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in the year (I guess around 1973) in Turkey/Cappadocia I saw several gray plates(so it seemed to me like that) (and they are similar to those in the picture )in the air. I guess some 15 pieces or so. They flow following each other in one line from heaven downwards, not straight, in a zigzag. when they braked they suddenly stopped in the air, (comparing: if a plane brakes it flies kilometers long) they were 10-15 kilometers far from my position. then they landed on the ground where I could not see the ground, due tue the hills. I asked my mother what they were, she couldn't answer me. (she also had seen them) That time I liked this, and was very happy seing flying objects in the air. in your childhood you forget everything the next day. in old age you remember.
I have fallen to sleep listening to the bullet tones of Mr Mellin, covering at least 2 exceedingly good UFO books dozens of times. This gave me an early grounding in 40s and 50s UFO lore. It helps to place the process of the studying the phenomenon within a basis of fact. From these beginnings I have been able to move ahead in my research. Thank you.
It's funny because the 1st ever UFO guy was MISQUOTED when he said a rounded craft flat in the back skipped across the water like a saucer ( apartmently they skipped saucers across the water, like I skipped flat rocks across a pond as a kid) it was how he explained the movement of the UFO, similar to Dave Favor saying the TIC TACk UFO looked like a ping pong ball changing direction Soo rapidly in different directions, years later in 2004.
In the mid 1990, I was fishing at night at a pond not far from my house, when a large black long shaped craft come almost right over me and my son, no sound moving very slow! All of a sudden a huge light came on and shined down to the ground from the craft. My son ran over me trying to get to our vehicle! It was so strange to see something like that.
The reason I am here listening to this audio is because me and my partner saw a UFO in Brighton UK on Saturday night. It looked like it was gliding, had a orange glow to it, it moved fast and then instantaneously changed tragectory! And shot off in a different direction! That was NOT a drone, or a satellite or a meteor! I’m still in shock and cannot believe what I was watching! They are here.
Hi Hugh, that's interesting, did it appear to have a shape? I saw a glowing orange/yellow ball drifting from the sky in Devon when I was about 10, I think that was ball lightning. The thing I saw didn't move quickly or dramatically though.
@@Beesa10 no it didn’t appear to have a shape, it was kind of like a star moving, it had an amber glow to it, before it shot off in a completely different direction it paused for a split second. This was on Saturday last week and since then I’ve been listening to UFO podcasts… it was absolutely something that had advanced anti gravity technology not from this world! Nothing and I mean nothing that I know resembles what we saw last week!
When you actually see one on a sunny day about 100 yards from you and you just stare at it with sheer and complete fear in your mind you know they are from another place or planet or dimension and not anything made here! Then in front of your eyes it turns from a solid object into a ball of plasma that slowly dims until it disappears like a light slowly going dimmer til it’s off as just gone completely! And the strangest thing of all is that it’s aware your sitting there looking at it basically telling “hey look over here, look what I can do impressive right? BYE!”
I had similar experiences of different objects in relatively close proximity. First was an amber color Orb four feet in diameter appeared through the trees to the side of a road and stayed steel in front of my friend and me for about two minutes at thirty yards from us. Every few seconds drops from it were dripping to the ground like molten metal sort of. I had a feeling it was observing us and then slowly went back through the trees. Another time I saw an Orb at night while training a security guard on a site. We were driving a pick up truck and I had an urge to look back and saw an orange light behind like a star. We stopped and I told the guard to proceed to the building and I stayed watching the orb slowly approached me and stood about hundred feet above me. Mentally I said to the orb to move back and forth and get in the middle and it’s done instantly as I proposed. Then it started moving away slowly as my guard approached me . He asked me what I’m doing. I didn’t want to tell him what I saw I just told him I was looking at a helicopter. Also I saw once a large cigar shaped silver color craft the size of a commercial airliner in a day time crossing the street I’ve been driving through. I stopped and been watching it slowly moving without any noise at three hundred yards from me. I noticed it was sparkling like it was electrocuted an had hot air rings around the body. As soon as I pulled my phone to make a picture it vanished becoming invisible like it used an invisible cloak technology. I was sure they were aware of me watching them.
@@poman12ap that's all interesting! Can you elaborate on the aspect of the first one regarding what reminded you of drops of molten metal? How did they fall? Did they interact with the ground in some way? Actually hitting it? Thanks for sharing!
@@MattOwens hi Matt, there were a park across the road were the Orb was and tall grass under. We didn’t go to look what happened with those drops for some reason I regret now of not doing that. What is interesting when that thing appeared we both looked at it at the same time and been silent till it went back to the park through the trees. My friend looked at me and asked me literally “ do you think it is what you think it is?” And I said “what else is could be “ Than we went inside and I told to his wife of what we just saw. My friend was looking at me kind of strange. In a week I called him to talk about it and he said he didn’t see anything like it and until now denies it.
There's a biography of Major Keyhoe available, AGAINST THE ODDS : ONE MANS FIGHT TO END UFO SECRECY, by Linda C. Howell. Anomaly Books, 2023. I highly recommend it.
I was watching a documentary about how the earth has had 3 supercontinents in its history, when plate tectonics pushed the continents together. One lasted a billion years. We ( us) have only been around for a couple of hundred thousand years, there’s no telling where these folks are from, they could be a species that reached high technology on this earth a BILLION years ago and went to the oceans or underground to enjoy moving through dimensions or whatever. Me and a buddy witnessed three on his family’s farm, close and in daylight, as have thousands of others. I’m 52 and this is the only sighting I’ve had. Somebody is here
I'm sorry, but I'll bet anything you're either lying, or you're just repeating a sighting you heard someone else talking about. If aliens where anywhere in the local neighborhood, I think Thier existence would be pretty damn unmistakeable. People have just assumed that there's this rule that says that aliens would keep Thier existence a secret. And that the reason our govt hasn't disclosed alien existence is because they think we will all go around killing and having nervous breakdowns. This subject used to be interesting. Not anymore. Now it's getting kinda scary. Not because aliens exist; but because you people are already ready to draft a damn national address confirming Thier existence. You people get to acting so fuckin goofy over this stupid shit 😂😂😂
@CGMeadia/Spaceley- Sound Art Media systems That’s right. Who says an ancient civilization on Earth couldn’t have developed beyond anything we’ve ever done since. The Egyptian empire invented glass, and that was lost for a couple of thousand years and was rediscovered. So…maybe these ancients came up with travel through spacetime…and THAT was also lost…and is still lost to us today.
I wanna jump in and say four main strips of land were raised above the earth. These were stomped down waiste and debris of the planet. Over time even the giant beings who did it would die and be stomped down as well. These four main strips are the four corners of the earth and they have been quarried on or against. Creating our shore lines. This quarried land was chambers underground were they cooked and cut these blocks. These were known as hell or pits of hell or hell fire. Hot fire. U were forced to work in them . Criminals would be thrown in these chambers . The first chambers to appear were the seed chambers or cradles. These would be quarried and stomped waste in them then plant the seed and water. Giants again did this. The point to grow and expand the earth. To create a food source. This wood take over seeding the earth. So they plant thousands of what u would call conglomerates. Bunch of spouts grown together. Our trees are just spouts . These giants become smaller as the generations go on. The planet to small to sustain them. Each generation now small forced to work for the one before. These four cities war and disagree alot about these huge chambers there cutting. It's what destroyed there planet. And so they had to keep strict rules. There waste is the problem it must be controlled. Giants dropping duce everywhere and doing nothing with it. Being lazy. It needs to be stomped. Flat or maintained in the chamber . The smaller they get the less they wanna stomp poo. So well they come against the giant gods and loose and it starts a whole new era of life. This happens back and fourth a few times. Eventually causing the earth to flood. This would be considered a wash. This would be done on small scale for each groing season. But this time it was to clean the earth. Three times this happens collapsing chambers eventually the big one comes. The water weight to much and sinks the valleys and raises the mountains causing our oceans. The influx of waste and blood and death and all. Is why the salt is so high U can see these chambers all over we still dig them for our own reason. But its fact . Giants also now fact. And floods we are about to find out about its fact. And the waste and wood u stand on. Fact. Lol Just watch drone videos of earth. And ur mind will be blown u have to look to see. Anyway we are the aliens and we were created to work as slaves. Free will muked that up. Thank u Creator. There is an original creation by the way. Just not here we dont belong here. This is not our home . Someone else said that. Hmmm The gravity of it all. Is well. Anyway. We are the descendants of giant sun beings these animals are huge ape like creatures. But way bigger and smarter. They produced several lines of this man but only one actually worked. The others were lazy and disobedient. There the apes. And one race of people who are derect descent from them in india. But these guys line bread and mix bread everything to create what we see . The tree of life we call it was a pine tree we ate the pine nuts. The first of the fruits. They have alot of everything we need to live. Even heal. These pine varieties called palms are later created to produce actual fruit. And we eat that. All we eat is manipulated to be this way even the pine now. The tree of sin and death. Is a waste chamber and grain chamber . U must work to fill the grain. And work to maintain the waste. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Is meat it's a butchery and it's the sin of killing and eating death. The garden is were u just eat and poo as long as u dont eat meat. It spoils the soil. Killing plants. Why do I point this out. Because it's the story its truth. Also the cool thing is they brought pets huge animals with them released them in kept corrals very big ones. Lol. These would be bread out to be what we see today. . Extinction has wiped out alot . But the flood the most. This world is now about to see these chambers do there thing and it is gonna be bad already getting bad. So please be safe. And no there is no aliens because we are the aliens. !! Lol Nanu Nanu 🖖
1972 I was 22 years old, my friend and I on a road trip took a wrong turn into Death Valley in the middle of the night, about an hour into the valley a flying saucer came over us and hovered just a few hundred feet above us, we had binoculars and could clearly see occupants in the windows of the UFO, it was typical saucer shape with pulsatiing green, red and blue lights around the middle of the craft just below the obsevation deck. We watched it so I dont know how long, and then it drifted slowly away as the sun came up. , I think DV is not far from area 51, so it may have been a secret craft they were testing way back in 1972. Scarey but true.
