  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 78

  • @johnbuckley78
    @johnbuckley78 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The best advice which you neglected was to join an active guild. Join your servers discord and look over the recruitment sections. Walking the solo path is difficult when you need seven other people to complete content. A big part of the game for me isn’t so much the game itself but the relationships I build along the way.

    • @hobart4678
      @hobart4678 ปีที่แล้ว

      As a guild leader, YES. Please join an ACTIVE guild. Guilds are always looking for active members. My guild has a dozen or so people over 1520 but we still have about 10 or so spots open. We often run valtan-vykas-kakul schools (hopefully brel schools soon) for the newbies or undergeared members!

    • @mizeria777
      @mizeria777 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly, that’s why i made the guild right from the start, been recruiting consistently active players that dont quit, it helps alot. this game requires good communication and coordination so it’s hard when one does their own thing and the rest has a different plan.

  • @raphaelh8852
    @raphaelh8852 ปีที่แล้ว

    Every video of yours I have watched is spot on. You deserve a lot bigger platform. Keep at it.

  • @ComeCloserx3
    @ComeCloserx3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    as someone who clear brel 1-6x a week i consider myself as gatekeeper. and i agree all of ypur points. And even with all of that ppl will still get gatekeeped . Just because of item lvl .. there are so many reasons but this will be to long to write

  • @Kalimdor199Menegroth
    @Kalimdor199Menegroth ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Completely agree on the Prokel fight. The only reason my 1500 soulfist alt (EO) is accepted in G1-4 parties is because I can do Prokel (since I do him on my main, 1556 RS soulfist). Being able to do Prokel, even as back up pretty much reduces the chances of you getting gatekept.

    • @reodado8502
      @reodado8502 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wait people gatekeep EO soulfist?

    • @Kalimdor199Menegroth
      @Kalimdor199Menegroth ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@reodado8502 Not the class per se, but because of item level. People want uber overgeared players in their parties because they are not confident of doing gates 1-4 close to item level. It is what it is.

    • @sele4049
      @sele4049 ปีที่แล้ว

      Most DPS have a decent to easy time with prokel, if someone avoids doing it that means they suck at their class or the game in general. I only look for prokel fighters in my pugs even when i'm going to prokel myself. Means people are confident in their skills and i always had extremely smooth pugs.

    • @Kalimdor199Menegroth
      @Kalimdor199Menegroth ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sele4049 True, some DPS classes have an easier time compared to others. Classes with mobility, a lot of CC and push immunity/super armor/shields pretty much steamrolls Prokel, whereas those with some or none of these struggle a bit.
      I struggle a bit with my RS soulfist because of low mobility, no shields not much push immunity/super armor and CC is limited to 2 skills (I change to freeze tripods on a counter skills and palms to cancel some of his mech). If I can't finish him off, then I bring him to like 10 bars or something like that.
      Anyway, I find it more difficult to stay alive outside than inside with Prokel. The fight with Prokel is more engaging and fun compared to the head outside.

    • @Napstah
      @Napstah ปีที่แล้ว

      youre so lucky my 1510 berserker is gatekept for prokel G1-G4 , hes only accepted for prokel G1-G2
      meanwhile i do prokel 2x a week ( only have 2 dps at 1490+) and can easily finish the fight alone :(

  • @thedemptspecial
    @thedemptspecial ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Would definitely like the link to that class synergy image. Friend and I were just talking about them and while maxroll has them listed on a page, it's still nice to look at multiple sources of info in case anything is missed. Would appreciate it!

      @DEFENDORHQ  ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry I forgot to add it in the description!

  • @truhalos
    @truhalos ปีที่แล้ว

    Honestly when I make groups the biggest reason I gate keep is Stats -> Engravings -> Gems/Negative Engravings. Cause sure you can do Mario 3 or prokel fight but if you're rainbow stats or low/bad engravings I won't take you. Making sure your stats/engravings/gems are right and appropriate levels is honestly the biggest thing since that's all I see from a person applying I have no idea how good or bad they are.
    As a side note there are also people who gate keep based on roster level and compass grade as semi indacators if they have done all necessary side content for runes/skill points.

  • @pauliusnanukas7183
    @pauliusnanukas7183 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They should put something like practise level where you repeat it until you pass the stage and get rewards only when its cleared, also you should not lose entry count until its finish. That would make new players practise much more easier until they get comfortable and skillfull enough to get into proper groups.

