I was born and raised Jehovah’s Witness , and on Aug 12th, 2021, I prayed to Jehovah letting him know how much this religion has hurt my heart. Since I was born I’ve been told that God was going to destroy all who were not witnesses. I couldn’t do it anymore I prayed to God letting him know all the damage this religion has done in my life....I told God that all I wanted was his love not paradise especially knowing all the non-witnesses that I loved were dead and I would gladly give my life in exchange for my children that are not witnesses. I told him I could no longer assist meetings because this religion is making me think badly of him. I remember yelling in my head how I couldn’t understand how a loving God could do this knowing our imperfections...I was sobbing, overwhelmed with grief when all of a sudden I had a thought of : I would never hurt anyone. I felt it down to my bones, I instantly calmed down and felt at peace. That night as I was laying down, my whole body started with intense waves of vibration, I started to sit up and it kept going, then I just had this knowing not be afraid and I just relaxed and immediately I started seeing all these lights and I was in a tunnel of light. I kept thinking if my husband turned around I was going to be sparkling! Then I was inside of this most amazing light that was filling me with so much love, fractals of light were coming towards me and all I could hear was I love you, you are loved over and over again. I felt all the pain and hate and hurt melt from my core, I was just floating there in unimaginable love and bliss, I remember being asked if I wanted to stay and I thought of my kids and then it just melted away and I was sitting in bed. I was drunk with Gods love for 2 weeks, I was healed from a full body skin illness I had been suffering for 3 years. I haven’t been back to any meetings since. Haven’t spoken to any elders about what happened just my mom and husband her reaction was not surprising, immediately told me to talk to an elder. I know they will say it was demonic, but how can a love so complete not be from something so pure? Because of this experience, I started researching and was blown away by THOUSANDS of accounts of others who have had this out of body experience called NDE or STE, I’m telling you it’s mind blowing how death has been held over us. Everyone says the same thing: God is not Judging us WE are!!! I still pray and feel Gods Holy Spirit with me something I had never felt in the Kingdom Hall! I just want others to know that God is not in the religious buildings/kingdom hall he is in our hearts everywhere we go, always. He does not give us the spirit of fear, anything in the Bible that causes fear is a misinterpretation. Jesus came to free us from the lies and it’s happening again, we are the new scrolls...the countless witnesses of how religions are a snare! Jesus said it was done! He didn’t say now we have to follow another religions rules to inherit the kingdom! My Father and I share the same will that ALL WILL BE SAVED!
Lovely testimony! I am a christian and studied with the JW for 6 months just because I was interested. I could see that they rejected the spiritual side of Christianity and it saddened me as they are missing out on the most wonderful and profound aspect of it...🙏🌺
I had a similer experience, however I came out of eastern Orthodoxy just this past year. God bless you for your courage! I was basically told in a few careful words that I was being led into delusion by demons because of my experiences. And yet to me the common sense question was: why are demons leading me to love people unconditionally? Haha it makes literally zero sense! Religion has its benefits, but it often becomes about control and brow beating. We think a loving God would burn His children for all eternity simply because they believe the wrong thing? And yet I know that my children could do absolutely NOTHING that would make me punish them in such a way. So the conclusion I was left with was either that God doesn’t really burn people in hell for all eternity, or I’m more merciful than God. I think the first option is more likely. We are ONE with Him. We are all connected and we are all infinite.
I escaped the JWs after 15 years through a Damascus Road experience with Jesus. It’s just wonderful how he breaks through and saves us from that terrible religion. So pleased that you were set free - ‘whom the Son sets free is free indeed’ Hallelujah.
I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in a Southern Baptist church and I experienced so much religious trauma from rapture teaching. I thought about it all the time. I’m very grateful to be freed from that thinking. Life is so much better now. Thanks Logan for your excellent teaching.
Yes, it’s such a great feeling to discover that much of what we were indoctrinated to believe growing up in fundamentalism is simply not true. Thanks for watching!
I have never seen a comment like yours. I have been watching for the Rapture for 3 years now and it has caused me so much stress and anxiety, but that is because I am not living right and I know I'd miss the Rapture.
I am christian and I came to this truth 2012 So freeing. Listening to your videos and so agreeing with me. I am going through the separation from a religious belief system..when I saw it It didn't surprise me as I felt it for years inside me..just sorting things out What do youbthink about the tithing that was taught
What a great way of 'putting it'. Those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, its simply a crossing over to be with him. There is no 'ending'. There is trading in your old body for the glorious new one. As far as the Rapture is concerned, to be saved you must believe in Jesus, not the Rapture to be 'raptured'.
I remember all through my Christian journey my biggest question was …what does it mean that the kingdom of God is within you??? No one could answer that with any clear explanation. I searched n searched for 3 years. Thank you confirming what I’ve been led to see 🙌🏻💫
I’ve been teaching people that God/Christ/the kingdom of heaven is within, and it’s been great! People need to hear that revelation, especially if they have been programmed to believe that God is far off, distant, and out there somewhere. But now, I’m more interested in teaching people how to EXPERIENCE God within them through meditation and contemplative prayer. This is when transformation happens. We can talk about God being within us all day, and again, that is definitely a much needed discussion to have and teaching to share. But if there’s no experience that follows it, it remains as merely a theological idea rather than a transformative experience.
Almost every word that comes out of your mouth, i now instinctively know, but i am unable to communicate them as you do. Thank you so much. I was a Christian (Evangelical Fundamentalist) for 30 years, and was going to church in the womb. I attended a 4 year Christian University also. Twenty years ago i began to question hell and the judgement of church against so many - so much exclusion and so little love. Over the last three years i have been more open to learning about biblical history, other religions, mythology, etc. All this information i had always believed was off limits for study or exposure when i was a Christian. And of course it was, because as you learn more, you understand more, and you see your indoctrination for what it is: indoctrination. Not truth, but fear and limitation. Your ability to articulate the information and understanding you have gained is precious to be valued. When people are ready, you are an excellent source beyond one's indoctrination.
Thank you for this profound, foundational and christologically clear and truthful clarification, dear Logan. Every Christian needs to hear this. with LOVE from Germany
The rapture scares the hell out of everybody. Talk about a salvation strategy!😂 But I believe you are spot on Logan. Having had a similar spiritual journey to you (Catholic, Evangelical, Charismatic, Non-Denominational) I believe we are all coming to these same conclusions, and paradigms are shifting. Keep up the good work as you are led by the Spirit!
Wow, it’s awesome that we are on a similar journey. I have spoken to many lately who are also on this journey, and it’s so cool! When I decided to change my mind about some of the things I was indoctrinated with as a Christian fundamentalist, I was sternly warned that if I continued down this route, I would be on a very lonely road because "no one else believes what I now believe." The scare tactic in this warning was intended to make me feel isolated and alone, hoping that I would get back in line, shut my mouth, and follow the leader. However, this didn't work. What I soon realized was that this fear-based warning couldn't be further from the truth. When I left the aquarium, I discovered that the ocean was much larger than I had been told, and that there were millions of other fish just like me who were on the same journey. It's one of those things where you don't know until you know, you know? Oftentimes, the path less traveled leads to a sea of shared experiences and a reality that is infinitely better than anything we can think, dream, or imagine.
Yes. This ocean is much larger than we realize. We have lots of friends who are waking up to the mystery of Christ in us! I believe God is responding to those of us who are seeking Him in Spirit and in Truth. A big key for my husband and myself is that we have found many of our prayers answered through meditation and visualization. It’s been an excellent journey but our friends have warned us to stay away from that New Age stuff! In the meanwhile, despite the warnings, our prayers are being answered! Go figure! So, we are trusting Jesus to guide us in this journey, just like you are! Since we don’t believe in hell anymore, they can’t scare us with threats of hell! ;p
You have done your homework. You have got a good handle on it. I studied it and have come to the same conclusions. It was good to have that confirmed. I'm glad I'm not the only person that sees that. Thanks
Romans 14:17-18 NIV For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval.l believe the manifestation of the sons of God is when man become aware of who they already are.Sons of the Father will all become translated in the twinkling of an eye. Love, joy and peace will prevail here on earth as man will love each other beyond skin, colour,nationality to mention a few but will see each other as brother and sister. And we will reign forever here on earth🥰
It's crazy how when Morgue Official says this (and they've been saying this for longer than you have here on TH-cam), they get blasted for it but when you say it, you get praised. But you tell people the same thing on TikTok or Instagram, they will say you're wrong. The world is a perverse and backwards place. I'm so glad I found your channel and I love the way you explain things in a way that's easy to understand. However, I think it's easy to understand because we're on the same level of consciousness. I know it's hard to say anything without anyone else getting upset but you keep spreading your gospel. This is the light and the way.
Your understanding of Christ resonates with everything I have come to learn and believe. The Church has deceived itself and its members. The necessity of our times is that as individuals, people awaken to the truth within. Thank you.
