I did watch couple of your videos and it’s amazing thanks for sharing all your experience and keep it up. I would love to give two comments the first is regarding the Dyson hair dryer I use Dyson for almost 6 months now and I really loved it form all the dries I have been used Its number one, it’s quite, fast drying, and doesn’t damage my hair. Whenever you buy expensive items it’s recommended to buy it directly from the company, I bought mine directly from the company and I had 30 days return police and It comes with two years warranty also the flyaway attachment is not made to work as an iron the purpose of that is after you done styling basically done with ironing to bring the flyaway hair to the surface trust me keep using it you will love it and you will see huge change on your hair. My second comment to repair your damaged hair use home made hair-mask and make sure not to give your hair too much protein which makes it dry so use one week egg, avocado, and honey and the other week banana, honey, and coconut oil so you will balance the protein intake for your hair, you will see a lot change that is how I recovered my hair. Good luck.
Personally I stopped straightening my hair after I had my daughter to show her to embrace her own hair. You are gorgeous, hair and all! Try omitting heat if you want your healthy hair back and I promise you, your hair will thrive 💜. My hair when straightened is currently at 32 inches😉. I straighten it once a year for a professional trim, other than that i trim it and style it at home . I wear it mostly twists and twist out. Most people think it’s extensions when they see it in a straightened state.
Wow elsy,thank you for this useful video I was thinking of buying it but because it was kind of expensive I was hesitating! After seeing your video I’m so glad I didn’t get it.I enjoy watching your video.keep it up beautiful 🤩😘
I love that hairdryer! I bought it last year and it works for my thick/big long hair (and my hair is not “lucha”).. I’ve only used it with the comb attachment and it has really worked great for me.. I also don’t use it on very wet hair..I use it on damp/semi-dry hair. It has been a game changer for me
Elsiye, we thank you so much for this amazing video. You are such a class! I always wanted to buy a Dyson blow drier, and here you are saving your gurl here. You probably know this, but a quick reminder, to always use a microfiber towel for the hair. It just makes a huge difference on the texture of the hair, and also to use a separate towel for the face, always!
Sis, when you use dyson use round brush its really work. I'm hairstyle i use at work same as I said you will see the difference dyson is really worth it.
Hi my beautiful sister, I have been a follower and a subscriber for about 10 months now, and I love what you do for your fellow Ethiopians. However, as much as I like your content, the current state of our country has been so disturbing that I haven’t been watching your videos as I used to. Please use your platform to promote unity as much as you can. Ethiopia needs her children more so now than ever. The Western world along with our own brothers and sisters are trying to destroy our land! In order for us to be call ourselves Ethiopians, there has to be a country called Ethiopia. Let’s make sure we have a country and a legacy we can leave for the next generation. Let us all do something.
Thank you Elsieye, you saved me the headache of buying the dyson only to return it. What brand is the cheaper dryer? The ones they sell in the US are not that good because they break easily or don’t work as well. Thanks again. P.s I love your hair color too, what is it?
ውዶችዬ እባካችሁን የራሳችንን ጸጉር እንከባከብ በሚስማማን መልኩ 👉በጠየቃችሁኝ መሰረት እኔ የምጠቀማቸው ምርቶች 👉እነዚህ ናቸው ተባረኩልኝ 🙏🏻
👉 ጸጉሬን የሰራሁበት ብሩሽ :👉 www.amazon.it/Baby-Spro-girante-Styler-pezzo/dp/B00W5BIPQS/ref=sr_1_1?
👉በሙቀት ጸጉራችን እንዳይጎዳ መከላከያው Spray: 👉 www.amazon.it/Spray-termoprotettore-capelli-Marocco-OGX/dp/B081HJ2NW7/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?
👉በሙቀት ጸጉራችን እንዳይጎዳ የምንቀባው ዘይት 👉 ሊኖረን ይገባል👉www.amazon.it/Organic-Stimulator-Olive-Oil-Relaxer/dp/B003GQQDQK/ref=sr_1_16?
👉 Shampoo 👉www.amazon.it/Creme-Nature-Shampoo-Idratazione-Lucido/dp/B008TYO2KI/ref=sr_1_40?
👉Deep treatment 👉 www.amazon.it/Shea-Moisture-nutriente-rinforzante-rigenerante/dp/B00MXDBWI6/ref=sr_1_1?
