Immortal Technique isn’t college educated, & likely didn’t even graduate from high school. I like him as an MC / Artist, but all of this leftist, conspiratorial, nonsense he talks turns off the fans (aka Non-Kamala voters). I can tell that he’s read a couple of books, & watched a few documentaries, but he’s not a scholar (same with Talib, Mos Def, & whoever…). The story he likes to tell about checking his white cellmate that said the N word is made up, & historically inaccurate (the term “Red Neck” doesn’t come from sunburned necks. Just leave the politics to the politicians, and continue making Dope Art.
Badaaaass shit , 🫡.......... RIP Chino XL
Salute Bro! Been sitting in my archives for too long. Had to share. RIP CHINO XL
RIP Chino XL
Immortal Technique isn’t college educated, & likely didn’t even graduate from high school. I like him as an MC / Artist, but all of this leftist, conspiratorial, nonsense he talks turns off the fans (aka Non-Kamala voters). I can tell that he’s read a couple of books, & watched a few documentaries, but he’s not a scholar (same with Talib, Mos Def, & whoever…). The story he likes to tell about checking his white cellmate that said the N word is made up, & historically inaccurate (the term “Red Neck” doesn’t come from sunburned necks. Just leave the politics to the politicians, and continue making Dope Art.
lol triggered
Cry a river 😢 💧 😂