    • @grayson6615
      @grayson6615 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's called a prog run.

  • @1snipoukos007
    @1snipoukos007 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The best way to avoid gatekeeping is to focus on 2 dps classes you enjoy, invest heavily into them and male 4 support alts.
    You get the majority of your legion raids done so fast and since supports only need honing to get into the raid you can funnel all the extra gold from them into your favorite dps class.
    If in the future you want to add another dps class to your main 6 you can bench a support and use it for "support trades" with other people.
    I have been doing this and it's been smooth sailing clearing all 18 legion raids each week.

  • @computerflight2145
    @computerflight2145 ปีที่แล้ว

    "play a support, you won't get rejected from any group" - did not age well

  • @drLazyEvil
    @drLazyEvil ปีที่แล้ว

    Kinda hard to find a group as support main for G6 without title on EUC right now.

  • @Zarrow1
    @Zarrow1 ปีที่แล้ว

    All I can say the gear and engravings matters the most. No matter what titles you may have. My 1500 surge blade alt doesn't get accepted into Vykas hard because I haven't bought surge books yet and I run 4x3+2.

    • @Laurishala79
      @Laurishala79 ปีที่แล้ว

      This…my surge alt blade who’s at 1480 is 4x3 + 2 and gets rejected from Kyla’s Hard all the time. Gatekeeping in this game is the worst and honestly I’m sick and tired of it. I’m just quitting this shit game and counting my loses.

  • @omarnaffeti1847
    @omarnaffeti1847 ปีที่แล้ว

    this actually really usefull tips that many are sleeping on, especially the prokel one because there is many dps only players like me with multiple on ilvl alts if u wanna farm g1g2 brel its necessary to be able to take down prok on most of ur alts or
    don't be expected to be invited because if u think about it this way some players are providing supports to the group some will provide big dps to help the raid but an alt with not very hot stats and on ilvl u wont provide anything or worst u even can die and waste time, so as u said learning prokel is a must for on ilvl alts

  • @Napstah
    @Napstah ปีที่แล้ว

    joining prog group is real
    i did it for brel (g3 , i had 3 clears at the time but i was gatekept by reclears) and we beat this gate in like 1 hour
    Yesterday i did for the first time g5 by joining a random prog group and we cleared it in 30 minutes lol , sometimes prog can be faster than actual reclear groups

  • @WtfReal
    @WtfReal ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My pistoleer is perma gatekept. It’s 5x3 full relic. Even when I make my own room people don’t join or leave after they see I’m pistoleer. Actually sad

    • @Abyzdecannes
      @Abyzdecannes ปีที่แล้ว

      This is the sad truth and hypocrisy about the whole gatekeeping thing. Pretty much no one wants to play with gatekept players (pistoleers, SS, scouters ...), even the ones that are getting gatekept themselves, they also gatekeep others. Most players just want to get their ass carried by titled players, they try to get into group of a higher """standard""" than what their current character/roster is. How many times is there a lonely Reaper making a group with no one ever joining, meanwhile the supposed "victims" of gatekeepkng cry on the forums instead of joining off-beat groups :/ Most of them are pure hypocrits and it really sucks for people like you who actually say fuck it I'll make a group, and then no one ever joins, cause you know, they aren't getting into groups but they won't go as low as play with a pistoleer right

    • @Kalimdor199Menegroth
      @Kalimdor199Menegroth ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well that is unfortunate, but it is a fact that the Deadeye Pistoleer build is one of the worst in this game and despite getting buffs at pretty much every PTR, it still sucks compared even to the other Deadeye build. People know this, so they gatekeep.

    • @Kalimdor199Menegroth
      @Kalimdor199Menegroth ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Abyzdecannes Sharpshooters and Scouters, despite not being top tiers should not be gatekept. Properly built Scouters on Legacy do crazy damage. My Brel static has one and he can outdps sorcs. Sharpshooters... while being neglected, it is not a bad character, they do damage if properly played and they have nice party synergy (increased damage and extra movement speed, which for burst classes comes in handy). I would play with a Pistoleer Deadeye though.

