CEF24 Speech Contest Dewi Alfiyaturrohmah SMPN Satap 7 Majenang

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ส.ค. 2024
  • Today, we are gathered here to discuss an important issue that has become a major challenge in our society, especially among students, it’s called bullying. Bullying is not just a hurtful physical or verbal act, but also a social problem that affects the well-being and future of all of us.
    Bullying can occur in various places in schools, in the workplace, and even in cyberspace. It can take various forms: from verbal bullying such as teasing and insults, to physical violence and psychological oppression. Whatever the form, bullying leaves a deep impact on the victim. Shame, lack of self-confidence, and mental disorders are some of the long-term effects that are often experienced by those who are victims.
    As students, we have a shared responsibility to fight bullying. First of all, we must understand that bullying not only harms the victim, but also creates an unhealthy environment for everyone. When someone is bullied, it is not only them who suffer; the entire school community feels the impact.
    How can we address this problem? The first step is to build awareness. We need to educate ourselves and others about what bullying is, how to recognize it, and what can be done to prevent it. Education is a powerful tool in creating change.
    Second, we need to foster a culture of empathy and support in our communities. Let us all commit to being active and caring supporters. If we see is being bullied, we must have the courage to take action and provide support. Don't let victims feel alone in their struggle.
    Third, let's use technology for good. In today's digital age, a lot of bullying occurs online. We must ensure that we use social media wisely and report online bullying. In this way, we can help create a safer virtual environment.
    Finally, let's remember that change starts with us. Every small action we take to stop bullying, every word of support we say, and every effort we make to understand and support others, all contribute to creating a better world.
    With commitment and cooperation from all of us, I am confident that we can overcome the problem of bullying and create a safer and more inclusive environment for every individual. Let's start today, for better days ahead.
    Thank you for your attention

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