Anyone else recognize the narrator? That's Paul Frees! The voice of many of the characters you've known and loved over the years. Boris on Rocky and Bulwinkle, the voice of the Talking Rings on The Time Machine (original), War of the Worlds, and over 350 more. And because Tony Curtis could not imitate a woman's voice to save his life, Paul Frees stepped in a looped (ADR) all his dialog as Josephine in Some Like It Hot. I always listen for him in films.
@Eerimen Bzej I'm sorry you're hurting, man. How did Jews hurt you? Maybe I can help you sort out some things. I'm not just going to scowl and point like most folks do because it isn't constructive.
"The old balance is upset. Those who live now INSTEAD OF DYING... (!!!!) are added to the community." Sounds like straight out of a Eugenics teaching book.
Paulina86 Taken out of context, I would agree. But continue to watch and they demonstrate how to balance the other end of the scale by reducing the number of births.
@901bluefox: Walt Disney wasn't an anti-Semite. There's never been any real evidence of that. Nearly everything you've heard about it has been easily checked and long-debunked urban myths.
i don't get why people are so upset about family planning. this pretty much describes what normal couples do today. my birth was planned, and i'm pretty happy for it.
They were upset about it because this film was made for the population council in an effort to sell more of their birth control pill. It makes blanket assumptions that claim all larger families are at a disadvantage and it paints the image in an indoctrinating way that all families act the same and should have the same goals. It leads on saying that the balance of people dying and people being born was messed up by modern medicines and science and this paints these advances in a negative light. It seems cheery due to it being disney but when you look at the history of the film and what it is really saying it becomes much more evident that it is trying to manipulate and change peoples view rather than help. There isn't one answer for this issue and reproduction and sex is a calculated risk every time and when you remove that risk of birth you raise the odds of more people spreading stds as people are more willing to sleep around. At the end of the day it is someones choice but you shouldn't push things like this in the lens of disney as this indoctrinates younger to teen people from developing their own view and instead it puts this in the back of their mind as they grow into the age of starting a family.
Do you have any siblings? I once heard a similar comment from a boyfriend in 1975. I asked how he’d feel if he learned his mom had aborted his brother or sister? “Lucky.” These days when kids see gaps in their family trees or get sly hints from family or friends that their siblings were aborted or “planned” away, they end up with survivors guilt. It’s the dirty secret that a significant number of the burgeoning suicide rates in first world nations is due to this effect, but since the media giants are very much involved in the zero-population agenda you’ll never see it in news/tv/print. The world isn’t crowed. We’re in a profoundly dangerous demographic decline.
That was wel thought out, intelligent and open to many people's different viewpoints on the issue. Let's go to the comment's section to see how many people got offended by this.
@@AlfredoPuente8 After all of those war-related shorts they made, that might be reasonable. With that said, it reminds me of Ronald Reagan saying that he was in uniform, although that was with the Motion Picture Unit of the Army Propaganda Division, or something like that.
Donald Duck actually did promote the use of prophylactics to reduce the spread of venereal disease. Search for the poster. He is standing in front of a seductive woman lying on her back, and the caption reads, "And, me without my Pro."
@ The funny thing is pushing for more family planning in south and central America is one way to reduce illegal immigration as a lot of people come over to the US because there are no opportunities in the home country.
Kenneth Sloan Planned Parenthood isn’t hurting for money. They gouge billions from their customers in clinics intentionally placed in the poorest neighborhoods and teach 5 yo kids how to have sex. They kills created children but perversely *create* customers by giving away the cheapest condoms made and prescribing BC Pills at the lowest available doses to increase odds of abortions because that’s their biggest money maker. PP aborts 40% of ALL minority pregnancies in NYC alone. Don’t be naive.
In truth, this is actually accurate and brilliant. The problem is that too many people are opposed to the idea of any sort of restrictions, even those placed on them by themselves. Plus, this assumes people are smart. Just because it makes sense doesn't mean everyone's going to want to do it or have the sense to do it. There are more than seven billion people on the planet and more than three billion of those are homeless, starving, in very poor health, or any combination of those simply because of the above facts. There's more than enough of us that can work together but our own ambition and avarice and selfishness gets in way, and while looking at people as statistics might be harsh, it does help paint a more accurate picture of how to better our world.
Just shows how far away we got away from Gods plan for our lives.Women don't realize that they respect the man and women feels loved what she desperately needs.Owe what women could learn more on this.Remember the man is the provider the women is there to raise the next generation not to be absent.We are to control our bodies not use drugs so we can control birth.It is going out of hand people are having sex before marriage making it alright to sleep around.Just because of birth control.
I guess that’s why Mickey and Minnie never had kids. 😂 😂 Same thing with Donald Duck and Daisy Duck (but at least they got to be legal guardians to their nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie). Good ole family planning! 😂
I am amazed at the staying power of this 1920's disinformation (re: family planning = eugenics). It lives on because we stopped showing videos like this one.
"The same number of babies are being born each year" 🤔 the math of this doesn’t add up. Yes, we delay death temporarily for one generation but it will catch up eventually and the numbers will stabilize which has been proven in the last 50+ years since this cartoon was made
For a movie that is fighting against overpopulation, it took lots of people to just conceive that short movie! And what about rather fighting stupidity on this planet?! At the time of this short movie (1968) only rich communities were able to watch it, the other communities were too poor, they had no appliances to show the movies. What was Disney's 4 siblings' take on the subject? Disney only got 2 children.
