I think this was one of the most misunderstood films of 2017. Not that there aren't issues or legitimate grievances, but some of the reasons people say they had with the movie seem to be all about expectation and based on being so conditioned with contrived formulas of storytelling that they are not open-minded to different sorts of storytelling and motivations to make a movie. My thoughts are written below. It's long and contains spoilers. This movie certainly tackles on a lot of things. Financial struggles in the beginning, the monotony of every day living, leaving everything behind, experiencing a new world alone, finding out the new world isn't really what it's cracked up to be...not that it's bad but it's just like everywhere else, inequality existing anyway, new political issues when introduced with a new population, ignored environmental issues that come back to bite, deciding whether to stay or hide, having a passion reignited, falling in love, creating something for peace but having it be used as a weapon, etc. I found Matt Damon is very good in his role. I felt his character's meandering existence after the big shock of his wife (Kristen Wiig) deciding not to downsize at the last minute. This leaves him living in a whole new existence all alone. I felt his desperation to get out of the cycle of the blah existence he was living (some call it blah, some say "get over it, it's just life") and how downsizing offered him this great opportunity to restart and go on an adventure. Leisure Land sounds way too good to be true. His $150,000.00+ in equity translates to about over 12 million when downsized. He can live in a huge house. What's not to love? Downsizing also provides a superficial feeling that you're doing something great for the planet as people keep reinforcing. I thought the movie succeeded in making us believe that Matt Damon's character would be all in. I really enjoyed how the movie portrayed his lost year after he's forced to live this new existence alone and ends up getting divorced. Leisure Land is just sort of there. Sure it's nice to have millions, but if everyone else you associate with also lives that life, it's nothing special. It beats starving sure, but humans have a way of never being satisfied once they reach a level of comfort. However, we soon discover that class, income inequality, and racial divides certainly do exist. His turnaround once he meets Ngoc Lan (Hong Chau) has been seen by some as her teaching him and giving him a real new goal in life in helping those who aren't living the good life in Leisure Land. However, I did not see it that way. We've seen that his character was always a giving person who served the caretaker role, first to his mom and then to his wife. I think what Ngoc Lan exposed to him was that there are many people in need of dire help in Leisure Land and it reignited what already existed in him. She did get him out of his self-pitying existence. This segues into another theme of Downsizing in that, maybe it was from my perspective and how I see the world, Matt Damon goes through a similar experience that many immigrants go through. He's in a new land, taken out of everything he was once familiar with, living a pretty isolated life, feels distant with his new community. I think the pre-Downsized scenes that showcased how downsizing became used as a tool that dictators and authoritative governments and other oppressors used to control dissidents and how some "normal sized" people started hating on those who chose to downsize because they end up being "scourges" of society by not paying into the economy, many of them not paying income taxes, and are seen as 1/10 of a human, etc. brings that theme home to me. It also explains why he connected with Ngoc Lan so well. Now onto the highlight of the film, Hong Chau's performance. I'm including this long AF paragraph because I read some annoying comments about her performance and her character. She breathed real life into this movie when the movie and Matt Damon was begging for it (intentionally I believe from the filmmaker's part). At first I was worried about Ngoc Lan having a thick accent with broken English. Growing up, me and other American born Asian-Americans worked really hard to distance ourselves from people who spoke like that and were embarrassed by our family members (some of us whose parents spoke that way) who spoke that way. We also know that it's often used for laughs. However, I watched an interview with Hong Chau who says that with all these positive progressive movement to get more Asian representation, she hopes that we don't erase the existence of people like our parents or recent immigrants and that our need to speak in an "acceptable" way comes from our embarrassment. That really made me think about my own feelings about it and I have to agree with her. There are times at first where it does seem the accent is played for laughs, but it doesn't do so maliciously. It's more of a shock to the senses because we go through the whole movie with nobody speaking in broken English because there are hardly any immigrants to be seen until Ngoc Lan exposes them to Matt Damon. Ngoc Lan certainly is a comedic character, but we feel so much affection and realness from her that the comedy isn't derived from her accent or broken English but just her direct, and at times rude, personality. If those who watch the movie still laugh at her accent by the end of the movie, then there is nothing that can be done for those type of people. The ending theme of the environment being destroyed by humans and humans finding a solution way too late for anything to be done to stop the extinction was a very heavy theme that I think many critics had issues with. It seemed to be another left turn after Ngoc Lan had already made the movie move in a wholly different direction than what most expected. I didn't find those turns to be bad in this movie. I actually think it made the film more poignant and thoughtful. I don't mind when a movie explores so many themes and doesn't really complete the threads. I think if filmmakers do it in a thoughtful way where they challenge the audience to really fill in the blanks and to interpret the themes and to think about what may lie ahead, then I think a film is successful. If a film fails to do that and only introduces half-baked ideas in a lazy, unthoughtful way, then I'd agree. I don't think this film did that. I think it was intended to be a parable and it certainly was that. It also led to the film's real message. When Matt Damon at the last minute decides to not to go into the vault with that community who was going to rebuild humanity after the environment destroys humankind and instead lives life with Ngoc Lan in the real world where real people are still living (thriving and suffering and both as all humans do) no matter what may happen to them in the long-term, she essentially tells him that when faced with near certain death, it makes you want to look at things that are closest to you, that you can affect and help directly. I think Matt Damon's Paul realizing that he needed to stop finding this big, almost theoretical big mission in life because what really matters is the direct help you can give people just as you are is message we all need to hear. Through that, we can make the most change.
