There is a great video from Jason KM4ACK explaining how to download and configure the dashboard for your station: Make sure to check it out!
After working with this image for several days now, I am here to say how fantastic this dashboard is as a WX nerd. I wish I had had something like this at the radio stations where I did weather coverage at for nearly 30 years.
@VA3HDL Hi Pablo. I noticed that there is no mention or credit given in the html code that this was all based on my initial concept and javascript/html/css code. Was that an oversight? Maybe add "based on a concept and code by Dave N2MXX" to the top of the html code? 73 Dave N2MXX
@@daveN2MXX Hi Dave. If you read my code, it was rewritten from scratch (I've used ChatGPT for help) and it has no lines from your original code, which you had obscured so cannot be reused. I added today on top of the HTML comments to credit you for the concept inspiration (not for the javascript/html/css code.) Because I already dedicated an entire section of the video reviewing your dashboard, I will consider this an oversight that is now fixed. Thank you! 73
I watched Jason KM4ACK, show this ,, awesome addition to any ham desk!! I have it running on a Raspberry Pi4 2 gig model.. I just need to figure out how to import my Hamclock running on the same unit.. GREAT WORK!!
Jason did an amazing job explaining how to configure the dashboard. He has explained how to add the Hamclock static image and live content (via menu.) Let us know if you need more help to configure it. 73
Thank you for the ham dashboard, its working great. Can you tell me if you can point me to other links I might be able to use in the dashboard? Others I have found do not work, could I possibly be doing something wrong?
Check the user submitted live dashboards in this page Then go to the last option on the right menu and click on "Sources". You will see there what they used to put together their dashboards and you can choose what you like most. Also check these two extra ones: 73
Thank you so much for making this available for free. This is remarkable work. I love my Ham Dashboard. . I am having issues trying to get a traffic cam to appear. And there are no public config.js files that have any to see how they did it. Someone please help. KF4IZP
This looks fantastic. I just tried it on a PI 3 but it seems to not store any of the setting such as call sign after it shuts down. I am sure I am doing something wrong. I also cannot seem to setup the connection to my running ham clock either following Jason's instructions. Thank you for the dashboard. 73 de NB2A
That's pretty cool. Unfortunately, I can't get my local traffic cam images to work because they timeout. Also, it would be nice if there was some kind of integration for weather for my personal weather station. I think Weather Underground has an API that can be used.
Great Stuff! This is so basic(not needing to install a application). Looking forward to more feature. I'm not great with Java but will see what I can do to help. Maybe have a way for people to share links.
Fantastic project. Already subscribed! It would be great to have ability to create an automatic background image of the dashboard in Windows 11 and have an update every 10-15min.
Let me see if it is a way to implement this. The only issue I see with this is losing the ability to have animations on the background image. Like the satellite or weather ones.
@@VA3HDL I think this is not critical to have it animated. Perhaps there is some other weather report that will look good static. Anyway, I love the dashboard. Great job.
Pablo. I've copied a jpg file into the same folder with your three web files. I would like this image file to show up in place of the original "SW Broadcast" box. What is the syntax? I've tried and apparently I'm not doing this correctly. Thank you for your time and help and this great dashboard.
["Your Tile Title", "yourfile.jpg"] Brackets, quotation marks, commas, semicolons, are critical characters that cannot be omitted. Follow the pattern of the other tiles. Cheers.
Hi Wayne, modify the original html file with any text editor and save the file. Then hit F5 in your browser so see the changes immediately on the page. Also, the new version that I uploaded yesterday has the capability of supporting multiple images per box. So now instead of be limited by 12 images, the number of images are infinite.
Love your work! Thank you. One quick question when trying to go to the pi-star I get a message is blocked refused to connect. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE I have set the firewall setting to public. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Terry, not all websites like to be embedded inside another page. I had this problem and I fixed on the pi-star to allow . Let me check where I changed and will reply again with the solution.
It took me a while to retrace back my steps but this is what I did: 1. login via ssh to the pi-star then run this command to switch to Read/Write mode: rpi-rw 2. In the file /etc/nginx/default.d/security.conf comment the line below with a "#" in front, like this: # add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"; 3. run this command to switch back to Read Only mode: rpi-ro 4. then reboot the pi-star That enables the pi-star embedding on . 73
Thanks Diego. I believe the next video will be about the CAT control via web browser. I also added the functionality to control a rotator by clicking on a location on the map on the browser. Stay tuned! 73
Check my latest video. The CAT control over the web is now available on my channel - Code is available in github as well. 73
It would appear that the dashboard can only display images from a web site. Is it possible to use a URL and then display the data? When I tried it I get a black box with a small image in the top corner. Otherwise an awesome tool
For now it does images or entire sites via menu. I will look into adding more options like the one your suggesting. Stay tuned to the github repo for updated versions.