    • @Abyzdecannes
      @Abyzdecannes ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kalimdor199Menegroth A good player will always out dps a bad player no matter the class, but some classes just can't compete on equal skill, don't get me wrong they still have more than enough damage to clear anything, but if you have the choice between an average Scrapper and an average Scouter, SS, SH, ... you get the point, the Scrapper will always win here. Your Scouter friend is propably really good at it hence his performance, but should he be matched in skill by a class that does a disgusting amount of damage he will lose. And since there is no way to know a player's performance because no dps meter, classes that in average perform less are gatekept, due to lack of player info

    • @clitorian
      @clitorian ปีที่แล้ว

      Sad to see! i play Pistoleer as my main Alt (hes only 4 + 2), and i struggle to get into the new guardian raid, but all other raids i get into fine (brel sometimes takes 4-6 applies)... check your gear quality and gems, i noticed once i got level 7 gems across the board i started to get accepted more easily!

  • @omg1876
    @omg1876 ปีที่แล้ว

    I play 13 GLs and 7 can do prokel. I make a party and we fill up quickly. Other lower 5 don't get gatekept on any raids leading up to brel 😂 idk I feel like people just need to make their own parties if they don't wanna be gate kept. If you can't lead your own raid then just expect to wait longer

  • @sanddunesppo5170
    @sanddunesppo5170 ปีที่แล้ว

    I did start seing lobbies doing support trade run in party finder so like 4 bard in clown then everyone add each other 3 swap to their dps then start pretty much 4 runs in a row 1 support run 3 dps

  • @47battles
    @47battles ปีที่แล้ว

    Been playing since launch and my roster lvl is 113 I don’t do any extra bullshit I don’t need to do I raid and get off , but people think I’m a new player cause roster low thsnk god I got a static

  • @cowdash
    @cowdash ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As a new player, I'm glad I play paladin. Lol

    • @nanonidesu8250
      @nanonidesu8250 ปีที่แล้ว

      In Rothun i saw a lot of pala or bard mokoko, there new player know what to play first 😂

    • @heroblake6572
      @heroblake6572 ปีที่แล้ว

      Master race

  • @clitorian
    @clitorian ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I saw a comment (and replied) to a guy below saying he gets gatekept as Pistoleer DE , my main alt is DE Pistoleer and im getting into groups ok'ish (new guardian not so much but raids is fine) so...
    If you are struggling to get G1-G2 Brel and can't do prokel... Start the group and put in title that you need a prokel and the prokel gets the box at end of G2... This attracts the prokel killer, then once you have it change title to "have prokel - Prokel gets box" and everyone else rolls in :P
    And ofcourse.. make sure you honor the agreement :D
    - ive not done this one myself.. but i want too... go get the demon beast roar title, i know this might not make sense, but any one who has that title must have put some hours into the game and must love learning mechanics... i see these people as higher potential to know and do mechanics better, i always want better players mechanically than higher ilvl.. ive rejected 20 ilvl higher for someone with a roar title in brel... skill beats ilvl / damage
    - make sure you have gems! if youre getting gatekept with alts at valten / vykas and have janky gem setup like 2 lvl 5 (not including SH and Scouter) then rest are level 1... go buy all level 4's , 11 level 4 gems will cost you about 3.8k gold... and makes your character look more uniform and desirable.
    I say this because i create groups all the time.. the amount of people applying to groups who have not got their cards equipped and have no gems is unreal... And not to be the gatekeeping problem but when i have two summoners applying on Ilvl both evenly equipped etc.. but one has full lvl 4 gems and cards equipped and the other one has none...
    Need to understand the person looking to accept you is comparing you against other people applying... they have no idea if you are actually any good at the raid and its mechanics... so its safer in the minds to risk getting someone whos bad with a good setup than someone who is bad with no setup :D (as harsh as that sounds)
    - If you know mechanics from video but have not done it before, say so in group... youll be surprised. Might just be me and my pals, but we are always happy to help through the older raids (pre brel raids as still learning brel ourselves) we had someone who clearly didnt know what they were doing in valten other day and would not speak up... after not throwing nades and failing break, finally spoke up that they had just bus'd it and wanted to try it but didnt know mechs... we sat there and took them through it all, i was even typing when he should be throwing nades and started pinging to show where to move on each mech...

  • @tom-ul1zh
    @tom-ul1zh ปีที่แล้ว

    When you enter an "alt reclear" lobby and people still needs 4 to 5 retry on gate 3 vykas normal or don't ts on vykas g1 normal mod I'm going to gate keep. It's bad I know but man I don't want to spend more time than I'm already spending on this game.