Caitlin Gateaux I am having fun reading all those shortcuts. Let me give you the needed explanation: about 40 years ago, I was in Zaire (current Congo) when I saw this movie because I was studying in a private school who had money to buy a projector to show the movie ... (the school tuition fees were very expensive). The other schools didn't have money to buy any! Nice targeted: we the rich people from Kinshasa can testify that we saw that movie (as a proof: I only have one child) but the poor people have never had the opportunity to watch that movie. And by the way, I speak French and everybody in Congo speaks French and another language like Lingala, Tchiluba, ki-Congo, etc ... Les producteurs de ce film avaient l'intention de le montrer aux pauvres. "L'enfer est pavé d'intentions" Jean Paul Sartre
There's some casual racism and sexism here, but I really appreciate the explanation of family planning, which /has/ helped improve people's quality of life (and women's rights) in many places. Basically, this wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
@@jonausten8151 yeah, and the global warming is a myth! Ooh, and Obama is a reptilian alien! And illuminati controls us~ Seriously, you're right, and we are pretty fucked.
The video does show its age with its portrayal of women, among a couple of other details I noticed. But for something that was made in the 60's, I am surprised. It's largely even handed and I think a good way to introduce people to the idea without a huge information dump all at once by trying to answer every possible question. It leaves some things up to the viewer and for the most part it didn't feel as though the speaker was taking down to the viewer. Certainly worth the watch, if nothing else.
The stark reality is that there is not now, nor has there ever been, a "population explosion" or "population crisis", as intimated in this cartoon, or by the population control propagandists. The population crisis that exists today is that we are not having enough children to ensure the continuation of mankind. It is also sad that some people are so egotistical as to think they know better than the One who created them. Resources are there. Distribution is the problem.
Eddie Roman - Toys R Us gave millions to Planned Parenthood every year until they were forced to declare bankruptcy due to “declining birth rates.” Disney also pours millions into PP’s bulging coffers, apparently not seeing the obvious connection between their audience and their products. Fools.
The main moral of this video is to not have children beyond your means. They say that if you do have children, they should receive the best care possible as long as you can provide it. If not, then don't have children or wait.
***** China actually doesn't enforce the one-child policy anymore. that would be barbaric. but you can't ignore that having a buttload of children doesn't take its toll on the world's resources. that's why sex ed and contraception are so civically important.
Yes, they relaxed the policy in 2013. Couples may now have two children if one of the parents is an only-child. So, what I am saying is, they are still enforcing a restrictive population control policy.
+Benjamin Rome Clarke Fertility rates were already crashing under Mao when everyone was encouraged to have as many children as possible. They continued crashing post-Mao, before the one-child policy went into effect, and they continued down after the one-child policy went into effect. There is no signal there; if you didn't know about the one-child policy you couldn't even guess that anything unusual had happened at all. Certainly China's fertility rate has not dropped as quickly as e.g. Taiwan and other neighbouring countries. It just looks like a cruel and unusual social experiment that didn't pan out.
@@CaitlinGateaux As of 2015 they relaxed the family planning rules to 2 kids per family to address the aging population and shortage of younger people following them and there is talk they may scrap those rules all together in the future.
Disney was my entire childhood and life, and it will always be, but it's conflicting that even today they still support this evil. I'm a millennial, and when my generation was still quite young, we learned in school that the ENTIRE world population could fit into Texas! That's how small we are, and how much space we have! Disney, I love you, but DAMN YOU for your lie that our population is "holding us back" or "slowing us down"! Sheer ignorance and lack of common sense, from a company that I so admired and adored....You will always hold a special place in my heart, Disney, but if you don't stop, this bond could one day be broken....
@@scottcharney1091 Ever heard about the Green Revolution? We can feed all 7.5 billion of our population two times over, if we didn't have corrupt governments, poor distribution systems, ongoing wars, etc. You have no idea what you're talking about...I'm embarrassed for you.
@@wildbluewings I mean, I agree with your points, but that's a pretty big jump to go to Scott being "violent and hateful" and wanting humans dead when all he suggested was that population issues are a matter of resources, not space. Even if he's wrong, I don't see how that equals "violent" and "hateful." Maybe misguided. Geez, I hate how reactive and hyperbolic people are these days, even when I otherwise agree with them. Good grief.
@@BriannaBanana1 We get frustrated with naive people as they are very dangerous. They have the ability to influence others by promoting what seems like a valid point. Haven lived overseas for a decade and visiting 172 countries-he is dead wrong. Propaganda works on the lazy and/or gullible. We can't afford to be either anymore.
"If enough couples choose family planning, the balance will be restored" And 50 years later, birth rates are plummeting, populations are aging and shrinking, and governments are paying people to have babies.
The Pill was known to be a carcinogen but the FDA allowed it to market with trials lasting only a few weeks. It was never envisioned as a teen-to-menopause drug. That’s why you see so many reproductive cancers. 15 generations of women who have almost no knowledge of their own normal unmedicated reproductive health experience.
