Of course it's about power - women's relative lack of power is the issue. Ironically, your actual fear is that it's just about women, and what's more, the threat of them taking all the power.
Kate is not even smart what? she's just a manipulative psychopath unloading unrelated information onto her opponent to make it appear as if she's right or gaining momentum. She's just a typical fake female... don't be fooled. Stella is the cool calm and collect respectful and polite one.
Stella Creasy hates stats because she doesn't know how to handle them. This is the type of shrill, innumerate idiot who bullies and oppresses others with toxic ideology.
Feminist logic: My dentist (a man) gets paid more than his receptionist (a female). They both work in the same building so she should be paid the same as him.
it seems to me that feminist logic is this: woman works as a receptionist, man works as a doctor saving lives everyday. woman should be paid more. what feminists make it out to be: man works as receptionist, woman works as a doctor saving live everyday. man get paid 14 or whatever the percentage is now, but still gets paid more
they want woman to get more an hour, so that they, after a shorter day, doing less qualified work , that isn't dirty ,dangerous, in odd hours,and physically hard on the body go home with the same amount of money.
5:15 Non Feminist:*waits for her to finish talking Feminist: *finishes talking Non feminist: *waits if she is really finished Non feminist: starts talking Feminist: starts talking again one second later That sums up feminism
Any femenist who claims to believe in actual equality between men and women Should if they really mean it Should not believe in #metoo and just believing womens claims without evidence Should believe in those accused of sexual harassment and assault and rape to have fair trials and right to autonomy unless found guilty
Trying to make a gender issue into a racial one even though she's not a minority. Seen a lot of feminists lump themselves in with minorities like that.
Based one Kate's job and background, a good estimate of her IQ would be 120-140. Stella speaks like someone with 80-100 IQ. (100 IQ is the world average)
I think more televised debates need intelligent, impartial adjudicators who can just step in (and silence the mics) to say "this person has just told a lie, let's not continue the discussion in that direction"
Antti Kettunen Also the argument Stella used about the hospital was bad, of course it’s usually men who are most paid in hospitals. It’s because majority of doctor are men and majority of women are nurse. Let’s be honest, when we go to the hospital, we usually see female nurses and barely any male nurses.
Nyta Sam she mentions “hospital worker pay disparity”. I’d bet money she’s comparing unrelated jobs like a neurosurgeon and the woman who refills the vending machines
I hated all the mansplaning, the men not letting the women get a word in and talking all over her. Oh hang on... It's just the same when two women speak.
My mom makes twice as much as my dad. She works in an office. A bad day for her is a paper cut or a headache. My dad works outside in the heat/rain on a construction site. A bad day for him is getting killed on the job.
Is it not interesting that women are striving to enter the STEM field, just not at the sharp end. The most dangerous jobs are almost completely male, as Bill Burr said "don't find any feminists in a coal mine, shaking hands with the devil"
I agree and what is worse is that she is an MP and is supposed to have a balanced viewpoint and to represent all of us equally. She obviously has a feminist agenda to peddle - it will lose her support of at least half of the electorate...
I worked as a male nurse in the NHS and what Stella is saying is rubbish. Depending on years qualified, the pay is exactly the same an hour between men and women. Stella is constantly interrupting because she knows she hasn’t got the figures or analysis to back it up.
@@TessylOlliipOp I'm glad that Kate was interrupting Stella since Stella's words were meaningless. I just wish that she actually spoke over her, louder
@@iycephoenixx4249 the only thing i saw were 2 woman who interupted (womansplaining)each other the way they say man do mansplaining .so feminist should look in the mirror first before they shout that man always interupt them they do the equal amount of interupting people man or woman
The emotional MP female talking head kept womansplaining that equal OUTCOME is what she was seeking (implying that inequality was proof of un-named and un-identifiable obstacles to equal opportunity :SIGH:)
@M S Equal outcome and equal opportunity are both unrealistic. Equal opportunity can only exist under equal circumstances. However, since circumstances are rarely equal, we cannot expect opportunities to be equal.
Nothing new. Westminster is full of the least qualified people for their position. People like Stella don't do facts or truth, they only do emotion and try to pass it off as fact or true.
I love how she has to talk over the other woman to try to stem the onslaught of logic and facts destroying her bullshit narrative. BUT I GUESS IT'S ONLY SEXIST IF MEN DO IT, EVEN IF THEY'RE NOWHERE NEAR THIS BAD.
*A professional woman politicain telling an equally professional woman that women are not represented enough in the work place whilst another woman hosts*
Meanwhile in Afghanistan there is a saying 'Khor yor ghor', which is two places for a woman. "home or grave". And under Conservative Islam, the women wear the Burkha and soft soles. So they can neither be seen nor heard.
Yeah I'd take her super low paying job any day than flipping burgers or packing amazon deliveries or just 90% of every other job that's gotta be a lot worse than the kushty politician life she leads. These people should be careful in their support for socialist causes because its probably going to be them who will have their mansions seized by the corbyn patrol.
flake452 doesn't surprise me. Most of these professional victims have life experiences that barely scratch the surface of what could be considered as 'hard going'. And yet there are plenty of morons out there who still vote in these people.
Well done Kate Andrews. Well done. Intelligent and articulate, fair and balanced. Stella Creasy and her fellow 'victims' will be left licking their wounds after this encounter! Bravo!
If Kate and Stella were hired into the same job I have a strong feeling they wouldn't be paid the same. Because one is clearly more skilled. Funny how that works.
63 Degrees North the problem is people like Stella think they won that debate... People like her loose at chess and go around celebrating because they took more of your pawns...