Hello there Pablo, this hides really great effort behind ... but the results shows that it really worthed it . I would like to clarify something .. it has to do with the grid area. We need to find the link of a file, a picture or video located at some site, so it can be diplayed .. Could we use a file that we downloaded to the local PC, we have the actual file in hand I mean , insted of a link to a remote site location ? Many sites avoid dispaying a "storage directory" to the public, which we would use as "link", and instead they prompt you to go download it locally yourself. To be honest I did tried it with a Jpeg file in my C drive, without luck .. so I thought I better ask .. Thanks in advance
Hi, yes, you can use locally stored image files. If the files are locally stored, you can link them like this on the config.js: "file:///Radio/CAThtml/Brosen_windrose.svg" You can try the link in our browser and if the image is displayed then you can copy the link from the browser address bar and paste it on the config.js file Normally sites don't allow to the public to traverse the storage directory like you said, that is correct. However, you can always right click with the mouse over the image of interest and select "Open in a new tab" option or "Copy image address". Either way you will obtain the direct link to the image of interest. 73
@@VA3HDL Thanks a lot Pablo .. I managed to make it work - like that file:///c:/dashboard/240812.jpg ..Strange enough, it wouldn't accept any Capital letter .. but we managed to get it going. As for the sites.. let me tell you today's story : I found a site with two small animation files .. 4 sec and 6 sec the length .. right click, copy the adresses, all OK , Worked perfectly .. An hour later , as I was working at another grid ... I noticed that the previous files were not "rolling" correctly .. Went to site , the two files were there still ... But someone replaced them with same name file having a length of 1 sec each .. all though this was supposed to be mp4 video ... there was only the very last image of the animation inside but with a "video" extension !!! Do not know what it annoyed them .. really .. I was thinking of bandwidth , but the two original files were like 240 Kb and 340 Kb .. In 2024 , and the broadband connections .. this is to laugh about, still it idid happen .. Thinking of creating a procces ( automated obviously) that shall perform scheduled downloads and create my amimations locally , to be presented in my dashbord .. Thanks once more Pablo for your prompt responce and assistance .. you helped me a lot .. By the way , the callsign here is SV1VF .. 73s my friend , keep up the good work !!!
Thank you very much. I custamizing it for my needs. Is there a way to stop refresh when open a website via the left menu? Every 5 minutes it switch back but I like to view maybe PSK Reporter until I switch manually back. 73 de DL8LDN
Hi Michael, I love your QRZ page, nice station! Currently there is no way to stop the refresh when having a website open. If you want to remove the refresh altogether until I fix this on a next release, you can remove this line from the top That will stop the dashboard from refreshing automatically. 73
@@DL8LDN There is a new version available in github that pauses the refreshes when you select a website from the menu or when you double click on an image to bring it full screen. You should be able to copy and paste your links from the old version on the new version easily. 73
This is so awesome! I would like to create one that has 4 panels, each one taking up 25% of the screen. Is there a way to configure your code to do this? Thanks for creating this!
Code must be changed to do that (no configuration exist for this.) That requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Maybe as an enhancement for a future version, not in the plans for now. But feel free to change it as needed. Thanks.