👉ለማፍታታት የተጠቀምኩት Deep treatment ግዴታ ይሄ መሆን የለበትም 👉 www.amazon.it/Cantu-Shea-Butter-Natural-Masque/dp/B008L5EDKY/ref=sr_1_1?
እናመሰግናለን ምን ዓይነት የጸጉር ቀለም ነው የተቀባሽው ያምራል እና የፊትሽ ማዲያት በጣም ለውጥ አለው እንዲያም ብዙ አያስታውቅም ምን አዲስ ነገር እየተጠቀምሽ ነው
ስትታጠቢ የተጠቀምሽበት ብራሽ ሊንኩን ሼር አርጊው pls
ከኦላይን መግዛት አልወድም አሁን ግን ሊንክሽን ተጠቅሜ አንችን አምኜ የፀጉሩን ማድረቂያውን ኦርደር ላደርግ ነው ጥሩ ከሆነ ለምስጋና ካልወደስኩት ለወቀሳ በኮመንት እመለሳለሁ
ኤሊሲ wde eni stegure betam derek nw ena acherem nw ena demo betam yebetatesebegnale perem tekebechew teret madreg felege nw yaw leslasewen aletelam enam yaw baletdarem selehonekugn ken beken metateb ged selehone premun amarache adrekugn yaw weha selemiwed men tyignalesh piles tebekalew meleseshen🙏😍kebrilegn
I did watch couple of your videos and it’s amazing thanks for sharing all your experience and keep it up. I would love to give two comments the first is regarding the Dyson hair dryer I use Dyson for almost 6 months now and I really loved it form all the dries I have been used Its number one, it’s quite, fast drying, and doesn’t damage my hair. Whenever you buy expensive items it’s recommended to buy it directly from the company, I bought mine directly from the company and I had 30 days return police
and It comes with two years warranty also the flyaway attachment is not made to work as an iron the purpose of that is after you done styling basically done with ironing to bring the flyaway hair to the surface trust me keep using it you will love it and you will see huge change on your hair. My second comment to repair your damaged hair use home made hair-mask and make sure not to give your hair too much protein which makes it dry so use one week egg, avocado, and honey and the other week banana, honey, and coconut oil so you will balance the protein intake for your hair, you will see a lot change that is how I recovered my hair. Good luck.
Elsy you are very pure and honest person. Our world needs more people like you ❤.
Hirutye thank you so much ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
በሙዝ አቮካዶና በእንቁላልና የወይራ ዘይት ሰርተሽ ማስክ ቀቢው ከመታጠብሽ በፊት የተጎዳን ጸጉር ይመልሰዋል። ቅቤም በቤትሽ ውስጥ እየሰራሽ ተቀቢው የተጎዳ ጸጉር ይመለሳል ሂናም ጥሩ ለጸጉር ጥንካሬና ብዛት ይሰጣል።
በጣም ልክ ነሽ ማሬ ለፀጉሬ ጊዜ መስጠት አለብኝ 🙏♥️🙏
ጸጉርሽን ሙዝ አቦካዶ እንቁላል ብሌንድ አድርገሽ በማጥሊያ አጥለሽ ለሁለት ስአት አቆይው የረሳሁት ኦሊባ እይ ጨምሪበት የድሮ ጸጉርሽ ይመለሳል ከመታጠብሽ በፊት ሁልግዜ እንደዚህ ብትመግቢው ጥሩ ነው ስለምወድሽ ነው እመክርሽ
ግልፅ እና ቀና ሴት ተባረኪ
አመሰግናለሁ ጥሩ ምክር ነው እህቴ
ሰላም ሰላም ኤልሲ ሰላምሽ ብዝት ይበልልኝ ብዙ ግዜ ቻናልሽን በጣም እከታተላለሁ በጣም ጠቃሚ እና አስተማሪ መረጃዎችን በማስረጃ ፊት ለፊት አምጥተሽ ስለምታስተምሪ አድናቂሽ ነኝ በተለይ ለሴት እህቶቻችን የዛሬው መረጃ እና ትምህርት በጣም ጠቃሚ ነው ተማሩበት ተጠቀሙበት በጣም ጎበዝ ክበሪልን ላይክ ሼር
Aduye የከበረ ሰላምታዬ እያደረስኩ ተባረክልን ውድ ወንድማችን 🙏♥️🙏
እውነተኛና ቀል ያልሽ ጤናማ ሰው ነሽ ኤልሲዬ እወድሻለሁ !!!
