From this perspective this is something that's totally different from my Sifu telling me that bajiquan is not able to defend from any other combat sport martial arts at all; I don't have any idea that he's just telling lied or he's doesn't want to hype me up and start competing with other types of martial arts students such as muay Thai. In the worse case he doesn't have any idea about this. However, thank you for your video and please keep publishing the forbidden technique thank you.
There’s no such thing as a “style” that can not be practical. Every type of martial art styles evolve over time. They were never meant to stay static, they adapt and improve by the people who practice the arts. MuayThai from 100 years ago looks very different from what it is now. MT is a good example of how traditional martial arts evolves and adapt with time.
@@wutan_nj I see. I did not watch the video, so thanks for helping clear up the confusion. Oh, speaking of Tang Lang, would it be possible to post some videos involving Tang Lang striking techniques on a dummy?
Jaden Ng although I’ve studied TangLang, but it is not my specialty. I’m focusing more in this channel on Baji and Pigua. Will try though when there’s an opportunity.
You guys deserve more subscribers. There's no other youtube channel with this kind of content.
Thank you! Some of the content we "exposed" here in this channel are not allowed to be taught publicly on the internet.
@@wutan_nj grato mestre do BRASIL OK
@@jamesvieira2417 sorry we do not have Portuguese translation.
@@wutan_nj ok com certesa piquazang and bajiguan is fantastic grato
Thank you sir. Very good information.
From this perspective this is something that's totally different from my Sifu telling me that bajiquan is not able to defend from any other combat sport martial arts at all; I don't have any idea that he's just telling lied or he's doesn't want to hype me up and start competing with other types of martial arts students such as muay Thai. In the worse case he doesn't have any idea about this. However, thank you for your video and please keep publishing the forbidden technique thank you.
There’s no such thing as a “style” that can not be practical. Every type of martial art styles evolve over time. They were never meant to stay static, they adapt and improve by the people who practice the arts. MuayThai from 100 years ago looks very different from what it is now. MT is a good example of how traditional martial arts evolves and adapt with time.
Get a new, and better, teacher...
燕北萬梅山莊主人 沒錯,北螳螂為中國眾多武術門派中最為年輕的一拳種,基本上集各家所長集結而成。所以也包含了許多摔跤的動作。
@@wutan_nj 膠東的螳螂拳,不是中國諸多武術流派中最年輕的,廣東不少拳種只有一百多年歷史,比二三百年的螳螂拳年輕。螳螂拳很有特色,短打肘擊擒拿腿擊,樣樣皆精,而且有練習鐵砂掌的功夫。應該說,流派歷史二三百年,名稱則一百多年,一如鷹爪拳就是翻子拳的連拳擒拿手法,也很有特色,也練習鐵砂掌。
燕北萬梅山莊主人 廣東眾多拳種大多延生自南少林與客家拳... 僅管名稱起自清末,其拳理大多源出少林拳。近代較具代表性、獨特性與突破性的拳法屬八卦與螳螂,所以才會有螳螂拳是中國拳法最年輕的拳種一說。
@@wutan_nj 對,這些個流派都有天地會流傳的火燒南少林的傳說,特色是都有三戰步,橋手,運氣時發聲深呼吸,歷史最悠久的可以追索到方七娘和鶴拳,估計有三百多年歷史,而且廣東佛山詠春拳的嚴詠春的故事和方七娘類似,只是明末清初浙江人嫁福建人並移民福建,變成清中福建人嫁廣東人並移民廣東,真況存疑。
@@燕北山前萬梅山莊主人 閣下研究頗深!佩服!我對螳螂拳的看法是,除了歷史的記載外,從螳螂拳的分支與演化;七星、梅花、六合、八步、到秘門... (太極螳螂、竹林、通臂螳螂等則又分得太細...) 其演變進化的時間來看,螳螂拳是思維極『先進』的拳法,也是少數沒有『兵器創拳』跡象的拳種。應該是非常近代的拳法。
That’s strange. I thought San Cai Bu was Tang Lang footwork, since it was taught to me that way from my uncle.
Jaden Ng yes as said in the video, it is most heard in Tang Lang Quan. The similarity is the stability on the first step.
@@wutan_nj I see. I did not watch the video, so thanks for helping clear up the confusion. Oh, speaking of Tang Lang, would it be possible to post some videos involving Tang Lang striking techniques on a dummy?
Jaden Ng although I’ve studied TangLang, but it is not my specialty. I’m focusing more in this channel on Baji and Pigua.
Will try though when there’s an opportunity.
WuTan NJ Much appreciated.
以現在搏擊來 一個掛一個撐擊 的事這類步法的意義已經不大