I greatly agree with your thorough discussion. I'd like to meet a couple of points: First, this story is a Pilgrim's Progress narrative. It is a journey of self-discovery, and as such there are "stations" along the journey, each one confronts, confounds, challenges, and changes the pilgrim before he goes on to the next station. Each change prepares him for the next station. We don't get many Pilgrim's Progress narratives these days. I've spent 13 years in the Far East starting in the early 70s during the Vietnam war, where I've heard the broken English spoken by people who learned it "on the fly" from passing sources. And it was realistically done in this movie, even down to the use of expletive terms that aren't understood in the colloquial impact that native speakers hear them. If you've only heard from passing sources one word for "sexual intercourse," then that's the word you use. And I shudder at the experience of having been thrown in a harsh prison and then locked in a death-trap for weeks, confined with dead bodies, and near death yourself. That's not going to result in someone with genteel First World sensitivities. There's going to be a heavy level of PTSD to deal with. For that reason, I never found her funny in the least--I knew people like that, and their stories were tragic, not funny. I enjoyed the way the director brought out what you noted in Matt Damon's character: That he was always a "helper," a caregiver. If the audience never realizes this, then the opening sequence with his mother would certainly have seemed like a waste. Being a caregiver, a helper to society, was in his bones, and the lostness he felt--without understanding the reason--was in the fact that he was not helping to his fullest extent. Unlike others, he wasn't drawn to downsizing for the material gain, but in thinking that he was helping society. And that was the initial draw of the retreat to the Ark community. But in then end, he realized that he had to lose his life to find his life. And, in passing, the "Dushan" character proved more layered than first considered as well, with the questions of why he invited Matt Damon's character to the Ark (when he himself had already decided not to enter it), and why he had been using his business contacts to smuggle medicines for Ngoc Lan's character.
It is disturbing that well over 3/4 the world wouldn't get the metaphor of this movie, even if it was explained directly to them, or put into footnotes.
Half of "woke twitter" exploded in anger over Payne's supposed "racism" in portraying Hong Chau's character as a pigeon-english-speaking underclass worker living in a shanty-town. Guess they should have made her the mayor or a wealthy doctor with a posh accent, like they do with many token minority characters on TV shows and most movies now, somehow that's *not racist* to the wokeies.
What happened? Great concept great environment but a story that doesn't know what it wants to be. Trailer says comedy, movie is some strange mess of sad and implys horror. Then random message at the end. Suggest you just take one path and follow it though.
TheKidFawFul or maybe movies don't need to fit in your uninspired box? there's a thought. i know you probably like to compartmentalize things in your head into near categories but categories are the bane of any creative effort
This movie doesn't go into many directions, it's actually a somewhat simple story line. Paul gets shrunk thinking this will give him a life of leisure and therefore happiness, but once he meets Ngoc Lan he comes to realize where true happiness lies. Everything that happens just drives home that point for him.
I know, I know. The cinematography is great but it's utterly wasted on a very lackluster story. If only they could have picked a more interesting character who gets into more interesting situations.