yo say ""middle of the night"" yet you say ""then it drifted slowly away as the sun came up"" ...you have already confused yourself which qualifies your statement to be a pure white lie
I have had strange experiences since a child,when I was about 8 I would see 2 big bright beings that were huge in my room,I know they were angels,and then a few months later I was hit by a car and almost died,there were people all over the street who heard the commotion and were standing by as well as my brothers and sister,there was a man who appeared and laid his hands on my face,then he left and drove off in a jeep,my one brother is the only one who saw this man besides me, it was an angel, then,I had an experience with an invisible entity in PA, and I can go on.......
@@paulloveless9180 Hi Paul, if you read the Bible starting with the New Testament you will realize the truth of God’s word if you are seeking. Matthew chapter 24 is beginning to happen as well as 2 Timothy chapter 3. The book of Revelation tells of a coming one world leader who will cause all to receive a mark to participate in the world’s economy that involves worshiping the beast. Taking the mark will make one inhuman and will send the receiver to a bottomless pit. It’s starting to happen in real time. (A. I., global network, digital currency) God said Israel would become a nation again and take Him at His word. That was the beginning of the countdown to the end times. Read Matthew chapter 5-7 and let the Holy Spirit change you. How could this universe create itself??? Do you believe the lie of evolution that is taught to school children so they will not question it? All systems disintegrate/decay over time… Law of entropy Bottom line Jesus came as the Passover lamb as a sacrifice for our sins substituting Himself in our place since we were born into sin. A few understood Him when He came the first time but the scholars of the time could have read the book of Daniel that gave the time of His coming. They could have read Isaiah 52:14 to Isaiah which foretells of His suffering. Isaiah 35: 5-6 tells of the miracles He would do. He is alive, risen from death. Google Shroud of Turin. He is coming back to judge this world and God’s anger will be poured out. Please, please, please receive the free gift of eternal life He’s offering you! There is a reason you are questioning your belief system. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and to lead, guide, direct and protect you. A-admit you’re a sinner (we all are) B-believe He died for you C-confess Him before others I hope you will watch Pastor Tom Hughes on TH-cam I thought God was far away and didn’t care about me or this world but have found out that He wants a personal relationship with us. He’s coming back soon.
I saw a black triangle plowing through the upper atmosphere horizon to horizon on July 3, 2010 in RI pushing through plasma fire as it cut across the sky.
@@christianradioE5 The big black triangles are said to belong to the Military Industrial Complex which is know to operate out of the Nevada desert. They are usually called TR3B.
@@codetech5598 the American military will unleash the tr3bs if it all kicks off with russia next year...remember the stealth fighter was unveiled in the first gulf War but was tested att area51 in the late 70s early 80s. The 🛸 are watching the nukes🚀👀
I'm not familiar with a "Project Saucer". And I have never heard a UFO investigator refer to this project. I am aware of Project Blue Book and the MJ12 committee, these are a matter of record.
The narrator says that "Project Saucer" was not the official name. It is mentioned about a third of the way through. There was officially Project Grudge, Project Sign, Project Blue Book..... (then there will probably have been more secret projects - investigation was "meant" to have been abandoned)....then the admission of the existence of AATIP.
Keyhoe says I’m the book it was not the real name of the project .The government did not divulge the name until after the book was published the actual name was project Sign
i never saw a saucer or a physical thing but i watched a light hovering/floating over the trees, i thought it was a helicopter using a heat thing to find weed or mabey looking for something. but as i sat and watched i didnt hear anything but crickets in the grass. after like 3-4 minutes of watching the light kinda go down to like the top of the trees and back up over about 20 feet , it then rose up higher stopped and then legit went straight up fast like really fast and thats when i was pretty freaked out. ill think about it regularly sense it happened, but that was when i was 18-19 and im 27 now! i didnt know drones existed or like they how we see them now so mabey was a drone but i really have no idea how it moved that fast or why it was just a light and not anything iv seen before or again. sucks because i remember what happened but i wish i could see it agin because i really had no thoughts on aliens or ufos and i kinda blew it off besides telling a few close friends. then about 2 years ago i was talking to a high school friend who lives across the street from the woods where i saw it and i told him the story and told him how it was just wild and i think about it alot and he was cool about it and was like ya thats wild! so convo ends and the next day he messaged me saying that he told his dad about what i saw years ago and ig his father said he had seen weird things like that happen too! was really nice to hear that because obv i dont wanna share the story with ppl unless i think they would be open minded enough considering Ive had a few ppl i told look at me like bs or ur retarted so it was nice to know he had seen some shit too! sorry for the grammar im pretty trash at spelling and punctuations 😂 if anyone has ever seen anything like that feel free to tell me about it!
I saw a triangular ship fly over me in 2009 it was like it was in slow motion it stopped and exploded into to a big star and stayed there I would have kept watching it only I would have been late for work will never forget it
The answer about why discs/saucers are able to maneuver impossible speeds around aircraft is very simple once you realize one thing. They aren't subject to aerodynamics because they are operating in a "bubble' in space-time. This is created by antigravity created by a rotating electromagnetic field.
I find it strange that the official narrative now is, the US DoD knows they exist, but don't know what they are. But if Bobs story is factual, the US Government, knows what they are, and has flown them. It's cool they legitimized UFO phenomenon. But the whole truth will probably never be revealed. Technology has exposed UAPs, and hard evidence of existence is now easily possible. Especially if it's from military personnel on their own equipment.
But the "bubble" theory or gravity wave propulsion has yet to be confirmed, but it's funny the US Navy holds patents on this exact technology. Almost describing the UAPs capabilities to the exact!! There's more to be known,.....tick tock
@@thetreblerebel My Lord No! Scotty and Geordi schooled me when I got the nickle tour of the USS Enterprise! Captain Kirk and Spock and Jean-Luc Picard and Data were good hosts too!
The differences between World War One and Two should be obvious an huge standing army faced each other in an bitter and bloody battle that was ultimately reduced to trench warfare but in the second world war civilian populations towns and cities became the legitamite targets and this despite the terms of the Geneva Convention which had outlawed this barbaric tactic...I wonder if this could properly account for the second world war phenomana of Foo Fighters and the subsequent post 1945 era of the coming of the saucers?...
@@Saturn-Matrix well its true UFOs appeared as Foo Fighters sighted over western europe initially then the pacific..they where an ariel phenomanon primarily as rarely seen from the ground...
Yeah, it was a dummy nuclear warhead our government was testing. And the "disc" zapped it with some sort of energy weapon. Probably what Mandel got hit with when he attempted to attack a spaceship with that old P-51... but maybe he did pose a real threat to them .50 BMG is pretty bad-ass. One thing about it, we quit trying to attack them in order to bring one down after what happened to Mandel. Other than the Iranian pilots who went after one with weapons hot only to have their weapons and navigation systems disabled until they broke off the attempted attack. Likely if they wanted us all dead, all they've got to do is throw one big well aimed rock at us.
@No false hope Darling it seems that way, but there are some thoughts there are people or cousins beneath us, somewhere in the earth... It is possible :)
This book by Keyhoe is dated somewhat, but still quite fascinating. The idea of stable "wormholes" has only become widely known in recent decades thanks to sci Fi TV and such. But they may well provide a bypass to the light-speed barrier. One can hardly blame the Major for not knowing of this as most people didn't't until decades later 🛸🛸
They must be real because I have myself witnessed a very large orange glowing disk shape craft fly over my head heading West over Gorleston on Sea Norfolk UK from my back garden after 1:00am night sky I watched it disappear over the clouds to the West I had flashed my large torch at it before the disk shape craft disappeared, while I continued to watch the night sky for other unknown objects this orange disk shape craft had returned from the West a quarter of an hour later this time underneath the clouds appearing halfway out of the clouds paused for a moment I flashed my large torch at it, it retreat slowly back into the clouds and vanished not be seen again that night or ever again. I have witnessed in the day time a very very large melon seed shape craft glowing white fly at an ex-streamly high altitude traveling ex-streamly fast speed heading West over my head from the East over my head while I was having coffee on my porch in the afternoon I had just finished doing my garden this was seen over Gorleston on Sea Norfolk UK.
