Since I still believe that Norway is the global equivalent to Bielefeld in Germany or Wyoming in the US. So I gladly believe that whatever The Illuminati consider a normal power source for this “totally real” country could very well be cats
Hey, at least Schrodinger proposed putting just a vial of poison in his box to put the cat in a superposition of dead and alive. Einstein suggested a stick of dynamite. He then asked whether you really needed to open the box to learn whether the cat was alive or dead.
@O 99 Correct (that we're aware of, anyway). There are multiple universal constants, though. C, or the universal speed limit, is just the constant that is called for in this equation. We can change the constant. That just changes apples to oranges, so to speak. 😅
A paragraph describing galactic civilizations' main source of energy to be throwing cats into black holes is exactly something that would show up in Hitchhiker's Guide
Now it certainly makes sense! The real problem of everything is Energy and now we know how to make the most energy!! Throwing cats to rotating black holes, of course. The towels are to catch the cats, in case you're wondering.
I never seriously considered it before because it's totally made up, but the idea of Star Trek Romulans using an artificial black hole as a power source on board their spaceships makes a lot of sense after your explanation. Thanks!
RETURN CLAUSE: The product is composed of 100% matter: It is the responsibility of the User to make sure that it does not come in contact with antimatter. Under no circumstances will the Manufacturer be liable for User mishandling in this regard.
Questn, actually, as a macroscopic object, we are 99% energy and 1% matter. The protons and neutrons in our atoms weigh more than the sum of their parts (being the quarks inside them). The quarks alone account for 1% of the mass of the hadron and the rest is energy coming from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the strong force interactions binding them together.
@@junholee4961 but the point is that nobody *thinks* of it as converting mass into energy, much as they don't for chemical reactions. The mass lost is too insignificant.
workhardism extra lives does not equal extra mass. Also, it does not allow us to extract the cats from the black holes. The mistanke lies in ignoring the power requirement of running a black hole generator.
No, after the cat collides with its anti-matter buddy, it comes back and so does the antimatter cat 9 times, therefore powering Norway for 18 years instead of 2 years.
I think it might be in reference to a famous 1960 paper titled: "The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences" but it's just a guess.
see, now making the energy isn't hard, but how would you actually harvest that energy? Solar panels? peltier chips? grabbing all the hot plasma and throwing it into a steam generator? perhaps more cats? that would a be a great video to watch. "how to get the energy from black hole accretion disks"
I didn't give a dislike but possibly from me too just cause I'm too stupid to understand this and I'd rather blame others than myself for my own ignorance.
Humans spend so much time trying to define what elements they associate with humanity. If aliens see humans, humanity's associated element would be spinning turbines.
@@jaishankarv1847 OMG I thought I was the only one watching the Numberphile video... So now I can say to my mom that I'm not losing so much time on the internet... Nice!
Today: "Don't play with fire!" Later today: "Don't Play with nuclear fission!" Tomorrow: "Don't play with cold fusion!" 1 week from now: "Don't play with black holes!" 1 month later: "Don't play with antimatter!" Yesterday: "Don't play with anaerobic cellular respiration?"
With a small enough black hole, you can convert 100% of the infalling mass to energy. Small ones are "hot" and have significant Hawking radiation. So you get one that's the right size to produce the power you want and then throw in mass periodically to keep it from getting smaller. If you stop feeding it, it shrinks, gets hotter and radiates faster and eventually blows up. But keeping it in balance is pretty easy if you are talking power needs along the lines of Norway or the world. Trickier if you want really gigantic power production from a smaller black hole.
The math is way off in this video. Everybody knows that cats have 9 lives, so each cat can convert 9 times and thus all these numbers should be divided or multiplied by 9 depending upon which direction we're doing the conversions. Remember folks: reduce cat overpopulation, reuse cats up to 9 times and recycle their litter too (it smells bad, might as well burn it away at the same time).
Why burn the litter if you could just throw it into the black hole? It's more efficient and doesn't smell as bad. Besides cats can't have 9 lives because it would mean there's like 378% efficiency in their case, which obviously violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Because of that, Cats can generate more energy than an Gamma-Ray-Burst, and would thereby make almost the entire Universe collapse. That is why alien live has ceased to exist. Once they found cats, they didn't know about their 9 lives, and threw a cat into a black hole to power their colony. After that, they were completely wiped out, but the solar-system was in the safe zone. You should thank cats for sparing such mere un-cute humans
The first couple of minutes of this video are very good. I appreciate the good analogies which explain clearly how much of an object's mass is lost in a typical reaction. Unfortunately, the rest is almost completely wrong. This is because when an object falls into a black hole, the radiated energy comes from its gravitational potential energy, _not_ from its mass. The mass doesn't change in such a process. The main mistake being made here is to ignore the black hole itself as a component in the reaction: there is indeed some conversion of "mass into energy", but it's not the mass of the cat, but the mass of the _combined black hole and cat system._ For a rotating black hole, you're actually extracting energy from the black hole's rotation (see: Penrose process). I at first thought that this video would make the case that black holes convert mass to energy completely because they eventually evaporate if you wait a _really_ long time. This would be a better case to make in this context, though you also have to take into account the thermodynamic efficiency in extracting such energy (Hawking radiation is thermal).
I thought the same. Of course you could argue that since energy is mass, the radiated energy comes from the object's mass (not sure how to view potential energy, though). However, in this case, the video's topic of "conversion" doesn't make any sense, really. And yeah, hawking radiation hasn't been mentioned for some reason.
If I understand you correctly, I wouldn't say "the rest is almost completely wrong". I think the video is just focusing on the conversion efficiency and not getting into the details of how this type of mass/energy conversion is somewhat different than the previous examples they cite. Yes you're right: In this case the mass is being converted to energy by an "outside" assist (the black hole), but there is still a mass-to-energy conversion happening in the overall process.