We used to go the same elementary school and I will never forget your hair. You had a beautiful long hair. 🤔
Personally I stopped straightening my hair after I had my daughter to show her to embrace her own hair. You are gorgeous, hair and all! Try omitting heat if you want your healthy hair back and I promise you, your hair will thrive 💜. My hair when straightened is currently at 32 inches😉. I straighten it once a year for a professional trim, other than that i trim it and style it at home . I wear it mostly twists and twist out. Most people think it’s extensions when they see it in a straightened state.
ኤልሲዬ ተባረኪልን የኔ ውድ በቅንነት በግልፅ ስላሳየሽን ወድጄዋለው ❤❤❤አስተያየት መስጠት ከቻልኩ ግን አንድ ነገር ልስጥ የፊትሽ አስተጣጠብ ላይ የፊትሽን ቆዳ በፍፁም በደረቅ በምታጠቢበት ፕሮዳክት ቀድመሽ እንዳታሺ ቅድሚያ ቆዳሽ ውሃ መንካትና እርጥብ ባለበት መታጠቢያሽን ተቀቢ ሌላው የፊት ፎጣሽን ከፀጉር ፎጣ የተለየ ቢሆን ለፊትሽ ቆዳ ውበት ጤንነት ይጠቅምሻል ተባረኪልኝ🙏❤❤❤
ጥንቅቅ ያልሸ ሴት ቆንጆ በዛ ላይ ቅንነት ተባረኪ ማሬ በረቺ ቪዲዮችሸን በጣም ነው የምከታተላቸው
ኤልሲ ግልጽነትሽ በጣም ደስ ይላል ምትደመጪ ሰው ነሽ፡ እናመሰግናለን ተባረኪ
የእኔ እህት ይንቺ ፀጉር ለሰላሳ ነው
በጣም ይምራል
ለብዙ ፀጉር እሚሆን በሌላ ጊዜ እጠብቃለሁ
God bless you and your family
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏♥️🙏
ኤልስዬ የኦሊቬራ ጄል እና ባለፈው ከኢትዮጲያ ያመጣሽውን ኮኮስ አንድላይ ፈጭተሽ በማጥለያ አጥለሽ ከመታጠብሽ በፊት ተቀቢው የሚገርም ለውጥ ታያለሽ !!! እኔ ለመላጣ እሩብ ጉዳይ ሆኜ ነበር እሱን ከጀመርኩ የሚገርም ለውጥ አየሁ !!!እኔን ሰለጠቀመኝ ከጠቀመሽ ብዬነው የኔ እህት !!!!
አመሰግናለው እኔ እጠቀመዋለው 🙏💚
Martaye ነገ እጀምራለሁ ተባረኪልኝ መሰራትም ማቆም አለብኝ እሱነው በቃ ያበላሸው ፀጉሬ 😫😫ሲያጌጡ ይመላለጡ 🤣🤣🤣♥️🙏
ያምራል ኤልሲ ፀጉርሽ ትንሽ ቢሆንም ሲስራ ቡፍ ይላል ብዙ መስሎ ነው ለአይን እሚታየው
በተረፈችኝ እንደአቅሚቲ 🤣🤣🤣ተባረኪልኝ አናት አለም 👉ስምሽ ደስሲል 🙏♥️🙏
እናመሰግናለን ስለሀሳብሽ ሲያዉት አሪፍ ይመስላል ከመግዛት አዳንሽኝ ግን እኮ እቃ ገዝቶ ካልተስማማሽ ያለመመለስ ጣሊያን አገር ያለ ጨዋታ ነዉ ለምን ኖሪበታለሁ አሁን እንግሊዝ ነዉ ካልተስማማኝ የመመለስ መብቴ እስከወር የተጠበቀ ነዉ።
Thank you for sharing , what was the name of the dryer brush name?
