I LOVED this game and bought it both for my Saturn and my PSX back in the day, and as a lifelong fanatic of light gun games I really enjoyed its take on Die Harder. Gameplay-wise it was great, followed the plot of the movie quite well, was challenging, fun, fairly long by light gun standards and it got the mood and feel of the movie mostly right... however, the huge downside of the experience was the constantly wobbling/trembling/warping assets and backgrounds that made the whole experience feel as if McClane was on acid the whole time. Of course, I know that this problem was common to every game for the original Playstation made with 3D polygons, but this particular section of Die Hard Trilogy was, in my opinion, one of the worse offenders in the PSX catalogue. So much so that since the very first PGXP fix was introduced on PSX emulators I've been trying to make every iteration of it work with this game on every emu for every piece of hardware I own and to this day - and still - it's been impossible to get rid of the visual crapfest entirely. Such a pity.
Lol I use to love this game die hard 2 😁😛
I LOVED this game and bought it both for my Saturn and my PSX back in the day, and as a lifelong fanatic of light gun games I really enjoyed its take on Die Harder. Gameplay-wise it was great, followed the plot of the movie quite well, was challenging, fun, fairly long by light gun standards and it got the mood and feel of the movie mostly right... however, the huge downside of the experience was the constantly wobbling/trembling/warping assets and backgrounds that made the whole experience feel as if McClane was on acid the whole time. Of course, I know that this problem was common to every game for the original Playstation made with 3D polygons, but this particular section of Die Hard Trilogy was, in my opinion, one of the worse offenders in the PSX catalogue. So much so that since the very first PGXP fix was introduced on PSX emulators I've been trying to make every iteration of it work with this game on every emu for every piece of hardware I own and to this day - and still - it's been impossible to get rid of the visual crapfest entirely. Such a pity.