Birth control pills produce a very small but statistically significant increase in one type of cancer, but a decrease in another type of cancer. You don't know what you are talking about so please shut up.
Any contraception is better than nothing or even haphazard use. Especially for young people when the timing of an additional child can really make such a huge impact.
Derp Stick I find it VERY DISTURBING. Add to it that back in the early 2000s it was leaked that upwards of 60% of Disney employees are ‘ghey’ and things start to make more sense....right?
Wow. That was creepy. I'll never look at Donald the same way again. When he points at the viewer at the end . . . yikes. "Have few kids . . . or else! Don't be like those dirty hispanics."
That's your own interpretation. I didn't think at all watching the short. Fact is we can't keep breeding like rabbits. Having responsible family planning is wonderful. Fact is we need better contraception and more widespread use though. Teenage pregnancy, and abortion are what happen when you don't have contraception readily available.
Fundamentalism is increasingly becoming in-vogue around the world. I fear that they will take us all with them in their zeal to be closer to their God.
Good, sound advice. I personally think you should stop conceiving after the second child is born, otherwise you create population growth which is very problematic. Small families are best
I'm going to repost the comment, along with a personal response regarding this situation from my boyfriend. If DoctorHver here thinks he can upload a video like this and then personally edit all opinions to match his own, he has another thing coming. People like him make the internet a horrible place. The reply to this comment is the comment my boyfriend originally made.
EXTREMELY dated notion, depending upon one's race and religion. In America, conservative Christians of the Caucasian variety are squawking about abysmal birthrates among same, while suggesting offering free tubal ligations and vastectomies for incarcerated criminals, re.-blacks.
There are about only 2;30 of 10;21 min of this that are worth watching all sequences including Donald Duck. If Disney ever re-release anything of this again they should edit this "cartooon" down to that length and probably redubb it.
exactly. i wonder if any of them are gonna grow up gay? or a murderer? or a pedophile, or locked up in prison? but even worse, what if they all remain religious?????? with every child they have, the risks increase.
***** But how many are gay and living a lie because they feel they have to hide it from their ultra-religious parents? How many of them are only mimicking respectful behavior while they're on camera? How many of those children actually do share their parents' beliefs, and aren't just pretending for the sake of their parents and/or for the show?
I'm not claiming their behavior isn't "legitimate", whatever that's supposed to mean. tom slick basically asked (in my interpretation) how many of those children will be screwed up in the head because of the way they're being raised. Your response was irrelevant, because all you did was comment on how you perceive their behavior to be, and all you can see is how they behave on camera. Elliot Rodger behaved respectfully in front of adults who were of his parents' generation and older, but we now know that he didn't actually respect people. I don't blame Elliot's parents or his step mom for how he turned out, but my point is that appearances can be deceiving. My QUESTION is, how much of their behavior on camera is just an act, and how much is showing who they really are? How many of them are truly happy, how many of them are living a lie, and how many of them will snap because of their strict upbringing?
Yes, children need discipline, and "somewhat strict" sounds just about right, but they also need an upbringing that's based on reality. They need to be encouraged to think critically, instead of blindly following arbitrary rules that could be harmful to themselves and/or others. If one or two of them are gay, they might commit suicide if they don't feel like they're accepted by their parents, or at least spend the rest of their lives being miserable while they pretend to be straight. If one of them has an ectopic pregnancy and refuses to get an abortion because of their brainwashing, they could die or at least become sterile. Some incorrect beliefs can be harmless, but others can be deadly. They may behave "respectfully" as you say, but do you know what's going on inside their heads? I don't, either, but I do know that a lot of people who grow up in such extreme fundamentalism have tormented themselves for years trying to reconcile their brainwashing with reality before finally breaking free, and many of them have been disowned by family and friends for being true to themselves.
Never thought I'd see Donald Duck pointing at me and telling me to use condoms. Certainly classic. If only Chinese murdering children to enforce their one-child policy (a new case is in the news again today) were as cute as a Disney cartoon.
+Lia Camargo simples, esse desenho foi feito em 1968. Por mais que as mulheres tivesse ganhado alguns direitos na época, ainda havia a questão cultural. Então...
naquela época, mulher recatada era sinonimo de mulher sensata e boa esposa que sabia falar na hora certa, antigamente a mulher era ensinada pra cuidar da casa e do marido. Mas não significa que na época a mulher não tinha voz. Em 1945, as mulheres do EUA, ganharam espaço no mercado quando começaram a trabalhar em industrias enquanto os maridos estavam na guerra, isso foi sendo construido aos poucos até chegar nos nossos dias. Hoje, a mulher que é independente e sabe fazer as escolhas e é bem sucedida que é a boa esposa.
The premise that the father is only able to farm to make an income seems simplistic & ignores potential of other side businesses. What causes poverty would be the farmer's exploitation by global markets setting low prices for his crops & his inability to negotiate better price.
People do? Many organizations (generally women's health organizations) are trying to make condoms and birth control pills available in poorer countries.
"The world always has enough room and money for everyone"? You don't know what you're talking about. And that's a shame. Where are you from? Clearly you don't pay attention to what's going on in the world.