Watched Downsizing one day in Sept2021 while checking the Channels before going to bed , & ended up watching this movie until the End! A thought provoking & heart warming movie indeed! Highly Recommended! 🌷🌿
I loved this movie! I no longer watch movies for the, in your face CGI, or the big name stars, but for the meaning of the scenes and the words that are spoken. The lessons movies ultimately provide, on personal and universal levels. This movie had a host of wake up call lessons. Just like "the Tru man show" movie, if you open your mind, many hidden truths can be revealed on many levels. This is what most movies accomplish on one level or another.
I don't think a wall is going to keep birds out. And insects and spiders will find their way in and once in and they lay their eggs it's going to be a nightmare. This has the makings of a horror movie.
There is a way to turn off that setting. Your phone also has a setting for region based targeted advertising. Even the military uses it, if you are in the vicinity of a military base you will get more ads for recruiters.
it actually did one of the best jobs a movie has done in years....it didnt give you any of the story, just the fluff to draw you in. the movie starts out what the trailer gives, but then changes to a great story beyond just being shrunk
I knew it was the end of the film when I got the message. Stark indeed. But ultimately uplifting. It sends a message about the individual's response to the needs of humanity: hands-on or relying on methodologies, politics, or government. It was biblical but without the Bible. I hope and believe that this film will eventually become an iconic treasure in filmmaking. Thanks, Alexander Payne.
Mr Payne, while visually stunning in certain parts, your film had some serious problems in the narrative department. It could have perhaps been saved in the edit. We see Damon and Wiig's characters go to Norway for the operation (because their American insurance won't cover it), Damon's wife abandons him, he meets the townsfolk, his neighbor, then his cleaner. The two have a romance in the Honey I shrunk the kids sense, eventually ending up in the slums. they discover that the 'solution' to modern life will not work, have the turn back at the gate, and rediscover that the small things are what matter.
One man crew productions it went off on global warming, illegal aliens, and the world is going to end because everybody isn't democrat. It had trump's wall in the movie, it was over politized with ulterior messages in the movie. Its nothing like the trailer. At the end, your like... Huh? It was just bad.
+Hank Moody I've heard similar things about it as well from a lot of sources and that's worrying cause I liked the trailer. Anyways thanks for letting me know. I'll think about it.
Yeah, I was also disappointed in this movie. I didn't read any Trump/democrat stuff into it like you did. I just thought it was too long and boring. Especially the second half of the movie. I hate to say that because I'm a big admirer of Alexander Payne, the director and co-writer of the movie. All of his movies up until now have been good and some of them have been absolutely great. But I think Downsizing is definitely his weakest movie so far.
1:34 - does it seem wrong anyone else that Matt Damon's character doesn't even try to help Asian lady with obviously heavy bag? Where I grew up it's an unspoken rule that stronger people help weaker people carry heavy objects.
it's the only movie I seen in 2017. I'll never watch it again. The movie really failed at making me want to be little too and it wasn't funny at all. They really were paper thin characters.
This was so disappointing, I'm never bothered if it was differet than the trailer suggests, but the movie was all over the place. The concept is the most intriguing in a long time. This had so much potential and possibilities of where it can go that I feel even if the movie was well made I might still prefer it to be TV series just so it has time to show how Matt's character process the different phases he's going through. The movie just move from one plot to another with the time lapse and when it got to the main story with the Vietnamese I could' t understand what they were trying to do. Despite failing to deliver, I'm still glad I watched it, thinking of all the possibilities of how it could've been done, it gave me a lot to think about.
It was sooooooooooo bad- such a shame. From the trailers it looked cute, but holy cow it was one of the worst movies I have seen in years. I love Matt Damon. I took my 12 year to see it with me. There is this long slow boring sunset scene - my son starts to laugh into his sleeve uncontrollably. I started to get onto him, but then I started to laugh myself into my sleeve as well. So I did have a great moment with my son- I felt like a kid again. I guess I should be grateful for the father son moment- that to me was worth every penny- not the movie.