The language of "mass to energy conversion" is a bit sketchy at the best of times because, strictly speaking, it's category error. Nothing gets "converted" into energy because energy is conserved, rather, it's energy that used to be associated with rest mass that gets converted to kinetic energy of some particles or fields, typically photons. Here it is much worse because it gives the impression that the body gets lighter as it falls down the black hole. On the contrary: if you went alongside the object and measured its mass at various points along the infalling trajectory, you'd make the same measurement regardless of where you are. Getting this right requires handing the black hole as part of the system.
Either you're thinking too hard about the subject or Minutephysics was wrong to make such a short video about a topic with so many variables without going super in-depth. But I usually perceive their objective as: let's get people 'curious' about physics without sounding like a textbook; albeit, that leaves room for error as physics is pretty complex and short videos don't always do it justice. So I will agree that mistakes were made by their focus on making the subject entertaining rather than being unarguable. It's hard to have it both ways.
2:40 Now granted, we don't fall to the ground to create energy, but as a person from Norway, I can report that we get most of our electricity from stuff doing this; or rather water falling down through hydro-electric power plants.
I wish my math teacher would explain things with examples like how to power Norway with cats instead of just boring stuff directly from the textbook that was made specifically to cover only the curriculum on the test at the end of the course, not made so we actually retain any of the information. I'm way more likely to remember this than some of the boring things in my algebra 2 class, and I probably don't even understand this very well compared to algebra 2 which is really easy. I'm so glad people make educational stuff on youtube.
Black Hole Studios I like how you said "I know that's not that much" because you probably used to learn the imperial system in school but you're also proud of yourself and think it makes you look smarter because you know the metric system. :D
I prefer weed jokes as opposed to ones that get me started on thinking about the meaning of life, leading to me realising how pathetic my existence is.
So the question to the answer of life, the universe and everything might just be - "What percentage of mass is converted into energy as it orbits a black hole which is spinning as such speed that its innermost possible orbit coincides with its event horizon?"
Except gas cloud G2 that amazingly went right through and past our super massive Schwarzschild Singularity in 2013 with no effect.... Riddle me that one, BatMan.
+ch .kuhn Ohh, I can riddle this. Astronomical object G2 was not a gas cloud but a binary pair of stars in an 300 year elliptical orbit around the black hole. The observed behaviour was not them crossing the event horizon but rather the two stars colliding with each other and merging together (with each other, not the black hole) at periapsis (closest approach to the object being orbited, in this case the black hole). Even if it had been gas, it didn't pass through the black hole, it passed (relatively) close by. It appears you've fallen victim of the old media cliché of publishing the lie on the front page, then burying the retraction on page 10.
I appreciate the first halfway cogent reply Ive received on this vid for being a skeptic of un-verifiable black hole theory, however your assertion Ive somehow been duped here is a bit rude and bordering on another ad hom attack...I'll give you the benifit of the doubt here... I did a quick google search to try and find something to substantiate your assertions.... Could not locate anything....Can you provide a citation or a link to your assertion?
Also...psydo-science by definition is a science that cannot be wrong....No matter how may times predictions are provably incorrect....Which is about a 100% clip for black hole theorist, there's always a reason why there was a 'miscalculation'....ALWAYS. I happy enough to say we have no idea whats there. We don't.
I read something before and it said the efficiency could reach almost 100% if you drop the object into a black hole very slowly to almost 0 speed. It was mind blowing.
@@Alexander99602 Google Penrose process. You can literally extract energy from a black hole on the expense of its rotation. Basically, you'd have to throw a cat into the region called ergosphere (which is the region where things cannot stay stationary anymore) with the right amount of speed and in certain direction. End product is the cat (unfortunately to be more precise, a part of the cat) emerging out with more kinetic energy than she initially had.
@@jaywu4804 well energy cannot be destroyed nor. created, only converted (I think) light requires energy, heating stuff also requires energy. That's why lamps require electricity
@@woahdude5553 I hope you are sarcastic, because if not you understood nothing. Mass is just a gathering of different energy forms. Energy cannot be destroyed nor created; you get the illusion that mass "creates" energy or can be "converted" into energy, but it cannot. To make it easyer let's compare each form of energy as a defined vegetable and mass as a salad. It feels as if the salad is its own thing, but it is not. The salad gets its properties from the veggies inside. Let's transpose what you are saying in the example: what you are saying is that you can make vegetables appear from thin air or magically transform all the salad into a melon. But the correct way to interprete it is to say that you pick some vegetables from the salad (different energy forms), and rearrange the atoms in the veggies into some other vegetable, thus noting is created and nothing is lost. The reverse applies.
There's an even better solution to this with rotating black holes. You can directly harvest the rotational energy of the black hole through superradiance of lasers. Surround it in a reflective surface - or more likely arrange wave guides in specific patterns, and superradiant scattering will dump huge amounts of energy into the laser drawn from the rotational energy of the black hole
Black holes can also release energy from mass just from inspiraling in the form of gravitational waves. GW150914 (the first and largest detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO collaboration) had initial black holes of 36 and 29 solar masses. The final black hole was 62 solar masses (with some error bars). Three solar masses worth of energy was radiated in the form of gravitational waves. For the purpose of this video that's ~5% efficiency, so not bad.
Even at 10 cats per Norway per year, that's awesome! And cats are a renewable energy source; so, we'd be set for at least a couple hundred million years!
GetYours this annoys me. You realise that the timestamp won't work because it sends you to the beginning of the second, and anyone who watches the video would know where it was so they can go look.
I _think_ yes, but asymptotically far into the future for any frame of reference further outwards than the cat's. So if you want to actually see the cat land, you have to throw yourself in at the latest with the cat, if not just ahead of the cat.
Two things, 1) So in the future, humanity could theoretically cover it's power demands only through Black Hole Burrials, the most badass way to be burried. 2) This doesn't even account for if we figure out how to harness Hawking Radiation, then the numbers will probably go up.
Hawking radiation is not very hard to harness. The problem is that it is so stupidly low power that harnessing the fallen cat energy back would take trillions of years. And the bigger the blackhole the slower it takes to harness. But it is pretty good for the end of time projects when no star remains civilizations could still live on extremely low power regime for trillions of trillions of years. Though they will need to figure out how to reduce energy consumption of the whole civilization to the level of like a single lightbulb.
