I love how you are also learning Greek! I’m studying a masters in OT so I have to be comfortable with reading Greek and especially Hebrew, but I need to work on becoming more fluent in it. I love the way that you are studying through 1 John in Greek devotionally like that, I think I will consider starting that as well. Keep up the good work!
I love how you are also learning Greek! I’m studying a masters in OT so I have to be comfortable with reading Greek and especially Hebrew, but I need to work on becoming more fluent in it. I love the way that you are studying through 1 John in Greek devotionally like that, I think I will consider starting that as well. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the encouragement! 😀
Your cat is so cute!! Which ESV Bible is that?
Thanks! It's the ESV Personal Reference Bible from Crossway. Super basic, but it does the job! :)