Little Hitch must’ve spent his wasteful life to be compared to his legend of a brother! Then he comes and attacks his brother only to be taught a lesson yet again by the bigger brother 👍😂
01:51:24 - because atheism is not a side. Atheism just means that you see no evidence that any gods exist. Just because you’re an atheist just like if you didn’t believe in unicorns, or didn’t believe in fairies, because there was no evidence does not mean that you have a set series of belief systems. meaning if I didn’t believe in unicorns, it did not mean automatically that you understood what I believed about morals or ethics or politics, etc. I just don’t understand why Christians and why religious people can’t understand this basic point. And I also disappointed that Christopher Hitchins did not make this point to the audience.
Just a two on the "Jerry Springer" scale. And that's just because you know they've physically fought each other at some point, indeed possibly for years. It may have even involved cuppafarts.
you can tell they can still have fun together despite genuinely thinking the other is delusional, because they both think yelling over the Thanksgiving table (or whatever day) IS fun
I lost this when Peter went on about the worship of Moloch and Ashtoreth in Britain and you could hear Christopher laughing his ass off in the background 😂 It's so wholesome that these two are actual brothers, arguing on such profound topics in front of a literate and genuinely invested crowd, but still mange to ever so slightly crack each other up.
What about 1:08:53 Christopher absolutely annihilates Peter about his column being smaller and less renown and important than his and sent him straight to the emergency room, directly to the burn unit. You can literally hear the hurt feelings in Peter's voice when he replies with "However widely syndicated I am, I wouldn't want it there" as he slinks back into his brothers shadow haha. It was a bit harsh but it was absolutely hilarious. That's what he gets for trying to bring up personal s**t lol. Peter started the fight with his attempt at an answer to Christopher's challenge with a personal story, but Christopher ended the fight with one that landed like a God damn 747
@@soggybiscotti8425The biggest problem was Peter's answer to Hitchens's challenge was nonsensical. He stated something an atheist chose not to do, (his words) not something they couldn't do.
The western world is unironically in a worst place due to his fervent antitheism and his influence on millennial youths that are now taking over positions in the west. Wokeism is the new religion replacing Christianity, anything the latter holds dear like humility and conservativism is now evil. Now blatant Satanism is accepted. Hedonism, gluttony and greed, along with the seven deadly sins, replaced Christian core values. Traditional man and woman is replaced by 50+ genders, men can now become women, and something that was treated as a joke before like two-spirit and furries are becoming legitimate identity. And then the endgame of it all, the so-called MAPs, is slowly coming to fruition... Quite fitting though that the hateful atheist Christopher died early while the former socialist and reformed conservative Peter still lives.
Xmas dinner at the Hitchens family must've been a joy to attend. Perhaps not always for the parents of these two gentlemen. Lovely to listen to and amusing at times too
Both actually. His beef is with the acceptance of and subordination to the supernatural in any form whatsoever, outside as a curiosity in individual minds. Particularly when it leads to that acceptance of the supernatural being put forth as policy or education ie taken as gospel.
It does not matter who won the debate. 10 years after this debate, we have lost the war, our nations honor, and 8000 American lives and we left Americans behind… living Americans. Our politicians have fucked us… again.
Peter doesn't understand empathy. It isn't God that tells me things are wrong it is my empathy. Because of abuse by my parents I have little empathy for myself. This has nothing to do with religion but my own experiences.
Who determines that is “wrong”? In your worldview the only reason it’s wrong to do that is based on your arbitrary notion of right and wrong. You have nothing but a circular argument, it’s wrong because it’s wrong.
@@bono894 I would prefer to live in a world where people use their own moral compass and think critically , as opposed to those who require the direction of an omnipotent dictator to function.
@@BiggyJimbo What if my moral compass comes to the conclusion that might makes right? I’m stronger therefore I’m right and morally justified even if I want to victimize and exploit others for my own benefit.
@@bono894I have a feeling you may be playing devil's advocate. Some (I'd imagine a minority) may come to that conclusion, yes. You are right that with this worldview, there is nothing objective to indicate whether something is right or wrong. In a world without a celestial dictatorship, there would be free will. However, I'd still rather live in that world than one where people don't question authority. Human beings are naturally social creatures. While a few would take advantage of others at any given opportunity, I'd like to believe that the majority of people have an innate moral compass that would tell them not to kill, murder, or steal. Human society is fundamentally reliant on such values to function symbiotically. Are you suggesting that only the fear of god and his commandments can instill these values in society? If it were somehow proven that God wasn't real, do you really think that the world would suddenly descend into self-centered chaos? I find it unlikely. Maybe I'm wrong, but I do not think that deep down we are all violent psychopaths.
@@BiggyJimbo We already know that in a godless society like in Nazi Germany that the majority did in fact agree with the genocide and eugenics program of Hitler. In modern America we have millions of people who think murdering infants in the womb is perfectly fine. But how does a majority rule argue for objectivity? It’s like saying that because most people before Copernicus believed that the sun orbited the Earth therefore they were right. Consensus doesn’t determine truth.
1:47:38 Tell to the Native Americans where the lot of them were bludgeoned if they didn’t convert and a lot of them were killed and forced to convert by Christian’s And forced to abandon their perspective and adopt their Religious viewpoints out of fear or be killed until they converted
@@itzyourbwoytchybooxuur6475 what Peter said, the justifications he uses for Iraq can be applied other nations. Hitchens maintains that it has to be all four that he mentions, but any one can be seen as a justification. It was always about central banking and his opposition to it, just like Gaddafi, Hitler, etc.
@@stephenzavatski8016 oh dear: brown-shirt populist arguments. *You're a babbling fool. Christopher made the likes of you (and your sophomoric arguments) look like a total buffoon.*
Afghanistan has been an extremely minor war based on it's scope. The trick in it is that the operators have allowed the cost to run up to create a self sustaining profit center for the investor class. Minimum soldiers, maximum cost per day. This is business not war.
@@johnsmith1474 0i9,0,, ,iiiiiiiiiii,join,iiiiiiiiiiii,iinsid,, iiii0iiiiii I,iiii,iinsid,I,, iiiiii,I,iinsid,, I,join,in in,in h,in,I,,,,,in in,jimmy,, I,I,,,jii,in in,, in,0,I,j,j,I,John,,,0,,,,,,,h,I,,,,I,,,,,I,, jimmy,h,,I,, j,,,in,,,,,,,,,,,I,I,,,0,,,,,,,,j,,j,,,0jj,in,, j,I,,,,,,,,I,I,,,I,, I,j,,,,,,,in,,,,,,,,,j,in,,,,,,,,,,j,,,j,,j,,,,,,,,,,i0,I,,,,,,,,j,0,,,,,I,, in,I,, in,,,j,,,,iiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii,iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,join,iiiiiii,iiiiiii in iiiix888888z888888888z8z888888z888z88888z888888z888888z88888z888z8z88888z8z88888z88z88z88z8888z88 9 8d8888888z88888z8z888z88888z88z8z8z88888888z888z88z888z8z88888888888888888888z888888888z8888888888z8888d888888z88888z888888888dz8z8888z88z8888888z8888z88888z888888888z88z8888z8888z888z888888z888z8888z8z888888888z88888888z8z888888888z88z8z88z88888d888z8z888z88888888888888888z8z88888z8z8z8z88z8888888z88z8888888888888888z888888z888888888z88z8888888888z888z8z88888z88z888888888z8z8888888888z88z888888888888z88888888888888888z88z88888z88z888z8d8z8z888z8z8888888z8z8z88888z8888z8z88z88z88z8888z8z888z88z888z88z888888z8z8888z88z88888d8z88z88z888z8z8z88888888z88z8z888888888z8z8888888888z888z8888888z8z8888z88z8888888888z888888z8z8888z888z88z88z88z88888z88z888888z88888888888888888z8z88888z88z8888888z8z88z8z888z8888z888888z888888z8z88888z8z8z888z8889888888z88z88888888z8888z88888z88z88z88z8888888z8888z88z88888888z8888z8888888z888888z8z888z8z88z8z88d88888888z88z888z888z8z88z88z8z888888z888z888z88888888888z888z88z8z8z8z888z8888z88z98z888z88888888d8z88888z8z8z888z8888888z88z88888888z888z888z8888z888z88z8z88888888z8z8z88z88888z888z888z8z8z88888z888888z8d88888z8z8z888z8z88d888888888z888z8z88888888z8z8z89888z8z8z88888z888888888z88888888z888z88z888888z8z888888z88z8888888z88d888z888z888z888888z8888z888z8888z888888z88888z8888z8z88z8z88888888z8z88888z8888z8888z88z888888z88888z888z8z888888888888z888z8888888z8z888z88888 98z888z8888z8888z88z8z8888z888888888888z98888888z88888z8z88z888888z8z8888z8z8z888z88888888888888z88z8z88888z88z888z888z888888z8z888z88z88z8888888888z888z8z88z8z8z88888z88888z8z8z88z88888z8z888888888z8888z88z888888888888888z888z888z8888z88888888888888888z888z8z8z88z888z888d88z8z88888z88888888z8z888z8z8z88z88z8888z8z8888888z8888z8z888888z8d8z88888z8888888z8z88z8z88z8z888888z8z8z8z888z8888888z8888888888z88z8z888z888z888z8z8z8888z8z8888z88888888888z8888888z88z88888888z8888z88888z888888z888z8z8888888z88z888z8888888888z888z888z888888888z8888z888888888888z8888z88888z8888z8z88888z8z8z88z888z88z88z88z88z8z888z8z888z8z88z88z8z88888z8z888z8z8z888z888z8888z888z88z888888888z888z888z88z88888z8z88888888z8888z888888z8888z888z8z8z8z8z8z88888z8z8z888888z8z8888z8z8888z88z8888z88888888z8888888z8z8z888d8z8z88888z8888z88z88888888z888888888z888888z88z8z8888888888z8888z88z8888z888z8z888z88z8z8888z888z98z8z8888z888z8888z88z8888z88888z8888888888z888z8z88z8z8888888z888888z888888888888888888z888z8audio8z88z8888z888888s8888888888888888888888888888888888888snl is 8888s8888888888888888888888888888send on 8on Sunday brother is issued 888issued 8s888888us for us 888s88to 88s88is 8is 8s888is 88in in in a 8s8few 8888of 8is is is is insidious x 88x carve 888carve carve 8carve 8s888is to 888euros 88million is no problem with 8euros 8s8euros 88888of in 88x I 88888888s88888have have 8x is 88of each 8888of each 8year 8is and 8x 8s8is 8on 888in 8ss8in 88888s7sssssssss8ss8sssssss8ssss77sssssssssss8ssssssss8s8s8ss7is 88888euros is 8no euros 88ss8on 8s8us suitcases as8 888euros 8888euros 88ss8Isis 88s8ss8in sss888sss8ss8ssss8assaulted of each issues s8s8s8 8ssss888ssss88888888is sure 88888s888is 888is 88888of each 888888x 88euros s8888mm 8s88s8in in a s8888mm 88to 888of each issues 8and 88euros 88is 888euros 88of each 88888888888x 88888euros 888euros million euros Isis msnbc 8888888888euros 88888euros I 88888888888888euros 88euros on 8888euros at the photos 8are 888of each 88888888of is as sure 8x 88of each 88x is 8888no 8888euros and 88888888888sets 88888
@@MorrigansRaven3944 He says "I think I've been accused of casuistry": noun the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions; sophistry.