Hi Logan. I really enjoyed this message. I grew up in a Catholic household but a very tame one indeed. No where near the conditioning you've had to break through. After my personal experience I've come to know that the rapture or end of days or the battle is an internal one. Lets just say a war of ideology ensues "within" ones consciousness when the sleeping Christ is awakened. It's laying dormant within everyone, not dependent of race or religion. Once awakened, this energy lying dormant goes about purging, healing and de-conditioning the temple. When doing so, many beliefs that have been held "true" for eons begin to be deconstructed, almost making one feel very scattered and not knowing what to believe. Lets just say a cleansing of the cup is occurring. At a certain point , completely surrendered one will yell out to higher awareness "why hath thou forsaken me" as constructs begin to fall away which feel like death. I'd say that the 7 churches are the chakra centres that begin flow with prana/life force again after this occurrence. So the Christ in you, being the hope and glory will rise and defeat all the untruths or enemies within. It's all an inside job. It can be said that we're not truly alive, as we're living through or conditioning. completely blinded. Christ arises within, and frees one from bondage. Then all one sees is ONEness, like a small child with no mental chatter. Can you imagine an infant being pushed on a pram by his/her parent. There's no fat, skinny, black, white, religion, race going through that Childs unconditioned mind... there is just life, as it is. One has been spiritually circumcised. The blinders having been removed. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise". Then the persona has given way "died" to save myself/collective from missing the mark (sin). The second coming will be of the collective. Everyone will have this experience I speak of. Uncle Nev says the same thing although I don't agree that all will have it in the same narrative that he did.
I had the same upbringing except maybe praying, reading the Bible and saying the rosary multiple times a day. I had to go through the Dark Night of the Soul to discover what reality truly is. Morgue Official helped me get there too. You should check out their stuff, it's so good.
Wow! This was so good! Thank you for making a video on this. It makes such sense. I grew up sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting for x to show up in the clouds. Your videos have been so helpful to me! I’m eager to start listening to your very early videos and work forward to your most current videos. I’m positive that I will gain a lot of insight into my transition from Christianity to … my now spiritual perspective.
This is a good interpretation. Make more sense. Although Edgar cancelled gives another interpretation too saying that revelation is mostly referring to the body 7 spiritual centers that will be purified before reaching unity with god. 7 churches 7 candlesticks 7 seals. All referring to the body chakras Great read
I like the what ifs even though he knows, once you read the book spiritually It is all together different! Revelation the revealing of Christ in us written in symbols
Awesome video, and so good to finally see that people are starting to discover that all of this stuff is happening within us, not outside.. I suppose Jesus meant it when he said that he is not from this (external) world, while being in it. And it's not as if it hasn't been in the bible all along. I suppose it all starts with a few things that are misunderstood about how the bible talks about things. Like you explain, we read the bible through an overlay of understandings which has been handed down to us by the church and modern society, and we understand it in those terms. For instance: when 'the dead' are mentioned in the bible , we automatically picture dead bodies, the deceased. However, this overlay can't be taken for granted. The bible needs to be understood in it's own terms. For instance: Paul defines death as follows in Romans 8: 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. We all have this fleshmind. You could call it ego, or that which you call ME, with all your stories, ideas and opnions. There's nothing wrong or right about all that, but it's DEAD, or of no consequence to what you really are'. It's completely irrelevant. It also means that what we call 'me' is DEAD :) It could be said that the only thing that's life and whichs is peace is Life itself, or God. But the problem with the word God is that it makes it sound like it's something else, outthere in space or something. But it's simply this aliveness that's here and now. It's here all the time, but we never find it because we're so focused on our fleshmind. It's really incredible how we keep missing something that's so obvious. We're like a fish seeking the ocean we're swimming in! Of course the central piece of Christianity is the crucifixion of Jesus, in which it is believed that Jesus gave his life to pay for our sins, so we can have eternal life. This is taken to be a historical event in which Jesus was literally crucified and then raised from the dead. Whether or not this happened in a historical sense, we'll never know for sure. But once again, it's also mostly irrelevant if you don't see the actual significance of it. Jesus crucifixion is the image of the 'old man' or the 'self' in us dying, or rather being seen to be irrelevant, so that that which we really are can reveal itself (be resurrected). Luke affirms this in the following passage: 51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[a] went into the holy city and appeared to many people. If you're wondering what the temple is, have a look at this: 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 New Living Translation (NLT) For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. But there's an usurper occupying this temple: 2 We don’t want you to be easily confused in your mind or upset if you hear that the day of the Lord is already here, whether you hear it through some spirit, a message, or a letter supposedly from us. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. That day won’t come unless the rebellion comes first and the person who is lawless is revealed, who is headed for destruction. 4 He is the opponent of every so-called god or object of worship and promotes himself over them. So he sits in God’s temple, displaying himself to show that he is God. So that's what it's all about. Once that 'son of perdition' (the fleshmind, if you will, or ego, the delusion) is exposed for what it is, it will be reveiled to have been a false god, if you will. That's you. Or rather that which you think you are. Anyway that's a rather long way to state that you can have this experience right now. Though it's not really an experience, but perhaps more of an unveiling of that which is. Like a tearing of the veil in the temple, so life can unveil itself. Are you ready? If you can sit down for a minute and see what your experience is like if you take all your beliefs and for a minute just throw them all away. Then what is left? What is there when you can't use the future or the past? Is there an aliveness? Just sit there and feel the aliveness, perhaps starting in the heart area. No need to fight thoughts, as long as you gently bring your attention to thi s aliveness, this sense of being, those thoughts will end fading to the background and may fizzle out completely. It's just that! It feels like an abyss, empty yet full, completely free! And there you are! Welcome home :)
The Rapture is all about being good enough and qualifying to 'make the cut'.....those of us who come from trauma backgrounds and struggling with residual problems and self-image, felt condemned as never being good enough. I no longer believe this, no human is perfect. Jesus came to teach us: who we are, how to behave to each other and to our Creator. Relationship and walking with God in truth and love is what its all about. I lived in fear when I was in the church. We have to work on the inner man and develop our love for ourselves and others
This message is so good. Revelation is the unveiling of Jesus Christ in every one of us. We were created in His Image and are now growing in His likeness as we see ourselves through His eyes. It was finished at the cross. Just as you said in your message Christ comes to each of us every day as we open up our eyes and ears to see ourselves as we truly are. We cannot read Revelation in the natural (flesh) but only through the spirit of Christ within us. I recommend a verse by verse teaching by Perfected by Blood. Masoud and Rose Ramandi were of the Muslim religion in Iran. The testimony is wonderful and they have done as you have and are studying the scriptures through the Spirit and not preconceived beliefs. I could go on and on but better quit. I am so thankful to have been set free from living from the tree of good and evil to now living from the tree of life. ❤
Hello my brother I listen to your videos thanks to the simultaneous translation into French because I don’t understand English Too bad these teachings are not translated They correspond to my heart and my feelings for a long time I am from an evangelical background I hope that we will have the opportunity to talk and meet despite the language barrier and geographical distance. Thank you from the heart Bless you my brother
Thank you Logan. I resonate with what you say. THE RETURN OF CHRIST is the Revelation of the Truth especially in this time and age. In Revelations, tge 7 Churches is the overcoming of the 7 chakras. 6 th chakra - the Third eye and the 7 th chakra - the Crown chakra is reached. Not easy to reached full Enlightenment ... but when ... then in Unity with Creator en Creation is recovered and Heaven is entered.
I thank God who gave you the ability to articulate this complex subject in a simple and clear way. I'm curious about behind the scene. Hiw did you prepare this vidéo ? Did you improvise with the basis of your knowledge, or did you take time to gather your points and script everything ?
You might find this interesting. The Bible is separated into segments: - the first 2000 years we’re dominated by rebellion, carnality, sin, and lawlessness, culminating into a pure state of these traits in the days of Noah before the flood. - the next 2000 years we’re dominated by law, morality and control. It’s when scripture and doctrines popped up with very dogmatic and strict rules and rituals in order to live morally and hope for eternal life through works. It is very focused on duality between good and evil, with anything not meeting Gods law standards being called evil, so it was full of violence and persecution of others in the name of God. This escalated to a purified state of moral law just prior to Jesus, who taught heavily against Pharisees, that extreme morality and judgement is hypocritical. - The next 2000 started with Jesus and his death and resurrection, with humanity slowly following his ways and becoming more like him, as a mediator balanced between moral law and rebellion, so you see these days filled with individuality, forgiveness and compassion. So the majority first 6/7th of the Bible are equally separated into parts, and do you know what perfectly matches the description of those parts? The Id (satan), Superego (the Father), and the Ego (pre- glorified Jesus). The Bible has humanity separated into the 3 parts of the human psyche. So Jesus is the way in the sense that, he is the embodiment of the ego, persecuted by the moral law based superego, and tempted by the sinful Id, until he experiences 3 days of dark knight of the soul, ego death on the cross, then is resurrected and reborn in a glorified state of enlightenment and Spirit. He wants us to be like him, and take up our crosses, so we will experience ego death and rebirth into spiritual ascension. This is interesting, because after the 2000 years of humanity emulating Jesus and perfecting their egos, the tribulation happens. Humanity as a species will simultaneously experience 3 days of darkness again, with evil from Id centric people and persecution from superego centric people, along with a number of natural disasters, which effectively causes global ego death and rebirth into a state of global spiritual ascension, with humanity perfected in Spirit (I call it supraego) in the next 1000 years of the millennial kingdom golden age. This structure also mirrors the philosophers stone of alchemy, to transmute ordinary material (mind) into gold (spirit) and give the elixer of eternal life.
