Lesse if I can parse strategy on this one. I like trying to understand the strategy behind various decisions and team comps for the 1-3 star runs. Lemme know if I'm wrong on or missed anything. - Napoleon is mandatory story support (probably fair to assume any gold servant that shows up in these runs is mandatory story support, honestly), and mostly is there to get off as much damage as possible on Sigurd before Valkyrie's NP wipes him while also avoiding triggering Sigurd's break bar, since break bars in this fight mean instant NP charges for both of them and as such should be done when it's the least problematic if possible. Valkyrie also dies first because her NP is AOE and thus is much more prone to wiping large chunks of the party or requiring substantially more hard defense usage. - Bedivere exists to kill Valkyrie ASAP for the aforementioned AOE NP reason. The only one with class advantage on her, and has abnormally high NP damage for a 3* unit. - Georgios exists to draw fire while Bedivere's trying to kill Valkyrie. His usual tank job stuff. - Shakespeare's there to buff and charge Bedivere to make the job of killing off Valkyrie before her second NP easier. - Arash is... mostly there as filler, probably to eat some hits and throw Stella as usual? Sigurd's debuff immunity means no Robin, and as others have noted, you consider Euryale to be cheesing things. Arash's weirdly self-defensive skills let him sit there and soak the occasional bit of damage if needed while waiting for lining up Stella with Charisma, Tactics, and Hamesh Avanim to get the most out of it. Billy the Kid would also probably be acceptable for this slot as a single-target 3*-or-less Archer that's not Robin Hood or Euryale; it's the most flexible slot of the lot as far as I can tell. - And lastly, David to finish the job. Harp of Healing to stymie an NP and change, Hamesh Avanim and his good Attack stat for his class and rarity to get in the rest of the damage needed. The hard defense activations also look a little off on timing at first glance until one realizes you're doing it in preparation for the break bar instant NP charges, at which point it all makes sense. Knowing to do that shows your knowledge of the fight.
Aha, thanks for pointing that out. That would explain fielding the Atlas Mystic Code, then, since it's the only one that can protect Bedivere fully from the one Valkyrie NP and from Sigurd's immediately after if he is then targeted by it. Anniversary Blonde's Guts would let him survive Valkyrie but he'd then get immediately dunked by Sigurd if he gets targeted, so it'd have to be Atlas.
The only issues is then you are stuck with Chen, And sometimes he isn't right for a boss. And when doing 1-3 star teams, losing 2 slots can be a huge issue. However it's still really nice to have Chen as an option. Big help!
How much thought and retries actually goes into these? Cause I still think they're amazing. Even with 4*s and 5*s I feel like a total moron cause I struggle ^^;
It depends on the boss. This one wasn't very hard. Good bit of thought goes into them. But this one for example only took 2 tries. And when I did it with 1-3 star units but 5* CEs it only took 1. Some bosses have taken me a while to figure out tho.
Why is the King of Britain in Japan? Why is the Yandere Dragon Girl in France? Why is a Japanese Oni in Babylonia? Why the hell a Japanese Man turns black for using too much magic? ... kids, these questions are not to be asked in Nasu's world.
0:54 Napoleon just casually hitting three 20% crits
RagexFlameZz Vive la France, as Marie would say
it's unfair
Sir Bedivere, You are indeed a knight of loyalty until the very end. You have dealt that edgy spaceborg a lesson or two.
"bUt tHatS a fiVE stAr, sO tHe 1-3 stAr sEtUp iS a liE".
Kappa. Next video is Sumanai vs mecha Sumanai?
bUT nApoleon iS a 5 stAr
Rip arash :(
BUT N4p0LeOn is AN NPC Serv4nt
You have to bring support story bryn or napoleon though, no other choices
James Lozon nope. He got cane to death
the fish fizz the joke is that the punishment for infidelity of Israelites is stoning to death
If DW is gonna insist on locking us to story supports for the near-impossible missions, then they HAVE to let us equip them with CEs
Mario Ortiz they made you bring mossashi against archer xD
i won't start with "bUt tHatS a fiVE stAr," but i will end this comment with bUt tHatS a fiVE stAr
Meteor edgy
In support.. everyone have 5 stars in support
Roronoa Zoro he’s making fun of people complaining about it
I'll never get tired of the "Bolverk Gram!"
Get on my level! I actually have both his chants memorized.
Did you memorize his chants in Japanese or in English?
Chad Bedivere assering his dominance.
No Georgios, that is not the dragon
ilham suharta Sigurd is a dragon a blue eyes white dragon
Oh no a blue eyes white dragon no one ever summon him in gacha!
**uses NP** "Now it is a dragon"
When DW doesn't want your 1-3 tar set up to be true
Everythime Sigurd is about to say "Bolverk Gram!" I expect him to say "HOROBI NO BURST STREAM!!"
I can't be the only one thinking of throwing Gawain at this fight. 'Cause you know, Demonic Sword of the Sun vs Holy Sword of the Sun.
When the Valkyrie threw the first NP, I SWEAR I heard the music from "Don't lose your way" from Kill la Kill
*bUt tHatS a fiVE stAr*
Just kidding, amazing video as always.
Rejoicing FakePriest really love the his world in valyrie np
Yeah, that's nice.
Bölverk Gram!
...idk why it sounds so cool but it just does...probably cuz its kaiba's va saying it
Lesse if I can parse strategy on this one. I like trying to understand the strategy behind various decisions and team comps for the 1-3 star runs. Lemme know if I'm wrong on or missed anything.