I don’t fear death. I fear living in ignorance of a higher power. I can live with finding that there was no purpose. I can’t live with finding that there was purpose while I went on without it.
1:30:49 That was a good question because quite a few Christians do believe young in earth. My grandpa and grandma are Christian and they don’t believe in dinosaurs Because they think it’s a hoax.. Even though they see dinosaur bones. I think that guy is absolutely right with his question.
Some Christians may believe in the young earth theory, some do not. No where in genesis does it state the "Earth is 10 000 years old" that young Earth theorists like to tout. I think that Peter is likely an "old Earth theory" kind of guy given his answer and therefore really doesn't see an issue with dinosaur fossils
Why should a question about what "quit a few Christians do believe" be a good question to put before Peter Hitchens? Is he supposed to rebuke or assume everything that is put to him by members of any christian sects? Most people, who believe in the literal meaning of any holy scripture do not have the mental faculties to handle said texts in their original, untranslated form. There's no tarmac, toilet-paper or typewriting in the Bible mentioned as well, so people will think these phenomena are a hoax as well? Even the technology, that is necessary to print a bible is based on scientific achievements contradicting the literal interpretation of its contents.
@@pkingpumpkin an honest Christian can follow the genealogies and see there are roughly 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, and roughly 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus. That would make the earth roughly 6000 years old, plus or minus a couple hundred years.
That's mostly because language changes. The word dinosaur was invented in the 1800s. Before that, we used a different word. "Dragon" was a word used for various reptiles. It included reptiles with hip structures that results in the belly being on the ground (komodo dragons and crocodiles), reptiles with hip structures that result in them being raised off the ground (dinosaurs🦖🦕), aquatic reptiles (plesiosaurs), and flying reptiles (pterodactyls). Most indigenous histories mention living among different dinosaurs. We have cave drawings that suggest we lived alongside these creatures. The Bible mentions dragons. Behemoth and Leviathan (found in Job) sound very much like a Brontosaurus and a Plesiosaur, respectively. I'd say the evidence suggests that dinosaurs were real, and humans were familiar with them. Interestingly, we have dragon accounts all over the world. Some mention water "serpents." Some mention fiery winged serpents, similar to the biblical account found in Numbers. We think of dragons as myth, but dinosaurs as real. We have an eel that generates electricity. We have a beetle that combines and shoots chemicals out of it's backside that react reach boiling temperature, burning flesh. We have a bug that generates it's own light with 100% efficiency and zero heat loss. (Compare that to our light bulbs, which suffer from around 90% energy loss to heat) I don't know why a lizard that breathes fire is so unbelievable. They were only decided to be a myth in the last few hundred years. Some people heard all these stories of dragons and went looking for one. When they didn't find any, they concluded dragons were mythological. Interestingly enough, this was at a time when people had no concept of extinction. The belief was that if you couldn't find a creature, it never existed.
Idealism is where thought is the form of history and everything. If idealism were true, religion would not only be true, but religiously motivated war would be justified. Dubya summoned Billy Graham to do just that.
@1:10:00 the Ancient Hebrews existed. Written in all of Ancient Afro-Asiatic History. Listening to the rhetoric of the descendants of fallen Angels is the biggest problem the world must overcome
CH had been for regime change in Iraq since the 1990's. He was opposed to the 1st Gulf War at that time and then saw that there were Kurdish people in Northern Iraq saying(and yelling)that Bush Senior saved them. So he went to see what it was all about. From there he had a pretty large reversal of his opinions through the 90's. He said that the intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo changed his mind about military intervention.It was no quick jump of the fence and when the facts change,so should u :)
“Many are called(everyone) but few are chosen”. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. ..”
One thing I find with these debates is how easy it is to forget that God exists outside of Time. "Why does God allow death, suffering or injustice?" is a question asked by folks who don't realize He knows everything that has, is, or will happen. The end of this realm has already been chronicled in Revelation. It is like reading the book and telling the ending to everyone going in to see the latest blockbuster film . My mother loved me but she let me pull the cat's tail until I got scratched and by her not intervening I learned to leave the cat alone. We are immortal souls living in temporal bodies and this life is not forever. Eternal suffering is inestimably worse.
We need to Spiritually. Get in tune with our iner power. Learn about ur chakras. Opwen our minds break out of the matrix. We have been indoctrinated far to long time to break out. Unlearn what they what they taught us in school. Everything but basically mathematics to a certain degree. Like dinosaurs not real. Look up tataria mudflood.
I do recall that quote from the Revelations, King James Bible. When I was a child I could not imagine that could be. I have two brothers who love one another and to see them fall away would be heartbreaking. But it’s happening all over the world. This feels like the end times spoken if in the end of the Bible. All mankind has heard the word and we are becoming Globalized. The end of physical money Surveillance states and persecution of Christians. Earthquake Fires Floods Murder Human trafficking The feasts of Satan on humans Desecration of families It’s very compelling to see the prophecies coming to be present
Huge fan of Christopher, for 10 years, at least. But lately I gravitate more and more towards Peter's point of view. Not religiously(I'm still an atheist), but politically.
Christopher was wrong on everything here. Pure emotionalism, deflections and straw man arguments. Hard to believe he is considered an intellectual with such disregard of trying to find truth. Oh yea, he must be a postmodernist...
The issue at 1:30:00 on is that the smug questioner seems to be assuming that every Christian, including Peter, believes the world is 6000 years old and that evolution is false. Peter Hitchens, like most British Protestants let alone Catholics (even the Pope) is not a Mississippi schoolteacher and has no problem with the earth being billions of years old or dinosaurs etc. Pity Peter didn’t clarify this and left the questioner smugly thinking he’d intellectually cornered him.
1:19:51 Why are they calling Christopher professor, and why does he say _”Dr”_ in addressment? I’m a fan of Hitch, but he holds no degree that honors him such title. Where is this coming from?
There won’t be any.. have you seen the decay of and censorship of critical thinking these days? If you’re not allowed to offend anyone you lose the ability to hear different sides to things.. Vaccine injuries are being censored, the horrors of the Islamic faith are being censored, criticizing ANYTHING is being censored! They have SAFE SPACES in Universities of all places.. THE place where you are supposed to have debates and because people are so easily offended these days there are no debates.. Your not allowed to voice differing opinions.. If you say men can’t be women and shouldn’t be allowed to perform in biological women’s sports you are at risk of being fired for your job or kicked out of your university.. So if there are enlightened great thinkers we won’t be able to access them.. Hitchens would have been cancelled in today’s time..
@@West-rn-showvn-ist-chick Your reply sums it up, but not how's the kneecaping of education from a young age until adulthood. Groups in power (corporate, religious and military institutions along with right and left leaning fanatics) have pushed legitimate education to the side for emotional and instinctual reliability in the systems of control. Now instead of proven science religious "doubt" is allowed to be an option. Instead of proven mathematics " personal opinion" is allowed to be an option...all because people are uncomfortable with acceptance of the fact they don't know what they are talking about.
We don’t and won’t have any. If we do it will be a miracle. Anybody pushed forward by the current media and education system will simply be good at regurgitation of the party line.
1:28:17 fumbling over himself disgustingly. Didn’t have the humility to admit he sold out to the neocon machine and was absolutely wrong in doing so. Good on Peter for calling him out on his attempt at casuistry.
As much as I love to listen to the other topics of debates he took part in it's kinda sad to see Christopher argue for the politics of this war. And as we know by now his arguments didn't age well. The decision to invade had nothing to do with bringing freedom to the iraqis, but with Saddam's decision to make the Euro the currency to pay for his oil instead of sticking to the US dollar. It's hilarious to even make such an argument as if the US military complex is interested in anything like freedom or human rights at all. Nevertheless he was a brilliant mind, may he rest in peace.
Peters comments about the breakdown in manners and common decency to each other in the UK apply only to London and the south! In the north of England, we say thank you to the bus driver for taking us to our destination and open doors for people carrying things etc, etc!
