, I didn't even remember his Enterprise Feringi character.They need to cast him on STD and Picard, just to round out his resume.
He wasn't on tng.
Not to forget STSNW!!
Lower Decks upcoming
Nah Discovery would be a black mark on his resume, that show is a insult to the Trek legacy.
Wow! He is such a great actor that I never realized he had played all those different characters. Of course, the makeup and prosthetics help, too, but still, great acting!
Weyoun and gul dukat were 2 of the best villains in all of star trek.
and that was dukat next to him as the detectives
It's funny, I always recognized Combs as bit parts such as Tiron, or Penk, but it took me years to realize he was under the makeup of Brunt.
He changes his voice the most for that role.
Is brunt a Ferengi? It looks like he plays two of them!
@@jaysmythe154 Yes, Brunt was a liquidator working for the F.C.A. Jeffrey Combs did in fact play two Ferengi, one being on Star Trek: Enterprise. I only recently watched Enterprise, so I didn't know about the second Ferengi role when I found out he first played Brunt.
He's amazing -- I was lucky enough to see him live performing "An Evening with Edgar Allen Poe" -- legendary -- even got to chat with him for a few moments after, he was kind and friendly
Weyoun is my favourite. And Jeffrey is one of my all time favourite actors. He gives all he's got no what what role you put him in. Be it Star Trek or any other movie or series. He is just great.
To be honest, I would have put Weyoun above Shran for this list.
WildTiger420XX ikr? She even said it was the actor's own favourite pick!
Agreed. The Weyoun role had a complexity. Not just a villian dripping with evil, and that's what Jeff brought when needed, but also loving sycophantic devotion in terrific scenes with Odo. You really believed the conflict in the character who was speaking to his gods. And hey, loved Jeff since Re-Animator; "We can save everyone"!
Yep. Weyoun makes every scene he's in amazing.
Weyoun is exceptional in many ways, but still Shran is my favourite. A so clean cut character, direct, driven, full of an inner world that was unknown to us and played so well. You had not expect this letting himself go from him after all those past characters, but with Shran, J. Combs unleashed himself fully.
All of these roles showcase Jeffrey Combs versatility as an actor. He is very talented and will always be a Trek favorite.
Weyoun is number 1.
Bad eyes good ears.
He was also very good in the TV series the 4400, yet another brilliant scifi show that ended too soon.
His performance as Weyoun was THE BEST of any villain on any Star Trek! Hands down.
Shran is my Fave, I love the way he called Archer, and the others "PinkSkins".. but this might because Im watching them again on Netflix with my kids while in LockDown
Shran. One of my favorite recurring characters. He's a great actor. Never knew he played so many roles.
J.G Hertzler is another great ST utility actor. He may not have played as many characters, but the ones he did were also fantastically acted. Those two could probably pull off an entire episode of many characters with just the two of them.
Also you can add to that list James Cromwell who played quite a few different aliens on the Star Trek series and Zefram Chochrane in Star Trek: First Contact movie! In many episodes the aliens he played obscured his face to such a degree you could only tell it was him from the sound of his voice.
What always strikes me about the Star Trek's since TOS (which acting was a lot different then, so I'm sure it was good for it's original time) is that every single actor and actress brought their A-game to the roles they were playing... nobody gave less than their best performance from what I've seen! Even a simple walk-on role for a few seconds by the now King of Jordan on a Voyager Episode was extremely well done... yeah the then Prince of Jordan was on a Star Trek Voyager Episode giving a pad to Captain Janeway! Now how cool is that?
Other great actors who prolifically guest-starred on the Star Trek franchise:
- John Fleck
- Vaughn Armstrong
- Suzi Plakson
- Tony Todd
- Marc Alaimo
to name a few.
@@TheFlamingMantra And Cyia Batten who looked great even in green skin
I should add that I fully support Martok as Chancellor of the High Council. He has honor.
James Sloyan I think does some great work. Was the Romulan defector in STTNG as well as other roles. Can really hold a scene, capture the character.
Jeffrey Combs rules. I was just watching a B sci-fi movie from the early 90's called "Fortress" with him (and Kurtwood Smith who was also in Star Trek) in it. I didn't realize he was in this many different Star Trek roles.
I love Shran. He permanently won my heart when he and his crew risked their lives to destroy the Xindi weapon's escort vessel, clearing the way for Archer's boarding party to destroy the weapon from within at the last moment. We got more help from the Andorians than we _ever_ got from the High Command. If we'd listened to _Soval,_ this planet would be a cloud of dust _right now!_
As for Brunt, while I'm not suggesting he was a changeling or something even more ridiculous like Weyoun in disguise, I very much believe he may have been a Dominion stooge. In "The Magnificent Ferengi," Zek's beloved Moogie is saved from Dominion kidnappers with significant help from Starfleet. The contrast between a government that kidnaps his main squeeze and close adviser and a government that provided invaluable assistance in getting her back would certainly push the Nagus to a more pro-Federation foreign policy.