I am now 71, when I was 17 I read the famous book by Hal Lindsey „The Late Great Planet Earth“ I fact this book had prepared my way to become an critical even leaving the path of mainstream Christianity. You explained really well. Love from Germany
@@LoganBarone The Book is just pure dispensationalism, I am sure you know everything already. He predicted the rapture to come very soon. He made millions by selling that book.
Christ has returned but only for those that can see him. Old images n projections of christ or second coming makes pple blind because they are waiting for the impossible. Many sincere Christians died disappointed. So when you get out of mind (Herod) and park in the heart ( Jesus) while your pure feelings (not mind feelings,..Virgin Mary feeling. Feelings that hasn’t been named yet,.. kingdom) will birth the Christ in you that is so new you yourself are humbled by the revelation by the fact that you are now Home. In the heart of God or the inner kingdom. What others do doesn’t really condemn you so much because the kingdom is not of this world and pple of this world are not really interested in the kingdom.m while pretending they are. It is also an inner journey and unless the mind is trained and can empty itself of all past associations the real present is inconceivable. This is not the here and now present. This is complete time space discontinuity till you deeply know the eternity. Once this occurred you see the face of Christ in all and remember God. You actually can’t see anyone as any other than Christ,.. but you see them not with these eyes. It’s so simple it makes you gently giggle. Not at the others,… with the others ❤
I attended a Bible study in March 1992 when I was in high school. The elderly man leading the group was praying/ soeaking in tongues, and then prophesied that the End Time Tribulation was going to happen in 1993. New Years Eve 1993, I knew he was wrong, LOL
I am trying to deconstruct from a pretrib rapture viewpoint. But will somebody PLEASE make a presentation countering it without talking about Darby. It didn't start with Darby! He might have brought the viewpoint uo again for discussion in a new timeframe within church history but it was taught in the early church amonst a minority of clergy.
Correct, its also mentioned by the Essene sin the dead sea scrolls PRIOR to Jesus.Its something very clear in the Church Fathers writings as you mentioned.. Also, its CLEAR that Jesus was talking about the FUTURE day of the Lord, end days, etc, not just the temple in 70 This person is sincere, but man, I wouldnt put any worth on his opinions. Dont trust a pastor either, go to scholarship, and there is a ton of scholars out there that do not agree with almost anything this person is saying. We clearly are not in the kingdom Jesus mentioned, and many of the OT prophecies Jesus fulfilled, and will fulfill, have NOT occurred. Preterism is just nonsense. Revelation is symbolic, but, yes, it has still to be fulfilled. Be careful online today, lots of this deconstruction garbage occurring, and, its usually based on feelings, or nonsense. This guy is knowledgeable, just, wrong.. In my opinion> BUT its good to see all sides to make clear educated decisions. Thats why Im here. But after a few videos, I can say, for me, and wha6t I know , this person is on the wrong path.. and Misunderstands things, and states things as FACT, that, really are not Michael Heiser, is a good one , Id say seek, but, dont just listen to this person, seek out many GOOD scholars..
2 Timothy 4:8 - Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Revelation 3:11 - Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. jacobs troubles is coming ( Israel formally declares war against Hamas ) If we christains disappear soon, Your know the Lord has taken us Home! Now we need prayed for the Jews and to get many people saved as possible Romans 10:9-13 KJV that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Hey bro, great videos. I've been writing a book, religion was one of the subjects. Had so e deep questions. I would love to pow wow about it on one and one. I've taken a deep dive into the faith pool and went deep. This really helped me clear my head ty Divine, Jesus, and you. Feel free to message me.
Proof of A Pre trib Rapture. Pay Attention to the Cloud and Clouds Jesus appears In and With. Acts chapter 1 verses 9 10 11 Cloud. In Red Luke chapter 21 verses 27 and 28 Jesus is coming In A Cloud the Rapture. In Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Jesus is coming With the Clouds when he comes back to the Mt of Olive the second coming KJV.
The Jews were rigid in their understanding of the scriptures and they completely missed the Messiah. However, what continues to baffle me about the rapture are the very consistent visions people have that come from fairly credible sources like very young children which have visions of a rapture when they have no knowledge of it and it always is a peaceful time followed by all hell breaking loose, never the other way around. Regardless, we should always be seeking our Lord with all out heart, soul and mind and open to studying the many various interpretations. One thing is for sure, however, good is being called evil and evil good like never before. We do need to stand firm in our faith in Jesus nonetheless.
The Eastern Orthodox church never taught the Rapture, and even with the doctrine of hell, there still is not a very clear indication of whether it is a physical place or state of being. Suffice to say, unlike the evangelicals and their fearmongering theologies, it was precisely because of this that I didn't end up really getting scared out of my wits as an Orthodox Christian unlike the evangelicals.
The kingdom that Jesus setup on earth was his Church, in Matt 16 we see where Jesus uses church/kingdom interchangeable. v18 " I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it...I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven". The Jews, including his disciples were looking for a physical kingdom, but it wasn't, it was spiritual. Jesus said in Mark 9:1 "there are some standing here who would not taste death until they saw the kingdom come with power" and it did in Acts 2, the kingdom/church started and his kingdom is still here today, his church. Where is Jesus now? Heb 8:1 " we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven". Heb 1:3 " When he made purifications for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high". Next, what is the MYSTERY? Eph 3:4 " When you read this you can perceive my INSIGHT INTO THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST, which was not known to the sons of men in other generations AS IT HAS NOW BEEN REVEALED TO HIS HOLY APOSTLES AND PROPHETS BY THE SPIRIT, THAT IS , HOW THE GENTILES ARE FELLOW HEIRS, MEMBERS OF THE SAME BODY(church) and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel" and that goes with Col 1:26-27 " mystery hidden for ages....to them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery...". That is the MYSTERY, THE GENTILES ARE NOW FELLOW HEIRS. Yes, Christ is returning, not to rule and reign on earth for the earth will be destroyed with fire 2 Peter 3:3 "BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME LIKE A THIEF, AND then the heavens will pass away....and the earth and the works will be dissolved with fire". What is the DAY OF THE LORD? In Acts 1: 11 " This Jesus who was taken up from you into the heaven, WILL COME IN THE SAME WAY AS YOU SAW HIM GO INTO HEAVEN". 2 Thess. 1:7 " when the Lord Jesus is revealed FROM HEAVEN WITH HIS MIGHTY ANGELS IN FLAMING FIRE, inflicting vengeance upon those who do not know God...they shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction........when he comes ON THAT DAY TO BE GLORIFIED WITH HIS SAINTS...". ON THE LAST DAY, the righteous will be raised, John 6:44, the wicked will be judged, John 12:48, wicked will be raised, John 5:28-29, JESUS IS COMING, 1 Thess 4:16-17, The Judgment, Matt 25:31 and John 12:48 and lastly , Heaven and earth will be destroyed, 2 Peter 3:10. Lastly, how is Christ in us? HOW ARE WE IN CHRIST? 1 John 3: 24 " All who keep his commandments ABIDE IN HIM, AND HE IN THEM....." 1 John 2:28 " ABIDE IN JESUS" v24 " then you will abide in the Son and in the Father". It is describing a relationship with God the Father/Son, tell us, how do we ABIDE IN CHRIST? Gal 3:26-27 tells us how we get into Christ, " All who have been baptized INTO CHRIST, HAVE PUT ON CHRIST. READ ALSO JOHN 17 where it talks about us being ONE WITH GOD AND JESUS.
I think only one problem your video did not conclude to. Is to "Why?" did Jesus sacrifice his sinless blood. Sure, you can find Christ within, and that is the Church. But to end the video to the premise that all that is, is all that will be. Doesn't bring much edification to the understanding as to the reasoning about Jesus giving himself as a ransom for all mankind. Therefore, are you concluding that he did not rise from the Dead out of Death by his Father, Yahweh? I'm not a Christian of any kind, just a believer of Jesus Christ. But I think the video isn't finished.
I have come to the exact conclusions that you have completely on my own as well. Another verse that is mistranslated in order to support rapture theology is Matthew 24:40-41 ....two will be in the field and one will be taken....the word for taken is the same Greek word used for taken in the flood as to judgment. How else can we get Christ in us as the HOPE of GLORY, but to know that it is His appearing, when we see that we are like Him, that He returns to the earth. Yeshua asked the Father that we would be in Him like He is in the Father. The Son always gets what He asks for. So this means we are One and the same, if we believe!