No, they won't. They will squeeze their wounds and show everyone the blood. "Look how much blood there is! It was obviously a vicious attack, not me coaxing more blood out!" That, or they'll see a victory and finger each other. These professional victims have a delusional reality field that surrounds them. They see victories where there are none, and see assault where there are none. They are shrill and beyond reason. They will either stumble and see their error, or they will fall ever deeper into insanity and victimhood.
That's not a Freudian slip, that's a fatal blunder. Everybody has been saying the same thing pretty much forever and feminist have been denying it. This idiot comes along and admits it. Any other feminist will say it's about equality, women, and justice for women. Of course, the goal is to get power but they never admit that.
Lets take her example. Doctors are paid more than nurses ! If all the doctors in that hospital are men and all nurses are women, is that a gender pay gap ?
Not all men are payed the same wage for the same job. Experience, work ethic, productivity and dependability all play a factor. The most productive or those who know how to play the system tend to get the best positions and wages. This usually takes extreme dedication and sacrifice of ones personal life which only a handful of people are willing to do. Women complain that that to get to the top its harder for a woman when truthfully its damn hard for anyone.
Man: makes walmart, and becomes billionaire Woman: works at Walmart 1 day a month Woman: *doesnt get paid the same amount of money* Woman: surprised pikachu
The crazy part is women get reservations on jobs, trains, buses, government aids, healthcare packages, special college scholarships, dedicated police, special this and that, so much of this and that, ain't see none man complaining about the sheer discrimination/misandry and the fact that women cannot keep up with men evn after so many privileges and then blame their failures on men is just so lowlife pathetic.
She is right about that, all feminism focuses on is power, when there are so many more factors that affect society and social structure... ofc stella doesn't know that she makes no sense
what? Kate is the mask... she's just a manipulative psychopath unloading unrelated information onto her opponent to make it appear as if she's right or gaining momentum. She's just a typical fake female... don't be fooled. Stella is the cool calm and polite one here.
It’s illegal to pay a woman less. Come on ladies, take your employers to court and get your money! Oh yea, sorry, they work less hours. Feminists have left the discussion 😂
Josip exactly! Let’s be real, what do these CEOs want? MONEY! I filling up a board room with women cost them less money per annum, they’d all be doing it. It’s a completely false statement that women get paid less than men. They simply work less hours, take more holidays, work less overtime etc. They EARN less in their wages, they aren’t PAID less yah-know?!xx
Kate spitting straight facts and logic. Stella desperately trying to play a victim card that's long expired. I remember watching this live in the breakroom, the women were all cheering Kate.
Same, almost all women I know despise femanists and their rhetoric, I think women like Stella only exists on TV, they must do or I'm just lucky and surrounded by smart women.
Have the best woman tennis player play the best man. They will lose. This is not a debate. The best woman vs the best man in basketball will lose. Why do we hate and debate.
@@davesimmons9033 fax. More men are willing to do the long and hard work than most women. Because women want to spend time with the family, they are not emotionally strong enough to hold their emotions and do the work for providing their family. I have no hate for women at all and karens, pls don't get offended, oh wait that is what they do nvm.
LIKE SAYING woman in a hospital are paid less than men...but forgetting that the majority of men are doctors and surgeons and the majority of woman are nurses and paper pushers.
*Why* this happens creates a space for debate at least, but to argue that the current state of who works where should be equalised in pay first, is painfully daft.
Right and have been sacrificing more and went to school longer and so on...if it is the same job and work performance and so on then shes lying and should be attacking that company or hospital
Once the interview drives into the real findings of the data, The labour member is trying her hardest to fill the interview with white noise. Well done on the economist keeping the discussion on the data.
When they talk about a pay gap they are talking about women being the majority in an HR department but men being the majority of traders. They then look at the bank as a whole and say there is a gender pay gap. It's a trick. Now that people have realised this is what they were doing they have moved on to arguing that women aren't allowed to be pilots or traders or managers. This is also nonsense. For the activists this is just female chauvinism or male chivalry. For the average person that goes along with this it is because they are being lied to.
There are already statistics showing that women work less hours, take more vacation time and this is outside of them taking maternity leave. There are also statistics that women take jobs that are less dangerous and stable. Low risk, low return, low advancement jobs. Then they blame men for all this...
it's mainly a call to the lazy, validating a lazy person's view of themselves as being unsuccessful because of someone else rather than assuming responsibility for one's actions and the consequences thereof... it's the whole view of limited resources which is constantly repeated so that if someone has, it must be at the detriment of someone else, the more someone has, the more people are going lacking... completely counter-historical, since such an outcome would have to mean we are worse off today than we were just 100 years age, which is so far from the case it's intellectually dishonest to even consider it ....
Or if they believe they are not being payed enough they can take it to court because it's illegal to not have equal pay, or just complain on the internet usually the second one.
Yea...I know? Its not just that tho. Research heavily suggests that as a general psychological trait of men to be more confrontational and more willing to ask for a raise while females tend to be more submissive in this regard and don't want to come across as demanding. @Josip
@@AGreenApple_ She is. Its about both basically all feminist now a days are striving for power instead of equality feminist last century had a right to do what they did for equality and how they were treated. Now they are treated well and strive for more power and group us 21st century men with men from last century and make fools of themselves.
25 years ago my wife convinced me that Gender pay gap existed. I believed her until I listened to Jordan Peterson broke it down logically in one of his podcast . Kate is absolutely correct.
There's no point comparing what male and female TV presenters earn. That's not a normal job, that's negotiated by an agent and frankly none of them, male or female, deserve what they earn. Might as well ask why Cristiano Ronaldo earns more than Shane Long
Stella Creasy really did not like being disagreed with, too much time in the echo chamber maybe. After the show she continued the debate with Kate Andrews on Twitter but ended up blocking Andrews while continuing to tweet negatively about her, poor form really.
