Drove the 89 for the first time in 2 years last week, 93 has just decided to eat another crank sensor I guess. No charge, no tach signal. Was going to drive that the other day too after 2 years, but that didn't work out. The 92 gets used hauling equipment on a regular basis. The computer on the 92 crapped out years back, so I may pull the crank sensor off that and try it on the 93. 93 and 89 both look pretty bad now, paint is failing on the 93, but I painted it 13 years ago so can't complain. The 89 is still factory paint, just half of it has flaked off. Its now a 3 tone paint. Blue, primer, and surface rust.
@@1958johndeere620 my uncle has a 1st generation dodge d350 with a 12 valve. It runs like its brand new but the automatic trans gave up on life lol I think it needs a 5 speed
Its been 5 years. How is the 1st generation dodge going?
Drove the 89 for the first time in 2 years last week, 93 has just decided to eat another crank sensor I guess. No charge, no tach signal. Was going to drive that the other day too after 2 years, but that didn't work out. The 92 gets used hauling equipment on a regular basis. The computer on the 92 crapped out years back, so I may pull the crank sensor off that and try it on the 93. 93 and 89 both look pretty bad now, paint is failing on the 93, but I painted it 13 years ago so can't complain. The 89 is still factory paint, just half of it has flaked off. Its now a 3 tone paint. Blue, primer, and surface rust.
@@1958johndeere620 my uncle has a 1st generation dodge d350 with a 12 valve. It runs like its brand new but the automatic trans gave up on life lol I think it needs a 5 speed
@@1958johndeere620 it seems that "98 12 valve" guy dislikes the stacks. I like the stacks. He must be jealous
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