Hola Pablo saludos, con el tema del hamclock, tienes corriendo el servicio dentro de tu PC? veo que pusiste una direccion ip para el mismo, estoy pensando en modificar el codigo para hacer lo mismo pero para estaciones basadas en Costa Rica con informacion de nuestro pais. saludos y pura vida! 73 de TI3GB
Hola Gregory, mi hamclock esta corriendo en una Raspberry Pi 3B+, o sea no esta dentro de mi PC (pero podria.) Cuando corre expone la UI a traves de la web asi hostname:8081/live.html y eso es lo que aproveche yo. Por otro lado tambien genera imagenes estaticas de los mapas que se pueden acceder desde la red si agregas la carpeta de hamclock en la configuracion del servidor web que quieras usar (en mi caso uso NGINX para esta parte.) Nota aparte, estoy trabajando en paralelo en un "clon" de hamclock que es solo una pagina web, para aquellos que quieran tener algo que se parezca pero no quieren correr ni instalar la aplicacion. Una de las cosas que descubri recientemente es que hamclock dependen muchisimo de los servicios que el autor corren en su propio server. Si su server algun dia queda offline mueren todos los hamclocks! 73 de VA3HDL
@@VA3HDL Buenisimo gracias por la respuesta. otra consulta mas, esto solo funciona en linux OS o tambien se puede usar el script en windows? gracias por compartir el conocimiento, se ve bastante customizable! saludos desde Costa Rica! TI3GB
@@VA3HDL ya me respondi! voy a customizarlo con cosas de costa rica que tenemos por aca publicas como mapas meteorologicos etc etc.. gracias por tu aporte!
@@TI2GBB Funciona en cualquier browser moderno en cualquier sistema operativo. Probado por mi con Google Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, en Windows y Linux OSes. No se si habra algun usuario con Mac OS pero no veo ningun problema para que funcione. Saludos.
Yes. Just make sure you download the two main files hamdash.html and wheelzoom.js on the same folder. Then open hamdash.html with the browser of your preference. You can make the browser full screen (typically with F11) - Thanks for watching!
Hi, I just tried with mine and works perfectly. If you wish to start automatically you can try something like this: DISPLAY=:0 chromium-browser --app=file:///media/staging/hamdashboard/hamdash.html --kiosk --user-data-dir=/tmp/chromedpdata --no-first-run --guest --start-fullscreen --force-dark-mode --app= is where the URL of the page goes, depending on where you have saved it. You will have to change that part for your scenario.
Is it possible to create a 4x4 (16 window) view? Is it possible to add other windows, such as Simon's World Map, gpredict, or SpotCollector (assuming running on computer or network)?
Hi, Simon's World Map, gpredict, or SpotCollector are applications, this is a single webpage. Typically webpages do not interact with other Windows applications for security reasons. It is possible to create any combination of rows and columns if you are willing to make the changes, the code is there for you. 73
Do you have any suggestion on how to get my closest radar station (Exeter, Ontario) into the dashboard as my local radar? Or is there a customized config.js file you have available for Ontario or Canada weather info on the dashboard? Thanks in advance.
You can take a look at my own version for Ontario here: You can get the config.js file from the repo for the above here: That should help you to get it started for Ontario. 73
Open config.js with any text editor and replace the source for the tile | in the line below on the file: ["TH-cam EXAMPLE", "|"], with any other source you want.
Can someone tell me how to setup a box for pskreporter? It just says image can’t be displayed when I put the website address for pskreporters map in the config file.
PSKreporter is not an image. Is a website. You should use one of the menu options for that. In my configuration file I have this as a menu option: "FF3300", "PSKREPORTER", "", "1" You should customize the URL for your call-sign and the settings you want to use. 73
@@VA3HDLHi! Thank you for replying so quickly. I understand now that I must use a quick tab on the left for psk reporter and not one of the image boxes. Is it possible to use one of the image boxes for an muf display?
Hi Wayne, I replied 17 hours ago to your original comment. Did you get my answer? if not please email me ( has my correct email address.) Thanks.
I'm not familiar with the UK satellite or weather imagery. That is what each user has to customize to their needs. Maybe you can check with - He is user from UK. 73
This is a fantastic program. I really like your improvements. Would you mind providing some additional information on how to update the code to display my local radar from the NWS? de WB4IZC - Memphis
Hi Steve, open the .html file with any text editor (like Notepad) search and replace this with this - The hard part is to find the right source URL for the images. 73
@@VA3HDL Thank you so much for assisting me in fixing that. I tried several attempts myself but, without success. Many thanks again and this is a great program. I am going to suggest that "Ham Radio Crusader" contact you about a review and interview. 73, Steve WB4IZC
@@diegocasati Environment Canada changed the GIFs animated to a sequence of JPGs that is animated via script on the browser. Single images are achievable and can be displayed. The issue is when you want an animation, then you need to access the page itself. Most modern websites use the same technology. This is why I've used the US radars closer to my location and setup Environment Canada as option in the menu. OpenWeather have a great map to add to the menu as well. 73
There is a great video from Jason KM4ACK explaining how to download and configure the dashboard for your station:
Make sure to check it out!
