I’ve just bought the next revision 24 and have sent it back for not working as advertised. I tested it in a similar way to the video, measuring voltages and current. With a 30% charged AGM vehicle battery at 12.2 volts and LiFePo4 at 13.8 volts the BM drew a near constant 3 amps and got quite hot. Eh? What happened to the 1.1 amp limit? Maybe that was extreme so to give it a re-run I replaced the AGM with a fully charged and rested new one at 13.1 volts. Again it drew around 3 amps initially but over 5 minutes settled to no current draw and roughly 0.7 volt difference. Then I turned the charger on raising the LiFePo4 voltage to 14.2 volts and the BM drew over 3 amps and continued to do so while getting hot again. After 5 minutes it was still drawing 2.5 amps. I sent it to Van Bitz for testing, they sent it back saying nothing wrong with it and I should fit a 10 amp fuse! What!? It’s supposed to have a 1.1 amp limit and internal fuse protection. If it doesn’t limit the current properly there is no way I want to risk overcharging my new AGM battery and the supplier has agreed a refund.
Awesome, I was told recently I could set up a solar panel for my starter battery and I was like, "but I already have solar and a leisure setup". Glad to hear it's possible. Any issues with wiring the leisure straight onto the starter when I already have a battery-2-battery charger wired up? I was cautioned not to jumpstart my van using the Li leisure battery. Cheers!
I have a 200ah lithium battery but a standard stop start agm so can I use it please? ps I have a Victron Orion fitted. I’m a little worried that it will over charge the starter battery. Many thanks for your excellent video.
I’ve just bought the next revision 24 and have sent it back for not working as advertised. I tested it in a similar way to the video, measuring voltages and current. With a 30% charged AGM vehicle battery at 12.2 volts and LiFePo4 at 13.8 volts the BM drew a near constant 3 amps and got quite hot. Eh? What happened to the 1.1 amp limit? Maybe that was extreme so to give it a re-run I replaced the AGM with a fully charged and rested new one at 13.1 volts. Again it drew around 3 amps initially but over 5 minutes settled to no current draw and roughly 0.7 volt difference. Then I turned the charger on raising the LiFePo4 voltage to 14.2 volts and the BM drew over 3 amps and continued to do so while getting hot again. After 5 minutes it was still drawing 2.5 amps. I sent it to Van Bitz for testing, they sent it back saying nothing wrong with it and I should fit a 10 amp fuse! What!? It’s supposed to have a 1.1 amp limit and internal fuse protection. If it doesn’t limit the current properly there is no way I want to risk overcharging my new AGM battery and the supplier has agreed a refund.
Awesome, I was told recently I could set up a solar panel for my starter battery and I was like, "but I already have solar and a leisure setup". Glad to hear it's possible. Any issues with wiring the leisure straight onto the starter when I already have a battery-2-battery charger wired up? I was cautioned not to jumpstart my van using the Li leisure battery. Cheers!
I have a 200ah lithium battery but a standard stop start agm so can I use it please? ps I have a Victron Orion fitted. I’m a little worried that it will over charge the starter battery. Many thanks for your excellent video.
If one has a bcdc-dc charger between the start and leisure battery - where would this go? In series, before or after the dc-dc charger?
Interested in the next vlog as my batteries are 6m apart
It'll be out this Sunday at 6pm UK time. :)
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