@@iainmair485 The very large orange glowing disk shape craft is not of our own making that I do know. As for the melon seed shape craft that glowed white it could possibly been an alien craft in a secret collaboration with the American's maybe it's just that it's too amazing to be wone of our own in the making it had to be Alien. Why I say it might be the American's is because know sooner that I had seen this craft a little time after that the troubles of North Korea with Missiles had died down on the News.
The melon seed couldve been the hypersonic craft they've got but you would've heard a sonic boom! (Now I've re-read your account that it was very, very large I don't think it was ours.)
@@clivewells7090 Yes it was very very large for it be a small stealth fighter and they are generally black, what I saw was very white frosted glowing look about it.
@@fherlinn I don’t “know” much of anything for a fact. But whatever they are, be it inter dimensional or from another planet, in my mind they both would be considered as being very “alien” in nature to us.
@EZ Z “If the US Navy doesn’t know”…… Yeah, because the US Navy is going to be forthright with the American public, and thus, the global population as a whole, as to what it does definitively know or does not know, regarding the phenomena of “UAPS. They’ve never really withheld “intel” from the general public, for reasons pertaining to “national security.” Or shelved critical info that the public had a right to know about, and labeled it as “CLASSIFIED” or “TOP SECRET” or “REPTILIAN EYES ONLY!” For 50 years, until a heavily redacted “UNCLASSIFIED” version is released amongst a Andre The Giant sized data dump.
My friend, the Navy knows all about ufos, space is considered their jurisdiction, research "Bill (Milton) William Cooper" says about his experiences with them as a naval intelligence officer. He had his own radio show, predicted 9/11, and was killed for it. Yeah, he said UFOs the size of aircraft carriers could just come out the water with no apparent resistance
Jesus Christ! Lol…I’ve got Captain Obvious, General Literal & Sargent Semantics over here, giving me shit, for what I thought was a fairly general consensus comment, among the most common sensible of “us.” But apparently, I was mistaken. My point was to say, and keep in mind that when I use the term “alien” that I’m using it somewhat loosely, and to mean that; We don’t necessarily have to have our govt. explain to us in minute detail, exactly what it is behind the wheel of these crafts that we’re seeing so often these days, to ascertain for ourselves that, clearly, it is something alien in origin. Since most anyone who is capable of independent thought, can correctly make the leap to that assumption. “Alien” meaning most likely, not human, or, anything that is physically controlling the craft being seen at that time. Since the ones that I’m referencing definitely ARE NOT weather balloons, Venus, swamp gas, Chinese lanterns, satellites, anomalistic this, anomalistic that, etc. etc. etc. Jeeeezus!
They are Geoscoptical crafts, capable of gryo maneuvering in direction and leaping exposer of electron stream through time, nicknamed, time benders. The upscale versions mimic stealth, as iso-triangle form
My first signing of UFOs was in 1952 August 100 miles south of Chicago the whole town send it a little town paper. But since I have seen many. Living in four corners New Mexico in the mid 70s was the highlight Of sightings. The last was four years ago that blew my mind 4:30 in the morning
Had no idea about that, I would've tried to get a hold of it 35 years ago when 'Above Top Secret!' came out. It was his story about Alfred Burtoo that convinced me that that abductions were real. I'd heard of the Hills case but there was disinformation about their story from project grudge. Now it's clear they're hybridising with us and moving in the normal looking ones.
@@clivewells7090 You certainly know your stuff. They certainly do have a lot to answer for with all the disinformation and debunking. I too started to read "Above Top Secret" when it first came into our local library. When I tried to buy it off them (you could back then) I was told that the book had been removed from their inventory and wouldn't return. Weird or what. No local book store had it, and there was no online. Amazing book. Timothy's uncle or cousin was American and worked at secret locations with the new spy jet's at that time along with (other) secret craft. He asked him if he liked UFOs as well as aircraft and gave him this book Tim was thoroughly fascinated and hooked as a young boy. He told this story during an interview with Art Bell (Coast to Coast). I was really surprised and disgusted how Tim was treated by Art. . Ridiculed for having no proof. Yet nobody ever interviewed on the show ever produces any proof, and Art Bell believes them. Look it up, it's fascinating what he discusses. Tim's relative would enjoy his whisky during the late night's sat in an armchair and tell him tales of UFOs, retrievals, etc that went on at the base. 👍👍👍👽
@@antongerard273 you've surprised me again, i liked Art and he was usually very accepting of whatever his guests were saying, I'll have to try and find the interview, he normally had people on more than once so I'll go for his 1st visit. Cheers!
@@clivewells7090 No problem. I like Art Bell too, but found him strangely offish to Timothy Good. It was very unusual of him. Go check it out at Coast to Coast classic Art Bell shows. If possible let me know what you think about it. 👽👍
"They Knew too Much about Flying Saucers" Gray barker 1956 makes many references to 3 men in darks suits and men in black suits who come and intimidate those who have evidence of UFOs. pg 92
I've been a professional UFOlogist for forty-six years and two decades back I was researching the works of the late Morris K. Jessup, author of The Case for the U.F.O.. One night while writing I blacked out and when I came too I found two men in dark suits standing in my living room. My first impression was that I was hallucinating or dreaming, but the television was on, they were most certainly real - and then all of the lights went out and I lost consciousness once more. I seldom talk about this incident, but it happened. I questioned whether or not it happened for months, during which time I experienced television interference, phone calls that could not be identified, the 'smellies' - all signs of the paranormal generally associated with the Men In Black phenomenon. At the time I was living in Oklahoma City, and the manifestations continued on and off for years until some two years after they began and my now living in England, the same such incidents continued to occur, and then just as suddenly as they began they came to an abrupt end. I can tell you with some authority that such things do exist and so does some force, possibly paranormal in nature that appears as MiB.
Do NOT doubt your experience. My uncle, ww2 vet in the marines said he saw a flying saucer fly right above his 57 Chevy and it actually shut off his car and the surrounding lights. This man was not superstitious, nor was he one to lie for clout. I seen orbs of lights (ufos) flying in formation in Florida, a line of these weird floating and bobbing lights were spanning the entire sky, it went on for like 20 minutes, hundreds of them.. You can see these ufos everyday if you look up long enough, more often then not they're alone. It's remarkable how many ufos you can see a night, easily over 20 if you stay up. Often my friends and I would trip lsd and just watch the ufos. Anyways, if you're a ufologist for 20 years I'm sure you know all about it and more. But I'm more interested in the bigger picture. Something to research if you want a good understanding of the extent of government technology would be "The Montauk Project." This alone, touches on most of what I'm interested in regarding et races, the occult, time travel, reality manipulation technology, hyperspace, mind manifesting technology, exc. Also research what Bill Cooper and Simon Parkes say on the matter. Simon Parkes talks about how the Men in Black confronted him when he was a child, and how he worked with et races on an intimate level. He wnt on to be a UK politician and still is active on yt. He has quite a lot to say about the et races. Bill Cooper speaks at great length about his military involvement with ufos, and he even predicted 9/11 on his radio show which is what got him killed.. Unfortunately, some of the best videos I've seen on the matter cannot be shared as they get removed. But basically.. Ever seen the movie they live? They're among us, and the most famous people of world are all androgynous just like reptillians. You will never see a real female on TV, strange, but this is just how the truth is presenting itself to me :/ They're agenda is that They're going to stage a false flag alien invasion to push for a global government, order out of chaos, us vs them. The fact is, they already control us, and we need to get hip to the manipulation and war on consciousness
Scientists will say one thing ... But common sense will tell you there is other life out there maybe not like us or animals like we have but I'm sure there may be creatures on other planets . But hell what do I know.
I just listen to this as I when to sleep at night time ,, and I had a big long dream about ufos ,no joke ,I was in ussr I think and same guy was showing a group of us about , at the end of the dream I wanted to fight him as he was misleading us I thought,when I awoke his was still playing 🏴❤️🏴
We do not know if they are a cause for alarm or not there's absolutely zero proof of that statement from them, I'd say it's pretty alarming seeings how they abduct people and do things to them against there will.
Ok I've had several really intense sightings and just the way they just seemed to appear and disappear out of nowhere leads me to believe they are extradimentional or ultraterrestrials as John Keel would call them not extraterrestrial!