TOTALLY missed this one Saw the trailer watching the Blue Ray for Aronsky"s film " MOTHER" Yes I thought it was great I'm a fan of his movies and I imedietly got what was it about..meaning Mother I guess thos film will pop up on NETFLIX
That the trailers were misleading. I was expecting a fun, lighthearted, Honey I Shrunk the Kids-esque film, and got something completely different. What didn't you like about it, if I may ask? *S P O I L E R S* Here's this guy that's down on his luck, gets a "huge" break, then loses said break and winds up worse off than he was before. He then goes on this extraordinary journey of self, bolstered by a random, yet extraordinary supporting cast. Cults. Herpes. Class issues. Race issues. Extinction.Hong Chau deserves ALL of the awards for her performance. She was a most atypical love interest in a big Hollywood film, but she was impossible to not fall in love with. When the credits rolled, I was a bit disappointed as I really wanted to see what became of them. And Dushawn. And the rest of humanity.
Literally that movie was the worst piece of garbage I've ever seen in my entire life. The whole movie didn't have a plot or a premise. It was riddled with non important people having different small talk conversations. Nothing actually happened in the movie! It was painfully bad. It just felt like a really long infomercial.
letmeeatyourliver I supported Trump and I enjoyed this movie. I’m into sci-fi, which was around and had end of the world scenarios way before the liberals learned there was money to be made in fear of a ruined environment.
Prefer to be around people like myself, except that it's based on the person not on their race. So no, racism isn't really about being around people like you. But keep telling yourself that
I think this was one of the most misunderstood films of 2017. Not that there aren't issues or legitimate grievances, but some of the reasons people say they had with the movie seem to be all about expectation and based on being so conditioned with contrived formulas of storytelling that they are not open-minded to different sorts of storytelling and motivations to make a movie. My thoughts are written below. It's long and contains spoilers.
This movie certainly tackles on a lot of things. Financial struggles in the beginning, the monotony of every day living, leaving everything behind, experiencing a new world alone, finding out the new world isn't really what it's cracked up to be...not that it's bad but it's just like everywhere else, inequality existing anyway, new political issues when introduced with a new population, ignored environmental issues that come back to bite, deciding whether to stay or hide, having a passion reignited, falling in love, creating something for peace but having it be used as a weapon, etc.
I found Matt Damon is very good in his role. I felt his character's meandering existence after the big shock of his wife (Kristen Wiig) deciding not to downsize at the last minute. This leaves him living in a whole new existence all alone. I felt his desperation to get out of the cycle of the blah existence he was living (some call it blah, some say "get over it, it's just life") and how downsizing offered him this great opportunity to restart and go on an adventure. Leisure Land sounds way too good to be true. His $150,000.00+ in equity translates to about over 12 million when downsized. He can live in a huge house. What's not to love? Downsizing also provides a superficial feeling that you're doing something great for the planet as people keep reinforcing. I thought the movie succeeded in making us believe that Matt Damon's character would be all in.
I really enjoyed how the movie portrayed his lost year after he's forced to live this new existence alone and ends up getting divorced. Leisure Land is just sort of there. Sure it's nice to have millions, but if everyone else you associate with also lives that life, it's nothing special. It beats starving sure, but humans have a way of never being satisfied once they reach a level of comfort. However, we soon discover that class, income inequality, and racial divides certainly do exist.
His turnaround once he meets Ngoc Lan (Hong Chau) has been seen by some as her teaching him and giving him a real new goal in life in helping those who aren't living the good life in Leisure Land. However, I did not see it that way. We've seen that his character was always a giving person who served the caretaker role, first to his mom and then to his wife. I think what Ngoc Lan exposed to him was that there are many people in need of dire help in Leisure Land and it reignited what already existed in him. She did get him out of his self-pitying existence.
This segues into another theme of Downsizing in that, maybe it was from my perspective and how I see the world, Matt Damon goes through a similar experience that many immigrants go through. He's in a new land, taken out of everything he was once familiar with, living a pretty isolated life, feels distant with his new community. I think the pre-Downsized scenes that showcased how downsizing became used as a tool that dictators and authoritative governments and other oppressors used to control dissidents and how some "normal sized" people started hating on those who chose to downsize because they end up being "scourges" of society by not paying into the economy, many of them not paying income taxes, and are seen as 1/10 of a human, etc. brings that theme home to me. It also explains why he connected with Ngoc Lan so well.