Thank you, and that process doesn't consume any of the mass of the water, it only consumes the gravitational potential energy the water had. I fail to see how extracting energy from things falling toward black holes is any different. If you want to actually consume the mass of stuff falling into the black hole, drop it in and harvest the Hawking radiation as the black hole evaporates.
I think the point was that the energy conversion is more efficient. But, it is different because what you are really extracting is solar energy since the sun had to heat the water to get it up to the top of the hill in the first place. So, ultimately, that's nuclear power.
I really think that there was a typo in the Chemical Reaction's section: I.e., [5e-10 (Released Energy in Grams) / 5e+3 (Cat’s Weight in Grams)] × 100 = 1e-11% (not 1e-9%); and it’d take (after removing the percentage) 1e13 (ten trillion, not ten billion) cats to power Norway with chemical reactions for a year. P.S. If one is to use the percentage’s perspective (i.e., in the Nuclear Reaction’s section, 150 cats were supposedly needed (which is 100/0.7 = 142.9 cats)), the Chemical Reaction’s section shall then be needing a hundred billion, also not ten billion, cats.
I can’t possibly scroll through 6k comments to see if this has been said already, but just in case: Anticatter
Needs more liked
"You'd only need to throw 17 cats into a black hole to power norway for a year" is now officially my new favorite sentence on the internet
"2 and 1/2"instead of 17
I read this comment to my brother and he said:
"Why would you need to power Norway? They have coal."
I'm find our cat and throw em to the black hole lmao
And they still say that ancient sacrifices were useless
New unit of energy:
Norway Cat Years.
Annual Norwegian Cats (ANC).
Cats per Norway
Im norwegian, and can confirm this is now our standard measurement of energy
Pussy IS powerful
Let's make it official! Someone needs to start a petition to add the new NCY measurment
Parents: what are you watching
Me: A video about how many cats you’d have to throw into a black hole to power Norway for a year
*Your parents would be proud*
Parents: "What are you watching?"
Me: "Huh... Huh... Yep, porn."
Umm... A video adaptation of The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas, starring a cat.
Sounds interesting! Can I join you?
"You only need to throw 17 cats into a black hole to power Norway for a year."
Never thought I'd hear that sentence in my life.
Imagine telling somebody from the Medieval Period.
insertnamehere001 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Neither did anyone... actually.
Not the first Ive I heard it
I'm more concerned about the two and a half cats. Who only has half a cat.
I say we make the international standard of energy conversion the "Norwegian Cats per Year" quotient.
Micah Philson “The iphone battery runs on around 1000 NC/Y’s”
Bastian Andersson - that sounds like a very inefficient or defective battery
Good name
Don't you mean Norwegian cats PURR year?
Vincent Bishop 1990 no please
I love how cat becomes the standard unit of mass in science videos
I thought the standard unit are hamsters?
Because of Schrödinger's cat and the fact that a positively charged ion is a CATion.
Wan Yin Leung for we will never know if the cat is dead or alive
Yea and soon measuremen of force will me Meutons.
Shroedinger would be proud.
"The best stuffs of physics comes from doing something to a cat."
- Erwin Schrödinger
This is so sus 😳
Shane Dawson agrees
Yes cuace it's fun and it means people will listen
As a Norwegian, I can confirm: Norway is powered by cats
We dont even need any outside help, we just breed cats and throw them into big dark things billions of kilometers away
Since I still believe that Norway is the global equivalent to Bielefeld in Germany or Wyoming in the US. So I gladly believe that whatever The Illuminati consider a normal power source for this “totally real” country could very well be cats
Dolan pls
@aDBo'Ch 1 what are you talking about
@@undyingUmbrage weirdo stuff
Why do physicists enjoy thinking about cruelty to cats? And yes, Schrodinger was one sick puppy.
Hey, at least Schrodinger proposed putting just a vial of poison in his box to put the cat in a superposition of dead and alive. Einstein suggested a stick of dynamite. He then asked whether you really needed to open the box to learn whether the cat was alive or dead.
Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky and dont forget about their keeness on making cows spherical
It's like you can't swing a cat around without hitting some physicist who wants to hurt a cat. So, everyone wins, except the cat.
So, in the E = mc² the "c" clearly stands for "cat". And maybe "m" for "meow".
m is mass
C is universal constant. It just so happens to be the speed of light.
@O 99 Correct (that we're aware of, anyway). There are multiple universal constants, though. C, or the universal speed limit, is just the constant that is called for in this equation. We can change the constant. That just changes apples to oranges, so to speak. 😅
studio Já Games woosh
"You only need to throw 17 cats into a black hole to power Norway for a year!"
*-MinutePhysics 2017*
How many kilos of coal needed to power Tokyo. Nah
How many tons of uranium needed to power New York. Nah
How many cats needed to power Norway. Perfect
you missed the chance to say PURRFECT
@@Hilman_Faiz Exactly
Unnskyld meg hvor kan jeg finne den nærmeste SPAR? Trenger Prior 2kg kyllinger ellers dør jeg, takk!!
Fikk du Prior 2kg kylling eller?
Hvis ingen svar får jeg frykte det verste... 😣
42%? The answer to life, the universe, and everything: a rotating black hole.
Huzzah, a man of culture!!!!!
Tats the only reason I started watching.... Turns out it's quite interesting... Dx
A paragraph describing galactic civilizations' main source of energy to be throwing cats into black holes is exactly something that would show up in Hitchhiker's Guide
Now it certainly makes sense! The real problem of everything is Energy and now we know how to make the most energy!! Throwing cats to rotating black holes, of course. The towels are to catch the cats, in case you're wondering.
One cannot call themself 'hot' until they have yeeted themself into a rotating blackhole
Norway: "We have a energy crisis..."