After working with this image for several days now, I am here to say how fantastic this dashboard is as a WX nerd. I wish I had had something like this at the radio stations where I did weather coverage at for nearly 30 years.
Looks great! I'm glad you were able to use my concept to build this dashboard! 73 Dave N2MXX
Thanks Dave! 73 Pablo
@VA3HDL Hi Pablo. I noticed that there is no mention or credit given in the html code that this was all based on my initial concept and javascript/html/css code. Was that an oversight? Maybe add "based on a concept and code by Dave N2MXX" to the top of the html code? 73 Dave N2MXX
@@daveN2MXX Hi Dave. If you read my code, it was rewritten from scratch (I've used ChatGPT for help) and it has no lines from your original code, which you had obscured so cannot be reused. I added today on top of the HTML comments to credit you for the concept inspiration (not for the javascript/html/css code.) Because I already dedicated an entire section of the video reviewing your dashboard, I will consider this an oversight that is now fixed. Thank you! 73
Looks like i have a project for tomorrow. This looks great, i cant wait to try it. Thank you for sharing your work.
I watched Jason KM4ACK, show this ,, awesome addition to any ham desk!! I have it running on a Raspberry Pi4 2 gig model.. I just need to figure out how to import my Hamclock running on the same unit.. GREAT WORK!!
Jason did an amazing job explaining how to configure the dashboard. He has explained how to add the Hamclock static image and live content (via menu.) Let us know if you need more help to configure it. 73
Great work Pablo! And amazing you give us this as a present. I will try it for sure. Thanks again, Jorge VE3EAD
Gracias Jorge. 73
Bravo. Dave’s dashboard is very good. This is exceptional!!! Cheers!
Great tool and video. Thanks. I just downloaded it and am in the process of customizing it. Great job.
Thank you!
This is awesome, great work!
Thank you!
Works Great! I have been wanting something like this forever! Thank you for sharing your hard work. N2KTO
Glad it helped! 73
Thank you for the ham dashboard, its working great. Can you tell me if you can point me to other links I might be able to use in the dashboard? Others I have found do not work, could I possibly be doing something wrong?
Check the user submitted live dashboards in this page
Then go to the last option on the right menu and click on "Sources". You will see there what they used to put together their dashboards and you can choose what you like most.
Also check these two extra ones:
Thank you very much. 73
Thank you so much for making this available for free. This is remarkable work. I love my Ham Dashboard. . I am having issues trying to get a traffic cam to appear. And there are no public config.js files that have any to see how they did it. Someone please help. KF4IZP
This looks fantastic. I just tried it on a PI 3 but it seems to not store any of the setting such as call sign after it shuts down. I am sure I am doing something wrong. I also cannot seem to setup the connection to my running ham clock either following Jason's instructions. Thank you for the dashboard. 73 de NB2A
Very nice work, you really made it easy, I am experimenting with it right now. Thank you 73's
That's pretty cool. Unfortunately, I can't get my local traffic cam images to work because they timeout.
Also, it would be nice if there was some kind of integration for weather for my personal weather station. I think Weather Underground has an API that can be used.
Outstanding! Have it running on my second monitor.
Thanks from VA3FMB
Thanks Wayne. 73
Thank you for the video and for sharing this great dashboard, I love it😊
Thank you!
Great Stuff! This is so basic(not needing to install a application). Looking forward to more feature. I'm not great with Java but will see what I can do to help.
Maybe have a way for people to share links.
Glad you like it. If you found any good links for the dashboard please post them here. I will list them later on the repo in Github. 73
Fantastic project. Already subscribed! It would be great to have ability to create an automatic background image of the dashboard in Windows 11 and have an update every 10-15min.
Let me see if it is a way to implement this. The only issue I see with this is losing the ability to have animations on the background image. Like the satellite or weather ones.
@@VA3HDL I think this is not critical to have it animated. Perhaps there is some other weather report that will look good static. Anyway, I love the dashboard. Great job.
Pablo. I've copied a jpg file into the same folder with your three web files. I would like this image file to show up in place of the original "SW Broadcast" box. What is the syntax? I've tried and apparently I'm not doing this correctly. Thank you for your time and help and this great dashboard.
["Your Tile Title", "yourfile.jpg"]
Brackets, quotation marks, commas, semicolons, are critical characters that cannot be omitted. Follow the pattern of the other tiles. Cheers.
