Those are some really money saving tips. I bet a lot of folks don't think about stuff like that when they're laying out their designs. Very good video. Thanks for sharing.
These days, you gotta find ways to save money but still deliver quality. You aren't sacrificing quality this way, just maximizing your print area. Appreciate you watching.
The contour setting doesn't change with the existing contour when you resize. Flexi remembers the last contour size setting, if you highlight the sticker artwork and add click the tickmark it will apply a 1" contour. adding a cut contour needs to be the last step made. I have stuffed up a lot of prints because I added a cutline and then made additional edits.
Yes, the contour cut should be applied last. I just wanted to point out that it needs to be accounted for when sizing your final design. It just takes a simple subtraction calculation to figure out the design size and outline/contour cut line width so that your final target dimension is achieved. Thank you for watching.
Those are some really money saving tips. I bet a lot of folks don't think about stuff like that when they're laying out their designs. Very good video. Thanks for sharing.
These days, you gotta find ways to save money but still deliver quality. You aren't sacrificing quality this way, just maximizing your print area. Appreciate you watching.
Thanks a lot for the video.
You're welcome. Thanks for watching.
The contour setting doesn't change with the existing contour when you resize. Flexi remembers the last contour size setting, if you highlight the sticker artwork and add click the tickmark it will apply a 1" contour. adding a cut contour needs to be the last step made. I have stuffed up a lot of prints because I added a cutline and then made additional edits.
Yes, the contour cut should be applied last. I just wanted to point out that it needs to be accounted for when sizing your final design. It just takes a simple subtraction calculation to figure out the design size and outline/contour cut line width so that your final target dimension is achieved. Thank you for watching.