Now onto the highlight of the film, Hong Chau's performance. I'm including this long AF paragraph because I read some annoying comments about her performance and her character. She breathed real life into this movie when the movie and Matt Damon was begging for it (intentionally I believe from the filmmaker's part). At first I was worried about Ngoc Lan having a thick accent with broken English. Growing up, me and other American born Asian-Americans worked really hard to distance ourselves from people who spoke like that and were embarrassed by our family members (some of us whose parents spoke that way) who spoke that way. We also know that it's often used for laughs. However, I watched an interview with Hong Chau who says that with all these positive progressive movement to get more Asian representation, she hopes that we don't erase the existence of people like our parents or recent immigrants and that our need to speak in an "acceptable" way comes from our embarrassment. That really made me think about my own feelings about it and I have to agree with her. There are times at first where it does seem the accent is played for laughs, but it doesn't do so maliciously. It's more of a shock to the senses because we go through the whole movie with nobody speaking in broken English because there are hardly any immigrants to be seen until Ngoc Lan exposes them to Matt Damon. Ngoc Lan certainly is a comedic character, but we feel so much affection and realness from her that the comedy isn't derived from her accent or broken English but just her direct, and at times rude, personality. If those who watch the movie still laugh at her accent by the end of the movie, then there is nothing that can be done for those type of people.
The ending theme of the environment being destroyed by humans and humans finding a solution way too late for anything to be done to stop the extinction was a very heavy theme that I think many critics had issues with. It seemed to be another left turn after Ngoc Lan had already made the movie move in a wholly different direction than what most expected. I didn't find those turns to be bad in this movie. I actually think it made the film more poignant and thoughtful. I don't mind when a movie explores so many themes and doesn't really complete the threads. I think if filmmakers do it in a thoughtful way where they challenge the audience to really fill in the blanks and to interpret the themes and to think about what may lie ahead, then I think a film is successful. If a film fails to do that and only introduces half-baked ideas in a lazy, unthoughtful way, then I'd agree. I don't think this film did that. I think it was intended to be a parable and it certainly was that.
It also led to the film's real message. When Matt Damon at the last minute decides to not to go into the vault with that community who was going to rebuild humanity after the environment destroys humankind and instead lives life with Ngoc Lan in the real world where real people are still living (thriving and suffering and both as all humans do) no matter what may happen to them in the long-term, she essentially tells him that when faced with near certain death, it makes you want to look at things that are closest to you, that you can affect and help directly. I think Matt Damon's Paul realizing that he needed to stop finding this big, almost theoretical big mission in life because what really matters is the direct help you can give people just as you are is message we all need to hear. Through that, we can make the most change.
Thank you
I really enjoyed reading this :)
Well stated!!!
Longest comment i have ever saw in youtube...
I greatly agree with your thorough discussion. I'd like to meet a couple of points:
First, this story is a Pilgrim's Progress narrative. It is a journey of self-discovery, and as such there are "stations" along the journey, each one confronts, confounds, challenges, and changes the pilgrim before he goes on to the next station. Each change prepares him for the next station. We don't get many Pilgrim's Progress narratives these days.
I've spent 13 years in the Far East starting in the early 70s during the Vietnam war, where I've heard the broken English spoken by people who learned it "on the fly" from passing sources. And it was realistically done in this movie, even down to the use of expletive terms that aren't understood in the colloquial impact that native speakers hear them. If you've only heard from passing sources one word for "sexual intercourse," then that's the word you use.
And I shudder at the experience of having been thrown in a harsh prison and then locked in a death-trap for weeks, confined with dead bodies, and near death yourself. That's not going to result in someone with genteel First World sensitivities. There's going to be a heavy level of PTSD to deal with. For that reason, I never found her funny in the least--I knew people like that, and their stories were tragic, not funny.
I enjoyed the way the director brought out what you noted in Matt Damon's character: That he was always a "helper," a caregiver. If the audience never realizes this, then the opening sequence with his mother would certainly have seemed like a waste. Being a caregiver, a helper to society, was in his bones, and the lostness he felt--without understanding the reason--was in the fact that he was not helping to his fullest extent.
Unlike others, he wasn't drawn to downsizing for the material gain, but in thinking that he was helping society.
And that was the initial draw of the retreat to the Ark community. But in then end, he realized that he had to lose his life to find his life.
And, in passing, the "Dushan" character proved more layered than first considered as well, with the questions of why he invited Matt Damon's character to the Ark (when he himself had already decided not to enter it), and why he had been using his business contacts to smuggle medicines for Ngoc Lan's character.
