I did a similar thing but you can separate the 5v supplies for the digital and analogue side of things on the Dac+ pro and if you feed them from separate linear power supplies you will hear a huge improvement.
Let me save some of you some time. There is an issues with this DAC and the Raspberry pi 3 WIFI. You kind of have two choices: 1) Use a separate WiFi Dongle. 2) Change the channel your WiFi Router is using (I've found channel 10 works well. YMMV) This MAY be only an issue in the USA, I simply do not know enough about WiFi standards around the world. Out on the Web Help forums they do suggest avoiding channels 1, 6, 9, and 11. Also, there are sometimes issues with setup for the HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro and the volume control in Volumio not working. I use the following settings and it seems to be working very nicely: Output Device: Hifiberry DAC plus I2S DAC: On DAC Model: Hifiberry DAC plus DSP Program: FIR interpolation with De-emphasis (I'd love someone to explain this setting to me) Clock Missing Period: 1s DSD Over PCM (DoP): On Volume Normalization: Off Buffer Before Play: 10% (works for me, others recommend higher) Mixer Type: Hardware Mixer Control Name: Digital Default Volume Startup: Disabled Max Volume Level: 100% (less if your Amp is over sensitive) One Click Volume Steps: 5 (default is 10, but I find 5 works better for me) MPD Client Volume Control: On Pumping this through to a homemade P-P Tube amp and Dynaco A10 speakers, the sound is very pleasant. Less so through my Class-D amps. I hope this helps someone save a lot of time as this really is a nice sounding setup for under $100. I spent a really frustrating 6 hours compiling this information and getting mine to work.
Where can I get info on the tube amp? I keep wanting to build one, but never have (never seem to have the time, money, and interest all at the same time)
Iv'e been working with this setup for over four weeks and I'm about to turn my back on it. It's just not stable enough. Iv'e run it with three of my Pas Pi's so I know it's not the hardware. The unit falls asleep all the time, I have to turn it off at the wall often as I'm unable to connect to it via cable or WiFi. It's quicker for me to just put on a CD. The app lags, fails to play on most occasions and it just too annoying for me to work with it full time. What I will say is that when it does work it sounds great. Shame it's just not reliable enough. Sometimes I have to re boot the Pas Pi and all of my internal network components for it to work.
8 ปีที่แล้ว +33
its a raspberry pi project its ment to be overkill!! :)
Nope. The IFi is still a switched mode supply and just boasts some 'noise filters' that in reality, do absolutely nothing. A bit like cheap 'power conditioners' do nothing as well. As the Rpi is a digital computer board, even using a linear power supply will make basically no difference. £40 for a wall wart 5v DC USB PSU with a couple of caps in it is a rip.
@@tomstephens7201 Hi, Ive seen a lot of bs and hate discussions over power supplies but as I understand it, when you are talking about the digital part (Rpi3 digital playback of 24bit/96khz flac files) isnt enough with a standard 5V regulated switching power supply? Unless the hifiberry dac "analog" modules need a very tight specification power supply demand; thanks for your input
What power supply was used? I've read you can't run a separate supply, it gets its power from the Pi header, that concerns me because that would be EMI noisy.
What are the advantages of using a raspi as a dedicated audio player? (I don't like when a project needs a dedicated OS, the Pi is wasted on a single thing, multitasking is gone, so I'd need a good reason to do this.)
It works the other way around - I was in a need for a networked audio player so instead of paying god knows how much for an 'audiophile device' that's ready to go right out of the box, I put one together using a combination of a RPi and DAC.
It looks nice, and is economical in energy consumption. However, when you sum it up, isn't it soon better to buy a small AVR? (for example Onkyo TX-8020), the devices also have a NAS and remote support.
In my case it's a matter of convenience - you can control volumio from a mobile app, a web browser or even using Alexa (not natively but using API and IFTTT). My Pioneer AV receiver can play digital tracks off of a NAS server, but I haven't really tried that - mainly because the networking feature failed after 2 years and the receiver no longer connects to the network :/ Anyways, do you know how do you interact with such receiver? Do you need to have your TV on if you want to control your playback? Browse folders, manage playlists, etc.? This doesn't sound particularly convenient... unless there's a mobile app for that?
@@YetAnotherTechChannelVielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Ich besitze den Denon AVR-X1300W AVR, dafür gibt es eine Android-Verbindung (apk), mit der ich meine Musik von NAS / DLNA / Bluetooth oder Spotify-Musik abspielen und steuern kann. Ich habe volumio 2 mal auf einer Android-TV-Box ausprobiert, mit einer umfangreichen Musikbibliothek friert das Gerät ein, das RPi2 lief dort stabiler. Ich finde, dass 3B + von der HW etwas besser aufgestellt ist. Ich denke, es ist ein schönes Projekt, und es macht Spaß, es zu machen, aber ich sehe nicht den Preis und die Leistung. Dort haben Sie mehr Erfahrung mit dem externen DAC. Sie können das RPi3 auch über einen HDMI-Port an Ihr AV anschließen ... es muss auch funktionieren;) My AVR has HDMI passthrough function, the signal is simply passed through.