Thank you konjo. Sulfate/paraben free የሆኑ የፀጉር product ብንጠቀም ጥሩ ነው💕❤
You are right 👉I always buy Sulfate/ Paraben free products ‼️
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 ❤
Thank you 🙏🏾 so much for your advice and honesty
You’re welcome ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
Please try curly hair routine. It will go back to your old and beautiful hair
I agree with you
I completely agree with you Hellinaye 👏👏👏👏thank you dear 🙏♥️🙏
Thank you so much. You have very beautiful hair and I can see it is naturally curly. You are using the right product. Thank you so much Elsu
Geniye thank you so much ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ኤልሲ ተባረኪ እህቴ በጣም ጠቃሚ ትምህርት ነው✌️🙏😊
Nunuye አሜን ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ኢልስየ እናመስግናለን
Hi dear how are you doing today, plc write the name of product thank you God bless you
Tnx Elsie “Meski tube” lay sile tsegur bzu sirtalech lene tekmognal esti gize kalesh yemtasayachewn negeroch ehina mokriw.
So cute 🥰 Thank you for sharing !!
God blessed you ❤️💞
Thank you ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ተባረክ የነ ሞደል
ወላሂ ደግ መልካም ሴት ነሽ እሺ
Thank you for sharing really appreciate
Sarye 🙏♥️🙏
እሺ እናማስግናለን
የኔ ተናፋቂ. ኤልሲዬ 💝 ሁሌ መጠየቅ እፈልግና. እረሳለው ስለ ፀጉርሽ ቀለም በጣም. ደስ ይላል 👌 ያምራል. እና ስለ ቀለሞችም. ብትነግሪን የኔ መልካም እግዚአብሔር. ይስጥልኝ 🙏🙏🙏💐🌷💐😘
ቀለሜ Inebria 7,00+ 8,31+ 20 oxygenated water ተባረኪልኝ ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 እሺ ኤልሲ እግዚአብሔር ያክብርልኝ 🙏💝😘
እናመሰግናለን ተባረኪ
Amen 🙏
Wow elsy,thank you for this useful video I was thinking of buying it but because it was kind of expensive I was hesitating! After seeing your video I’m so glad I didn’t get it.I enjoy watching your video.keep it up beautiful 🤩😘
You are always trying to help us thank you for sharing your expectancies.
ተባረኩልኝ ውዶቼ 🙏♥️🙏
Hulem leteyekesh aseb neber wow 👌 betam yamral thank you 😊
This the one I waiting for thank you Else for sharing. ❤️ what is the name for the brush if I can find it here the US.
Kidistye I think you will find it on Amazon 👉BabylissPro👈 very nice and professional 🙏♥️🙏
I love that hairdryer! I bought it last year and it works for my thick/big long hair (and my hair is not “lucha”).. I’ve only used it with the comb attachment and it has really worked great for me.. I also don’t use it on very wet hair..I use it on damp/semi-dry hair. It has been a game changer for me
አመሠግናለሁ እኔም ለመግዛት ሔጄ ሁለት ልብ ሆኘ ተመለሥኩ እና በድጋሚ አመሠግናለሁ ሲስ 👍👍
Thank you so much elsi Bewunt tilk timihrt new🤗💚💛❤️ berchilgn. Diezen tiru aydelem awo😊
We thank you Elsi.
