I'm 62, owned this game for 5 years and have played it 3 times. I play the online co-op for a little while almost every night during the lockdowns and haven't stopped. Addictive when you have a good team.
@@Gonken88 Government Lockdowns cost me my career, as our company could not do business. Can't sell anything when they wouldn't let truck drivers work, factories weren't allowed to produce, California wouldn't longshoremen unload freighters. Remember the miles and mile of ships? A lot of my product was on those ships. Anyway, didn't want to get political in my post. But, hey, vote conservative!!
Far cry 4 was an awesome game too.Yeah it was a far cry 3 re-skin.And yes the story kinda sucked.But it was mindless fun and sometimes its the only thing that you need!Its only my opinion on this matter.
badreedine Djellali I found Ajay’s story a lot more compelling because it was a nice change of pace from the cliche of having a blast on an island with friends, gets kidnapped, rescue friends, kill the bad guys, and save the day. Ajay was a badass from the start with training but he was caught in a war in his country and had to take control of a group his family started which he had no knowledge about. He had to make tough choices that have consequences. You have more control over how the story goes and as you go, you learn more about Ajay. This is my opinion but I found Jason Brody’s arc badly written. He did develop but it was extremely rushed that it looked like he transformed from a rookie to Rambo overnight instead of gradually becoming a badass through practice, learning and experience.
+Adrian Pier0 i enjoied far cry 3 more than the 4, even if the four have improvments over the 3, but i think the jungle( reminded of movies like rambo) and the novelty of the gamplay that was so enjoiable.
I used the hunters instinct a whole lot. And I liked the second medicinal one. Although it took twice as many ingredients, it gave me 4 extra bars of health AND heals you. Can't go wrong there. I just wished I coulda replaced the regular medkit with that one. Instead of having to press and arrow for that one instead of just holding Y like I had gotten used to.
I think in terms of passion for gaming and the art of an immersive experience, the last generation nailed it. In my opinion. Gaming developed from an up an coming industry, into something special that generation. Now it's about re hashing and making the most $ from majority of the developers. Even the indies have decided to copy successful formulas to make a quick buck. We have a few exceptions with the new generation of course but those days are gone. 😕
so we fappin or nah? Completely agree. We're gonna hit the next crash soon because it'll be a flooded market with devs taking advantage of the customer. The last generation took it as art; now it's taken as a business.
Games don't focus on the same immersively detailed worlds anymore. They just throw in tons of "content" like nonsense guns and skins into the biggest, soul-less map possible to keep the children happy. Rook Island wasn't massive but it was rich with detail and life. The memories I have of playing it for the first time aren't memories of a controller in my hand, they're memories of actually being in the jungle.
Looking back at this game with where the franchise is now, I have to say that Jason was honestly an excellent character. He actually talked, we got to see what he fucking looked like, he had a transition that was noticeable, understandable, and from what I remember and loved, tied to your progress and events that have occurred. I would have rather had Jason than the shitty “customization” options games like FC5 had to offer.
@@Gonken88 gotta give them credit though for trying to find a middle ground instead of telling one side of the audience to get fucked like most would but still I say if you want the player to create the character then don't do it in first person game "oh you can create your own character that you'll never see in game play" well what the fuck is the point of that?
@@reeceburns8077 How is having a male protagonist telling one side of the audience to get fucked? We all know that if Jason was a girl, the story would revolve around different sex acts he'd, she'd, have to perform on her new masters. This whole "strong woman" bs is a feminist utopia that is as real as rainbow-farting unicorns. No-one deserves credit for giving into that nonsense, only the people boycotting it.
"Have you heard the definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting shit to change. That's crazy." -Vaas This quote actually reminds me of something, *COUGH* *COUGH* Call of Duty *COUGH*
I don't think that works. They expect the same thing to happen each time, people buy it even though its the same thing. So its the people that buy CoD expecting things to be different this time that are insane.
Vas is para-phrashing Einstein when he says that. :l It directly is aimed towards how Einstein was a math genius, and doing the same calculation over and over again expecting different results is crazy, hence, why do you think you can do the same with anything else and it is viable to not be insanity?
If Blood Dragon had come out at the time and was included in the review, I bet Joe would have given the full on 10/10. That expansion was like Far Cry 3 entirely on acid :)
On the Farcry developer website, they had a survey of what the next Farcry game should be. Almost everyone said Dinosaurs or a Blood Dragon 2. I'm more than happy with either one.
Hunter Law Far Cry 4 in a Jurassic Park-like setting, with tons of various dinos running wild and human survivors fighting each other to stay alive. It would have survival horror stealth elements in how you have to avoid tougher dinos until you gain enough skills later to challenge them. You can approach situations however you want, negotiate through trouble or kill everything on sight. Dialogue and RPG options would be similar to Skyrim, Mass Effect, and The Walking Dead, where almost any scenario can end peacefully or in blood. You can recruit others to join you, but your choices will affect the team. If certain characters die, allies may hate you, leave you, fight you, or go rogue and come back with their own group later. You can try to take back the island from the dinos and build a new society or escape by several methods (Boat, plane, military, etc.) with however many people you kept alive.
Hunter Law Yeah, but less primitive with the survivors' clothes. Most of them could have worked in the facility where the dinos originated and would only have their uniforms to wear after the disaster. They'd get worn and torn over time, becoming progressively unrecognizable, but can be repaired, customized or replaced by outfits you craft. You could also choose your character's worker class for unique perks (Scientist, Engineer, Programmer, Security, etc.) The central areas of the island, where the facility ruins are located, would be the most dangerous, inhabited by mutant dinos that the traditional species' fear. But, they would also have the best loot and possible means of contacting the outside. I've watched Ark btw, BADA$$! The world looks highly varied (though the graphics and physics could use work), and the character creator looks awesome.
DId I ever tell you what Ubisoft's definition of insanity is? It's releasing the same fucking game, over and over and over again, and customers expecting shit to change. That is crazy. But the first time somebody told me that, I don't know, I thought they were bullshiting me, so boom, I shot him. The thing is, okay... he was right. And then I started to see it everywhere I looked. Everywhere I looked, all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, buying the exact same fucking thing, over and over and over and over and over again, thinking "This time, the game's gonna be different. No, no, no please. This time it's gonna be different." I am sorry. I don't like the way... you are reading my comment. Okay? You have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think I'm bullshiting you? Do you think I'm lying? Fuck you! Okay, fuck you! It's okay man. I'm gonna chill, hermano. I'm gonna chill. The thing is... Alright. The thing is... you knew this about Ubisoft already. And it's not like I am fucking crazy... It's okay. It's like water under the bridge. Did I ever tell you Ubisoft's definition of insanity?
Yup... no argue there. He's damned epic ...... ...... ...... The true bad guy, other games should learn. This is how you make someone evil and likeable in his way if that makes sense.
Hoyt's a bit more twisted than Vaas is, though he's still crooked in a 90 degree angle. Vaas only REALLY pissed me off when he stole my shit shortly before I killed him.
I know right?! If anything, I love this game for the few amazing moments that still cause me to feel when I hear the soundtrack. Vaas was my favorite character, so seeing joe mimic him in the beginning was both hilarious and irritating XD
Novian Seno Saden as a far cry fan I really like the gameplay of Far Cry 5 all the missions are fun The World Is Awesome prepper stash puzzles can be fun to do the co-op system is nice however I feel like the story in the story missions just sort of felt lacking to me. Like there was something missing maybe the villain just didn't really feel compelling enough to me the whole religious aspect kind of got a little drab to me overtime but when I wasn't thinking I was just shooting it was fun also one of my favorite aspects of the far cry games were the signature weapons and the signature weapons in this game pretty much don't affect stats whatsoever and they weren't really enhanced versions as much as they were just a version of the gun with a skin.
legoman42100 Same here Far Cry 3 has been my favorite game ever since I played it, I heard about Far Cry 4 and I don't know if the information is true or not but it is planned to have better combat, it's supposed to take place in the Himalayas, which in my opinion, I don't really like but you know true or not it's another Far Cry so it's gotta be amazing. The worst part is it's only supposed to be on Next Gen consoles and PC, so now I have to decide between a new computer or an Xbox One...screw it it's the Xbox One and from what I hear it's not worth it.