Well done Kate. Composed and articulate as usual. Stella's moral outrage is comical. She's also very condescending and quite nasty I think. But like Cathy Newman, she is doing a good job of highlighting how vitriolic and irrational 3rd wave feminism is.
My question is this: If a company can pay a woman less for doing the same amount of work as a man than why are there still men working? If this is true then the companies will fire the expensive men and replace them with women, the market would drive that. This is logic and reason, not emotion and feelings.
They know they are wrong, that is why they won’t do a study based on same position. Or hours worked. Or time taken off. Any study that contradicts their narrative is discarded.
She was elected to fill an "equity" quota, masquerading as "democratic representation". Although I suppose if such a percentage of the voters are vacuous ideologues they deserve representation? I guess. But then how many psychopaths and sociopaths and flat-earthers are there in our society who are being denied "democratic representation" in parliament? Look, there's a reason why we elect the most competent, and not just those who fulfill a quota.
It certainly is very disconcerting to hear someone, whom I would at face value consider on my side of the political spectrum, play such a disingenuous game. Everything Stella said I disagree with most strongly, with one exception. She is right that no-one should fear consequences when trying to have an honest debate about equal pay. However, such guarantees should never allow the willful propagation of dishonest discourse in order to further a political agenda. She is trying to create fake news here in order to create a false debate in order to win votes. Disgusting.
That's a bit simplistic. Stella has a point about men having an inordinate amount of higher paying jobs, but the other one has an equally good point about the "why" mattering as well. Either way, I think they were both more interested in fighting.
One thing that is ignored is that men earn more than women because they need to earn more for the same quality of life. Men usually marry down economically and higher wages are more attractive in men.
GO KATE!!! Well said! Got me so excited that I even used caps lock. GO GO GO!!!! Women need more voices like yours! The other woman is just victimizing women based on invalid data. GOOD JOB!!!
Yes totally! The victimizing woman said "I'm using facts" but later on said "Meanwhile in the real world", That doesn't sound like a fact but an insult, What a hypocrite.
"Feminism isn't about women, it's about power" - your mask slipped there, eh Stella?
MinuteToMidnight Was literally just about to point out the same thing.
Ironically "me too" lol
MinuteToMidnight just like harpy HarrietHarman
they've been using that term for years, it's been the stance for a long while.
Of course it's about power - women's relative lack of power is the issue. Ironically, your actual fear is that it's just about women, and what's more, the threat of them taking all the power.
Notice how the feminist won't let anyone else speak. She simply can't keep her mouth shut and listen.
rduke325 complete mouthpiece
They’re both feminists, one is just crazy
Feminism is just about equality, we all want equality, so we are all feminists!
(Obviously joking)
Kate is not even smart what? she's just a manipulative psychopath unloading unrelated information onto her opponent to make it appear as if she's right or gaining momentum. She's just a typical fake female... don't be fooled. Stella is the cool calm and collect respectful and polite one.
Thats way we dont let whomen speak
"Feminism isn't about women, it's about power"
And there it is
Eli Pen no, it wasn’t like that back then, it is now
Illuminati yeah feminist now are blaming everything on men
@@3103-q6z they already ARE paid equally
@@3103-q6z How so?
@@3103-q6z Men are paid more because they work more, and various other factors.
Kate is a legend standing up with facts over emotions 💪🏼
*Feminism isn't about women, it's about Power!*
_Now, let that sink in_
Imagine my shock.
what does it want now
crazyviolentsamurai only the men that are desperate to get laid
Stella Creasy hates stats because she doesn't know how to handle them. This is the type of shrill, innumerate idiot who bullies and oppresses others with toxic ideology.
Well at least there is one thing I can agree with that woman on.
"Want to stop the wage gap? Step one, change youre degree from gender studies to computer science."
Or from childcare to IT-consultant
*Legend spotted ! I repeat legend spotted*
CORRECT (plankton voice)
Or word harder, longer and with more effort if they are the type that lazes around on the job but demands more for such little
Feminist logic:
My dentist (a man) gets paid more than his receptionist (a female).
They both work in the same building so she should be paid the same as him.
Or more people posing as Feminists like Stella and giving them a bad name
that mega million dollar company should be given away to any ol' gal claiming to be a feminist
it seems to me that feminist logic is this: woman works as a receptionist, man works as a doctor saving lives everyday. woman should be paid more.
what feminists make it out to be: man works as receptionist, woman works as a doctor saving live everyday. man get paid 14 or whatever the percentage is now, but still gets paid more
they want woman to get more an hour, so that they, after a shorter day, doing less qualified work , that isn't dirty ,dangerous, in odd hours,and physically hard on the body go home with the same amount of money.
Clearly that receptionist should be promoted to be a dentist too so the pay is balanced. Surely that will fix everything!?
Kate Andrews arguing with Stella Creasy is like watching Gary Kasparov trying to play chess with a squirrel.
Try playing with a pigeon!! They also sh*t while strutting!!
He works 48 hours she works 35 hours. She wants 48 hours pay but works 35 thats the gap
@Bob Ross 32-40hr is "full time" by IRS in USA.
Femtards can't count, bitter brain syndrome.
She wants 48 hours (more money.), yet the male gets it, and she’s stuck with 35 hours.
Stella Creasy 10:05; "Feminism isn't about women, it's about power". And there we have it folks, straight from the horses mouth.
This needs to be made as a sound byte and shown everywhere! This is a Labour MP!
Cows mouth :FTFY
It's like how loads of them now shamelessly talk about "gender parity" - they're not even pretending that it's about equality anymore
That was a malfunction. The truth slipped out because they're not fully conscious. If they actually used their brain they wouldn't have said that.