Now Ferengi soft power makes them a more important ally than you might think. They're in a position to serve as economic go-betweens in ways that no other Alpha Quadrant civilization can really hope to match. The Orion Syndicate might be able to serve some of the same functions, but this would be much more dangerous and less respectable, possibly harming the legitimacy of a Dominion that is still trying to convince other neutral Alpha Quadrant powers that it will be a good neighbor after victory ("In the Pale Moonlight" has not yet happened). Nevertheless, just a few weeks after "The Magnificent Ferengi," the Dominion is engaged in all sorts of shady dealings with the Orions, as seen in "Honor Among Thieves."
And just a few weeks after _that,_ Zek turns up on DS9 announcing hat he's been deposed and Brunt is now Acting Nagus. TheFederation gives him safe harbor in his hour of need and lends a hand in the campaign to keep Zek in power and prevent Brunt from dropping the first word from his title. A Federation starbase is the first place Zek turns at the outset of his exile, and if that's because he thought he knew who his friends were, he turned out to be dead right. The Prime Directive would forbid Starfleet from backing Zek unless Brunt had a foreign backer of his own, as the Duras Sisters did when they challenged Gowron in "Redemption." Can there be any doubt who would be backing Brunt under these circumstances?
That’s amazing! I never noticed these were the same actor!
I have been rewatching voyager, and there was a character in one of the episodes whose voice was soooo familiar... She played the judge for a race of creatures who were trying to decide if they were evolutionarily linked to Earth. (It was a commentary on Galileo’s story.) It took me a minute to place it, but finally I did. It was the actress who plays the representative from the Great Link in DS9! A very distinctive voice.
He was BRUNT?!
Brunt, F.C.A.
I was shocked as well!!
I had no clue!
Clever how they CGIed them into the same scenes.
I never knew either
I got to meet him and chat with him alittle at Crypticon 2019 in Seatac, WA. Great guy to visit with and the only Star Trek actor I've gotten to meet in person. Shran was my favorite character from Enterprise. Got an autographed picture when I met him.
I loved Jeffrey combs as Shran. My favorite recurring character in any trek ever. Somehow I never realized he was Liquidator Brunt though
Jeffrey Combs is incredibly talented. I didn't even know half of the characters he played were him. Makeup helps, of course. But much of the time I can see through that when the actor talks.
Combs. My absolute favorite Actor from Star Trek! Weyoun, Shran, and all the others. Absolute brilliant! My favorite scene is, when Sisko was sitting in Quarks bar with Dukat and Weyoun and Weyoun drinks the poisened cardassian ale ^^
No one else can use 'toxic' in describing the taste of ale better :o)
Combs is great to me because even though he has that voice that you recognize whenever he opens his mouth, he gives his characters such life and plays them all differently
He's like a voice actor in a live action production. Play as many characters you can get away with.
Reminds me of "the man of a thousand faces" lon Chaney.
He is "the Question" in Justice League.
I loved how he played Weyoun. He perfectly conveyed what a Vorta is: charming, charismatic, sinister. Despite him being a considerable threat almost every time he’s on screen, I almost always catch myself liking the dude when I have every reason to hate him. Great execution of that part.
Love him as Shran. Just like the flavor he gave Andorians.
The man was made for Star Trek. Charismatic, versatile and a scene stealer every time he’s on screen. I enjoyed DS9 and Enterprise that much more because of him. 👍🏻
My main character in Star Trek Online is one Shran's grandsons. We've had the pleasure of Mr. Combs reprising his roles within the game.
Mr. Combs deserved an Emmy for his many characters he created on Star Trek. I also feel he should have been made a regular on one of the series, perhaps in the future.
One of my favorite stars from Trek! Commander Shran.rules.
I always smiled when I realized it was him playing under that make-up. He really did add a lot to so many episodes.
Everybody in my family ADORES Shran. His intense crabbiness and sense of honor are so damned fun.
Weyoun made me laugh the most of all those characters, next to Shran then Brunt. Weyoun was just so sleazy that I loved it! Jeffrey Combs is a Trek legend!
I am hoping that one day star trek will comeback.
Sadly with all the new shit they put out we will never be able to enjoy a good new star trek
Hollywood is going through a reset, and money talk more louder and clearly then any very small minority. A real star trek will be make, you'll see.