Game james I honestly liked your opinion up until the "FUCKING IDIOTS" you made some good points but that last addition gives enough reason for people to ignore your argument which you clearly put some thought into. After your second comment though nobody will take your opinion seriously on this comment again.
Well I personally liked the theme of far cry 3 better with the tropical drug cartel feeling as opposed to a oppressive dictator theme that 4 had even though in reality both the main villians practiced the same things. But just the way a games atmosphere can make someone feel could be enough for their reason to like it more. Me personally, I think that your right about 4 being the better game. I just hated the fact that in 3 you could literally clear the entire game of enemies which was upsetting because I didn't even have all my abilities unlocked once I beat it.
Game james Half Life, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Wolfenstien... are you saying all those games are bad because of the same reasons? Fuck off.
i thought the quick time events were pretty good on far cry 3 for this game and this game only i prefer a badass knife quick time event rather than giving the boss 100,000health. so he can eat my bullets like a fat guy eats cheeseburgers js
@ayaan bazaz those 3 games are also all 3rd person, not first. The graphical design philosophy is completely different. Compare FPS to FPS. How good looking is Destiny 2? Wolfenstein, prey, or CoD ww2. Their graphics on pc vs pc are not crazy ridiculously better. They're sort of better, but not by a crazy amount.
Taylor Sparks Ehm Ehm, the story? Im sorry but the story was just bland, it tried so hard to be far cry 3. The gameplay is better tho, like a cranked up version of fc3. In my opinion far cry 3 is better.
This game is an absolute blast, very well done. The world is fun to explore and the atmosphere and immersion level is off the charts. They perfectly created a tropical island with pirates, wild animals, and locals. It feels about half like an RPG.
I have it on PS3 and PC and have to say the experience is twice as satisfying on PC. I don't know why people hate this game so much, I really think it's up there and for the price you really get what you pay for plus more
I never said 100% the game I mean you unlock all your skills so replayablility is cut down on top of the fact like joe mentioned the extremely pointless skills you get in the trees on top of that.
The wildlife is really great in how it can work for you or against you, it's super frustrating when you're about to stealth a camp and some tiger comes out of nowhere and disrupts everything but it is also funny to watch a camp you were about to take out be completely destroyed by one tiger
This game was beyond great, but I was actually disappointed in the fact that Vaas wasn't even the main villain. It seemed like he was because all the hype and videos shown before it's launch. For me the fact that he died so early within the game kind of ruined it for me, but it's still a great game though.
AdmireTheMoustache True true, Hoyt should have been the side villain that dies earlier and Vaas should have been the main, elusive, annoying villain that you REALLY want to kill in the end with an epic battle instead of a QTE. Or maybe they should not have killed Vaas in this game that way there could have been a sequel.
Its surprising how this game contains far more content than most triple A games released nowadays. Not only do you get a stellar single player experience with great gunplay, graphics that hold up even today, nice minigames, great use of stealth and so on but there's also a co op story, map editor and a multiplayer that surprisingly doesn't suck. And none of this was released as updates or DLC, you paid $60 and you got all of this from release. Too bad most triple A games would rather cut down on content and overall quality (I'm looking at you Star Wars Battlefront).
I think that Far Cry 3 can't be called Skyrim with guns. They have nothing in common. It can be called Assassin's Creed with guns, because it has drop killing (air assassination), it has stealth mechanics (which doesn't appear in Skyrim) similar to those in AC, Assassin's Creed 3/4 and Far Cry 3 use the same engine (Anvil Next-Gen), there is even AC easter egg in FC3 and the most important they are created by the same gaming company- Ubisoft. So in my opinion calling FC3 "Skyrim with guns" is inaccurate. By the way great review Joe. This review motivated me to play FC3 and I really enjoyed it. You are the best.
Far Cry 3 is literally perfect in my eyes. Awesome campaign, co-op was fun, map editor was neat, I really liked multiplayer and fucking Blood Dragon was a thick layer of icing on the cake.
My Primary strategy for taking over outposts is to go to a hill and silently shoot down the snipers and the isolated pirates one by one using a Sniper Rifle with a silencer attached. My secondary is to drive a C4-loaded car towards the outpost and jump off it before I blow it up, killing 50% of the guards in the process. This = the best method I've used. =D
my main strategy for outposts is to set c4 charges on the far side of the outpost then detonate them making the goons charge out looking for me. Then I sneak in and disable the alarms.
The A-Trane I agree the multiplayer was disappointing but that's not what I was anticipating anyway. I honestly didn't know it had a multiplayer till after I bought it haha
I’m watching this in 2017 and I can’t help wondering.... what happened to gaming? I mean this game came out in 2012 and it was complete, not buggy, it had an engaging story, one of the most iconic villain aka Vaas, fun great gameplay, so much things to do that are interesting and not just fetch quests. But most importantly NO fucking microtransactions. 5 years later here we are. Only 5 years and AAA games publishers are more interested about loot boxes than anything. Seriously, what the fuck happened?
only some game publishers are interested in loot boxes, and far cry 5 has an excellent story, like-able characters and great gameplay (aside from the glitches)
Even though far cry 4 has some fancy nvidia tech that makes it look amazing, i have jet to finish half of that game, but i have completed far cry 3 twice, the characters and and story are so much better
+Corvo Attano twice? really? i played the game one and a half times, the second time through i stopped playing after you kill Vaas, i think if they put that at the end of the game it would of been better, i actually thought the game was over after the Vaas died, but they were like hey no there is still a shit ton to do and you have to kill this drug dealer guy you dont really care about, but hey thats just my opinion
+Corvo Attano See THIS FAR CRY 4 LOVERS?!?! This is a Dishonered fan, the most STRICT video game players of taste of all time, and even THEY know Far Cry 3 is a SHIIIIT ton better then Far Cry 4. Gameplay does not mean ANYTHING without a good damn storyline. Far Cry 3 is better, and every thing people bitch about, is actually an improvement for character development, which Far Cry 4 has NOTHING of. Fuck the forth game, I'm sticking with 3.
after playing Far Cry 4, i still think Far Cry 3 was the best Far Cry game out of the series due to the fact that i think the Tropical jungle theme in FC3 is better than the Himalayas theme in FC4 (i've played every Far Cry besides the first one)
I actually like the Himalayas a lot more. My gaming computer is pretty old though, so I could only run this on medium with some settings on high and I couldn't enjoy the sights as much, but I never really cared all that much about graphics. Far Cry 4 on low would have been more than enough for me, as long as the gameplay doesn't change.
Has anyone gone to fire the flamethrower, only to realise they're behind a line of tall grass and then burned themselves by accident then feel like a massive idiot afterward
TECHNICALLY, it's Infinity Ward and Treyarch. Activision just does the publishing. But, either way, ripping off some of Ubisoft's ideas would be good for them. Ubisoft however, could rip off CoD's aiming controls. Whether you like those games or not, CoD's turn speed gradient is basically the best in the industry. FC3's is too steep and caps out well before full stick defection.
EternalDahaka Treyarch is okey but new Infinity ward is shit and lazy to make something new. (old Infinity Ward was better and they know how to make really good CoD,, now they are making Titan Fall)
Charlie Arbuckle Gameplay* You meant gameplay. Far Cry 4 had better graphics, but Far Cry 3 had a better environment setting, storyline, pacing, and characters. Far Cry 4 is for graphic whores who like tedious boring missions, Far Cry 3 is for people who loves gameplay and fun.
16:30 To be fair, it did ask you if you wanted to continue the mission or go back. It warned you that it wouldn't let you leave the area once you started the final mission
So it in Asia? But the locals and the natives look black or South-American. So is it South America? But it has letters from Japanese soldiers scattered all around. And there are no tigers in South-America. So it must be somewhere in the pacific? But the pacific has no ancient temples. So where is it?!
The letters from the Japanese men were from World War 2 and if the natives are black or look South-American it doesn't necessarily mean the natives would South-American.
