Prusa's Mk4 Is Finally Here - Is it a game changer, or too little too late?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 1.1K

  • @carbonvlogs
    @carbonvlogs ปีที่แล้ว +153

    First of all, I'm Czech, and as you Americans say, "born and raised in Prague". We really hate Russia and shitty China, so don't even try this argument, like it's something similar. Learn something about history and you'll understand that we are much, much closer to Germany than Russia... Slovaks might be more to the east, but we are not... Fun fact, when Hitler started World War II, he first claimed (with the support of the allies) the Czech border areas, which were mostly inhabited by Germans. I know that you Americans don't know much about other countries, but you at least knew more than 90% of Americans, but you still have distorted ideas, and this offends me as a Czech person. We are much more of a Western country than you say... Now that we have this point settled, okay, regarding 3D printers, you definitely have a point and know a lot, but as I listen to you, it seems like a similar debate to Apple vs Android. Prusa is certainly not flawless, and I myself had my first printer, Ender 3 Pro, and now I bought a Prusa Mini. Yes, when you play with an Ender for two weeks, it prints similarly well, but that's the point - you pay more and don't have to deal with the usual issues, you don't have to dig into it, so to speak... Just like with Apple, when I take it in this analogy, you seem like a die-hard Android user who will just criticize Apple because it's expensive and, like Apple, didn't actually come first with anything, but brought it to the market in such a state that it really started to be used and worked without unnecessary tweaking... Then I find it quite funny that you first say how you're annoyed that Bambu Lab forces you to print through the cloud, that China gains information about you, but in a moment you say it's actually the same whether it's Europe or China... A bit of an oxymoron, don't you think? So you'd rather buy a printer for half (sometimes more) the price from a communist country that suppresses human rights and collects your personal information, instead of supporting maybe the only company that is not from China and is doing well in this industry? And by the way, the USA and the Czech Republic have very good relations, the American Colt is owned by the Czech arms factory, etc. Please try to think a little bit about whether you're just biased and angry at one company because I don't think that printer deserves such hate, especially when you haven't even tested it... :)

    • @dusancutino8206
      @dusancutino8206 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Thank you for this comment... you wrote exactly what I was thinking

    • @eXe09
      @eXe09 ปีที่แล้ว

      He is just a clown, he hates Prusa and everything Czech just because Prusa refused to give him a free printer 7 years ago, he was a fan-boy (the same one which he hates now) till then, check the early videos :D But most importantly, he is delusional, claiming Prusa stole his ideas (even though Prusa has implemented them months earlier), and he was also threatening Prusa. He is just a sick old dude

    • @tomaskus2307
      @tomaskus2307 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I'm going to sign this, I couldn't have said it better!

    • @Waffles1313
      @Waffles1313 ปีที่แล้ว

      Please don't lump this moron in with all Americans, I'm American and this guy feels like a caricature to me too.

    • @ArthurvanH0udt
      @ArthurvanH0udt ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Hear Hear - I wrote it above -the Czech's are much more EU than most people think. IMHO one main reason for differnce is that Czech is NOT Orthodox Christian making it MUCH further away from Russia than apparantly US people understand.

  • @Moody1351
    @Moody1351 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Are you drunk?
    Where does the teaser state that it's printed in a 0.6 nozzle?
    Standard for the MK4 (as stated on the page) is a 0.4 nozzle.
    toxic dude

  • @axell964
    @axell964 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    If you had even the slightest idea of Europe or eastern Europes culture or history, you would not make such insulting and stupid comments about the czechs. They neither did love their russian overlords during the time they were occupied by the soviet union, nor do they have any kind of love for the russians these days. I would say its typical US ignorance and hybris, but I know enough americans to know that there are enough people who actually are educated about the rest of the world.
    I do not own an Prusa, I do own a Bambu, but I have no idea where all your hate for Prusa comes from. They build very reliable products, and I personally value my time more then a few extra hundred bucks if the product just works.
    Your analysis about the V-groove ist just missing the most important part. Its not even close as accurate as what Prusa is using, and I would even prefer linear rails instead of what Prusa uses.
    We will see soon if the MK4 is good or not, but claiming it is not in some angry ranting video while you did not even have seen it yet is just entirely stupid.
    Open source has nothing to do with money. It just means that it is not locked down, is not protected by patents. There are many open source companies who make money, and there is nothing wrong with that. Voron also has companies who make money out of the Voron.

  • @markgb
    @markgb ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I have never watched you before (you might want to re-do this video with less bile) I have limited brand loyalty (I do have 2 Prusa in my family) I am looking to get a decent MMU and probably will venture outside of the Prusa brand for this, but good grief this felt like it was a break-up video where your girlfriend left and you just shredded her for her new boyfriend/lifestyle/hair-do.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "I have no brand loyalty" Proceeds to talk about all the products he has bought and will buy from that brand without mentioning any other brands. Seriously, you guys are just effing with me these days aren't you? Becoming caricatures of yourselves.

    • @tomijorg
      @tomijorg 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@DesignPrototypeTest ffs, he Said IN HE^S FAMILY!. He did not say the printers is he^s, Did he?? My 7 year older kid is more mature then this 😂

  • @MikiCab1
    @MikiCab1 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Could only get 10:31 into your rant before my head exploded. Couple of observations and I will leave it at that on why Prusa is ahead of the curve and not behind the curve. The reason Prusa sells printers with 3D printed parts and not injection molded is the following. Prusa runs the worlds biggest print farm which serves 2 fold. 1: It tests their printers millions of hours, 2: and this this the big one. Prusa wants to sell prints farms, consumables to the print farms and service contracts. Selling print farms to manufactures is way more profitable than selling 1 printer to 1 customer. I worked for a medical device company and we were using 3d printed parts in our instruments. The cost for 1 injection molded part can be $10,000 or more. Prusa selling 3D printers with printed parts is a demonstration of their concept of how to run a print farm. Bonus fact: The other reason they print their parts instead of injection molding is they can change the design instantly with minimal cost. Extra bonus fact: You don't have to over engineer a part and make it with metal when a 3d printed plastic part will do. I proved this at my worked when I designed and printed 2 calibration tools that we were paying to have machined out of aluminum. Their cost was $300+ my cost was $0.10. and it worked better and I could make 100 per day vs waiting several months from the vendor.

    • @NewShockerGuy
      @NewShockerGuy ปีที่แล้ว

      Agree with you... this dude just bitches about everything. Makes me wonder why he doesn't start his OWN company and make a printer that is superior... Videos like this are so annoying because it turns into a bitch fest. I'm all for competition. I enjoy my mk3s. It's my first printer and for what it does, I enjoy it. I built it from the kit and everything has been great!

  • @Dave-ow7gy
    @Dave-ow7gy ปีที่แล้ว +168

    I believe when Prusa puts out a product its right. I have MK3S running nearly 24 x 7 until maintenance. They are consistent and well documented. The modifications like bear frames did not really improve the Prusa. I did get an Ender 3 Pro for my Dad and I had to modify it very much to do what the Prusa did. Guess what - I did not complain about it and hate on any manufacturer. Sure printers advance. However, how many models does Creality have - many - I love Creality but the name of the game is to sell printers. Most companies started their lines by copying features from Prusa and only recently started releasing printers with the features already applied. I.e., they living off the coat-tails of Prusa. Using Pinda probes was a large leap when Prusa appeared and for that matter the BL touch was a great leap for others to add to their systems. My point is - I like your channel, but you hate on Prusa so much its tedious so I have started watching less. You are at your best when your giving information - not putting down a specific line. I also have a Bambu Labs P1P and I like it. Its not perfect and I am not sure if it will make into my production line. It is however a great prototype. Finally, I am very glad to see the MK4 or in my case MK3.9 update. I do not mind printed parts and you should not either - it is common in the industry. Most people actually believe it printed parts for printers for many brands is revolutionary. Well, I hope you leave behind the issues with a line of printer and get back to what you were best at - I learned a lot back when..

    • @dangerous8333
      @dangerous8333 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I barely had to do anything to my Ender's.
      I also run them 24/7.
      100% disagree with your subjective opinion.

    • @assumptionsoup
      @assumptionsoup ปีที่แล้ว +24

      I have to agree. I clicked on this video having enjoyed his first few, but this is just vitriolic. I don't think it represents a balanced view in any way. I had to stop half way. It's like he's so angry that they didn't do this sooner, it makes any effort to modernize the mk3 invalid.
      I'm all for valid criticism against prusa. They're not some savior. They don't make perfect machines. My mmu2 is a huge piece of crap and I think the reliability of the mk3 was overblown -- mine went into thermal runaway. And every now and then it likes to ram the nozzle into the build plate.
      These printers have serious issues. But not everything prusa makes is terrible. I'm curious to see how their claims of the load cell pan out. I'm curious if the 0.9 degree motors improve anything as I'm doubtful. And I'm happy to see that they're bringing the mk3s in line with the xl in terms of technology. And they even made an upgrade path (not that it seems worth it given the price) but I'll still commend prusa for staying true to their ethos.

