Ua Payment Them Niam Thiab Txiv Kom Tau Sib Yuav. 6/28/23
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Ua Payment Them Niam Thiab Txiv Kom Tau Sib Yuav
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Kev hlub yeej txhua yam ces yog li no mas❤
zoo heev thov vaj tswv foom koob hmoov rau neb
Phibbbbb yog kuv kuv tsis k lawm os. Lol but you two have the biggest and strongest hearts. Proud of you two. ❤ Thanks for sharing this inspirational story!
Ua vaj tswv tsaug vaj tswv pab neb lub neej zoo thov kom neb ntseeg vaj tswv zoo zoo mus neb lub neej vaj tswv Foom hmoov zoo rau neb kom zoo mus ib sid
tu tu siab li o ca yv zoo li kv thiab o😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Neb mas sib hlub tiag2 nawb txhob sib faib yav laus tsam lawv nyog neb os
This story hit so close to home. I was once the ugly duckling that everyone pointed to as an example of not to be. Now, I am and can drive any car or live in any houses I want. Best of all I’m 100 % debt free in my 30’s and with that I’m free to work if I wish. Now those that used to point a finger at me come to me for resources. I hold no grudges so I’ll help if I can. Maybe one day I’ll share my story.
I want to hear your story.
Please share your story for inspiration.
Yes, please!
I agreed with them all plz share your journey.
So proud for both of you! I totally understand how you both feel! People only want you when your at your best. May you both live a life with happiness and don’t look back.
Mloog2 kuj ua rau tu siab kawg li, tab sis ho nrog zoo siab tias lawv tsis hlub neb es neb thiaj li rau2 siab ua tau lub neej zoo lawm no os mog.
Hnoob no mes vaj zoo nkauj hais zaj neej neeg kuj zoo kag thov ghuas ob yam huv si
Tu siab kawg leej twg ntsib thiaj lis paub nawb mog kuv los kuj yog ib tug ua raug rau txoj kev no thiab os yus nim yog tus nyab luag tsis nyiam ce ua zaj twg los zoo lis yus yeej tsis txim txiaj lis os lawv hnub twg yus neej zoo lawm ma tus twg los paub yus tag kav liam tsuav yus khub txij nkawm sib hlub nrog rau yus tej me nyuam xwb ce zoo lawm
Peb hmoob yeej tsis txawj hlub cov menyuam ntsuag. Thaum luag twb ciaj neej yuav vam tau lawm ces mam ua rhuav plhu rov mus thov. Good story and thank you for sharing.
Kev tu siab muaj txhaus lawm.
niam ntsuab teev koj zoo zoo nkauj kawg os kuv yog txiv neej mas kuv nyiam kiag kuv yog poj niam los kuv twb nyiam koj li lawm
You should thank those parents as they did that to u that’s why you completed your education. Same for me, I didnt get any love from both families as well so I completed my education too. God purposely challenged people like us to a test because we meant to be somewhere greater. Be proud and forgive those who did you wrongs. Forgiving them is setting yourself free from the burden.
No way..
Though it’s true that some people grow from the pain… people don’t deserve to be treated so poorly.
I’m sure these kids would have been successful if their parents supported them too. They already had the attributes to be successful.
Bad things happen to some people and they just give up. It’s just about how you view life and what steps you take next.
This story would be more satisfied if they never agreed to do the wedding at all. Thanks for sharing.
Shame on both side of the Family!! It's their loss... I hope you and your hubby stay faithful to God. His love does not discriminate!!!
Zoo tshaj os
Peb tsev neeg Hmoob lub neej ib txwm yeej tsi hlub cov ntsuag losi tu neeg txom nyem neb zaj neej neeg no.
Xav kom peb Hmoob yuav tau hloov lub tswv yim qub2 no
All the parents in this story are evil... in laws, parents and step parents! So sad that you had to go through this, but you're such a strong woman and you have a good husband who stood by you the entire time. Continue to have that strong bond and live a happy life for yourselves and your children.
Kev tsis txo hwjchim ces zoo li no ntag. Thaum kawg mam mus thov lees luag. Thaum luag txom nyem ho tsis hlub.
Kuv yog hmoob kuv dhuav cov niam hmoob zoo li no kawg nkaus.
Phem li koj Niam pog thiab Txiv yawg cas tsis tuag tseem Nyob nyav daim av thiab
Love this story
What this couple did to both side of their family was so satisfying to hear! I'm so tired of hearing people be pushover over and over and over again. They stood their ground and made it known that they are tu siab at their families for disowning and belittling them from the beginning.
Yep! Same here!
Lol I always read the comments before listening to the whole story. Your comment have convince me to stay 😂
I'm disappointed that they caved in at the end, though! Should have stood their ground n not budged set an example for OGs Hmong ppl to change in the future.
