The one that hurts me on a personal level is Tony Todd... Some years ago I mentioned on twitter to the few people that followed me then that I was going to take some time off to recover from a major operation - alone and recovering from it in great pain I saw I had a DM. I opened it to see Tony Todd himself had messaged me, wanted to know how I was doing and asked for my address so he could send an autograph picture. Through the several weeks of painful recovery, he kept me going with the occasional joke, memories of working on trek productions (even Axanar!) and was a real friend. We met just the once in London because I had often joked that for what he did, I'd buy him a beer... For the rest of my days, I will remember the two of us sitting in the bar at the Hilton drinking and singing the Klingon Drinking Song When he died, for some reason, I looked up at the sky and howled to let the heavens known Captain Kurn was on his way
That is such a beautiful recollection for you to share with us. Glad you survived your trials, and even moreso that you got to share that beer with him! Qapla!
That’s a lovely story. The world needs more people like this. I hope you take the opportunity to share this story at every socially appropriate point, so others can hopefully see and learn.
For me that one hurts the most of all. REALLY loved her, always the calm in the storm, just a great actor and even though "minor" character, a perfect fit. Ms. Yasutake, I'll miss you.
@darkaxel1991 Yes...this episode (The Visitor) really gets to me when I see it......having lost my Dad when I was 7, I am now 61 (Dad was 54 in 1971) 🥹
I already couldn’t watch The Visitor because of my emotional turmoil with my father dying soon after. Now that Tony died it’ll be even harder to watch it.
As with all these memorials, I'm left crying, especially for those who died far too young. But I am very grateful to you for doing this video, and as ever, treating everyone's memory with respect and dignity. RIP to all of "the Star Trek family".
As a mid Septuagenarian now I have loved this franchise since the mid sixties. I have been lucky enough to meet some of the fine actors that inspired me as a youngster. The main one being James Doohan, years ago I was a dealer at the SF conventions in Canada, for some reason the convention organizers wanted me to be in a press conference with some of the star guests at the Con. I find myself backstage with James Doohan and two of the actors from the the Uk Robin Hood. They say you should never meet your heroes, But two hours backstage with James was fantastic, he was amassed that watching him as a youngster had moved me towards a carrier as a control and automation technician, plus a seller of Sc-iFi toys and models :o) Thank you James.
Tony Todd was also the captain of the Victory in the Babylon 5 movie "A Call To Arms". I was a bit shocked as to how many we've lost this year, with too many lost at a young age.
Yeah, there was a great scene of him in a conference call with the character's family. It was very well performed and said a lot about the character's personality.
Thank you for a touching tribute, Sean. My Father passed away in 2024. He took me to the very first movie I remember seeing Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan and I have been a Star Trek Fan ever since growing up on TOS, the Movies and TNG. "time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, reminds us to cherish every moment, because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived."
Let's not forget James Darren's short but epic sci-fi series The Time Tunnel created by Irwin Allen. A favorite of many in my generation. Plus he had a major role in the WW2 classic The Guns Of Navarone.
@@scottmcalister4958 James Darren... the original "Moondoggie"... Also was "The Man from the 25th Century", a failed Irwin Allen TV pilot... Also, father to TV entertainment journalist Jim Moret...
I'm a big fan of the show _Fallout,_ and was an instant fan of Walton Goggins' car in the show. Little did I know that that same car model would be James' favorite.
One of Star Trek’s strengths is making smaller roles memorable enough that we don’t realize how few eps they are in. Nurse Ogawa 💔was definitely one, as was Hugh of course. NextGen messed up not using Robin Leffler more.
It has become a tradition for me to watch all of the Trek Culture year end videos. This one is sad, but also important. Thanks for the work all of you do.
Tony Todd was a huge loss, as I grew up seeing him in so many different roles. While his many Trek roles are unforgettable, it’s for his horror roles I probably liked him the most. He was so freakin’ good as Candyman and Bludworth (arguably the best person in the whole “Final Destination” movie series!). He had such an unforgettable voice and I was really happy when he graced me with a follow on Twitter.
Excellent presentation! I would like to highlight David Soul. I first saw him in the show "Here Come the Brides" in the late 60s. In that show he played Joshua Bolt, brother of the show's lead, Robert Brown, who was also a Star Trek alum. He played Lazarus in the TOS episode, "The Alternative Factor."
My mom apparently knew James Darren. When she was a baby, her mom and his mom were friends, and he used to push around her stroller. She obviously didn't remember it, but when he started to get popular, her mom told her about it.
I lost my grandfather today so this really hit me. He wasn't as much of a trekkie as me, but we'd talk about the latest shows and how they compared to the old ones
As a long time Trekkie and a first time viewer of your channel, I have to tell you that I think it's awesome that you're making this video to honor these actors. And I learned a lot of facts I didn't know yet, really enjoyed watching!
