ask a chatbot for 15 mins of info in no specific order then get AI to narrate the cadence is all off i think it's horrible to listen to compared to the human voice
It's become a tiresome feature of this channel, I guess. I like the content, especially its openness to ethereal ideas that relate to science, but I dislike the typical disconnect between what is captioned on a thumbnail and what is observed in the video. I am not clear on what "we were wrong" about. Is it that it's most likely not an artificial object but indeed a comet or asteroid or not?
I studied this thing and I have not been able to find any science where a naturally occurring celestial body has the ability to steer itself. The ideal that it released gas and that is how it moved the way it did is not plausible. I learned nothing new from this video. Oumuamua is an inexplicable phenomenon.
It makes total sense that any Allien species would make a thick protection shield on their spaceships. Making it look like a huge rock proves that it's shield is working when being hit by space dust debries etc
Did anyone ever think that it's magnetic and increased in speed from reverse polarity from the earth's magnetic pull. I mean it's like taking 2 magnets and switching them around and they shoot away from each other.
These are amazing before bed. I just listen and peacefully fall asleep bc of his random babbling lol. It’s actually wholesome that he doesn’t even ever make a clear point
Oumuamua is now past Neptune's orbit and is heading back into interstellar space, I wish I was immortal, and totally impervious to damage, and was a passenger on Oumuamua say in a small cave open to the space environment. I wonder where our travels would take us?
Oumuamua was traveling at an extremely high speed (about 315,000 km/h). Its speed, combined with its small size and faintness, made it hard to track for long periods. We only had a short time to observe it before it moved too far away.
"Our solar system is only a small part of whats out there" I was also staggered by the size of the largest black hole plus the dance, pushing around space occurring when two black holes join each other.The largest black hole ever found in the universe is TON 618, which has a mass of 40 billion times the sun’s mass. If politicians wonder what to do with created investment funds they should try contemplation of those facts.
Not to mention alien technology is going to be way above our mind capabilities, we have a tendency to think in 3D or 4D, compared to alien technology possibility beyond our mindsets would be mind-blowing.🎆🤯💥
I love that the criticism of Loeb's suggestion is not actually science, it's just a couple of very basic assumptions about what the community thinks is likely based on what they know about our own technology. Sensors need to be stable, and should emit energy we can see, so it couldn't be anything but a rock. many odd shaped hydrogen rocks have we seen moving at warp plaid and making turns?
We dont really have a good pic of that thing, it went by too fast. What we see all over the media is just an artists conception. What we are not seeing is where it came from. Maybe that was a probe
It is not proved that it is 'cigar shaped' - no one has actually seen it. All we know is the way it reflects light and its apparent shape is simply ONE plausible explanation for the light cycles we observe..
You are right, the saucer actually would look the same...but we simply don't know what it was but I am pretty sure its something from Oort cloud. But anyways scientists are fast to conclude: "its natural origin" they did the same when old probe was discovered, acting weird and they were quick to conclude it was a rock and it "was rock" until it wasnt it was an old probe they were observing. I mean so many space debree its nothing strange had it came from Oort cloud or maybe came out of sheer space...but what I am saying is, its the fact most scientists will make conclusion and wont allow the discussion and thats big problem in todays science...very big problem, scientist must always have doubts
If it was an Iron core, then as it was not spherical or somewhat magnetically polarised then it's rotation, velocity would be effected by any electric anð/or magnetically influence?
Oumuamua est en fait une baguette de pain de 800 m de long, appartenant à une civilisation extra-terrestre composée de géants par rapport aux Terriens. Son séjour de 935 millions d'années dans le vide intergalactique glacial lui a donné cet aspect pétrifié... Posée sur une table lors d'un petit déjeuner dans un vaisseau spacial, elle avait été happée par un hublot dont la vitre s'était cassée, ce qui avait produit une aspiration. D'autres objets disparurent de la table et on compta aussi deux croissants et un pot de gelée de grosses vieilles, qui eux ne prirent pas exactement la même direction que Oumuamua, ce qui fait qu'on ne les ait pas aperçus de la Terre... Aux dernières nouvelles, un astronome amateur aurait aperçu les deux croissants grâce à son télescope. Ils étaient en orbite autour d'un gros astéroïde, dont on peut dire que son champ gravitationnel avait fait de ces croissants, deux lunes. Tandis qu'un peu plus loin, sur la même orbite, se les gelaient deux grosses vieilles qui avaient manqué de pot...
it surely has already, but any of us will be lucky to see any of that intel in 20 years from now, when it's irrelevant and surrounded in confusion and ill-intended missinformation, as always...
It was not an asteroid it was a spaceship that entered our solar system and came near earth and dropped off round objects to earth like probes or something.