"civility is overrated" Actually agree with Hitch here. Though the common comment I see on debate videos is "it's so refreshing to see people with opposing views debate in a calm and respectful manner" - the problem with that is that the differences between the debating parties often come across as muddy and unclear. Sometimes you have to call someone out when there are obvious errors or disagreements to really accentuate it. Civility as the prime goal also lets the other part think it can get away with being intellectually dishonest or using logical fallacies. If civility is the number one thing to strive for, the losing part of a debate can simply point fingers at the other part and claim victimhood and win the sympathies of the viewers.
Peter Hitchens, a big thank you! for putting a complain to BBC on the 2018 Douma chemical attack in Syria report by the BBC, whic had serious inacuracies. You are our voice! All our respect and admiratuon for you! From Elsa and family.
Was the drinking and cigarettes worth it? Serious question. Christopher had a spotlight and many publications. Without those terrible habits he may still be alive today. We would be able to know and understand more of his thoughts. Like anyone, he too changed positions on different subjects, Sadly not on America's Wars in the middle east. We have more problems at home to focus on at the moment.
It’s interesting that Christopher doesn’t address the religious aspect of the Bolshevik revolution which was orchestrated by a disproportionate number of Jewish individuals. Marx, Engles, Lenin, and likely Stalin who was married to a Jewish woman.
@@TheSonicDeviant COVID-19 is a virus, that possibly originated in the Wuhan virology lab, located in the city of Wuhan China. Thanks to the "transparent" CCP, we will probably not know for sure, since related data has been scrubbed, and witnesses have been imprisoned..
Nor has CH listened to President Eisenhower's wisest farewell speech of all POTUS, Warning US of the Devil's bargain we made with the privatization of the Military Industrial Complex.. Kennedy was the last President to try and break that contract with the Devil
@@jeffschlarb4965 - No, you are very wrong. The official narrative is that COVID-19 is a disease. The virus that causes it has been named SARS-CoV-2. As mentioned, that’s the official narrative if you want to be pedantic. However there are more plausible alternative narratives, however they require you to actually think outside of your safe space and comfort zone.
One needs to be very careful when listening to erudite, charismatic scholars, they're often so convinced of their own intelllect, their hubris leads them to get things catastrophically wrong.
@@TheStanley1000 They didn’t hate each other, they just disagreed on many issues. Lots of that seems to be down to the fact that Peter looked up to his brother and respected him, and wanted to come out of his shadow so decided to take the opposite view of his brother on many issues.
@@FannyShmellar WRONG ! Read both of their work and memoirs, you will understand what and why they disagree on many issues. And the vile comment of Christopher on his brother should maybe make you understand who's jealous of who. Nice psychology shot, but cheap one
I feel like when Peter pops his cloggs, the headlines are going to mention his brother front and centre. Wouldnt be able to get out of his shadow, even in death.
I'm rewatching this debate after about 10 years. I agree with Peter Hitchens generally on both issues debated, but Christopher Hitchens' skill in debate is unlike anything I've ever seen.
I feel as if Christopher’s view of religion is truly needed today as a holy war erupts across the Middle East, as he said “we must leave religion behind.” Imagine where we would be if we truly valued secularism and intellectual honesty? The lives saved, the minds of children saved .. sad to see man.
Unless you address Jewish power in the united states and the interests of Israel in the region you completely ignore the core issue for war. The Iraq war was not fought for humanitarian reasons it was prosecuted to further the interests of Israel.
At first I was annoyed with how much time they spent on the Kipling quote. Who cares, ya know? But the more I thought on it, the more it really annoyed me that Peter misquoted the poem so badly, and rather than abandon the point when he forgot the words, he just makes it up. For whatever reason, that really makes me angry. If the intention of the quote is to move the audience, or carry some profound meaning or inspiration, then to completely misquote Kipling and MAKE IT UP is actually icky. It's a lie. And for Christopher to know the correct quotation is just... *chef's kiss*.
Love the Hitch but he was wrong on Iraq it was always about regime change same with Libya and Syria to name just a few. The US have left the Middle East totally devastated it’s war crimes.
@@capitalb5889 No. Concurrent with atheism is a belief in logic, in provable fact, in reason. It's what makes the computer you are typing on work, the dwelling you sit within not collapse upon you .... Did you have to pray to the computer before it turned on? Did it never turn on but you believed it would anyway?
That is utter nonsense, it refers to wars that can be assigned to a typical religion, which is a completely insufficient definition. What matters is if a war was done under "religious thinking." Every war declared by any King or other holder of divine right was therefore a religious war, any war started by an ideologue over social theory was a religious war. You apparently do not understand what religious thinking is, it is generically: 1. hero worship + 2. unassailable dogma + 3. the criminalization of certain thought. Those three elements constitute "religious thinking" and so for instance Naziism was a religion, Hitler was the hero, fascism was the dogma, and of course many crimes could land you in jail.
shame he’s not here to see the mess left in the Middle East, I do hope 20 yrs from now he’s right , if Iraq does turn a corner and becomes a truly democratic state then it will have been well worth it and can help lead the way for the other tyrants in the region to be toppled For those countries still trying to implement democracy like Egypt and Libya I hope. In time they have found a peaceful solution to offer their people a better life. I believe this may shift others in the Middle East towards democracy, yet I can never see Saudi family giving up power and with US backing it may never need to look to democratic outcome.
this is exactly the argument the neo-cons made for the war - and they were wrong. arab countries are moving further towards dictatorship and the west is basically starting to accept it, and thus support it (e.g., UAE, Saudi, Egypt)
that climate change moment at 1:23:45 did not age well for either Hitchens, but it is particularly sad to see Christopher fall into the canard of the "the environmental movement is a new religion" horseshit.
@@Cynidecia hahaha look here son, not only are you an obvious troll, you're not even in my league. Word of advice, boy: don't step on to the field if you don't know who you're playing against. now, I'm sure its past your bedtime, so brush your teeth and fuck off to bed, and maybe your mommy will tuck you in, even read you a bed-time story!
Hello from West Sacramento. As one may remember the Government Of England John Major and company were on the Television 📺 show when the John Major and company apologized to the the Folk of the United Kingdom for going to war in Iraq.......Have a good day now!
I wonder how many Christian nurses, doctors, pharmacists, etc.were taking care of his health, and what kind of hospitals cared for him: Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Jewish, Catholic? He doesn’t mention all the good ‘religious’ hospitals do.
I wonder how many were atheist too. What a stupid comment. Maybe they were religious but shouldn’t have done their job because of a person’s opposing beliefs? That would have been a lovely ‘love thy neighbour’ mentality wouldn’t it?
Hitchens had some good points, but Hitchens effortlessly refuted those points and offered counterpoints which Hitchens was not able to handle. This is a tough one, but I'd say Hitchens probably won this one.
Poor old Peter, to have spent your life constantly getting battered by your rather cocky, more-talented brother. There is a sniping, crowing nastiness in Hitch tonight that he doesn't normally have. I wonder if CH chose to jump the fence and support the Iraq War because PH had jumped the fence and chosen to oppose it first.
You've got to be a fan of common sense to agree with Peter. Whereas sadly by the time of this debate, the world had lost Christopher to warmongers in Israel, America & Britain!
"Common Sense" is a right wing canard meant to deflect from basic concepts that really aren't that far off from "common sense" except for the fact that it's not something you can just assume in a skill vacuum and presume to be correct. That's what "common sense" is, the ability to assume something reasonably well without knowing beforehand. This cannot apply to things like biological evolution or religion, because those are both arenas in which one must have special knowledge (the opposite of common sense) to properly debate. But yeah before you say this crap, please apply some "common sense" to whether or not one should adjudicate society according to "common sense" rather than to have specialists with proven expertise in their fields. You cannot common sense your way into iterative engineering, and that's just one example.
@@phillipmitchell2254 Cope. I love Christopher Hitchens, but in this case Peter’s argument has stood the test of time re: Iraq to a much greater degree. Calling something a “right wing canard” is a left wing canard. Your wall of text was bad, and the pseudo-intellectual technocratic le “trust the experts” rhetoric at the end is laughably foolish for more reasons than I care to explain in a youtube comment
@@imma5269 I'm anti-imperialist, I wasn't talking about Hitch's arguments about Iraq. And yes, "common sense" is never used by people who are arguing in good faith. Specialist information is not incorrect or inaccurate by virtue of the fact that it's not common. That's not a canard, that's either straight-up foolishness, or deliberate misinformation. Experts are experts for a reason. Your argument is formulated like that of an anti-vaxxer.
You can common-sense your way through engineering, actually. It's quite important to have someone with focussing on reality checking as opposed to theoretical modelling. For example, a theoretical model that deduces the time it will take to evaporate a cup of water may be extremely complex, with 10000 opportunities to make a mistake. They may calculate that it will take 3 years. Many engineers will accept the outcome and move on. The person with common-sense will be the one to say hang on buddy, gonna have to recheck that. Now, this is also an example of someone who needs no expertise, just "common-sense".
@@roccoprochilo5130 That's not a weakness of the scientific method. Also the scientific method exists because sometimes common sense is literally just wrong.
When should any sane person tolerate or take seriously any so called adults opinion who thinks Childish Magic Fairy Tale Stories and reality are the same thing?