If everyone stood shoulder to shoulder, we'd fit in Los Angeles. We can FIT everyone on the planet, but probably not as far apart as people would like.
+Shannon D Sometimes I wonder if I'm living in the same world as neo-malthusians. The poorest people are wealthier, healthier and happier than they ever have been; calories per person is increasing even in subsaharan Africa. Africa, the most traditionally recalcitrant shithole on Earth, is seeing amazing economic development (third fastest growing economy on Earth). "Peak child" came and went, and no malthusians noticed or cared.
@@soylentgreenb A lot of that progress is due to family planning! Plus, despite all of that progress, you do realize that overpopulation (behind First World consumption, of course) is putting quite a strain on the environment, right?
Anyone else recognize the narrator? That's Paul Frees! The voice of many of the characters you've known and loved over the years. Boris on Rocky and Bulwinkle, the voice of the Talking Rings on The Time Machine (original), War of the Worlds, and over 350 more. And because Tony Curtis could not imitate a woman's voice to save his life, Paul Frees stepped in a looped (ADR) all his dialog as Josephine in Some Like It Hot. I always listen for him in films.
@Eerimen Bzej I'm sorry you're hurting, man. How did Jews hurt you? Maybe I can help you sort out some things. I'm not just going to scowl and point like most folks do because it isn't constructive.
Adam Churvis also the voice of the ghost host
Who came because of the John Oliver episode?
Yes, Disney made a lot of these videos. I remember watching a Disney short about math in 3rd or 4th grade.
Me. I was surprised I'd never heard of this, because I know a ton about the history of the Disney studio. Somehow I never knew about this one.
Yep you know it. lol
John Oliver brought me here! And I'm so glad I can write this!
No! Which episode?
@@skywindow6764 Check on YT. The video is called "One Child Policy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)" and it's at 3:50
@@MIloszKluski thank you so much!
And say what exactly?
Is this where Thanos got the idea that universe world needed Balance?
Pfft. Like I'm going to take medical advice from a quack.
Ya won't believe it, your comment was used on John Oliver Show
Especially one who appears in public without his PANTS.
And a corkscrew shaped penis
How ironic when Walt Disney promotes less children in the world.
How could they?! Disney was my entire childhood, my life! Now I'm conflicted....
Walt Disney was already dead for 2 years when this film was made!
@@wildbluewings Walt Disney was already dead for 2 years when this film was made!
@@iBelvga Yeah. He _NEVER_ would have let such an evil like this happen if he was still around.
@@wildbluewings Evil? Seriously?
Imagine a world where those people who weren't dying were living really long after retirement, and there weren't enough born to work and support them.
That’s basically what happened in China & why they had to reverse their “one child” policy
You mean the world we live in?
All these people arguing...and here I am thinking "Holy shit, Disney sex ed by Donald Duck! This is going to be fun!"
"Eugenics - A very short Introduction" book mentioned this film. I had to watch.!
"The old balance is upset. Those who live now INSTEAD OF DYING... (!!!!) are added to the community."
Sounds like straight out of a Eugenics teaching book.
This is not Eugenics, that is removing what some might consider 'undesirables' from gene-pool.
Taken out of context, I would agree. But continue to watch and they demonstrate how to balance the other end of the scale by reducing the number of births.
@901bluefox: Walt Disney wasn't an anti-Semite. There's never been any real evidence of that. Nearly everything you've heard about it has been easily checked and long-debunked urban myths.
@Eerimen Bzej : Oh.
Marbles471 Disney was a eugenicist period. Also a Progressive utopian. Disney World was his dream of showing how perfect-able the world was....Creepy.
i don't get why people are so upset about family planning. this pretty much describes what normal couples do today. my birth was planned, and i'm pretty happy for it.
They were upset about it because this film was made for the population council in an effort to sell more of their birth control pill. It makes blanket assumptions that claim all larger families are at a disadvantage and it paints the image in an indoctrinating way that all families act the same and should have the same goals. It leads on saying that the balance of people dying and people being born was messed up by modern medicines and science and this paints these advances in a negative light. It seems cheery due to it being disney but when you look at the history of the film and what it is really saying it becomes much more evident that it is trying to manipulate and change peoples view rather than help. There isn't one answer for this issue and reproduction and sex is a calculated risk every time and when you remove that risk of birth you raise the odds of more people spreading stds as people are more willing to sleep around. At the end of the day it is someones choice but you shouldn't push things like this in the lens of disney as this indoctrinates younger to teen people from developing their own view and instead it puts this in the back of their mind as they grow into the age of starting a family.
Do you have any siblings? I once heard a similar comment from a boyfriend in 1975. I asked how he’d feel if he learned his mom had aborted his brother or sister? “Lucky.”
These days when kids see gaps in their family trees or get sly hints from family or friends that their siblings were aborted or “planned” away, they end up with survivors guilt. It’s the dirty secret that a significant number of the burgeoning suicide rates in first world nations is due to this effect, but since the media giants are very much involved in the zero-population agenda you’ll never see it in news/tv/print. The world isn’t crowed. We’re in a profoundly dangerous demographic decline.
@@rosezingleman5007, you're utterly silly.
That was wel thought out, intelligent and open to many people's different viewpoints on the issue.
Let's go to the comment's section to see how many people got offended by this.