@@VA3HDL That worked. I was trying to use more detail than was needed (tried local host, file path, etc). Thank you.
Absolutely brilliant - thanks so much😀👍
¡Increíble! Muchas gracias.
Great program, I learn how to modify the scripts, but can't seem to merge the changes to the original program
Hi Wayne, modify the original html file with any text editor and save the file. Then hit F5 in your browser so see the changes immediately on the page. Also, the new version that I uploaded yesterday has the capability of supporting multiple images per box. So now instead of be limited by 12 images, the number of images are infinite.
excellent, I did manage to sort it out but didn't realize that I could use the F5, love the program @@VA3HDL
Thank you!! So easy to customize!
Love It, thank you. I added video.muted = true; so the videos indeed do autostart.
Love your work! Thank you. One quick question when trying to go to the pi-star I get a message is blocked refused to connect.
I have set the firewall setting to public.
Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Terry, not all websites like to be embedded inside another page. I had this problem and I fixed on the pi-star to allow . Let me check where I changed and will reply again with the solution.
It took me a while to retrace back my steps but this is what I did:
1. login via ssh to the pi-star then run this command to switch to Read/Write mode:
2. In the file /etc/nginx/default.d/security.conf comment the line below with a "#" in front, like this:
# add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
3. run this command to switch back to Read Only mode:
4. then reboot the pi-star
That enables the pi-star embedding on . 73
@@VA3HDL Please consider adding this fix to the readme file on Github. Had a comment on my video with this same issue.
@@KM4ACK Hi Jason, good idea, it is done. 73
Thank you soo much for this wonderful tool and for your hard work.
This is really great. Thank you.
Thank you!
Exceptional! Thank you for this. I’d be very interested in your CAT control over the web.
Thanks Diego. I believe the next video will be about the CAT control via web browser. I also added the functionality to control a rotator by clicking on a location on the map on the browser. Stay tuned! 73
Check my latest video. The CAT control over the web is now available on my channel - Code is available in github as well. 73
It would appear that the dashboard can only display images from a web site. Is it possible to use a URL and then display the data? When I tried it I get a black box with a small image in the top corner. Otherwise an awesome tool
For now it does images or entire sites via menu. I will look into adding more options like the one your suggesting. Stay tuned to the github repo for updated versions.
What size raspberry pi are you using to run Ham Dashboard?
This is a very lightweight web page. Any raspi will do it. 73
Hello there Pablo, this hides really great effort behind ... but the results shows that it really worthed it . I would like to clarify something .. it has to do with the grid area. We need to find the link of a file, a picture or video located at some site, so it can be diplayed .. Could we use a file that we downloaded to the local PC, we have the actual file in hand I mean , insted of a link to a remote site location ? Many sites avoid dispaying a "storage directory" to the public, which we would use as "link", and instead they prompt you to go download it locally yourself.
To be honest I did tried it with a Jpeg file in my C drive, without luck .. so I thought I better ask .. Thanks in advance
Hi, yes, you can use locally stored image files. If the files are locally stored, you can link them like this on the config.js: "file:///Radio/CAThtml/Brosen_windrose.svg"
You can try the link in our browser and if the image is displayed then you can copy the link from the browser address bar and paste it on the config.js file
Normally sites don't allow to the public to traverse the storage directory like you said, that is correct. However, you can always right click with the mouse over the image of interest and select "Open in a new tab" option or "Copy image address". Either way you will obtain the direct link to the image of interest. 73
@@VA3HDL Thanks a lot Pablo .. I managed to make it work - like that file:///c:/dashboard/240812.jpg ..Strange enough, it wouldn't accept any Capital letter .. but we managed to get it going. As for the sites.. let me tell you today's story : I found a site with two small animation files .. 4 sec and 6 sec the length .. right click, copy the adresses, all OK , Worked perfectly .. An hour later , as I was working at another grid ... I noticed that the previous files were not "rolling" correctly .. Went to site , the two files were there still ... But someone replaced them with same name file having a length of 1 sec each .. all though this was supposed to be mp4 video ... there was only the very last image of the animation inside but with a "video" extension !!! Do not know what it annoyed them .. really .. I was thinking of bandwidth , but the two original files were like 240 Kb and 340 Kb .. In 2024 , and the broadband connections .. this is to laugh about, still it idid happen ..
Thinking of creating a procces ( automated obviously) that shall perform scheduled downloads and create my amimations locally , to be presented in my dashbord ..