    • @Tottorul
      @Tottorul ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@dangerous8333 its not a subjective opinion that enders is a product lottery. some units work and some dont. statistics is clear on this. iv had both, ender was nothing but endless thinkering, prusa was nothing but endless printing. im not gonna promote that type of quality control where some get good units and some dont purely based on production chance (some units having parts that fit better together)

    • @Defyant123
      @Defyant123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Tottorul i think it comes down to that ppl are usless and can't do a simple printer setup... so they pay prusa to so it for them. I wish they'd just pay me to set their enders to print as good and reliable as prusa's and i could get rich for 20 mins of work..... oh wait... they do !

    • @Tottorul
      @Tottorul ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Defyant123 iv tinkered with an ender v2 for weeks. never properly worked. never wasting my time again. i could have afforded two mk3s if i worked the same amount i have to spend on trying to make it work. got a prusa mini, only maintenance issues, never worried to use it because it just works. you could buy enders and refurbish them to resell them

  • @kloakovalimonada
    @kloakovalimonada ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The sentiment that something built in USA is better by default is laughable.

  • @Sunny01331
    @Sunny01331 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    This is a bit hard to watch. I hope someday the 3D printing comminity could come together a bit more instead of coming off as insulting the very same group that we all belong to. I agree that brand loyalty can be very toxic. I also believe that the way in which you explain that this printer is only for Prusa owners, that your video is only for anti-Prusa users. I just wish we could come together in a way that is less emotionally driven critisizm toward each other in the same community. This video just doesn't help your cause and your drive against these particular companies; the emotion just seems to further devide everyone. I suppose that is just the way it goes these days. Emotion is important, don't get me wrong. I just wish it wasn't driving this whole video. I acctually want to hear the points your bringing across in this same form just with less emotion. This comment is not meant to hurt you either, I just feel like it could provide some insight and good things to think about.

    • @paulsonntag4076
      @paulsonntag4076 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @Maverick7r
      @Maverick7r ปีที่แล้ว

      Couldn't agree more with everything you said. 🤘🤘

  • @rrittenhouse
    @rrittenhouse ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Barnacules has never had a freaking Prusa printer LOL. You've lost it.

    • @kim__jong__un
      @kim__jong__un ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Barnacles uses Ultimaker and hasn't done a 3d printing video in years...

  • @brodymiller9299
    @brodymiller9299 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    I'm fine with prusa charging more for a highly reliable printer, because while someone might not be making money from it, they may just be using the printer to support another hobby, and want 3d printing as a tool rather than a hobby in and of itself. It's the same thing to me as other tools, it's fine to buy good tools for a hobby, because it can make someone happy.

    • @madisonrh7567
      @madisonrh7567 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Exactly. I’ve used cheap Chinese printers, Enders, clones. I live my prusa because it just works. It doesn’t require me to mess with it, baby it, learn it’s intricacies. It just prints and works. When I have 3 hours of free time a week I’ll happily pay 3x the money for 10x less headache

  • @ntrancedffs
    @ntrancedffs ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Agree with a lot of your points, but E3D are making the new nozzle system (albeit it isn't the Revo) but they still have a relationship.

    • @b3owu1f
      @b3owu1f ปีที่แล้ว

      I was wondering if this may be the case.. e.g. partner with Evo to make it.. so they still win.. but different from Evo nozzle directly. I hope this is true.

    • @jonathonroyce9495
      @jonathonroyce9495 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yah I was wondering why he said that, completely false information.

  • @Little_Rider1
    @Little_Rider1 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm ok with everything you said except your bulshit take at 27:22. If you don't know our culture and mindset just dont talk about it. How dare you compare our mentality to russian. We as a nation are much closer in mindset to Germany and Austria. Please do your research.

  • @alextoader2880
    @alextoader2880 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    My 2 cents
    - I would not use a Chinese printer when I can buy a similar product made in Europe. (hell no!)
    - I would not use a product that you know - they are looking into your data - when you have an alternative. (wtf?)
    - I would pay extra to buy a well-tested product with support and warranty - because I don't have the time to fiddle with annoying things
    - I like the orange they use
    - I don't mind they are not over innovative but they gather all the good ideas.
    Your video was informative because it explained why Prusa is exactly what I wanted.
    About the hate part you display.. internet is full of such ppl, it is what it is.

  • @HaloMachine
    @HaloMachine ปีที่แล้ว +21

    350k MK3's sold with less than 1% warranty claim rate, this is why I buy prusa's. My printers aren't toys, they're tools. I don't care to tinker or constantly repair on my printers like people do with their creality's and other china made printers. Also, only 33% of the MK3 is built using parts made in china. Yeah, the stepper motors are made in china, but they're made by LDO, its a known brand that makes high quality parts. better than made in china printers that use no name off brand components.

    • @paultrautner1941
      @paultrautner1941 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thats because people don't contact prusa when they fail. I have 2 MKS3's that my work which both broke in less than a year. Ender 3 S1 with the sonic pad has been going strong for longer with no isses.

    • @eXe09
      @eXe09 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@paultrautner1941 Why would't you contact the manufacturer with a broken machine? Seems like a weak ass excuse :)

  • @Mr3DPrintWizard
    @Mr3DPrintWizard ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Babe you didn’t have to show your love in your video but you did. Thank you and from all of us goons know that we love you back no matter how intellectually inept you may actually be.

  • @pantonediago2827
    @pantonediago2827 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I was on the fence between a BambuLab and a Prusa and you convinced me to go for the MK4!

    • @seanwood5443
      @seanwood5443 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      hahaha bamboo labs is was better this this garbage

    • @pantonediago2827
      @pantonediago2827 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@seanwood5443 “bamboo” “is was” “this this”

  • @maokee
    @maokee ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Haters gonna hate no matter what. And get views If they hate first in a badly produced video. What a shame.

  • @Txgsync
    @Txgsync ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Love your content! But gotta disagree with part of this anti-Prusa rant: "You don't need a printer that's super-reliable"? Hard disagree.
    My Anycubic Vyper's thermistor died, filament runout sensor died, hotend leaked, strain gauge failed, Y-axis motor died, firmware corrupted itself, cooling fans died, and then finally the power supply died. And it took out the mainboard with it when it did, so now I'd need both a PSU and another mainboard to revive it. It sits in pieces on the healing bench right now.
    My Ender 3 Pro required a second Z-axis motor (sag), silicone springs, new throat tube, new PTFE tubing, replacement for the nightmare bed, direct drive kit, BLTouch, and new mainboard because my family could not sleep with it printing because it was so noisy.
    I've spent over a thousand dollars on two printers to get one reliable, quiet ("ish", noisy fans), slow printer.
    I'm not particularly price-sensitive. I work long and hard at my day job. Thus I am very sensitive about where I spend my time. And I am tired of spending my weekends fixing printers instead of designing and printing my ideas. A thousand bucks -- or more! -- on a fast, quiet, reliable printer is worth it.
    Edit: So I bought a Prusa i3 MK3S+ kit literally just one month before the MK4 came out. $799 well spent: I spend my hobby time designing and printing instead of fixing! No plans to upgrade to MK4.
    Edit2: At 33:36, you missed the menu item on the lower right for the MK3S/+ to MK4 conversion kit.

    • @McBearyOne
      @McBearyOne ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Same here. I’m done fiddling around and upgrading my printers to work better than just out of the Box. My brother bought an MK3s, had no clue and printed out of the box in a good quality.

    • @chironexfleckeri964
      @chironexfleckeri964 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      If your MK3 was ordered and paid within the 30 days before this announcement, you will receive a voucher that compensates you for the price difference between MK3S+ now and then (e.g., if you have an order in USD, you will get a 150 USD voucher per kit and a 200 USD voucher per assembled printer, and so on…). You will get these vouchers via e-mail by the end of this week.

  • @oclaser
    @oclaser ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Well, I modified my MK3S and they had no problem. despite my modification they have been gaving me a great support. When I was new to 3D printer world, I had support guy spending over 3 hours to tune up my machine to perfection. I am sure you have your reasons. However there are some values that might not be visiable, but to some it is worth it. Just like why some people pay high money for Cisco switches vs inexpensive one so they will not suffer when it comes to support. I am not bias toward any brand what so ever and I do like BL X1 Carbon, but i think it is very new and they have to work out some issues, noise being an important one.

  • @azimuth9819
    @azimuth9819 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    If a car company starts adding a turbo to a car that didn't have a turbo in previous models, are they a copycat? Or is it an update? Who cares if they didn't reinvent every screw on it, it's an updated printer. your logic seems flawed the further the video goes on. Went from a review to a weird rant.

    • @fenrir4046
      @fenrir4046 ปีที่แล้ว

      Are you retarded? What's with the apples to oranges example, moron?

  • @D4RKFiB3R
    @D4RKFiB3R ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Dude... It's bit of a leap to say that they told that guy to "knock it off".
    You shouldn't be making baseless claims like that, it makes you sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist.
    Link to that guys channel please. I'd like to take a look for myself.

  • @MisterkeTube
    @MisterkeTube ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Klipper has print area bed leveling for ages (well, at least a year)! You just have the slicer pass the print-area and the start macro adjust the bed probing accordingly.

    • @TheOfficialDarkICE
      @TheOfficialDarkICE ปีที่แล้ว +5

      don't expect him to be fair. He never will personal issues with prusa and even with other products a lack of research.