  • @mikegoldfinch
    @mikegoldfinch ปีที่แล้ว

    Also if someone follows everything you mentioned they could still be a scumbag. For example….
    Person buys a bus for 4 months and has the title. This person also has a support friend that apples with him. This person says he can do Mario 3 because he beat it 1 time in trixion.. ect ect ect buy after all that they have lied and joined a reclear party……. You can literally follow all of your steps and jail 7 other people because they have never completed the raid

  • @victorkoh9025
    @victorkoh9025 ปีที่แล้ว

    my big problem is my honing luck... im effing unlucky... if u know the artisan % of the item. you'll know that once that is 100% it'll give you 100% honing rate. Which all my 6 characters have almost had afew gears that reaches 100% rate then i can pass. and on 1 of my alt, 5 armor and 1 weapon, my weapon artisan when i passs was about 50%, and 3 of 5 armor reached 100% and remaining 2 was at 98% artisan. so i failed almost every single hone till its 100%. i have a friend that i play with and my in game hours is at least 200hours more then him. but all his character, his main is 1505 while im still at 1492. and all his alts are reaching 1472. im still at 1450 - 1460. so how the hell can i join any game when literally everyone is higher ilvl then me. I want to lvl up but i just cant. have wasted all my mats and gold and still am stuck at same lvl for weeks on and months. bearly leveling 1 or maybe afew like 3-4 gears in afew weeks. while my friend lvls 1 every other day... this is BS.

  • @marcioabreu1150
    @marcioabreu1150 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you get gatekept, make party yourself and I wanna see not gatekeeping.

  • @I3ELs
    @I3ELs ปีที่แล้ว

    Top 10 got no longer gatekeeping
    Top 1 : Pay more money

    • @therickycrazy
      @therickycrazy ปีที่แล้ว

      i gatekeep people with all lvl10 gems because surely they are rmtrs, so watch out with this, i know a lot of people that also do this.

  • @grimzy5204
    @grimzy5204 ปีที่แล้ว

    Put in the effort or get denied. Simple as that.

  • @Deadeasy01
    @Deadeasy01 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have 5 supports 1 at 1520 , 4 at 1505 I only do Valtan . I didn't get to learn the other Raids in the first couple of weeks of there release . No body will help you learn.
    Yes supports can get into pub raids but don't fail a mechanic or you'll soon learn what Toxic means.

    • @emphus8340
      @emphus8340 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      If you dont know the raid join prog groups
      If you join a reclear group and dont know what to do its your falt if ppl get mad at you

    • @nutsplice5248
      @nutsplice5248 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You got that giving up mentality, just start a learning group and people will join

    • @raveturkey1996
      @raveturkey1996 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm not sure about Vykas at this stage in the game, but there's still loads of learning/prog parties for clown and brel. As the others mentioned the general etiquette is that you first prog with prog groups till you clear, unless the gate is insanely easy you won't kill it till you've put a bunch of time learning.
      THEN you join reclear groups. When you join a reclear group, you are expected to have cleared it once before by legit means (not a bus) and you are able to do the mechanics.
      People won't rage at 1 silly mistake, usually people just admit to their mistake, shit can happen to anyone. But it is painfully obvious when an imposter joins that makes the same mistake repeatedly xd
      Again you should have no problem finding learning/prog groups for clown and brel as support, however you probably want to finish your yearning set so yeah you gonna have to find a way to get your vykas clears. If there are never learning groups well I'm afraid you are going to have to host one and do the sidereals (sidreals are actually fun to use though lol)
      I don't like to advocate this but I do understand your situation, If you really don't want to host, then be the imposter and sneak into reclear groups that don't contain the words "succubus/incubus title", you are definitely going to hear about it if you make many mistakes especially if it's on easier mechs, but if you really want to get further in the game just be thick skinned and don't let the toxicity get to you xd. You will get good but you have to actually do the raid till you get it. Understand from other peoples point of view in a reclear group they expect you to know the fight and they don't want to sit for 3 hours wiping :)
      Just watch guides until you understand what you are meant to be doing, then try put it into practice :) Good luck!

  • @ikuesonopium465
    @ikuesonopium465 ปีที่แล้ว

    Support is the worst class to clear solo content

  • @trop1cal5k1ttles
    @trop1cal5k1ttles ปีที่แล้ว

    Gatekeeping is real and there is no way around it other than playing the game substantially more then the average player base to catch up. Or to swipe for progression.
    If you have no intentions of doing either then you don’t really get to complain.