The UNEXPECTED return of Jesus has already happened years ago, because now, people are expecting him. And when they expect him, it's too late. He returned invisible, to watch people, when they least counted with him. Now his world tribulation has been done already. He is almost returned in his kingdom, and will show up only once he is there, and the people who will be left behind on earth, will see this. And they will not get there.
Have you ever read Nicolas Berdyaev "The destiny of Man"? Please, read it! It is genius! Jesus is Christ! But he is also in us all!!! Not either or!!! 😊
The rapture is from the word harpadzo which is in the Bible and the Latin is rapturous and the English is rapture which means taken away by force which is the same word used for Elijah when he was taken and the same word used for Enoch and the same word used for Paul when he went to the third heaven . When you put all the scriptures together you find how amazing the rapture is and it shows us the picture of the Jewish wedding when the father sends his son for his bride and the wedding lasts seven days. That's how Jesus takes his church for the wedding banquet and the Bible tells us his church will no go through the wrath of God and he will keep us from the hour of trial, etc ... Read your Bible correctly!
Musicians, politicians, actors, get labeled as the beast or even followers of Satan….some of them even embrace the labels and play off of it. Just silly! We don’t need to give something (evil, satan, devil, etc) power. They don’t have any only if we give it to them in our hearts and minds.
The Church will not be "raptured" The Church will remain on earth until it is perfected. Christians who support the Rapture use 1. Thess. 4:13-17 as proof of the rapture, when in fact that Scripture refers to the Second Coming of Christ to judge the living and the dead.
The kingdom is already here, it is a spiritual kingdom, not a literal one. Jesus and John the Baptist preached that the kingdom of heaven was "AT HAND' and in Mark 9:1 Jesus said, " there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God come with power" and in Acts 1:8 Jesus said to his apostles they would receive power when the HS fell on them and this happens in Acts 2. The kingdom/church started in Acts 2 and remember Jesus told Peter he would be given the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Matt 16:18. After Acts 2 when the kingdom is mentioned, it is mentioned as being here. Col 1:13 "God has transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son". Heb 12:28 " We have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken". There is no physical kingdom that Christ will setup on earth, in Peter is says the earth will be destroyed by fire...btw, there is no such thing as the rapture, it is no where taught in scripture, just a lot of assumption. Lastly, Matt 24 talks about the destruction of Jerusalem, read it in context, that always helps
@@LoganBarone No, I did not listen to the video, at least not all of it. I like to just give my view of what I think the bible teaches about the subject. I did go in and listen to it today and agreed with your view of Matt 24 and of Revelations but not sure of your view about the second coming of Christ. I will listen to it again to be sure I understood you correctly and then compare it to other scriptures to put it all together. I was never taught the rapture, nor the teachings I hear about revelations, except yours. I do believe in the second coming of Christ, it is appointed once to die, and after this the judgment" Heb.9:27. Will respond later after I listen again
Wrong! Revelation 1:19 (KJV) Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; The Book of Revelation are events that either happened after 70 AD or will happen.
i wouldent think theres a rapture soly on the fact the bible is so obbessed with sacrafice suffering self sacrafice long suffering sacrafice suffering self sacrafice long suffering sacrafice self sacrafice suffering long suffering and so on so on so on so on so on. and now all sudden theres a ticket out all that???
we are not appointed to wraith ( if Lords just find one person in the city that is his he will take that person out before this wraith just look at the story sodom and gomorrah did God not send to angels there take out the righteous before he destroyed sodom and gomorrah! even noah with the ark!
You keep using the word apocalyptic language that’s a tradition of men look it up the word Apocalypse is a Greek word meaning revelation nothing to do with the end times😂LOL not what the world says what’s the Bible say… That’s your thing anyway😊Love your videos keep up the good work
The second coming is the Rapture and occurs after the antichrist but before God's Wrath. That's the only textual argument. Your arguments about what Jesus prophecied about the destruction of the temple are partially correct, but they also asked what is the end of the age and the sign of your coming.
@bobobrien8968 How did death enter the world? According to the Bible how did death enter the world? According to you religion how did death enter the world?
I don't understand how you can accept Jesus as a prophet. He claimed to be God. If he's just a prophet that would make him a liar and a fake. Are his words misinterpreted as well?
I'm getting it from your lengthy talk. You suggest the doctrine is from Darby which has been disproved. You think Darby created it but it's written in scripture.
@@joshuaa3075 1 Thessalonians was written by the Apostle Paul in the first century AD (CE). The Darby perspective, which surfaced in the 19th century, is a misguided interpretation of Paul's words. I agree with @LoganBarone, for the most part. However, I DO see aspects of ultimate futurism in Isaiah's description of a peaceful kingdom, as well as in the notion of the whole earth being filled with God's glory, and in Paul's teaching on the resurrection of the dead. Compare 1 Thessalonians 4 with 1 Corinthians 15, where that which is corruptible shall put on incorruption, which CAN lead us to believe that even though there will be no secret Rapture, there will be a comprehensive resurrection of the dead and an ultimate metamorphosis in humanity, which will do away with death once and for all.
@@davidmusicmaker on the contrary. Scripture tells us that Jesus’ Church will be raptured before Matthew 24:9 is in full effect. Post tribs disbelieve that saying worldwide persecution and killing is not the Jews that the verse speaks about but The Church. Jewish people, around the world, are experiencing frequent attacks and massive demonstrations against them ever since Gaza. They realize this is only the beginning. Some are fleeing their countries heading to Israel. Post Tribs also NEVER accept Rev. Chapter 5 as proof that The Church is bodily in heaven and representatives are around God’s throne before the tribulation seals are opened. Post Tribs do not want to read that the 24 sing about their own redemption by His blood, talk about a much larger group they belong in, wear crowns of gold which only The Church is promised as rewards and John recognized them for John did not ask who they were. Post Tribbers also laughingly think Matthew 24:31 is The Rapture. There is no coordinated instantaneous angelic airlift to bring the entire Church to God in the air at The Rapture. God Himself is there and does it all in a twinkling of an eye and all at one time; billions of angels are not involved in resurrecting, changing nor bringing all the church to God at the rapture.
Jesus Christ appeared to me in a wide-awake vision of the rapture two years ago. I was not a believer before then. I was in fact very anti-Christianity. It's coming up soon. Believe in Jesus. ⚡⚡
Study more, I used to believe in it…until I studied. It is a fearful doctrine filled with anxiety and causes stress for many. Nope! No Pretrib rapture or any form of rapture. REST your minds.
I was born and raised Jehovah’s Witness , and on Aug 12th, 2021, I prayed to Jehovah letting him know how much this religion has hurt my heart. Since I was born I’ve been told that God was going to destroy all who were not witnesses. I couldn’t do it anymore I prayed to God letting him know all the damage this religion has done in my life....I told God that all I wanted was his love not paradise especially knowing all the non-witnesses that I loved were dead and I would gladly give my life in exchange for my children that are not witnesses. I told him I could no longer assist meetings because this religion is making me think badly of him. I remember yelling in my head how I couldn’t understand how a loving God could do this knowing our imperfections...I was sobbing, overwhelmed with grief when all of a sudden I had a thought of : I would never hurt anyone. I felt it down to my bones, I instantly calmed down and felt at peace. That night as I was laying down, my whole body started with intense waves of vibration, I started to sit up and it kept going, then I just had this knowing not be afraid and I just relaxed and immediately I started seeing all these lights and I was in a tunnel of light. I kept thinking if my husband turned around I was going to be sparkling! Then I was inside of this most amazing light that was filling me with so much love, fractals of light were coming towards me and all I could hear was I love you, you are loved over and over again. I felt all the pain and hate and hurt melt from my core, I was just floating there in unimaginable love and bliss, I remember being asked if I wanted to stay and I thought of my kids and then it just melted away and I was sitting in bed. I was drunk with Gods love for 2 weeks, I was healed from a full body skin illness I had been suffering for 3 years. I haven’t been back to any meetings since. Haven’t spoken to any elders about what happened just my mom and husband her reaction was not surprising, immediately told me to talk to an elder. I know they will say it was demonic, but how can a love so complete not be from something so pure? Because of this experience, I started researching and was blown away by THOUSANDS of accounts of others who have had this out of body experience called NDE or STE, I’m telling you it’s mind blowing how death has been held over us. Everyone says the same thing: God is not Judging us WE are!!! I still pray and feel Gods Holy Spirit with me something I had never felt in the Kingdom Hall! I just want others to know that God is not in the religious buildings/kingdom hall he is in our hearts everywhere we go, always. He does not give us the spirit of fear, anything in the Bible that causes fear is a misinterpretation. Jesus came to free us from the lies and it’s happening again, we are the new scrolls...the countless witnesses of how religions are a snare! Jesus said it was done! He didn’t say now we have to follow another religions rules to inherit the kingdom! My Father and I share the same will that ALL WILL BE SAVED!