  • @BenMyhillJones
    @BenMyhillJones ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Just because 90% of the parts are upgraded or modified does NOT mean that 90% of the Mk3s+ sucked. Just because something is an improvement does not mean that the old version was terrible. "They don't really want you to upgrade it, if you upgrade it they want to sell you something", what? It is a fully open source, to replace any 3D printed part you can 3D print it yourself. I could go on and on, but there is really no point. This amount of negativity and incredibly biased views is not healthy for the community and is not a benefit regardless of your views on Prusa.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You should finish the video before commenting. I already addressed pretty much everything you said later on in the video. Especially regarding Prusa wrapping himself in a virtuous cloak of open source while laughing all the way to the bank.

    • @beepboop8184
      @beepboop8184 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@DesignPrototypeTest >>You should finish the video before commenting
      Man, it's hard to do, knowing your super-biased opinion about Prusa lol.
      You know, bad reputation is easy to get and hard to wash off.

    • @ulaB
      @ulaB ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@DesignPrototypeTest Open Source never meant free as in beer.

    • @enginerdy
      @enginerdy ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@beepboop8184I’m 25 minutes in, and your viewpoint is clear.
      I think what you don’t really understand is that open source benefits the community, but it also benefits Chinese manufacturers who can turn out the same product for way less money, but often without spending any money on development and often without much QC.
      Prusa printers are expensive, and some people want something that just works without a bunch of fiddling. Some people want to fiddle. That’s fine, and there’s room in the market for both.

    • @enginerdy
      @enginerdy ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DesignPrototypeTestsorry, previous commented at-ted the wrong person

  • @holden_tld
    @holden_tld ปีที่แล้ว +9

    i love how much you hate prusa
    *goes back to printing on my prusa*

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      #IdentityPolitics #TeamSport #TruthDoesntMatter

    • @holden_tld
      @holden_tld ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@DesignPrototypeTest lol living for it.

    • @morbus5726
      @morbus5726 ปีที่แล้ว

      have fun taking 40+ minutes for a benchy

  • @perchte
    @perchte ปีที่แล้ว +14

    1:34 Outdated or just were in need for changes only now, since the printhead and motors are more powerful and so force other changes aswell?
    1:45 Dishonesty or Ignorance? What do you think that the MK3S and the MK3S+ were? They already improved constantly, which many critizised as a cashgrab with the upgrade kits.
    2:20 Because all the prusas I and my friends have just work, thousands of hours, with little to no maintenance. The Enders all my friends got, constantly had issues and because a lot of tinkering was involved, resulted in inferior print a lot of times.

    • @Defyant123
      @Defyant123 ปีที่แล้ว

      @perchte So what your saying is "all my friends" and I just suck at simple printer tuning so we got Prusa to send us their idiot proof printers. Kudos to Prusa for making idiot proof printers but that dosn't make Enders bad cause you can perform simple tasks. You all need to diss on the one company that's actually trying to give affordable printers to the masses and has created a printing sub community that dopey Joe could only dream of. Just another "This channel doesn't have any content"

    • @thomasfjen
      @thomasfjen ปีที่แล้ว

      I think this video is definitely better than his last ones and his criticism is fairly reasonable (maybe often hot takes or hard worded but okayish). Ofc the prusa is no value printer and they integrated a good amount of popular mods of the community into this new release. To have a comparable ender 3 you need to splash out a good amount of money. All in all Bambu is it's biggest competitor in terms of features and value and it's fair to say for many the Bambu is the better printer.

  • @kamisamaz
    @kamisamaz ปีที่แล้ว +31

    You are trying so hard that you actually convinced me. I'm buying the Mk4. Thanks!

    • @MikiCab1
      @MikiCab1 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      He sold me on the MK4 also.

    • @mcstando
      @mcstando ปีที่แล้ว +4

      mk4 is definitely very good printer, I'm just not sure if it's worth 1200$......
      Not to mention that you could DIY it with available, off the shelf parts for less and having basically the same quality

    • @TheBoxster1998
      @TheBoxster1998 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      he must be paid by Prusa to try the reverse psychology tactic. It looks like it's working...🤣🤣🤣

    • @MikiCab1
      @MikiCab1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mcstando I am not adverse to paying someone for a quality product. Plus you get their support

    • @Z-add
      @Z-add ปีที่แล้ว +2

      For 1200 get a bambulab

  • @AwestrikeFearofGods
    @AwestrikeFearofGods ปีที่แล้ว +12

    17:21 Easily the most important feature. Can't support Bambu while they're in the spyware business.

    • @DcotorDM
      @DcotorDM ปีที่แล้ว

      You can print from SD card and X1C has LAN mode

    • @ashman2023
      @ashman2023 ปีที่แล้ว

      The bambu printer doesn’t need to be connected online

  • @smartinsilicon
    @smartinsilicon ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This video is like if someone told AI to mashup 3d printing with Fox News

  • @maokee
    @maokee ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Are you REALLY comparing Czechia to Russia (when dissing 3D printer that you've never seen live)?!? This is so low...

  • @marcel151
    @marcel151 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Are you even informing yourself? I am clearly not a Prusa fanboy (don't even have a Prusa printer). But that's just so much BS you're talking about,.
    First: The Czech Republic is WAY more western orientated than you are talking about. Come to the EU and check for yourself before just guessing from over the sea.
    Second: Are you aware of the MK3S+ product passport? 54% of the parts are from the EU. 33% China. Rest other EU countries or the US. This is NOT a complete China printer. They are even producing (not only developing) their motherboards in house.

  • @blairhammond5456
    @blairhammond5456 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    LOL This guys brain has deffo been boggling! the nervous voice squeak and eye twitches are still there. I came for the hyper rant and wasn't disappointed. Im not a Prusa fan at all, but this guy's hilarious. .. The new Homeless look just tops it off haha

  • @bigjd2k
    @bigjd2k 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We love Prusa for lots of reasons - not only are the printers great and the support amazing, but they’re in Europe and make as much as possible in-house. They open-source their designs and release slicers which support lots of other printers too. Their factory looks like a great place to work. It’s like manufacturing in the West used to be - before everyone sold out to China. Products always used to be quite expensive when made here - but the quality more than makes up for it. It’s seeing money circulate in your own economy rather than going overseas. It’s what every town needs - thriving industry, exporting great products. Not just relying on globalisation for everything. It’s the Prusa ethos and lifestyle, we love it and hope the message spreads! One day I hope to run a thriving manufacturing company making something great locally too.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Joseph Prusa is likely a dark triad personality. I talked about that in this video: The most horrible men throughout history have have been the same personality type. All I ever wanted and asked for was to be recognized for my contribution and be a part of the club which calls itself "tHe cOmmUNiTy." Instead he gets his attack dogs to constantly harass and attack me across the internet. They Dox and hack me. HE WILL NOT DISAVOW these heinous things which are done in his name. I've asked repeatedly. Why would he? Given his public displays of sadism he feels joy at seeing me be hurt. This is is the ugly emotionality behind the leadership at the company you support. No amount of facilitating open source or "Made in Europe" can compensate for giving such a man more power and money. You are making the world a worse place.

  • @ce5903
    @ce5903 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    “Nozzle Taps the Surface”. Ok that sounds like a good idea, but what if there is burnt plastic on the nozzle? Maybe it won’t be a repeatable solution.

    • @Chris-oj7ro
      @Chris-oj7ro ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It should be coupled with a nozzle wiping routine, but I'm not sure if anyone is actually doing that.

    • @Defyant123
      @Defyant123 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Chris-oj7ro Bambu? Voron?

  • @adenlahiff8240
    @adenlahiff8240 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    “I haven’t seen a 3D printer catch fire in forever, I just don’t think eletrical protection is that important” - So by your theory, because YOU haven’t seen it, it doesn’t happen at all and there shouldn’t be a need to employ any means of protection… I must have missed the memo where electricity became ‘safe’ in recent times

  • @T_____c
    @T_____c ปีที่แล้ว +7

    There need to be criticism where it need to be, also at Prusa.. but it sounds more like hate speech then constructive criticism..

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว

      You clearly don't even understand the beginning of what that word means.

  • @twbowyer
    @twbowyer ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Why the hate? You have some good points, but your delivery….

    • @EspenShampoo25
      @EspenShampoo25 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You haven't seen this guy before I guess. This dude has been haiting on them for half a decade by now

  • @MacVision3D
    @MacVision3D ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have a prusa mk2s and it’s still printing like a champ I never had to fix it or up grade it , it just works

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The Mark 2 is a good purchase decision. At the time.

  • @FireDragon3D
    @FireDragon3D ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sometimes success creates complacency, this very complacency creates competition and innovation. I’ve seen it in many different industries over the last 25 years, same story. But in this case I think Prusa will survive.

  • @Kaliumcyanidful
    @Kaliumcyanidful ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Sorry, but the Input-shaping section was technically very wrong, since the bed changes mass during printing and therefore changing the eigenfrequencies.
    Also the point of mk3 is beeing a bed slinger, changing this would kill upgradability Even More.