@@eddieeclark314 I've seen them. I used to work as a tech illustrator for military contractors and have a pretty good idea of what I saw and it's NOT "alien." They are from Earth. My wild guess is gyroscope-based maybe using mercury but that's just based on some ancient pre-historical legends I read about so that's why I say that.
I think about bob lazar saying they come back in 1623 on the papers and then I think about the Vatican messing up the calendar and then I think wow I may live through 1623.
@@LostAnFound he makes it clear that he is referring to cosmic rays. Much more powerful and dangerous than even gamma rays. ( If that is conceivable.) Though both will kill you, a cosmic ray would flash fry our entire planet, were a supernova to happen too close to our planet
@@LostAnFound well I do in fact know what I'm talking about. what are you asking beyond this? You must make your questions very clear and specific. Otherwise we aren't communicating.
I saved this one before they take it off of TH-cam. This is one of the best I’ve heard. I can’t believe they even put this on TH-cam. I’m passing this off to all my friends like everyone else should before it’s too late and they pull this
Why would there be planets that we cant see - that are far beyond any of our capabilities to see, If we were the ONLY civilization ANYWHERE in the WHOLE of creation? (among many other questions..)
If there was something it makes sense that most activity would have happened near end of WWII and 50s we did so much atomic testing if there was anything out there they might be inclined to take a look at our progression
There's been people speaking about this for decades but it's gained credibility recently. Trump started the spacex program, the military came out with an official acknowledgement... They'll have to introduce the idea to the people slowely so we don't have another repeat of war of the world's where people killed themselves out of fear and panic.
@@annab13 I think it gives us hope. An outside perspective that sees how screwed up we let things become. Seems like many of the experiencers say they tell them we need to change the way we currently are. Respect the planet and our spirituality and so forth. If that makes people suicidal, I don't know what to say.
I saw one and post it to my channel. it's not the best quality but I've never seen nothing move like this. check it out if you want. on a large screen and a dark room you'll definitely see it.
@@stevenhoman9736 Patently that statement is false, inasmuch as the final authority on language, Friends of the Gerund, is American, and declares such a way to be wrong.
The very term “conspiracy theory “was invented by see eye ay to discredit the witnesses and researchers giving them bad name so people wouldn’t believe them
@@raptorman48 Hi Raptorman….nice to see you’re still around. Keep tabs on the Galileo project plus the James Webb telescope. Looks like Tom Delonge has had the Olympic torch taken away from him and it’s been given to Avi Leob. Regards Steve. 😀👍🏻
@@MultiBikerboy1 Yeah I just seen a video recently about the Galileo project and that scientist with lue elizondo and as far as James webb telescope I have been waiting for it to be in space since I first heard about it around 1997 lol
Sadly I have become allergic to aliens, they will just have to keep away from me,they had to abort my abduction, man you can imagine how pissed off I was. But I try to watch a little bit of Richard Dolan still,even though I break out in hives, I love it when he gets angry.
If I'm not mistaken was the first mention of Men in Black. Good read. Not for the "2-minute Hate" Cancel Culture Weak Newbies who are fine with Witch hunts !
@@indridcold2872 possible. I lost all my PDF books when I had to reboot my old laptop to factory settings but I remember reading it somewhere other than Keel. It was an early 1950s book.
@@PowerliftingwithGrandpaCharlie John Keel popularized the term "men In black" in an article for the men's adventure magazine Saga, entitled "UFO Agents of Terror" in 1967.
@@indridcold2872 "They Knew too Much about Flying Saucers" Gray barker 1956 makes many references to 3 men in darks suits and men in black suits who come and intimidate those who have evidence of UFOs.
Let me ask you something. What do you know about fiber optics? Okay, so it’s a technology we can use to send information using light. Now what do you know about Einstein phenomena, or rather high density events which create gravitational lensing? Okay, now is it that far fetched, that there is a technology that utilizes light for navigation, propulsion, what have you. I mean light is the speed limit of the universe unless you fold space, is it that unbelievable that light is somehow a component of future technology that has to do with interstellar travel?
The fact that something flying has not been yet identified does not mean "aliens". The only "alien" unmistakenly identified until now is Ziggy Stardust (and the Spiders from Mars).
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in the year (I guess around 1973) in Turkey/Cappadocia I saw several gray plates(so it seemed to me like that) (and they are similar to those in the picture )in the air.
I guess some 15 pieces or so. They flow following each other in one line from heaven downwards, not straight, in a zigzag.
when they braked they suddenly stopped in the air, (comparing: if a plane brakes it flies kilometers long)
they were 10-15 kilometers far from my position. then they landed on the ground where I could not see the ground, due tue the hills.
I asked my mother what they were, she couldn't answer me. (she also had seen them)
That time I liked this, and was very happy seing flying objects in the air.
in your childhood you forget everything the next day. in old age you remember.
I have fallen to sleep listening to the bullet tones of Mr Mellin, covering at least 2 exceedingly good UFO books dozens of times. This gave me an early grounding in 40s and 50s UFO lore. It helps to place the process of the studying the phenomenon within a basis of fact. From these beginnings I have been able to move ahead in my research. Thank you.
Have you come to the conclusion that "aliens" are "demons"?
It's funny because the 1st ever UFO guy was MISQUOTED when he said a rounded craft flat in the back skipped across the water like a saucer ( apartmently they skipped saucers across the water, like I skipped flat rocks across a pond as a kid) it was how he explained the movement of the UFO, similar to Dave Favor saying the TIC TACk UFO looked like a ping pong ball changing direction Soo rapidly in different directions, years later in 2004.
In the mid 1990, I was fishing at night at a pond not far from my house, when a large black long shaped craft come almost right over me and my son, no sound moving very slow! All of a sudden a huge light came on and shined down to the ground from the craft. My son ran over me trying to get to our vehicle! It was so strange to see something like that.
Where were you both and did you talk about it later?
Swamp gas CH4
The reason I am here listening to this audio is because me and my partner saw a UFO in Brighton UK on Saturday night.
It looked like it was gliding, had a orange glow to it, it moved fast and then instantaneously changed tragectory! And shot off in a different direction! That was NOT a drone, or a satellite or a meteor! I’m still in shock and cannot believe what I was watching! They are here.
Hi Hugh, that's interesting, did it appear to have a shape? I saw a glowing orange/yellow ball drifting from the sky in Devon when I was about 10, I think that was ball lightning. The thing I saw didn't move quickly or dramatically though.
Ball lightning isn’t really a thing, the video everyone thinks is real is actually CGI. UFOs are however real! Truth really is stranger than fiction!
Thank you for telling about it. I have plenty of reason to believe you.
Many believe they are demonic.
@@Beesa10 no it didn’t appear to have a shape, it was kind of like a star moving, it had an amber glow to it, before it shot off in a completely different direction it paused for a split second. This was on Saturday last week and since then I’ve been listening to UFO podcasts… it was absolutely something that had advanced anti gravity technology not from this world! Nothing and I mean nothing that I know resembles what we saw last week!
I rode the school bus with his kids in the late 40’s and loved the flying saucer movies in the 50’s and 50’s. 🛸🛸🛸
Thanks for the excellent narration.😊
When you actually see one on a sunny day about 100 yards from you and you just stare at it with sheer and complete fear in your mind you know they are from another place or planet or dimension and not anything made here! Then in front of your eyes it turns from a solid object into a ball of plasma that slowly dims until it disappears like a light slowly going dimmer til it’s off as just gone completely! And the strangest thing of all is that it’s aware your sitting there looking at it basically telling “hey look over here, look what I can do impressive right? BYE!”
I had similar experiences of different objects in relatively close proximity. First was an amber color Orb four feet in diameter appeared through the trees to the side of a road and stayed steel in front of my friend and me for about two minutes at thirty yards from us. Every few seconds drops from it were dripping to the ground like molten metal sort of. I had a feeling it was observing us and then slowly went back through the trees.
Another time I saw an Orb at night while training a security guard on a site. We were driving a pick up truck and I had an urge to look back and saw an orange light behind like a star. We stopped and I told the guard to proceed to the building and I stayed watching the orb slowly approached me and stood about hundred feet above me. Mentally I said to the orb to move back and forth and get in the middle and it’s done instantly as I proposed. Then it started moving away slowly as my guard approached me . He asked me what I’m doing. I didn’t want to tell him what I saw I just told him I was looking at a helicopter.
Also I saw once a large cigar shaped silver color craft the size of a commercial airliner in a day time crossing the street I’ve been driving through. I stopped and been watching it slowly moving without any noise at three hundred yards from me. I noticed it was sparkling like it was electrocuted an had hot air rings around the body. As soon as I pulled my phone to make a picture it vanished becoming invisible like it used an invisible cloak technology. I was sure they were aware of me watching them.
oh yea…..can they make music?