Lovely testimony! I am a christian and studied with the JW for 6 months just because I was interested. I could see that they rejected the spiritual side of Christianity and it saddened me as they are missing out on the most wonderful and profound aspect of it...🙏🌺
I had a similer experience, however I came out of eastern Orthodoxy just this past year. God bless you for your courage! I was basically told in a few careful words that I was being led into delusion by demons because of my experiences. And yet to me the common sense question was: why are demons leading me to love people unconditionally? Haha it makes literally zero sense! Religion has its benefits, but it often becomes about control and brow beating. We think a loving God would burn His children for all eternity simply because they believe the wrong thing? And yet I know that my children could do absolutely NOTHING that would make me punish them in such a way. So the conclusion I was left with was either that God doesn’t really burn people in hell for all eternity, or I’m more merciful than God. I think the first option is more likely. We are ONE with Him. We are all connected and we are all infinite.
Something similar happened to me. I know without a doubt you're telling the truth and spreading the true message of Christ Jesus.
I escaped the JWs after 15 years through a Damascus Road experience with Jesus. It’s just wonderful how he breaks through and saves us from that terrible religion. So pleased that you were set free - ‘whom the Son sets free is free indeed’ Hallelujah.
@@janmarie63 GLORY TO GOD!
I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in a Southern Baptist church and I experienced so much religious trauma from rapture teaching. I thought about it all the time. I’m very grateful to be freed from that thinking. Life is so much better now. Thanks Logan for your excellent teaching.
Yes, it’s such a great feeling to discover that much of what we were indoctrinated to believe growing up in fundamentalism is simply not true. Thanks for watching!
I have never seen a comment like yours. I have been watching for the Rapture for 3 years now and it has caused me so much stress and anxiety, but that is because I am not living right and I know I'd miss the Rapture.
I am christian and I came to this truth 2012
So freeing. Listening to your videos and so agreeing with me.
I am going through the separation from a religious belief system..when I saw it
It didn't surprise me as I felt it for years inside me..just sorting things out
What do youbthink about the tithing that was taught
The Kingdom of God is eternal within us.... no ending... religious minds simply refuse to accept
Have you watched the video yet? I think you will enjoy it.
What a great way of 'putting it'. Those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, its simply a crossing over to be with him. There is no 'ending'. There is trading in your old body for the glorious new one. As far as the Rapture is concerned, to be saved you must believe in Jesus, not the Rapture to be 'raptured'.
Excellent, Logan! Thank you for proclaiming Light, Love and Life. Through you, the Christ is revealing the Mystery.
Thanks for watching! I appreciate the comment.
I remember all through my Christian journey my biggest question was …what does it mean that the kingdom of God is within you??? No one could answer that with any clear explanation.
I searched n searched for 3 years.
Thank you confirming what I’ve been led to see 🙌🏻💫
I’ve been teaching people that God/Christ/the kingdom of heaven is within, and it’s been great! People need to hear that revelation, especially if they have been programmed to believe that God is far off, distant, and out there somewhere. But now, I’m more interested in teaching people how to EXPERIENCE God within them through meditation and contemplative prayer. This is when transformation happens. We can talk about God being within us all day, and again, that is definitely a much needed discussion to have and teaching to share. But if there’s no experience that follows it, it remains as merely a theological idea rather than a transformative experience.
Almost every word that comes out of your mouth, i now instinctively know, but i am unable to communicate them as you do. Thank you so much.
I was a Christian (Evangelical Fundamentalist) for 30 years, and was going to church in the womb. I attended a 4 year Christian University also.
Twenty years ago i began to question hell and the judgement of church against so many - so much exclusion and so little love. Over the last three years i have been more open to learning about biblical history, other religions, mythology, etc. All this information i had always believed was off limits for study or exposure when i was a Christian.
And of course it was, because as you learn more, you understand more, and you see your indoctrination for what it is: indoctrination. Not truth, but fear and limitation.
Your ability to articulate the information and understanding you have gained is precious to be valued.
When people are ready, you are an excellent source beyond one's indoctrination.
Thank you for this profound, foundational and christologically clear and truthful clarification, dear Logan. Every Christian needs to hear this.
with LOVE from Germany
Thanks for watching! I appreciate the comment. Hope you are doing well!
Thank you Logan! When you begin to see the Kingdom as a state of consciousness and kenosis as a form of prayer, the Gospel becomes good news.
Absolutely! Thanks for watching!
The rapture scares the hell out of everybody. Talk about a salvation strategy!😂 But I believe you are spot on Logan. Having had a similar spiritual journey to you (Catholic, Evangelical, Charismatic, Non-Denominational) I believe we are all coming to these same conclusions, and paradigms are shifting. Keep up the good work as you are led by the Spirit!
Wow, it’s awesome that we are on a similar journey. I have spoken to many lately who are also on this journey, and it’s so cool!
When I decided to change my mind about some of the things I was indoctrinated with as a Christian fundamentalist, I was sternly warned that if I continued down this route, I would be on a very lonely road because "no one else believes what I now believe." The scare tactic in this warning was intended to make me feel isolated and alone, hoping that I would get back in line, shut my mouth, and follow the leader. However, this didn't work. What I soon realized was that this fear-based warning couldn't be further from the truth. When I left the aquarium, I discovered that the ocean was much larger than I had been told, and that there were millions of other fish just like me who were on the same journey. It's one of those things where you don't know until you know, you know?
Oftentimes, the path less traveled leads to a sea of shared experiences and a reality that is infinitely better than anything we can think, dream, or imagine.
Yes. This ocean is much larger than we realize. We have lots of friends who are waking up to the mystery of Christ in us! I believe God is responding to those of us who are seeking Him in Spirit and in Truth. A big key for my husband and myself is that we have found many of our prayers answered through meditation and visualization. It’s been an excellent journey but our friends have warned us to stay away from that New Age stuff! In the meanwhile, despite the warnings, our prayers are being answered! Go figure! So, we are trusting Jesus to guide us in this journey, just like you are! Since we don’t believe in hell anymore, they can’t scare us with threats of hell! ;p
It doesn’t scare me one bit. 😊 And The Rapture is Without a doubt, most definitely, absolutely Pretribulation!
You have done your homework. You have got a good handle on it. I studied it and have come to the same conclusions. It was good to have that confirmed. I'm glad I'm not the only person that sees that. Thanks
Romans 14:17-18 NIV
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval.l believe the manifestation of the sons of God is when man become aware of who they already are.Sons of the Father will all become translated in the twinkling of an eye. Love, joy and peace will prevail here on earth as man will love each other beyond skin, colour,nationality to mention a few but will see each other as brother and sister. And we will reign forever here on earth🥰
Christians quoting Romans ....hmmm
I agree! You got it !
It's crazy how when Morgue Official says this (and they've been saying this for longer than you have here on TH-cam), they get blasted for it but when you say it, you get praised. But you tell people the same thing on TikTok or Instagram, they will say you're wrong.
The world is a perverse and backwards place.
I'm so glad I found your channel and I love the way you explain things in a way that's easy to understand.
However, I think it's easy to understand because we're on the same level of consciousness.
I know it's hard to say anything without anyone else getting upset but you keep spreading your gospel. This is the light and the way.
Your understanding of Christ resonates with everything I have come to learn and believe. The Church has deceived itself and its members. The necessity of our times is that as individuals, people awaken to the truth within. Thank you.
We need more people like him.
Then be that
Hi Logan. I really enjoyed this message. I grew up in a Catholic household but a very tame one indeed. No where near the conditioning you've had to break through. After my personal experience I've come to know that the rapture or end of days or the battle is an internal one. Lets just say a war of ideology ensues "within" ones consciousness when the sleeping Christ is awakened. It's laying dormant within everyone, not dependent of race or religion. Once awakened, this energy lying dormant goes about purging, healing and de-conditioning the temple. When doing so, many beliefs that have been held "true" for eons begin to be deconstructed, almost making one feel very scattered and not knowing what to believe. Lets just say a cleansing of the cup is occurring. At a certain point , completely surrendered one will yell out to higher awareness "why hath thou forsaken me" as constructs begin to fall away which feel like death. I'd say that the 7 churches are the chakra centres that begin flow with prana/life force again after this occurrence. So the Christ in you, being the hope and glory will rise and defeat all the untruths or enemies within. It's all an inside job. It can be said that we're not truly alive, as we're living through or conditioning. completely blinded. Christ arises within, and frees one from bondage. Then all one sees is ONEness, like a small child with no mental chatter. Can you imagine an infant being pushed on a pram by his/her parent. There's no fat, skinny, black, white, religion, race going through that Childs unconditioned mind... there is just life, as it is. One has been spiritually circumcised. The blinders having been removed. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise". Then the persona has given way "died" to save myself/collective from missing the mark (sin). The second coming will be of the collective. Everyone will have this experience I speak of. Uncle Nev says the same thing although I don't agree that all will have it in the same narrative that he did.
I had the same upbringing except maybe praying, reading the Bible and saying the rosary multiple times a day.
I had to go through the Dark Night of the Soul to discover what reality truly is. Morgue Official helped me get there too.
You should check out their stuff, it's so good.