  • @janvejtasa
    @janvejtasa ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Are you f... kidding me? You are honestly calling Czech republic "...much more closer culturally to Russia than to the US."? Have you ever actually done research on this? We fought for our freedom in 1989, our constitution and political system is actually largerly based on the one in the US and western countries such as Austria and Germany. We have free (I would even go as far as to say that we have freer press than the one in US thanks to public media) press, rule of law, free elections, quite a bitter view of far left parties (thanks to our experience with the one you know...them running the country for 40 years), entrepreneurial and self-made spirit (20 % of all workers are self employed, compared to 10 % in the US according to Czech statistical office and the US Bureau of statistics), oh yeah, let´s not forget our strong position on Russian war in Ukraine right now and I could go on and on about how we´re much closer culturally to west and thereby US...
    What you said was not only hurtful but also incorrect. We are a small, but nimble nation with history proving time and time again that we deserve not to be defined just by the comunist party rule 30+ years ago. Critize Prusa all you want. Leave your unjistified and frankly unimformed opinion about Czechia out of it.

  • @TheMaxAwesome
    @TheMaxAwesome ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Bambu updated their firmware to support LAN-only mode, so your prints stay on your local network now. Also you’ve always been able to export your gcode from Bambu Studio and put it on a microSD and plop it in your P1P (can’t speak for X1/C as I don’t own one). Also, what’s with the safety-bashing? Regulations are written in blood, and this is a product out of the EU, not America, so why the single-mom coddling of the US nonsense? Weird rant to go on, and pretty revealing about your disdain for…checks notes…single moms.

  • @jure224
    @jure224 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You Are so Right. My next Printer is a Klipper Printer For sure.

  • @jameswang9257
    @jameswang9257 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is so ironic, Prusa as an active participant in the 3D printing community and also being known for it's corporate social responsibility, was criticized as
    "Capitalism" from you. Meanwhile, the company which has no privacy and pay zero corporate social responsibility, receive all commendation.
    Most 3D printer in the market was built from previous innovation from the community, Banboo lab and Prusa are not exception. Prusa NEVER steal credits from the original creators but you just simply hate them, instead of criticizing Banboo lab. The later even largely built on the former software.
    You seems to gripping the idea of Prusa SHOULD be the most advance and also cheapest to be the "right" printer or company, but buying a Prusa is never about those things. Dare you make a video about labour condition of Banboo lab compare to Prusa?
    You use "Capitalism" as a negative term (don't mistake, I totally agree with it), however the idea of a product must be "competitive" and "offer new things(regardless of the necessity)" anything other than that are all old absolute, is exactly capitalist logic.

  • @BuildEver
    @BuildEver ปีที่แล้ว +25

    33:22 MK3 to MK4 upgrade kit is literally there. You event had your mouse over it.

    • @Edy195_
      @Edy195_ ปีที่แล้ว +10

      This guy sure is something else... And all the hate from American towards european countries east of Germany. Oh wait, Mihai Designs is from Romania... Netiher of these countries Czech or Romania is in Eastern Europe.. No matter what this guys narrow view of world is...

    • @BuildEver
      @BuildEver ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Edy 195 What does it have to do with my comment?

    • @Edy195_
      @Edy195_ ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@BuildEver not much. Just overall observation and commenting. Conversation if you may.

    • @juanesteban8827
      @juanesteban8827 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Edy195_ I hate to tell you but many people over the age of 40 consider Romania, and to a lesser extent the Czech Republic, to be Eastern Europe. A
      Basically any area that was behind the old "Iron Curtain" .

    • @eXe09
      @eXe09 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@juanesteban8827 This clown is considering even Germany as East Europe, hard to argue against that :DD

  • @LisaHarsh
    @LisaHarsh ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The upgrade kit was bottom right on the page listing their printers.

    • @dibeda96
      @dibeda96 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was added later from the announcement on all social media

    • @LisaHarsh
      @LisaHarsh ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@dibeda96 I saw the link in the video. He just missed it. The upgrade kit is $539.

    • @holden_tld
      @holden_tld ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@dibeda96 it's literally in the video. he looks right at it and his blind hatred makes him unable to comprehend i guess.
      Printer upgrades
      MK3S+ to MK3.5
      MK3S+ to MK3.9
      MK3S+ to MK4

  • @Jason-io9qn
    @Jason-io9qn ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You almost seem to have outright rage for what they're doing while giving other vendors praise for doing the same thing? It's really hard to understand your points sometimes. I did chuckle when you said that people who might like this are being emotional, given your overall video. I'd encourage you to watch your own video and try to look at it objectively.
    As far as why people might want one? 3d printing is something I need to support some things I do. It isn't a hobby in and of itself and I have very little free time. I have several friends who are seriously into it. When I'm printing 40+ hour prints on an out-of-the-box printer with not one minute of tinkering, it's hard to complain about them. I've finished jobs literally a week before a friend with Enders and a Voron were able to finish theirs as they had to adjust, tinker, and restart.
    I would 100% love someone to point me at a superior printer at the same price point, without hours on end of tinkering.

  • @frogmandave1
    @frogmandave1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Slamming Prusa taught me nothing. I watched for 20 minutes but just couldn't take anymore.

  • @snoopz6662
    @snoopz6662 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Iam really sorry to tell you that but the way you talk politically about the Chech Republic and compare it with Russia that’s a joke no? Have you ever left your so much loved United States? I don’t realy think that you have ever seen a part of the rest of the world as for you it seems the world ends and starts in America. And iam not Chech iam from Switzerland. I haven’t ever seen a Chanel talking with such a negative energy you do it bro. You are probably right with the things you say but I hate the way you say it out. You should try to get a course for reporters cause these people learn exactly that. Not to put their own emotions or hate in articles. Let the people decide on the facts but the way you do it is kinda hate speech against a company and a country that’s not the USA. In my opinion it is realy said. The world has enough problems with racism. You don’t need to heat up the USA against Chech Republic and tell the people who have no idea about Europe that they’re are same as Russia. You know who was the last in Europe who talked like this? Hitler. Otherwhise it would realy be a pleasure to listen to you.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      News flash: The primary population of the Czech Republic and the dominant racial group in America (to which I belong) are the same (Caucasian). Are you trying to tell me that I am a self-hating racist who discriminates against my own people?

    • @HiruS22
      @HiruS22 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@DesignPrototypeTest I think you’re confusing colour and race there

    • @jamesgrant247
      @jamesgrant247 ปีที่แล้ว

      This guy is unhinged... I bet he has a wall full of pins and strings covered in Prusa printer pictures that he stares at for hours every day.

  • @masoncoberly306
    @masoncoberly306 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow! Are you mad that they didn't send you a beta unit? 40 minutes of complaining. Yuck.

  • @SomethingWet
    @SomethingWet ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You are really embracing the prison look in this video

    • @barnaculesnerdgasmextra
      @barnaculesnerdgasmextra ปีที่แล้ว +2

      He's just getting prepared ahead of time. Did you see that he DDoS'd several people using a DDoS for hire site that he paid for and didn't' even use a VPN the first time so it got traced right back to him? Then he attacked Prusa's site using a VPN but doesn't realize that doesn't protect you when your signature is already on record. The FBI, Comcast and Cloudflare are now involved and he's trying to have people attack me now because my moderator was the one who caught him after he made false accusations against me and attacked him when he requested evidence on Twitter back on 3/12 via his test_prototype account.

  • @SteveKompel
    @SteveKompel ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I don't think Chris's basement is a Prusa fanboy. His test bed printer LOG has a wooden 'z frame' and is a clone. His current video series is using old mk2.5 printers that he has around. His carnival claw series of videos had 0% prusa. Just saying. I am looking forward to your next engineering video.

  • @SB-100
    @SB-100 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    So you don't like Prusa and need more then 42 minutes to tell us?
    Ok🤷‍♂️ .
    Where is my popcorn...

  • @m97120
    @m97120 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    At this point you should probably rename your channel to Complain, Complain, Complain. I agree with 2 or 3 things you said but your delivery is like an angry 5-year-old.

  • @TimeDoubleTV
    @TimeDoubleTV ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I strugled to watch the entire thing but eventually did, good for you. Lets adress some FACTS (cuz you are as always full of asumpstions as always).
    1) MK4 was being devopeled way before the announcement of Prusa XL so your statatement who had it first is beyond ridiculous
    2) Mikolas stated that both of the benchies were printed using the same draft settings and same nozzle sizes (if you actually took a closer look you would see that 0.6 was definitely not used). but the MK4 was using an input shaper and faster speeds/ accels.
    3) MK3 and other printers DO NOT limit the fan speed nor use it as marketing (wtf is that statement anyway). The MK4 on the other hand WILL do that because it has a extra termistor in the heatsink area, so you when printing at lower temperatures you will actually get lower fan noise as a benefit and are able to control the fan upon the termistor feedback. PS. new pc fan is also more powerful. As you probably (?) know you CONTROL the PC fan in the slicer.
    4) bed slinger outdated and dead? Oh boy. How about upgradability, repairability, easy of use?
    5) Prusa stealing E3D design and being frenemies. Also wtf is that even mean. They codeveloped the hotend and E3D will still be the supplier for those. Also you can use your V6 nozzles with an adapter
    6) Cutting people out by using anti-VFA motors? Still LDO as always also codeveloped.
    7) Having rigid frame/runout sensor and load cell is bad? At least you presented them this way. Good to know. Funfact, did you know that the load cell is so good that technically you can SCAN physically objects on the bed with it?
    8) Dude you are comparing Czech people to Russians and their culture? So much racism in one sentence you have there, how can people praise you for this is beyond me. xenophobia maximum.
    9) English not being my first language and hearing about my country as being secondary communist country is really insulting and of course I am gonna butcher english as a second language. How many languages do YOU speak?
    10) Prusa is Open Source, thats the whole point and will always be. As stated in the new article.
    11) Support. I have a Bambulab P1P and I am currently waiting 10 days for response for my dead bearing. Is that also superior support?
    12) MMU2 is crap tbh, hopefully the promised MMU3 will fix all the issues. Especially the diagnostics. There is a cutter btw.
    There was a point where your videos were teaching stuff and was very informative. These rants are getting old and tiring. There are Prusas at NASA, Skoda, Haas and others, why is that?