Yes I know that the letters were from WW2, but Japan never reached South-America during WW2. And what are the natives supposed to be then, because they are definitely not Asian.
The Rook Islands are located in Southeast Asia, near where Thailand and Malaysia are. We know its near Thailand because the flashback sequences explain that Jason and friends vacationed in Bangkok when Doug convinces them to go skydiving. That explains the look of the natives, the wildlife, and its Japanese occupation (considering Thailand was taken over by Japan during WWII). However, this does not explain why Vaas, a native to the islands, has a Spanish accent.
I liked Far Cry 3 so much better than the 4th one, with FC3 I knew the entire objective of the game since the trailer, saving your friends. With FC4 I had to research it a bit to find out. Plus how Jason crosses over from this innocent kid to a guy who doesn't have a problem with stabbing you in the collarbone with a 2 foot machete was a great addition to the story, you could even say in the end he became one of the psychos he was trying to defeat. . Plus Vaas was such an amazing character, Micheal Mando's performance was just perfection. Along with Buck and Hoyt, with all their different types of psychotic ways. The characters in FC4 are just ehh so far. Plus this guy who just came to his native country, just strolls into a civil war and decides to tag along, like meh I've never killed anyone before but hey lets start now! But hey I haven't really played the 4th one too far into the story so far, i might be speaking too soon. Just my opinion.
Tyler Reeves yea but the occasional omg i just killed someone was a nice addition to the effect. I felt that way, i felt like Ajay just didn't give a shit and Jason was a pussy at first
Gothicscull234Gmail well see i have no solid information on whether he did or didn't, its just from what the story is giving me, thats what i make my inferences from, he's not really given the title of a guy who's killed before. But since in the story it tells a lot about his roots being revolution leaders, it could just be in his blood. good question
After I'd play this for a couple hours, my arms would sting like hell, from all the syringes, bullet-biting/digging out, bandaging, broken thumbs, hands, and arms. Seriously immersive.
What I really liked is the scenes in the cave when his friends talk about going home and all the player and Jason think about is to get out that cave and get back in to action
angry review? angry joe? This was anything BUT angry, he was calm the entire review, its like he calls himself angry joe just for the sake of calling myself angry joe, he`s not angry at all
If a game is good then why would he be angry ?.. He rages a lot if something really pissed him off in a game. Just cause he calls himself Angry Joe, doesn't mean he's angry all the time. Also, all game reviews of his are titled "Angry Review".. It's just a thing, it doesn't mean that he's angry about the game or the game is bad or anything.
This is one of the few games where I felt a need to finish everything... craft everything, capture all the bases, complete all assassinations and special hunting missions... That's why I loved it so much.
I loved the game, almost every aspect of it... The biggest let down was that Vas was killed way too early in the game in a extremely insignificant fashion, as if he was disposable. I lost all interest in the story after he died.
In fact, the story was barely any hook... I thought it was really stupid and felt most of the characters were irritating. Vaas was a hook, though, only character I liked.
This game, along with Skyrim and GTA SA are my favourites games ever. The freedom, the guns, music, story, character customization, those three games are just perfect to me. Far Cry 3 has the best villain though
Ya totally man why doesn't Vaas get tired of being pushed around I can imagine it now. Hoss:Vaas get out of my sight while I deal with Jason. Vaas:What the fuck did you say you chicken fuck.Hoss: I said get out of here before I remind you who is boss. Vaas:Vaas has no boss, Vaas is his own boss. And then vaas blows hoss's head off with a shotgun. That would be so cool and then your setting their tied up looking at Vaas. Vaas: Thats what I do to people who bullshit me. Jason have I have told you the definition of rage.
Thanks the only reason I forget his name is he is barely mentioned in the game at least until you get to him, and by the anyone. I haven't beat the game yet because im stuck on this stupid stealth mission. Its not that it is hard. It is a little hard but not real hard. I am stuck because I cant find the way I am supposed to go.
That would never work because Hoyt has an army of mercenaries who would never follow a drugged out insane pirate. Also, Vaas is insane and out of his mind on Drugs which he is addicted to. Also Vaas can't run a vast slave trading empire because of the above reasons. Hoyt is a business man, and the reason for all the bad guys being there. Vaas is awesome, but he is a tool, to be used by Hoyt. The game is perfect the way it is.
Liam Fiddes What if the privateers got pissed that Vaas killed hoyt so it would be privateers vs Vaas and the pirates vs you that sounds like it could be epic.
Just finished this game and i have to say, it was overrated. I picked up this game a few days ago because some dip shit on the internet said it was way better than skyrim, so i had to check it out myself. It was disappointing, it was an ok game but not near as great as skyrim is. Non of the characters were likable, yes, even that villain with the Mohawk.
Upon torching a dog with a flamethrower at 3:23 Jason: "This is awesome!" Cue thousands of PETA activists and sensitive animal lovers trying (and failing) to boycott this game.
It's not a copy paste....quit talking out of your ass. There is plenty of new stuff. Why do you call it copy, because similar gameplay and they reuse some gun models?
Hakan Karaağaç Same jungle. No it isn't Different setting and way better graphics with realistic looking vegetation than the pastal and fake looking greenery of FC 3. Also combat is more tighter and hit detection is much improved (especially with shot guns). Same jungle villain types? What does that even mean? Pagan Min and Yuna are nothing like Vaas and Hoyt. So by your logic every sequel is a copy and paste because lot of them have many things in common with old games like Borderlands 2, Fallout New Vegas, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country 2, Sonic 2, I doubt you even played the game. So really should educate yourself before making such assumptions.
AJ Singh same jungle with variations doesnt mean different setting, better graphics is mandatory and nothing that shoudl be creditted, years pass graphic tech evolves, just go with it. Maybe these are enough to fool dummies but not proper gaming expectations. Combat is much more thighter.. when your memory fails to recognize what happens when you gun your way into an enemy faction village in fc2 , its your fault not mine. By my logic every sequal is a copy paste+additional content or copy paste+additional content+left out content. Thats actualy a fact.. I love it when random people on the internet try to bash others with "education", usualy indicates the site of poorly educated people trying to bait their way into a new argument and pretending to be someone they arent in real life. But thats internet.
The best thing about this is, I've personally met with Michael Mando (Vaas) at a convention and what they say about the nicest people making the best villians is completely true. He even thought me shaking in excitement was kinda cute since I wasn't freaking out over him as I met him. Such a lovely guy. :)
Respect. This guy has worn the same clothes for 8 years.
xD !
MR. SMALLS the review came out in December 2012. So it is closer to 7 years than ten.
MR. SMALLS oh fine - simply a misunderstanding
Watching reveiws for games I finished years ago is one of my favorite activities in my pointless life
Hah same
more specifically AngryJoeShow reviews
big mood
This is just one of those games that everyone eventually needs to play in my opinion
I agree with you... I have been bugging someone to play it for over a year now and they still are being so stupid about it.
HE MUST PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick Brown
I KNOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!
Yes :D
I haven't played it
I'm 62, owned this game for 5 years and have played it 3 times. I play the online co-op for a little while almost every night during the lockdowns and haven't stopped. Addictive when you have a good team.
That’s awesome!!!
Online?! Nice
"What did you do when we were losing our rights?"
-Played farcry 3...
@@Gonken88 Government Lockdowns cost me my career, as our company could not do business. Can't sell anything when they wouldn't let truck drivers work, factories weren't allowed to produce, California wouldn't longshoremen unload freighters. Remember the miles and mile of ships? A lot of my product was on those ships. Anyway, didn't want to get political in my post. But, hey, vote conservative!!
@@gregpoltrock Yeah, exactly my point, and you sat at home playing farcry. Surprised you lost your shit?
I wish I could fucking erase my memory and experience this for the first time again
+Mrbeefy27 Me too...