@@nkaujmoobleeg I agreed. But I'm glad they at least held on (didn't give in) for some time and got both family to repent.
St. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂5 9th
Kuv ce tsi paub hai li ca lawm quaj li quaj lawm xwb vim tu siab heev
Excellent example of just keeping your eyes on the prize. If they don't support or help that mean you owe them nothing. It's all water under the bridge for both sets of parents. You guys don't owe anyone anything. Just be grateful you learned this lesson early on so you can be better off in the long run. Keep moving towards the future and be better parents and example for your children. The parents are a loss cause.
Another story to prove that our parents, our elders, and our community are such bad examples. This is why I no longer look up to these people. They tell us and preach for us younger generation to be good role models, but they can't live up to their own standards. Hypocrites! 😭💔
Kuv yog ib tug niam ua sib nrauj sib tso ! Tab si yog phem nplaum li koj niam koj txiv no ces muab xob laim kiag mus xwb ! Kuv kiag xwb kuv tseem xa tias koj siab zoo kawg ua tseem pub koj txiv yawg lawm mus ua tshoob yog tau tus phem li kuv no ces twb tsis tso paus teb ob tog niam txiv li os me ntxhais aw es zoo siab nrog koj mog ❤
Screw both parents, if they care for their kids even in worst case! Forgot but not forgotten. Parents want their named! I don’t blame them, parents are themselves.
Vuag nrug meb tu sab kawg nkaus le ov vim has tas meb Nam hab txiv ob tog phem ib yaam nkaus le ov meb lub neej haj le txomnyem 2 ov tab sim qho kws zoo sab nrug meb tshaaj plawg ces yog qho meb txawj sib hlub sib paab haj koj kawm tau koj tug Doctor kag lawm ov kuv thov qhua koj meb ib niam txiv kws siv zug kawg nkaus rua meb lub neej meb ob leeg caum cuag meb lub ham phaj lawm tag 3 le ov ua Vaajtswv tsaug kws meb yog ob tug lug ntseeg hab tsi kam thim rov qaab thov Vaajtswv nchuav koob mhoov zoo rua meb lub neej moog tsi muaj nub kawg nawb mag Amen
Wow neej twb ngob têb chaws vam meej cas tseem muaj cov zoo li thb os
Success is the best revenge, sister. Throw the words of insult back in their face with your achievements. You are not alone. Many of us have also experienced this kind of prejudging and alienation. Hmong families be warned about your judgment of other people's worth lest you be forced to choke on your insults like these in-laws. If it were me, I'd never cave in to a fake hmong wedding that only entraps me as a slave to the family and clan. No wedding, no enslavement.
I wouldn't say revenge but because of their evilness that made you seek education and knowing that is the path to wealth and prosperity. No thanks to both side of the parents.
My heart broke listening to this story. I’m so happy you both prevailed and worked hard to have a successful life.
Sister, I’m proud of you and your husband for staying by each other and accomplished your dream!👏👏👏Thiab neb qhov uas neb tawv kom txog kiag txhua tus tuaj Thov neb!👏
Niam pog txiv yawg los qia dub li qia dub, niam tais yawm txiv los ntshaw nyiaj li ntshaw nyiaj. Ib co niam thiab txiv Hmoob mas yeej tsis tsim nyog los yug menyuam kiag li.😡😡😡. Best to you and your husband sister!!!
I would of been the same. This is one thing I dislike about our culture. They don't support the marriage nor help out when we are poor, but when they hear that your life is so much better... that's when they want you back. Not for the love nor the nyab that they like, only for the name that you had made for yourself. Tu siab tag! They cannot take back the hurt or the damaged that they had done to you. It's not the same.
Shame on both parents…I would never turn back either…they only needed you when you become successful in life…remain strong in God’s family…
Amen! God's love does discriminate...
No way a true Christian would be able to go back after knowing the truth.
I am the same way, my life just like your story inlaw didn't like me, my husband chooses me over his parents ,so no matter what they do or said to him, he don't listen to them...we are still together till these day..over 50 yrs of marriage,we love each other more than ever...stay's your life good or bad only time can tell....when you are successful people will see you, when your poor no one knows you....just the ugliest human being actions in this world...
You guys are a great example. Stay strong, live and love your life independently.
We are in a new world with great opportunities. We as children should not have our parents paid for our weddings anymore. Some of the parents are scrapping by. Please, if you're getting or plan on getting marry, make sure you can afford the wedding. If your parents wants to pitch in, more power to them. Lets learn to be independent and change some of these old mindsets.
Thanks for sharing your story. To me, you two are doing the right thing. Hope your story will change the way our parents, and community leaders will change the way they do things for our people.