Horses arse!
Has Kate Andrews been arrested yet? Stella clearly stated that she was insulted.
It's worse than that, I think she said she was offended...
Lol how has this comment only gotten 75 likes 😭😭
She was Feeling upset by the real facts.
can't offend anyone now days, it's illegal
Conor Corrigan she was grossly offended.
Kate's only mistake here is that she tried to use logic on someone who clearly has none.
Kate is every bit the idealogue her opponent is, just on the other side.
@@divinity176 how?
@@jamaalshaikh122 Feminist spotted😂😂
Non Feminist:*waits for her to finish talking
Feminist: *finishes talking
Non feminist: *waits if she is really finished
Non feminist: starts talking
Feminist: starts talking again one second later
That sums up feminism
Any femenist who claims to believe in actual equality between men and women
Should if they really mean it
Should not believe in #metoo and just believing womens claims without evidence
Should believe in those accused of sexual harassment and assault and rape to have fair trials and right to autonomy unless found guilty
then she said women arent allowed to fly planes...like whaaat
Just gonna sort out the confusion. Theres a short delay in transition of audio. BUT STILL! Bad debating manners from the “left”
No, that’s just women 😂😂😂😂
Awesome bro 😂
"black and ethnic minorities" lol shes calling in back up
Nah bruh that ain't our homie lmao.
@@kron9597 on bro, we dont own her
@@kron9597 🤣🤣🤣
I’d like to speak on the behalf of the Hispanic community that we are not allies
Trying to make a gender issue into a racial one even though she's not a minority. Seen a lot of feminists lump themselves in with minorities like that.
"Feminism isn't about women, it's about power..." WOW OK THEN.
It's true though
literally every politics lecture at universities with radical leftists!
The mask slipped for a second
Lovely equality
Kate politely waits for Stella to stop talking to begin her argument, only to be interrupted once again💀
Typical woman
Kate seem to hv had a trait which is rare from women and that is logic
This debate is unfair. Kate has 30-40 iq points advantage:)
That's a very conservative estimate if i may say so.
Cool Kate 1 ~ lefty labour Marxist 0
I agree, that's textbook IQ privilege %)
Based one Kate's job and background, a good estimate of her IQ would be 120-140. Stella speaks like someone with 80-100 IQ. (100 IQ is the world average)
Kate is talking facts, while Stella is talking emotions.
I want to see the data itself
I think more televised debates need intelligent, impartial adjudicators who can just step in (and silence the mics) to say "this person has just told a lie, let's not continue the discussion in that direction"
"Im talking in facts"
Yeah true, she is right on point here but when it comes to Israel she spews out a whole load of Zionist lies and bullshit.
Rage Reaver Until she mentioned that feminism is about power
"That is some UGLY cherry picking"
That's a fatality right there
FINISH HER... Flawless victory.
Its true tho.
They just say “women get paid less” n when we look at why, its cuz of MANY MANY factors that there is that gap.
@@GJAkuo not in America.
@@poopypooppoop1042 Wdym not in America ? Lol.
I can literally name u 1 company where women get paid more than men.
N its fuckin simple. 😶
@@poopypooppoop1042 Yes, in America too. Equal pay is also the law in the US.
‘’It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.’’
Bill Murray
It’s true because stupid people don’t admit the wrong
women have equal pay already
George Thompson They actually earn 2% more than men per hours worked.
Don't tell them that, they'll have nothing to whinge about.
Female tennis players at Wimbledon tennis now earn the same as the men but only have to win 2 sets instead of 3,as the men do.So much for equality.
Women have better than equal pay, and equal or not employers should have the right to pay employees whatever they want in their business.
Noah S. No.
Kate absolutely annihilated Stella!!!
Kate is the type of lady that has many male friends and gets treated equally. Stella is the kind of female that has many 🐈
With approximately 5% of the word count
Kate didn’t have to annihilate Stella. Stella annihilated Stella. :)
Gooddammit I love it when smart women debunk the pay gap. It's just so ... beautiful.
Seeing feminists getting triggered is priceless.
Antti Kettunen Also the argument Stella used about the hospital was bad, of course it’s usually men who are most paid in hospitals. It’s because majority of doctor are men and majority of women are nurse. Let’s be honest, when we go to the hospital, we usually see female nurses and barely any male nurses.
Nyta Sam she mentions “hospital worker pay disparity”. I’d bet money she’s comparing unrelated jobs like a neurosurgeon and the woman who refills the vending machines
It's funny how the smart women who do are attacked or those who dont think the way they do...like pro life and conservative women.
Problem is, not enough women debunk it even though they know its a silly shallow argument. I wonder why?..
“Feminism isn’t about women, it’s about power.” and that's the problem & the reason they will lie if it helps their "cause"
I hated all the mansplaning, the men not letting the women get a word in and talking all over her. Oh hang on... It's just the same when two women speak.
So are they womansplaining?
Thought the same thing damn....
More like Cuntfusing
That loudmouth feminist looks a lot like a man actually. Until she opened her mouth, the crazy that spewed confirmed that it IS actually a woman.
My mom makes twice as much as my dad. She works in an office. A bad day for her is a paper cut or a headache. My dad works outside in the heat/rain on a construction site. A bad day for him is getting killed on the job.
Feminism is the left's way out of adressing class struggle in any meaningful way.
Oh, well that proves there is no gender pay gap. Keep studying your parents. The science community needs your data!