@@HillAmirah1982 Considering the vastness means probably, the next buddies will be some 10.000 lightyears away. And all they want to visit is earth ? Anyone found one of that "probes or something" - did "they" remove them ?
I used the available data on the size, speed, tumble and rotational characteristics of Oumuamua in Chat GPT question to see if artificial gravity could be generated? Guess what, it could be. So that object is creating a form of artificial gravity if Beings are inside it.
You didn't go into Avi's many different hypothesis. His job is to entertain such ideas. He does not say, anywhere, that his hypothesis are fact. But there are several ideas that are plausible. The "debunking" was all based on their own idea of how space travel works - based on our own capabilities, which are rough, lightweight , small and still very primitive. We have yet to attempt to build anything of Omuamua's size, most likely needing to do so in space. That is decades, if not more, years away.. Yes. Avi's ideas are fun to explore. And they still can't find a natural reason for the object to agree on.
How long did this rock we took the trouble to name, dwell in the cold before it was heated by a star? Our awareness of what's happening in our own back yard increases. Is this the first rock we've observed altering it's projected course? Maybe some comets do the same?
An alien craft that had an accident such as a puncture which released the atmosphere, killing the crew and setting it tumbling. Some automatic systems are still running. Estimates of its size are from the size of a ocean liner to the size of the Empire State Building and about the same proportions. I have not heard any attempts to explain the shape and size other than "reasons".
The shape is quite peculiar. It's not impossible. It could have been a jagged fragment from planetary collision that's been softened and rounded by solar friction, like a stone in a river. It could also well be an alien interstellar spaceship with a crew that died out many millions of years ago. A ship that collected cosmic debris over millenia as it tumbled and spun at incredible speeds, slowly slowing due to particles of hydrogen, etc, smashing and amalgamizing to its exterior. Studying its spin and tumble could probably help us locate a thin spot somewhere where we could drill and test the theory.
why is this interstellar object presented as having that shape? not even NASA has a picture of that shape, but only as a point moving in space. I think some people have too much imagination to the point where the evidence is distorted to make room for fantasies
Well it went by so fast and war so far away and two many variables, why waste resources when we could save them for the next time we find a astronaut like this
A primary mode of locomotion observed but not understood and detailed in this and most pieces on Omuamua are the design characteristics of a thrown knife or staff. As it tumbled forward, and without any outguessing or rocket proportion it reduced the rate of rumble end for end, rotated transversely and made a complex course correction, then resumed the lengthwise end for end tumble. These complex corrections cannot be accidental but a part of what is't mission is as a complex space vehicle.
I doubt that comet tails are due to off gassing; in fact I am sure this has been proven to be false. The comet is pulling debris along with it and the tail and forward spike are plasma effects, IMO.
The fact that it sped up as leaving our system leads me to assume that its composition may be of something unknown that may be repelled from solar radiation as a magnet of opposite poles would do
I enjoyed the narrator's pleasant, folksy delivery but was annoyed by the scriptwriter's tactic of prolonging the video by saying the same thing over and over again
For those saying the mystery is not solved, he says in the vid pretty clearly: The mystery solved is that the object likely contains hydrogen which was released as it got closer to the sun’s heat, causing it to be propelled and speed up as it left our solar system, a type of propulsion which would be hard to spot through the usual ‘trails’ that comets leave, hence our initial confusion.
I would love to see a video of what earth is supposed to look like spinning at ridiculous miles an hour, maybe people would see just how unrealistic it is ,if anyone knows of such a video please let me know thanks ☘️
In the rotation cycle , as odd as it may seem, every face of the asteroid faces earth. This suggests that in all likelihood the asteroid is a stealth probe with numerous sensors .
1. The length of the object is approximately 800 meters. 2622 feet. It was said in this video that the object was somewhere between 600 to 800 feet. So this is a massive discrepancy. As part of counterintelligence the method is to reduce redact redirect. We already reducing. ,2. Such things as propulsion through outgassing has already proven incorrect. 3. The object was also is 99.8%, roughly equivalent to equivalent to mirror in your house. 4. An initial reports the object was actually multiple that slowed down as he entered the solar system. The idea that these objects would slow down suggested a type of propulsion. 5. There has been a massive disinformation campaign to attempt to destabilize the theory to maintain this idea that we're like solely in the universe and nothing else has been discovered! 6. Control is always essential over the over the public. Regardless of if you would stop going to work, containment is essential to contain all human behaviors.
It must have a very Heavy mass, it's weight when it slingshots around a Sun or Planet gives it great speed through it's heavy drag and then projection being throw out from a much larger Mass.