-> Cat's stock price goes to 1.000 Bitcoins
this killed me
Clemens Korella stonks
Lol yeah let's use bitcoin in an energy crisis that makes sense
I read that as both one point nought nought nought and one thousand.
I appreciate you measuring the value in BTC. lmao
So 42 is indeed the ultimate answer of the universe after all.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference
Alright, thanks for the suggestion, gonna try it tomorrow.
Throw a person in a black whole they weigh the same as roughly 36 cats, 1 human life < 36 adorable cats
Not anymore
Kitty 2281 Yah, just leave Norway without power.
But dude, you want the energy to be stored
*deeply inhales the fragrance of ten billion cats burning to power norway*
I would “Never” do that
Fragrance? So sarcastic
I like it how cats are the basic units for calculating stuff over internet.
Actually Toyota Corollas are the best unit of measurement.
*I think Mexicans can work too*
I just bought a new house, it cost me the entire food of the life spawn of 17 cats.
Because many use the Internet to worship cats
Mullas please leave India
I never seriously considered it before because it's totally made up, but the idea of Star Trek Romulans using an artificial black hole as a power source on board their spaceships makes a lot of sense after your explanation. Thanks!
It's not made up. It's real physics.
@@Mynamewashere star trek is made up....
Wait how do they stop the hawking radiation
@@Mynamewashere A Starship using an artificial black hole as a power source is completely made up.
@@mightycannon1512 maybe they also use that by converting it into power.
RETURN CLAUSE: The product is composed of 100% matter: It is the responsibility of the User to make sure that it does not come in contact with antimatter. Under no circumstances will the Manufacturer be liable for User mishandling in this regard.
did not laugh
who told you to?
Just a joke man
same lol
Questn, actually, as a macroscopic object, we are 99% energy and 1% matter. The protons and neutrons in our atoms weigh more than the sum of their parts (being the quarks inside them). The quarks alone account for 1% of the mass of the hadron and the rest is energy coming from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the strong force interactions binding them together.
❌ Joules
❌ Watts
✔️ Cats
@@GottfriedLeibnizYT me likey
@Gottfried Leibniz Some things you really shouldn't make jokes about.
@Dan Schwartz
And why is that?
@@bxdanny I mean, come on, it was hilarious!
Oh and for the reincarnation thing, it simply makes no sense, but I guess that's my opinion
Dan Schwartz
“I have weird unexplainable memories, therefore *Reincarnation*!”
My cat would still find a way to land on its feet.
@The Chrome Knight No u
@@3la5t1c81rdy just u
@@3la5t1c81rdy HL😅
@@3la5t1c81rdy *yes* you
"we dont think of falling to the ground as a source of energy"
Dams: am I a joke to you?
Ahhh we forgot about you
He actually said "as a way of converting mass into energy".
@@neolexiousneolexian6079 Except that waters falling through dams also lose mass, just that it is a unit of nanograms
@@junholee4961 but the point is that nobody *thinks* of it as converting mass into energy, much as they don't for chemical reactions. The mass lost is too insignificant.
@@natchu96 well.. context.
Finally, I have a use for that black hole I have laying around!
"Finally, I have a use for that cat I have laying around!"
If you have a black hole lying around then I think it would be better to sell it to science people
kurzgesagt: birds in a black hole
minutephysics: cats in a black hole
Lol p.s. what is kurgezat
@@enderman5423 watch it. It is a great channel.
the man who brought us Microsux Windope is still allowed to show his faec :D you do know how shady his charity operates, right?
kurgezat is an amazing youtube channell
here is the link:
So now we can justify the statements :" CURIOSITY IS GOOD, BUT IT COULD KILL THE CAT"
cats watching this video must be like:
If 2,5 inspiraling cats can power Norway for a year, then there's no wonder why the Egyptians looked up to them as gods back in the day.
so what the aliens used them as fuel?......sounds legit
_FUNFACT: Pyramid Giza was built by cats..._
But Egyptians didn't even know Norwegians existed.
Shh... Don't ruin my moment.
Humans could produce lots more energy... heyhehejehehehehe
Norwegian minister of energy sees his video:
"That's it guys, divert all of our funds into researching svarte hul & katter."
Energy crisis solved.
"hey, why are you throwing yourself to the floor?"
"I'm loosing mass"
"You're too fat"
No? You are releasing energy from your mass, the mass stays the same
@@LeonBlack666 Well the mass is turning into energy so they are losing mass.
@@susnojutsu2525 That breaks the law of conservation of energy
But Japascho would be losing mass by having his cells ripped off from him by the air
@@LeonBlack666 That's incorrect. The mass does reduce. Wasn't this taught in the final year of HighSchool?
Since I was a child and thought about going for science, this was one of the things that brought me to it, how can we take the most out of things?
News: The earth is running out of renewable energy
Scientists: Glare at Cats
the rest is history
I was going to say that history isn't a science, but I checked and it might be?
@@blarg2429 I mean cats ARE renewable AND biodegradable...
@@yodaadoy2863 I think you're onto something here.
@@blarg2429 no, science has to be able to experiment, you can't experiment with history therefore it's not a science
You can not run out of "renewable" energy. (In a billion years, at least)
Mistake in your calculations. Cats have 9 lives. So, you only need 1/9 of a cat to power Norway for a year.
workhardism extra lives does not equal extra mass. Also, it does not allow us to extract the cats from the black holes. The mistanke lies in ignoring the power requirement of running a black hole generator.
@@ulfjohnsen6203 woooooosh
No, after the cat collides with its anti-matter buddy, it comes back and so does the antimatter cat 9 times, therefore powering Norway for 18 years instead of 2 years.
@@quantumflare wouldn't the anti cat have negative lives though?
kindyno yes, it has 9 antilives
good one
Pootis Spencer Here thanks
Just anticat
Like it! :-)
I love the wording here. "Unreasonably efficient." It sounds kind of passive aggressive.
I think it might be in reference to a famous 1960 paper titled: "The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences" but it's just a guess.
4:56 "42% efficiency..."