I salute you for doing a very good job remembering these actors that a lot of us had seen in other endeavors beside Star Trek (all of its different series). Tastefully presented and very sad to know we lost so many this year. Thank you!
Thank you for this awesome tribute to these talented people, Teri Garr and Tony Todd in particular. Amazing actors! I particularly liked Teri Garr's performance in Close Encounters of the Third Kind as the frustrated and ignored wife of Richard Dreyfuss' character. Her reaction to his apparent insanity was genuine and believable. She took the kids and left, excellently written character and convincingly performed!
Of all the TrekCulture segments, these are my favorite. They simultaneously let us as an audience reconnect with some of the people who (while not getting the spotlight) fill out the Lore that makes Star Trek so Enduring, and as people it reminds us that we are more than 'that one thing we did that one time.'
Bittersweet program, but thanks for the show! Just one Small follow up from an old guy, James Darren was also in the Time Tunnel, a really cool TV program in the 60s. Be safe.
My dad was an original series watcher. He introduced me to Star Trek in the 70s, and inspired me to continue the legacy. He continued to watch Star Trek in all its forms before he passed in April 2024. He was 77 when he died.
One of David Soul's best roles was as Lt. Col. Jake Caffey in the miniseries World War III. His best line there was when he tells his Russian counterpart: "I have always believed that the finest ambition of a soldier was to prevent war from ever happening. But that's always been out of our hands. "Its always been in the hands of men who we hardly ever know." Ms. Patti Yasutake's Nurse Alyssa Ogawa was the stand out character in TNG's Lower Decks.
Great Tribute Sean. I wanted to mention one of my favorite roles that Alan Scarfe had and that was in the time travel show Seven Days as Dr. Bradley Talmadge. He also had quite a science fiction bonafides: Stargate Atlantis, Babylon 5, Andromeda, The Outer limits, Alien Nation, Quantum Leap and Sea Quest 2032. It was always fun to see him pop up.
This is so respectful and heartfelt thank you. Of all the characters on DS9 Vic Fontaine played by James Darren and Garak played by Andrew Robinson are my favourites along with the Duras sisters played by Barbara March (since passed) and Gwynyth Walsh. The Visitor with Tony Todd playing Jake would be one of two of my favourite and most watched episodes along with Explorers. Some lovely comments here I'm glad so many people already have and still do get so much enjoyment from the ST universe.
It was a pure pleasure meeting Tony Todd at Trek Expo 2009 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I still have the Photo Op we took together. He saw me wearing a Metallica Tshirt we spent 1 minute and 45 seconds drumming on the table. Yes, I Rocked out with Tony.
I watched this video yesterday and let it sit with me. And after a full day of contemplation and thought I really wanted to thank you for such a loving tribute to the prior both in front of and behind the scenes of this beloved show, and sub culture. It was so heart warming to see the time and effort put into painting each person as a whole person and not just an actor in this episode. You took the time to show them in a more complete light. And what a wonderful gift for everyone for doing that. So to the cast and crew of Trek Culture, thank you for all you do and I hope you all feel the love and appreciation now, while you’re all still alive! When it really matters. But, we will also think fondly of you after you’ve passed as well! 🥰
Thank you for this. These are rough because of the people lost, but it is a fitting tribute to them - their lives and careers. Thank you to everyone that researched this and honored all of these talented people. Thank you Seán for how well your present this. I am sure it's not easy.
This was a very well-written, well-spoken and well done tribute to those lost in 2024. Thank you not only for shining a light on each individual separately but touching on those that were also behind the cameras.
Patti Yasutake hits hard, I distinctly remember her from TNG. She was beautiful. Tony Todd too, his roles were epic. Most of those actors lived good long lives. Very few people live good lives past 80. I have to take my 82 year old father to visit his 82 YO GF in a retirement home. Everyone there is wheelchair bound and just waiting to die, it's very depressing.
Excellent presentation. Thanks so much for including clips and info on these actors’ lives and other notable roles. I had no idea that Crazy Joe Davola, David Soul, and so many others I recognized from their other work had also been in Star Trek!
Astonished to find that many of these passed in elder age. I suppose it is more than just a clumsy optimism to have seen them in the episodes and movies in the 60s - 90s, but somehow my mind did not allow for them to have aged or lost the virility we enjoyed in such grand style on the big screen and home on our couch for so many re-runs. Reminds me attending my 50th high school reunion..., so many of the school mates I admired as invincible, never-the-less, there they were, smiles and haircut, yet still showing the struggle and compromise of age
Wonderful video mates! Hadn't heard about many of these (esp. Teri Garr!) Very respectful, well done and heartfelt. Peace on them and their loved ones, and to us all in the coming year!