Hollowed asterod or comet core which tumbles would create artificial gravity and rock shell a perfect shield against space debris - like the flying ROCK Spaceships in 2019 John Good movie CAPTIVE STATE - which for some reason (while being a box office bomb) has bee shown on SHOWTIME and TMC for 4 continuous years since Covid started and is still going). Popular movies like Harry Potter air all the time, but box office flops typically come and go after a few months. Since Oumuamua has left our star system - we will never really know what it was for certain - just an unusual asteroid/comet or a crewed or uncrewed probe which ran silent listening for radio transmissions and scanning for resources then reporting back to its home fleet and headed for its next target star system to explore for resource extraction/colonization.
There is a good lecture by a real astronomer on you tube. She suggests parking a spacecraft out at the L5 point to chase the next thing that might show. There may be more of them yet and we dont know it. All you see is a bright dot moving against the star field. It varies in brightness so they think that means it is tumbling.
Adding velocity to a celestial body is not breaking the laws of physics. Our moon steals angular momentum from the earth, adding velocity to its orbit, which is causing the moon to constantly recede from the earth. It has been doing this since it's formation. Omuamoua's velocity could have been engendered through a violent collision, or after it broke off from it's parent mass, could have had an orbital condition that gave it a velocity that is greater than a comet, and after stealing angular momentum from our solar system increase it's velocity, to that greater than it had before it's encounter with our solar system.
Thanks for the repeating information that we already know. Not only repeated but repeated multiple times in this video to further waste more time of the viewers. I shut it off halfway through
The spitzler telescope could not observe the satellite moving through the solar system as its only a red spectrum IR , it’s could not take any data as the satellite was too close to our sun by the time it was detected. Also it may not be emitting any IR at all.
Very fair & impartial report IMO... Haven't been online personally awhile.. Recall (last few months) report of irregular travel path, that is: apparently not strictly gravity & direction consistent... considering credibility "UFO sightings", significance would be: actual scientific confirmation "otherworld phenomena". Any Replies 2 this question?
There was a question in that incomprehensible babble? Try proofreading what you posted, then ask yourself, "Will anyone have a clue what I'm trying to say?" , or "ask", if there are really was an invisible question in that mess. It is a great example of why we need to teach grammar, spelling and sentence construction in school again. In another decade people aren't going to even be able to communicate with each other.
@@davidbrittenham4631 Sorry misunderstand intent sir... If space object demos irregular flite path then unk method control also seems possible. If our Earth tech detects same, then questions: 1. Did Amuamua (sp?) reverse directions? 2. Isn't the Real Value of INet enhanced communication between us who can then exchange info & receive education from others. Tnx 4 reply BTW sir
“ ʻOumuamua “ - Hawaiian term for a leader, as in battle, or a scout. “ ‘ou+muamua “ ‘ou - Sharp, protruding, to reach out or stretch for muamua - redundancy of “mua” which means first, front, forward, or ahead. A great honorary name for such a mysterious object, initially discovered at Haleakalā Observatory, on the tallest volcano in Maui, Hawaiʻi.
No very large, spontaneous high aspect ratio unsupported inorganic objects exist. Oumuamua is estimated 400 m long, 10:1 aspect ratio. Iowa-class battleships are 219 m long, 33 m beam, less than 7:1. Among the largest ships, Nimitz-class aircraft carriers are 333 meters long, 75 meters beam, 4.4:1 aspect ratio. Trees are grown. Long and thin is fragile absent engineering. Empire State Building, 3:1. old World Trade Center Towers 6.5:1; new One World Trade Center, 8.5:1 Oumuamua was constructed. Its orbit was a perfect solar bounce. *WE LET IT GET AWAY*
The problem with present research is that ( it is said that universe is infinite i.e. beyond our senses ) we try to bring Beyond our senses into Within our senses. This may not be possible.
"Let This Go!" "Di Video's On How Children Never Know 10% What Their Mothers Go Through In Kiving & Caring For Them From Conceptuon & Lobg After They Are Gone❣️" "Every Video Would Be Wonderful, Amazing & Unique❣️" "Your Welcone❣️" """❣️""" """👍😎👌"""
Every single theory is not but speculation period! And anyone that ever accepts that as truth doesn't belong in science and this in for mation always need to be stated as a “Best Guess” at this point.
Your comment that the theory of a alien spacecraft is not supported with evidence is just factually wrong. You should state that that's an opinion not a fact!!! Not kosher
And astrophysicist Avi Loeb is way more known and respected than The two scientists or I would say government Shills that did the first so-called hypothesis
Since they don't have clear images of it and only know it's long and cylindrical, why assume it has a rough rocklike appearance? Why might it not resemble a traditional rocket shape, smooth in appearance?