  • @CodeMonkeX
    @CodeMonkeX ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Just a note the "Time Saving Mesh Bed Leveling" has been done recently on Voron printers. It's a custom mod that someone wrote that just probes the area you are going to print on. No idea if they got that idea from somewhere else.

    • @mkuebbeler
      @mkuebbeler ปีที่แล้ว +2

      There are Klipper scripts for that, so probably it has been inspired by others.

  • @JustTony72
    @JustTony72 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Reduced bed mesh leveling has been available in klipper for a while now. It is third party and not supported by klipper main dev team but it does work.

  • @timrice4913
    @timrice4913 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I work at an institution where the financial decision makers think that photocopiers are new technology. The promo video was made for people who grew up with MP3 players to convince those people that 3d printers are a worthwhile investment.

    • @Defyant123
      @Defyant123 ปีที่แล้ว

      Eye catching fancy jingle marketing to dazzle the simple minded into thinking they are on the cool team...

    • @MaxMichel89
      @MaxMichel89 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Defyant123 Not really a valid complaint though. All of the companies do this...

  • @diaboloavocado
    @diaboloavocado ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Prusa as best in 2022 instead of Bambu may be because Bambu only came out in late 2022.
    Given the push to be "first" to release "best of year" awards or lists its hardly surprising they don't release best of 22 in 23.
    Prusa in 2022 might still be the best overall. Bambu must be in 2023 though. Game changer although not without its own problems.
    I don't think a MK4 is going to revolutionise the industry.

  • @ulaB
    @ulaB ปีที่แล้ว +18

    My paid sock puppet counterpoints:
    - Sovol: 1/3rd the price and 8+ years of development from different companys to copy from
    - everybody knows the 3DPI awards are based on community engagement. Prusa has a big community. Of course they win. No bought and paid for, just math.
    - parts were not inferior, they worked fine. They are being improved to support faster speeds and higher quality prints. Motors as cause for VFA have been identfied a year ago?
    - Products require time to develop. Nobody sat on their heinis.
    - My money does not only go into Josef's pockets, but into Printables, PrusaSlicer and back into other open source projects.
    - Stiffer frame is needed for faster prints and higher vibrations
    - Why use metal parts, when plastic parts work fine? Why does Bambu use cheap bushing fans instead of bearings?
    - Prusa's are open source for a reason. Just like Vorons, you can mod them to your liking. "Kit builds" are not DIY? Try that with a Bambu.
    - Sure. Prusa told Mihaidesign off for modding their printers, yet allow all the mods on Printables?
    - Yes. CoreXY is superior, but MK4 is an update, not a new printer.
    - Duet's Delta Smart Effector was used as a digital touch sensor. Prusa is using a load cell as analog sensor and can detect things like a dirty nozzle when touching the bed or nozzle pressure and clogs. They can also react to soft PEI sticker surfaces or hard metal ones.
    - Prusa's quick swap nozzle has been developed together with E3D
    - The cycloidal gearbox was replaced, because manufacturing was too wasteful and complex
    - The display is probably the same as the XL's
    - Prusa is doing their own implementation on Input Shaping and providing it as open source
    - The MK4 comes with a 0.4mm nozzle, just as the MK3
    - "Encrypted remote management" and "offline ready" were a jab at Bambu who had/have unencrypted cloud connections
    - Fan speeds are controlled by the slicer.
    - Delrin wheels wear faster than ball bearings and need adjustments.
    - Prorifi identified motors as cause for VFA a year ago and they are selling the motors for years?
    - Prusa never said they invented any of the features. They are just listing them.
    - Interestingly Prusa makes money by printing parts for their products.
    - Capitalism out of a communist country. Pretty cool, huh?
    - "made from high quality components" doesn't mean those are made in Prague, just like "Made in USA" never is
    - If you had read the announcement, you'd have learned the upgrade kits are being sold later
    - The MMU has a cutter for years
    - All HAIL THE KING!

  • @SmokAnalog
    @SmokAnalog ปีที่แล้ว +4

    For someone praising chinese printers so much, you really do rant prusa alot for being "unoriginal". Like seriously, you're hard to listen to, 40 minutes of just grumble. And even when you do acknowlede them for making something new to the industry, you just turn it around and say "wow congrats on doing something good for once". Like dude, I understand you may not like prusa, but your review sounds SO NON-OBJECTIVE that it's hard to take it seriously. China this, bambu lab that - yeah china does sell cheap printers made and assembled by probably 12yo kids in slave-like factories, congrats on getting your very original cr-10 or ender 3 for 200 bucks.
    One thing I can agree is that prusa did take way too long with the mk4, so what to be honest? MK3 has been a relevant competition for new printers for years, so why upgrade to mk4?
    You seem very suprised that a company wants to make money, what are they supposed to do? give printers away for free? come on. Or maybe you'd like them to start producing in china or other 3rd world countries where kids work for 10bucks a month? yeah that would get the price down.
    27:40 Chech Republic is close to culture and mindset to RUSSIA? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE MUMBLING ABOUT? Like, I know they don't theach you alot of history other than your own sad school shooting american dream my ass country, but WHAT. I'm Polish and I live like 1h drive to Chech, been there many times and I know for a fact you have no clue of what you are talking. Oh yes and of course you had to mention US AMERICANS ARE NOTHING LIKE THEM, AMERCIA GREAT OOGA BOOGA xDDD pathetic.
    "China - prague who cares, this isn't made in amercia" You racist nationalist piece of ****, you really do think your preciousUSA is soooo much better? XDD Chechs had been making the best beer for 500 years before USA was even founded, so humble yourself a little. Your great country is built on blood, mansloughter, slavery and racism - remember that before criticising EU countries next time.
    33:30 you can't see the MK3 to MK4 upgrade? DUDE XD you looked straight at it and said you didn't see it. Oh becouse they said MK3 and not MK3s? oh boo hoo, MK3s is still a MK3 and if you really wanna try upgrading your MK3 to MK4 ( which I doubt you'd do ) you can, just first upgrade your MK3 to MK3s and the to MK4, woah so simple yet you just couldn't see it :)
    34:00 Do not buy MK4 for 1100$ buy bambuu lab x1 carbon for 1450$ lmao - they paid you to say that?

    • @elleryfg7853
      @elleryfg7853 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok. I'm just going to say, American Hater. US was built in manslaughter and slavery? What about the whole Old continent, how was the whole continent built? I guess it was built by sharing flowers with other people. SFU man! If you're going to criticize the guy then leave America alone, just criticize him. US is a great country, stop hating. He hates Prusa, he has his reasons, what reasons you have to hate US and all Americans. FU!

  • @GarethMcCumskey
    @GarethMcCumskey ปีที่แล้ว +46

    I agree with you that Prusa sat to lng on their victory and did very little to innovate in the consumer space. And you are right to call out the zealots that support them. However, I feel you may have gotten too far over on the other side by criticising what didn't need criticism. For example, replacing printed parts with injection moulded parts is not an instant improvements; injection moulding is not necessarily superior to 3D printed parts. And a few other bits and pieces. The Bambu Labs printers are incredible (I have a P1P) and am looking forward to seeing the continued competition as Prusa and others now try to "catch up" which only makes things better for everyone!

    • @MicroplaysMC
      @MicroplaysMC ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I totally agree. I wondered why there were so many dislikes on the video and after hearing him rant on about how awful 3d printed pieces were I was confused. If they don't break they don't need to be glass fiber filled. Metal? Why the hell would you CNC a steel or aluminum piece, drive the cost up 10 fold, when it doesn't NEED to be metal? That's just terrible reasoning.

    • @Tottorul
      @Tottorul ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@MicroplaysMC yeah, hes already complaining about the price, and now he wants to increase it for no good reason

    • @Tottorul
      @Tottorul ปีที่แล้ว +2

      well considering that its been 5 years since mk3 latest upgrade and 2-3 of them where pandemic years. along with having tested the mk4s for a year and having the XL on the line id say they have been nothing but bussy, its not too long in any sense. and prusa likes to release products that work, which takes time

    • @Defyant123
      @Defyant123 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Tottorul shit yer! im buying 10 prusa's tomorrow!!!! they are just that good! you should buy 10 too!

    • @Tottorul
      @Tottorul ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Defyant123 Im buying an mk4 in some months. cant wait!