Mr. Ferrick (@TrekCulture) Thank you for the sensitive attention given to everyone that my have been missed in 2023 and this year. Although not a Trek role, Alan Scarfe also appeared in the Babylon 5 mini-movie "Lost Tales". Tony Todd also appeared in the B5 move "A Call To Arms". As for James Darren i will always remember him from "The Time Tunnel". This is a very well done tribute piece. As a lifelong Trek fan I greatly thank you for these are some well researched and blessed us with many nuggets of knowledge. I may not always agree with your views or comments in these videos, , but I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for much needed video.
A well made and respectful way of honoring these actors. I appreciate the no over the top fanfare but very well introduced. I am not a person who likes to comment so I appreciate the well made video. Well Done!
Glad to have seen many of these people doing what they enjoyed before their passing. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to everything that is Star Trek.
Thank you so much Sean and all of you from track culture deliver the sad news but you did it with dignity and made sure we all remember them and not just their Star Trek but there are career. Thank you for the information. I just want you to know that my friends appreciated. I’m sure their families do as well so thank you again for all your hard work until next time.
Tony Todd is an underrated gem if there ever was one. The first episode of Star Trek I ever watched was The Visitor on DS9. It's the episode where Tony Todd plays an older version of Jake Sisko. It is the single most touching piece of television I've ever watched in my life.
A thought occurred to me. I have a very close friend who was on one episode of a Star Trek show back in the 90s. And even though she quit acting more than 20 years ago, just because she got that job on that one episode, she's going to be on this list in some future year... And that makes me sad...
@@Sparky71870 And you know what's really fucked up is that if I were to say something 1/10th as hateful to him, my comment would get deleted and I might even be banned from commenting for a day or two, but he gets away with it. Even though I reported him, his comment is still up...
Thank you all for putting this together each year. Share their wordfame, their memory eternal. I don't think I realized we'd lost both Tony Todd and Kenneth Mitchell this year. 😞
I appreciate how respectfully you handle the whole topic! I'm sure the families would be happy with how you managed each person's contribution to film/TV.
They spend billions and billions on weapons and war...I wish we would spend the same on the war against cancer. We lose to many good people to that cursed disease. Thank you TrekCulture for all the hard work and entertainment this past year.
I have so much nostalgic affection for Nurse Ogawa, and for Tony Todd's deeply moving performance of adult Jake Sisko in one episode of DS9. I'm quite sad to hear that they're gone. Also, I hadn't realized that Gary Graham played two such memorable characters in two different Star Trek series. I've been rewatching Voyager lately, and I just saw him again in his episode there. Man, he was chilling. What a good actor! Plus, Kenneth Mitchell is one hell of a versatile actor in Star Trek Discovery! I'm so impressed with the variety of roles he played with such gravitas, and it's incredibly cool that he got to play a role from a wheelchair later on when he needed one. ALS is brutal. I tip my proverbial hat to him.
Rest in peace to these actors! I have see all their works in both Star Trek and other films and Television. It's been a joy watching their story telling.
Growing up as a kid in the 90's you have these people engrained in your memories as forever young. To now be in a position to lose so many of them at an old age puts things into perspective. We used to have Trek parties on Saturday's and that got me started on my Trek love affair. DS9, Voyager and now a few of the series that are being produced. I feel like we are in a reneisance of Star Trek. While sad that they are gone a lot of joy brought to our lives in their roles. Thank you all!
Gary Graham, Patti Yasutake and Tony Todd really hurt but, as a big Time Tunnel fan, no one on this list made me cry more than James Darren. See ya later, pally ❤
When not on camera, I enjoy performing technical service work. Once a few years ago, while on the phone with a provider support rep, we wandered into a conversation about Star Trek. The guy on the phone related to me that he had spotted Tony Todd in a restaurant, and Tony invited him to sit down at his table and talk. It warmed my heart to hear how gracious Tony had been to this fan. It reminded me of my meeting with Jimmy Doohan. I can tell you this, the Trek family includes some of the nicest people in the business.
Tony Todd was an icon unlike anyone else. Not just for his Trek episodes either. I loved Nurse Ogawa as the recurring lower decker. Thanks for the memories, ladies and gentlemen. Bravo and brava.
Wow.. I am actually in shock over all of these amazing actors who are gone 😢😢.. I did know that some of them had passed but I can't believe how many there were that I didn't know about.. Thank you for sharing this 🙏 with us as it was truly an eye opener on how many of these great people we have lost 😢😢 RIP 🙏 TO EVERYONE OF THEM...
I've stopped using "RIP" when thinking of those who've gone ahead. Instead I use "Requiescant in amore." Rest in love. I lost my Mother this year, and I almost instantly started telling people who said "I'm sorry for your loss" to say rather "I'm happy that I knew her."