Cas kuv yuav pab koj niag niam pog txiv yawg lawv txaj muag ua luaj ne
Lub neej tu siab ua luaj li os tus me sister aw!!
Neb niam pog txiv yawg thiab niam tais yawm txiv tsuas hlub koj daim doctor xwb os lawv tsis hlub neb tiag.
This is my story too!!
Cov niam pog zoo li ko ces hlub tau li cas los yuav li ntawd tsis hlub los yeej tsis npam li lawm os niam hluas
Cas sawv daws twb tuaj nyob teb chaws vam meej no lawm es tseem muaj cov niam txiv ruam thiab siab phem npaum no thiab ntag ntuj aw hmoob os hmoob xyov yuav tuag tsawg tiam es hmoob lub siab thiaj li yuav zoo os thiaj li yuav ua tau li luag lwm haib neeg naj hmoob aw
txhob tus siab yuav sib hlub tsi tag yuav ua lub tshoob loj2 es thiaj sib hlub. cov ua lub tshoob loj2 thaum kawg twb sib rauj thiab. cov ua lub tshoob tsi loj lo yog mus yuav tim court tsuav tau daim marriage license xwb lo yog sib hlub ces yeej sib hlub2. Kav tsij zoo siab rau yam yuav muaj thiab qhov lawv ua rau yus. lawv qhias kom yus ntse xwb.
I’m so proud of you and your husband for standing your grounds! People who don’t stand by your side at your worst don’t deserve to claim you as their son/daughter/sil/dil at your best. Shame on these parents! Children should not be judged based on what their parents do with their lives.
I'm so sorry you guys had to go through all that pain. Im just very happy you both persevere and are successful now. You are both very strong and great examples. Wishing you all lots of blessings.
Love prevails.♡
Love conquers all.♡
What a beautiful life story ❤❤❤❤
These parents are all dogs and their hearts all dogs heart every things are all dogs
Ntxhais tsis tsimtxiaj es nej cov ua niam ua txiv nev ho zoo licas thiab.
Shameful of both sets of parents to turn away from you both when you needed them! The only reason they want you both back is because you are now successful---that way they can boast about having a doctor in the family. If neither of you had amounted to much, they'd all still give you two the cold shoulder. They may have forced you both back into their lives, but that doesn't mean that you owe them anything. They are toxic people and should be kept at a distance for your own mental and emotional protection. Don't fall for the, "If they weren't so cruel to you, then you wouldn't be successful"---this is a bunch of BS! It's much better to have the love and support of your families while you pursue your dreams. Don't go out of your way to appease them on anything because then they will never understand just how much they hurt you.
I'm so proud of you couple. You did the right thing for your life and your kids. You two are very smart and fight for your life until you earned it... you can proof to your families that you are worthy. Now you do well in life everyone wants you back. If I were you I would accept their offers but I want to ensure they shut their mouths and clean their crabs. You two have made good lesson for parents to learn and believe in their kids. Keep fighting and believing in you... now you two are sure independent and have become a wealthy famliy.. may God bless you and keep loving one another til the end!!
Ib plaj xyoob tsis cuag ib tug ntoo zog loj tsis cuag hmoov zoo cais li no ntag
It's a bad tradition, but Hmong ppl definitely live by "Why buy the cow when the milk is free?" Both your parents weren't 100% wrong. You were both very young and acted rebelliously according to what you both wanted only. As a parent, I might not want to do a wedding for my young kid, too. Your story turned out with great success, but most young loves failed with regrets. I think when your kids are older with mates......your views will differ.
I swear Hmong people get on my nerves. They only want you when you benefit them. Good for this couple for getting thru their struggles together and not caring for their relatives.
Great job on fighting for your life👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
But you gave in in the end 😄
Yog vim lis cas tseem muaj ib cov Niam Txiv Moob pheg npuaj lis no tiab ntag.
We want to expose the bads cultures of our OG but we afraid to show who they are. This won't help. Our people keep treating the orphans this way because no body wants to expose which clans or who they are. We need to do like the community done to sexes offender. You both did good you love each other to stand hardship. God bless you.
Tus me viv ncaus aw.. koj es niam pog lawv tseem xav zov tej me nyuam os kuv li ces tau ib tug lo luag twb tsi ntsia ib muag tsi nug ib lo li os
Some hmong people are so unbelievable nasty! The way they played shady games and acting like children, just so annoying! Glad you guys turn out well! Congratulations and so happy for you two. Your husband is the best for choosing you over his corrupted family.
Peb cov sib yuav thaum xyoo ob txhiab ces rau tib co teeb meem xwb
Cov tib neeg siab phem ntawm yus xub ntiag thiaj li txhawb tau yus lub siab ces yog li tus niam tsev no ntag.
Don't let anyone pay for your wedding so you don't owe them in the end. Your husband and you were very strong until you two gave up. Now that your in laws did yall wedding. They're going to expect a lot from you two.