Wow! This was so good! Thank you for making a video on this. It makes such sense. I grew up sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting for x to show up in the clouds. Your videos have been so helpful to me! I’m eager to start listening to your very early videos and work forward to your most current videos. I’m positive that I will gain a lot of insight into my transition from Christianity to … my now spiritual perspective.
The same thing happened to me. Thanks for helping me wide open my eyes.
This is a good interpretation. Make more sense. Although Edgar cancelled gives another interpretation too saying that revelation is mostly referring to the body 7 spiritual centers that will be purified before reaching unity with god. 7 churches 7 candlesticks 7 seals. All referring to the body chakras Great read
So happy your talking about this ❤
Wow! This was the by far the best description of the meaning of the “end times” that I have ever heard!
Wow, thank you!
@@LoganBarone Wrong ------- false
Well done 👏 thank you ❤
This is great and well thought. I appreciate it so much.
Thank you!
I like the what ifs even though he knows, once you read the book spiritually It is all together different! Revelation the revealing of Christ in us written in symbols
In full Agreemant🎉🎉🎉Thank you Logan, wake the deceivers
Thanks for watching, James!
Yes we are the christ on thee Earth... presence and glory manifested!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Yes indeed❤️
@@LoganBarone Wrong
Thank you Logan!🥰
Thanks for watching!
Well done!
Thank you!
Awesome video, and so good to finally see that people are starting to discover that all of this stuff is happening within us, not outside.. I suppose Jesus meant it when he said that he is not from this (external) world, while being in it. And it's not as if it hasn't been in the bible all along.
I suppose it all starts with a few things that are misunderstood about how the bible talks about things. Like you explain, we read the bible through an overlay of understandings which has been handed down to us by the church and modern society, and we understand it in those terms. For instance: when 'the dead' are mentioned in the bible , we automatically picture dead bodies, the deceased.
However, this overlay can't be taken for granted. The bible needs to be understood in it's own terms. For instance: Paul defines death as follows in Romans 8:
6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.
We all have this fleshmind. You could call it ego, or that which you call ME, with all your stories, ideas and opnions. There's nothing wrong or right about all that, but it's DEAD, or of no consequence to what you really are'. It's completely irrelevant. It also means that what we call 'me' is DEAD :)
It could be said that the only thing that's life and whichs is peace is Life itself, or God. But the problem with the word God is that it makes it sound like it's something else, outthere in space or something. But it's simply this aliveness that's here and now. It's here all the time, but we never find it because we're so focused on our fleshmind. It's really incredible how we keep missing something that's so obvious. We're like a fish seeking the ocean we're swimming in!
Of course the central piece of Christianity is the crucifixion of Jesus, in which it is believed that Jesus gave his life to pay for our sins, so we can have eternal life. This is taken to be a historical event in which Jesus was literally crucified and then raised from the dead. Whether or not this happened in a historical sense, we'll never know for sure. But once again, it's also mostly irrelevant if you don't see the actual significance of it.
Jesus crucifixion is the image of the 'old man' or the 'self' in us dying, or rather being seen to be irrelevant, so that that which we really are can reveal itself (be resurrected). Luke affirms this in the following passage:
51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[a] went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
If you're wondering what the temple is, have a look at this:
2 Corinthians 6:16-18 New Living Translation (NLT)
For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD.
But there's an usurper occupying this temple:
2 We don’t want you to be easily confused in your mind or upset if you hear that the day of the Lord is already here, whether you hear it through some spirit, a message, or a letter supposedly from us. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. That day won’t come unless the rebellion comes first and the person who is lawless is revealed, who is headed for destruction. 4 He is the opponent of every so-called god or object of worship and promotes himself over them. So he sits in God’s temple, displaying himself to show that he is God.
So that's what it's all about. Once that 'son of perdition' (the fleshmind, if you will, or ego, the delusion) is exposed for what it is, it will be reveiled to have been a false god, if you will. That's you. Or rather that which you think you are.
Anyway that's a rather long way to state that you can have this experience right now. Though it's not really an experience, but perhaps more of an unveiling of that which is. Like a tearing of the veil in the temple, so life can unveil itself.
Are you ready? If you can sit down for a minute and see what your experience is like if you take all your beliefs and for a minute just throw them all away. Then what is left? What is there when you can't use the future or the past? Is there an aliveness? Just sit there and feel the aliveness, perhaps starting in the heart area. No need to fight thoughts, as long as you gently bring your attention to thi s aliveness, this sense of being, those thoughts will end fading to the background and may fizzle out completely. It's just that! It feels like an abyss, empty yet full, completely free!
And there you are! Welcome home :)
We are within the biblical end times
The Rapture is all about being good enough and qualifying to 'make the cut'.....those of us who come from trauma backgrounds and struggling with residual problems and self-image, felt condemned as never being good enough. I no longer believe this, no human is perfect. Jesus came to teach us: who we are, how to behave to each other and to our Creator. Relationship and walking with God in truth and love is what its all about. I lived in fear when I was in the church. We have to work on the inner man and develop our love for ourselves and others
This message is so good. Revelation is the unveiling of Jesus Christ in every one of us. We were created in His Image and are now growing in His likeness as we see ourselves through His eyes. It was finished at the cross. Just as you said in your message Christ comes to each of us every day as we open up our eyes and ears to see ourselves as we truly are. We cannot read Revelation in the natural (flesh) but only through the spirit of Christ within us. I recommend a verse by verse teaching by Perfected by Blood. Masoud and Rose Ramandi were of the Muslim religion in Iran. The testimony is wonderful and they have done as you have and are studying the scriptures through the Spirit and not preconceived beliefs. I could go on and on but better quit. I am so thankful to have been set free from living from the tree of good and evil to now living from the tree of life. ❤
Hello my brother
I listen to your videos thanks to the simultaneous translation into French because I don’t understand English
Too bad these teachings are not translated
They correspond to my heart and my feelings for a long time
I am from an evangelical background
I hope that we will have the opportunity to talk and meet despite the language barrier and geographical distance.
Thank you from the heart
Bless you my brother
yes. the a-rise-in one that is each and every one of us. the christed consciousness we each are. yippeeee! re-turn-re-turn with-in-and-see!
This is absolutely fantastic. I love your show. Thank you for this.❤
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
@@LoganBarone Wrong
Great teaching .Thanks for sharing it.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you Logan.
I resonate with what you say.
THE RETURN OF CHRIST is the Revelation of the Truth especially in this time and age.
In Revelations, tge 7 Churches is the overcoming of the 7 chakras.
6 th chakra - the Third eye and the 7 th chakra - the Crown chakra is reached. Not easy to reached full Enlightenment ... but when ... then in Unity with Creator en Creation is recovered and Heaven is entered.
I don’t feel it’s the end of time, but the beginning of a new era & realization of truth. Just going to watch your video now.
Yes! I hope you enjoy the video. Thanks for watching❤️🙏
Thank you so much that you have been in part with us your wisdom... that Jesus's Christ wanted us to reveals ..
Some are coming out of the graves up into the air where we all live, you don't have to fly to be in the air,its where the living live
I thank God who gave you the ability to articulate this complex subject in a simple and clear way.
I'm curious about behind the scene. Hiw did you prepare this vidéo ? Did you improvise with the basis of your knowledge, or did you take time to gather your points and script everything ?
I wonder if Logan saw those old Rapture series "A Thief In The Night" from the 70s and early 80s. Had nightmares about them as a kid LOL
You might find this interesting.
The Bible is separated into segments:
- the first 2000 years we’re dominated by rebellion, carnality, sin, and lawlessness, culminating into a pure state of these traits in the days of Noah before the flood.
- the next 2000 years we’re dominated by law, morality and control. It’s when scripture and doctrines popped up with very dogmatic and strict rules and rituals in order to live morally and hope for eternal life through works. It is very focused on duality between good and evil, with anything not meeting Gods law standards being called evil, so it was full of violence and persecution of others in the name of God. This escalated to a purified state of moral law just prior to Jesus, who taught heavily against Pharisees, that extreme morality and judgement is hypocritical.
- The next 2000 started with Jesus and his death and resurrection, with humanity slowly following his ways and becoming more like him, as a mediator balanced between moral law and rebellion, so you see these days filled with individuality, forgiveness and compassion.
So the majority first 6/7th of the Bible are equally separated into parts, and do you know what perfectly matches the description of those parts?
The Id (satan), Superego (the Father), and the Ego (pre- glorified Jesus). The Bible has humanity separated into the 3 parts of the human psyche.
So Jesus is the way in the sense that, he is the embodiment of the ego, persecuted by the moral law based superego, and tempted by the sinful Id, until he experiences 3 days of dark knight of the soul, ego death on the cross, then is resurrected and reborn in a glorified state of enlightenment and Spirit. He wants us to be like him, and take up our crosses, so we will experience ego death and rebirth into spiritual ascension.
This is interesting, because after the 2000 years of humanity emulating Jesus and perfecting their egos, the tribulation happens. Humanity as a species will simultaneously experience 3 days of darkness again, with evil from Id centric people and persecution from superego centric people, along with a number of natural disasters, which effectively causes global ego death and rebirth into a state of global spiritual ascension, with humanity perfected in Spirit (I call it supraego) in the next 1000 years of the millennial kingdom golden age.