Ohhhhhhh me too
omg mate thats exactly what i think, i love this game man
I want to do the same for skyrim
Yeah me too
Vaas made far cry 3 awesome
Very awesome and good
Nick Spoodermeme but imo FC4 isn't as good as FC3
Nick Spoodermeme yeah you can get it on Xbox 360 for just 20 bucks
Vratt 9111 and pagan min made far cry 4 the BEST
George Zouboulidis nah he didnt have the spark like Vaas did
remember when ubisoft used to make cool games
That's why the Xbox 360 and PS3 are awesome really good games
Far cry 4 was an awesome game too.Yeah it was a far cry 3 re-skin.And yes the story kinda sucked.But it was mindless fun and sometimes its the only thing that you need!Its only my opinion on this matter.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.......
now its just copy paste
I personally like Jason his transition between wimpy rich kid to hunter badass is very interesting
Zachary Lee You mean, from normal human to being Vaas Montenegro
I mean either way you get the idea
better than Ajay I don't heat Ajay but jason is much better portaginest and why everyone mentioned vass but no one mentioned jason
badreedine Djellali I found Ajay’s story a lot more compelling because it was a nice change of pace from the cliche of having a blast on an island with friends, gets kidnapped, rescue friends, kill the bad guys, and save the day. Ajay was a badass from the start with training but he was caught in a war in his country and had to take control of a group his family started which he had no knowledge about. He had to make tough choices that have consequences. You have more control over how the story goes and as you go, you learn more about Ajay. This is my opinion but I found Jason Brody’s arc badly written. He did develop but it was extremely rushed that it looked like he transformed from a rookie to Rambo overnight instead of gradually becoming a badass through practice, learning and experience.
Hate this game because it made every game i played seem shit after
imo it's the last good game by Ubisoft.
+brazwen what about Rayman
he's awesome
Mr. Brand New Show yer Rayman's amazing, especially Origins. Far Cry 3 and Origins prob in my top 3 of last generation!
knowledgeisthepower1 lol.
Myownnemesis rayman origins
In my opinion this game is so much better than far cry 4
personally i liked FC4 better there was more to do imo
same this is the best game ever
+Adrian Pier0 They're very similar but I like FC3s characters, animals, and environments better.
+Adrian Pier0 i enjoied far cry 3 more than the 4, even if the four have improvments over the 3, but i think the jungle( reminded of movies like rambo) and the novelty of the gamplay that was so enjoiable.
+Adrian Pier0 i agree.
watching reviews to games I've aready played
You are not alone
still a great game tho
I haven't had more fun in a open world game since GTA San Andreas
Meechy Merc Em GTA 5, Skyrim, Fallout, etc.
Michel Pigion how
IKR the most addictive game GTA SA the next is FC 3
That flamethrower mission reminds me of GTA San Andreas. But this game's version was better.
the music was the best in that mission xD
Hello Hugh
Your moms a terrible song.
Shashank Laur meh, San Andreas is a classic.. I think I'll still go for SA.
I never used the skill enhancing drugs
Same cannot be bothered
Well, I mean I've used them on rare occasions.
I used the hunters instinct a whole lot. And I liked the second medicinal one. Although it took twice as many ingredients, it gave me 4 extra bars of health AND heals you. Can't go wrong there. I just wished I coulda replaced the regular medkit with that one. Instead of having to press and arrow for that one instead of just holding Y like I had gotten used to.
I use the on where you can see the animals and the Pirates chase stealth
Nathan Pierce
I think in terms of passion for gaming and the art of an immersive experience, the last generation nailed it. In my opinion.
Gaming developed from an up an coming industry, into something special that generation. Now it's about re hashing and making the most $ from majority of the developers. Even the indies have decided to copy successful formulas to make a quick buck.
We have a few exceptions with the new generation of course but those days are gone. 😕
i agree. So far this gen doesnt have the best games when compared to thr last.
so we fappin or nah? Completely agree. We're gonna hit the next crash soon because it'll be a flooded market with devs taking advantage of the customer. The last generation took it as art; now it's taken as a business.
Nice nice profile pic
Games don't focus on the same immersively detailed worlds anymore. They just throw in tons of "content" like nonsense guns and skins into the biggest, soul-less map possible to keep the children happy. Rook Island wasn't massive but it was rich with detail and life. The memories I have of playing it for the first time aren't memories of a controller in my hand, they're memories of actually being in the jungle.
@so we fappin or nah? When Treyarch made playerchoices that affected the story in BO2.
Looking back at this game with where the franchise is now, I have to say that Jason was honestly an excellent character. He actually talked, we got to see what he fucking looked like, he had a transition that was noticeable, understandable, and from what I remember and loved, tied to your progress and events that have occurred. I would have rather had Jason than the shitty “customization” options games like FC5 had to offer.
They have to have female character option. Otherwise sjw community goes boom.
@@Gonken88 gotta give them credit though for trying to find a middle ground instead of telling one side of the audience to get fucked like most would but still I say if you want the player to create the character then don't do it in first person game "oh you can create your own character that you'll never see in game play" well what the fuck is the point of that?
@@reeceburns8077 How is having a male protagonist telling one side of the audience to get fucked? We all know that if Jason was a girl, the story would revolve around different sex acts he'd, she'd, have to perform on her new masters. This whole "strong woman" bs is a feminist utopia that is as real as rainbow-farting unicorns. No-one deserves credit for giving into that nonsense, only the people boycotting it.
ubisoft reach his limit with this game then it all went downhill
Mostly, yes, but there are some exceptions like Rainbow Six Siege.
Yeh 😪
Rainbow six siege is good
One the first Ubisoft games i played so yeah all the Ubisoft games would be like this
You took my words true tho shame
One of the best video games i have played
For me as well.
+Razvan Musat Roman :p .
+Tuomas Sallinen I know right! I've completed it 3 times on my Xbox.
+Tuomas Sallinen should probably play more games then just far cry and candy crush, this game was atrocious
+Mubbeleeto lol i have 98 games on my psn account and 2231 trophies yeah i only play far cry
"Have you heard the definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting shit to change. That's crazy."
This quote actually reminds me of something, *COUGH* *COUGH* Call of Duty *COUGH*
I don't think that works. They expect the same thing to happen each time, people buy it even though its the same thing. So its the people that buy CoD expecting things to be different this time that are insane.
Vas is para-phrashing Einstein when he says that. :l It directly is aimed towards how Einstein was a math genius, and doing the same calculation over and over again expecting different results is crazy, hence, why do you think you can do the same with anything else and it is viable to not be insanity?
Muffin, you might wanna get that cough looked at.
Get the fuck outta here with your call of duty bullshit. vas is so unique that comparing him to anything relative to call of duty is a fucking joke
johnathon hardman I guess you didn't get the joke
The weed scene is memorable as fuckkk. Cm' on. Shout out to Damian Marley for the awesome song.
Luis Prieto-Perry 420 blaze it
good shit!
I had to do it without a flamethrower .. did I miss something haha ... Still was a real blast without it.. loved the music too!
If Blood Dragon had come out at the time and was included in the review, I bet Joe would have given the full on 10/10. That expansion was like Far Cry 3 entirely on acid :)
On the Farcry developer website, they had a survey of what the next Farcry game should be. Almost everyone said Dinosaurs or a Blood Dragon 2. I'm more than happy with either one.
Hunter Law Far Cry 4 in a Jurassic Park-like setting, with tons of various dinos running wild and human survivors fighting each other to stay alive. It would have survival horror stealth elements in how you have to avoid tougher dinos until you gain enough skills later to challenge them. You can approach situations however you want, negotiate through trouble or kill everything on sight. Dialogue and RPG options would be similar to Skyrim, Mass Effect, and The Walking Dead, where almost any scenario can end peacefully or in blood. You can recruit others to join you, but your choices will affect the team. If certain characters die, allies may hate you, leave you, fight you, or go rogue and come back with their own group later. You can try to take back the island from the dinos and build a new society or escape by several methods (Boat, plane, military, etc.) with however many people you kept alive.