It is disturbing that well over 3/4 the world wouldn't get the metaphor of this movie, even if it was explained directly to them, or put into footnotes.
I get it 100% but the movie is extremely boring.
@@ive3737 Go watch something by Michael Bay
@@brikhausgaming9474 Well they marketed downsizing such as so no need to pin it on me
Half of "woke twitter" exploded in anger over Payne's supposed "racism" in portraying Hong Chau's character as a pigeon-english-speaking underclass worker living in a shanty-town. Guess they should have made her the mayor or a wealthy doctor with a posh accent, like they do with many token minority characters on TV shows and most movies now, somehow that's *not racist* to the wokeies.
What happened? Great concept great environment but a story that doesn't know what it wants to be.
Trailer says comedy, movie is some strange mess of sad and implys horror. Then random message at the end.
Suggest you just take one path and follow it though.
TheKidFawFul Hollywood, like old U. S. A. is gone forever. As we say where I come from, "Don't get caught up in old concepts. "
Nothing happened, just happened to you. Movie is great precisely because it goes in many directions.
TheKidFawFul or maybe movies don't need to fit in your uninspired box? there's a thought. i know you probably like to compartmentalize things in your head into near categories but categories are the bane of any creative effort
This movie doesn't go into many directions, it's actually a somewhat simple story line. Paul gets shrunk thinking this will give him a life of leisure and therefore happiness, but once he meets Ngoc Lan he comes to realize where true happiness lies. Everything that happens just drives home that point for him.
I know, I know. The cinematography is great but it's utterly wasted on a very lackluster story. If only they could have picked a more interesting character who gets into more interesting situations.
I'm just here for the comments
The only thing I remember about this movie is the Vietnamese lady. Really great performance probably my favorite character in a movie for all of 2017.
andy.tv bruh she was annoying af
Yup, Hong Chou stole the show. Brilliant acting. The accent, the limp, and the character. She was great.
Thank u
Her voice grated on me 😣
Watched Downsizing one day in Sept2021 while checking the Channels before going to bed , & ended up watching this movie until the End! A thought provoking & heart warming movie indeed! Highly Recommended! 🌷🌿
I loved this movie!
I no longer watch movies for the, in your face CGI, or the big name stars, but for the meaning of the scenes and the words that are spoken.
The lessons movies ultimately provide, on personal and universal levels.
This movie had a host of wake up call lessons.
Just like "the Tru man show" movie, if you open your mind, many hidden truths can be revealed on many levels.
This is what most movies accomplish on one level or another.
Lel when i saw the trailer i was like, Finally Matt Damon is back with a decent movie.
I don't think a wall is going to keep birds out. And insects and spiders will find their way in and once in and they lay their eggs it's going to be a nightmare. This has the makings of a horror movie.
I’m so convinced my phone is listening to me. I watched this movie a couple days ago and spoke about it. Now I’m getting a video about it
It probably does.
There is a way to turn off that setting. Your phone also has a setting for region based targeted advertising. Even the military uses it, if you are in the vicinity of a military base you will get more ads for recruiters.
Love this movie. If they did a sequel with the same main cast I’d be first in line to see it.
This looks like a great movie!
I liked the Film......Very interesting. Thumbs up
The trailer didn't do a great job.
Phoebe Pham the movie didn't either
He is my President no... the movie was great
it actually did one of the best jobs a movie has done in years....it didnt give you any of the story, just the fluff to draw you in. the movie starts out what the trailer gives, but then changes to a great story beyond just being shrunk
Best movie I've seen all year (and we've sat through a lot). Hong Chau is the greatest actress I've never heard of.
Returning Subscriber
She is the best part of the film
Who was the man in the wheelchair at the end. I didn't understand the ending
She is terrible and you have pleb taste and you should feel bad
How is this the.... Uhg nevermind,. I give up
Did the theatre show you a different movie
Is that a dead electrocuted bird stuck on the fence at 1:17?
I don't know why this film has just 5.7 stars on IMDB. It is at least a 7.
They very erotically entered the tunnel - each tunnel leads to the edge of the universe where unearthly love lives ...
It did sound pretentious, what Mr. Payne said. Unfortunate, really, that this movie doesn’t show this depth he purports.