Every year we are inching closer to Koenig, Takei, and Shatner appearing in this tribute. Bill will be 94, Koenig 89, and George 88 respectively this upcoming year.
I am not a "Trekkie" by any stretch of the imagination, in fact i've never watched any Trek post Voyager.. but DS9 is my favourite series of all time, and I was not aware that James Darren aka Vic Fontaine had passed. The episodes later on in Vic's nightclub are some of my favourite, the theme, the atmosphere is all very nostalgic to me and makes me feel warm and fuzzy. RIP Mr Fontaine.
Thoughts and prayers to the families of the afore mentioned fallen in this list. Rest in peace. Thanks Shaun (sorry if I mis-spelt your name) and to the rest of the team there for your consistent hard work to give us the content you do week after week. Having to research these types of lists truly cannot be easy so again thank you. Safe journey to all and a Happy New Year.
It is so sad. I grew up in the late 60s and of course all the Trek since then so it saddens me to see who has gone. When you don't follow a career, you always see them young and think of them as they were preserved on film for all generations forward. Sadly, even film is lost to time but many of these folks will go on for many many decades in the memories of Trekkies!
Jeri Taylor first became an important person to me when I read Mosaic in the mid 2000s. I fell in love with the character of Captain Kathryn Janeway all over again, and it is still my favourite Star Trek book to this day.
The one that hurts me on a personal level is Tony Todd... Some years ago I mentioned on twitter to the few people that followed me then that I was going to take some time off to recover from a major operation - alone and recovering from it in great pain I saw I had a DM. I opened it to see Tony Todd himself had messaged me, wanted to know how I was doing and asked for my address so he could send an autograph picture. Through the several weeks of painful recovery, he kept me going with the occasional joke, memories of working on trek productions (even Axanar!) and was a real friend. We met just the once in London because I had often joked that for what he did, I'd buy him a beer... For the rest of my days, I will remember the two of us sitting in the bar at the Hilton drinking and singing the Klingon Drinking Song
When he died, for some reason, I looked up at the sky and howled to let the heavens known Captain Kurn was on his way
That is such a beautiful recollection for you to share with us. Glad you survived your trials, and even moreso that you got to share that beer with him! Qapla!
That is so cool of him to do that and I'm glad to see that you've recovered from your ordeal.
That was an appropriate send off. 😢😢
That’s a lovely story. The world needs more people like this. I hope you take the opportunity to share this story at every socially appropriate point, so others can hopefully see and learn.
What! No blood wine?
Tony Todd aka Kurn and Patti Yasutake aka Nurse Ogawa from TNG will both be missed dearly
He was also elderly Jake. 😭
May the gates of Stovokor have swung wide open to have welcomed home an honorable son and courageous warrior.
Tony Todd as Kurn was the best Klingon character in the franchise, bar none.
@@KaydianBladebreaker I agree that he ranks up there with Worf.
@@KaydianBladebreaker sucks the writers didn't know what to do with him. They just wrote him off with forced amnesia by worf
I loved Patti Yasutake's Nurse Ogawa, she was one of my favorites and she owned the screen whenever she was on it, gone to soon
Yes. Must admit I had a huge crush on her. Very classy lady.
@@mako88sbOne of the original Lower Deckers!
@@MaxYAVIN Yes. I thought that would make a great spinoff series. Just never imagined that it would be a 1/2 hour animated version.
@@MaxYAVIN Yes. so true! And man when she was on screen she always caught my eye!
For me that one hurts the most of all. REALLY loved her, always the calm in the storm, just a great actor and even though "minor" character, a perfect fit. Ms. Yasutake, I'll miss you.
Tony Todd's performance as adult Jake Sisko brought tears to my eyes.
That was the episode that got me into DS9.
I cry my eyes out every time I watch "The Visitor"😢
That episode breaks me every, freakin, time.
Yes...this episode (The Visitor) really gets to me when I see it......having lost my Dad when I was 7, I am now 61 (Dad was 54 in 1971) 🥹
Oh, yeah, I forgot about that one! Amazingly emotional episode!
A very classy tribute Sean.. you are a class act. Thank you.
Losing Tony Todd still hurts.
totally agree.
Cmdr. Kurn
Find a mirror and say "Candyman" to it 5 times. It'll help. 😺
I already couldn’t watch The Visitor because of my emotional turmoil with my father dying soon after.
Now that Tony died it’ll be even harder to watch it.
@@HariSeldon913can’t risk it, already lost two roommates last time doing that 😂
As with all these memorials, I'm left crying, especially for those who died far too young. But I am very grateful to you for doing this video, and as ever, treating everyone's memory with respect and dignity.
RIP to all of "the Star Trek family".