I never knew he played Brunt. It took a while for me to spot his
different characters
Definitely my favorite recurring guest star.
Such a brilliant actor. Jeffrey Combs made every and each of the characters he played into a relevant character (even if they were supposed to be support characters). Weyoun and Brunt were my favorite. I hope to see another video about Mark Alaimo, him and Combs made a really good evil-duo.
Agree with the ranking, but you'd think _Star Trek's_ official TH-cam channel could pronounce Shran's name right!
People who read copy efficiently, eventually tend to ignore the context- even in real world newscasting.
Knowing how many characters he's played in Star Trek I'd like to see him make a return in Discovery. It'd be amazing to see him work with Doug Jones on screen! My little Re-Animator and Hellboy fan heart would lose it if that ever happens.
An actor's actor. Well done Jeffrey!
I had no idea he's played some of my favorite characters! This earned a like and a sub
I'm binge-watching Enterprise right now and I just watched the episode with Shran. Where they rescued the captain and t'paul.
There's something hypnotic about his voice.
Love me some Jeffrey Combs! He is a brilliant, yet underrated, actor! Loved him as the various Star Trek characters. Loved him in The 4400 as Dr. Kevin Burkoff too. What range this man has!
I agree with this ranking. He was brilliant as Weyoun in DS-9, but something about Shran was so much the complete opposite of Weyoun, that he actually made Shran kinda (don't laugh) sexy. There were definitely some sexy men on Enterprise. Many of the extras and guest stars were eye candy as well. Combs held it down in the sexy department with Shran. Shran was a hottie, for an Andorian.
-Trekkie Chick-
As far as his range, he had a one-man show were he played Edgar Allen Poe. There is (or at least was) a clip on TH-cam, check it out if you can. It was brilliant.
Nice! He was definitely a stand-out on The 4400. Loved his character.
Very versatile actor. Tremendously nice guy too. Met him twice.
Great actor my favorite character that he played was Herbert West in Re-animator
Wow, I didn't know one actor played all these characters. He is amazing. I think shran is my favorite, he made Enterprise episodes better when they were about the Andorians. I wish that enterprise would have been able to rewrite and regroup with the Shran character, I think the show could have had more seasons.
Do one for Spiner. Brent played Data, Lore, Soong, Groppler Zorn, a cloned Data held in a computer in STPicard, Anton Soong, every holodeck character on Fistful of Datas.
What a fantastic actor. Mr. Combs had more charisma than the entire bridge crew of NX-01 combined.
Jeffery combs rocks and all his rules but my favorite is commander shran
I had no idea the same actor played brunt, weyoun and shran. Fantastic Job!
It's pronounced "ShrAN", not "Shraaawn".
Joseph Brown Yeah, that irritated me too.
@ what voice? She has no feeling for the material, speeds through it while tripping over her words, and is about as engaging as GPS.
@@Vesnicie That's a bit of an insult to GPS voices don't you think?
@Boomer Galactica That isn't what he was saying....
Shraaawn! Shraaaaaaaaawn!
I had no idea when I recently started watching Star Trek in reruns who Jeffrey Combs was and kept seeing his name on the credits. He was amazing in every character he played. 💙 My favorite was that sexy Andorian Shran.💙 He was fantastic as Shran and I wish the show had stayed on another couple of years so he could have been a regular. Thanks for the video of all the characters he has played.🖖
Shran's great but I have to agree with Combs on this one. Weyoun all the way.
Have you seen Combs play Edgar Allan Poe? Now that is something else. I got yo see him play Poe live a few years back, & it was truly amazing!
Nope Shran #1 but Weyoun is a very close 2nd. And that interview could of been preEnterprise. I don't trust them to be completely accurate with research when they can not even pronounce Sudan's name right.
I didnt know he did all of these characters, impressive ! I really liked him as Weyoun and Shran, great actor..
He was also great in "from beyond" and the reanimator series!
We just lost Stuart Gordon, the director of Re-Animator
@@KorbinX omg!
@@davejohnson3474 Get a job in a sideshow.
@@TheRealRonMoses can't coronavirus saids no 😆
damn, this is the first time i actually completely agree with a ranking video like this. good job!
Had Star Wars not been ruined and the EU thrown away Id like to have seen him play a new blue guy, a Chiss, possibly Grand Admiral Thrawn perhaps.
This guy is great! Every time I spot one of him I'm all "ooo! Its that guy!".