Keith Harris Sort of like Ark but Farcry (Way better :D)
Hunter Law Yeah, but less primitive with the survivors' clothes. Most of them could have worked in the facility where the dinos originated and would only have their uniforms to wear after the disaster. They'd get worn and torn over time, becoming progressively unrecognizable, but can be repaired, customized or replaced by outfits you craft. You could also choose your character's worker class for unique perks (Scientist, Engineer, Programmer, Security, etc.) The central areas of the island, where the facility ruins are located, would be the most dangerous, inhabited by mutant dinos that the traditional species' fear. But, they would also have the best loot and possible means of contacting the outside. I've watched Ark btw, BADA$$! The world looks highly varied (though the graphics and physics could use work), and the character creator looks awesome.
Keith Harris talking of acid i think joe was high on this video
DId I ever tell you what Ubisoft's definition of insanity is? It's releasing the same fucking game, over and over and over again, and customers expecting shit to change. That is crazy.
But the first time somebody told me that, I don't know, I thought they were bullshiting me, so boom, I shot him. The thing is, okay... he was right. And then I started to see it everywhere I looked. Everywhere I looked, all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, buying the exact same fucking thing, over and over and over and over and over again, thinking "This time, the game's gonna be different. No, no, no please. This time it's gonna be different."
I am sorry. I don't like the way... you are reading my comment. Okay? You have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think I'm bullshiting you? Do you think I'm lying? Fuck you! Okay, fuck you!
It's okay man. I'm gonna chill, hermano. I'm gonna chill. The thing is... Alright. The thing is... you knew this about Ubisoft already. And it's not like I am fucking crazy... It's okay. It's like water under the bridge.
Did I ever tell you Ubisoft's definition of insanity?
+Marius Urucu Fuck I read that in Vaas' voice!!!
+Marius Urucu You're amazing.
+Rollin' same
Wow.... Just.... jesus..... you just fucking owned ubisoft.
Assasins Creed?
I played far cry 3 like 4 times now and i just can't get enough
Oh I see what you did there ;)
Paulius Petniunas I completely FC3 3 times, I haven't even finished FC4 once, I've done about 80% of the story, but don't care.
u know that what he means with "I just can't get enough" is because of the drugs right? (I think)
Angus Young *completed
Oops Oh well.
2020 and Vaas is still one of the best bad guys ever
Nailed it
I miss the golden game ages now it seems like every single game is half baked
Yup... no argue there. He's damned epic ...... ...... ...... The true bad guy, other games should learn. This is how you make someone evil and likeable in his way if that makes sense.
Willz828 just cause 3 villain is better imo
@@El_Sueno591 hell yeah. He to is up there with a sick ass bad persona that the gamer world needs more of. I don't wanna choose... too hard...
Vaas = Best Villian of ALL TIME
Harambe = My Nigga R.I.P.
+Nothing Matters my will to live = just as gone as my dad.
Hoyt's a bit more twisted than Vaas is, though he's still crooked in a 90 degree angle. Vaas only REALLY pissed me off when he stole my shit shortly before I killed him.
+Sami Twal IKR and he has the best voice of a villain too.
Crystalism nope, vaas takes the cup on this one
Holy shit that song brings back so many fucking emotions.
I know right?! If anything, I love this game for the few amazing moments that still cause me to feel when I hear the soundtrack. Vaas was my favorite character, so seeing joe mimic him in the beginning was both hilarious and irritating XD
what song?
***** The song at the beginning (Vaas fight song).
you gonna cry?
aaron bair why you gotta be like that?
This needs a remaster.
No, it doesnt. Just play it on a PC.
I will when I get a gaming PC in a year.
It's not even that old and the graphics are still good. It needs a port to current gen.
You know, people were complaining about remastering games from the previous generation including me, but fuck it. We need that.
Played through this game four times. Never got tired of the story, nor that amazing theme song by Brian Tyler. Well played Ubisoft, well played.
Vas had an awesome performance in this game. He was a natural. This whole game was awesome.
Who cares? Jesus christ
everyone... it makes a difference
Dusan Merdzanovski Yeah no, not everyone.
Few days after far cry 5 release...why producers didn't listen Vaas definition of insanity...
jason: (burns dog) holy fuck this is awesome
me: wtf jason
The fact I can finally have hot dogs makes this 10/10 greatest 1st person shooter ever
ikr XD
The rock Show it was a joke idiot
Come on Joe, still no Far Cry 5 review?
Its not worth buying at full price imo
WH250398 its an awesome game !
Novian Seno Saden
Good for you. Great that you enjoy it.
Novian Seno Saden as a far cry fan I really like the gameplay of Far Cry 5 all the missions are fun The World Is Awesome prepper stash puzzles can be fun to do the co-op system is nice however I feel like the story in the story missions just sort of felt lacking to me. Like there was something missing maybe the villain just didn't really feel compelling enough to me the whole religious aspect kind of got a little drab to me overtime but when I wasn't thinking I was just shooting it was fun also one of my favorite aspects of the far cry games were the signature weapons and the signature weapons in this game pretty much don't affect stats whatsoever and they weren't really enhanced versions as much as they were just a version of the gun with a skin.
Michael Wigdor
Oh so you enjoyed having to find those damn fueltrucks that never spawned ever?
I actually liked this game better than GTA5.
inb4 community ban
Thank you! Finally their's someone else!
MrTeh Merc me here Far Cry 3 is my favorite game to date and i hope in 2015 Far Cry 4 is better
legoman42100 Same here Far Cry 3 has been my favorite game ever since I played it, I heard about Far Cry 4 and I don't know if the information is true or not but it is planned to have better combat, it's supposed to take place in the Himalayas, which in my opinion, I don't really like but you know true or not it's another Far Cry so it's gotta be amazing. The worst part is it's only supposed to be on Next Gen consoles and PC, so now I have to decide between a new computer or an Xbox One...screw it it's the Xbox One and from what I hear it's not worth it.
legoman42100 blasphemy
This is one of the best games of all time
I think Far cry 3 is the best one
A moron who ha nothing better to do but insult other people's opinions who don't give a fuck what a stranger says.good job
Game james I honestly liked your opinion up until the "FUCKING IDIOTS" you made some good points but that last addition gives enough reason for people to ignore your argument which you clearly put some thought into.
After your second comment though nobody will take your opinion seriously on this comment again.
Well I personally liked the theme of far cry 3 better with the tropical drug cartel feeling as opposed to a oppressive dictator theme that 4 had even though in reality both the main villians practiced the same things. But just the way a games atmosphere can make someone feel could be enough for their reason to like it more.
Me personally, I think that your right about 4 being the better game. I just hated the fact that in 3 you could literally clear the entire game of enemies which was upsetting because I didn't even have all my abilities unlocked once I beat it.
Game james Half Life, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Wolfenstien... are you saying all those games are bad because of the same reasons? Fuck off.
Game james
Good job, you can't even spell the word "Retarded"
The torching of the weed fields was one of the best "levels" in a game I've played. Everything from the music to structure was exhilarating.
i thought the quick time events were pretty good on far cry 3 for this game and this game only i prefer a badass knife quick time event rather than giving the boss 100,000health. so he can eat my bullets like a fat guy eats cheeseburgers js
ikr this game is the best
They could have added a knife duel system that is not a quicktime event
The games graphics still pretty much hold up to this day
@ayaan bazaz the comment was made 3 years ago, and 3 years ago it did hold up.
@ayaan bazaz those 3 games are also all 3rd person, not first. The graphical design philosophy is completely different. Compare FPS to FPS. How good looking is Destiny 2? Wolfenstein, prey, or CoD ww2.
Their graphics on pc vs pc are not crazy ridiculously better. They're sort of better, but not by a crazy amount.
ayaan bazaz on a pc with ultra graphics and a Redux mod far cry 3 still looks better than all those games considering how underpowered a PS4 was
@@Guyver2391 L
@@AliBazz not really kid sorry your feelings are hurt
That intro was fabulous!!! XD
+Nathan McCarthy it Was Awesome :D
+Nathan McCarthy vaas joe lol
Quality intro :)
+Nathan McCarthy Agree
What's the music?
Dude I just realized Vaas is actor who plays Nacho in better call soul..
Better call SOUL 😂
Was it even out back then
Also Breaking bad
@@KpS4all better get a soul!