Yesterday night something was passing by with a loud sound. Pretty sure "they" don't want to tell me that it was aliens. But could have been a car though. We will never know until they have to open the secret documents.
Oumuamua is very slow. It flies at interstellar speed of about 20km/s. It would take millions, tens of millions years to get here from closest star it could be from. Nothing artificial would survive even 1000 years and function. Thumbling is common for asteroids. The object rotates around the shortest axis- most stable. Surface is reddish- similarly like far away objects in solar system. That color is due to tholins- a mixture of organic chemicals It isn't dark matter- it would be invisible, it wouldn't reflect any radiation, it would just pass through. Moreover, it wouldn't be solid object, since chemical bonds are impossible for dark matter. The density of Oumuamua is too high for body with void/voids inside- it can't be spaceship, and it can't be light sail.
This guy deserves an Emmy for successfully dragging out 60 seconds worth of information into15 minutes.
ask a chatbot for 15 mins of info in no specific order
then get AI to narrate
the cadence is all off
i think it's horrible to listen to compared to the human voice
@@spook_dad I don't think it's "AI", but rather a text-to-speech program that produces a less robotic sound.
This guy is an AI btw
@@JC-tg1gf It's not AI. It's a poorly written and misinformed video.
I think is space station
He just goes on and on and on and never actually says anything.
It's amazing.
Particularly amazing how words that are said keep going round and round and round like it's own little cosmic phenomenon.
So, no actual secrets revealed in the video...?
(I've saved anyone 15 mins of their time).
Thx bud
Thank you
But I want to watch it for 15 minutes
It's become a tiresome feature of this channel, I guess. I like the content, especially its openness to ethereal ideas that relate to science, but I dislike the typical disconnect between what is captioned on a thumbnail and what is observed in the video. I am not clear on what "we were wrong" about. Is it that it's most likely not an artificial object but indeed a comet or asteroid or not?
Spoiler Alert: Nobody knows, but these guys don't know at greater length and less thought than anybody else.
Truth 😂 I’m laughing
Breh I just clicked the video for 2 sec and when I see spoiler I was like bro it's been 2 sec
Most appreciated
Spot on!!! Lame video…
Avi Loeb did not propose Oumuamua was an alien probe. He said it MIGHT be debris from an alien spacecraft with the properties of a solar sail.
It's a giant seed.
Thanks for having a real live narrator. There are lots of channels I don’t watch anymore because AI can’t read properly yet.
Like the word Existential, AI will become one of those words that sound like fingernails on a blackboard.
Thank you
So so true!!!
I LOATHE AI generated voice. I am sure it will get much better in the future, but for right now, it is just really really frustrating
I studied this thing and I have not been able to find any science where a naturally occurring celestial body has the ability to steer itself. The ideal that it released gas and that is how it moved the way it did is not plausible. I learned nothing new from this video. Oumuamua is an inexplicable phenomenon.
It makes total sense that any Allien species would make a thick protection shield on their spaceships. Making it look like a huge rock proves that it's shield is working when being hit by space dust debries etc
Did anyone ever think that it's magnetic and increased in speed from reverse polarity from the earth's magnetic pull. I mean it's like taking 2 magnets and switching them around and they shoot away from each other.
These are amazing before bed. I just listen and peacefully fall asleep bc of his random babbling lol. It’s actually wholesome that he doesn’t even ever make a clear point
It's hard to believe that was 6 years ago already
It's Hard to believe I watched this stupid video !!
Oumuamua is now past Neptune's orbit and is heading back into interstellar space, I wish I was immortal, and totally impervious to damage, and was a passenger on Oumuamua say in a small cave open to the space environment. I wonder where our travels would take us?
They,NASA fired a missile at it.FACT
Bro how is it possible we can see other galaxys,but we couldnt see omuamua clear when it passd right in our front yard
Oumuamua was traveling at an extremely high speed (about 315,000 km/h). Its speed, combined with its small size and faintness, made it hard to track for long periods. We only had a short time to observe it before it moved too far away.
You people make me proud to be human,even though you often don’t know the answers.
Love to know the material content! Very intriguing!
Mostly empty stuff
@ I’d be interested in the different mineral types and if the scientists can guess where it originated. Looks like it chipped off from something.
"Our solar system is only a small part of whats out there" I was also staggered by the size of the largest black hole plus the dance, pushing around space occurring when two black holes join each other.The largest black hole ever found in the universe is TON 618, which has a mass of 40 billion times the sun’s mass. If politicians wonder what to do with created investment funds they should try contemplation of those facts.