  • @justizy7258
    @justizy7258 ปีที่แล้ว

    lot of time if isomehow die we can restart cose noone know sidereal if its needet :))) iam leading all parties i need to kill probel i need to do mario 3 xD i dont have best gamers friends,atleast i get good fast in this stufs xD

  • @jamesb9859
    @jamesb9859 ปีที่แล้ว

    I mean a lot of that is fine but they can't even get into lobbies to say anything, lol.

  • @Assassinss77
    @Assassinss77 ปีที่แล้ว

    In my opinion gatekeeping is not a bad thing. As long as people can get 4x3 +1 or 2 they are fine engraving wise. When you are on ilvl as a dps, you are competing with others who could be higher ilvl therefore even you'd take them instead of the lower gear score player. If you have all lvl 5 gems and someone has level 7-s or above, clearly you'd take the other. As for me personally, I don't ever take berserkers, gunslingers because your avarage player on those classes in my experience lacks skill to even survive.
    Next up: I often do no support runs because I don't want to wait 30 minutes for a support who is not 3x3 with some scrap gems because I deny those and many many people struggle to stay alive without support. I'm talking about Valtans, Vykas and brel 1-5, even when they have 100 ilvl on the content they die.
    You can tell people to practice mario and prokel, but your avarage player just wants to get carried and they won't practice it. You could have raid practices and besides the better players noone will even try it. I can do prokel even on ilvl, but I see many 1550+ players dying into mechs there although we have practice mode so you can get down every mech.
    Edit: Forgot to say that synergies are nice, but definetly not mandatory. I'd rather take someone who can play ( which you can't really predeterminate from party finder ) over somene who struggle to even stay alive, but I have them because they have nice synergy. Lastly, titles. They are pointless and dumb ways to gatekeep when people can just buy busses.

    • @lainstructure
      @lainstructure ปีที่แล้ว +1

      in my opinion - your opinion is trash

  • @ZedProX
    @ZedProX ปีที่แล้ว +1

    but then you use reaper/scouters oof lmao

    • @Stockish_Daza
      @Stockish_Daza ปีที่แล้ว

      I bet my scouter would smash you on the charts lol. 10 gems and 1570

    • @ZedProX
      @ZedProX ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Congrats (nobody gives a shit) + im only joking on the vid cause people are clowns on gate keeping

    • @ZedProX
      @ZedProX ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Stockish_Daza also are ya mad for me saying facts?? Scouters and reaper is legit getting gate keep hard despite having titles/horns?

    • @nutsplice5248
      @nutsplice5248 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Stockish_Daza Bro is flexing the transformation class 💀

    • @nanonidesu8250
      @nanonidesu8250 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dk but my 3 alt , 2 1470 glai reaper and 1 1460 gunslinger cant john Vykas Hard even all 4x3 +1 and all had lv7gem dmg skill, so sad

  • @showtimeap3
    @showtimeap3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Link below he says... lol

  • @lainstructure
    @lainstructure ปีที่แล้ว

    The best way to stop gatekeeping is to stop playing this garbage game.
    If playerbase is so toxic to gatekeep you for the class you are playing - then it's not worth it

  • @Despond
    @Despond ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Wanting to play with people similar to you is elitism? How about stop telling people who they can play with. There are plenty of people who are denied because they've put no effort at all. Lost Ark is a game of a strict checklist, repeating the same tasks and content multiple times, people have all the right to do it as efficiently as they want. Make your own group, what's that no-ones joining it? Well then look at yourself then because if there was a problem there would plenty of people with your set-up that would join - why should you expect to be carried or join a group full of people who are much more progressed then you? Sick of this victimhood mentality: "Oh I got rejected, must be elitism". Everyone, including me had to go through the ranks, the bad groups to finally get those titles and gear, if you want a carry then go buy one.

    • @tinsiaetekeste9307
      @tinsiaetekeste9307 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Dude is trynna genuinely help people and you’re malding. Trying to gatekeep yt videos too huh? 😂

    • @Laurishala79
      @Laurishala79 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I’ve already beaten Brel 5times and working towards my title, roster level 181( i know it’s not the end of the world but I’ve put in my time) I’m a support player so i get into parties on my main super easy - but the reality is the gatekeeping in this game is ABSURD. People gatekeeping and being elitist thinking they are better than what they really are. This game is ass and I can’t wait for baldurs gate to finally drop so i can quit this pos. Toxic ass community.

    • @Zhoriizon313
      @Zhoriizon313 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Rofl someone is mad 😂

  • @MW344848
    @MW344848 ปีที่แล้ว

    so basicly git gud