IamKnucks the point of that simple example is that there are men who get paid less than women but still do harder jobs
Is it not interesting that women are striving to enter the STEM field, just not at the sharp end. The most dangerous jobs are almost completely male, as Bill Burr said "don't find any feminists in a coal mine, shaking hands with the devil"
Stella is an embarrassing mess of emotions coupled with dangerous statistics that are twisted. Sheesh.
I agree and what is worse is that she is an MP and is supposed to have a balanced viewpoint and to represent all of us equally. She obviously has a feminist agenda to peddle - it will lose her support of at least half of the electorate...
aka a feminist.
Sums up every feminist in any debate.
She should apply at CNN! They’d love her
Paul Munro but but but..... Her feelings....
She just ended the conversation saying "Feminism isn't about women, it's about power." I can't believe she said the quiet part out loud!
These people are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, are they? xD
Everything they say or do is working against their case :D
I worked as a male nurse in the NHS and what Stella is saying is rubbish. Depending on years qualified, the pay is exactly the same an hour between men and women. Stella is constantly interrupting because she knows she hasn’t got the figures or analysis to back it up.
they both are interrupting each other they are doing womansplaining something according to extreme angry salty and man hating feminist say only man do
@@TessylOlliipOp I'm glad that Kate was interrupting Stella since Stella's words were meaningless. I just wish that she actually spoke over her, louder
@@iycephoenixx4249 the only thing i saw were 2 woman who interupted (womansplaining)each other the way they say man do mansplaining .so feminist should look in the mirror first before they shout that man always interupt them they do the equal amount of interupting people man or woman
@@TessylOlliipOp Oh indeed
Sure, that's public sector. Let's hope the situation is same in private sector.
Equality is equal opportunities not equal outcomes
The emotional MP female talking head kept womansplaining that equal OUTCOME is what she was seeking (implying that inequality was proof of un-named and un-identifiable obstacles to equal opportunity :SIGH:)
spot on, but some can't grasp that.
Feminists do not want either, they want to make poor life decisions and still end up better off than men.
@@conradblack779 They want to be stupid, fat, lazy and ugly creatures with great husband and higly payed job.
@M S Equal outcome and equal opportunity are both unrealistic. Equal opportunity can only exist under equal circumstances. However, since circumstances are rarely equal, we cannot expect opportunities to be equal.
Stella got completely schooled
DaJoker101010 Yes, he did.
Shaw Multicultural 😂😂
Nothing new. Westminster is full of the least qualified people for their position. People like Stella don't do facts or truth, they only do emotion and try to pass it off as fact or true.
I love how she has to talk over the other woman to try to stem the onslaught of logic and facts destroying her bullshit narrative. BUT I GUESS IT'S ONLY SEXIST IF MEN DO IT, EVEN IF THEY'RE NOWHERE NEAR THIS BAD.
Its a pity she wasn't listening.
I love how she talks over her when she starts making too much sense for her mind to comprehen
I noticed that.
I love how Stella gets flustered and frustrated when Kate is calm and collected
Left and right in a nutshell.
Can’t forget throwing hands
Feminist vs real woman
@@FriendlyNeighbourhoodSpidey yes
Sexism is evil.
*A professional woman politicain telling an equally professional woman that women are not represented enough in the work place whilst another woman hosts*
Oh the oppression! bahahaha
Com Lag legion
Com Lag legion
Meanwhile in Afghanistan there is a saying 'Khor yor ghor', which is two places for a woman. "home or grave". And under Conservative Islam, the women wear the Burkha and soft soles. So they can neither be seen nor heard.
Stella Creasy going on about "the real world" she comes from an aristocratic background.
+ She was selected from an all-female shortlist too. Never had a real job outside the political bubble.
Yeah I'd take her super low paying job any day than flipping burgers or packing amazon deliveries or just 90% of every other job that's gotta be a lot worse than the kushty politician life she leads.
These people should be careful in their support for socialist causes because its probably going to be them who will have their mansions seized by the corbyn patrol.
flake452 doesn't surprise me. Most of these professional victims have life experiences that barely scratch the surface of what could be considered as 'hard going'. And yet there are plenty of morons out there who still vote in these people.
Its because working class women know men do not have it easier.
AntPDC yes Greasy is a worthless, useless parasite. Andrews did OK,.
The wage pay gap is a undeniable fact as most of my paycheck goes to my wife
Yes, let's compare spouse % of income going to the partner.
Hahahaha nice one...
For every £1 men earn, women get 77p. Thats COMPLETELY unfair. The men are only left with 23p
Haha mine to . Wife gets 90 percent
MGTOW monks: LOL.
Well done Kate Andrews. Well done. Intelligent and articulate, fair and balanced. Stella Creasy and her fellow 'victims' will be left licking their wounds after this encounter! Bravo!
If Kate and Stella were hired into the same job I have a strong feeling they wouldn't be paid the same. Because one is clearly more skilled. Funny how that works.
63 Degrees North the problem is people like Stella think they won that debate... People like her loose at chess and go around celebrating because they took more of your pawns...
dio brando and less uppity. I know who I'd rather sit beside day after day.
No, they won't. They will squeeze their wounds and show everyone the blood. "Look how much blood there is! It was obviously a vicious attack, not me coaxing more blood out!" That, or they'll see a victory and finger each other.
These professional victims have a delusional reality field that surrounds them. They see victories where there are none, and see assault where there are none. They are shrill and beyond reason. They will either stumble and see their error, or they will fall ever deeper into insanity and victimhood.
10:04 “Feminism isn’t about women, it’s about power.” WOW. That’s quite a telling Freudian slip.
A little slip lol
That's not a Freudian slip, that's a fatal blunder. Everybody has been saying the same thing pretty much forever and feminist have been denying it. This idiot comes along and admits it. Any other feminist will say it's about equality, women, and justice for women. Of course, the goal is to get power but they never admit that.