@@poman12ap that's all interesting! Can you elaborate on the aspect of the first one regarding what reminded you of drops of molten metal? How did they fall? Did they interact with the ground in some way? Actually hitting it? Thanks for sharing!
@@MattOwens hi Matt, there were a park across the road were the Orb was and tall grass under. We didn’t go to look what happened with those drops for some reason I regret now of not doing that. What is interesting when that thing appeared we both looked at it at the same time and been silent till it went back to the park through the trees. My friend looked at me and asked me literally “ do you think it is what you think it is?” And I said “what else is could be “ Than we went inside and I told to his wife of what we just saw. My friend was looking at me kind of strange. In a week I called him to talk about it and he said he didn’t see anything like it and until now denies it.
Politicians are so full of crap it pathetic . They have forgotten who they work for but they are about to get a wake up call , We the people !
There's a biography of Major Keyhoe available, AGAINST THE ODDS : ONE MANS FIGHT TO END UFO SECRECY, by Linda C. Howell. Anomaly Books, 2023. I highly recommend it.
I was watching a documentary about how the earth has had 3 supercontinents in its history, when plate tectonics pushed the continents together. One lasted a billion years. We ( us) have only been around for a couple of hundred thousand years, there’s no telling where these folks are from, they could be a species that reached high technology on this earth a BILLION years ago and went to the oceans or underground to enjoy moving through dimensions or whatever.
Me and a buddy witnessed three on his family’s farm, close and in daylight, as have thousands of others. I’m 52 and this is the only sighting I’ve had. Somebody is here
I'm sorry, but I'll bet anything you're either lying, or you're just repeating a sighting you heard someone else talking about.
If aliens where anywhere in the local neighborhood, I think Thier existence would be pretty damn unmistakeable. People have just assumed that there's this rule that says that aliens would keep Thier existence a secret. And that the reason our govt hasn't disclosed alien existence is because they think we will all go around killing and having nervous breakdowns. This subject used to be interesting. Not anymore. Now it's getting kinda scary. Not because aliens exist; but because you people are already ready to draft a damn national address confirming Thier existence. You people get to acting so fuckin goofy over this stupid shit 😂😂😂
@CGMeadia/Spaceley- Sound Art Media systems stfu
@CGMeadia/Spaceley- Sound Art Media systems That’s right. Who says an ancient civilization on Earth couldn’t have developed beyond anything we’ve ever done since. The Egyptian empire invented glass, and that was lost for a couple of thousand years and was rediscovered. So…maybe these ancients came up with travel through spacetime…and THAT was also lost…and is still lost to us today.
...if they are that technologically advanced, logically why should they hide under the ocean yet there is a beautiful landmass where we live???
I wanna jump in and say four main strips of land were raised above the earth. These were stomped down waiste and debris of the planet. Over time even the giant beings who did it would die and be stomped down as well. These four main strips are the four corners of the earth and they have been quarried on or against. Creating our shore lines.
This quarried land was chambers underground were they cooked and cut these blocks.
These were known as hell or pits of hell or hell fire. Hot fire.
U were forced to work in them . Criminals would be thrown in these chambers .
The first chambers to appear were the seed chambers or cradles.
These would be quarried and stomped waste in them then plant the seed and water. Giants again did this.
The point to grow and expand the earth. To create a food source.
This wood take over seeding the earth. So they plant thousands of what u would call conglomerates. Bunch of spouts grown together.
Our trees are just spouts .
These giants become smaller as the generations go on. The planet to small to sustain them. Each generation now small forced to work for the one before. These four cities war and disagree alot about these huge chambers there cutting. It's what destroyed there planet. And so they had to keep strict rules.
There waste is the problem it must be controlled.
Giants dropping duce everywhere and doing nothing with it. Being lazy.
It needs to be stomped. Flat or maintained in the chamber .
The smaller they get the less they wanna stomp poo. So well they come against the giant gods and loose and it starts a whole new era of life. This happens back and fourth a few times. Eventually causing the earth to flood. This would be considered a wash. This would be done on small scale for each groing season. But this time it was to clean the earth. Three times this happens collapsing chambers eventually the big one comes. The water weight to much and sinks the valleys and raises the mountains causing our oceans. The influx of waste and blood and death and all. Is why the salt is so high
U can see these chambers all over we still dig them for our own reason. But its fact .
Giants also now fact.
And floods we are about to find out about its fact.
And the waste and wood u stand on. Fact. Lol
Just watch drone videos of earth. And ur mind will be blown u have to look to see.
Anyway we are the aliens and we were created to work as slaves.
Free will muked that up. Thank u Creator. There is an original creation by the way. Just not here we dont belong here. This is not our home . Someone else said that. Hmmm
The gravity of it all. Is well. Anyway. We are the descendants of giant sun beings these animals are huge ape like creatures. But way bigger and smarter. They produced several lines of this man but only one actually worked. The others were lazy and disobedient. There the apes.
And one race of people who are derect descent from them in india.
But these guys line bread and mix bread everything to create what we see . The tree of life we call it was a pine tree we ate the pine nuts. The first of the fruits.
They have alot of everything we need to live. Even heal.
These pine varieties called palms are later created to produce actual fruit.
And we eat that.
All we eat is manipulated to be this way even the pine now.
The tree of sin and death. Is a waste chamber and grain chamber . U must work to fill the grain. And work to maintain the waste. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Is meat it's a butchery and it's the sin of killing and eating death.
The garden is were u just eat and poo as long as u dont eat meat. It spoils the soil. Killing plants.
Why do I point this out. Because it's the story its truth.
Also the cool thing is they brought pets huge animals with them released them in kept corrals very big ones. Lol.
These would be bread out to be what we see today. . Extinction has wiped out alot . But the flood the most. This world is now about to see these chambers do there thing and it is gonna be bad already getting bad. So please be safe. And no there is no aliens because we are the aliens. !! Lol Nanu Nanu 🖖
Dang Kehoe! You were dead on right dude! I salute your bravery post mortem Major.
..or written for profit from book sales to a gullible audience. IDK
1972 I was 22 years old, my friend and I on a road trip took a wrong turn into Death Valley in the middle of the night, about an hour into the valley a flying saucer came over us and hovered just a few hundred feet above us, we had binoculars and could clearly see occupants in the windows of the UFO, it was typical saucer shape with pulsatiing green, red and blue lights around the middle of the craft just below the obsevation deck. We watched it so I dont know how long, and then it drifted slowly away as the sun came up. , I think DV is not far from area 51, so it may have been a secret craft they were testing way back in 1972. Scarey but true.
yo say ""middle of the night"" yet you say ""then it drifted slowly away as the sun came up"" ...you have already confused yourself which qualifies your statement to be a pure white lie
@@andymakau3936 what comes after nite ...
morning what happens in the morning ...ooh !!
the sun rises ...
What did the occupants look like?
@@rezzer7918🧠 Obtain Use.
this guy is going to read my eulogy
Did a great job on mine
I have had strange experiences since a child,when I was about 8 I would see 2 big bright beings that were huge in my room,I know they were angels,and then a few months later I was hit by a car and almost died,there were people all over the street who heard the commotion and were standing by as well as my brothers and sister,there was a man who appeared and laid his hands on my face,then he left and drove off in a jeep,my one brother is the only one who saw this man besides me, it was an angel, then,I had an experience with an invisible entity in PA, and I can go on.......
This is true because angels are known to love Jeeps.
@Blaker14 you can believe what you want.
@@bendudley2387 ok no need to be rude.
I'm an atheist but I believe you. I am slowly realizing that Atheism does not best fit the information that I see in my everyday life.
Hi Paul, if you read the Bible starting with the New Testament you will realize the truth of God’s word if you are seeking. Matthew chapter 24 is beginning to happen as well as 2 Timothy chapter 3. The book of Revelation tells of a coming one world leader who will cause all to receive a mark to participate in the world’s economy that involves worshiping the beast. Taking the mark will make one inhuman and will send the receiver to a bottomless pit. It’s starting to happen in real time. (A. I., global network, digital currency)
God said Israel would become a nation again and take Him at His word. That was the beginning of the countdown to the end times. Read Matthew chapter 5-7 and let the Holy Spirit change you.
How could this universe create itself??? Do you believe the lie of evolution that is taught to school children so they will not question it?
All systems disintegrate/decay over time… Law of entropy
Bottom line Jesus came as the Passover lamb as a sacrifice for our sins substituting Himself in our place since we were born into sin. A few understood Him when He came the first time but the scholars of the time could have read the book of Daniel that gave the time of His coming. They could have read Isaiah 52:14 to Isaiah which foretells of His suffering. Isaiah 35: 5-6 tells of the miracles He would do. He is alive, risen from death.
Google Shroud of Turin.
He is coming back to judge this world and God’s anger will be poured out.
Please, please, please receive the free gift of eternal life He’s offering you! There is a reason you are questioning your belief system. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and to lead, guide, direct and protect you.
