Just found your channel because I'm writing a Z80 core and am taking a look on youtube. Such cool stuff on this channel. The custom hardware videos are really neat. I'll have to make a space invaders emulator now too.
That was really interesting. I was wondering where you got all your Space Invaders information? Was it various sources, or is there a document like Chris Lamont’s PacMan one? I am currently writing a PacMan emulator in Swift, and Space Invaders will be next on my list.
With the Z80 I start off putting the ROM that looks like it executes first at the bottom of memory then evolve from there. My Z80 emulator shows what memory and IO ports have been accessed. Can usually see bitmapped display memory & character maps. I get it as far as I can, if I get stuck on something I try and work it out from the circuit diagram or do a search to see if the info is available. I may do a video on how I go about a new emulator. It's worth while doing as I'm sure you appreciate it's a great learning experience.
I have done a Galaxians emulation now and when I get time to do a video, I'll go in depth. It is a more interesting emulation as the Galaxians has hardware sprites as well as tiles.
Just found your channel because I'm writing a Z80 core and am taking a look on youtube. Such cool stuff on this channel. The custom hardware videos are really neat. I'll have to make a space invaders emulator now too.
It's the way it always goes, when I start a project, I too always end up with more projects on the list by the end.
That was really interesting. I was wondering where you got all your Space Invaders information? Was it various sources, or is there a document like Chris Lamont’s PacMan one?
I am currently writing a PacMan emulator in Swift, and Space Invaders will be next on my list.
With the Z80 I start off putting the ROM that looks like it executes first at the bottom of memory then evolve from there. My Z80 emulator shows what memory and IO ports have been accessed. Can usually see bitmapped display memory & character maps. I get it as far as I can, if I get stuck on something I try and work it out from the circuit diagram or do a search to see if the info is available. I may do a video on how I go about a new emulator. It's worth while doing as I'm sure you appreciate it's a great learning experience.
Thanks for the explanation. If you make that video, I would definitely watch it!
@@ConfusedNDazed I've just done a Galaxians PCB emulation. When I get time to do a video, I'll go into much more depth.
@@DevelopIT don’t tease me like that!!! Can’t wait to see it mate.
@@ConfusedNDazed Just posed the emulating Galaxians video last night.
Could you make a tutorial about this ?
It's interesting, but I can't understand how to implement it with this video alone
I have done a Galaxians emulation now and when I get time to do a video, I'll go in depth. It is a more interesting emulation as the Galaxians has hardware sprites as well as tiles.
@@DevelopIT Will that be a tutorial where you explain step-by-step how to code the emulator or a review of the code ?
@@benjamindeharo314 Just posted a video last night about Galaxians PCB, with more in depth explanation on how to go about emulating an Arcade PCB.
@@DevelopIT thank you, I'm going to watch it right now