  • @Nucutotal
    @Nucutotal ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Well. The point where you started to compare the Czech Republic to Russia, especially in times of the current war, just ignores 99% of european history and the actual situation here in europe. Its speads hate and misinformation. And its maybe a little racist. Did you uploaded your video 2 days early, because April 1st is one day ahead.

  • @SlinkySlonkyWaffle
    @SlinkySlonkyWaffle ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I agree with some of the points you've made, but you went on tangents about unrelated subjects a number of times; somewhat detracted from the video imo, but i defo agree that prusa is over valued atm (tho i do love the PCB design, wonder what those connectors are called)

    • @3dpyromaniac560
      @3dpyromaniac560 ปีที่แล้ว

      They look like mostly some JST headers on the tool head board

  • @MrGerhardGrobler
    @MrGerhardGrobler ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi, late to watch your video. But here I am.
    At 33.34 in the video you are saying you can't see the upgrade option. But on the bottom right I can see the MK3S+ to MK4 option clearly.
    Edit The menu items have 3D Printers and printer upgrades on the right.

  • @stelonous
    @stelonous ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I love my mini and I love prusa support. the Mk4 is an autobuy for me where-as I've heard nothing but bad things from Bambu support and community. The MK4 will work and produce good prints.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You *hear* nothing but bad because the biased "community" controlled by Prusa is exaggerating every trivial complaint. Meanwhile if you try to say something bad about Prusa you get insulted from every angle and told to seek help. Make no mistake Prusa controls the propaganda machine in the 3D printing space across the internet. I have no doubt there are some quality issues from Bambu Lab They are greatly exaggerated because fear mongering gives Prusa more sales.

    • @greliusz
      @greliusz ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@DesignPrototypeTest I live in Poland, we have a large printing community and half of them bought Bamboo, what you say is a lie, there are people on the forums who cry that the rods are worn out when they played with the "speed" printing and the support says that the looseness is normal and they sent people to the pavement. And on the forum about Prusa, no complaints. My advice to you, calm down, buy a Prusa and only then can you criticize, because for now you are rolling the same things based on the internet, pictures, recordings, etc. - you behave the same way as an Android fan who has never had an Apple on his hand, and pours out so much venom xD

    • @richmond411
      @richmond411 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Case in point! Thanks. That's the ignorant attitude of Prusa fans which makes the company rich.

  • @The-Weekend-Warrior
    @The-Weekend-Warrior ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have to point out that the Czech Republic (not being Czech, but living in Europe) has very little in common with Russia. Yes, they have been overrun by the soviets after WW2, just as did Hungary, Poland, etc. That doesn't make them russian though. Czech, Polish, Hungarians, etc. have a VERY different culture that is light years apart from Russia. You can have a beef with Prusa, but you shouldn't extend this to all of the people over there and label them as "russian satellites" and discard them... just my 2 cents on that part.

  • @afkafkafk
    @afkafkafk ปีที่แล้ว +7

    i think the encrypted and offline ready segements are digs on bambu

    • @mikecrane2782
      @mikecrane2782 ปีที่แล้ว

      Agree, I think a lot of the bullet points-taglines in the official Prusa launch are playing on BambuLabs approach and criticisms that have been made.

  • @ShuhDonk
    @ShuhDonk ปีที่แล้ว +11

    You can print in LAN mode on the Bambulab btw, no cloud. Also you said you didn't not see the mk3 to mk4 upgrade kit, it was right there on the screen btw, not sure how you missed it. Btw I am not a Prusa fanboy at all, they are decent printers but way over priced. I have all bambulab printers myself.

  • @billkaroly
    @billkaroly ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Revo wasn't the first easy to swap nozzle. A Czech company was first (I think they are Czech). My son loves PRUSA because their machines just work. Me, I'll go for an Ender 3 S1 Pro.

    • @morbus5726
      @morbus5726 ปีที่แล้ว

      which czech company?

    • @kymlalu
      @kymlalu ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@morbus5726 protoprint3dp and it is RAPTOR Hot-end. They have some similarities

    • @morbus5726
      @morbus5726 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kymlalu the raptor has a standard v6 nozzle with two tubes. The only thing that makes it special is the ptc heater, which has been used before. It's nothing like the cold swap revo hotend.

  • @voyeger4464
    @voyeger4464 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    I have a 5-year-old Ender3 running in my fabrication workshop. Eats dust, moistures, and whatnot, yet runs like a charm with great print quality. I never understood why Prusa printers are expensive and why on earth they use 3d printed parts in the printer itself.

    • @MaxMichel89
      @MaxMichel89 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Because of the RepRap Spirit I suppose, also Replacement parts are easy to print for yourself and not wait weeks. (but you need a second printer or Print all those parts ahead of time)

    • @Mr3DPrintWizard
      @Mr3DPrintWizard ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It does take intelligence to understand something and it seems like that is lacking by a lot of people. Mostly DPT and his goons.

    • @dangerous8333
      @dangerous8333 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@larry0406cherry 😂
      Everything you just listed off is all of the subjective nonsense that we're talking about.
      I can literally apply everything you said to my experience with all of my Enders 3's.

    • @atheron121
      @atheron121 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Mr3DPrintWizard Your well thought-out, evidence-based, backed-by-proof personal attack is very inspiring. It is so much easier nowadays to debate someone's presentation of their opinions, meanderings, and musings, than to, bravely, call them names and stoically attempt to insult their intelligence!... Why stoop so low as to present your opposing views on a subject, or keep an open mind in general, when it is clear that your erudite self is far superior to DPT, and his goons, of which he has an army? Well played, sir, well played!

    • @enginerdy
      @enginerdy ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dangerous8333 I recently built an ender 3, and while it turned out fantastic, I could see how someone without top notch build skills would not get the same results. There were plenty of traps where you can end up with out-of-square frames or binding spots. I also immediately added several upgrades to close some obvious gaps in the design (bed springs, replacement Bowden coupling, bed probe, dual z axis) to make it a low-hassle printer. This is far from what I would call a “buy and use” experience! I had fun doing it, but a friend had an awful time getting it to work.
      Subjectivity of experience does not invalidate that experience.

  • @AdrianoCasemiro
    @AdrianoCasemiro ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Boy I was waiting for your take on this printer. I knew you were going to hammer the price to performance ratio, but wait there's more (or less, depending on how you look at it). Deep analisys, acid humor, that's why I love this channel. Keep punching the BSers.

    • @Defyant123
      @Defyant123 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was a good watch :)

    • @eXe09
      @eXe09 ปีที่แล้ว

      Too bad his "deep analysis" is 80% speculations and 90% of that is just plain wrong :/ And he knows it, he hates Prusa for denying him a free printer a few years back, so he is trying to slander him. So that's that for unbiased "review" (of printer he will never even see in person, lol).

  • @racemanjer
    @racemanjer ปีที่แล้ว +2

    did prusa use to sponsor you?

  • @rudetoons7906
    @rudetoons7906 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Prusa is still a great company, the most china 3d printers wouldnt exist today if prusa would have the same policy like bamboo lab. But its true the mk3 felt outdated for years, i i was really hoping to see a dualextruder on mk4 :/ iam also a little disapointed

    • @dangerous8333
      @dangerous8333 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Everything he listed in this video is proof how they are not a great company. Had I drink the Kool-Aid and bought a Prusa I would be very bitter right now about the money I wasted after seeing what I've been able to do with just a couple hundred bucks and an Ender 3.
      The same reason I don't like apple or adobe anymore is the same reason I don't like Prusa.
      Yes, China would have 3d printers by now with or without Prusa.

    • @fenrir4046
      @fenrir4046 ปีที่แล้ว

      What the actual fuck are you basing your statement on?

    • @thegarageluthier
      @thegarageluthier ปีที่แล้ว +6

      ​@@dangerous8333 he basically got everything he listed wrong 😅

    • @jstro-hobbytech
      @jstro-hobbytech ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@thegarageluthier I keep at the bleeding edge of computing because I can afford it. You remind me of a poor fan boy who bought the 3070ti from a chinese bitcoin farm the day before the 4090 came out. Now you're butthurt that you can't run UE5 games. Neither can I because graphics cards are 2 years (at least) behind but I'll buy the 5090 in a year and a half and will play them on my 8k lgoled with dlss4 support. While you're stuck with a 3070ti. Don't buy something you'll have to defend. I learned that before I got rich as a poor child/college student.

    • @carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255
      @carlosjosejimenezbermudez9255 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@dangerous8333 You haven't been around for long in this space, have you? This guy has been doing *nothing* but criticize Prusa the last 5 years for supposedly stealing his ideas, and that was proven false pretty quickly.
      You'd expect someone to have the emotional maturity to just move past that and let them be after 5 years, even if he still doesn't like them as a company, but he'd rather be a resentful prick instead. See his Twitter threads for yourself if you don't agree. If you have never met a hardcore hater in real life, this is how they would look it seems.