Lets take her example. Doctors are paid more than nurses ! If all the doctors in that hospital are men and all nurses are women, is that a gender pay gap ?
@@chali8762 And men can be nurses. Gender pay gap ?
@@hermanirascible3310 MAN .. MAN.. CAN'T BE NURSES!
The queen is male
The prime minister is male
The highest police officer in the UK is male.
So it must be true. Oh hang on
@Ewan Horton that's the joke!
@Ewan Horton r/wooooosh
And all these males are missing the fe(e), so must be working for free. No wonder they are paid less.
The first one had me confused lmao
"The queen is male" lmao
Notice when someone who claims to be a victim is confronted with facts they then interrupt, talk louder and faster?
They are addicted to silencing the opposing viewpoints. They are disgusting communists.
haha poor Kate
Blm Black people..
Kate destroyed Stella. Astonishing. The power of facts people!
Not all men are payed the same wage for the same job. Experience, work ethic, productivity and dependability all play a factor.
The most productive or those who know how to play the system tend to get the best positions and wages. This usually takes extreme dedication and sacrifice of ones personal life which only a handful of people are willing to do. Women complain that that to get to the top its harder for a woman when truthfully its damn hard for anyone.
These feminists scream about "mAnSpLaInInG"
But then listen to how much Stella is interrupting
They’re both interrupting and talking over each other
@@oliot4814 Naw, really just Stella.
@@oliot4814 NO!! Stella made a habit of it.
Kate did it cupla times becuz the polipig was rude and dismissive!! Typical for fools and morons!!
@@oliot4814 who is stella?
@@mre1369 or kate?
If women do everything just as well as men for 14% cheaper, why do people hire men at all? where are the all women companies?
*crickets* every time. No one ever has an answer for this.
Excellent comment. Where are the feminazi to answer that one??? Oh that’s right they cant
VinSanity literally the only argument that needs to be made.
Because Trump
@VinSanity, strip clubs
Man: makes walmart, and becomes billionaire
Woman: works at Walmart 1 day a month
Woman: *doesnt get paid the same amount of money*
Woman: surprised pikachu
True XD
I don't think that's what anybody's saying but sure
Um, nobody is saying that. That is a stupid equivalency.
@@enzobertolo6744 Yep, it's called a straw man fallacy
The crazy part is women get reservations on jobs, trains, buses, government aids, healthcare packages, special college scholarships, dedicated police, special this and that, so much of this and that, ain't see none man complaining about the sheer discrimination/misandry and the fact that women cannot keep up with men evn after so many privileges and then blame their failures on men is just so lowlife pathetic.
“Feminism isn’t about women, it’s about power.” your mask slipped there Stella lol
Blatantly ripped that comment off of someone for likes
Stolen comment what a tit
@@jayboy2kay7 does it matter tho
Comment Simp!
Feminists: I hate mansplaining
I thought the one that interrupted more was Kate.
@@kaseymitsuri7 what!! U had ur eyes closed and ears removed, eh!!
That girl in Westminster is an angel sent from anti-feminist heaven.
Never trust people who hold an umbrella when is not raining.
That awkward moment a narcissistic person is publicly proven wrong 😂
Kate: *says one word
Stella: WeLl AcTuAlLy I dIsAgReE
Disagree but not give any valid points to the argument
Areally goodgamer I DiSagrEE wiTH thiS CoomMmmenT
i mean that's some cherry-picking there, 2. kate also said no and disagreed even tho she didn't have any facts or data.
@@alligatorsnake7477 yeah bla bla who cares?
So female cleaners in a hospital should get paid the same as male surgeons......unreal.
Charles Barkley great, male garbage collectors will thus get the same as a female CEO.... Sounds like Marxism mind.
Sounds like communism with extra steps
Robert Feeney i was like JUST about to say that
Show me 100 men and 100 women wages with same job, education, experience and hours worked. It’s that simple!
"Feminism isn't about women, it's about power" - THE MASK FALLS AT THE END THERE A BIT XD
Wasn't the line from one of those voodoo femipriests from a predator (pre-dater) film?
She is right about that, all feminism focuses on is power, when there are so many more factors that affect society and social structure... ofc stella doesn't know that she makes no sense
This comment is stolen.
Bruh find your own jokes...btw no hate just don't steal
The OP Tizrortoz well I didn’t know people can steal word or phrases??????? Doesn’t make sense to me.
what? Kate is the mask... she's just a manipulative psychopath unloading unrelated information onto her opponent to make it appear as if she's right or gaining momentum. She's just a typical fake female... don't be fooled. Stella is the cool calm and polite one here.
Girl on the right is a hero
R u happy. Jo Cox got killed
Why does Stella not get paid the same amount as Teresa May? They are both women in parliament.
Why does the receptionist at my local town hall not get paid the same as Stella? They both work for the government.
Why does the Janitor at my school not get paid the same as Theresa may? They both work directly for the government 🤔
She was never insulted. She took showing her she was talking sh1t as an insult.
Straight from the horses mouth.....
Feminism isn't about Women..... It's about Power
Who let Stella out the kitchen?
Husband let the door open
She was probably on the pro soccer team that lost to a team of 15 yr old boys.
Be happy that she's not in the kitchen, she only uses vinegar all day.
Thats raw😂
Dishwasher has umbrella change the title
Kate Andrews = Real marriage material
Screw that, make her PM.
Yep although I doubt there are many suitors worthy
she's a qt dunno about that shade of lipstick though
Brains and beauty = Perfect combination.
If only someone would teach her to pronounce her t's.
Kate put a whooping on that professional victim.