U .gbbbb bb bbbbb .bbbbbh.bbbbbbbbb.b.h baby .b hbbb. Hbb. Bbbh h. N.h how. N.h bb how bbbbh he h hbhhhb b H.h. hn h bhbbb .bhhbb..hbb b bn b bbbbbnbbbb.b b h bhb bbbbh. Hnh b huh. H h bbbbnnnbhh.hbbhnbhbbbb nbhb he. B. B hhh. Hhbbhhhbhh .bhh b hb . Hbbg. Bb bh hb. Hbgnh. N. Hhb n h h.bbh.n Hhb bh.hbbb hn hbhbbbbbb. Bbhb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbb .bbbbbb bbbbbbbbhhbbbbbbhbhbbbb hbhb bbh bhhb b bbb.bbb .bnnhhbbb.hbhbthgh h hbbbhbb.b hh h bbb gbbb. H hbhh bbb high bb b hbb B. Bbb b b. Nbh .nn hh bbbnbbh h h b. Bnbb b bh h bhh b. B bbb b hh nhbh b b bbbh bbh g bh. Hh hbhnnn . H . Bb. ..hahaha b bbhhhh.hh . .hbbh.h.b h bbbhh b. Hbb bbbhbbbn bb b hh.h hb .bbbhbb bhn bbbbbhnhbhbb. N.b .hb. h. Hbh.hbbhbbhb hbnhhb h bh.hb b. Bhh. B hb b.b. bbbbhbhhnhbhhb.b .bh b. Bn. Bn bhb.h bbbhnbh.hh b.h. h hhb b bbbbnnhb. Hh. Hbbhhhbbhb b bbb hbbhhbhb bhbbhb b bbb.bbn h hb bbb bbhb b n bb bhb bnbb bgbb bbhbh hb nhhbh hnb h . Bbbbbbhb b nb h hbbb b .nhb bh bhbh bb bbbg bbb b hbbb b. Bbb ..hb hhb.hbnb .bbbbbb b... nh b.nh bb n b bnb b. Hb.hb b hhh . .bb h.b h.h. bnbb bhh. .b h go b b b bn.bbbbgbb.bbhhh. . B.b bh.bhn. hbb. H. Bhbbhbbhbhbbhnnbh nnnbb bbbbbbhh bhhhbhb. Bb.h. .. bb bbbhhbn g..gnh hb bbbb hbhb bb hbb n.
Peter claims that God, in particular the Christian God, gives a firm basis for morality but what has been taken as Christian morality has changed radically over time, this would not be the case if it came from a god.
The way mr Peter Hitchens made out that the man asking his stance when it comes to dinosaurs and the belief that the Earth is created/called in to being, as it were, was less than intelligent, was rude and arrogant. I had no problem undestanding what «he was driving at» - this was just a coy, if not downright cowardly, ploy in on the part of mr P. H to avoid having actually comit to answering the man. P. Hitchens does not have anything on his brother whatsoever.
It was a ridiculous way to approach the question. And while I felt a bit sorry for him, he didn't help it when he just repeated the question again, when all he had to do was ask a simple question. It did sound like he wanted to ask about young earth creationism, but it was taken as an ID question.
I can't believe Peter got so indoctrinated. How embarrassing. He didn't understand that maybe they didn't worship god itself, but they worshiped the grand leader just like North Korea. And that stupid MC saying "Civility!" Bah. 1:55:35, that poor idiot man's question if he could phrase it properly was actually how do we get our politicians to become more secular and actually do the right policies? How do we teach people the right way?
14 years ago I watched this video because one of the Hitchens was in it. 14 years later I watch it again because the other Hitchens was in it. I think I've grown up a little bit.
@@generaljackripper666 Personally, I still think Christopher was much more incisive and verbally intelligent than Peter. Peter is perhaps one in a hundred. Christopher is possibly one in a billion.
@@Mushin367 Nah, the older I get the more I see through the exterior to what lies beneath. It doesn't matter HOW you say it, it matters WHAT you say. Peter, by far, has the better message to send. Try reading his column.
@@generaljackripper666 I will try reading it. But even here, you can see that he isn’t really a match to Christopher. He couldn’t defend the story of The Binding because he didn’t seem to fully understand it. That idea is that, as Christopher was keenly aware, Abraham had already slaughtered his own son in his mind before the scapegoat was offered. And he did that only because God commanded him to do so. Soren Kierkegaard, a Christian philosopher, makes this point as well; If you don’t make your morality subservient to whatever God commands, then this story will be morally problematic, and the fact he didn’t allow him to kill Isaac doesn’t completely exculpate the story.
imagine living your life with the first question you ever get asked is "Are you Christopher Hitchens brother? "
Little Hitch must’ve spent his wasteful life to be compared to his legend of a brother! Then he comes and attacks his brother only to be taught a lesson yet again by the bigger brother 👍😂
Even worse...imagine your kids introducing themselves as Christopher Hitchens' nieces and nephews. 😂
01:51:24 - because atheism is not a side. Atheism just means that you see no evidence that any gods exist. Just because you’re an atheist just like if you didn’t believe in unicorns, or didn’t believe in fairies, because there was no evidence does not mean that you have a set series of belief systems. meaning if I didn’t believe in unicorns, it did not mean automatically that you understood what I believed about morals or ethics or politics, etc. I just don’t understand why Christians and why religious people can’t understand this basic point. And I also disappointed that Christopher Hitchins did not make this point to the audience.
1:03 Hitchens sitting on his throne like god damn Thanos.
Hitchens clearly won the debate.
he won before started - they both Hitchens. But I wager you are referring to Christopher.
@@BioStuff415 Peter won
@@BioStuff415 I'd wager he's making a joke actually
You're wrong! Hitchens clearly won! Hitchens was rubbish!
This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them
Always nice to see family Thanksgiving arguments performed on stage.
Just a two on the "Jerry Springer" scale. And that's just because you know they've physically fought each other at some point, indeed possibly for years. It may have even involved cuppafarts.
you can tell they can still have fun together despite genuinely thinking the other is delusional, because they both think yelling over the Thanksgiving table (or whatever day) IS fun
@Jbat-xf5pv Will you lighten up weirdo
🎵 We're brothers... we're happy and debating and we're scholars🎵
Bru 😂😂 what movie is the one that goes ‘were brothers we are happy and were singing and were colored’
@@IndiaNumberOneCoubtry The Wayans Brothers. It's a TV show.
Give me a high-five (or at least I remember it that way)
I lost this when Peter went on about the worship of Moloch and Ashtoreth in Britain and you could hear Christopher laughing his ass off in the background 😂
It's so wholesome that these two are actual brothers, arguing on such profound topics in front of a literate and genuinely invested crowd, but still mange to ever so slightly crack each other up.
What about 1:08:53
Christopher absolutely annihilates Peter about his column being smaller and less renown and important than his and sent him straight to the emergency room, directly to the burn unit.
You can literally hear the hurt feelings in Peter's voice when he replies with "However widely syndicated I am, I wouldn't want it there" as he slinks back into his brothers shadow haha.
It was a bit harsh but it was absolutely hilarious. That's what he gets for trying to bring up personal s**t lol. Peter started the fight with his attempt at an answer to Christopher's challenge with a personal story, but Christopher ended the fight with one that landed like a God damn 747
Haha yep the sudden laugh is fantastic.
@@soggybiscotti8425The biggest problem was Peter's answer to Hitchens's challenge was nonsensical. He stated something an atheist chose not to do, (his words) not something they couldn't do.
They hated each other
@@SM-fk5orcan't you disagree with someone without hating them???
Sure miss this guy. The world would be in a better place if Christoper Hitchens was still with us.
Hitchens is a creationist now. Sad how many people he brought to hell with him...
@@skinnie2838He's dead you idiot.
@@skinnie2838 you're weird...
The western world is unironically in a worst place due to his fervent antitheism and his influence on millennial youths that are now taking over positions in the west. Wokeism is the new religion replacing Christianity, anything the latter holds dear like humility and conservativism is now evil.
Now blatant Satanism is accepted. Hedonism, gluttony and greed, along with the seven deadly sins, replaced Christian core values. Traditional man and woman is replaced by 50+ genders, men can now become women, and something that was treated as a joke before like two-spirit and furries are becoming legitimate identity. And then the endgame of it all, the so-called MAPs, is slowly coming to fruition...
Quite fitting though that the hateful atheist Christopher died early while the former socialist and reformed conservative Peter still lives.
@@skinnie2838lmao y'all bible thumpers have no power here
I learned some very important history from this debate. Thank you, brothers, for your points of perception.
Xmas dinner at the Hitchens family must've been a joy to attend. Perhaps not always for the parents of these two gentlemen. Lovely to listen to and amusing at times too
From 1:56:13 on CH has a great moment and great answer that gets better as it goes along
Brotherly love & sibling rivalry at its finest. RIP Cristopher. You've made me think.
Hitchens is a creationist now. Sad how many people he brought to hell with him...
@@skinnie2838St. Pete will damn you?
Ppl often ask who I’d have dinner with dead or alive.. my answer has never changed over 10 years.. Christopher would be an honor to pick his brain
I think Christopher's real beef isn't so much with "god" but with RELIGION.
Both actually. His beef is with the acceptance of and subordination to the supernatural in any form whatsoever, outside as a curiosity in individual minds. Particularly when it leads to that acceptance of the supernatural being put forth as policy or education ie taken as gospel.
I'm a believer in God and I agree with Christopher. I see God as at best an incompetent creator and at worst a malevolent overlord
@@ToyDirigible Ironically, God loves you so much, he won't force you to be in heaven with him if you don't want to go. Good luck in the other place!
@@AndrewFosterSheff69 Thanks buddy, as long as it gets me away from zealous idiots like you.
I think he’s pretty much said that.
I like Peter but his S whistles are slightely irritating.
Ahhhh why did you have to do that, now I can't ignore it.
@73rmin8r 🤣
It does not matter who won the debate. 10 years after this debate, we have lost the war, our nations honor, and 8000 American lives and we left Americans behind… living Americans. Our politicians have fucked us… again.
Peter doesn't understand empathy. It isn't God that tells me things are wrong it is my empathy. Because of abuse by my parents I have little empathy for myself. This has nothing to do with religion but my own experiences.