A-admit you’re a sinner (we all are)
B-believe He died for you
C-confess Him before others
I hope you will watch Pastor Tom Hughes on TH-cam
I thought God was far away and didn’t care about me or this world but have found out that He wants a personal relationship with us. He’s coming back soon.
I saw a black triangle plowing through the upper atmosphere horizon to horizon on July 3, 2010 in RI pushing through plasma fire as it cut across the sky.
I saw a massive triangle , was deep night time in NV , 2002.
@@christianradioE5 The big black triangles are said to belong to the Military Industrial Complex which is know to operate out of the Nevada desert.
They are usually called TR3B.
@@codetech5598 the American military will unleash the tr3bs if it all kicks off with russia next year...remember the stealth fighter was unveiled in the first gulf War but was tested att area51 in the late 70s early 80s.
The 🛸 are watching the nukes🚀👀
Like B2 spirit bomber? Or the f-117 night hawk...
@@Akshfkep seemed much larger to me
Mantell also said, just before bein stricken, that he could see through the portholes that people were aboard.
What is your source?
@@teksal13 Dave Emory "For the Record" online archive labeled "Spitfire List". Not sure which episode.
I'm not familiar with a "Project Saucer". And I have never heard a UFO investigator refer to this project. I am aware of Project Blue Book and the MJ12 committee, these are a matter of record.
The narrator says that "Project Saucer" was not the official name. It is mentioned about a third of the way through. There was officially Project Grudge, Project Sign, Project Blue Book.....
(then there will probably have been more secret projects - investigation was "meant" to have been abandoned)....then the admission of the existence of AATIP.
The Foo Fighters ...
was Roosevelt s Project Jefferson ...
The Development of the Round Winged Airplane ....
Keyhoe says I’m the book it was not the real name of the project .The government did not divulge the name until after the book was published the actual name was project Sign
@@peterdelia1814 Yes. Grudge - Sign - Blue Book - AATIP these are the names that I know of.
i never saw a saucer or a physical thing but i watched a light hovering/floating over the trees, i thought it was a helicopter using a heat thing to find weed or mabey looking for something. but as i sat and watched i didnt hear anything but crickets in the grass. after like 3-4 minutes of watching the light kinda go down to like the top of the trees and back up over about 20 feet , it then rose up higher stopped and then legit went straight up fast like really fast and thats when i was pretty freaked out. ill think about it regularly sense it happened, but that was when i was 18-19 and im 27 now! i didnt know drones existed or like they how we see them now so mabey was a drone but i really have no idea how it moved that fast or why it was just a light and not anything iv seen before or again. sucks because i remember what happened but i wish i could see it agin because i really had no thoughts on aliens or ufos and i kinda blew it off besides telling a few close friends. then about 2 years ago i was talking to a high school friend who lives across the street from the woods where i saw it and i told him the story and told him how it was just wild and i think about it alot and he was cool about it and was like ya thats wild! so convo ends and the next day he messaged me saying that he told his dad about what i saw years ago and ig his father said he had seen weird things like that happen too! was really nice to hear that because obv i dont wanna share the story with ppl unless i think they would be open minded enough considering Ive had a few ppl i told look at me like bs or ur retarted so it was nice to know he had seen some shit too! sorry for the grammar im pretty trash at spelling and punctuations 😂
if anyone has ever seen anything like that feel free to tell me about it!
You could and should sharpen your writing skills wrt grammar and spelling in order to be taken more seriously and get ahead in life. Just saying.
That's creepy situation...... wish I could experience something like that....seems that was indeed a close encounter....
Great listening 😚
The moon is inhabited .Alien hunter .Watch ! You wont be dissapointed!
@@magsk6721 on TH-cam?
@@magsk6721 Great show!!😉😚
@@magsk6721 🖖
I saw a triangular ship fly over me in 2009 it was like it was in slow motion it stopped and exploded into to a big star and stayed there I would have kept watching it only I would have been late for work will never forget it
@Pat: which part of the world was this observation?
The answer about why discs/saucers are able to maneuver impossible speeds around aircraft is very simple once you realize one thing. They
aren't subject to aerodynamics because they are operating in a "bubble' in space-time. This is created by antigravity created by a rotating electromagnetic field.
Bob Lazar tell you that?
I find it strange that the official narrative now is, the US DoD knows they exist, but don't know what they are. But if Bobs story is factual, the US Government, knows what they are, and has flown them. It's cool they legitimized UFO phenomenon. But the whole truth will probably never be revealed.
Technology has exposed UAPs, and hard evidence of existence is now easily possible. Especially if it's from military personnel on their own equipment.
But the "bubble" theory or gravity wave propulsion has yet to be confirmed, but it's funny the US Navy holds patents on this exact technology. Almost describing the UAPs capabilities to the exact!! There's more to be known,.....tick tock
@@thetreblerebel My Lord No! Scotty and Geordi schooled me when I got the nickle tour of the USS Enterprise! Captain Kirk and Spock and Jean-Luc Picard and Data were good hosts too!
Wow! You're like smart or something. Gee whiz......!
The differences between World War One and Two should be obvious an huge standing army faced each other in an bitter and bloody battle that was ultimately reduced to trench warfare but in the second world war civilian populations towns and cities became the legitamite targets and this despite the terms of the Geneva Convention which had outlawed this barbaric tactic...I wonder if this could properly account for the second world war phenomana of Foo Fighters and the subsequent post 1945 era of the coming of the saucers?...
Good information, didn't know that
Not to mention the atomic bomb...
Geneva convetion occured after ww2
@@billballinger5622 Not so the Geneva convention guided the princples of warfare throughout this conflict...
@@Saturn-Matrix well its true UFOs appeared as Foo Fighters sighted over western europe initially then the pacific..they where an ariel phenomanon primarily as rarely seen from the ground...
They're real..real mysterious
..Real fictional.
5:22:30 is such a fascinating but terrifying thought.
Good info
Great reader thank you
Yessss & no background music!
'They' have been here for much longer than mankind. Some live here and some are visiting.
Nope, no intelligent superior being would have let Trump happen, if they wanted us so fecked they would have just zapped us.
@@herzkine You mean they wouldn't have let that fool Biden happen I'll take Trump back as president!
@@herzkine obviously they don't interfere with politics or Biden wouldn't be stumbling around the white house looking for his marbles right now
@@obiwanshanobi2662 well trump definately didnt leave a marble there, never had one
I agree completely
it was true how it happened it manouvered around the rocket and zapped it out of comission
I think I watched the footage of that situation, really stunning.
Yeah, it was a dummy nuclear warhead our government was testing. And the "disc" zapped it with some sort of energy weapon. Probably what Mandel got hit with when he attempted to attack a spaceship with that old P-51... but maybe he did pose a real threat to them .50 BMG is pretty bad-ass.
One thing about it, we quit trying to attack them in order to bring one down after what happened to Mandel. Other than the Iranian pilots who went after one with weapons hot only to have their weapons and navigation systems disabled until they broke off the attempted attack.
Likely if they wanted us all dead, all they've got to do is throw one big well aimed rock at us.
..... well aimed rock!
Good one!
@No false hope Darling it seems that way, but there are some thoughts there are people or cousins beneath us, somewhere in the earth... It is possible :)
@No false hope Darling Yes, i agree :) Take care dear friend!
This book by Keyhoe is dated somewhat, but still quite fascinating. The idea of stable "wormholes" has only become widely known in recent decades thanks to sci Fi TV and such. But they may well provide a bypass to the light-speed barrier. One can hardly blame the Major for not knowing of this as most people didn't't until decades later 🛸🛸
I'm one of many people that aliens visited as a child why I don't know but , what's trippy is i could really use there help right now .
They must be real because I have myself witnessed a very large orange glowing disk shape craft fly over my head heading West over Gorleston on Sea Norfolk UK from my back garden after 1:00am night sky I watched it disappear over the clouds to the West I had flashed my large torch at it before the disk shape craft disappeared, while I continued to watch the night sky for other unknown objects this orange disk shape craft had returned from the West a quarter of an hour later this time underneath the clouds appearing halfway out of the clouds paused for a moment I flashed my large torch at it, it retreat slowly back into the clouds and vanished not be seen again that night or ever again. I have witnessed in the day time a very very large melon seed shape craft glowing white fly at an ex-streamly high altitude traveling ex-streamly fast speed heading West over my head from the East over my head while I was having coffee on my porch in the afternoon I had just finished doing my garden this was seen over Gorleston on Sea Norfolk UK.
What do you suppose it was? Who do you suppose was responsible for this UFO?
@@iainmair485 The very large orange glowing disk shape craft is not of our own making that I do know. As for the melon seed shape craft that glowed white it could possibly been an alien craft in a secret collaboration with the American's maybe it's just that it's too amazing to be wone of our own in the making it had to be Alien. Why I say it might be the American's is because know sooner that I had seen this craft a little time after that the troubles of North Korea with Missiles had died down on the News.