Not offended. Just surprised at the illogic. Now we are worried about the population DECLINE. 🤦♀️
That's nothing. Go find the one where Goofy demonstrates how to put on a condom.
Somebody, somewhere, MUST animate this.
Or when Mickey went to a PTSD test.
@@AlfredoPuente8 After all of those war-related shorts they made, that might be reasonable. With that said, it reminds me of Ronald Reagan saying that he was in uniform, although that was with the Motion Picture Unit of the Army Propaganda Division, or something like that.
Donald Duck actually did promote the use of prophylactics to reduce the spread of venereal disease.
Search for the poster. He is standing in front of a seductive woman lying on her back, and the caption reads, "And, me without my Pro."
Came here because of watching Donald Duck wielding a keyblade ( 6:55 ) during a Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Segment :p
مين جاي من قناة الدحيح😂❤
"Have fewer children." That's what this film is saying. That's what a lot of people are saying. Hell, China is enforcing it.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump wants to defund Planned Parenthood because his evangelical Christians don't like the organization.
It's saying don't have more children than you can provide for.
@ The funny thing is pushing for more family planning in south and central America is one way to reduce illegal immigration as a lot of people come over to the US because there are no opportunities in the home country.
Kenneth Sloan -okay with us Catholics! We think there are far too many Protestants as well.
Kenneth Sloan Planned Parenthood isn’t hurting for money. They gouge billions from their customers in clinics intentionally placed in the poorest neighborhoods and teach 5 yo kids how to have sex. They kills created children but perversely *create* customers by giving away the cheapest condoms made and prescribing BC Pills at the lowest available doses to increase odds of abortions because that’s their biggest money maker.
PP aborts 40% of ALL minority pregnancies in NYC alone.
Don’t be naive.
In truth, this is actually accurate and brilliant. The problem is that too many people are opposed to the idea of any sort of restrictions, even those placed on them by themselves. Plus, this assumes people are smart. Just because it makes sense doesn't mean everyone's going to want to do it or have the sense to do it. There are more than seven billion people on the planet and more than three billion of those are homeless, starving, in very poor health, or any combination of those simply because of the above facts. There's more than enough of us that can work together but our own ambition and avarice and selfishness gets in way, and while looking at people as statistics might be harsh, it does help paint a more accurate picture of how to better our world.
good thing the man is there to speak for his wife. You wouldn't want a woman to think and ask questions by and for herself, wouldn't you?
She woulld now, forty years later, but not in all countries
Just shows how far away we got away from Gods plan for our lives.Women don't realize that they respect the man and women feels loved what she desperately needs.Owe what women could learn more on this.Remember the man is the provider the women is there to raise the next generation not to be absent.We are to control our bodies not use drugs so we can control birth.It is going out of hand people are having sex before marriage making it alright to sleep around.Just because of birth control.
@@romygozs gods don't exist. We plan our own lives.
The sexism bothered me, however, at least they showed women working.
I guess that’s why Mickey and Minnie never had kids. 😂 😂
Same thing with Donald Duck and Daisy Duck (but at least they got to be legal guardians to their nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie).
Good ole family planning! 😂
Eugenics propaganda
No. Family planning propaganda.
You mean common sense? Actually thinking about the choices you're going to make? Damn thats crazyyy
I am amazed at the staying power of this 1920's disinformation (re: family planning = eugenics). It lives on because we stopped showing videos like this one.
"The same number of babies are being born each year" 🤔 the math of this doesn’t add up. Yes, we delay death temporarily for one generation but it will catch up eventually and the numbers will stabilize which has been proven in the last 50+ years since this cartoon was made
Tristany Beckwith Are you saying that the population IS increasing or that it’s been stabilized for the past 50 years?
For a movie that is fighting against overpopulation, it took lots of people to just conceive that short movie!
And what about rather fighting stupidity on this planet?!
At the time of this short movie (1968) only rich communities were able to watch it, the other communities were too poor, they had no appliances to show the movies.
What was Disney's 4 siblings' take on the subject?
Disney only got 2 children.
Don't be surprised, it's the standard staff number required to produce an animated short
The film was created to be shown in developing countries, mostly shown to the poor. The entire film could be redubbed into any language.
Caitlin Gateaux I am having fun reading all those shortcuts. Let me give you the needed explanation: about 40 years ago, I was in Zaire (current Congo) when I saw this movie because I was studying in a private school who had money to buy a projector to show the movie ... (the school tuition fees were very expensive). The other schools didn't have money to buy any!
Nice targeted: we the rich people from Kinshasa can testify that we saw that movie (as a proof: I only have one child) but the poor people have never had the opportunity to watch that movie.
And by the way, I speak French and everybody in Congo speaks French and another language like Lingala, Tchiluba, ki-Congo, etc ...
Les producteurs de ce film avaient l'intention de le montrer aux pauvres. "L'enfer est pavé d'intentions" Jean Paul Sartre
There's some casual racism and sexism here, but I really appreciate the explanation of family planning, which /has/ helped improve people's quality of life (and women's rights) in many places. Basically, this wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
yeah! overall pretty solid for a time when black people weren't legally considered human in a lot of countries
Who came here coz you saw this video in the favorite list of "low battery dad"?