"Coincidence, I think not !"
The answer to everything
I was literally about to comment the same thing. It's a shame not a lot of people know the answer
Everyone knows the answer, but we forgot the question.
No cats were harmed in the making of this film.
Or they did after loosing 42% of their mass, but we will never know.
Vincent Cantin Sounds like a great diet
All information was lost after throwing the cats into the black hole, so you can't tell if any were harmed.
Mpd but they were by calculating this
Now you just have figure out how to capture a rotating black hole and how to fully collect the energy from the cats you throw in.
see, now making the energy isn't hard, but how would you actually harvest that energy? Solar panels? peltier chips? grabbing all the hot plasma and throwing it into a steam generator? perhaps more cats? that would a be a great video to watch.
"how to get the energy from black hole accretion disks"
We need to get this comment up there!
That's an engineers problem not a scientist.
Dyson's sphere.
Dyson swarm of solar panels around the black hole.
A dyson sphere around the black hole would require wayyyyyyy too many cats.
Minute: Want energy, throw a cat into a black hole.... ME SEEING AT MY CAT EVILY AFTER MY PHONE IS ONLY 1% CHARGED..
r/ihadastroke ?
"You'd only need to throw 17 cats into a black hole to power Norway for a year."
This is something I know now.
one cat would power Norway for about 2.28 million years
@@ShinningDarkness That contradicts both everything in the video, and the above comment.
Go up to someone and say that
Paul Chung I txted someone that
@@ShinningDarkness Norway could power 1 cat for about 2.28 million years
All the dislikes in this video are from cats.
All the likes are from dogs.
And vegans
I didn't give a dislike but possibly from me too just cause I'm too stupid to understand this and I'd rather blame others than myself for my own ignorance.
Nope, it's from people who realize that this is impossible to do to get that energy.
From cats whos familymembers were thrown into black holes
I assure you no cats are harmed while powering Norway :-)
tbf all animals are harmed while powering any country
As a Norwegian, I can not assure you this.
That's what they want you to think
yeet yeet yeet if u do they r gonna eat ur feet
No cats were harmed. Just killed.
This guy: Throw two and a half cats into a black hole to power Norway for a year.
*PETA wants to know your location*
They'd use pitbulls instead
The cats can have died of natural causes after a long and comfortable life with good health care.
But what if we throw PETA into a black hole instead? Now, cats are safe from people, and people are safe from PETA.
@@marcochimio I see no flaws with this arrangement
@@marcochimio perfect ifea
42? So... The answer to life the universe and everything really IS 42???
No, that is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. No one knows what the question is.
No it's 0 actually.
The question is "What's Six times Nine?"
No it's 43 actually
Terrence Hedge the question is “What is the answer to six times nine?”
HA! I'm not so crazy for heating my house with stray cats now, am I?
Not _as_ much, no. :/
Wait a second here...
You're the one who's pretending to understand the video right
Actually, you're probably doing that via chemical reaction. Still crazy. Crazy inefficient *tsk tsk*
Depends, are you burning them, splitting/fusing them, or dropping them into black holes?
The idea that you'd cut a cat in half to get the right amount of energy.. I can't stop laughing
“To show you the power of black holes, I sawed this cat in half!” (props if u get the reference)
😂 🐱⚫️
This got me gd 😂thx for that
@@FewVidsJustComments LLLMMAAOOOO! 🤣😂🤣😂
@@FewVidsJustComments The brand new Flex Saw can cut ANYTHING in half!
The blood of the martyrs will power the nations of Earth.
"Chemical reactions are really bad at converting mass to energy"
Cars: *start sweating*
This video summarized:
Don’t throw 6 billion cats into a fire...
Throw 2,5 into a black hole to power Norwegen 🇳🇴 for a year
Its år
Noorwegen? Dat is nederlands!
Also don't nuke the cat
@@MissingPatel no its acctually dont turn cats into nukes
@@coolian258 Yes, turning a cat into a nuke would be ... cat-astrophic.
Ok i got an idea for a new bond villain.
He throws 3 1/2 cats to a rotating black hole to power his evil plans for a year^^
has this bond villian taken over Norway or something?
Space Norway
It is like normal Norway just in space and evil.
He's so evil, that he throws *3* 1/2 cats into the black hole, even though he only needed to throw in 2 1/2.
He threw in kittens instead of cats because he is soooooo evil.
As a result he needed more what made him even more evil.
Me: But how do you change the radiation into electricity?
People: We boil water with it and rotate a turbine!
Nayuta Ito you can also harvest the mechanical energy.
Looks at Dyson Sphere
"wow, so fancy and advanced! How do it works?"
"we pick the heat from the star, boil water with it and spin some turbines"
@@ynntari2775 500 years after:
Humanity has learnt to extract infinite amounts of vacuum energy in order to boil water and spin turbines.
Humans spend so much time trying to define what elements they associate with humanity. If aliens see humans, humanity's associated element would be spinning turbines.
Well humanity discovered a new way
Solar cells
How to get rid of your responsibility: 5:16
"Antimatter is not matter but it's also not not matter"
~Some scientist from Galaxy on Fire 2 HD
Or 'antimatter is not matter, but it's also not not light'
Someone who knows what Galaxy on Fire was? wew
@@Derpy-qg9hn pretty incredible, but me too! I found the campaign pretty fun back in the day, played through all of it on my Mac back in 2011
nega matter
Oh my, i love that game
Maybe 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything.
You saw the Numberphile video?
Jaishankar V I mean it’s also a book reference but yeah i guess
@@jaishankarv1847 OMG I thought I was the only one watching the Numberphile video... So now I can say to my mom that I'm not losing so much time on the internet... Nice!
True, but what's the question?
@@pedrolib 6 x 9 (in base 13)
Today: "Don't play with fire!"
Later today: "Don't Play with nuclear fission!"
Tomorrow: "Don't play with cold fusion!"
1 week from now: "Don't play with black holes!"
1 month later: "Don't play with antimatter!"
Yesterday: "Don't play with anaerobic cellular respiration?"