Who determines that is “wrong”? In your worldview the only reason it’s wrong to do that is based on your arbitrary notion of right and wrong. You have nothing but a circular argument, it’s wrong because it’s wrong.
@@bono894 I would prefer to live in a world where people use their own moral compass and think critically , as opposed to those who require the direction of an omnipotent dictator to function.
@@BiggyJimbo What if my moral compass comes to the conclusion that might makes right? I’m stronger therefore I’m right and morally justified even if I want to victimize and exploit others for my own benefit.
@@bono894I have a feeling you may be playing devil's advocate. Some (I'd imagine a minority) may come to that conclusion, yes. You are right that with this worldview, there is nothing objective to indicate whether something is right or wrong. In a world without a celestial dictatorship, there would be free will. However, I'd still rather live in that world than one where people don't question authority.
Human beings are naturally social creatures. While a few would take advantage of others at any given opportunity, I'd like to believe that the majority of people have an innate moral compass that would tell them not to kill, murder, or steal. Human society is fundamentally reliant on such values to function symbiotically. Are you suggesting that only the fear of god and his commandments can instill these values in society? If it were somehow proven that God wasn't real, do you really think that the world would suddenly descend into self-centered chaos? I find it unlikely. Maybe I'm wrong, but I do not think that deep down we are all violent psychopaths.
@@BiggyJimbo We already know that in a godless society like in Nazi Germany that the majority did in fact agree with the genocide and eugenics program of Hitler. In modern America we have millions of people who think murdering infants in the womb is perfectly fine. But how does a majority rule argue for objectivity? It’s like saying that because most people before Copernicus believed that the sun orbited the Earth therefore they were right. Consensus doesn’t determine truth.
1:47:38 Tell to the Native Americans where the lot of them were bludgeoned if they didn’t convert and a lot of them were killed and forced to convert by Christian’s And forced to abandon their perspective and adopt their Religious viewpoints out of fear or be killed until they converted
yeah sure
It's hilarious to watch 2 famous intellectuals endure sibling rivalry on a world stage.
Well.... one famous intellectual.
And his little brother occasionally pops out from under his big brothers shadow. Hehe
One famous intellectual and his younger brother.
*1 intellectual, 1 pseudo intellectual
History since this debate has shown us that even a man as outwardly intelligent as C.H. can be utterly wrong!
How so mate?
@@itzyourbwoytchybooxuur6475 what Peter said, the justifications he uses for Iraq can be applied other nations. Hitchens maintains that it has to be all four that he mentions, but any one can be seen as a justification. It was always about central banking and his opposition to it, just like Gaddafi, Hitler, etc.
Is that supposed to be a surprise? If catching him out as wrong on an issue is all you got, you got nothing on him you don't have on everyone.
@@johnsmith1474 it just seemed to be an observation man. The guy isn’t like a religious figure for you or something is he?
@@stephenzavatski8016 oh dear: brown-shirt populist arguments. *You're a babbling fool. Christopher made the likes of you (and your sophomoric arguments) look like a total buffoon.*
Absolutely amazing!
Religion has to GO
1:29:42 If there was a designer of the universe... it isn’t any of the ones that we have designed.
Looks like Peter has been vindicated as the Afghan debacle has now also shown
C Hitchens didnt appreciate enough that the enemy (Christian right neocons) of my enemy (Pisslam) is not my friend.
Afghanistan has been an extremely minor war based on it's scope. The trick in it is that the operators have allowed the cost to run up to create a self sustaining profit center for the investor class. Minimum soldiers, maximum cost per day. This is business not war.
@@johnsmith1474 0i9,0,, ,iiiiiiiiiii,join,iiiiiiiiiiii,iinsid,, iiii0iiiiii I,iiii,iinsid,I,, iiiiii,I,iinsid,, I,join,in in,in h,in,I,,,,,in in,jimmy,, I,I,,,jii,in in,, in,0,I,j,j,I,John,,,0,,,,,,,h,I,,,,I,,,,,I,, jimmy,h,,I,, j,,,in,,,,,,,,,,,I,I,,,0,,,,,,,,j,,j,,,0jj,in,, j,I,,,,,,,,I,I,,,I,, I,j,,,,,,,in,,,,,,,,,j,in,,,,,,,,,,j,,,j,,j,,,,,,,,,,i0,I,,,,,,,,j,0,,,,,I,, in,I,, in,,,j,,,,iiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii,iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,join,iiiiiii,iiiiiii in iiiix888888z888888888z8z888888z888z88888z888888z888888z88888z888z8z88888z8z88888z88z88z88z8888z88 9 8d8888888z88888z8z888z88888z88z8z8z88888888z888z88z888z8z88888888888888888888z888888888z8888888888z8888d888888z88888z888888888dz8z8888z88z8888888z8888z88888z888888888z88z8888z8888z888z888888z888z8888z8z888888888z88888888z8z888888888z88z8z88z88888d888z8z888z88888888888888888z8z88888z8z8z8z88z8888888z88z8888888888888888z888888z888888888z88z8888888888z888z8z88888z88z888888888z8z8888888888z88z888888888888z88888888888888888z88z88888z88z888z8d8z8z888z8z8888888z8z8z88888z8888z8z88z88z88z8888z8z888z88z888z88z888888z8z8888z88z88888d8z88z88z888z8z8z88888888z88z8z888888888z8z8888888888z888z8888888z8z8888z88z8888888888z888888z8z8888z888z88z88z88z88888z88z888888z88888888888888888z8z88888z88z8888888z8z88z8z888z8888z888888z888888z8z88888z8z8z888z8889888888z88z88888888z8888z88888z88z88z88z8888888z8888z88z88888888z8888z8888888z888888z8z888z8z88z8z88d88888888z88z888z888z8z88z88z8z888888z888z888z88888888888z888z88z8z8z8z888z8888z88z98z888z88888888d8z88888z8z8z888z8888888z88z88888888z888z888z8888z888z88z8z88888888z8z8z88z88888z888z888z8z8z88888z888888z8d88888z8z8z888z8z88d888888888z888z8z88888888z8z8z89888z8z8z88888z888888888z88888888z888z88z888888z8z888888z88z8888888z88d888z888z888z888888z8888z888z8888z888888z88888z8888z8z88z8z88888888z8z88888z8888z8888z88z888888z88888z888z8z888888888888z888z8888888z8z888z88888 98z888z8888z8888z88z8z8888z888888888888z98888888z88888z8z88z888888z8z8888z8z8z888z88888888888888z88z8z88888z88z888z888z888888z8z888z88z88z8888888888z888z8z88z8z8z88888z88888z8z8z88z88888z8z888888888z8888z88z888888888888888z888z888z8888z88888888888888888z888z8z8z88z888z888d88z8z88888z88888888z8z888z8z8z88z88z8888z8z8888888z8888z8z888888z8d8z88888z8888888z8z88z8z88z8z888888z8z8z8z888z8888888z8888888888z88z8z888z888z888z8z8z8888z8z8888z88888888888z8888888z88z88888888z8888z88888z888888z888z8z8888888z88z888z8888888888z888z888z888888888z8888z888888888888z8888z88888z8888z8z88888z8z8z88z888z88z88z88z88z8z888z8z888z8z88z88z8z88888z8z888z8z8z888z888z8888z888z88z888888888z888z888z88z88888z8z88888888z8888z888888z8888z888z8z8z8z8z8z88888z8z8z888888z8z8888z8z8888z88z8888z88888888z8888888z8z8z888d8z8z88888z8888z88z88888888z888888888z888888z88z8z8888888888z8888z88z8888z888z8z888z88z8z8888z888z98z8z8888z888z8888z88z8888z88888z8888888888z888z8z88z8z8888888z888888z888888888888888888z888z8audio8z88z8888z888888s8888888888888888888888888888888888888snl is 8888s8888888888888888888888888888send on 8on Sunday brother is issued 888issued 8s888888us for us 888s88to 88s88is 8is 8s888is 88in in in a 8s8few 8888of 8is is is is insidious x 88x carve 888carve carve 8carve 8s888is to 888euros 88million is no problem with 8euros 8s8euros 88888of in 88x I 88888888s88888have have 8x is 88of each 8888of each 8year 8is and 8x 8s8is 8on 888in 8ss8in 88888s7sssssssss8ss8sssssss8ssss77sssssssssss8ssssssss8s8s8ss7is 88888euros is 8no euros 88ss8on 8s8us suitcases as8 888euros 8888euros 88ss8Isis 88s8ss8in sss888sss8ss8ssss8assaulted of each issues s8s8s8 8ssss888ssss88888888is sure 88888s888is 888is 88888of each 888888x 88euros s8888mm 8s88s8in in a s8888mm 88to 888of each issues 8and 88euros 88is 888euros 88of each 88888888888x 88888euros 888euros million euros Isis msnbc 8888888888euros 88888euros I 88888888888888euros 88euros on 8888euros at the photos 8are 888of each 88888888of is as sure 8x 88of each 88x is 8888no 8888euros and 88888888888sets 88888
He definitely got the last word. I'm rewatching this now, the first 30 minutes are the Idealist versus the Empiricist.
@@johnsmith1474 Yes war is a racket.
Can anyone tell me what Peter said at 1:29:40? I didn't understand the word.
"I think I can now return the accusation".
Is that the part?
@@MorrigansRaven3944 He says "I think I've been accused of casuistry": noun
the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions; sophistry.
I'm not sad enough to borrow happiness from a fairy tale that tells me I'm special.
I think it's comfort from fear that's borrowed, not "happiness".
@@seivaDsugnA it's neither
No it tells you you’re not special. That’s the point :)
I don’t fear death. I fear living in ignorance of a higher power.