The world isn't overpopulated! The population of the whole entire PLANET could fit in Texas! Humanity is dying.
And the world is flat too isn't it? And the moon is made of cheese.
We're dangerously overpopulated, heading to 8 billion of us, open your eyes!
@@jonausten8151 yeah, and the global warming is a myth! Ooh, and Obama is a reptilian alien! And illuminati controls us~
Seriously, you're right, and we are pretty fucked.
6:53 huh, so that's where Kingdom Hearts got its start
i like how the "common man" is mixed race. quite refreshing, even for nowadays.
Mixed? Whole family looks like they are from India.
Scorp Sixonesix They had a visual of the races mixing together to make the man. Also, he looks more Hispanic.
+Benjamin Rome Clarke aka not white
Alejandro Murguia Yeah, mixed race people usually aren't white (?)
+Benjamin Rome Clarke Mainly because this was propaganda focused on countries like Puerto Rico.
This was such a well put together video, great job!!!
The video does show its age with its portrayal of women, among a couple of other details I noticed. But for something that was made in the 60's, I am surprised. It's largely even handed and I think a good way to introduce people to the idea without a huge information dump all at once by trying to answer every possible question. It leaves some things up to the viewer and for the most part it didn't feel as though the speaker was taking down to the viewer.
Certainly worth the watch, if nothing else.
I said I got it from private collector do you need more info? I direct you to the man if you want.
Your welcome, I got it from private collector
The stark reality is that there is not now, nor has there ever been, a "population explosion" or "population crisis", as intimated in this cartoon, or by the population control propagandists. The population crisis that exists today is that we are not having enough children to ensure the continuation of mankind. It is also sad that some people are so egotistical as to think they know better than the One who created them. Resources are there. Distribution is the problem.
"Basically, all men are them same." Wow. Basically condoms and birth control huh? Thanks Disney
Eddie Roman - Toys R Us gave millions to Planned Parenthood every year until they were forced to declare bankruptcy due to “declining birth rates.” Disney also pours millions into PP’s bulging coffers, apparently not seeing the obvious connection between their audience and their products.
In context, that means that human nature has commonalities all over the world. It's a rebuke to racial essentialism (aka racism).
The ending is especially good. We do have a greater responsibility to the rest of humanity and not just ourselves.
The main moral of this video is to not have children beyond your means. They say that if you do have children, they should receive the best care possible as long as you can provide it. If not, then don't have children or wait.
***** China actually doesn't enforce the one-child policy anymore. that would be barbaric. but you can't ignore that having a buttload of children doesn't take its toll on the world's resources. that's why sex ed and contraception are so civically important.
Yes, they relaxed the policy in 2013. Couples may now have two children if one of the parents is an only-child. So, what I am saying is, they are still enforcing a restrictive population control policy.
Caitlin Gateaux That bums me out. Instead they should be investing in sex ed and contraception.
+Benjamin Rome Clarke Fertility rates were already crashing under Mao when everyone was encouraged to have as many children as possible. They continued crashing post-Mao, before the one-child policy went into effect, and they continued down after the one-child policy went into effect. There is no signal there; if you didn't know about the one-child policy you couldn't even guess that anything unusual had happened at all. Certainly China's fertility rate has not dropped as quickly as e.g. Taiwan and other neighbouring countries. It just looks like a cruel and unusual social experiment that didn't pan out.
@@CaitlinGateaux As of 2015 they relaxed the family planning rules to 2 kids per family to address the aging population and shortage of younger people following them and there is talk they may scrap those rules all together in the future.
Disney was my entire childhood and life, and it will always be, but it's conflicting that even today they still support this evil. I'm a millennial, and when my generation was still quite young, we learned in school that the ENTIRE world population could fit into Texas! That's how small we are, and how much space we have! Disney, I love you, but DAMN YOU for your lie that our population is "holding us back" or "slowing us down"! Sheer ignorance and lack of common sense, from a company that I so admired and adored....You will always hold a special place in my heart, Disney, but if you don't stop, this bond could one day be broken....
It's a question of resources, not space.
@@scottcharney1091 Ever heard about the Green Revolution? We can feed all 7.5 billion of our population two times over, if we didn't have corrupt governments, poor distribution systems, ongoing wars, etc.
You have no idea what you're talking about...I'm embarrassed for you.
@@scottcharney1091 And since people are the ultimate resource, we need more.
Why do you want your own kind dead? Why are you so violent and hateful?
@@wildbluewings I mean, I agree with your points, but that's a pretty big jump to go to Scott being "violent and hateful" and wanting humans dead when all he suggested was that population issues are a matter of resources, not space. Even if he's wrong, I don't see how that equals "violent" and "hateful." Maybe misguided. Geez, I hate how reactive and hyperbolic people are these days, even when I otherwise agree with them. Good grief.
@@BriannaBanana1 We get frustrated with naive people as they are very dangerous. They have the ability to influence others by promoting what seems like a valid point. Haven lived overseas for a decade and visiting 172 countries-he is dead wrong. Propaganda works on the lazy and/or gullible. We can't afford to be either anymore.
You guys are never going to guess the ethnic background of the woman who made this film.