Elsabetye thank you ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ኤልስዬ ጌታ ይባርክሽ🙏አሪፍ በጣም ደስ የሚል ቪድዮ ነው፡
ሰላም ኤልስዬ በጣም አርፍ ነገረ ነው ያሳየሽን እናመሰግናለን በጣም 🙏
Thank you it was so helpful, can you write me the hair dye that you use ?I love your hair color
Thank you Elsiye tebareki❤
አሜን ማሬ 🙏
ኤልሲዬ ስላሳየሽን ከልብ እናመሰግናለን በእውነት ንፁ ግልፅ ሴት ነሽ ውድድድድ❤❤❤❤
ይገርምሻል እኔም እንደ አንቺ ፀጉሬን በጣም ዘንጬበታለሁ ተፈጥሮው ሉጫ ረጅም የሚያምር ከነ መልኬም አበሻ አልመስላቸውም ነበር ቀለም ፣ ፍሪዝ በየ ቀኑ መነከር ነበር አሁን ላይ ፀጉሬ የመጨረሻ ተጎድቶ ይነቃቀላል ይሰባበራል ወደ በፊቱ ለመመለስ በጣም ያስቸግራል እንደበፊቱ አይሆንም እንጂ ቆንጆ ነው በጣም ቆንጆ ልጆች አሉኝ ፀጉራቸው ወገባቸው ወርዶ እታች ነው ኮከናት ብቻ ነው ፀጉራቸውን የምቀባው ልጆች ያላችሁ ተጠቀሙት ።
ምን አይነቱን ኮኮናት እኔም ለ ልጄ ለመጠቀም ፈልጌ ነው አመሰግናለው
selamawit Ghebre እናመሰግናለን እህቴ እኔ በጣም ተቸግሪያለሁ ልጆቼን ምን አይነት ቅባት እንደምቀባቸው ምንአይነቱን ኮኮናት ቅባት ነው የምትቀቢያቸው ያለውት አሜሪካ ነው የማገኝው ከሆነ ልሞክርው
Selamawitye ታድለሽ ትልቅ ችግር አለብኝ ከመታጠቤ በፊት ምንም አልቀባውም። ልክነሽ ኮኮናት ከልጅነቴም ፀጉሬን በጣም ይስማማኛል። ተባረኪልኝ 🙏♥️🙏
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 ኤልሲ ሁሌም የምታቀርቢው ነገር በጣም የሚጠቅም ነው ተባረኪ የኔ እህት ካላስቸገርኩሽ ያንቺ hair dryier ምንድነው ስሙ ሁለቴ ገዝቼ ጥሩ አልሆነልኝም ካላስቸገርኩሽ ስሙን ብትነግሪኝ አመሰግናአለሁ
@@beftuoromo714 በጭራሽ አታስቸግሪኝም 👉BabylissPro 👈 ተባረኪልኝ
ስላሳየሽን በጣም እናመሰግናለን በያዘ እጅሽ ስለተቀባሽው ቀለም አንድ ብትይን ጥሩ ነበር ካላስቸገርኩሽ እባክሽ
Senayete እረሳሁት 🤦♀️Inebria 7.0+ 8,31+ 20 oxygenated water
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 thank u so much God bless u
Elsiye, we thank you so much for this amazing video. You are such a class! I always wanted to buy a Dyson blow drier, and here you are saving your gurl here. You probably know this, but a quick reminder, to always use a microfiber towel for the hair. It just makes a huge difference on the texture of the hair, and also to use a separate towel for the face, always!
የኔ ቆንጆ ውድ እህቴ። እውነት ነው የራስን። የመሰለ። ነገር የለም። ተባረኪ። ወድሻለሁ
ኸረ እኛ ነን አንቺን ማመስገን የሚገባን በጣም ጥሩ ትምህርት ነው የምትሰጪን ሁሉም ነገር ኖሮሽም። ያለ ማገናዘብ። ብዙ እናባክናለን የኔ ቆንጆ በፍቅር ነው የምከታተልሽ። አሁን ደግሞ ያለ እድሜያችን። ሽበት ጨረሰን መፍትሄ አለው ??? ካላስቸገርንሽ ?? ተባረኪልኝ ወድሻለሁኝ። ስነ ምግባርሽ። ተመሳሳይ ነን
ኤልሲዬ እባክሽ ጥሩ የፀጉር ቀለም ንገሪኝ ጥቁር
I know your beautiful Hair from childhood Elisye
Melatye ይዘሽ ካልተገኘሽ ማን ያምንሻል 🤩እስቲ መስክሩልኝ 🤩
Sis, when you use dyson use round brush its really work. I'm hairstyle i use at work same as I said you will see the difference dyson is really worth it.
ኤልሲ የኔማር አምላክ ከነቤተሰብሽ ይጠብቅሽ
Ainiye Amen 🙏 ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
Buon venuta carissimma
Grazie mille i tuoi consigli
Sei molto brava un abbracci forte
Yordiye grazie infinite 🙏♥️🙏
እናመሱግናለን በጣም በጣም ተባረኪልን
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏
Thank you! Tebareki!