  • @Broccolitreee
    @Broccolitreee ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I think you just sold me an Mk4

  • @richmond411
    @richmond411 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Very nice video! However, being from central Europe (Austria, adjacent to Czech Republic) I really need to correct you: Czech Republic is indeed former communist territory and you still see this everywhere you go, but technology-, mindset- and quality-wise I would see them on par with Germany, Austria, etc. And European mindset in terms of quality is surely lightyears away from Chinese. And - sorry to say - me and most fellow Europeans definitely don't see USA as the gold standard here either.
    That being said I fully share your views on Prusa. Their fans remind me of Apple fanboys who don't care for the competition but rather claim "sure they are late, but when Apple eventually implements a feature, it finally works perfectly". Those people believe the rumor that Apple is super reliable, while Windows shows Bluescreens on a daily basis. And to avoid that, they happily spend twice the money for the same technology.
    I have a cheap china printer and it never let me down.

  • @3DKreateFPV
    @3DKreateFPV ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I do want to add that I believe i read that e3d is making the heatbreak and nozzle assembley for prusas nextruder. It was designed with e3d and prusa during the revos development. But I always enjoy your constructive criticism on all of your reviews, keep up the good work man.

  • @callmevoid9407
    @callmevoid9407 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Your review is opinionated, pointless and not really about the product but all about your emotions. Waste of time.

  • @geldan
    @geldan ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Imagine how salty you'd be if you bought an mk3 a couple days ago

  • @MaxMichel89
    @MaxMichel89 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    1)I do get some points of him, But changin the nozzle from a standard v6 isn't that big of a deal, they also do have a nozzle adapter, so you can still use your "old" V6 nozzles. Besides Competitor Bamboolab also sells its own nozzles without the Option of other nozzles... I also would have liked the Revo System in the mk4, but then the printer would be even more expensive (they still need to compete with the chinese Bamboolab as a european company; I don't want all my stuff from china, which can easily be cut off from supply due to a new trade war... which can happen fast sadly..) China and prague Yes who cares. One country is a democracy and the other one isn't. Even yeah not made in America, but then change that and support a local printer Manufacturer there...
    2) The Expansion board is kinda smart, yeah you could run all the cables as usual, but that wouldn't be easier in the long run and maintaining the printhead is much faster this way (thats what ithink at least)
    3) All the Stuff prusa now implements which has been available in the Opene scene is not bad it is good, One can only innovate so much. Also Bamboolabs did use a lot of Open source stuff, it is not bad.
    4) I Feel like he does get on the Rage train for every little Marketing gimmick to hard. Every Printer Manufacuterer lists all the compatible materials (which is often not that true) and again and again he hops on that rage train, instead of just hopping over it, would also be a much shorter video then.
    5) People buy a Prusa to print stuff and yes you can get there with an Ender, but the Ender itself is a Hobby. I bought a Prusa (you might already guessed it right?) because I want to print and not to fiddle with the printer all the time.
    6) I do understand a lot of his critism, but crtitizing a Person for being one is very low... critize the product....

    • @CodeMonkeX
      @CodeMonkeX ปีที่แล้ว

      I personally think switching the MK4 to Revo would have caused them a lot of problems with the install base. I expect that many people buying a MK4 will already have one or two other Prusa printers. Many people do not want to buy another set of nozzles. This seems like a decent middle ground, if you just buy the MK4 then you have Revo like functionality. But if you have all V6 nozzles then you can get an adapter to make them all work.

  • @NewShockerGuy
    @NewShockerGuy ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This just seemed like a bitch fest on
    My only and first printer is a mk3s. I didn't go through all the growing pains of what people did with printers before this. I jumped in, modded it slightly and enjoy printing and it just works.
    I don't have to fiddle, I don't have to worry about crap breaking...etc. It just works. I am fine with the speed. I would like a larger build area but for now I'm OK with it.
    I've sold enough stuff now printing that I can and probably will get an mk4. Why. I like prusa. I like that he has invested a lot into the community and there is support. I don't have to wonder around and try and figure stuff out on my own if I don't want to. There are forums, FB groups, prusa's own site has a ton of info...etc. It's nice to be able to get help when it's needed.
    Is it older tech.. sure. But does that make it bad? Everyone jumping on the Bamboo wagon which is cool and I'm ALL for upgrades and the market changing but it's still new. I like open source stuff that I can change and not be forced to buy proprietary stuff. I do wish the mk4 would have at least increased the height by a couple inches. That would have been nice.
    The beauty of ALL this tech is that it will get better and it will force manufactures to compete. Perhaps this is what Prusa needed and a little kick in the butt. I would still gladly take something that is solid and will work everytime over something that is brand new. But this constant hate wagon get tiresome.

  • @wayne7824
    @wayne7824 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I have to agree with the warranty. I have an ender 3 s1 and reached out to their warranty dept. I instantly got support and spare parts.

    • @Smokinjoewhite
      @Smokinjoewhite ปีที่แล้ว

      They must have really ramped up support after the v2, I couldn't even get them to put the correct damn firmware on their page for the GD32 chips and had to compile firmware myself. Not a Prusa fan at all by the way, the mk4 is underwhelming at best yet people are lapping it up. Give me 3 sv06's and a pi or sonic pad any day. It will do the vast majority of what the mk4 does, even the time saving leveling can be implemented through klipper.

  • @AnimeKazuki
    @AnimeKazuki ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm relatively new to 3d printing myself, honestly I almost quit right away from how the Ender 3 experience. I had so many issues getting it to work. Everyone in hobby kept telling me "You need to start from X printer and either build it yourself or go through all the modding/troubleshooting pains or else you won't know anything." and "Voron for ultimate performance, Prusa for reliability, don't get Bambu cause it's closed source and it still has issues out of the box!" But honestly as a hobbyist, I'd just want something that for most people works out of the box, large build volume, good material options, and cheaper. I mean, Prusa must be good with how many fanboys there are, but it's so expensive for the print volume... I thought point of having a static model that can be built upon is for it to get cheaper over time.... Especially if your printing parts yourself. I do think your vid does go a little hard of them in one way though. But at same time, I did find it very hard to talk to prusa fans since they always fall back to "reliability" point.

    • @NoOne-ef7yu
      @NoOne-ef7yu ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think the best printers for beginners are the FLSun deltas.
      Work out-of-the box and fairly easy to use without mods. They can have accuracy issues though.
      Of course, any printer that works for you is fine, the point is to print fun gadgets, after all.

    • @kareldvo
      @kareldvo ปีที่แล้ว

      Well is 3d print your hobby? Buy ender, is 3d printer your tool to male something? Buy prusa kit, build your printer and go, you will learn about construction of printer, how things work and in final you have fully functional printer which do not need tunning to get some results...
      And thw pricing? Prusa is european company with main production in Prague, minimal salary in czech republic is 9500 USD per year (minimal which is not case in Prusa). Highest minimal salary in China is 400USD (officially). Than prices of energy etc and business model with some development and you are where you are. Making anything in Europe is expensive.

  • @arbjful
    @arbjful ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I am just about ready to pull the trigger on a Prusa i3MK3S+ 3D printer. The good documentation and the great community support was my compelling point. I don’t mind Chinese products, but I am worried about the possible lack of support and proper documentation.
    Which do you think I should go for, Prusa or Bambu? Remember this is my first 3D printer.

    • @highrise9559
      @highrise9559 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am brand new to the 3D printing world and I decided to buy a Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Combo. I made my decision partly because of all the good reviews and partly because the printer made everything much simpler to accomplish than the other printers. I have had my X1 for three weeks now and it has functioned perfectly.
      With that all being said, if I was an experienced 3D guy, and was experienced with dealing with all the varieties of filament and slicer settings, I can see going with a Prusa.

    • @morbus5726
      @morbus5726 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bambu is easier to use, around 4x faster, larger, and easier to use. There is extensive documentation on their wiki, and the community is huge.

    • @highrise9559
      @highrise9559 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@morbus5726 What he said! 👍

    • @omittedprod
      @omittedprod ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@highrise9559 be aware that the Bambu is much louder

    • @highrise9559
      @highrise9559 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@omittedprod I don't know what you are comparing the sound level to so I can't speak to your statement. However, I find it relatively quiet, unless you are printing PETG with the door open, the fan full blast, and on ludicrous mode. I live in an apartment, and I can't even hear it when it is running and I am about 20 feet away in another room.

  • @chrisbaker3760
    @chrisbaker3760 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I will say on the v wheel motion system, that where it becomes inferior is in the precision of the extrusion. Often they are twisted or bowed, combined with the thin warped beds it can give people issues with the first layer or if you need a proper flat surface for fitment of prints.
    I would have preferred to see linear rails on this machine to reduce noise and play, and help make the motion system a little more precise.
    The printed parts are there to stick with the open source theme of the printer, it's a mk4 of the i3 so they want it to continue the same principles... But my question is why does the XL have printed parts, especially the PC printed parts on it that are in contact with oils and grease and will cause issues.
    Good luck to Prusa, I was impressed by the speed in the video but I have an old Anet A8 here retired from my print farm that I am tempted to throw klipper on and see what speed I can get out of that for a laugh.
    Also the mesh levelling in the print area is a feature developed by community members in Klipper and has been happening for about a year now

    @XBKLYN ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dude, I get your points but you mostly sound like a shill for Bambu. This is why it's hard to trust even well-meaning reviews. If you started earning $7M per month what would you do?