As a mid Septuagenarian now I have loved this franchise since the mid sixties. I have been lucky enough to meet some of the fine actors that inspired me as a youngster. The main one being James Doohan, years ago I was a dealer at the SF conventions in Canada, for some reason the convention organizers wanted me to be in a press conference with some of the star guests at the Con. I find myself backstage with James Doohan and two of the actors from the the Uk Robin Hood. They say you should never meet your heroes, But two hours backstage with James was fantastic, he was amassed that watching him as a youngster had moved me towards a carrier as a control and automation technician, plus a seller of Sc-iFi toys and models :o) Thank you James.
Tony Todd was also the captain of the Victory in the Babylon 5 movie "A Call To Arms".
I was a bit shocked as to how many we've lost this year, with too many lost at a young age.
Yeah, there was a great scene of him in a conference call with the character's family. It was very well performed and said a lot about the character's personality.
RIP Patty Yasutake, OG lower decker!
Thank you for a touching tribute, Sean. My Father passed away in 2024. He took me to the very first movie I remember seeing Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan and I have been a Star Trek Fan ever since growing up on TOS, the Movies and TNG. "time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, reminds us to cherish every moment, because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived."
Let's not forget James Darren's short but epic sci-fi series The Time Tunnel created by Irwin Allen. A favorite of many in my generation. Plus he had a major role in the WW2 classic The Guns Of Navarone.
Thank you for mentioning James Darren's role in The Time Tunnel. Unfortunately, that was overlooked.
I was teenager then and for he was so extremely good-looking I had a big crush on him and he became the male model I wanted to seek for as husband. ❤
@@scottmcalister4958 James Darren... the original "Moondoggie"... Also was "The Man from the 25th Century", a failed Irwin Allen TV pilot... Also, father to TV entertainment journalist Jim Moret...
I had no idea about Obi Ndefo. I loved his work on Stargate. RIP
We lost some serious talent this year. Rest in peace.
And so many of them relatively young.
This video is an outstanding tribute to the people of StarTrek no longer with us. Thank you.
or perhaps always with us as we rewatch the episodes.
James Darren was also in Time Tunnel. Teri Garr did a lot of voice acting as well
I'm a big fan of the show _Fallout,_ and was an instant fan of Walton Goggins' car in the show. Little did I know that that same car model would be James' favorite.
I really wondered such a sci fi classic was not mentioned… 🫣
Eu também fiquei surpreso pelo fato da participação de James Darren em O Túnel do Tempo não ter sido mencionada
That’s where I’d seen him before! I was watching this, and thinking to myself he’s so familiar 🤔
The Star Trek cast feels like family to me; I will never forget them.
I was born in 1966 & grew up with Star Trek and its wonderful cast members.
Patti Yasutake? I had no idea. She may have not had much screen time but I had a small crush on her character. That hurts. RIP.
One of Star Trek’s strengths is making smaller roles memorable enough that we don’t realize how few eps they are in. Nurse Ogawa 💔was definitely one, as was Hugh of course. NextGen messed up not using Robin Leffler more.
I had no idea Tracy Torme died. In addition to his work on Trek, he also created Sliders.
I have a sudden urge to watch “Lower Decks” after this. Rest in peace Patti Yasutake. And to all who have gone before.
The charecter Gary played in Alien Nation was MATT Sykes. Js...
Tony Todd, and James Darren, NOOOO! Rest in peace and thank you.
Goodbye Moondoggie.
Thank you Sean for a very lovely though sad tribute. It was quite moving. We lost so many great Trek voices this year.
It has become a tradition for me to watch all of the Trek Culture year end videos. This one is sad, but also important. Thanks for the work all of you do.
Tony Todd was a huge loss, as I grew up seeing him in so many different roles. While his many Trek roles are unforgettable, it’s for his horror roles I probably liked him the most. He was so freakin’ good as Candyman and Bludworth (arguably the best person in the whole “Final Destination” movie series!). He had such an unforgettable voice and I was really happy when he graced me with a follow on Twitter.
Excellent presentation! I would like to highlight David Soul. I first saw him in the show "Here Come the Brides" in the late 60s. In that show he played Joshua Bolt, brother of the show's lead, Robert Brown, who was also a Star Trek alum. He played Lazarus in the TOS episode, "The Alternative Factor."
Did you ever read Barbara Hambly's Brides/Trek crossover novel?
@@corgiw7281 No I haven't. I didn't even know it existed. Thanks.
Seán, great work. Your respectful and positive energy is on point.
RIP to all the friends we lost.
RIP Patti. Nurse Ogawa. A legend that has been lost. Still hurts to this day.
My mom apparently knew James Darren. When she was a baby, her mom and his mom were friends, and he used to push around her stroller. She obviously didn't remember it, but when he started to get popular, her mom told her about it.