Yes a very tiny part
It could be spinning to Produce Artificial gravity
Maybe it's spinning because NASA fired a missile at it. FACT
Not to mention alien technology is going to be way above our mind capabilities, we have a tendency to think in 3D or 4D, compared to alien technology possibility beyond our mindsets would be mind-blowing.🎆🤯💥
Yes, they say light refraction, I think it was light from within
Oumua mua is like a space craft with severe damage inside and all the crew were in deep sleep.
I'm repeating myself. Repeating myself. Apparently, I have the growing ability to change slightly myself as I repeat myself.
Maybe it was a piece of Alderaan? Either way, it's amazing to find unusual objects and to try to figure out what they are!
Or maybe it was a piece of Krypton 😮
A relic from another part of the galaxy.
I love that the criticism of Loeb's suggestion is not actually science, it's just a couple of very basic assumptions about what the community thinks is likely based on what they know about our own technology. Sensors need to be stable, and should emit energy we can see, so it couldn't be anything but a rock. many odd shaped hydrogen rocks have we seen moving at warp plaid and making turns?
We dont really have a good pic of that thing, it went by too fast. What we see all over the media is just an artists conception. What we are not seeing is where it came from. Maybe that was a probe
It is not proved that it is 'cigar shaped' - no one has actually seen it. All we know is the way it reflects light and its apparent shape is simply ONE plausible explanation for the light cycles we observe..
You are right, the saucer actually would look the same...but we simply don't know what it was but I am pretty sure its something from Oort cloud. But anyways scientists are fast to conclude: "its natural origin" they did the same when old probe was discovered, acting weird and they were quick to conclude it was a rock and it "was rock" until it wasnt it was an old probe they were observing. I mean so many space debree its nothing strange had it came from Oort cloud or maybe came out of sheer space...but what I am saying is, its the fact most scientists will make conclusion and wont allow the discussion and thats big problem in todays science...very big problem, scientist must always have doubts
@@gasperstarina9837 it didn't come from the ort cloud. It is definitely interstellar.
We need very fast "Chase Vehicles" with all the abilities to determine their nature.
If it was an Iron core, then as it was not spherical or somewhat magnetically polarised then it's rotation, velocity would be effected by any electric anð/or magnetically influence?
???? You don't need to be a metal to be affected by gravity. You are not metal. Yet you stick quite happily to the Earth.
Oumuamua est en fait une baguette de pain de 800 m de long, appartenant à une civilisation extra-terrestre composée de géants par rapport aux Terriens. Son séjour de 935 millions d'années dans le vide intergalactique glacial lui a donné cet aspect pétrifié... Posée sur une table lors d'un petit déjeuner dans un vaisseau spacial, elle avait été happée par un hublot dont la vitre s'était cassée, ce qui avait produit une aspiration. D'autres objets disparurent de la table et on compta aussi deux croissants et un pot de gelée de grosses vieilles, qui eux ne prirent pas exactement la même direction que Oumuamua, ce qui fait qu'on ne les ait pas aperçus de la Terre... Aux dernières nouvelles, un astronome amateur aurait aperçu les deux croissants grâce à son télescope. Ils étaient en orbite autour d'un gros astéroïde, dont on peut dire que son champ gravitationnel avait fait de ces croissants, deux lunes. Tandis qu'un peu plus loin, sur la même orbite, se les gelaient deux grosses vieilles qui avaient manqué de pot...
Can JWST get images of any heat signatures?
it surely has already, but any of us will be lucky to see any of that intel in 20 years from now, when it's irrelevant and surrounded in confusion and ill-intended missinformation, as always...
It was not an asteroid it was a spaceship that entered our solar system and came near earth and dropped off round objects to earth like probes or something.
Your probably right. We are not the only civilization in this vast universe.
@@HillAmirah1982 Considering the vastness means probably, the next buddies will be some 10.000 lightyears away.
And all they want to visit is earth ?
Anyone found one of that "probes or something" - did "they" remove them ?
I used the available data on the size, speed, tumble and rotational characteristics of Oumuamua in Chat GPT question to see if artificial gravity could be generated? Guess what, it could be. So that object is creating a form of artificial gravity if Beings are inside it.
You didn't go into Avi's many different hypothesis. His job is to entertain such ideas. He does not say, anywhere, that his hypothesis are fact. But there are several ideas that are plausible. The "debunking" was all based on their own idea of how space travel works - based on our own capabilities, which are rough, lightweight , small and still very primitive. We have yet to attempt to build anything of Omuamua's size, most likely needing to do so in space. That is decades, if not more, years away.. Yes. Avi's ideas are fun to explore. And they still can't find a natural reason for the object to agree on.