Brunt, FCA
GREAT list! I've always really liked Combs's characters. I didn't even know he played Brunt. That speaks to what a great actor he is, that the can play so many different kinds of characters and do them do them so well that even a fan doesn't recognize him in some roles. And your choices for 1 and 2 are perfect. Wayoun was great, but Shran was one of the best characters in the entire Star Trek universes. In fact, the ONLY thing that kept me watching that dog of a series was some really great characters played by some great actors. The writing was abysmal, but Anthony Montgomery as Maywether, Combs as Shran and especially Connor Trenneer as Tripp were magnificent. The others were very good, too, Archer, Reed, T'pol Hoshi and Phlox, but those first three really stood out for me.
The actors who play Dukat and Nelix had just as many appearances as those other characters.
@Billdude21 - I believe you were referring to Marc Alaimo ("Gul Dukat") and Ethan Phillips ("Neelix").
I'd have to check numbers, but you are right that many actors played several roles, but
A) Jeffrey Combs is at or near the record, and
B) he's the only one to have played _three different recurring_ (Brunt, Weyoun, and Shran) ones in addition to his one-off spots.
That gives Combs a bit of a special pedestal by most metrics.
@@scaper8 also, as far as I can remember, the only one to play 2 (and entirely unrelated) characters in the same episode.
No idea he played so many characters. Outstanding actor.
I definitely liked the Shran Character better although he did an impressive job player Weyoun with all his incarnations.
I don't differentiate between the 2 characters, as far as favourites go. Both characters were equally well portrayed and developed, and I find it impossible to decide which is objectively better.
Because both were given incredible life by Mr. Combs. I will say this though: by far one of the most engaging character actors in Trek; even beating out many of the main cast for holding my attention.
OMG Now you come to mention it. BRILLIANT. Well done Sir.
shran on the bridge of enterprise if it had gone 5th season....
Met Jeff at STLV. Was telling him that Shran was my favorite character...he kinda acted like he heard it a million times! Oh well. I'm sure he has heard it more than a million times...just wanted to tell him anyway being the fan girl I was and am. It's a shame we couldn't see him in a 5th season of Enterprise.
Mind blown
Jeffrey Combs is one of my all time favorite scifi actors. I personally would have swapped Brunt and Shran's 1st and 3rd spots, but I really can't complain about this list.
He is a very exceptional actor has a lot of depth, it took me a long time to realize that he was playing so many characters.
The way he was able to change the voices of some and mannerisms.
The only way I was able to figure that out was cuz he has a very distinctive voice
There's always time for Combs. Can't have enough of the guy tbh.
I bet that was a lot of fun playing that many roles!
Cool Make up and some good scripts along with the right Actor can do amazing things!
Shran is the highlight of any episode he's in.
For me personally my number 1 pick which Jeffrey combs played is all the weyouns (4-8). I love how he is such a ruthless backstabbing traitor who will try and negotiate with you, until he no longer sees the point or if the founders tell him to stop. I love how much power Weyoun holds, being one of the highest ranking Vorta by the end of the Dominion War. The personality shift he had whenever a founder enters the room is so satisfying, he goes from a cunning, manipulative general to a grovelling peasant at the sight of his ‘Gods’. Weyoun is probably the most loyal of the vorta to the founders (except weyoun 6 yes ik), so much so that whenever someone speaks falsely of the founders he gets angry and refuses to believe their claims, because the vorta have been so genetically engineered and brainwashed to serve them. It’s quite tragic tbh. However Weyoun has that very calm pleasing demeanour which always makes you want to see more. Jeffrey Combs himself states it’s his favourite Star Trek role he played.
Number 2 goes to Liquidator Brunt. The ever growing Thorn in Quarks side and arguably his greatest arch nemesis. He’s always scheming and waiting for an excuse to ruin Quark. He’s scheming, caniving, misogynistic, slimy, greedy and a typical snob, yet you cannot help bu still want to see more of him. Xx
I never knew Combs portrayed so many different characters. This must be a record for a Star Trek actor?
From Re-Animator to Star Trek Enterprise, one of the most underrated actors of our time.
Thank you for this retrospective of Jeffrey Combs in Star Trek. Hopefully the actor is smart enough to stay away from the "new" Star Trek series, which have almost nothing conceptually in common with the Star Trek we fans liked.
Weyoun 6’s death scene was
the best I’ve ever seen.
What a talent. Never knew about the lil roles. Thanks.
Actors like J Combs and M Alaimo carried many of the Trek storylines for me! They added color & context that I liked! If an episode had them, I made it a point to watch!
When i was still a lot youngerr i only remeber him as Weyoun. But after rewatching the series i started noticing his voice and his special way of acting. He is a great actor!