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว

      "Behind every great fortune as a crime." You don't just start earning $7 million per month. You keep doing what you were doing when you were making less money. So, if my efforts started earning me big box I would probably continue to be me doing what you see here.

  • @Maverick7r
    @Maverick7r ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is one of the first videos I've seen of yours and can understand why you dislike Prusa but damn man. I've owned a few 3D printers as well as a Prusa MK3S and can say it's not the top of the line but it has been one hell of a lot more dependable than most others and tend to be a bit easier on beginners than most others. Personally, I do believe that Prusa printers are WAY over priced for the technology used and they really need to rethink their prices in a huge way for both FDM and SLA.
    The biggest problem with this video is you sound like a jackass by calling people "losers" because they may want to buy something your not a fan of. If you make suggestions of different printers people could consider over a Prusa and offer reasons why with valid constructive advice that's one thing but insulting someone because of what they choose to do with their money is a pitiful move in my opinion. I respect your opinion, why not show some respect to others.
    Call me a hater, call me a fanboy, call me whatever you want because I know what I am... someone who enjoys the 3D printing hobby and ALL the devices that allow me to do it.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's largely an act. I'm responding in intensity to the hate brought to me by the Prusa fanboys. Really, who cares if Prusa was dominant before and is doing poorly now. Just buy the best printer for you and move on with your life. What does motivate me is cheating. These fanboys have stalked and attacked me repeatedly for the last 5 years. Ever since I started directly criticizing their favorite company. It's like a religion to these lunatics. So I just keep pushing back as hard as they push on me. Only I don't DOX, or DDOS, or ad hominem, or gaslight, or etc. I can honestly say without equivocation these people who defend Prusa are the worst humans I've ever had to interact with on a regular basis in my 40+ years of life. Everyone else who criticized and got punished by them just capitulated and faded away. I figured "Why not me? I'll be the one who stands up to the bullies." Go through my video and list my bullet points on a white board. This will allow you to ignore my "tone" and you will find that I'm speaking truth (albeit with some errors). I'm trying to give Prusa credit where it is due. I'm giving an accurate assessment. Perhaps I'm not actually speaking in a bad tone. Perhaps the feeling "the community" has for Prusa is so skewed in the positive direction that a balanced view point is incorrectly perceived as hateful and negative. I can't abide those who just want to love their printer and ignore truth when there are negative consequences that arise from their militant attacking of any negative message. Negative consequences like Prusa's continued success at the expense of other players who actually bring real innovation to the table.

    • @Maverick7r
      @Maverick7r ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I feel ya, there are A LOT of fan bases that I can't stand, are extremely toxic and have ruined a lot of things for me over the years. I'm a musician and no stranger to so called "fanboys" and "elitists" that dont miss an opportunity to criticize and critique everything to death for no other reason than to argue and be toxic. As I've said before, I hate to sound racist but, the human race is f'd up, lol!!
      Thanks for taking the time to respond and I'll definitely check out some of your other videos. I fully agree, do/buy/enjoy what makes you happy and don't push or judge others because they don't have the same herd mentality, (that's what I can't stand about hardcore fan bases). Everyone is different and if more people would realize that, be positively constructive and open minded the world would be a better place... unfortunately that's just not the way it works. Best of luck with everything!! 🤘🤘

  • @Antrim3d
    @Antrim3d ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Again, I applaud your openness, honesty, and courage, to call it what it is... 🤔... I feel you've expressed my same thoughts very well. Nice job sir! 👍🏻I do wonder how many feathers get ruffled over this video...😂🤣😂

  • @James_Cook_Explorer
    @James_Cook_Explorer ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Prusa is a legend. The world is running, so I'm afraid it will soon be a forgotten legend

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว

      He's been making millions of dollars per month for quite a few years. I don't know what his obligations are to his network, but if he has that money saved up he could coast on this momentum for a while.

  • @partsdave8943
    @partsdave8943 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Mihai has more subscribers because he isn’t always negative. I unsubscribed from this channel years ago. YT recommended this video today. One thing that hasn’t changed is this guys negativity. He wears the crown for most negative in this community.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว

      So you're saying I'm the best?

    • @partsdave8943
      @partsdave8943 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@DesignPrototypeTest on negativity in the 3D printing community you should wear the crown. 👑. You should print one for yourself, but only on a sub $300 printer.

  • @kylebisson1498
    @kylebisson1498 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One thing worth caring about when the printer is made in Prague is that we know that it is made by people making fair wages. Can Bambu Labs say the same?

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Prusa's motors are made by LDO in China. Are you sure the people making orange printers are being paid a fair wage?

    • @thegarageluthier
      @thegarageluthier ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DesignPrototypeTest LDO is a very good company pity Bambu and other chinese manufacturers dont use them. Plus E3D make the heatbreaks.

  • @TedbearDK
    @TedbearDK ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You, sir, cut like obsidian - no bullshit. I've been printing for years, but your content is gold even for seasoned hobbyist like myself - thank you! Happy I stumbled across your channel.

  • @its_Blackpoint
    @its_Blackpoint ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Prusa hasnt Cut E3d Out. E3d Is Building the Heatbreak System for Nextruder

    • @Defyant123
      @Defyant123 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sounds a little bit "closed sourced"

  • @rrittenhouse
    @rrittenhouse ปีที่แล้ว +7

    You did this crap to yourself man. You've lost it. Give it up.

  • @cigp
    @cigp ปีที่แล้ว

    David Ashenbrener and his stinger was the first time i saw a truly nozzle bed leveling approach, i was so clever.

  • @elleryfg7853
    @elleryfg7853 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Please guys let him do his thing. We need the other side too. Take his views and opinions, get some other opinions and reviews and form your own. I think there's value on what he does.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks man. You seem like a reasonable fellow. Have a great day!

    • @elleryfg7853
      @elleryfg7853 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@DesignPrototypeTest I was waiting for your take on this announcement, I'm glad you where quick to it. I like to hear what you have to say about Prusa's printers and every other printer, but specially Prusa. There's too much adoration out there and most of your points are valid. I always get the "I hate Prusa" vibe but I see that you try to give credit where credit is due. I don't agree with everything you say or how you say it but I still want to hear it. Have a great day too and keep making awesome videos. 👍

    • @kimmotoivanen
      @kimmotoivanen ปีที่แล้ว

      Opinions without facts don't have much value 🤔

  • @mrt5393
    @mrt5393 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I just did the upgrade to MK4 and must say many of these changes are nice to have and not really changing the printer much. What really improved was the 32 bit board, WiFi and LCD. The rest was good enough and got slightly improved to make this printer nearly 2x as fast as MK3S and super quiet. I use the printer when I need something reliable and quiet and combined with press connect and WiFi changed the dynamics 360* I’m really happy over all. But I also got the K1 max for larger print and must say corexy is the future while it’s a speed beast it’s also a noisy daemon from hell once it accelerates. So overall the prusa is the more polished system but I have yet to try a Bambu and see if it dethroned prusa. At this point I’m not convinced

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is no doubt Bambu Lab is superior to Prusa in almost every way. Does it matter? Nope. Not at all. Recently I showed that you can get a really high quality Benchie from a $70 printer these days. We've reached the point where this is all just Phalus-Swinging contests. Enjoy the printer you invested all the time and money on. It's too late for you to second guess your choices now. Buyers remorse sucks. Focus on the printing, not the printer. Have a nice day.

  • @cataelectron
    @cataelectron ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Input shaping for bed slingers is hard to do... The weight of the bed is changing with the size of the print and the height already printed so probably the resonance frequency is changing too.

    • @DesignPrototypeTest
      @DesignPrototypeTest  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      This is such a good point! They need an accelerometer attached to the bed and a dynamic script adjusting input shaping as the print proceeds.

    • @cataelectron
      @cataelectron ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@DesignPrototypeTest If they had that they would be bragging in their video, my guess is that the acceleration is set so low for Y axis that input shaping does basically nothing.

    • @twanheijkoop6753
      @twanheijkoop6753 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@DesignPrototypeTest on my ender 3 s1 y axis input shaping effectiveness does indeed degrade near the top of a heavy (250g+) print. but it's still leagues ahead of not running it.

    • @williamluong7743
      @williamluong7743 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@cataelectron they can't do the speedbenchy without low accel, what? You can also use different shaper algorithms to correct for wider ranges of frequencies...

    • @DrKleiner0815
      @DrKleiner0815 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@williamluong7743check the video, you will see that the nozze moves right and left harder than the bed

  • @rentaspoon219
    @rentaspoon219 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Watching someone slowly lose shouldn't be this fun.
    OMG the Prague comments shows a mass lack of knowledge 😂

  • @gigifrana940
    @gigifrana940 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That mihai design is from Romania and the idea of that magnetic hotend and magnetic filament sensor plus 2+1 gears to push the filament are his ideas 😉 just check his videos from more than one year 😉

    • @thegarageluthier
      @thegarageluthier ปีที่แล้ว

      The designs for the extruder go back over a decade, Prusa has had the filament sensor for 5 or 6 years, the magnetic hotend also goes back more than 6 years.

  • @jonrudderforth1004
    @jonrudderforth1004 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    my internet has been down for over a week at home and I am printing on my X1 carbon by putting the files on the sd card and plugging it into the printer with no problems