I lost my grandfather today so this really hit me. He wasn't as much of a trekkie as me, but we'd talk about the latest shows and how they compared to the old ones
Sorry for your loss.
May he rest in peace.
Very sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing.
My condolences
The list I dread every year.
You do so much honor to the fallen. Thank you for immortalizing their memories for all us Trekkies.
As a long time Trekkie and a first time viewer of your channel, I have to tell you that I think it's awesome that you're making this video to honor these actors. And I learned a lot of facts I didn't know yet, really enjoyed watching!
Thanks for remembering all these talents
Thank you for this, I was not aware that Patti Yasutake had passed, I loved her character, especially on the TNG 'Lower Decks' episode.
I salute you for doing a very good job remembering these actors that a lot of us had seen in other endeavors beside Star Trek (all of its different series). Tastefully presented and very sad to know we lost so many this year. Thank you!
Thank you for this awesome tribute to these talented people, Teri Garr and Tony Todd in particular. Amazing actors! I particularly liked Teri Garr's performance in Close Encounters of the Third Kind as the frustrated and ignored wife of Richard Dreyfuss' character. Her reaction to his apparent insanity was genuine and believable. She took the kids and left, excellently written character and convincingly performed!
Thank you Seán, Kenny was a dear friend on the Cruise and his crowdsurfing was magical 😔
Of all the TrekCulture segments, these are my favorite. They simultaneously let us as an audience reconnect with some of the people who (while not getting the spotlight) fill out the Lore that makes Star Trek so Enduring, and as people it reminds us that we are more than 'that one thing we did that one time.'
Bittersweet program, but thanks for the show! Just one Small follow up from an old guy, James Darren was also in the Time Tunnel, a really cool TV program in the 60s. Be safe.
I loved that show! Darren was a teenage crush ❤ I’m shocked that Vic Fontaine was only in 8 episodes, he became regular crew so quickly!
My dad was an original series watcher. He introduced me to Star Trek in the 70s, and inspired me to continue the legacy. He continued to watch Star Trek in all its forms before he passed in April 2024. He was 77 when he died.
One of David Soul's best roles was as Lt. Col. Jake Caffey in the miniseries World War III. His best line there was when he tells his Russian counterpart:
"I have always believed that the finest ambition of a soldier was to prevent war from ever happening. But that's always been out of our hands.
"Its always been in the hands of men who we hardly ever know."
Ms. Patti Yasutake's Nurse Alyssa Ogawa was the stand out character in TNG's Lower Decks.
Great Tribute Sean. I wanted to mention one of my favorite roles that Alan Scarfe had and that was in the time travel show Seven Days as Dr. Bradley Talmadge. He also had quite a science fiction bonafides: Stargate Atlantis, Babylon 5, Andromeda, The Outer limits, Alien Nation, Quantum Leap and Sea Quest 2032. It was always fun to see him pop up.
I watched the time travel show too! I loved it! If only one of us could remember the name of it!
This is so respectful and heartfelt thank you. Of all the characters on DS9 Vic Fontaine played by James Darren and Garak played by Andrew Robinson are my favourites along with the Duras sisters played by Barbara March (since passed) and Gwynyth Walsh. The Visitor with Tony Todd playing Jake would be one of two of my favourite and most watched episodes along with Explorers. Some lovely comments here I'm glad so many people already have and still do get so much enjoyment from the ST universe.
Hearing that about Ogawa, Patty Yasutake, who in my mind is so warm and vibrant, makes me feel like crumbling into dust. And Soval too....
It was a pure pleasure meeting Tony Todd at Trek Expo 2009 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I still have the Photo Op we took together. He saw me wearing a Metallica Tshirt we spent 1 minute and 45 seconds drumming on the table. Yes, I Rocked out with Tony.
I watched this video yesterday and let it sit with me. And after a full day of contemplation and thought I really wanted to thank you for such a loving tribute to the prior both in front of and behind the scenes of this beloved show, and sub culture. It was so heart warming to see the time and effort put into painting each person as a whole person and not just an actor in this episode. You took the time to show them in a more complete light. And what a wonderful gift for everyone for doing that. So to the cast and crew of Trek Culture, thank you for all you do and I hope you all feel the love and appreciation now, while you’re all still alive! When it really matters. But, we will also think fondly of you after you’ve passed as well! 🥰
Thank you for this. These are rough because of the people lost, but it is a fitting tribute to them - their lives and careers. Thank you to everyone that researched this and honored all of these talented people. Thank you Seán for how well your present this. I am sure it's not easy.
This was a very well-written, well-spoken and well done tribute to those lost in 2024. Thank you not only for shining a light on each individual separately but touching on those that were also behind the cameras.