Thanks once more Pablo for your prompt responce and assistance .. you helped me a lot .. By the way , the callsign here is SV1VF .. 73s my friend , keep up the good work !!!
Thank you very much. I custamizing it for my needs. Is there a way to stop refresh when open a website via the left menu?
Every 5 minutes it switch back but I like to view maybe PSK Reporter until I switch manually back. 73 de DL8LDN
Hi Michael, I love your QRZ page, nice station! Currently there is no way to stop the refresh when having a website open. If you want to remove the refresh altogether until I fix this on a next release, you can remove this line from the top That will stop the dashboard from refreshing automatically. 73
@@VA3HDL tnx for replying. On the left monitor I run now your Dashboard 😀
I Like the refresh, so I will wait for fix
@@DL8LDN Working on it ! I will let you know when the new version is available on github. 73
@@DL8LDN There is a new version available in github that pauses the refreshes when you select a website from the menu or when you double click on an image to bring it full screen. You should be able to copy and paste your links from the old version on the new version easily. 73
@@VA3HDL wow, thats fast. Thanks a lot. 73
This is so awesome! I would like to create one that has 4 panels, each one taking up 25% of the screen. Is there a way to configure your code to do this? Thanks for creating this!
Code must be changed to do that (no configuration exist for this.) That requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Maybe as an enhancement for a future version, not in the plans for now. But feel free to change it as needed. Thanks.
@VA3HDL Figured out how to do it. Changed a few lines of code and now I have 2x2layout. This is so cool!
@@SheepdogPreparedness Excellent!
Hola Pablo saludos, con el tema del hamclock, tienes corriendo el servicio dentro de tu PC? veo que pusiste una direccion ip para el mismo, estoy pensando en modificar el codigo para hacer lo mismo pero para estaciones basadas en Costa Rica con informacion de nuestro pais. saludos y pura vida! 73 de TI3GB
Hola Gregory, mi hamclock esta corriendo en una Raspberry Pi 3B+, o sea no esta dentro de mi PC (pero podria.) Cuando corre expone la UI a traves de la web asi hostname:8081/live.html y eso es lo que aproveche yo. Por otro lado tambien genera imagenes estaticas de los mapas que se pueden acceder desde la red si agregas la carpeta de hamclock en la configuracion del servidor web que quieras usar (en mi caso uso NGINX para esta parte.) Nota aparte, estoy trabajando en paralelo en un "clon" de hamclock que es solo una pagina web, para aquellos que quieran tener algo que se parezca pero no quieren correr ni instalar la aplicacion. Una de las cosas que descubri recientemente es que hamclock dependen muchisimo de los servicios que el autor corren en su propio server. Si su server algun dia queda offline mueren todos los hamclocks! 73 de VA3HDL
@@VA3HDL Buenisimo gracias por la respuesta. otra consulta mas, esto solo funciona en linux OS o tambien se puede usar el script en windows? gracias por compartir el conocimiento, se ve bastante customizable! saludos desde Costa Rica! TI3GB
@@VA3HDL ya me respondi! voy a customizarlo con cosas de costa rica que tenemos por aca publicas como mapas meteorologicos etc etc.. gracias por tu aporte!
@@TI2GBB Funciona en cualquier browser moderno en cualquier sistema operativo. Probado por mi con Google Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, en Windows y Linux OSes. No se si habra algun usuario con Mac OS pero no veo ningun problema para que funcione. Saludos.
Can I run this on my linux distrubtion of Armbian?
I kinda new to this so I would need some specific instructions if possible.
Yes. Just make sure you download the two main files hamdash.html and wheelzoom.js on the same folder. Then open hamdash.html with the browser of your preference. You can make the browser full screen (typically with F11) - Thanks for watching!
@@VA3HDL Much appreciated....Thanks again.
Will these dashboards run decently on RPi3?
I have four spare that I want to put to use.
Hi, I just tried with mine and works perfectly. If you wish to start automatically you can try something like this:
DISPLAY=:0 chromium-browser --app=file:///media/staging/hamdashboard/hamdash.html --kiosk --user-data-dir=/tmp/chromedpdata --no-first-run --guest --start-fullscreen --force-dark-mode
--app= is where the URL of the page goes, depending on where you have saved it. You will have to change that part for your scenario.
@@VA3HDL ..thanks ! GREAT info!