I was waiting for him to say..."Welcome to Hotel 8, we'll keep the light on for ya"...
It's motel 6...... not hotel 8
It could be a derelict spacecraft, a ghost ship wandering through space
And if I had wheels...
How long did this rock we took the trouble to name, dwell in the cold before it was heated by a star?
Our awareness of what's happening in our own back yard increases. Is this the first rock we've observed altering it's projected course? Maybe some comets do the same?
Why do you think that it's spending one way it's for it to have gravity in side of it just think about it people
Ive learnt something. It isnt only politicians who can talk and talk and at the same time, say nothing
Why don’t we use the jest to track it ?
What secrets were unraveled in this video??
I'm pretty sure they are Vogons. It looks like something a Vogon would drive around in.
I suspect you're correct.
Totally possibly right
or a trogon beccoz they need the length for their long tails in which they keep ingested humans that they teleport in passing
I was thinking Zetons but Vogons has nice ring to it. 🍻
Scoping out the best path for that hyperspace express route...
An alien craft that had an accident such as a puncture which released the atmosphere, killing the crew and setting it tumbling. Some automatic systems are still running. Estimates of its size are from the size of a ocean liner to the size of the Empire State Building and about the same proportions. I have not heard any attempts to explain the shape and size other than "reasons".
I’m sure they know more than I do; and I think it is extremely interesting!!
Thank you for using United States customary units over metric. As an American I appreciate it. The narrator voice is pretty cool too. o/
The shape is quite peculiar. It's not impossible. It could have been a jagged fragment from planetary collision that's been softened and rounded by solar friction, like a stone in a river. It could also well be an alien interstellar spaceship with a crew that died out many millions of years ago. A ship that collected cosmic debris over millenia as it tumbled and spun at incredible speeds, slowly slowing due to particles of hydrogen, etc, smashing and amalgamizing to its exterior. Studying its spin and tumble could probably help us locate a thin spot somewhere where we could drill and test the theory.
What a splendid visual array of animated art
Because we cannot hear the sun burning does it mean space is quiet
Yes, sound needs a medium to propagate through, space is a vacuum - so no sound
Thanks very educational information, they have to include this as a commercial for cuban cigar stores 😢
why is this interstellar object presented as having that shape? not even NASA has a picture of that shape, but only as a point moving in space. I think some people have too much imagination to the point where the evidence is distorted to make room for fantasies
I'm pretty sure that the light it reflected gave us a pretty good idea of its shape and size.
Who loves ya ?
If someone cared enough they'd aim the Hubble or James Webb at it and we would know a lot more to the inch.
What secrets were unraveled? I heard lots of questions and ideas but few, if any answers.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to place a satellite on Ama amua's surface, ride alone with it and report back to us like the Voagers?
Well it went by so fast and war so far away and two many variables, why waste resources when we could save them for the next time we find a astronaut like this
A primary mode of locomotion observed but not understood and detailed in this and most pieces on Omuamua are the design characteristics of a thrown knife or staff. As it tumbled forward, and without any outguessing or rocket proportion it reduced the rate of rumble end for end, rotated transversely and made a complex course correction, then resumed the lengthwise end for end tumble. These complex corrections cannot be accidental but a part of what is't mission is as a complex space vehicle.
Thank you
I doubt that comet tails are due to off gassing; in fact I am sure this has been proven to be false. The comet is pulling debris along with it and the tail and forward spike are plasma effects, IMO.
The fact that it sped up as leaving our system leads me to assume that its composition may be of something unknown that may be repelled from solar radiation as a magnet of opposite poles would do
that or a space craft only 2 options
Space craft for sure and it's occupants seen enough , then sped away.
I enjoyed the narrator's pleasant, folksy delivery but was annoyed by the scriptwriter's tactic of prolonging the video by saying the same thing over and over again
@@cropcircler thanks!
For those saying the mystery is not solved, he says in the vid pretty clearly:
The mystery solved is that the object likely contains hydrogen which was released as it got closer to the sun’s heat, causing it to be propelled and speed up as it left our solar system, a type of propulsion which would be hard to spot through the usual ‘trails’ that comets leave, hence our initial confusion.
One look at thing and I said it's a natural object, interstellar rock. Aliens wouldn't ride around in that thing, they have sleek, polished crafts.
I would love to see a video of what earth is supposed to look like spinning at ridiculous miles an hour, maybe people would see just how unrealistic it is ,if anyone knows of such a video please let me know thanks ☘️
In the rotation cycle , as odd as it may seem, every face of the asteroid faces earth. This suggests that in all likelihood the asteroid is a stealth probe with numerous sensors .
Always read the comments before watching a video to see if it is worth watching.