Patti Yasutake hits hard, I distinctly remember her from TNG. She was beautiful. Tony Todd too, his roles were epic. Most of those actors lived good long lives. Very few people live good lives past 80. I have to take my 82 year old father to visit his 82 YO GF in a retirement home. Everyone there is wheelchair bound and just waiting to die, it's very depressing.
Excellent presentation. Thanks so much for including clips and info on these actors’ lives and other notable roles. I had no idea that Crazy Joe Davola, David Soul, and so many others I recognized from their other work had also been in Star Trek!
Astonished to find that many of these passed in elder age.
I suppose it is more than just a clumsy optimism to have seen them in the episodes and movies in the 60s - 90s,
but somehow my mind did not allow for them to have aged or lost the virility we enjoyed in such grand style on the big screen and home on our couch for so many re-runs.
Reminds me attending my 50th high school reunion..., so many of the school mates I admired as invincible, never-the-less, there they were, smiles and haircut, yet still showing the struggle and compromise of age
Wonderful video mates! Hadn't heard about many of these (esp. Teri Garr!) Very respectful, well done and heartfelt.
Peace on them and their loved ones, and to us all in the coming year!
Mr. Ferrick (@TrekCulture)
Thank you for the sensitive attention given to everyone that my have been missed in 2023 and this year. Although not a Trek role, Alan Scarfe also appeared in the Babylon 5 mini-movie "Lost Tales". Tony Todd also appeared in the B5 move "A Call To Arms". As for James Darren i will always remember him from "The Time Tunnel".
This is a very well done tribute piece. As a lifelong Trek fan I greatly thank you for these are some well researched and blessed us with many nuggets of knowledge. I may not always agree with your views or comments in these videos, , but I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for much needed video.
A well made and respectful way of honoring these actors. I appreciate the no over the top fanfare but very well introduced. I am not a person who likes to comment so I appreciate the well made video. Well Done!
Glad to have seen many of these people doing what they enjoyed before their passing. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to everything that is Star Trek.
I don't watch many of the videos on this channel, but glued to this one. Great work. Thank you very, very much.
Thank you so much Sean and all of you from track culture deliver the sad news but you did it with dignity and made sure we all remember them and not just their Star Trek but there are career. Thank you for the information. I just want you to know that my friends appreciated. I’m sure their families do as well so thank you again for all your hard work until next time.
Tony Todd is an underrated gem if there ever was one. The first episode of Star Trek I ever watched was The Visitor on DS9. It's the episode where Tony Todd plays an older version of Jake Sisko. It is the single most touching piece of television I've ever watched in my life.
A thought occurred to me. I have a very close friend who was on one episode of a Star Trek show back in the 90s. And even though she quit acting more than 20 years ago, just because she got that job on that one episode, she's going to be on this list in some future year... And that makes me sad...
Do you know what's even sadder, when you die (and that may happen before your 'close friend') you won't be on any list...
@@baze30, very rude...
@@baze30 Do you know what's even sadder? That you felt compelled enough to actually comment in the nasty the way you did.
@@Sparky71870 And you know what's really fucked up is that if I were to say something 1/10th as hateful to him, my comment would get deleted and I might even be banned from commenting for a day or two, but he gets away with it. Even though I reported him, his comment is still up...
@baze30 who hurt you?
The number of actors who had careers and training in science and were veterans is, for me, a note to remember.
These episodes are important; thanks for doing them
Thank you all for putting this together each year. Share their wordfame, their memory eternal.
I don't think I realized we'd lost both Tony Todd and Kenneth Mitchell this year. 😞
I appreciate how respectfully you handle the whole topic! I'm sure the families would be happy with how you managed each person's contribution to film/TV.
Oh my god I didn't know Gary Graham died! I loved him on Alien Nation and in Enterprise.
They spend billions and billions on weapons and war...I wish we would spend the same on the war against cancer. We lose to many good people to that cursed disease. Thank you TrekCulture for all the hard work and entertainment this past year.
this was beautiful. Thank you so very very much. An eternal Trekkie. Live long and prosper.
William Windom as Decker was the GOAT Captain.
Thanks for this difficult yet important work. These actors are American film & t.v. history. 🇺🇸
I have so much nostalgic affection for Nurse Ogawa, and for Tony Todd's deeply moving performance of adult Jake Sisko in one episode of DS9. I'm quite sad to hear that they're gone.
Also, I hadn't realized that Gary Graham played two such memorable characters in two different Star Trek series. I've been rewatching Voyager lately, and I just saw him again in his episode there. Man, he was chilling. What a good actor! Plus, Kenneth Mitchell is one hell of a versatile actor in Star Trek Discovery! I'm so impressed with the variety of roles he played with such gravitas, and it's incredibly cool that he got to play a role from a wheelchair later on when he needed one. ALS is brutal. I tip my proverbial hat to him.