Makes Me Proud to be Canadian "Nice Dashboard" Created by a Canadian 👍🍁73s
Thank you! 73
Is it possible to create a 4x4 (16 window) view? Is it possible to add other windows, such as Simon's World Map, gpredict, or SpotCollector (assuming running on computer or network)?
Hi, Simon's World Map, gpredict, or SpotCollector are applications, this is a single webpage. Typically webpages do not interact with other Windows applications for security reasons. It is possible to create any combination of rows and columns if you are willing to make the changes, the code is there for you. 73
Do you have any suggestion on how to get my closest radar station (Exeter, Ontario) into the dashboard as my local radar? Or is there a customized config.js file you have available for Ontario or Canada weather info on the dashboard? Thanks in advance.
You can take a look at my own version for Ontario here:
You can get the config.js file from the repo for the above here:
That should help you to get it started for Ontario.
@@VA3HDL I'll check it out. Thanks for the quick reply.
Thanks! This is great!
Thank you!
very nice, Pablo Thank you🙂
Thank you!
Hi there. When i set this up it has a TH-cam video in the far bottom right corner that is a TH-cam example video. How can i remove this? Thank you
Open config.js with any text editor and replace the source for the tile | in the line below on the file:
["TH-cam EXAMPLE", "|"],
with any other source you want.
@VA3HDL great thank you very much! Great addition to any shack, thank you for your work!
great video.
Gracias tocayo. 73
Can someone tell me how to setup a box for pskreporter? It just says image can’t be displayed when I put the website address for pskreporters map in the config file.
PSKreporter is not an image. Is a website. You should use one of the menu options for that. In my configuration file I have this as a menu option:
"FF3300", "PSKREPORTER", "", "1"
You should customize the URL for your call-sign and the settings you want to use.
@@VA3HDLHi! Thank you for replying so quickly. I understand now that I must use a quick tab on the left for psk reporter and not one of the image boxes. Is it possible to use one of the image boxes for an muf display?
@@kylefreemason Yes. This should work:
@@VA3HDL That got it! Thank you.
from what I have researched you have run Lenix or a Mac
Negative. You can use any operating system with a modern browser. I received reports that works even in Android.
Can this be used on a laptop as well
It can be used on any computer equipped with a modern browser.
Can I run this program on Windows 10?
Yes, works on all operating systems.
Can this run in windows 11?
Yes, it can. It runs in any operating system with a modern browser.
Not sure if my question is making it through.
Hi Wayne, I replied 17 hours ago to your original comment. Did you get my answer? if not please email me ( has my correct email address.) Thanks.
Hi great dashboard could you make the image files for the united kingdom would be fantastic in a separate zip file?
I'm not familiar with the UK satellite or weather imagery. That is what each user has to customize to their needs. Maybe you can check with - He is user from UK. 73
You like your monitors :)
does it work on windows?
It works in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, and IOS
It will work on any computer running any operating system that has a modern web browser. So Chromebook yes, no problem. 73
Great video, Pablo. I added you to my subscribed list. John VE3PUH
Thank you John, I appreciate you subscribing to the channel. 73
This is a fantastic program. I really like your improvements. Would you mind providing some additional information on how to update the code to display my local radar from the NWS? de WB4IZC - Memphis
Hi Steve, open the .html file with any text editor (like Notepad) search and replace this with this - The hard part is to find the right source URL for the images. 73
@@VA3HDL Thank you so much for assisting me in fixing that. I tried several attempts myself but, without success. Many thanks again and this is a great program. I am going to suggest that "Ham Radio Crusader" contact you about a review and interview. 73, Steve WB4IZC
Glad to hear it worked for you! 73
@@VA3HDLfinding these GIFs for Canada seems like a challenge. Any tips on that?
@@diegocasati Environment Canada changed the GIFs animated to a sequence of JPGs that is animated via script on the browser. Single images are achievable and can be displayed. The issue is when you want an animation, then you need to access the page itself. Most modern websites use the same technology. This is why I've used the US radars closer to my location and setup Environment Canada as option in the menu. OpenWeather have a great map to add to the menu as well. 73
Fantastic! Well done and simple to use. TU 73 de VA7LM
Thank you! 73
This is excellent. Thank you
Thank you!
Can this be used on a laptop as well
Can this be used on a laptop as well
Can this be used on a laptop as well
Can this be used on a laptop as well
Can this be used on a laptop as well