@@roninnib6635 No, during 2012, breaking bad was wrapping up it’s final season
i like this game, it's a nice fucking game!
I like this comment it's a nice fucking comment
+Rita Mae nice respond it's a nice fucking respond
fuck yeah it's a nice fucking game
I like this reply section, it’s a nice fucking reply section!
@@Romanattor I like to read your comments on my phone, it's a nice fucking phone (well someone had to reset this shit).
Best FPS I've ever played.
As a person once said: "Farcry is like Skyrim with guns." A very good compliment.
+Bismo Funyuns Didn't they say that about the fallout series too?
Yeah sense when was skyrim on an island were u try to find and rescue your friend any killing people
This is the best game I have ever played. :)
It really is tho
IKR :)
I completely agree they kinda fucked up 4 and primal
+Mrbeefy27 How did they kinda fuck up far cry 4? because they kept it similar? Cause it's pretty obvious what you'd expect from a "sequel"
Taylor Sparks
Ehm Ehm, the story?
Im sorry but the story was just bland, it tried so hard to be far cry 3. The gameplay is better tho, like a cranked up version of fc3. In my opinion far cry 3 is better.
best villians in far cry
1. vaas
2. pagan
3. jack
I think the seed family was pretty good
Who’s jack?
Vass is my #1 villian and one of the best charecters ever
IKR I wish they didn’t waste him halfway through the game
Skyrim with guns? Wouldn't that be Fallout?
That is what I thought.
Matthew Keith i was thinking the exact same thing lolz
Is Vaas the same guy who is in better call Saul? Because it sure looks like him and he's astounding in that too
yes, his name is Michael mando
+Matthew Almond Yea Michael Mando
lol cool :D
This game is an absolute blast, very well done. The world is fun to explore and the atmosphere and immersion level is off the charts. They perfectly created a tropical island with pirates, wild animals, and locals. It feels about half like an RPG.
Know what? Im just gonna say it. I hate swearing so this is pretty serious. Far cry 3 is FUCKING AWESOME!!!
And it'll be a miricle if Far cry 4 gets anywhere close to being this good.
I agree. That's all i have to say
Vernon682 It makes me worry that they are going to try and make a character to top Vaas since Vaas was such an important part to farcry 3
Look It's trying to communicate. (Your attempt at an insult was worse than your L.A teacher trying to teach you.)
Vernon682 We better get a feral DLC or something like that. I miss running through the Jungle and ripping guys to shreds.
Best game last generation fuck who says otherwise. Bring on far cry 4 can't wait
the Last of us
GTA 5 and Red dead Redemption
Maximilian Stepien it's a personal choice I suppose but no it was still far cry3 for me I loved it to bits.
Maximilian Stepien well the last of us is more like film linear its good game but i like more open world games like far cry 3
I just hope it doesn't turn out over-the-top like the saints row series, what's with the sky bikes and stuff..
Burning a weed farm, listening to dubstep and getting the drug effects from said burning weed farm? That's what I call a good mission!
The flamethrower part gives me such a rush every time. Then again, a lot of scenes did that.. The story was so emotional sometimes.
The definition of insanity is Call of duty
and everywhere i look all these people are playing call of duty...over and over and over again, thinking its the best fps game of all time.
Yes another name for it is the completionist virus where everyone in cod wants every camo, every skin and every gosh DARN potato...:P
or arma 3 cod is for kids
you mean it's online servers.
you blow my mind
Call Of Duty
Activision doing the same fucking thing over and over again expecting shit to change
I have it on PS3 and PC and have to say the experience is twice as satisfying on PC. I don't know why people hate this game so much, I really think it's up there and for the price you really get what you pay for plus more
How the hell can people hate this game? There is so much to do.
the ending(s) were pretty god awful and you unlock EVERYTHING in 1 play through so playing it twice is about all you can get out of it.
sublimekid247 Since when is being able to 100% the game without starting over a flaw?
I never said 100% the game I mean you unlock all your skills so replayablility is cut down on top of the fact like joe mentioned the extremely pointless skills you get in the trees on top of that.
I see what you mean, that makes more sense.
Nothing beats scoping out a base and marking all of the enemies, only to have a tiger come in and slaughter all of the enemies by itself.
The wildlife is really great in how it can work for you or against you, it's super frustrating when you're about to stealth a camp and some tiger comes out of nowhere and disrupts everything but it is also funny to watch a camp you were about to take out be completely destroyed by one tiger
This game was beyond great, but I was actually disappointed in the fact that Vaas wasn't even the main villain. It seemed like he was because all the hype and videos shown before it's launch. For me the fact that he died so early within the game kind of ruined it for me, but it's still a great game though.
hoyt was badass too
Oh yeah of course.
AdmireTheMoustache True true, Hoyt should have been the side villain that dies earlier and Vaas should have been the main, elusive, annoying villain that you REALLY want to kill in the end with an epic battle instead of a QTE. Or maybe they should not have killed Vaas in this game that way there could have been a sequel.
Jeez dude Spoiler tag that shit I just started playing this and you just ruined that for me.
Dan Winnick It's not smart to read comments about a game you have not beaten yet. Common sense.
I know I'm very late but should I buy this game now?
I bought this game in 2016. I enjoyed it a lot! Please do!
I bought it yesterday and yeah Its awesome
Yh best fc yet
Buy it but it's gonna leave you soul dead when you end it. Still worth it.
I came from 2019 to say that this is still the best Farcry.
Yes . 2nd best is FC 5 .
3 and 5 are my favorites
I came frome 2020 to agree
Im from 2020 and it is still the best :)
No its not
@@JohnDee633 For me :)
2012 was the best year for games
I think 2004.
@@fightingforce8498 absolubtely, 2004.
My real name is Forrest. First time I played I genuinely got a little afraid when Vaas yelled "Run Forrest, run!"
Its surprising how this game contains far more content than most triple A games released nowadays. Not only do you get a stellar single player experience with great gunplay, graphics that hold up even today, nice minigames, great use of stealth and so on but there's also a co op story, map editor and a multiplayer that surprisingly doesn't suck. And none of this was released as updates or DLC, you paid $60 and you got all of this from release.
Too bad most triple A games would rather cut down on content and overall quality (I'm looking at you Star Wars Battlefront).
I think that Far Cry 3 can't be called Skyrim with guns. They have nothing in common. It can be called Assassin's Creed with guns, because it has drop killing (air assassination), it has stealth mechanics (which doesn't appear in Skyrim) similar to those in AC, Assassin's Creed 3/4 and Far Cry 3 use the same engine (Anvil Next-Gen), there is even AC easter egg in FC3 and the most important they are created by the same gaming company- Ubisoft. So in my opinion calling FC3 "Skyrim with guns" is inaccurate. By the way great review Joe. This review motivated me to play FC3 and I really enjoyed it. You are the best.
Thought it used the Dunia engine. But still i love Farcry I love 1,2 and three all fucking beast!
wouldn't Fallout 3 just be Skyrim with guns (to an extent)?
Yes Fallout 3 can be called Skyrim with guns
raichr1 Especially considering they had the same dev and game engine... lmao
Skyrim does have stealth mechanics, even if they're really shitty.
Far Cry 3 is literally perfect in my eyes. Awesome campaign, co-op was fun, map editor was neat, I really liked multiplayer and fucking Blood Dragon was a thick layer of icing on the cake.
My Primary strategy for taking over outposts is to go to a hill and silently shoot down the snipers and the isolated pirates one by one using a Sniper Rifle with a silencer attached.
My secondary is to drive a C4-loaded car towards the outpost and jump off it before I blow it up, killing 50% of the guards in the process. This = the best method I've used. =D
+Mohammed Zaid Hah.. I took over a outpost with one RPG Rocket
LOL. How? One rocket can only kill 2 pirates tops for me.
Mohammed Zaid
Lucky shot I would say
Hehe ;)
my main strategy for outposts is to set c4 charges on the far side of the outpost then detonate them making the goons charge out looking for me. Then I sneak in and disable the alarms.