The title of this video should be: Kate Andrews owns an uninformed politician.
Amusing Stella complains that Kate interrupts her, when Stella is constantly interrupting....typical politician.
All Stella did was just ramble about her feelings.
One sounds and acts educated. One displays her feelings to defends her disbelief disputes.
Men have feeling too, like sometimes, we would feel hungry.
Christiaan and horny
@I'm here I'm actually surprised about the fact she let the other girl talk about the fact of the matter.
I wonder if Kate will let Stella out of her pocket?
It’s illegal to pay a woman less. Come on ladies, take your employers to court and get your money!
Oh yea, sorry, they work less hours.
Feminists have left the discussion 😂
Josip exactly! Let’s be real, what do these CEOs want?
MONEY! I filling up a board room with women cost them less money per annum, they’d all be doing it.
It’s a completely false statement that women get paid less than men. They simply work less hours, take more holidays, work less overtime etc.
They EARN less in their wages, they aren’t PAID less yah-know?!xx
Sophie Marsh Money saved and eye candy. I only hire women now.
Equal pay
The chick on the right is absolutely correct. Sticks and stones may break my bones but there will always be some things to upset the feminists.
”The chick” lmao
Peter lloyd 👍
@@rossclark2952 I loved his grin when he said that. The feminist fell for his bait Hook, line and Sinker
BUDDY SAID “chick on the right”
@@matwatson7947 No he is just playing a wannabe alpha type like most so called anti feminists.
Wow, Kate Andrews is really smart. Kudos for Sky News for letting the other side be heard for once. It had to be hard for them. ;)
It's now owned by Fox, so while a welcome change for us here in the UK to hear the other sides arguments, Fox is known for it's right wing press
Kate Andrews is all over sky, the BBC and the media as a whole
according to these bs pay gap figures , sky is one of the worst offenders so its in there best interest to have Kate oppose it before it goes to far
Does it mean it is false ?
Feminism used to be the most righteous of fights
But these days, it feels like they secretly hate guys
-Tom Macdonald
When she smacked her down on gender, then race comes out. That's a loss.
Wow Kate is so eloquent and perfect in her speech. She makes Stella look like a 3rd grader arguing mathematics with John von Neumann.
Kate spitting straight facts and logic.
Stella desperately trying to play a victim card that's long expired.
I remember watching this live in the breakroom, the women were all cheering Kate.
Same, almost all women I know despise femanists and their rhetoric, I think women like Stella only exists on TV, they must do or I'm just lucky and surrounded by smart women.
@@ballrogg7092 play a man it's not rude. It's logic. And the women that talk magic aren't doing anything
Do the logic. It's not rude. Nor sexist. Have the best guy against the best girl.
Have the best woman tennis player play the best man. They will lose. This is not a debate. The best woman vs the best man in basketball will lose. Why do we hate and debate.
@@davesimmons9033 fax.
More men are willing to do the long and hard work than most women.
Because women want to spend time with the family, they are not emotionally strong enough to hold their emotions and do the work for providing their family.
I have no hate for women at all and karens, pls don't get offended, oh wait that is what they do nvm.
LIKE SAYING woman in a hospital are paid less than men...but forgetting that the majority of men are doctors and surgeons and the majority of woman are nurses and paper pushers.
*Why* this happens creates a space for debate at least, but to argue that the current state of who works where should be equalised in pay first, is painfully daft.
Right and have been sacrificing more and went to school longer and so on...if it is the same job and work performance and so on then shes lying and should be attacking that company or hospital
Once the interview drives into the real findings of the data, The labour member is trying her hardest to fill the interview with white noise. Well done on the economist keeping the discussion on the data.
Stella: kate. kate. Kate.
Kate: Yes, Stella.
Stella: KATE. KATE.
Kate: I'm listening.
Stella: KATE! KATE!! KATE!!!
"Mine! Mine! Mine mine! Mine!" The seagulls from Finding Nemo and Stella have the same energy.
@@snapeinvader 😂😂😂😂
@@snapeinvader i love this comment 😂😂😂😂😂
Apparently emotions equal facts
What pay gap? A job role has a constant wage, regardless of gender. This argument is stupid.
When they talk about a pay gap they are talking about women being the majority in an HR department but men being the majority of traders. They then look at the bank as a whole and say there is a gender pay gap. It's a trick. Now that people have realised this is what they were doing they have moved on to arguing that women aren't allowed to be pilots or traders or managers. This is also nonsense. For the activists this is just female chauvinism or male chivalry. For the average person that goes along with this it is because they are being lied to.
They're talking about total earnings over time.
sselfless There's too many variables for that to be a valid argument.
There are already statistics showing that women work less hours, take more vacation time and this is outside of them taking maternity leave. There are also statistics that women take jobs that are less dangerous and stable. Low risk, low return, low advancement jobs. Then they blame men for all this...
1ProAssassin I don't think it's okay to say "they"; I know a lot of women that don't blame their life choices on men.
"Feninism isn't about women, it's about power"
From the horses mouth.
I thought I heard a nag.
Why is an inability to stay calm a trait of the ideologue?
Because invariably their arguments are based on emotivity as opposed to facts.
I have noticed the number of ginger CEO 's is too low.
We need a quota of gingers on boards and CEO positons
Gingers rise up 👨🏻🦰
Down with the gingers 👎🦰
We must eat the gingers.
Don’t be surprised when they don’t have a soul
I don't get it. If someone is unhappy with their pay, they can either:
- get another job, or
- start their own company.
it's mainly a call to the lazy, validating a lazy person's view of themselves as being unsuccessful because of someone else rather than assuming responsibility for one's actions and the consequences thereof... it's the whole view of limited resources which is constantly repeated so that if someone has, it must be at the detriment of someone else, the more someone has, the more people are going lacking... completely counter-historical, since such an outcome would have to mean we are worse off today than we were just 100 years age, which is so far from the case it's intellectually dishonest to even consider it ....