1 year later: Do not play with cats!
Or how about, “Don’t play with yourself!”
What do you mean by not playing with one's self? ;-)
With a small enough black hole, you can convert 100% of the infalling mass to energy. Small ones are "hot" and have significant Hawking radiation. So you get one that's the right size to produce the power you want and then throw in mass periodically to keep it from getting smaller. If you stop feeding it, it shrinks, gets hotter and radiates faster and eventually blows up. But keeping it in balance is pretty easy if you are talking power needs along the lines of Norway or the world. Trickier if you want really gigantic power production from a smaller black hole.
That’s actually really smart.
Wow, Norway is powered by cats... I learned something today.
Cats are powerful :-D
DragonOfTheSkies: ohh, _powered_ by cats, not _governed_ by cats. Sorry, my mistake B-)
i think we are all powered by kitties. but kitties theirselves are powered by aliens, explaining their weird behaviour
DragonOfTheSkies one cat a year. China should give us all their cats instead of eating them. We'd have enough energy for eternity.
Not is, COULD be*
The math is way off in this video. Everybody knows that cats have 9 lives, so each cat can convert 9 times and thus all these numbers should be divided or multiplied by 9 depending upon which direction we're doing the conversions. Remember folks: reduce cat overpopulation, reuse cats up to 9 times and recycle their litter too (it smells bad, might as well burn it away at the same time).
yes it is
Why burn the litter if you could just throw it into the black hole? It's more efficient and doesn't smell as bad.
Besides cats can't have 9 lives because it would mean there's like 378% efficiency in their case, which obviously violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Because of that, Cats can generate more energy than an Gamma-Ray-Burst, and would thereby make almost the entire Universe collapse. That is why alien live has ceased to exist. Once they found cats, they didn't know about their 9 lives, and threw a cat into a black hole to power their colony. After that, they were completely wiped out, but the solar-system was in the safe zone. You should thank cats for sparing such mere un-cute humans
I use a cat with buttered toast strapped to its back to levitate my flying car.
How many lives do politicians have? They seem to be rather weighty, so there's an energysource just waiting for us . . .
antimatter discovered and can be harnessed in the future..
cats: sweating
Throwing cats into black holes to power norway.
This is the weirdest episode ever and I love it
The first couple of minutes of this video are very good. I appreciate the good analogies which explain clearly how much of an object's mass is lost in a typical reaction. Unfortunately, the rest is almost completely wrong. This is because when an object falls into a black hole, the radiated energy comes from its gravitational potential energy, _not_ from its mass. The mass doesn't change in such a process. The main mistake being made here is to ignore the black hole itself as a component in the reaction: there is indeed some conversion of "mass into energy", but it's not the mass of the cat, but the mass of the _combined black hole and cat system._ For a rotating black hole, you're actually extracting energy from the black hole's rotation (see: Penrose process).
I at first thought that this video would make the case that black holes convert mass to energy completely because they eventually evaporate if you wait a _really_ long time. This would be a better case to make in this context, though you also have to take into account the thermodynamic efficiency in extracting such energy (Hawking radiation is thermal).
I thought the same. Of course you could argue that since energy is mass, the radiated energy comes from the object's mass (not sure how to view potential energy, though). However, in this case, the video's topic of "conversion" doesn't make any sense, really. And yeah, hawking radiation hasn't been mentioned for some reason.
If I understand you correctly, I wouldn't say "the rest is almost completely wrong". I think the video is just focusing on the conversion efficiency and not getting into the details of how this type of mass/energy conversion is somewhat different than the previous examples they cite. Yes you're right: In this case the mass is being converted to energy by an "outside" assist (the black hole), but there is still a mass-to-energy conversion happening in the overall process.
The language of "mass to energy conversion" is a bit sketchy at the best of times because, strictly speaking, it's category error. Nothing gets "converted" into energy because energy is conserved, rather, it's energy that used to be associated with rest mass that gets converted to kinetic energy of some particles or fields, typically photons. Here it is much worse because it gives the impression that the body gets lighter as it falls down the black hole. On the contrary: if you went alongside the object and measured its mass at various points along the infalling trajectory, you'd make the same measurement regardless of where you are. Getting this right requires handing the black hole as part of the system.
Either you're thinking too hard about the subject or Minutephysics was wrong to make such a short video about a topic with so many variables without going super in-depth. But I usually perceive their objective as: let's get people 'curious' about physics without sounding like a textbook; albeit, that leaves room for error as physics is pretty complex and short videos don't always do it justice. So I will agree that mistakes were made by their focus on making the subject entertaining rather than being unarguable. It's hard to have it both ways.
It's a particular case , cats bend spacetime
2:40 Now granted, we don't fall to the ground to create energy, but as a person from Norway, I can report that we get most of our electricity from stuff doing this; or rather water falling down through hydro-electric power plants.
Me: There's No Rway a cat can produce so much energy!
My Cat: Yeah! just throw a dog.
Ress lol
Kenya not do the puns?
But they're so cozy and warm.
Actually there is an even better way to generate energy with a cat. Just stick a toast with jam at the back of the cat and throw it at some height.
My cat has 5Kg of anti energy. Therefor the net result would be zero.
Okay, got the black hole, but I’m having troubles finding a cat
I wish my math teacher would explain things with examples like how to power Norway with cats instead of just boring stuff directly from the textbook that was made specifically to cover only the curriculum on the test at the end of the course, not made so we actually retain any of the information. I'm way more likely to remember this than some of the boring things in my algebra 2 class, and I probably don't even understand this very well compared to algebra 2 which is really easy. I'm so glad people make educational stuff on youtube.
*A N T I C A T*
Now the smart comment. A black hole with the mass of the earth would not be 2cm (I know it's not that much) it would actually be 9mm.
Black Hole Studios I like how you said "I know that's not that much" because you probably used to learn the imperial system in school but you're also proud of yourself and think it makes you look smarter because you know the metric system. :D
4:58 "Coincidence? I think not"
Alex M. “42.0% efficiency wut u throwin’?” “5 kg cats.”