I miss this Ubisoft:(
Crytek's better.
@@goldcraft1337 you mean far cry 1?
honestly one of my favorite games of all time
***** My true qualm is the multiplayer. My firends and I thought it could be a freeroam like the singleplayer, but it is a static track.
The A-Trane I agree the multiplayer was disappointing but that's not what I was anticipating anyway. I honestly didn't know it had a multiplayer till after I bought it haha
AJ Mastersteez me neither, but PC really is lacking a good multiplayer freeroam.
It's not portal 1 good but it's good :3
I’m watching this in 2017 and I can’t help wondering.... what happened to gaming?
I mean this game came out in 2012 and it was complete, not buggy, it had an engaging story, one of the most iconic villain aka Vaas, fun great gameplay, so much things to do that are interesting and not just fetch quests. But most importantly NO fucking microtransactions.
5 years later here we are. Only 5 years and AAA games publishers are more interested about loot boxes than anything.
Seriously, what the fuck happened?
only some game publishers are interested in loot boxes, and far cry 5 has an excellent story, like-able characters and great gameplay (aside from the glitches)
A Tusken Raider
What glitches? I played it through the month it came out and experienced JUST 1 glitch
ps. the glitch was when I fell through the floor
@@Danebrass12 bit of a late reply but i had a couple of encounters with glitches like flying in cars and getting instantly killed by enemies.
A Tusken Raider fair enough. I haven't played the game in months so I can't remember if I encountered any others
I really want far cry 3 on xbox one either as a new version or backwards compatible
You're cancer
+Frank Horrigan it was a joke
+Frank Horrigan how lol
+Matthew Kyle I have an Xbox one
+Matthew Kyle okay
Still better than Far cry 4 and Primal
Far Cry Primal is good, but it makes me think of Minecraft
aaaand 5 :(
@@WH250398 why 5? I think you should play 3 again.
@@towsif_8_128 3 is a way better game than 5 in my opinion. 5 was the game that completely killed all my interest in the series.
WH250398 damn bitch, all you do is hate on 5 lmao. I just got it and love it
Michael Mando played his role so effortlessly. Vaas is the best villian I ever seen in a video game.
imo after 5 years its still the best open world shooter .
Andrewf5251 Debatable. Idk not very good cover mechanics.
CodPatrol Les Grossman dosent need them
@@CodPatrol Lmao imagine complaining about cover mechanics xD cover shooters suck ass, less time shooting more time hiding in cover...
wow angry Joe use to be way skinner in 2008 because that's when far cry 2 was released
@@jacobely6826 but stealth is a huge part of farcry, and good cover mechanics is a huge part of stealth
Even though far cry 4 has some fancy nvidia tech that makes it look amazing, i have jet to finish half of that game, but i have completed far cry 3 twice, the characters and and story are so much better
Corvo Attano Hey Corvo :3
I guess you both like an annoying, whiny bitch protagonist.
+Corvo Attano twice? really? i played the game one and a half times, the second time through i stopped playing after you kill Vaas, i think if they put that at the end of the game it would of been better, i actually thought the game was over after the Vaas died, but they were like hey no there is still a shit ton to do and you have to kill this drug dealer guy you dont really care about, but hey thats just my opinion
+Dascalu “Uboatfreak” Alexandru better than having a protagonist with absolutely no personality.
+Corvo Attano See THIS FAR CRY 4 LOVERS?!?! This is a Dishonered fan, the most STRICT video game players of taste of all time, and even THEY know Far Cry 3 is a SHIIIIT ton better then Far Cry 4. Gameplay does not mean ANYTHING without a good damn storyline.
Far Cry 3 is better, and every thing people bitch about, is actually an improvement for character development, which Far Cry 4 has NOTHING of. Fuck the forth game, I'm sticking with 3.
Didn't mention uplay...
bestFreemaneva What's wrong with Uplay?
mordorimzrobimy EVERYTHING
bestFreemaneva Better than Origin
mordorimzrobimy Nothing, those who don't like it are just anti-ubisoft idiots
after playing Far Cry 4, i still think Far Cry 3 was the best Far Cry game out of the series due to the fact that i think the Tropical jungle theme in FC3 is better than the Himalayas theme in FC4 (i've played every Far Cry besides the first one)
Ur right
2 is better
ectofrost what r u talkin' 'bout? 2 sucked arse
I actually like the Himalayas a lot more. My gaming computer is pretty old though, so I could only run this on medium with some settings on high and I couldn't enjoy the sights as much, but I never really cared all that much about graphics. Far Cry 4 on low would have been more than enough for me, as long as the gameplay doesn't change.
gurkan yalcin
I pretend Far Cry 2 never existed. Far Cry 1 and 3 are the masters here. 2 and 4 can eat realist donkey shit.
Best Review video, keep coming back after years man
Has anyone gone to fire the flamethrower, only to realise they're behind a line of tall grass and then burned themselves by accident then feel like a massive idiot afterward
Finally, a FarCry game with an awesome story. The main villain is right up there with the Joker from Batman.
too bad he only lasted half the game. can you still call that the main villain? it's disappointing
dxtwo i wanted as vass the main villain but no :c
im just putting this out there but what if vaas wasn't dead I think maybe just maybe he is not dead
chriss22341 Yeah, b/c when you killed him, you were kinda, tripping balls.
86Fallowcp Yeah I mean he's in the cover of the game! And yet he's only there for half of it and such an anticlimactic death too...
I miss this old Joe, who used to curse and do silly acts
he's the same, shut up stupid kid
XGamingStormX are 5, you talk like a 5 year old
Wow, as if English defines age
Kabir Manrai watch dc superheroe mibile game or something like that :D
seen, he is back
I loved when the german dude yelled: BLITZKRIEG!!! best scene ever!
rip belgium
What happened to Belgium?
@@unclebob1478 blitzkrieg happened to belgium
Big up Sam
BEST GAME OF 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Activision (call of duty) can learn something from Ubisoft
Especially online.
TECHNICALLY, it's Infinity Ward and Treyarch. Activision just does the publishing. But, either way, ripping off some of Ubisoft's ideas would be good for them.
Ubisoft however, could rip off CoD's aiming controls. Whether you like those games or not, CoD's turn speed gradient is basically the best in the industry. FC3's is too steep and caps out well before full stick defection.
EternalDahaka Treyarch is okey but new Infinity ward is shit and lazy to make something new. (old Infinity Ward was better and they know how to make really good CoD,, now they are making Titan Fall)
Far cry 3 taught me how to play poker lol
I learned how to play poker in Red Dead Redemption.
im playing far cry 3 and im learning poker currently
i learned in gun
did u accidently stab someone in the neck?
Keep in mind this is my opinion, but just incase *puts on a military approved helmet*
Far Cry 3>Far Cry 4
Personally I like far cry 4 more but I agree FC3 had much much nicer graphics
Charlie Arbuckle Gameplay* You meant gameplay. Far Cry 4 had better graphics, but Far Cry 3 had a better environment setting, storyline, pacing, and characters.
Far Cry 4 is for graphic whores who like tedious boring missions, Far Cry 3 is for people who loves gameplay and fun.
Game james No-one fucking cares, Far Cry 3 is better in our opinion, deal with it.
Game james You can't change anyones opinion, so fuck off
Game james Because people care *sooo much* about one guy's opinion. (sarcasm)
16:30 To be fair, it did ask you if you wanted to continue the mission or go back. It warned you that it wouldn't let you leave the area once you started the final mission
So it in Asia?
But the locals and the natives look black or South-American.
So is it South America?
But it has letters from Japanese soldiers scattered all around. And there are no tigers in South-America.
So it must be somewhere in the pacific?
But the pacific has no ancient temples.
So where is it?!
The letters from the Japanese men were from World War 2 and if the natives are black or look South-American it doesn't necessarily mean the natives would South-American.
Yes I know that the letters were from WW2, but Japan never reached South-America during WW2. And what are the natives supposed to be then, because they are definitely not Asian.
But it never said that Far Cry 3 took place in South-America so it can't be there
I know it can't be there. It can't be none of the places I mentioned.