ኤልሲዬ እንካንም ነገርሽኝ ልጄ ካልገዛሽልኝ ዳይስን እያለች ነበር አሁን አንቺ በምትስሪበት ብሩሽ 4ልጄቼን በስዓት ውስጥ ነው የምጨርስው ያው ፅገራቸው እረዥም ብዙ ነው እርሱ ብሩሽ ገላግሌ ነው 🙏🏾
Almazye በጣም ልክ ነሽ ማሬ በጣም ነው የወደድኩት🙏♥️🙏
Hi Elsie, welcome you save my money I I am planning to buy Dyson strainer thank god I didn’t thank you about ur honesty god bless❤️❤️😍
😫😫😫ወይኔ ብሬ 🤣🤣🤣Dyson ቀለደብን 🙏♥️🙏
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 I know😀😀 it’s ok
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 የብሩሹን ማርኩን ብትነግሪኝ ልገዛው ስለፈለኩ ነው እባክሽን
@@rabiathierry8126 👉BabylissPro👈 ማድረቂያው ብሩሽ
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 አወ እሱን ነው አመሰግናለሁ
የተፈጥሮ ፀጉርሽ curl በጣም ያምራል
አይይይ ድሮማ ብታይው አሁንማ ቀለድኩበት 🙏♥️🙏
Enamesegnalen Elsiye, is there any brush dryer that you recommend? Struggling to find one 🤔.
I love the one I bought very professional and it’s called 👉BabylissPro 👈 plz check it on Amazon . Let me know if you need more ℹ️♥️🙏
Thank you for sharing sistu. I was gonna get it. You save my money 💰
ጥሩ ነገር ነው ያሳየሽን ተባረኪልኝ ኤልስዬ
Thank you Elsi !!! I appreciate 🙏🏽
you’re welcome ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ትክክል እህቴ የኔም ፀጉር የ2ሠው ነበረ በግዴለሽነት አበላሸውት እያሥታመምኩት ነው ለመመለስ
Tigistye በጣም ትግስት ይጠይቃል 🤦♀️እኔም እየተታገልኩ ነው 🤩♥️🙏
ኤልስዬ ከልብሽ ስለምታቀርቢልን ሁሉ እግዚአብሔር ይባርክሽ እንወድሻለን
አሜን እህቴ🙏 እውነት እውነቱን ብንነጋገር ሁላችንም እንበረታታለን በማለት ነው 🙏♥️🙏
የኔ ቆንጆ ይሄኛው ጥሩ ነው ያልሽው ስሙ ምንድን ነው ጸጉሬ አልቋል በመሀል የጨመርሺበት ኤክስቴንሽን ገዝተሽ ነው በቀላሉ ቀጭ ቀጭ አረግሻት ቀላል ላይፍ
Thank you so much for sharing 🙏🏿
God bless you abundantly 🙏🏿😍👏🏿💟
Amen 🙏 Amen ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ኤልስዬ ስላምሽ ይብዛ
እስቲ ለሽበት የሚሆን ነገር አበርክችልን ተባረኪ
anchime tebareki
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏
Hi elsy! Don’t use too much blow dryer it will damage your hair instead use hair dryer (ካስክ) thank you for sharing 😘
You are absolutely right 👏thank you ማሬ ከፎን ካስክ በጣም ይሻላል 🙏♥️🙏
አመሰግናለው ልገዛው ነበር ገላገልሽኝ
Thank you for the heads-up. I was going to order it soon.
Sei bravissima
Grazie tesoro 🙏♥️🙏
ጽጉር ማድረቂያው ትንሽ ጠንከር ላለ ጸጉር የሚሆን ይመስልሻል፣ ለምሳሌ እኔ ሁሌም ጸጉሬን ጠቅልዬ ነው ከዛ ፒያስትራ የምሰራው፣ እንዲለሰልስ እና እንዲፋፋ፣ ታዲያ ይህን በየሳምንቱ ማድረግ ስልችት ብሎኛል፣ እናም ይሄ ማድረቂያ መጠቅለሉን ያስቀርልኝ ከሆነ ልገዛው አስቤ ነው።
She is the best always god bless you 🥰🙏
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
You’re the best Elsi , onestà e sincera sempre 🙏
Grazie tesoro 🙏 bisogna essere Sinceri 🙏♥️🙏
Thanks, I love the extension how use it be blessed 🙌
Tk u are very talented 👏 ❤
Muluye አመሰግናለሁ ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ኤልሲ በጣም ነው ምወድሽ
Mariaye ከልቤ አመሰግናለሁ ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
የኔ የዋህ ዘናጭ ስወድሽ እኮ ለኛ ለማስረዳት የምትጥሪው ጥረት 😄 እኔ ምልሽ ዘናጭዬ ቦርጭሽ የት ደረሰ እየጠበኩ ነው እኮ🤔
እር እሱዋ ቦርጭ የላትም 😂😂😂
@@KuKu-vd6be kukuye ብቅ ጥልቅ እያለ አስቸግሮኛል 😅
እኔ ዳይቴን በርትቼ እየተከታተልኩ ነው ግን በመሀል ግብዛ ካለ በጣም ችግርነው🙏♥️🙏