I prefer weed jokes as opposed to ones that get me started on thinking about the meaning of life, leading to me realising how pathetic my existence is.
You blinked?
We have normality!
So the question to the answer of life, the universe and everything might just be -
"What percentage of mass is converted into energy as it orbits a black hole which is spinning as such speed that its innermost possible orbit coincides with its event horizon?"
That poor cat.
1. Tossed into fire
2. Nuked
3. Tossed into the sun
4. Tossed into the black hole
It seems Norway suffers a serious power shortage...
So... powering civilization with quasars?
That’s freakin lit.
2:04 thank you for not adding the obligatory line of "Nothing can escape a black hole - NOT EVEN LIGHT"
Except gas cloud G2 that amazingly went right through and past our super massive Schwarzschild Singularity in 2013 with no effect....
Riddle me that one, BatMan.
+ch .kuhn
Ohh, I can riddle this. Astronomical object G2 was not a gas cloud but a binary pair of stars in an 300 year elliptical orbit around the black hole. The observed behaviour was not them crossing the event horizon but rather the two stars colliding with each other and merging together (with each other, not the black hole) at periapsis (closest approach to the object being orbited, in this case the black hole).
Even if it had been gas, it didn't pass through the black hole, it passed (relatively) close by.
It appears you've fallen victim of the old media cliché of publishing the lie on the front page, then burying the retraction on page 10.
I appreciate the first halfway cogent reply Ive received on this vid for being a skeptic of un-verifiable black hole theory, however your assertion Ive somehow been duped here is a bit rude and bordering on another ad hom attack...I'll give you the benifit of the doubt here...
I did a quick google search to try and find something to substantiate your assertions....
Could not locate anything....Can you provide a citation or a link to your assertion?
Also...psydo-science by definition is a science that cannot be wrong....No matter how may times predictions are provably incorrect....Which is about a 100% clip for black hole theorist, there's always a reason why there was a 'miscalculation'....ALWAYS.
I happy enough to say we have no idea whats there. We don't.
I read something before and it said the efficiency could reach almost 100% if you drop the object into a black hole very slowly to almost 0 speed. It was mind blowing.
Time to drop everything, but slowly
Now i know why many cats go missing every year.
They were thrown into a black hole.
Tearing the Universe apart one cat at a time
No minutephysics probably just ate them.
We are using them to power Norway.....
No rway! It can't be!
B-b-but, weren't they supposed to be thrown around the black holes' event horizon? You're doing it wrong!
*looks at my cat*
Me:"well Lucy, i need energy, and its time for you to help with the bills"
Lucy: *meows in dispair*
Just dump your trash can into the black hole
I love how it was subtly suggested that Norway could meet their energy need for a year by burning 10 billion cats.
Andrew Clarke: It is a renewable energy source.
We will take it into consideration
Patrick Shelley 10 billion? Doesn't like very renewable for me
Algorythmis: First, it was a joke. Second, just because you can outpace a resources renewal rate doesn't mean it's not a renewable resource...
You understand that it would it take more energy for the cats to eat and breed then you would gain from burning them right?
I like the idea of sacreficing cats to the cosmos to get energy in return
Step 1 find a cat
Step 2 throw the cat into a spinning black hole
Step 3 find a way to extract energy from black hole
Step 4 rule norway
Step 5 ???
Step 6 Profit
We could extract the energy using some sort of solar panels? It's heat, right?
@@Alexander99602 Google Penrose process. You can literally extract energy from a black hole on the expense of its rotation. Basically, you'd have to throw a cat into the region called ergosphere (which is the region where things cannot stay stationary anymore) with the right amount of speed and in certain direction. End product is the cat (unfortunately to be more precise, a part of the cat) emerging out with more kinetic energy than she initially had.
@@dariobarisic3502 guess we found a good ideea how to gain energy... Too bad we can't use it for now
Instructions unclear, powered Sweden instead
Instructions unclear. I threw a black hole into a cat to power Norway.
Well I threw Norway into a cat to power a black hole, totally normal.
@@ansh6370 I threw a black hole into Norway to power a cat.
This is the best comment string ever also I tried throwing a Norway into a cat to power a black hole but the cat just spit it up as a hair ball
Black hole threw me into cat to power Norway
Norway through a black hole into me to power cat
in short: deleting a cat creates a gigantic amount of energy in order to balance the universe
Did you do it? yes. What did it cost? 2.5 cats per year.
@@jaywu4804 well energy cannot be destroyed nor. created, only converted (I think)
light requires energy, heating stuff also requires energy. That's why lamps require electricity
@@MythOverseer energy can be destroyed and created..... how do you think anything in this video works?
@@woahdude5553 I hope you are sarcastic, because if not you understood nothing. Mass is just a gathering of different energy forms. Energy cannot be destroyed nor created; you get the illusion that mass "creates" energy or can be "converted" into energy, but it cannot.
To make it easyer let's compare each form of energy as a defined vegetable and mass as a salad. It feels as if the salad is its own thing, but it is not. The salad gets its properties from the veggies inside. Let's transpose what you are saying in the example: what you are saying is that you can make vegetables appear from thin air or magically transform all the salad into a melon. But the correct way to interprete it is to say that you pick some vegetables from the salad (different energy forms), and rearrange the atoms in the veggies into some other vegetable, thus noting is created and nothing is lost. The reverse applies.
*double clicks to select cat*
*hits delete button on universe keyboard*
*universe computer explodes from pure cat energy*
There's an even better solution to this with rotating black holes. You can directly harvest the rotational energy of the black hole through superradiance of lasers. Surround it in a reflective surface - or more likely arrange wave guides in specific patterns, and superradiant scattering will dump huge amounts of energy into the laser drawn from the rotational energy of the black hole
Indeed, but cat is much funnier than lambda
I think it’s called a Penrose Sphere, for anyone wondering - Kurzgesagt did a video on it also about the biggest bomb in the universe
Black holes can also release energy from mass just from inspiraling in the form of gravitational waves. GW150914 (the first and largest detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO collaboration) had initial black holes of 36 and 29 solar masses. The final black hole was 62 solar masses (with some error bars). Three solar masses worth of energy was radiated in the form of gravitational waves.