Txhob thab cov laus lawm os cov niam cov txiv no siab phem dhau
Tsis thas mus ua tshoob lawv os, lawv xav tau neb lub zog noj, they get more from you thats why they want to do it some bad. Tamsi nov lawv poob nyiaj ua tshoob lawm lawv yuav tshib nuj qim rau neb. Now they will say you now belong to them and owe them.
You guys are all the same. You deserve each other. Be humble and kind. Be forgiving.
Ab es txawm yuav sib nrauj tag los yog lawv teeb meem xwb es ho yuav muab lub txim rau me nyuam ris ua dab tsi nawj lawv aw
Zoo heev lawm pab neb zoo siab kav tsis rau siab ua neb lub neej kom neeb niam neb txiv cov neej cov tsav lawc lawc muaj qhov kev tzaj muag rau neb
Cov niamtxiv zoo li no mas ntxim cia cov ntxhais mus yuav mekas du, mev, los lyam neeg es hais tsi txais ib xees liab los noj li mas ho nyob taus22.hmoob pheej yuav phem yuav phem rau hmoob xwb.
Such an inspiring story. I love it.
Ca hmoob meka estu twg lo yg Dr xwb na teb chaw meka es Dr coob dhau lm niam tsuab teev aw
Just thanks to those those evil parents for torturing your life to make you realize that you need to work hard to be successful. Without them doing that to you, you might not be where you you are today. Happy for you and your hubby have a wonderful life now. Just let everyhting goes so you can go on with happy life. This means you don't owe them anything Sister and Brother.
You can forgive all but don't need to run with them.
Good story 👏.
Cov niam pog thiab niam tais zoo li neb cov no ces kav tsij muab pov thoob khib nyiab thiab pov rau tom tsev laus xwb thiaj li.
So sad
I wish your husband's family and your family both can hear the story. Now you and your husband don't have to give a crap to either side of the family.
The Devil working overtime.
Tus niam tsev koj zaj neeg lub neej no niam pog txiv yawg los phem, niam tais yawm txiv los phem, siab lim hiam tiag tiag, ua cas thaum kawg ho ntshaw nyab Doctor thiab pab txaj muag dhau lawm os....
Yep hmoob noj quav nyuj laus xwb...
Cas neb twb tsis txhob nrog lawv mus xaus neb rooj tshoob thiab hos cia lawv mus ua tshoob tsis muaj nkauj nyab nraug vauv mas, seb rooj tshoob yuav zoo li cas
What I’m mad about this story is that your parent disowned you already why struggle to pay them?? Should of use that to start your life from the beginning. I’m so satisfied with the rest,,
I’m glad you two found GOD. Jesus opened his arms to both of you. But always remember that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Forgive them for they are only human, but never forget. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
I am a mother. I will never understand the evil of these parents…on both side. I would never allow my son or daughter to go through something like this! Even a doctors degree cannot make up for the trauma of having no parents support. Shame on those parents!
Like mother like daughter
This is exactly my husband and I right now. His parents will not accept me because I've been divorced. His mom is a divorced woman three times and married his father when he was single. In order to do his marriage, she expects her son to marry a single woman. He is a yawg nraug, and we have one child together, and we have our own place. My parents told him dont rush to do our wedding they said whenver hes ready.
Hmoob lubsiab phem heev. Tab yus niam yus txiv kiag los yeej siab phem. Thaum yus tau zoo mam rov tuaj hlub yus. Quav twm dhau. Zoosiab rau neb nawb. Peb yuav tau nyob lubneej li Meskas
No money no wedding. Nobody is responsible for your wedding or making your marriage works. Take responsibility just like you have your children and you have to feed them.
Want to see you do that in the Hmong culture without doing a proper wedding
@@solomoua5520 , told my children to prepare to pay for their own wedding. I will only gift them. I should not be the one responsible for their wedding and marriage.
@@nkaujntse5196 I want to be there 🤭
Don't love both parents. They don't deserved it. Enjoy your life. Don't listening anyone. If you are not a Dr they will don't Care about you.
Sister what you 2 doing what it right for you 2. Hmong are bad mouth when you are poor.
You’re so lucky to have a loving husband that stand by your side when his family dislike you and supports you!!
Note they want to be in good terms with you both smh.. That’s always how it is. Glad you both did great and support eachother!!
These parents only want you guys back into their lives so that they can show off to their people that they have a Nyab doctor/daughter doctor plus ya’ll making money now too. I hate parents that always use the excuse saying that if it wasn’t the way the parents treat the kids then the kids wouldn’t be where they are now. Where was these parents when you guys needed them. The parents was supposed to be the main supporter for all their kids and love/treat the kids equally.
Love everyone but STAY the way you are today