Whenever this channel does a remembrance episode it’s so beautifully, respectfully done. Bless all who produce it and a very Happy New Year. 🖖🏻
Wow, I expected a handful of sweet tributes; I didn’t expect a non-stop barrage of gut punches. Thank you for respecting all these fine people.
Rest in peace to these actors! I have see all their works in both Star Trek and other films and Television. It's been a joy watching their story telling.
All of them have touched my heart. 🖖🏼
Respect and deepest affection. Incredible friends who never knew me, but made possible my best vision of human possibility.
So many awesome Star Trek personnel and actors gone in 2024, I'm sad but grateful for their memories!
Good one and thank you very much for taking the time and effort to make the video. And a BIG thumbs👍 up.
Thank you Seán for this wonderful an honorable words about this great people, who gave us so much great moments 🙏🏼❤
Growing up as a kid in the 90's you have these people engrained in your memories as forever young. To now be in a position to lose so many of them at an old age puts things into perspective. We used to have Trek parties on Saturday's and that got me started on my Trek love affair. DS9, Voyager and now a few of the series that are being produced. I feel like we are in a reneisance of Star Trek. While sad that they are gone a lot of joy brought to our lives in their roles. Thank you all!
Thank you so much for doing this at all and double thank you for including those behind the camera.
Gary Graham, Patti Yasutake and Tony Todd really hurt but, as a big Time Tunnel fan, no one on this list made me cry more than James Darren. See ya later, pally ❤
RIP great actors and thank you for adding your talents to the Star Trek Franchise!
You will be sorely missed!
When not on camera, I enjoy performing technical service work. Once a few years ago, while on the phone with a provider support rep, we wandered into a conversation about Star Trek. The guy on the phone related to me that he had spotted Tony Todd in a restaurant, and Tony invited him to sit down at his table and talk. It warmed my heart to hear how gracious Tony had been to this fan. It reminded me of my meeting with Jimmy Doohan. I can tell you this, the Trek family includes some of the nicest people in the business.
Tony Todd was an icon unlike anyone else. Not just for his Trek episodes either. I loved Nurse Ogawa as the recurring lower decker. Thanks for the memories, ladies and gentlemen. Bravo and brava.
Outstanding summary. Thanks for putting it together.
Wow.. I am actually in shock over all of these amazing actors who are gone 😢😢..
I did know that some of them had passed but I can't believe how many there were that I didn't know about.. Thank you for sharing this 🙏 with us as it was truly an eye opener on how many of these great people we have lost 😢😢
I've stopped using "RIP" when thinking of those who've gone ahead. Instead I use "Requiescant in amore." Rest in love. I lost my Mother this year, and I almost instantly started telling people who said "I'm sorry for your loss" to say rather "I'm happy that I knew her."
Tony Todd is in the Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. I had to quit playing when I saw him. A true talent Rest In Power
Every year we are inching closer to Koenig, Takei, and Shatner appearing in this tribute. Bill will be 94, Koenig 89, and George 88 respectively this upcoming year.
Well done on this video. Respectable, caring and informative.
I am not a "Trekkie" by any stretch of the imagination, in fact i've never watched any Trek post Voyager.. but DS9 is my favourite series of all time, and I was not aware that James Darren aka Vic Fontaine had passed. The episodes later on in Vic's nightclub are some of my favourite, the theme, the atmosphere is all very nostalgic to me and makes me feel warm and fuzzy. RIP Mr Fontaine.
Thank you Sean for the respect you have given these people and what they brought to Star Trek
Thoughts and prayers to the families of the afore mentioned fallen in this list.
Rest in peace.
Thanks Shaun (sorry if I mis-spelt your name) and to the rest of the team there for your consistent hard work to give us the content you do week after week.
Having to research these types of lists truly cannot be easy so again thank you.
Safe journey to all and a Happy New Year.
It is so sad. I grew up in the late 60s and of course all the Trek since then so it saddens me to see who has gone. When you don't follow a career, you always see them young and think of them as they were preserved on film for all generations forward. Sadly, even film is lost to time but many of these folks will go on for many many decades in the memories of Trekkies!
Jeri Taylor first became an important person to me when I read Mosaic in the mid 2000s. I fell in love with the character of Captain Kathryn Janeway all over again, and it is still my favourite Star Trek book to this day.
As a Janeway/Chakotay fan in my teens I enjoyed her books 😀
RIP Tracy Tormé. Thank you for your contributions to Star Trek and Sliders.
I Came to know James Darren when he was in Time Tunnel in 1966 . As a kid I loved the show. I Loved seeing him in Deep Space Nine.
Thanks you guys for creating this... it's sad yet WORTHY!
You are incredible! You are the spirit of Gene Roddenbery in the way you present this memoriam!!!
Thank you and this was beautifully done.