"If enough couples choose family planning, the balance will be restored" And 50 years later, birth rates are plummeting, populations are aging and shrinking, and governments are paying people to have babies.
I love the racial stereotypes in the introduction of man (-- sarcasm)
Walt was a genuine eugenicist-notice that the target is brown. Anytime the powerful talk about overpopulation they mean non-white, non-Protestant.
@@rosezingleman5007, you have no idea what you are talking about.
جاي من الدحيح
You're absolutely right. It's sad that sooo many people bought into the lie.
What lie?
Children are definitely a blessing. At the same time, we must also be aware of the situation in the larger community and for future generations.
Please, don't cut this video on TH-cam. It's an amazing video; it has a very important content.
You know is kinda the groverment fault because in poor countries people relay on kids on so they get many kids as possible to ran the family.
What's hilarious about this is that it's trying SO hard not to be racist or sexist, but it ends up being extremely racist and sexist.
And yet it is true to the culture of the time, which was racist and sexist. Would we prefer revisionist history?
This video is so naive! The Pill is a class 1 carcinogen! Healthy my foot!
(this was made in 1968)
The Pill was known to be a carcinogen but the FDA allowed it to market with trials lasting only a few weeks. It was never envisioned as a teen-to-menopause drug. That’s why you see so many reproductive cancers. 15 generations of women who have almost no knowledge of their own normal unmedicated reproductive health experience.
You're silly.
Birth control pills produce a very small but statistically significant increase in one type of cancer, but a decrease in another type of cancer. You don't know what you are talking about so please shut up.
This is an amazing time piece in so many, many different ways!
Any contraception is better than nothing or even haphazard use. Especially for young people when the timing of an additional child can really make such a huge impact.
I think Donald missed out on his true calling: Artist.
Or Keymaster.
I like the Dad's big feet.
I am the 300,000th view and can't help but feel that I'm the only one who sees this production as particularly disturbing.
Derp Stick I find it VERY DISTURBING. Add to it that back in the early 2000s it was leaked that upwards of 60% of Disney employees are ‘ghey’ and things start to make more sense....right?
@@rosezingleman5007 the nose knows my friend
É mesmo perturbadora. Às vezes penso q a humanidade foi um erro. Outras vezes agradeço por não ser igual à maioria
Disturbing is its long public absence!
Haven't you seen Der Feuhrer's Face?
Wow. That was creepy. I'll never look at Donald the same way again. When he points at the viewer at the end . . . yikes. "Have few kids . . . or else! Don't be like those dirty hispanics."
This was mentioned on Alex Jones nightly news last night.
I hate how it pushes contraception as the only means of family planning. Has no one heard of NATURAL family planning?
Well, how would they have so much kids if they can practice natural family planning, advertising contraceptions is necessary
wtf the soundtrack is so good
"Slowed by the sheer weight of numbers...."
Go kick rocks eugenist NotSees...
Disney? Propaganda? Say it ain't so!!! 😂🤣😂
They did it in the 40's too during WWII
Sounds like the today’s life with a few kids, instead of the many....
Mel blanc as narrator aka man of 100000000000 voices and Sarah heinke as strawberry shortcake
Why is Donald Duck trying to assemble a swastika?
That's your own interpretation. I didn't think at all watching the short.
Fact is we can't keep breeding like rabbits. Having responsible family planning is wonderful. Fact is we need better contraception and more widespread use though. Teenage pregnancy, and abortion are what happen when you don't have contraception readily available.
The self same starving kids who wouldn't have access to any Disney film/TV for being so poor they can't even eat? Yeah, phooey Disney!
this short film features donald duck
1:52 I thought he said Juan.
I love how this video still applies today. -_-
Fundamentalism is increasingly becoming in-vogue around the world. I fear that they will take us all with them in their zeal to be closer to their God.
So now we see when the modern evils of Disney were beginning.
Why the Spanish comments?
Good, sound advice. I personally think you should stop conceiving after the second child is born, otherwise you create population growth which is very problematic. Small families are best
*_Thanos has entered the chat_*
Not really. He's besotted with Death (personified, at least in the original comics). This video is about not being born, which is harmless.
Why didnt the women just ask instead of asking her husband to ask?😬
I'm going to repost the comment, along with a personal response regarding this situation from my boyfriend. If DoctorHver here thinks he can upload a video like this and then personally edit all opinions to match his own, he has another thing coming. People like him make the internet a horrible place. The reply to this comment is the comment my boyfriend originally made.
Well that's informative.
EXTREMELY dated notion, depending upon one's race and religion. In America, conservative Christians of the Caucasian variety are squawking about abysmal birthrates among same, while suggesting offering free tubal ligations and vastectomies for incarcerated criminals, re.-blacks.
when really its the inconvenient children who are in danger of being bought and sold.
Narrated by Paul Frees
Population control is the eugenics movement.
You're ridiculous.
There are about only 2;30 of 10;21 min of this that are worth watching all sequences including Donald Duck. If Disney ever re-release anything of this again they should edit this "cartooon" down to that length and probably redubb it.
I wish the Duggars saw this
exactly. i wonder if any of them are gonna grow up gay? or a murderer? or a pedophile, or locked up in prison? but even worse, what if they all remain religious?????? with every child they have, the risks increase.
tom slick - Statistically, two are probably gay.