Is it not a projectile from Uranus😁
1. The length of the object is approximately 800 meters. 2622 feet. It was said in this video that the object was somewhere between 600 to 800 feet. So this is a massive discrepancy. As part of counterintelligence the method is to reduce redact redirect. We already reducing.
,2. Such things as propulsion through outgassing has already proven incorrect.
3. The object was also is 99.8%, roughly equivalent to equivalent to mirror in your house.
4. An initial reports the object was actually multiple that slowed down as he entered the solar system. The idea that these objects would slow down suggested a type of propulsion.
5. There has been a massive disinformation campaign to attempt to destabilize the theory to maintain this idea that we're like solely in the universe and nothing else has been discovered!
6. Control is always essential over the over the public. Regardless of if you would stop going to work, containment is essential to contain all human behaviors.
It must have a very Heavy mass, it's weight when it slingshots around a Sun or Planet gives it great speed through it's heavy drag and then projection being throw out from a much larger Mass.
Hollowed asterod or comet core which tumbles would create artificial gravity and rock shell a perfect shield against space debris - like the flying ROCK Spaceships in 2019 John Good movie CAPTIVE STATE - which for some reason (while being a box office bomb) has bee shown on SHOWTIME and TMC for 4 continuous years since Covid started and is still going). Popular movies like Harry Potter air all the time, but box office flops typically come and go after a few months.
Since Oumuamua has left our star system - we will never really know what it was for certain - just an unusual asteroid/comet or a crewed or uncrewed probe which ran silent listening for radio transmissions and scanning for resources then reporting back to its home fleet and headed for its next target star system to explore for resource extraction/colonization.
sleeper ship just passing by.
It's an abandoned alien ship. Inches of dust on the inside so it's been abandoned for a long time.
Of course he has😂😂. Interplanetary soldier that he is😅😅
Yeah, I'm SURE that's what it is. What an imagination! It's a damn ROCK people!
Look it up Einstein
@@davidbrittenham4631 Look it up, Einstein.
'Otumu'omu'a from Ha'apai Tonga Origin of Polynesia Settlement 😊
Was the object traveling in a straight trajectory before being influenced by, The sun/solar system?
There is a good lecture by a real astronomer on you tube. She suggests parking a spacecraft out at the L5 point to chase the next thing that might show. There may be more of them yet and we dont know it. All you see is a bright dot moving against the star field. It varies in brightness so they think that means it is tumbling.
Adding velocity to a celestial body is not breaking the laws of physics. Our moon steals angular momentum from the earth, adding velocity to its orbit, which is causing the moon to constantly recede from the earth. It has been doing this since it's formation. Omuamoua's velocity could have been engendered through a violent collision, or after it broke off from it's parent mass, could have had an orbital condition that gave it a velocity that is greater than a comet, and after stealing angular momentum from our solar system increase it's velocity, to that greater than it had before it's encounter with our solar system.
How many signals have they picked up from the probe's flying around down here on Earth
Did an AI write this? It keeps repeating the same 2 points over and over and over again.
Thanks for the repeating information that we already know. Not only repeated but repeated multiple times in this video to further waste more time of the viewers. I shut it off halfway through
The spitzler telescope could not observe the satellite moving through the solar system as its only a red spectrum IR , it’s could not take any data as the satellite was too close to our sun by the time it was detected. Also it may not be emitting any IR at all.
Very fair & impartial report IMO...
Haven't been online personally awhile..
Recall (last few months) report of irregular travel path, that is: apparently not strictly gravity & direction consistent... considering credibility "UFO sightings", significance would be: actual scientific confirmation "otherworld phenomena".
Any Replies 2 this question?
There was a question in that incomprehensible babble? Try proofreading what you posted, then ask yourself, "Will anyone have a clue what I'm trying to say?" , or "ask", if there are really was an invisible question in that mess. It is a great example of why we need to teach grammar, spelling and sentence construction in school again. In another decade people aren't going to even be able to communicate with each other.
@@davidbrittenham4631 Sorry misunderstand intent sir... If space object demos irregular flite path then unk method control also seems possible.
If our Earth tech detects same, then questions:
1. Did Amuamua (sp?) reverse directions?
2. Isn't the Real Value of INet enhanced communication between us who can then exchange info & receive education from others.
Tnx 4 reply BTW sir
Why wasn't the James Webb telescope not employed to take a closer look? Or was it?
“ ʻOumuamua “ - Hawaiian term for a leader, as in battle, or a scout.
“ ‘ou+muamua “
‘ou - Sharp, protruding, to reach out or stretch for
muamua - redundancy of “mua” which means first, front, forward, or ahead.