This structure also mirrors the philosophers stone of alchemy, to transmute ordinary material (mind) into gold (spirit) and give the elixer of eternal life.
Night*** ahhh I always type knight instead, darn you batman 😂😭
Thank you for awakening ..the true meaning of divinity ..
Thanks for watching!
thank you Logan 🙏🙏
This makes the most sense of anything out there.
Amen!!! You are spot on!!!
Thank you!
@@LoganBarone Wrong
I am now 71, when I was 17 I read the famous book by Hal Lindsey „The Late Great Planet Earth“
I fact this book had prepared my way to become an critical even leaving the path of mainstream Christianity.
You explained really well.
Love from Germany
I appreciate that. Thanks for watching! I will have to check that book out.
@@LoganBarone The Book is just pure dispensationalism, I am sure you know everything already. He predicted the rapture to come very soon. He made millions by selling that book.
Thank you I found this inspirational.
Christ has returned but only for those that can see him.
Old images n projections of christ or second coming makes pple blind because they are waiting for the impossible. Many sincere Christians died disappointed. So when you get out of mind (Herod) and park in the heart ( Jesus) while your pure feelings (not mind feelings,..Virgin Mary feeling. Feelings that hasn’t been named yet,.. kingdom) will birth the Christ in you that is so new you yourself are humbled by the revelation by the fact that you are now Home. In the heart of God or the inner kingdom. What others do doesn’t really condemn you so much because the kingdom is not of this world and pple of this world are not really interested in the kingdom.m while pretending they are.
It is also an inner journey and unless the mind is trained and can empty itself of all past associations the real present is inconceivable. This is not the here and now present. This is complete time space discontinuity till you deeply know the eternity. Once this occurred you see the face of Christ in all and remember God. You actually can’t see anyone as any other than Christ,.. but you see them not with these eyes.
It’s so simple it makes you gently giggle. Not at the others,… with the others ❤
So good brother 👏🏼
Thanks brother!!
@@LoganBarone Wrong
I attended a Bible study in March 1992 when I was in high school. The elderly man leading the group was praying/ soeaking in tongues, and then prophesied that the End Time Tribulation was going to happen in 1993. New Years Eve 1993, I knew he was wrong, LOL
Christ in us the hope of glory ❤️🔥
I am trying to deconstruct from a pretrib rapture viewpoint. But will somebody PLEASE make a presentation countering it without talking about Darby. It didn't start with Darby! He might have brought the viewpoint uo again for discussion in a new timeframe within church history but it was taught in the early church amonst a minority of clergy.
Correct, its also mentioned by the Essene sin the dead sea scrolls PRIOR to Jesus.Its something very clear in the Church Fathers writings as you mentioned..
Also, its CLEAR that Jesus was talking about the FUTURE day of the Lord, end days, etc, not just the temple in 70
This person is sincere, but man, I wouldnt put any worth on his opinions.
Dont trust a pastor either, go to scholarship, and there is a ton of scholars out there that do not agree with almost anything this person is saying.
We clearly are not in the kingdom Jesus mentioned, and many of the OT prophecies Jesus fulfilled, and will fulfill, have NOT occurred. Preterism is just nonsense.
Revelation is symbolic, but, yes, it has still to be fulfilled.
Be careful online today, lots of this deconstruction garbage occurring, and, its usually based on feelings, or nonsense. This guy is knowledgeable, just, wrong.. In my opinion>
BUT its good to see all sides to make clear educated decisions. Thats why Im here.
But after a few videos, I can say, for me, and wha6t I know , this person is on the wrong path.. and Misunderstands things, and states things as FACT, that, really are not
Michael Heiser, is a good one ,
Id say seek, but, dont just listen to this person, seek out many GOOD scholars..
The Upanishads were 600-900 years before Christianity. "Thou Art That". More later. You've got it right. It's vibrational.
Yes, indeed! Thanks for watching!
@@LoganBarone There ain't no guy floating from the sky. It's a collective Christ and we are it.
2 Timothy 4:8 - Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Revelation 3:11 - Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
jacobs troubles is coming ( Israel formally declares war against Hamas ) If we christains disappear soon, Your know the Lord has taken us Home! Now we need prayed for the Jews and to get many people saved as possible
Romans 10:9-13 KJV
that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Meant to say Edgar Cayce. In previous comment
Hey bro, great videos. I've been writing a book, religion was one of the subjects. Had so e deep questions. I would love to pow wow about it on one and one. I've taken a deep dive into the faith pool and went deep. This really helped me clear my head ty Divine, Jesus, and you. Feel free to message me.
Proof of A Pre trib Rapture. Pay Attention to the Cloud and Clouds Jesus appears In and With. Acts chapter 1 verses 9 10 11 Cloud. In Red Luke chapter 21 verses 27 and 28 Jesus is coming In A Cloud the Rapture. In Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Jesus is coming With the Clouds when he comes back to the Mt of Olive the second coming KJV.
Oh brother! Much of the bible isn’t meant to be taken literally.
@@bobobrien8968 You decide. Have a blessed Day Amen 🙏.
The Jews were rigid in their understanding of the scriptures and they completely missed the Messiah. However, what continues to baffle me about the rapture are the very consistent visions people have that come from fairly credible sources like very young children which have visions of a rapture when they have no knowledge of it and it always is a peaceful time followed by all hell breaking loose, never the other way around. Regardless, we should always be seeking our Lord with all out heart, soul and mind and open to studying the many various interpretations. One thing is for sure, however, good is being called evil and evil good like never before. We do need to stand firm in our faith in Jesus nonetheless.
The Eastern Orthodox church never taught the Rapture, and even with the doctrine of hell, there still is not a very clear indication of whether it is a physical place or state of being. Suffice to say, unlike the evangelicals and their fearmongering theologies, it was precisely because of this that I didn't end up really getting scared out of my wits as an Orthodox Christian unlike the evangelicals.
This is very Eastern Orthodox teaching
The kingdom that Jesus setup on earth was his Church, in Matt 16 we see where Jesus uses church/kingdom interchangeable. v18 " I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it...I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven". The Jews, including his disciples were looking for a physical kingdom, but it wasn't, it was spiritual. Jesus said in Mark 9:1 "there are some standing here who would not taste death until they saw the kingdom come with power" and it did in Acts 2, the kingdom/church started and his kingdom is still here today, his church. Where is Jesus now? Heb 8:1 " we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven". Heb 1:3 " When he made purifications for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high". Next, what is the MYSTERY? Eph 3:4 " When you read this you can perceive my INSIGHT INTO THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST, which was not known to the sons of men in other generations AS IT HAS NOW BEEN REVEALED TO HIS HOLY APOSTLES AND PROPHETS BY THE SPIRIT, THAT IS , HOW THE GENTILES ARE FELLOW HEIRS, MEMBERS OF THE SAME BODY(church) and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel" and that goes with Col 1:26-27 " mystery hidden for ages....to them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery...". That is the MYSTERY, THE GENTILES ARE NOW FELLOW HEIRS. Yes, Christ is returning, not to rule and reign on earth for the earth will be destroyed with fire 2 Peter 3:3 "BUT THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL COME LIKE A THIEF, AND then the heavens will pass away....and the earth and the works will be dissolved with fire". What is the DAY OF THE LORD? In Acts 1: 11 " This Jesus who was taken up from you into the heaven, WILL COME IN THE SAME WAY AS YOU SAW HIM GO INTO HEAVEN". 2 Thess. 1:7 " when the Lord Jesus is revealed FROM HEAVEN WITH HIS MIGHTY ANGELS IN FLAMING FIRE, inflicting vengeance upon those who do not know God...they shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction........when he comes ON THAT DAY TO BE GLORIFIED WITH HIS SAINTS...". ON THE LAST DAY, the righteous will be raised, John 6:44, the wicked will be judged, John 12:48, wicked will be raised, John 5:28-29, JESUS IS COMING, 1 Thess 4:16-17, The Judgment, Matt 25:31 and John 12:48 and lastly , Heaven and earth will be destroyed, 2 Peter 3:10. Lastly, how is Christ in us? HOW ARE WE IN CHRIST? 1 John 3: 24 " All who keep his commandments ABIDE IN HIM, AND HE IN THEM....." 1 John 2:28 " ABIDE IN JESUS" v24 " then you will abide in the Son and in the Father". It is describing a relationship with God the Father/Son, tell us, how do we ABIDE IN CHRIST? Gal 3:26-27 tells us how we get into Christ, " All who have been baptized INTO CHRIST, HAVE PUT ON CHRIST. READ ALSO JOHN 17 where it talks about us being ONE WITH GOD AND JESUS.
I think only one problem your video did not conclude to. Is to "Why?" did Jesus sacrifice his sinless blood. Sure, you can find Christ within, and that is the Church. But to end the video to the premise that all that is, is all that will be. Doesn't bring much edification to the understanding as to the reasoning about Jesus giving himself as a ransom for all mankind. Therefore, are you concluding that he did not rise from the Dead out of Death by his Father, Yahweh?