I can live with finding that there was no purpose. I can’t live with finding that there was purpose while I went on without it.
If a religion tells you to cut the penis of newborn children, then it's bad.
1:30:49 That was a good question because quite a few Christians do believe young in earth. My grandpa and grandma are Christian and they don’t believe in dinosaurs Because they think it’s a hoax.. Even though they see dinosaur bones. I think that guy is absolutely right with his question.
There’s real dinosaur bones? I have never seen them.
Some Christians may believe in the young earth theory, some do not.
No where in genesis does it state the "Earth is 10 000 years old" that young Earth theorists like to tout. I think that Peter is likely an "old Earth theory" kind of guy given his answer and therefore really doesn't see an issue with dinosaur fossils
Why should a question about what "quit a few Christians do believe" be a good question to put before Peter Hitchens? Is he supposed to rebuke or assume everything that is put to him by members of any christian sects? Most people, who believe in the literal meaning of any holy scripture do not have the mental faculties to handle said texts in their original, untranslated form.
There's no tarmac, toilet-paper or typewriting in the Bible mentioned as well, so people will think these phenomena are a hoax as well? Even the technology, that is necessary to print a bible is based on scientific achievements contradicting the literal interpretation of its contents.
@@pkingpumpkin an honest Christian can follow the genealogies and see there are roughly 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, and roughly 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus. That would make the earth roughly 6000 years old, plus or minus a couple hundred years.
That's mostly because language changes. The word dinosaur was invented in the 1800s. Before that, we used a different word. "Dragon" was a word used for various reptiles. It included reptiles with hip structures that results in the belly being on the ground (komodo dragons and crocodiles), reptiles with hip structures that result in them being raised off the ground (dinosaurs🦖🦕), aquatic reptiles (plesiosaurs), and flying reptiles (pterodactyls).
Most indigenous histories mention living among different dinosaurs. We have cave drawings that suggest we lived alongside these creatures.
The Bible mentions dragons. Behemoth and Leviathan (found in Job) sound very much like a Brontosaurus and a Plesiosaur, respectively.
I'd say the evidence suggests that dinosaurs were real, and humans were familiar with them.
Interestingly, we have dragon accounts all over the world. Some mention water "serpents." Some mention fiery winged serpents, similar to the biblical account found in Numbers. We think of dragons as myth, but dinosaurs as real. We have an eel that generates electricity. We have a beetle that combines and shoots chemicals out of it's backside that react reach boiling temperature, burning flesh. We have a bug that generates it's own light with 100% efficiency and zero heat loss. (Compare that to our light bulbs, which suffer from around 90% energy loss to heat) I don't know why a lizard that breathes fire is so unbelievable. They were only decided to be a myth in the last few hundred years. Some people heard all these stories of dragons and went looking for one. When they didn't find any, they concluded dragons were mythological. Interestingly enough, this was at a time when people had no concept of extinction. The belief was that if you couldn't find a creature, it never existed.
England is nothing like Peter is talking about. It's amazing how these two are so different. No Religion = Anarchy is rubbish
"An idealistic war for the best of reasons " how naive can you be
Idealism is where thought is the form of history and everything. If idealism were true, religion would not only be true, but religiously motivated war would be justified. Dubya summoned Billy Graham to do just that.
@1:10:00 the Ancient Hebrews existed. Written in all of Ancient Afro-Asiatic History. Listening to the rhetoric of the descendants of fallen Angels is the biggest problem the world must overcome
Ephesians 6:12
CH had been for regime change in Iraq since the 1990's. He was opposed to the 1st Gulf War at that time and then saw that there were Kurdish people in Northern Iraq saying(and yelling)that Bush Senior saved them. So he went to see what it was all about. From there he had a pretty large reversal of his opinions through the 90's. He said that the intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo changed his mind about military intervention.It was no quick jump of the fence and when the facts change,so should u :)
“Many are called(everyone) but few are chosen”.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. ..”
One thing I find with these debates is how easy it is to forget that God exists outside of Time. "Why does God allow death, suffering or injustice?" is a question asked by folks who don't realize He knows everything that has, is, or will happen. The end of this realm has already been chronicled in Revelation. It is like reading the book and telling the ending to everyone going in to see the latest blockbuster film . My mother loved me but she let me pull the cat's tail until I got scratched and by her not intervening I learned to leave the cat alone. We are immortal souls living in temporal bodies and this life is not forever. Eternal suffering is inestimably worse.
We need to Spiritually. Get in tune with our iner power. Learn about ur chakras. Opwen our minds break out of the matrix. We have been indoctrinated far to long time to break out. Unlearn what they what they taught us in school. Everything but basically mathematics to a certain degree. Like dinosaurs not real. Look up tataria mudflood.
Yeah, that absolute makes no sense
@@creakycracker Demonstrably prove your claims, or STFU.
Many < everyone
Will it be brother against brother here too!? Tell me if you know this quote.
I do recall that quote from the Revelations, King James Bible.
When I was a child I could not imagine that could be.
I have two brothers who love one another and to see them fall away would be heartbreaking.
But it’s happening all over the world.
This feels like the end times spoken if in the end of the Bible.
All mankind has heard the word and we are becoming
The end of physical money
Surveillance states and persecution of Christians.
Human trafficking
The feasts of Satan on humans
Desecration of families
It’s very compelling to see the prophecies coming to be present
@@caroljohanson2807 nope that's no where I got it from.
So how IS Iraq doing today?
Well, the population isn't being slaughtered in the hundreds of thousands by Saddam Hussein anymore.
It’s good right now actually
Did peter ever find out their mothers background?
I read that it was Peter who informed CH of his jewish background
Huge fan of Christopher, for 10 years, at least. But lately I gravitate more and more towards Peter's point of view. Not religiously(I'm still an atheist), but politically.
Peter is far wiser than Christopher.
Might wanna pick up his religious beliefs as well. His judgement is just . As you've agreed with him much.
Christopher was wrong on everything here. Pure emotionalism, deflections and straw man arguments. Hard to believe he is considered an intellectual with such disregard of trying to find truth. Oh yea, he must be a postmodernist...
@@johnsun11 Nah hes a smart man no need to throw him out because you disagree. Gotta learn to transcend shallow dichotomies
You agree more with Christopher when you're young, and Peter when you mature. That's what happened to me at least.
Christopher Hitchnens was EXTRA sassy here!
Christopher has the silver tongue but Peter has the lamp of wisdom. This is one of the greatest debates ever.
Perfectly said.....!
Wisdom over Words.
Hitchens is a creationist now. Sad how many people he brought to hell with him...
@@skinnie2838 you're weird...
@@neoyokviohe's right. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess.
@@gowsif_dnb sure buddy
The issue at 1:30:00 on is that the smug questioner seems to be assuming that every Christian, including Peter, believes the world is 6000 years old and that evolution is false. Peter Hitchens, like most British Protestants let alone Catholics (even the Pope) is not a Mississippi schoolteacher and has no problem with the earth being billions of years old or dinosaurs etc. Pity Peter didn’t clarify this and left the questioner smugly thinking he’d intellectually cornered him.
Frasier vs Niles
Love this comment!
"I'll write an expose on your expose!"
Really not
@Kelly Smunt Oh my bad. *UAPs
Precisely(!) ... With The 'Niles' One Being Equally Irritating Here 🙂. Christopher Is Immeasurably And Sorely Missed.
Why are they calling Christopher professor, and why does he say _”Dr”_ in addressment?
I’m a fan of Hitch, but he holds no degree that honors him such title. Where is this coming from?
Hitchens definitely won the debate
Pete kicked his ass.
Hitchens is a creationist now. Sad how many people he brought to hell with him...
@@skinnie2838 you're weird...
@@neoyokvio hes right
@@Alan-fk2ktNot by a long shot lol
Please share my two brief videos with other people. Thank you!
dang it, I'm gonna watch them
@@aprylvanryn5898 waste your time if you want to - youll regret it
I can't wait to see who our future awesome thinkers will be. So many classics have passed away🍿
There won’t be any.. have you seen the decay of and censorship of critical thinking these days? If you’re not allowed to offend anyone you lose the ability to hear different sides to things.. Vaccine injuries are being censored, the horrors of the Islamic faith are being censored, criticizing ANYTHING is being censored! They have SAFE SPACES in Universities of all places.. THE place where you are supposed to have debates and because people are so easily offended these days there are no debates.. Your not allowed to voice differing opinions.. If you say men can’t be women and shouldn’t be allowed to perform in biological women’s sports you are at risk of being fired for your job or kicked out of your university.. So if there are enlightened great thinkers we won’t be able to access them.. Hitchens would have been cancelled in today’s time..
@@West-rn-showvn-ist-chick Your reply sums it up, but not how's the kneecaping of education from a young age until adulthood. Groups in power (corporate, religious and military institutions along with right and left leaning fanatics) have pushed legitimate education to the side for emotional and instinctual reliability in the systems of control. Now instead of proven science religious "doubt" is allowed to be an option. Instead of proven mathematics " personal opinion" is allowed to be an option...all because people are uncomfortable with acceptance of the fact they don't know what they are talking about.
We don’t and won’t have any. If we do it will be a miracle. Anybody pushed forward by the current media and education system will simply be good at regurgitation of the party line.
Peter was right
1:28:17 fumbling over himself disgustingly. Didn’t have the humility to admit he sold out to the neocon machine and was absolutely wrong in doing so. Good on Peter for calling him out on his attempt at casuistry.
As much as I love to listen to the other topics of debates he took part in it's kinda sad to see Christopher argue for the politics of this war. And as we know by now his arguments didn't age well.