The melon seed couldve been the hypersonic craft they've got but you would've heard a sonic boom! (Now I've re-read your account that it was very, very large I don't think it was ours.)
@@clivewells7090 Yes it was very very large for it be a small stealth fighter and they are generally black, what I saw was very white frosted glowing look about it.
There sure is a lot going on in the sky over your house ! Puff puff pass !
I feel like at this juncture, we can maybe start calling them, “IFO’s” cuz…we now know that they’re alien flying crafts.
How do you know it's not inter-dimensional travel?
@@fherlinn I don’t “know” much of anything for a fact. But whatever they are, be it inter dimensional or from another planet, in my mind they both would be considered as being very “alien” in nature to us.
@EZ Z “If the US Navy doesn’t know”……
Yeah, because the US Navy is going to be forthright with the American public, and thus, the global population as a whole, as to what it does definitively know or does not know, regarding the phenomena of “UAPS.
They’ve never really withheld “intel” from the general public, for reasons pertaining to
“national security.” Or shelved critical info that the public had a right to know about, and labeled it as “CLASSIFIED” or “TOP SECRET” or
“REPTILIAN EYES ONLY!” For 50 years, until a heavily redacted “UNCLASSIFIED” version is released amongst a Andre The Giant sized data dump.
My friend, the Navy knows all about ufos, space is considered their jurisdiction, research "Bill (Milton) William Cooper" says about his experiences with them as a naval intelligence officer. He had his own radio show, predicted 9/11, and was killed for it. Yeah, he said UFOs the size of aircraft carriers could just come out the water with no apparent resistance
Jesus Christ! Lol…I’ve got Captain Obvious,
General Literal & Sargent Semantics over here, giving me shit, for what I thought was a fairly general consensus comment, among the most common sensible of “us.” But apparently, I was mistaken.
My point was to say, and keep in mind that when I use the term “alien” that I’m using it somewhat loosely, and to mean that;
We don’t necessarily have to have our govt. explain to us in minute detail, exactly what it is behind the wheel of these crafts that we’re seeing so often these days, to ascertain for ourselves that, clearly, it is something alien in origin. Since most anyone who is capable of independent thought, can correctly make the leap to that assumption. “Alien” meaning most likely, not human, or, anything that is physically controlling the craft being seen at that time. Since the ones that I’m referencing definitely ARE NOT weather balloons, Venus, swamp gas, Chinese lanterns, satellites, anomalistic this, anomalistic that, etc. etc. etc. Jeeeezus!
They are Geoscoptical crafts, capable of gryo maneuvering in direction and leaping exposer of electron stream through time, nicknamed, time benders. The upscale versions mimic stealth, as iso-triangle form
Your description matches what I saw.
@@VideoRandomChannel I KNOW what I saw.
@@stevecooper7038 finalky Tesla is laughing about all this pseudo scientific bullshit he is used for today...
My first signing of UFOs was in 1952 August 100 miles south of Chicago the whole town send it a little town paper. But since I have seen many. Living in four corners New Mexico in the mid 70s was the highlight Of sightings. The last was four years ago that blew my mind 4:30 in the morning
Such a interesting book..
Thanks for Uploading.
Simply fantastic! Thoroughly enjoyed it. This is the book that inspired UFO researcher Tomothy Good. Just subbed.
Had no idea about that, I would've tried to get a hold of it 35 years ago when 'Above Top Secret!' came out. It was his story about Alfred Burtoo that convinced me that that abductions were real. I'd heard of the Hills case but there was disinformation about their story from project grudge. Now it's clear they're hybridising with us and moving in the normal looking ones.
@@clivewells7090 You certainly know your stuff. They certainly do have a lot to answer for with all the disinformation and debunking. I too started to read "Above Top Secret" when it first came into our local library. When I tried to buy it off them (you could back then) I was told that the book had been removed from their inventory and wouldn't return. Weird or what. No local book store had it, and there was no online. Amazing book. Timothy's uncle or cousin was American and worked at secret locations with the new spy jet's at that time along with (other) secret craft. He asked him if he liked UFOs as well as aircraft and gave him this book Tim was thoroughly fascinated and hooked as a young boy. He told this story during an interview with Art Bell (Coast to Coast). I was really surprised and disgusted how Tim was treated by Art. . Ridiculed for having no proof. Yet nobody ever interviewed on the show ever produces any proof, and Art Bell believes them. Look it up, it's fascinating what he discusses. Tim's relative would enjoy his whisky during the late night's sat in an armchair and tell him tales of UFOs, retrievals, etc that went on at the base. 👍👍👍👽
@@antongerard273 you've surprised me again, i liked Art and he was usually very accepting of whatever his guests were saying, I'll have to try and find the interview, he normally had people on more than once so I'll go for his 1st visit. Cheers!
@@clivewells7090 No problem. I like Art Bell too, but found him strangely offish to Timothy Good. It was very unusual of him. Go check it out at Coast to Coast classic Art Bell shows. If possible let me know what you think about it. 👽👍
@@clivewells7090 The show was "Dark Matter" , October 24th, 2013. Tim Good. Hope this helps.
Who listened to the full 7:25:37???
I have on several occasions. Nice to fall asleep to
Me, for one, and multiple times. It is soothing.
They are, I saw one near my mouse in AZ in July 1995.
Pmsl 😂😂🤔🤔
Is your mouse okay? was he frightened? :O
"They Knew too Much about Flying Saucers" Gray barker 1956
makes many references to 3 men in darks suits and men in black suits who come and intimidate those who have evidence of UFOs. pg 92
I've been a professional UFOlogist for forty-six years and two decades back I was researching the works of the late Morris K. Jessup, author of The Case for the U.F.O.. One night while writing I blacked out and when I came too I found two men in dark suits standing in my living room. My first impression was that I was hallucinating or dreaming, but the television was on, they were most certainly real - and then all of the lights went out and I lost consciousness once more.
I seldom talk about this incident, but it happened. I questioned whether or not it happened for months, during which time I experienced television interference, phone calls that could not be identified, the 'smellies' - all signs of the paranormal generally associated with the Men In Black phenomenon. At the time I was living in Oklahoma City, and the manifestations continued on and off for years until some two years after they began and my now living in England, the same such incidents continued to occur, and then just as suddenly as they began they came to an abrupt end.
I can tell you with some authority that such things do exist and so does some force, possibly paranormal in nature that appears as MiB.
Do NOT doubt your experience. My uncle, ww2 vet in the marines said he saw a flying saucer fly right above his 57 Chevy and it actually shut off his car and the surrounding lights. This man was not superstitious, nor was he one to lie for clout. I seen orbs of lights (ufos) flying in formation in Florida, a line of these weird floating and bobbing lights were spanning the entire sky, it went on for like 20 minutes, hundreds of them.. You can see these ufos everyday if you look up long enough, more often then not they're alone. It's remarkable how many ufos you can see a night, easily over 20 if you stay up. Often my friends and I would trip lsd and just watch the ufos. Anyways, if you're a ufologist for 20 years I'm sure you know all about it and more. But I'm more interested in the bigger picture. Something to research if you want a good understanding of the extent of government technology would be "The Montauk Project." This alone, touches on most of what I'm interested in regarding et races, the occult, time travel, reality manipulation technology, hyperspace, mind manifesting technology, exc. Also research what Bill Cooper and Simon Parkes say on the matter. Simon Parkes talks about how the Men in Black confronted him when he was a child, and how he worked with et races on an intimate level. He wnt on to be a UK politician and still is active on yt. He has quite a lot to say about the et races. Bill Cooper speaks at great length about his military involvement with ufos, and he even predicted 9/11 on his radio show which is what got him killed.. Unfortunately, some of the best videos I've seen on the matter cannot be shared as they get removed. But basically.. Ever seen the movie they live? They're among us, and the most famous people of world are all androgynous just like reptillians. You will never see a real female on TV, strange, but this is just how the truth is presenting itself to me :/
They're agenda is that They're going to stage a false flag alien invasion to push for a global government, order out of chaos, us vs them. The fact is, they already control us, and we need to get hip to the manipulation and war on consciousness
Hmn could be agents k and j.
@@avengingterrier3244 Did you think about getting regressive hypnosis? Take a friend to monitor and record the session.
Lay off the drugs.
Read this when I was a child. A portent.
Scientists will say one thing ... But common sense will tell you there is other life out there maybe not like us or animals like we have but I'm sure there may be creatures on other planets . But hell what do I know.
Set 70 years ago, circa 1950
i believe
Swamp gas readily explains every encounter. Remember that movie Close Encounters? Swamp Gas and Venus misidentified.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 flying swap gas...gota watch out for those
I have seen a lot of different types of crafts some the size of cars and some the size as big as two football fields.
What in the Sam Hill is a flying sarsser?