Or ask for a raise.
Statistics show men are far more likely to ask for raises more often.
Or get happy with the company of cats.
Or if they believe they are not being payed enough they can take it to court because it's illegal to not have equal pay, or just complain on the internet usually the second one.
Yea...I know? Its not just that tho. Research heavily suggests that as a general psychological trait of men to be more confrontational and more willing to ask for a raise while females tend to be more submissive in this regard and don't want to come across as demanding. @Josip
10:04 "feminism is not about women its about power" does she realise what she just said
She’s not wrong.
@@AGreenApple_ not wrong but very misleading wording
@@AGreenApple_ She ABSOLUTELY is, and this is one of the reasons why women are abandonning feminism by the millions
@@AGreenApple_ She is. Its about both basically all feminist now a days are striving for power instead of equality feminist last century had a right to do what they did for equality and how they were treated. Now they are treated well and strive for more power and group us 21st century men with men from last century and make fools of themselves.
@@David77ES dumb bitches
25 years ago my wife convinced me that Gender pay gap existed. I believed her until I listened to Jordan Peterson broke it down logically in one of his podcast . Kate is absolutely correct.
There's no point comparing what male and female TV presenters earn. That's not a normal job, that's negotiated by an agent and frankly none of them, male or female, deserve what they earn. Might as well ask why Cristiano Ronaldo earns more than Shane Long
..... sports player alos don't deserve what they earn
@@defaultcamo3154 thats not the point
@@harrywhite9030 May not be the point, but still a good one.
Who is Shane Long??
Proved my own point 😂😂😂
Stella Creasy really did not like being disagreed with, too much time in the echo chamber maybe. After the show she continued the debate with Kate Andrews on Twitter but ended up blocking Andrews while continuing to tweet negatively about her, poor form really.
more than poor form. it's immature
I saw that coming. What an infantile way to deal with some one who clearly understands data analysis.
R.i.p Stella - overdose on logic
“No-one is equal to anything. Even the same man is not equal to himself on different days.”
~Thomas Sowell
Use me as a team Kate button
See how the anti-feminist is at her job or in an office and the feminist is on a road, Jobless 😂🤣🤣🤷
No it's the mans fault they don't hire her after she insults them!
Shes MP for walthamstow
Even women won't hire women.
Eh she's an MP dude.... Don't get me wrong, she's still a fanny, but she's an MP...
lmao at least she got stats while the other girl is just saying they're "misleading" with no facts and no other stats to disprove it.
Well done Kate. Composed and articulate as usual. Stella's moral outrage is comical. She's also very condescending and quite nasty I think. But like Cathy Newman, she is doing a good job of highlighting how vitriolic and irrational 3rd wave feminism is.
My question is this: If a company can pay a woman less for doing the same amount of work as a man than why are there still men working? If this is true then the companies will fire the expensive men and replace them with women, the market would drive that. This is logic and reason, not emotion and feelings.
Stella Creasy is a typical semi educated politician who does not understand intricacies beyond basic math.
Like most politicians, her math skills are limited to ascertaining that X > Y , therefore problem, therefore "we" need to throw money at Y. 🤑💰💸
They know they are wrong, that is why they won’t do a study based on same position. Or hours worked. Or time taken off. Any study that contradicts their narrative is discarded.
She was elected to fill an "equity" quota, masquerading as "democratic representation".
Although I suppose if such a percentage of the voters are vacuous ideologues they deserve representation? I guess. But then how many psychopaths and sociopaths and flat-earthers are there in our society who are being denied "democratic representation" in parliament?
Look, there's a reason why we elect the most competent, and not just those who fulfill a quota.
Stella is a prime example why I will never vote labour
whats labour git to do with this ps the labour oartys stands for stuff like free uni
@@thelatenightgamer2624 the Labour party that introduced tuition fees stands for free university?
It certainly is very disconcerting to hear someone, whom I would at face value consider on my side of the political spectrum, play such a disingenuous game. Everything Stella said I disagree with most strongly, with one exception. She is right that no-one should fear consequences when trying to have an honest debate about equal pay. However, such guarantees should never allow the willful propagation of dishonest discourse in order to further a political agenda. She is trying to create fake news here in order to create a false debate in order to win votes. Disgusting.
That's a bit simplistic. Stella has a point about men having an inordinate amount of higher paying jobs, but the other one has an equally good point about the "why" mattering as well. Either way, I think they were both more interested in fighting.
If I vote Labour it woild not be I her constituency
Typical politician talking BS over the top of proper real qualified people.
One thing that is ignored is that men earn more than women because they need to earn more for the same quality of life.
Men usually marry down economically and higher wages are more attractive in men.
GO KATE!!! Well said! Got me so excited that I even used caps lock. GO GO GO!!!! Women need more voices like yours! The other woman is just victimizing women based on invalid data. GOOD JOB!!!
Yes totally!
The victimizing woman said "I'm using facts" but later on said "Meanwhile in the real world", That doesn't sound like a fact but an insult, What a hypocrite.
"Feminism isn't about women, it's about power." WOW an honest statement about feminism from a feminist. I'm speechless
And now we know! 😎
Gee, is all that interrupting "womansplaining"?
This comment is too underrated
@@karen-9087 pls get a life lmao
Yeah I had the same doubt... they were womansplaining eachother 😂😂
It is
If companies wish to give shareholders MORE profits and there is a pay gap between men and women WHY don’t companies employ MORE WOMEN ?