Excellent series! Thanks!
From the perspective of someone who thoroughly understands physics, manufacturing and more importantly, mass. This movie is laughable.
I knew it was the end of the film when I got the message. Stark indeed. But ultimately uplifting. It sends a message about the individual's response to the needs of humanity: hands-on or relying on methodologies, politics, or government. It was biblical but without the Bible. I hope and believe that this film will eventually become an iconic treasure in filmmaking. Thanks, Alexander Payne.
The wall just got higher.
Mr Payne, while visually stunning in certain parts, your film had some serious problems in the narrative department. It could have perhaps been saved in the edit.
We see Damon and Wiig's characters go to Norway for the operation (because their American insurance won't cover it), Damon's wife abandons him, he meets the townsfolk, his neighbor, then his cleaner. The two have a romance in the Honey I shrunk the kids sense, eventually ending up in the slums. they discover that the 'solution' to modern life will not work, have the turn back at the gate, and rediscover that the small things are what matter.
Need to watch it soon...
Is it out in the theatres?
This made no sense. Poor downsized people? What? No sense. Like they were trying to force a message making the movie even worse.
This movie sucked. I'm so disappointed.
It did?! Dude you gotta tell about it cause I was thinking of seeing it in a couple of days...
One man crew productions it went off on global warming, illegal aliens, and the world is going to end because everybody isn't democrat. It had trump's wall in the movie, it was over politized with ulterior messages in the movie. Its nothing like the trailer. At the end, your like... Huh?
It was just bad.
+Hank Moody I've heard similar things about it as well from a lot of sources and that's worrying cause I liked the trailer. Anyways thanks for letting me know. I'll think about it.
Yeah, I was also disappointed in this movie. I didn't read any Trump/democrat stuff into it like you did. I just thought it was too long and boring. Especially the second half of the movie. I hate to say that because I'm a big admirer of Alexander Payne, the director and co-writer of the movie. All of his movies up until now have been good and some of them have been absolutely great. But I think Downsizing is definitely his weakest movie so far.
Very different from what the Trailer projected. I would give C for this movie.
this looks great. why have i never heard of it?
1:34 - does it seem wrong anyone else that Matt Damon's character doesn't even try to help Asian lady with obviously heavy bag? Where I grew up it's an unspoken rule that stronger people help weaker people carry heavy objects.
Yeah, ScarlettM, you try offering to carry a poor person's bag.
Instead of 'painstakingly' recreating the plywood to scale why not just photograph it and print it digitally? No biggie !
Most of the movie didn’t feel like I was watching little people. You guys messed up :/
Isn't the whole town the size of a widwescreen TV? How could there be no room to expand the town? This movie looks sooo shithouse.
One of the worst movies of the year. Paper thin characters, preachy messages and a meandering plot.
Yes, a real disappointment considering the talent involved. Both in front of and behind the camera.
it's the only movie I seen in 2017. I'll never watch it again. The movie really failed at making me want to be little too and it wasn't funny at all. They really were paper thin characters.
You don’t see many movies.
Robbie Agnew what was good?
Get Out and It were the only good movies in 2017
That doesn't make sense, why would they be shrunk to perform minial jobs when resources are drastically reduced? Any comments?
In fact, according to a clip I saw, the selling point was that, how they could live like millionaires with very little
omg It's Lara Fraser!
This was so disappointing, I'm never bothered if it was differet than the trailer suggests, but the movie was all over the place.
The concept is the most intriguing in a long time. This had so much potential and possibilities of where it can go that I feel even if the movie was well made I might still prefer it to be TV series just so it has time to show how Matt's character process the different phases he's going through. The movie just move from one plot to another with the time lapse and when it got to the main story with the Vietnamese I could' t understand what they were trying to do.
Despite failing to deliver, I'm still glad I watched it, thinking of all the possibilities of how it could've been done, it gave me a lot to think about.
Please clap: the movie
They’re probably happier in the workers area.
This was the first movie I walked out on. I thought it was gonna be a comedy.
you probably walk out before the comedy started
@@carlsondarlson3020 this movie was awful
thanks for the preview , will remind myself to not see this one
ipressedabutton Not enough Transformers for you?
ipressedabutton It's worth watching
Visual effects not good enough buddy? Must be a pc gamer
I was hoping they would run into giant spiders
that was the one thing. I'm glad did not happen!....sooo expected it......when are the giant chomping spiders coming in?