Really ? You dont know? Theres lots when i fall out with my husband 😉🤭
I just listen to this as I when to sleep at night time ,, and I had a big long dream about ufos ,no joke ,I was in ussr I think and same guy was showing a group of us about , at the end of the dream I wanted to fight him as he was misleading us I thought,when I awoke his was still playing 🏴❤️🏴
I listened to Unacknowledged going to sleep last night, can't remember the dreams ,,but was handy alright 😴 😴
We need communism to defeat the aliens
Just did the same last night, minus the dreams but yea pretty good sleep however 🔫👽🤖⛰🛩
We do not know if they are a cause for alarm or not there's absolutely zero proof of that statement from them, I'd say it's pretty alarming seeings how they abduct people and do things to them against there will.
Timestamps please
Nothing changed since way back then!
Ok I've had several really intense sightings and just the way they just seemed to appear and disappear out of nowhere leads me to believe they are extradimentional or ultraterrestrials as John Keel would call them not extraterrestrial!
Yea sure you have
I had a really great sighting of 3 of them with 12 witnesses and they are NOT from "outer space" no matter what.
@@eddieeclark314 I've seen them. I used to work as a tech illustrator for military contractors and have a pretty good idea of what I saw and it's NOT "alien." They are from Earth. My wild guess is gyroscope-based maybe using mercury but that's just based on some ancient pre-historical legends I read about so that's why I say that.
@@kathykonkle1097 thats a very good opinion you have. very good one! thank you for sharing
@@kathykonkle1097 Cool Kathy! That's really interesting! For real! pcgameware is a troll I think or he's afraid?
Only eight hours long?
Thanks..awesome stuff to lay down to
Love beastie boys
Another dimension, Another dimension, Another dimension, Another dimension, Another dimension,
@@jeffandersen7397 hahaha. Yaaaassssss!!!
I love less than a mile from T.A.F.B in Oklahoma City. I've seen clear spears numerous times NW of the base.
I think about bob lazar saying they come back in 1623 on the papers and then I think about the Vatican messing up the calendar and then I think wow I may live through 1623.
3:34:11 - What is the energy that creates atomic rays as distinct from atomic energy? Seems they are talking about another type of radiation here.
What on earth are atomic rays? Do you mean neutrons?
@@stevenhoman9736 I'm asking the same thing
@@LostAnFound he makes it clear that he is referring to cosmic rays. Much more powerful and dangerous than even gamma rays. ( If that is conceivable.) Though both will kill you, a cosmic ray would flash fry our entire planet, were a supernova to happen too close to our planet
@@stevenhoman9736 You have no idea what you're talking about, but I appreciate the effort
@@LostAnFound well I do in fact know what I'm talking about. what are you asking beyond this? You must make your questions very clear and specific. Otherwise we aren't communicating.
Brilliant! Xx
And now it's too real
Why? That report didn't come up with any evidence at all.
@@Niki_Nielsen The Navy pilot's coming forward along with the Go fast and Gimbal and FLIR video's that were leaked out in 2007 did!
@@raptorman48 It could be anything. Nothing has been proven yet.
The first time in the world is a great game for a good game but I can’t get to see it all this week LLP has been a great day and a great game I
I saved this one before they take it off of TH-cam. This is one of the best I’ve heard. I can’t believe they even put this on TH-cam. I’m passing this off to all my friends like everyone else should before it’s too late and they pull this
I'm going to sleep listening to this after hearing it before, it's such a cunty ending after all the evidence
The existence of intelligent life on the planet Earth has still not been proven.
Why would there be planets that we cant see - that are far beyond any of our capabilities to see, If we were the ONLY civilization ANYWHERE in the WHOLE of creation? (among many other questions..)
If you think this is something! Google Bingham light,Dillon county SC. I was there also.
The author is interesting.
Reminds me of a slowed down Brian Griffin. He does a good job narrating the conversational bits
56:38 glid. Minus 2 points.
When have you last said "hand me a saucer for my spaghetti "hahahaha
If there was something it makes sense that most activity would have happened near end of WWII and 50s we did so much atomic testing if there was anything out there they might be inclined to take a look at our progression
Ramping up for project blue beam
This is from 1947-1950 but ok.
There's been people speaking about this for decades but it's gained credibility recently. Trump started the spacex program, the military came out with an official acknowledgement... They'll have to introduce the idea to the people slowely so we don't have another repeat of war of the world's where people killed themselves out of fear and panic.
@@annab13 I think it gives us hope. An outside perspective that sees how screwed up we let things become. Seems like many of the experiencers say they tell them we need to change the way we currently are. Respect the planet and our spirituality and so forth. If that makes people suicidal, I don't know what to say.
I’m more fond of the TR-3B 🤓
Yes they are… I see them a lot… lots of evidence.
Project saucer victims/agents: tap in
This is a major Donald keyhole
Beware of the LAST CARD: the false "alien" invasion... Now You know.
I saw one and post it to my channel. it's not the best quality but I've never seen nothing move like this. check it out if you want. on a large screen and a dark room you'll definitely see it.
... sure.. "the Brits",..
(I thought I was going to die laughing).
1:23:16 dove, not dived.
Americans don't speak British English
They say lighted, instead of lit.
@@stevenhoman9736 Patently that statement is false, inasmuch as the final authority on language, Friends of the Gerund, is American, and declares such a way to be wrong.
@@friendsofthegerund7693 very mischievous and amusing of you.
@@stevenhoman9736 Vielen dank. I need a way to externalize this possibly antisocial obsession.
They are here people and most of you need to wake up out of denial.
Gil 180 BX 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷
Flying saucers are nothing. Wait until you see flying pots and pans.
Sounds better at +0.25 speed. Now take me to your leader! 👽
They must be...
Without question.
Swamp Gas, I Tell Ya,,,,,
@@catchaser52 swamp ass!!
Steele most likely Raymond Fowler.
So you mean all those conspiracy theory nuts weren't crazy?!! Lol
Nope they were telling the truth or at least most of them were but some are liar's just like the government people are liar's!
The very term “conspiracy theory “was invented by see eye ay to discredit the witnesses and researchers giving them bad name so people wouldn’t believe them
@@raptorman48 Hi Raptorman….nice to see you’re still around. Keep tabs on the Galileo project plus the James Webb telescope. Looks like Tom Delonge has had the Olympic torch taken away from him and it’s been given to Avi Leob. Regards Steve. 😀👍🏻
@@MultiBikerboy1 Yeah I just seen a video recently about the Galileo project and that scientist with lue elizondo and as far as James webb telescope I have been waiting for it to be in space since I first heard about it around 1997 lol
Sadly I have become allergic to aliens, they will just have to keep away from me,they had to abort my abduction, man you can imagine how pissed off I was. But I try to watch a little bit of Richard Dolan still,even though I break out in hives, I love it when he gets angry.
7:20:29 they already know they have been watching us👽
Common, 1.75 is the way to go!
You bet there real
I bet they are
So basically nothing to worry about, as the population continues to clime while this systematic close range extermination is happening.
a very informative report!- maybe a robot can!
If I'm not mistaken was the first mention of Men in Black. Good read.
Not for the "2-minute Hate" Cancel Culture Weak Newbies who are fine with Witch hunts !
The first mention of Men in Black was done by John Keel.
@@indridcold2872 possible. I lost all my PDF books when I had to reboot my old laptop to factory settings but I remember reading it somewhere other than Keel. It was an early 1950s book.
@@PowerliftingwithGrandpaCharlie John Keel popularized the term "men In black" in an article for the men's adventure magazine Saga, entitled "UFO Agents of Terror" in 1967.
@@indridcold2872 "They Knew too Much about Flying Saucers" Gray barker 1956
makes many references to 3 men in darks suits and men in black suits who come and intimidate those who have evidence of UFOs.
@@PowerliftingwithGrandpaCharlie Thanks, was not aware of this.
Wheels inside a Wheel.
I don't think "flying saucers" need got dam navigational lights.
Let me ask you something. What do you know about fiber optics? Okay, so it’s a technology we can use to send information using light. Now what do you know about Einstein phenomena, or rather high density events which create gravitational lensing? Okay, now is it that far fetched, that there is a technology that utilizes light for navigation, propulsion, what have you. I mean light is the speed limit of the universe unless you fold space, is it that unbelievable that light is somehow a component of future technology that has to do with interstellar travel?
Solar Reflections on Low-hanging clouds-hail that flattened out in decent. 🤔😯
I once sat down on a toilet and a long brown alien thing came out of my butt.
It really happened.
I’ve seen plenty of
The fact that something flying has not been yet identified does not mean "aliens".
The only "alien" unmistakenly identified until now is Ziggy Stardust (and the Spiders from Mars).
Does not mean 'aliens' or 'not aliens'.
It’s Tesla tec. From 1914.
Yep, petroleum industry can never let it get out.