The decision to invade had nothing to do with bringing freedom to the iraqis, but with Saddam's decision to make the Euro the currency to pay for his oil instead of sticking to the US dollar. It's hilarious to even make such an argument as if the US military complex is interested in anything like freedom or human rights at all.
Nevertheless he was a brilliant mind, may he rest in peace.
It boggles the mind that seemingly intelligent people can base their lives on a fairy tale.
Peters comments about the breakdown in manners and common decency to each other in the UK apply only to London and the south! In the north of England, we say thank you to the bus driver for taking us to our destination and open doors for people carrying things etc, etc!
As a fellow northerner I have noticed a decline in that albeit a small one
peter i see now was pre rehearsed, like a travell ing side show
Is an absolute
No it's just London, northerners are considered generally rude by southerners. London is not considered England anymore in the south
Disagree pretty hard bruv
"civility is overrated"
Actually agree with Hitch here. Though the common comment I see on debate videos is "it's so refreshing to see people with opposing views debate in a calm and respectful manner" - the problem with that is that the differences between the debating parties often come across as muddy and unclear. Sometimes you have to call someone out when there are obvious errors or disagreements to really accentuate it. Civility as the prime goal also lets the other part think it can get away with being intellectually dishonest or using logical fallacies. If civility is the number one thing to strive for, the losing part of a debate can simply point fingers at the other part and claim victimhood and win the sympathies of the viewers.
Peter Hitchens, a big thank you! for putting a complain to BBC on the 2018 Douma chemical attack in Syria report by the BBC, whic had serious inacuracies.
You are our voice!
All our respect and admiratuon for you!
From Elsa and family.
Was the drinking and cigarettes worth it?
Serious question. Christopher had a spotlight and many publications. Without those terrible habits he may still be alive today. We would be able to know and understand more of his thoughts. Like anyone, he too changed positions on different subjects, Sadly not on America's Wars in the middle east. We have more problems at home to focus on at the moment.
Is this a serious question?
What do you mean by "worth it"?
He said in an interview, that those habits made life bearable.
It was to hitchens, and that is all that matters.
Spinoza wasn't an atheist, anyway. He was a pantheists.
Yes that’s what
Mono pan theist! Spinoza understood the possibility of the reality.
What is your point?
"Pantheist", I meant!
@@AghoraNath"Mono pantheist". What's that? 🙂
Morality starts at birth. The mother nurtures the offspring at no benefit to herself, in all mammals. Morality is not exclusive to humans.
It’s interesting that Christopher doesn’t address the religious aspect of the Bolshevik revolution which was orchestrated by a disproportionate number of Jewish individuals. Marx, Engles, Lenin, and likely Stalin who was married to a Jewish woman.
@Jonontoast really. That's so sad.
@Jonontoast are twelve?
He didn't mention what Israel stood to benefit from the Iraq War either...
Immense respect for both these gentlemen. RIP to Christopher. Very missed and loved.
Hitchens is a creationist now. Sad how many people he brought to hell with him...
@@skinnie2838 You sound both mad and ignorant. Lol
@@skinnie2838He's dead you idiot.
@@skinnie2838 you're weird...
@@neoyokvio hes right
CH clearly never read Smedley Buttlers War is a racket.
Who will write about the Climate Change racket?
And covid is a racket?
@@TheSonicDeviant COVID-19 is a virus, that possibly originated in the Wuhan virology lab, located in the city of Wuhan China.
Thanks to the "transparent" CCP, we will probably not know for sure, since related data has been scrubbed, and witnesses have been imprisoned..
Nor has CH listened to President Eisenhower's wisest farewell speech of all POTUS, Warning US of the Devil's bargain we made with the privatization of the Military Industrial Complex..
Kennedy was the last President to try and break that contract with the Devil
@@jeffschlarb4965 - No, you are very wrong.
The official narrative is that COVID-19 is a disease. The virus that causes it has been named SARS-CoV-2.
As mentioned, that’s the official narrative if you want to be pedantic.
However there are more plausible alternative narratives, however they require you to actually think outside of your safe space and comfort zone.
I wish this man was still with us!
Me too
@@poozer1986 wait a minute…
me 3
Good on you mate 😂
Well Hitchens opening statement didn't age well lol
One needs to be very careful when listening to erudite, charismatic scholars, they're often so convinced of their own intelllect, their hubris leads them to get things catastrophically wrong.
@@RustyCohle I agree
@@RustyCohle as opposed to listening to utter morons who are wrong about almost everything they say.
I bet Christmas dinner in that house was interesting.
Imagine their poor mother!
They hated eachother, they wouldnt spend xmas dinner for most of their adult life
They were very young when their mother killed herself !
@@TheStanley1000 They didn’t hate each other, they just disagreed on many issues. Lots of that seems to be down to the fact that Peter looked up to his brother and respected him, and wanted to come out of his shadow so decided to take the opposite view of his brother on many issues.
@@FannyShmellar WRONG !
Read both of their work and memoirs, you will understand what and why they disagree on many issues.
And the vile comment of Christopher on his brother should maybe make you understand who's jealous of who.
Nice psychology shot, but cheap one
War is just business
Hitchens won this easily.
I feel like when Peter pops his cloggs, the headlines are going to mention his brother front and centre. Wouldnt be able to get out of his shadow, even in death.
I'm rewatching this debate after about 10 years. I agree with Peter Hitchens generally on both issues debated, but Christopher Hitchens' skill in debate is unlike anything I've ever seen.
I feel as if Christopher’s view of religion is truly needed today as a holy war erupts across the Middle East, as he said “we must leave religion behind.” Imagine where we would be if we truly valued secularism and intellectual honesty? The lives saved, the minds of children saved .. sad to see man.
Unless you address Jewish power in the united states and the interests of Israel in the region you completely ignore the core issue for war. The Iraq war was not fought for humanitarian reasons it was prosecuted to further the interests of Israel.
You can hear it in Peter Hitchens tone and frustration over Stalin being secular "why can't you just believe what religion tells you is true?!"
At first I was annoyed with how much time they spent on the Kipling quote. Who cares, ya know?
But the more I thought on it, the more it really annoyed me that Peter misquoted the poem so badly, and rather than abandon the point when he forgot the words, he just makes it up. For whatever reason, that really makes me angry. If the intention of the quote is to move the audience, or carry some profound meaning or inspiration, then to completely misquote Kipling and MAKE IT UP is actually icky. It's a lie.
And for Christopher to know the correct quotation is just... *chef's kiss*.
Love the Hitch but he was wrong on Iraq it was always about regime change same with Libya and Syria to name just a few. The US have left the Middle East totally devastated it’s war crimes.
Ultimately it shows that atheism is just a disbelief in God, and nothing more.
@@capitalb5889 Well, that's what it always was. Nothing more.
@@capitalb5889 No. Concurrent with atheism is a belief in logic, in provable fact, in reason. It's what makes the computer you are typing on work, the dwelling you sit within not collapse upon you .... Did you have to pray to the computer before it turned on? Did it never turn on but you believed it would anyway?
Man kind finds out a few things and gets besides himself and thinks he can dismiss what he does not understands carry on there a point somehwere in that nearly incoherent string of words...?..
Crucial Bankie: You are, technically, semiliterate
@@teodelfuego and u are!!!!
@@crucialbankie6752 you type like you've banged your head too many times but i get you
The Encyclopedia of War states only 6% of wars in recorded history were religious.
That is utter nonsense, it refers to wars that can be assigned to a typical religion, which is a completely insufficient definition. What matters is if a war was done under "religious thinking." Every war declared by any King or other holder of divine right was therefore a religious war, any war started by an ideologue over social theory was a religious war.
You apparently do not understand what religious thinking is, it is generically: 1. hero worship + 2. unassailable dogma + 3. the criminalization of certain thought.
Those three elements constitute "religious thinking" and so for instance Naziism was a religion, Hitler was the hero, fascism was the dogma, and of course many crimes could land you in jail.
Peter was such a that lol, we all are lucky to live in a time when Christopher's works are recorded in print and video. I salute you Christopher 👏
shame he’s not here to see the mess left in the Middle East, I do hope 20 yrs from now he’s right , if Iraq does turn a corner and becomes a truly democratic state then it will have been well worth it and can help lead the way for the other tyrants in the region to be toppled
For those countries still trying to implement democracy like Egypt and Libya I hope. In time they have found a peaceful solution to offer their people a better life. I believe this may shift others in the Middle East towards democracy, yet I can never see Saudi family giving up power and with US backing it may never need to look to democratic outcome.
this is exactly the argument the neo-cons made for the war - and they were wrong. arab countries are moving further towards dictatorship and the west is basically starting to accept it, and thus support it (e.g., UAE, Saudi, Egypt)
that climate change moment at 1:23:45 did not age well for either Hitchens, but it is particularly sad to see Christopher fall into the canard of the "the environmental movement is a new religion" horseshit.
Lol its a fine wine you Cultist.
@@Cynidecia hahaha look here son, not only are you an obvious troll, you're not even in my league. Word of advice, boy: don't step on to the field if you don't know who you're playing against. now, I'm sure its past your bedtime, so brush your teeth and fuck off to bed, and maybe your mommy will tuck you in, even read you a bed-time story!
I reckon they're both right in that it is a new religion on that one
@@pkingpumpkin oh is that what you "reckon"? why don't you turn your brain on, give it some actual thought, and then come back and try again.
Hello from West Sacramento. As one may remember the Government Of England John Major and company were on the Television 📺 show when the John Major and company apologized to the the Folk of the United Kingdom for going to war in Iraq.......Have a good day now!
I don't remember actually
I wonder how many Christian nurses, doctors, pharmacists, etc.were taking care of his health, and what kind of hospitals cared for him: Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Jewish, Catholic? He doesn’t mention all the good ‘religious’ hospitals do.