Elsi betamax adenkishalehu be Kininet silemitasayi ❤
በጣም ያምራል
ተባረኪልኝ ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 አሜን ጥያቄ አለኝ ፎን ከማረግሽ በፌት ያረግሽው ቅባት ፃፊልኝ አመሰግናለሁ
@@mekedeswinter4454 እኔ የምወደው new flexible control shine + arganiste oil of Morocco heat protect spray እና olive oil silken & shine heat protection serum infused with coconut oil for restorative shine ነው ሁሉንም AMazon ላይ ታገኚዋለሽ ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ኤልስዬ እናመሰግናለን
ሰብልዬ ማሬ ተናፍቀሻል 🙏♥️🙏
What is your hair dryer brush name I love to get one thank you for sharing
I hope you will love it ማሬ 👉BabylissPro 👈
@@ethioelsylifestyle9486 thank you
Hi, can you write the name of the products?
እሺ ማሬ i will 🙏♥️🙏
Hi my beautiful sister, I have been a follower and a subscriber for about 10 months now, and I love what you do for your fellow Ethiopians. However, as much as I like your content, the current state of our country has been so disturbing that I haven’t been watching your videos as I used to. Please use your platform to promote unity as much as you can. Ethiopia needs her children more so now than ever. The Western world along with our own brothers and sisters are trying to destroy our land! In order for us to be call ourselves Ethiopians, there has to be a country called Ethiopia. Let’s make sure we have a country and a legacy we can leave for the next generation. Let us all do something.
ተባረኪ የኔ ውድ፣
Dyson is bast product ላንቺ ካልተመቸሽ ሌላውን አያመችም ማለት አይደለም እኔ አለኝ ጥሩ እቃ ነዉ ግን በጣም ዉድ ነዉ
We love you thank you so much god bless you💕💕💕💕👌
Bettye thank you ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
Thank you Elsieye, you saved me the headache of buying the dyson only to return it. What brand is the cheaper dryer? The ones they sell in the US are not that good because they break easily or don’t work as well. Thanks again.
P.s I love your hair color too, what is it?
ለልጄ. አገኘሁ. መልስ። ግን ወንዶች. ምን አጠፋን. ባልሽን. መቼስ. እንዴት. እንደምትንከባከቢዉ. ይጠበቃልና. ለኛም. ለምን. እንመለጣለን. ስሪና. አሳይን።ሰላም. ሲስቱካ
Extinction አነዴት ሰራሽው አድናቂሽ ነኝ ግን አሰራሩን አሳይን
U r so positive thanks for sharing 🙏💓
Specially this days we Ethiopian needs more positive energy 😔ቸር ወሬ ያሰማን ማሬ
ኧረ ኢትዮጵያ ያለን ምን እንበል ግን እኔ የሚመቸኝ ኢትዮጵያ ነው ዱባይ ጸጉሬን ጨርሶታል😢 ኤልሲየ ኑሪልን❤❤❤
What is the name of the brush
ኤልስዬ ተብረኪ የጠቀመሽን ስላካፈልሽን💚
Kidiye ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
Konjete enkan metasch sewedesch tebarkelign😘😘😘😘😘😘
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 ማሬ 🙏♥️🙏
ኤሊሲ አንቺ እዳልሽው በቀለም በቁርጥ በሪላክሰር የመጣው አይቀረኘም ነበር አሁን የተበላሸው ለማስተካከ እየመካርኩ ነው በኛም ሀገር አዲስ ለኔ የሚሆን አላገኘሁም ኪሳራ የገጠመኘ አቺ የተጠቀም እቃ ባችበኩል ማግኘትን የምትችይ ከሆነና ማድረግ ያለብኘ አደርጋለሁ ስለምታበረታች እናመሰግናለን
Thank you yenye wede!
Hi Elsi ❤️❤️what brand colour do you use and I thank you for your consideration ❤️💐💐💐💐💐