I'm not a Christian of any kind, just a believer of Jesus Christ. But I think the video isn't finished.
Matthew 16:3 🚩
I agree with you that the book of revelation has already happened!
Yes it has!
Well then in m fucked lol
@@LoganBarone Wrong
I have come to the exact conclusions that you have completely on my own as well. Another verse that is mistranslated in order to support rapture theology is Matthew 24:40-41 ....two will be in the field and one will be taken....the word for taken is the same Greek word used for taken in the flood as to judgment. How else can we get Christ in us as the HOPE of GLORY, but to know that it is His appearing, when we see that we are like Him, that He returns to the earth. Yeshua asked the Father that we would be in Him like He is in the Father. The Son always gets what He asks for. So this means we are One and the same, if we believe!
The UNEXPECTED return of Jesus has already happened years ago, because now, people are expecting him. And when they expect him, it's too late. He returned invisible, to watch people, when they least counted with him. Now his world tribulation has been done already. He is almost returned in his kingdom, and will show up only once he is there, and the people who will be left behind on earth, will see this. And they will not get there.
70ad is when that happened
If the book of revelation is only for a first century audience then why does he know about the statue of Liberty?
Locusts with bronze armor and halos🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁
The book of Revelation was written around 95AD :-) so how could it be written for the first century only?
Have you ever read Nicolas Berdyaev "The destiny of Man"? Please, read it! It is genius! Jesus is Christ! But he is also in us all!!! Not either or!!! 😊
The rapture is from the word harpadzo which is in the Bible and the Latin is rapturous and the English is rapture which means taken away by force which is the same word used for Elijah when he was taken and the same word used for Enoch and the same word used for Paul when he went to the third heaven . When you put all the scriptures together you find how amazing the rapture is and it shows us the picture of the Jewish wedding when the father sends his son for his bride and the wedding lasts seven days. That's how Jesus takes his church for the wedding banquet and the Bible tells us his church will no go through the wrath of God and he will keep us from the hour of trial, etc ... Read your Bible correctly!
Excellent Video!
Thank you!
Musicians, politicians, actors, get labeled as the beast or even followers of Satan….some of them even embrace the labels and play off of it. Just silly! We don’t need to give something (evil, satan, devil, etc) power. They don’t have any only if we give it to them in our hearts and minds.
The Church will not be "raptured" The Church will remain on earth until it is perfected.
Christians who support the Rapture use 1. Thess. 4:13-17 as proof of the rapture, when in fact that Scripture refers to the Second Coming of Christ to judge the living and the dead.
Jesus is not returning. Not in biblical sense. Stop giving people false Hope. We as the Collective must solve our own problems
Are you saying that I say Jesus is returning in my video? Because I don't say that.
@@LoganBarone not at all. I'm just sharing with whoever will listen he says he's not. PSA
Oh got it! Thank you!
What about the esoteric take on "rapture", end of Aeons and "second coming"
Nothing is literal or historical in the bible.
The kingdom is already here, it is a spiritual kingdom, not a literal one. Jesus and John the Baptist preached that the kingdom of heaven was "AT HAND' and in Mark 9:1 Jesus said, " there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God come with power" and in Acts 1:8 Jesus said to his apostles they would receive power when the HS fell on them and this happens in Acts 2. The kingdom/church started in Acts 2 and remember Jesus told Peter he would be given the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Matt 16:18. After Acts 2 when the kingdom is mentioned, it is mentioned as being here. Col 1:13 "God has transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son". Heb 12:28 " We have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken". There is no physical kingdom that Christ will setup on earth, in Peter is says the earth will be destroyed by fire...btw, there is no such thing as the rapture, it is no where taught in scripture, just a lot of assumption. Lastly, Matt 24 talks about the destruction of Jerusalem, read it in context, that always helps
Have you watched the video?
@@LoganBarone No, I did not listen to the video, at least not all of it. I like to just give my view of what I think the bible teaches about the subject. I did go in and listen to it today and agreed with your view of Matt 24 and of Revelations but not sure of your view about the second coming of Christ. I will listen to it again to be sure I understood you correctly and then compare it to other scriptures to put it all together. I was never taught the rapture, nor the teachings I hear about revelations, except yours. I do believe in the second coming of Christ, it is appointed once to die, and after this the judgment" Heb.9:27. Will respond later after I listen again
Revelation 1:19 (KJV) Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
The Book of Revelation are events that either happened after 70 AD or will happen.
i wouldent think theres a rapture soly on the fact the bible is so obbessed with sacrafice suffering self sacrafice long suffering sacrafice suffering self sacrafice long suffering sacrafice self sacrafice suffering long suffering and so on so on so on so on so on. and now all sudden theres a ticket out all that???
we are not appointed to wraith ( if Lords just find one person in the city that is his he will take that person out before this wraith just look at the story sodom and gomorrah did God not send to angels there take out the righteous before he destroyed sodom and gomorrah! even noah with the ark!
You keep using the word apocalyptic language that’s a tradition of men look it up the word Apocalypse is a Greek word meaning revelation nothing to do with the end times😂LOL not what the world says what’s the Bible say… That’s your thing anyway😊Love your videos keep up the good work
Good luck body keep believing that
The second coming is the Rapture and occurs after the antichrist but before God's Wrath. That's the only textual argument. Your arguments about what Jesus prophecied about the destruction of the temple are partially correct, but they also asked what is the end of the age and the sign of your coming.
God’s wrath? You are so off the mark. The true god does not feel wrath. That is an unfortunate human trait.
@bobobrien8968 How did death enter the world? According to the Bible how did death enter the world? According to you religion how did death enter the world?
I don't understand how you can accept Jesus as a prophet. He claimed to be God. If he's just a prophet that would make him a liar and a fake. Are his words misinterpreted as well?
The Bible book is history
It's not playing out exactly as in the Bible that is why I believe it to be corrupt missing 13 books
Mystical mush unfortunately.
Jesus is in canton china
Yeshua HaMashiach told us that He will return when all Bible Prophecy will be fulfilled.
Book of Revelation
Most of what you said is incorrect, inaccurate and laughable. 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 was not written by Darby.
I definitely did not say 1st Thessalonians was written by Darby… Where are you getting that from?
I'm getting it from your lengthy talk. You suggest the doctrine is from Darby which has been disproved. You think Darby created it but it's written in scripture.
@@joshuaa3075 1 Thessalonians was written by the Apostle Paul in the first century AD (CE). The Darby perspective, which surfaced in the 19th century, is a misguided interpretation of Paul's words. I agree with @LoganBarone, for the most part. However, I DO see aspects of ultimate futurism in Isaiah's description of a peaceful kingdom, as well as in the notion of the whole earth being filled with God's glory, and in Paul's teaching on the resurrection of the dead. Compare 1 Thessalonians 4 with 1 Corinthians 15, where that which is corruptible shall put on incorruption, which CAN lead us to believe that even though there will be no secret Rapture, there will be a comprehensive resurrection of the dead and an ultimate metamorphosis in humanity, which will do away with death once and for all.
@@davidmusicmaker on the contrary. Scripture tells us that Jesus’ Church will be raptured before Matthew 24:9 is in full effect. Post tribs disbelieve that saying worldwide persecution and killing is not the Jews that the verse speaks about but The Church. Jewish people, around the world, are experiencing frequent attacks and massive demonstrations against them ever since Gaza. They realize this is only the beginning. Some are fleeing their countries heading to Israel.
Post Tribs also NEVER accept Rev. Chapter 5 as proof that The Church is bodily in heaven and representatives are around God’s throne before the tribulation seals are opened. Post Tribs do not want to read that the 24 sing about their own redemption by His blood, talk about a much larger group they belong in, wear crowns of gold which only The Church is promised as rewards and John recognized them for John did not ask who they were.
Post Tribbers also laughingly think Matthew 24:31 is The Rapture. There is no coordinated instantaneous angelic airlift to bring the entire Church to God in the air at The Rapture. God Himself is there and does it all in a twinkling of an eye and all at one time; billions of angels are not involved in resurrecting, changing nor bringing all the church to God at the rapture.
the rapture happened in the 1st century ~
We are the second coming, nobody is coming to save us.
Exactly. Thanks for sharing and watching❤️🙏
@@LoganBarone Wrong
Pre-tribulation rapture VERY soon! ⚡⚡
Bologna, pure church 🐂
Jesus Christ appeared to me in a wide-awake vision of the rapture two years ago. I was not a believer before then. I was in fact very anti-Christianity. It's coming up soon. Believe in Jesus. ⚡⚡
Study more, I used to believe in it…until I studied. It is a fearful doctrine filled with anxiety and causes stress for many. Nope! No Pretrib rapture or any form of rapture. REST your minds.
I don't believe in.the rapture ❤
The God of Israel will do what he wants to do....... The Bible is the true word of God not you! Shalom
Christ is the true Word of God…. I don’t worship a book.