I wonder how many were atheist too. What a stupid comment. Maybe they were religious but shouldn’t have done their job because of a person’s opposing beliefs? That would have been a lovely ‘love thy neighbour’ mentality wouldn’t it?
I’m sure his family received a bill for his care.
Hitchens had some good points, but Hitchens effortlessly refuted those points and offered counterpoints which Hitchens was not able to handle. This is a tough one, but I'd say Hitchens probably won this one.
Rubbish.. Hitchens won obviously his heart felt points made sense to me.
This comment is simple yet hilarious 😂
''Liberating Iraqis'' from life.
Poor old Peter, to have spent your life constantly getting battered by your rather cocky, more-talented brother. There is a sniping, crowing nastiness in Hitch tonight that he doesn't normally have. I wonder if CH chose to jump the fence and support the Iraq War because PH had jumped the fence and chosen to oppose it first.
History will be on the side of PH
@@user-kx2jz2go2d You're right, Tim. And the future will be on the side of CH
Eric was utterly mediocre. He was a decent orator. That's all.
You've got to be a fan of common sense to agree with Peter. Whereas sadly by the time of this debate, the world had lost Christopher to warmongers in Israel, America & Britain!
"Common Sense" is a right wing canard meant to deflect from basic concepts that really aren't that far off from "common sense" except for the fact that it's not something you can just assume in a skill vacuum and presume to be correct. That's what "common sense" is, the ability to assume something reasonably well without knowing beforehand. This cannot apply to things like biological evolution or religion, because those are both arenas in which one must have special knowledge (the opposite of common sense) to properly debate.
But yeah before you say this crap, please apply some "common sense" to whether or not one should adjudicate society according to "common sense" rather than to have specialists with proven expertise in their fields. You cannot common sense your way into iterative engineering, and that's just one example.
@@phillipmitchell2254 Cope. I love Christopher Hitchens, but in this case Peter’s argument has stood the test of time re: Iraq to a much greater degree.
Calling something a “right wing canard” is a left wing canard. Your wall of text was bad, and the pseudo-intellectual technocratic le “trust the experts” rhetoric at the end is laughably foolish for more reasons than I care to explain in a youtube comment
@@imma5269 I'm anti-imperialist, I wasn't talking about Hitch's arguments about Iraq. And yes, "common sense" is never used by people who are arguing in good faith. Specialist information is not incorrect or inaccurate by virtue of the fact that it's not common. That's not a canard, that's either straight-up foolishness, or deliberate misinformation.
Experts are experts for a reason. Your argument is formulated like that of an anti-vaxxer.
You can common-sense your way through engineering, actually. It's quite important to have someone with focussing on reality checking as opposed to theoretical modelling.
For example, a theoretical model that deduces the time it will take to evaporate a cup of water may be extremely complex, with 10000 opportunities to make a mistake. They may calculate that it will take 3 years. Many engineers will accept the outcome and move on. The person with common-sense will be the one to say hang on buddy, gonna have to recheck that. Now, this is also an example of someone who needs no expertise, just "common-sense".
@@roccoprochilo5130 That's not a weakness of the scientific method. Also the scientific method exists because sometimes common sense is literally just wrong.
51:59 port and starboard don't change when the ship moves 😂
In 2023, Peter is right.
er no he isnt , we still have no credible proof
When should any sane person tolerate or take seriously any so called adults opinion who thinks Childish Magic Fairy Tale Stories and reality are the same thing?
As a former 'fan' of Christopher, I have to admit that time has proven Peter to be right about everything.
U .gbbbb bb bbbbb .bbbbbh.bbbbbbbbb.b.h baby .b hbbb. Hbb. Bbbh h. N.h how. N.h bb how bbbbh he h hbhhhb b
H.h. hn h bhbbb .bhhbb..hbb b bn b bbbbbnbbbb.b b h bhb bbbbh. Hnh b huh. H h bbbbnnnbhh.hbbhnbhbbbb nbhb he. B.
B hhh. Hhbbhhhbhh .bhh b hb . Hbbg. Bb bh hb. Hbgnh. N. Hhb n h h.bbh.n
Hhb bh.hbbb hn hbhbbbbbb. Bbhb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbb .bbbbbb bbbbbbbbhhbbbbbbhbhbbbb hbhb bbh bhhb b bbb.bbb .bnnhhbbb.hbhbthgh h hbbbhbb.b hh h bbb gbbb. H hbhh bbb high bb b hbb
B. Bbb b b. Nbh .nn hh bbbnbbh h h b. Bnbb b bh h bhh b. B bbb b hh nhbh b b bbbh bbh g bh. Hh hbhnnn . H . Bb. ..hahaha b bbhhhh.hh . .hbbh.h.b h bbbhh b. Hbb bbbhbbbn bb b hh.h hb .bbbhbb bhn bbbbbhnhbhbb. N.b .hb. h. Hbh.hbbhbbhb hbnhhb h bh.hb b. Bhh. B hb b.b. bbbbhbhhnhbhhb.b .bh b. Bn. Bn bhb.h bbbhnbh.hh b.h. h hhb b bbbbnnhb. Hh. Hbbhhhbbhb b bbb hbbhhbhb bhbbhb b bbb.bbn h hb bbb bbhb b n bb bhb bnbb bgbb bbhbh hb nhhbh hnb h . Bbbbbbhb b nb h hbbb b .nhb bh bhbh bb bbbg bbb b hbbb b. Bbb ..hb hhb.hbnb .bbbbbb b... nh b.nh bb n b bnb b. Hb.hb b hhh . .bb h.b h.h. bnbb bhh. .b h go b b b bn.bbbbgbb.bbhhh.
. B.b bh.bhn. hbb. H. Bhbbhbbhbhbbhnnbh nnnbb bbbbbbhh bhhhbhb. Bb.h. .. bb bbbhhbn g..gnh hb bbbb hbhb bb hbb n.
@@edwardmunthali7046 How do you know that?
Peter claims that God, in particular the Christian God, gives a firm basis for morality but what has been taken as Christian morality has changed radically over time, this would not be the case if it came from a god.
I don't understand. 'Fan'?
Peter is right about nothing here.
Are you daft?
@@welshgruff forget that. Lets have a look at Iraq
Where was the summer Olympics that year?
Hearing Christopher defend the west's involvement in the middle east is deathly cringe.
Reading you call him Chris is deathly cringe.
His name is actually Eric.
You know he is dead
Ain't heard from bruce lee either😂
@@opiumpirate Yeah your right they both enjoying the sun
Very entertaining and gave me a lot to think about!
A house divided against itself, CANNOT stand.
brilliant debate. would love to pick this man's brain.
Bet it tastes like chicken.
If Peter thinks manners and morals are deteriorating in England he might do well to read Dickens and Arthur Morrison and work back from there
The way mr Peter Hitchens made out that the man asking his stance when it comes to dinosaurs and the belief that the Earth is created/called in to being, as it were, was less than intelligent, was rude and arrogant. I had no problem undestanding what «he was driving at» - this was just a coy, if not downright cowardly, ploy in on the part of mr P. H to avoid having actually comit to answering the man. P. Hitchens does not have anything on his brother whatsoever.
It was a ridiculous way to approach the question. And while I felt a bit sorry for him, he didn't help it when he just repeated the question again, when all he had to do was ask a simple question.
It did sound like he wanted to ask about young earth creationism, but it was taken as an ID question.
War is Hell is no argument! It must be terrible! Only the reason matters! Miss Chris!
I can't believe Peter got so indoctrinated. How embarrassing. He didn't understand that maybe they didn't worship god itself, but they worshiped the grand leader just like North Korea. And that stupid MC saying "Civility!" Bah. 1:55:35, that poor idiot man's question if he could phrase it properly was actually how do we get our politicians to become more secular and actually do the right policies? How do we teach people the right way?
16:37, interesting.
Christopher is always right,
the twin brothers in paradiso christopher and peter opposite ends of those sales from 1498 conquests from paradiso
for the love of god, please take away his clicky pen
14 years ago I watched this video because one of the Hitchens was in it.
14 years later I watch it again because the other Hitchens was in it.
I think I've grown up a little bit.
Many young people have moved to the right in the past ten years.
@@Mushin367 I wasn't young back then, just uninformed and arrogant.
@@generaljackripper666 Personally, I still think Christopher was much more incisive and verbally intelligent than Peter. Peter is perhaps one in a hundred. Christopher is possibly one in a billion.
@@Mushin367 Nah, the older I get the more I see through the exterior to what lies beneath. It doesn't matter HOW you say it, it matters WHAT you say.
Peter, by far, has the better message to send. Try reading his column.
@@generaljackripper666 I will try reading it. But even here, you can see that he isn’t really a match to Christopher. He couldn’t defend the story of The Binding because he didn’t seem to fully understand it. That idea is that, as Christopher was keenly aware, Abraham had already slaughtered his own son in his mind before the scapegoat was offered. And he did that only because God commanded him to do so. Soren Kierkegaard, a Christian philosopher, makes this point as well; If you don’t make your morality subservient to whatever God commands, then this story will be morally problematic, and the fact he didn’t allow him to kill Isaac doesn’t completely exculpate the story.
45:20 he seemed truly surprised at the people clapping, lol. “Stop that!”😂
Christopher could never cope with the tables being turned.
this was no debate at all - Hitchens had clearly snubbed the v from the very beginning
Give someone too many accolades and they start thinking they're funny. Stick to being smart Hitchens, your jokes are beyond corny.
@Best Movies very close minded assumption and an obvious display of opposition to someone with differing beliefs... may god guide you
I love his jokes. Lol
@Best Movies No religious person is smart for following a fake religion