- Napoleon is mandatory story support (probably fair to assume any gold servant that shows up in these runs is mandatory story support, honestly), and mostly is there to get off as much damage as possible on Sigurd before Valkyrie's NP wipes him while also avoiding triggering Sigurd's break bar, since break bars in this fight mean instant NP charges for both of them and as such should be done when it's the least problematic if possible. Valkyrie also dies first because her NP is AOE and thus is much more prone to wiping large chunks of the party or requiring substantially more hard defense usage.
- Bedivere exists to kill Valkyrie ASAP for the aforementioned AOE NP reason. The only one with class advantage on her, and has abnormally high NP damage for a 3* unit.
- Georgios exists to draw fire while Bedivere's trying to kill Valkyrie. His usual tank job stuff.
- Shakespeare's there to buff and charge Bedivere to make the job of killing off Valkyrie before her second NP easier.
- Arash is... mostly there as filler, probably to eat some hits and throw Stella as usual? Sigurd's debuff immunity means no Robin, and as others have noted, you consider Euryale to be cheesing things. Arash's weirdly self-defensive skills let him sit there and soak the occasional bit of damage if needed while waiting for lining up Stella with Charisma, Tactics, and Hamesh Avanim to get the most out of it. Billy the Kid would also probably be acceptable for this slot as a single-target 3*-or-less Archer that's not Robin Hood or Euryale; it's the most flexible slot of the lot as far as I can tell.
- And lastly, David to finish the job. Harp of Healing to stymie an NP and change, Hamesh Avanim and his good Attack stat for his class and rarity to get in the rest of the damage needed.
The hard defense activations also look a little off on timing at first glance until one realizes you're doing it in preparation for the break bar instant NP charges, at which point it all makes sense. Knowing to do that shows your knowledge of the fight.
From what I see, you miss one thing: Valkyrie NP has Sure Hit, which makes her that much bigger a menace to low star setups.
Aha, thanks for pointing that out. That would explain fielding the Atlas Mystic Code, then, since it's the only one that can protect Bedivere fully from the one Valkyrie NP and from Sigurd's immediately after if he is then targeted by it. Anniversary Blonde's Guts would let him survive Valkyrie but he'd then get immediately dunked by Sigurd if he gets targeted, so it'd have to be Atlas.
Yeah, seeing this, I really need to level up my Georgios, pretty awesome guy
Georgios the goat
The Gyniu Transfomation theme when Bedivere was gonna die was a touch of genius! XD
With that alone, you emphasized how you did NOT want him to die.
Sorry green but this video clearly uses FIve star, its an objective fact, like how the Valkyrie is a dragon
screwtokaiba It’s a forced support-either Nap Man or Bryn and I thing Nap Man is a better choice ability wise
>Why can’t my Sigurd have this cool voice
You got to buy the voice pack dlc for it of course Kappa
"Definitely - not - Siegfried" get bitch slapped by a Round Table Knight with the help of the "True Dragon Slayer"
Wow i'm gonna be stuck here for a while. I only have arash xD
Our lord, Arash, died for your sins.
2:25 Oh no Napoleon is
D E A D.
David,regend&arash the tri holy servant of fgo
Thanks to Chen Gong never again will low star runs have to worry about story mandated gold support servants.
The only issues is then you are stuck with Chen, And sometimes he isn't right for a boss. And when doing 1-3 star teams, losing 2 slots can be a huge issue.
However it's still really nice to have Chen as an option. Big help!
Congrats for Bedi NP 5
0/10 no sumanai vs sumanai alter
ninjaluc79 He's not a Sumanai Alter, is Mecha Sumanai!
You all get it wrong, that's STAR LORD ALTER!!!
He is Proto Sumanai to me
He's less sumanai to me
I thought he was Chris Pratt from Guardians of the Galaxy
Wait... You DO have Sigurd?
How much thought and retries actually goes into these? Cause I still think they're amazing. Even with 4*s and 5*s I feel like a total moron cause I struggle ^^;
It depends on the boss. This one wasn't very hard. Good bit of thought goes into them. But this one for example only took 2 tries. And when I did it with 1-3 star units but 5* CEs it only took 1.
Some bosses have taken me a while to figure out tho.
Holy shit dude
Napoleon looks a little tall here...
Why don't you use david np at the end?
Khairuzan Ahmad he was gonna win anyway
Insanity-sama I mean it will look cooler. I guess (?)
Maximum BM by using retardedly inefficient brave chain you would never use in normal condition.
Shit, Valkyrie is cute.
Watch as a pronouned knight bitchslaps multiple Divine beings
i think you messed up on that bracket on the title
Just a question, why arash and not lets say Robin or Euryale? I believe both could do lots of damage by casting the np more than once
Euryale is too cheesy for Hanako Green's taste. Also Sigurd has permanent debuff immunity.
BrOOOO whY u HAVE fiuvE STarrr WASaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I don’t get it. It has Norse Mythology in it, and Napoleon Bonaparte is in there.
welcome to fate grand order, jack the ripper is a female loli now
Meteor stop scare with that me nightmare
Meteor I know, goddamn. I am accustomed to this.
You must be asking the same question as to why Musashi is in Russia.
Why is the King of Britain in Japan?
Why is the Yandere Dragon Girl in France?
Why is a Japanese Oni in Babylonia?
Why the hell a Japanese Man turns black for using too much magic?
... kids, these questions are not to be asked in Nasu's world.
Is Napoleon a forced support?
Yes. Kinda says that in the video info lol
I think he is
FrickinFrisk another story support lock battle
Oh yeah thanks you all. Didn't read the description tho so sorry
Honako Green kaiba as Sigurd?Hellz yeah!
I actually got Sigurd, but kinda forgot him,
bUt tHatS a fiVE stAr video clip