For the purpose of this video that's ~5% efficiency, so not bad.
do we know how to arness energy from cats falling into black holes?
My cat says he'll gladly volunteer as long as he gets to sleep on my lap the whole time.
And to add to that, we can harness the energy from the Hawking Radiation coming from the black hole.
*yes, we do know ... but its like no energy at all, chemical stuffs even better*
Yeah, but thats so less it doesnt matter
There is only one way to know how efficient an energy source is: How many cats will it take to power Norway for a year?
Even at 10 cats per Norway per year, that's awesome! And cats are a renewable energy source; so, we'd be set for at least a couple hundred million years!
We will call this unit of measurement, Cats per Norway per Year.
4:58 "42% coincidence? I think not" I see you @minutephysics!
Angry bat creatures and nightclubs. Whales and flowers.
Details 👍
GetYours this annoys me. You realise that the timestamp won't work because it sends you to the beginning of the second, and anyone who watches the video would know where it was so they can go look.
We played this video in my college Astronomy class a while ago.
After 4:58, for some reason, I feel like I know the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
When someone uses cats per norway a year
Huzza! A man of culture!
beats the imperial system
-Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
This was the question
i like the random notes in the background, adds alot of character to the video
Now I need to collect cats when there is an apocalypse.
You can use any matter.
A random Lizard but cats are quite obviusly the best y'know
Well if by best you mean common and dense, i would say iron or rock would be better than cats.
And a black hole as well
And something to capture all the radiated energy.
Wait, so I can throw ANYTHING into a black hole, and it'll make energy...?
*Did we just find an use for cobblestone?*
Made me Larth hard
but we already have infinite energy in minecraft...called redstone, just flip the lever and it'll power the machine for it's entire life
you the only one willing to waste precious cobblestone
I think you mean a use for gravel...
"At that rate, you would need 150 cats to power Norway for a year. (Not bad)"
Alright guys, gather the cats!!
... I was thinking of another kind of cat, but alright...
CopyLeft GTFO pervert
Don't worry kitty, it won't hurt. It's for the greater good.
CopyLeft now that's what I call an awesome profile picture along with it's name xD
Damn we can’t watch a video anymore without seeing a long ass ad.
If we throw cats in black-hole do they land on their feet?
You're asking the right questions, my friend!
I _think_ yes, but asymptotically far into the future for any frame of reference further outwards than the cat's. So if you want to actually see the cat land, you have to throw yourself in at the latest with the cat, if not just ahead of the cat.
Top 10 Questions Science Can't Explain
No, no and no. Even if the cat have a spacesuit, the cat will be torn apart before it hits the black hole
Two things, 1) So in the future, humanity could theoretically cover it's power demands only through Black Hole Burrials, the most badass way to be burried.
2) This doesn't even account for if we figure out how to harness Hawking Radiation, then the numbers will probably go up.
Hawking radiation is not very hard to harness. The problem is that it is so stupidly low power that harnessing the fallen cat energy back would take trillions of years. And the bigger the blackhole the slower it takes to harness. But it is pretty good for the end of time projects when no star remains civilizations could still live on extremely low power regime for trillions of trillions of years. Though they will need to figure out how to reduce energy consumption of the whole civilization to the level of like a single lightbulb.
finally, a reason to die
Did curiosity killed so many cats
This comment is underrated af.
No, it's busy on Mars right now...
I didn’t die sooooo
Firestar *i have finally found another warriors fan*
“You’d only need to throw 17 cats into a black hole to power Norway for a year” is just about one of the most cursed things I’ve ever heard.
Better than 3,4/1 000 000 000 cats needed to power Norway by burning them.
I'm Norwegian, and I can confirm that we incinerate 10 billion cats each year to fuel our power grids.
Can confirm, but it's more like 7 billion.
Because they're fat cats.
DavidKlausen - I heard Norway was leading the way on the much more efficient and socially acceptable squirrel incineration.
Inchido what
They dont mainly make browncheese with goat milk
They mostly use normal cow milk
StarComet 04 ja la oss snakke norsk i stede
DavidKlausen how metal
I wouldn't be surprised if the next day on the news I hear "the first 1000 cats were launched into a black hole the next 1000000 await"
2:42 Actually, falling to the ground is how we convert about 17% of all the electrical energy consumed on the Earth. It's called hydroelectricity.
Thank you, and that process doesn't consume any of the mass of the water, it only consumes the gravitational potential energy the water had. I fail to see how extracting energy from things falling toward black holes is any different.
If you want to actually consume the mass of stuff falling into the black hole, drop it in and harvest the Hawking radiation as the black hole evaporates.
I think the point was that the energy conversion is more efficient. But, it is different because what you are really extracting is solar energy since the sun had to heat the water to get it up to the top of the hill in the first place. So, ultimately, that's nuclear power.
It can fall longer with way higher speeds - and with that, way more radiation in all kinds is happening .. well all die from cancer tho
And if you really think about it, you can trace it all that back to the sun, so it's effectively nuclear fussion.
Pfhorrest that still is decreasing the mass-energy of water by the mass of a cat, relative to a fixed reference frame.
I really think that there was a typo in the Chemical Reaction's section:
I.e., [5e-10 (Released Energy in Grams) / 5e+3 (Cat’s Weight in Grams)] × 100 = 1e-11% (not 1e-9%); and it’d take (after removing the percentage) 1e13 (ten trillion, not ten billion) cats to power Norway with chemical reactions for a year.
P.S. If one is to use the percentage’s perspective (i.e., in the Nuclear Reaction’s section, 150 cats were supposedly needed (which is 100/0.7 = 142.9 cats)), the Chemical Reaction’s section shall then be needing a hundred billion, also not ten billion, cats.