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One of my best films 💓🌈🌀
It was sooooooooooo bad- such a shame. From the trailers it looked cute, but holy cow it was one of the worst movies I have seen in years. I love Matt Damon. I took my 12 year to see it with me. There is this long slow boring sunset scene - my son starts to laugh into his sleeve uncontrollably. I started to get onto him, but then I started to laugh myself into my sleeve as well. So I did have a great moment with my son- I felt like a kid again. I guess I should be grateful for the father son moment- that to me was worth every penny- not the movie.
Struzan you're like a child yourself... fascinating
So... Is the point of the movie to oppose Trump's wall?
TOTALLY missed this one
Saw the trailer watching the Blue Ray for Aronsky"s film
Yes I thought it was great
I'm a fan of his movies and I imedietly got what was it about..meaning Mother
I guess thos film will pop up on NETFLIX
I didn't get why getting food to the poor folks would be such a big deal. Couldn't have a few regular sized apples have fed an entire slum tower?
Hope it dosnt turn into something like a Twightlight Zone
Episode !
So basically it’s the Mexican version in Downsizing, why didn’t he just say that?
songmi village
Hong Chau made this movie IMO
Absolutely fantastic film. Definitely worth the price of a ticket.
WeAreN1nja are you being sarcastic?
Mark Marra Not at all. I genuinely, thoroughly enjoyed the film. It was a pleasant surprise.
WeAreN1nja What did you like about it?
That the trailers were misleading. I was expecting a fun, lighthearted, Honey I Shrunk the Kids-esque film, and got something completely different. What didn't you like about it, if I may ask?
*S P O I L E R S*
Here's this guy that's down on his luck, gets a "huge" break, then loses said break and winds up worse off than he was before. He then goes on this extraordinary journey of self, bolstered by a random, yet extraordinary supporting cast. Cults. Herpes. Class issues. Race issues. Extinction.Hong Chau deserves ALL of the awards for her performance. She was a most atypical love interest in a big Hollywood film, but she was impossible to not fall in love with. When the credits rolled, I was a bit disappointed as I really wanted to see what became of them. And Dushawn. And the rest of humanity.
Literally that movie was the worst piece of garbage I've ever seen in my entire life. The whole movie didn't have a plot or a premise. It was riddled with non important people having different small talk conversations. Nothing actually happened in the movie! It was painfully bad. It just felt like a really long infomercial.
Where can I bootleg this movie?
Looks like Peach Trees from Dredd
Is old man who watching tv dusan???
Talk about a real life Rodentia
How depressing. Why would anyone want to pay to preached at and made to feel guilty about being successful?
That’s liberalism today. And god forbid your ideas differ from theirs.
You get canceled
Another gimmicky movie with a pretentious "concept", pass!
They took a great idea of a movie then ruined it and turned it into a bad movie
Why is it that people think Mexicans can’t be rich tf
The richest Mexican currently has alot of debt
I'm just confuse is the lady from Vietnam or the old West 😂
The movie was pretty good. People need to be open minded.
I was open minded. The movie just sucks
terrible movie, literally the worst i have ever seen
why did they have that lady walkin in front of Matt Damon like she took a huge dump in her pants????
This movie sucked
horrible movie
lol the comments; trump supporters are so triggered over a film, i suppose seeing anything other than white people makes you mad
letmeeatyourliver We prefer to be around people like ourselves. Same as you! At least we're honest about it.
America is dumb, there's no way around that
letmeeatyourliver I supported Trump and I enjoyed this movie. I’m into sci-fi, which was around and had end of the world scenarios way before the liberals learned there was money to be made in fear of a ruined environment.
letmeeatyourliver whatever u racist piece of garbadge.learn some facts before u comment next time. Thanks goodnight
Prefer to be around people like myself, except that it's based on the person not on their race. So no, racism isn't really about being around people like you. But keep telling yourself that
First 45 minutes was great, after that, pure garbage.
This movie was so dumb. Just saw it and several people walked out. Pretty bad!
this movie is the worst that I have ever watched in my life. don't watch it. it sucks.
Terrible movie
The Asian woman’s accent made the film unwatchable for me
As in 'The Last Jedi' - the political message ruined the movie.