But how many are gay and living a lie because they feel they have to hide it from their ultra-religious parents? How many of them are only mimicking respectful behavior while they're on camera? How many of those children actually do share their parents' beliefs, and aren't just pretending for the sake of their parents and/or for the show?
I'm not claiming their behavior isn't "legitimate", whatever that's supposed to mean. tom slick basically asked (in my interpretation) how many of those children will be screwed up in the head because of the way they're being raised. Your response was irrelevant, because all you did was comment on how you perceive their behavior to be, and all you can see is how they behave on camera.
Elliot Rodger behaved respectfully in front of adults who were of his parents' generation and older, but we now know that he didn't actually respect people. I don't blame Elliot's parents or his step mom for how he turned out, but my point is that appearances can be deceiving. My QUESTION is, how much of their behavior on camera is just an act, and how much is showing who they really are? How many of them are truly happy, how many of them are living a lie, and how many of them will snap because of their strict upbringing?
Yes, children need discipline, and "somewhat strict" sounds just about right, but they also need an upbringing that's based on reality. They need to be encouraged to think critically, instead of blindly following arbitrary rules that could be harmful to themselves and/or others. If one or two of them are gay, they might commit suicide if they don't feel like they're accepted by their parents, or at least spend the rest of their lives being miserable while they pretend to be straight. If one of them has an ectopic pregnancy and refuses to get an abortion because of their brainwashing, they could die or at least become sterile. Some incorrect beliefs can be harmless, but others can be deadly.
They may behave "respectfully" as you say, but do you know what's going on inside their heads? I don't, either, but I do know that a lot of people who grow up in such extreme fundamentalism have tormented themselves for years trying to reconcile their brainwashing with reality before finally breaking free, and many of them have been disowned by family and friends for being true to themselves.
Never thought I'd see Donald Duck pointing at me and telling me to use condoms. Certainly classic. If only Chinese murdering children to enforce their one-child policy (a new case is in the news again today) were as cute as a Disney cartoon.
thank you for opening my third eye Disney.
Walt Disney must of rolled in his grave...
I mean, it was only two years after his death, so I mean... yeah, he was still pretty fresh to do those turns.
Walt Disney believed in Eugenics so this was right on target for him
Amina Melancon Yup. He was a hardcore Progressive/Lefty utopian. Disney World was his vision of the perfect world and lily white of course.
@@rosezingleman5007 he was a McCarthyist Republican and "family planning" was forced sterilization of nonwhite women
Because 101 Dalmations is not a problem...
Por que ela tem que pedir pro marido pra falar?
+Lia Camargo simples, esse desenho foi feito em 1968. Por mais que as mulheres tivesse ganhado alguns direitos na época, ainda havia a questão cultural. Então...
naquela época, mulher recatada era sinonimo de mulher sensata e boa esposa que sabia falar na hora certa, antigamente a mulher era ensinada pra cuidar da casa e do marido. Mas não significa que na época a mulher não tinha voz. Em 1945, as mulheres do EUA, ganharam espaço no mercado quando começaram a trabalhar em industrias enquanto os maridos estavam na guerra, isso foi sendo construido aos poucos até chegar nos nossos dias. Hoje, a mulher que é independente e sabe fazer as escolhas e é bem sucedida que é a boa esposa.
Porque este video foi para o publico pobre nao para as mulheres de familias de suceso.
Wow. There’s something sort of unsubtle racism in this.
There it'sn any subtlety here
@@anghoang9249 it's subtle in the sense no slurs are used
A walt Disney production
Titolo italiano: Pianificazione famigliare
Wonderful job fellows!! Good work!😂🥰🏁🇺🇸
the question is who is disney worried about? the declining birthrates among certain people or stable birthrates among certain others?
The funniest is what Donald often using by a person for social ads why him, god?
The premise that the father is only able to farm to make an income seems simplistic & ignores potential of other side businesses. What causes poverty would be the farmer's exploitation by global markets setting low prices for his crops & his inability to negotiate better price.
I apologize that my joke wasn't funny enough that even YOU would recognize it as a joke.
مين جاي من عند الدحيحه😂
why aren't more people doing this?
People do? Many organizations (generally women's health organizations) are trying to make condoms and birth control pills available in poorer countries.
This film was only shown in non-white countries. Ruminate on that for awhile.
Elda7ee7 brought me here 😂😂
"The world always has enough room and money for everyone"? You don't know what you're talking about. And that's a shame. Where are you from? Clearly you don't pay attention to what's going on in the world.
If everyone stood shoulder to shoulder, we'd fit in Los Angeles. We can FIT everyone on the planet, but probably not as far apart as people would like.
+Shannon D Sometimes I wonder if I'm living in the same world as neo-malthusians. The poorest people are wealthier, healthier and happier than they ever have been; calories per person is increasing even in subsaharan Africa. Africa, the most traditionally recalcitrant shithole on Earth, is seeing amazing economic development (third fastest growing economy on Earth). "Peak child" came and went, and no malthusians noticed or cared.
@@soylentgreenb A lot of that progress is due to family planning! Plus, despite all of that progress, you do realize that overpopulation (behind First World consumption, of course) is putting quite a strain on the environment, right?