The Rook Islands are located in Southeast Asia, near where Thailand and Malaysia are. We know its near Thailand because the flashback sequences explain that Jason and friends vacationed in Bangkok when Doug convinces them to go skydiving. That explains the look of the natives, the wildlife, and its Japanese occupation (considering Thailand was taken over by Japan during WWII). However, this does not explain why Vaas, a native to the islands, has a Spanish accent.
I liked Far Cry 3 so much better than the 4th one, with FC3 I knew the entire objective of the game since the trailer, saving your friends. With FC4 I had to research it a bit to find out. Plus how Jason crosses over from this innocent kid to a guy who doesn't have a problem with stabbing you in the collarbone with a 2 foot machete was a great addition to the story, you could even say in the end he became one of the psychos he was trying to defeat. . Plus Vaas was such an amazing character, Micheal Mando's performance was just perfection. Along with Buck and Hoyt, with all their different types of psychotic ways. The characters in FC4 are just ehh so far. Plus this guy who just came to his native country, just strolls into a civil war and decides to tag along, like meh I've never killed anyone before but hey lets start now! But hey I haven't really played the 4th one too far into the story so far, i might be speaking too soon. Just my opinion.
I also think FC3 is much better.
Jason is a quick transition. Just like Ajay. Jason has no problem stabbing people the minute you are allowed to kill people.
Tyler Reeves yea but the occasional omg i just killed someone was a nice addition to the effect. I felt that way, i felt like Ajay just didn't give a shit and Jason was a pussy at first
you know Ajay never killed anybody before... how?
Gothicscull234Gmail well see i have no solid information on whether he did or didn't, its just from what the story is giving me, thats what i make my inferences from, he's not really given the title of a guy who's killed before. But since in the story it tells a lot about his roots being revolution leaders, it could just be in his blood. good question
After I'd play this for a couple hours, my arms would sting like hell, from all the syringes, bullet-biting/digging out, bandaging, broken thumbs, hands, and arms. Seriously immersive.
What I really liked is the scenes in the cave when his friends talk about going home and all the player and Jason think about is to get out that cave and get back in to action
angry review? angry joe? This was anything BUT angry, he was calm the entire review, its like he calls himself angry joe just for the sake of calling myself angry joe, he`s not angry at all
If a game is good then why would he be angry ?.. He rages a lot if something really pissed him off in a game.
Just cause he calls himself Angry Joe, doesn't mean he's angry all the time.
Also, all game reviews of his are titled "Angry Review".. It's just a thing, it doesn't mean that he's angry about the game or the game is bad or anything.
Watch his Mindjack review and you'll change your tune.
Nickallsopp92 I wonder what his angriest review is. Elder Scrolls Online? Fable III? Aliens: Colonial Marines?
maybe he is not even called Joe :(
Bence Hontvári He sure looks like a Joe...
I want this remastered.
I wonder how Vaas will look like next gen! O.O
dan sayer why ??? graphics are still ok
The Duck to play it on new consoles, graphics are still okay but would look even better on current gen
dan sayer it's called a port
This is one of the few games where I felt a need to finish everything... craft everything, capture all the bases, complete all assassinations and special hunting missions...
That's why I loved it so much.
I loved the game, almost every aspect of it... The biggest let down was that Vas was killed way too early in the game in a extremely insignificant fashion, as if he was disposable. I lost all interest in the story after he died.
louie wallenberg I feel the same, but the story really wasn't the major hook for me.
In fact, the story was barely any hook... I thought it was really stupid and felt most of the characters were irritating. Vaas was a hook, though, only character I liked.
luke timothy
Yup, that is basically what I'd agree with. When Vas got killed, I felt more sad , even more sad when the brother died. :l
This game, along with Skyrim and GTA SA are my favourites games ever. The freedom, the guns, music, story, character customization, those three games are just perfect to me. Far Cry 3 has the best villain though
It would have been better, and would still make sense if, in a fit of rage Vaas killed Hoyt and took his place on the throne....
Ya totally man why doesn't Vaas get tired of being pushed around I can imagine it now. Hoss:Vaas get out of my sight while I deal with Jason. Vaas:What the fuck did you say you chicken fuck.Hoss: I said get out of here before I remind you who is boss. Vaas:Vaas has no boss, Vaas is his own boss. And then vaas blows hoss's head off with a shotgun. That would be so cool and then your setting their tied up looking at Vaas. Vaas: Thats what I do to people who bullshit me. Jason have I have told you the definition of rage.
captainkirk265 *Ahem, I believe it is Hoyt, not hoss
Thanks the only reason I forget his name is he is barely mentioned in the game at least until you get to him, and by the anyone. I haven't beat the game yet because im stuck on this stupid stealth mission. Its not that it is hard. It is a little hard but not real hard. I am stuck because I cant find the way I am supposed to go.
That would never work because Hoyt has an army of mercenaries who would never follow a drugged out insane pirate. Also, Vaas is insane and out of his mind on Drugs which he is addicted to. Also Vaas can't run a vast slave trading empire because of the above reasons. Hoyt is a business man, and the reason for all the bad guys being there. Vaas is awesome, but he is a tool, to be used by Hoyt. The game is perfect the way it is.
Liam Fiddes What if the privateers got pissed that Vaas killed hoyt so it would be privateers vs Vaas and the pirates vs you that sounds like it could be epic.
6:45 right after that Joe was attacked by his own minion dogs.
No shit, Sherlock
Whoa, whoa why so hostile?
Just finished this game and i have to say, it was overrated. I picked up this game a few days ago because some dip shit on the internet said it was way better than skyrim, so i had to check it out myself. It was disappointing, it was an ok game but not near as great as skyrim is. Non of the characters were likable, yes, even that villain with the Mohawk.
***** why do people even compare this game to Skyrim? Simply because its open world? I don't understand.
***** Because you're allowed to show your opinion but they aren't?? weak
Yup, that's why.
Sasuke Uchiha hahahah no.
I would argue with you but judging by your profile pic, you like anime so your taste in things are already shit.
All these years later, and still the best Farcry by far
Upon torching a dog with a flamethrower at 3:23
Jason: "This is awesome!"
Cue thousands of PETA activists and sensitive animal lovers trying (and failing) to boycott this game.
***** but who could resist buying this amazing game?
hot dog time
this video takes me back, god....loved that game!
its a shame Far Cry 4 was copy paste
Pagan Min was pretty fucking epic.
It's not a copy paste....quit talking out of your ass. There is plenty of new stuff. Why do you call it copy, because similar gameplay and they reuse some gun models?
AJ Singh same animations , mechanics, fighting, improved but basicly similar AI, same jungle villian types etc
Hakan Karaağaç Same jungle. No it isn't Different setting and way better graphics with realistic looking vegetation than the pastal and fake looking greenery of FC 3. Also combat is more tighter and hit detection is much improved (especially with shot guns). Same jungle villain types? What does that even mean? Pagan Min and Yuna are nothing like Vaas and Hoyt. So by your logic every sequel is a copy and paste because lot of them have many things in common with old games like Borderlands 2, Fallout New Vegas, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country 2, Sonic 2, I doubt you even played the game. So really should educate yourself before making such assumptions.
AJ Singh same jungle with variations doesnt mean different setting, better graphics is mandatory and nothing that shoudl be creditted, years pass graphic tech evolves, just go with it. Maybe these are enough to fool dummies but not proper gaming expectations. Combat is much more thighter.. when your memory fails to recognize what happens when you gun your way into an enemy faction village in fc2 , its your fault not mine. By my logic every sequal is a copy paste+additional content or copy paste+additional content+left out content. Thats actualy a fact..
I love it when random people on the internet try to bash others with "education", usualy indicates the site of poorly educated people trying to bait their way into a new argument and pretending to be someone they arent in real life. But thats internet.
The best thing about this is, I've personally met with Michael Mando (Vaas) at a convention and what they say about the nicest people making the best villians is completely true. He even thought me shaking in excitement was kinda cute since I wasn't freaking out over him as I met him. Such a lovely guy. :)