A great honorary name for such a mysterious object, initially discovered at Haleakalā Observatory, on the tallest volcano in Maui, Hawaiʻi.
Speeds up as it leaves the solar system! Nothing to see here folks, just move along!
I'd be interested to hear what the proponents of the EU theory's take on this object is.
No very large, spontaneous high aspect ratio unsupported inorganic objects exist. Oumuamua is estimated 400 m long, 10:1 aspect ratio. Iowa-class battleships are 219 m long, 33 m beam, less than 7:1. Among the largest ships, Nimitz-class aircraft carriers are 333 meters long, 75 meters beam, 4.4:1 aspect ratio. Trees are grown. Long and thin is fragile absent engineering. Empire State Building, 3:1. old World Trade Center Towers 6.5:1; new One World Trade Center, 8.5:1
Oumuamua was constructed. Its orbit was a perfect solar bounce. *WE LET IT GET AWAY*
That's a new content of knowledge I need to learn about
This guy is really good at making you sleepy and put you to bed with having absolutely no clue what he was talking about .
@@delairsalis2265 yes I am
The problem with present research is that ( it is said that universe is infinite i.e. beyond our senses ) we try to bring Beyond our senses into Within our senses. This may not be possible.
What do James West images show?
The American inventor and Acoustician?
Ever heard of gravitational sling?
Interesting thx. But something like a sun burning like it does there has to be some sound.
What does the JWST say about omuamoua
It could have viscous fluid at its center, which could explain its unusual behavior.
"Let This Go!"
"Di Video's On How Children Never Know 10% What Their Mothers Go Through In Kiving & Caring For Them From Conceptuon & Lobg After They Are Gone❣️"
"Every Video Would Be Wonderful, Amazing & Unique❣️"
"Your Welcone❣️"
Every single theory is not but speculation period! And anyone that ever accepts that as truth doesn't belong in science and this in for mation always need to be stated as a “Best Guess” at this point.
NONE of them are THEORY they are HYPOTHESIS and you and the media are responsible for the confusion by constantly misusing the word 😮💨
Avi Loeb probably has a point. And yes it does not act like a probe, but what if that is just meant to be that way, by those who came by?
Today on history channel there was a tv show and they were telling about o mua mua, what a coincidence
you mean the Hitler Channel don't you?
@@calenlight6817 No, I mean history channel
lol. it is nothing but lame stream propaganda and never ending trashing of Hitler for the tribe's sake. @@NataliaCh93
@@calenlight6817 Normally I don't watch history channel but dad turned it on and there was a tv show about space and o mua mua
@NataliaMariaAnastazia you don't need to justify yourself to anyone. Opinions are like anus's, everybody has one.
I'm certain that the Egyptian pyramids are more of a mystery than that Oumuamua object. Which is just another flying saucer sighting.
Ask yourself how did this object get to this amazing speed could it have been spaghettifide by a black hole and got shot out giving it this velocity
Love that suggestion, hmm.
Very great point and hypotheses
I think qhen it gets spaghettified there's no return from the event horizon. Nothing escapes this.
Lmfao @ spaghettified awesome 👌
No. Leave these questions to people that are actually smart. Not for you.
Your comment that the theory of a alien spacecraft is not supported with evidence is just factually wrong. You should state that that's an opinion not a fact!!! Not kosher
And astrophysicist Avi Loeb is way more known and respected than The two scientists or I would say government Shills that did the first so-called hypothesis
Since they don't have clear images of it and only know it's long and cylindrical, why assume it has a rough rocklike appearance? Why might it not resemble a traditional rocket shape, smooth in appearance?
If it was a space craft from elsewhere could the public brain handle it, would they tell us or just beat around the bush
Yesterday night something was passing by with a loud sound. Pretty sure "they" don't want to tell me that it was aliens.
But could have been a car though. We will never know until they have to open the secret documents.
Oumuamua is very slow. It flies at interstellar speed of about 20km/s. It would take millions, tens of millions years to get here from closest star it could be from. Nothing artificial would survive even 1000 years and function.
Thumbling is common for asteroids. The object rotates around the shortest axis- most stable.
Surface is reddish- similarly like far away objects in solar system. That color is due to tholins- a mixture of organic chemicals
It isn't dark matter- it would be invisible, it wouldn't reflect any radiation, it would just pass through. Moreover, it wouldn't be solid object, since chemical bonds are impossible for dark matter.
The density of Oumuamua is too high for body with void/voids inside- it can't be spaceship, and it can't be light sail.
Thank you for providing FACTUAL content. You are filling a desperate need in our deluded society.
But....its not factual.
A bigger mystery is how I got fooled into watching this for 15 minutes. My fault for not having read the comments first.