Would the addition of an amplifier be beneficial to you/ most others? Or, have the majority of music enthusiasts embraced powered stock speakers? Thanks for the vid!
For the entertainment setup in my living room I do have a proper 7.1 receiver, but I couldn't stand such brick on my desk. When shopping for speakers I was really close to buying a pair one of those powered monitors (M-Audio AV42 to be exact) but I figured that Sound Blaster X7 (with its integrated amp + optical and RCA inputs) would be a better choice for audio enthusiast. I got it with the E-MU XM7 speakers but I might be changing those to something different in the future.
Excellent YATC, thanks. I'm considering (first) development of a 'non-brick' high power (cool energy) DAC + amplifier capable of transmitting actual or equivalent to 300+ watt sound via wifi, bluetooth and cable(s) along with optional touch screen panel and/ or basic control buttons. This would be a 'connected' cross-platform scalable & affordable true "24k" hi-fi audio (music) hub. I've seen similar units however consumer price points seem unnecessarily high, primary core input/ output options lacking and very little cohesion across/ among standardized and emerging hardware & software technologies. But.... what the heck do I know?
I saw somewhere else that you can then install a spotify plugin for volumio, would this let me able to play music on the pi from the devices drop down on spotify?
I used Spotify on Volumio for a while on the first revision of my 'Ultimate audio player'. I don't know if something has changed but back then, Spotify support was very limited - it required premium subscription and you could only select and play one of the playlists. I'm not sure but I don't think you could select the RPi as a playback device from within the Spotify app.
I've never tried it myself, but I remember googling that topic a few months back and finding out that USB optical drive should work just fine with RPi.
Nice video. My view is that the Pi 2B is a better choice than Pi 3 to avoid interference from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmitters and maximise sound quality.
Hey buddy, sorry total noob question. I'm going to attempt to build this. I have a spare 5 piece surround sound system. I want to use it as a home Spotify system using this. is that possible using your setup ?
Yeah, this should totally work - provided that your 5.1 system has RCA inputs. But be warned that Spotify support in Volumio is very limited - so don't expect all functionality that you can find on a native mobile app.
Czy ten zestaw może odbierać muzykę zgraną na dysk sieciowy WD my cloud? Czy jest to lepsze rozwiązanie niż google chromecast audio? Połączenie było by z Yamaha as 701.
Nie miałem do czynienia z dyskiem WD Cloud ale podejrzewam, że ma to szansę zadziałać. W czystej teorii, układy DAC w obu przypadkach mają takie same parametry, ale śmiem twierdzić, że HiFiBerry ma sporo większy potencjał. Można zmodyfikować płytkę i podać niezależnie zasilanie na tor analogowy, co daje zauważalne efekty. Chromecasta możesz zawsze podpiąć przewodem optycznym i korzystać z DACa wbudowanego we wzmacniacz. Wtedy jedyne co może być problematyczne to wydajność sieci bezprzewodowej.
Nice simple setup.. Does it only work with stored audio files? How about streaming Spotify ect? I already have a really nice DAC form TEAC. Is it possible to use my existing DAC connected over USB? Is an audio card available with coaxial (AES) or optical (toslink) Cheers,,
You can playback audio files either from a flash drive or a local file server. Volumio does support Spotify, but the implementation is very limited compared to native Spotify app. HiFiBerry Digi+ has digital outputs :) I have no experience with DACs from TEAC so can't really help you with that :/
update: I got everything set up with the HiFiBerry Digi+. Everything really sounds great! I'm having trouble with "Spotify Connect" . I was going to install an updated plugin that I found on GetHub but I the "Upload Plugin" tab is missing on my version. Do you have any suggestions?
The Spotify Connect App worked well for me when I connected to my Rpi via a Windows 10 PC application -- but worked badly when I connected using my Android Phone -- it was as though there was a lack of communication on the reverse link from the Rpi application to the android phone (the forward link from phone to Rpi seemed to work as it could issue commands).
Spotify made a change you have to install a third party update using SSH SSH How to: th-cam.com/video/ZkvHHkWmKSY/w-d-xo.html Here is the update to paste in your SSH interface wget github.com/balbuze/volumio-plugins/raw/master/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect2/volspotconnect2.zip mkdir ./volspotconnect2 miniunzip volspotconnect2.zip -d ./volspotconnect2 cd ./volspotconnect2 volumio plugin install
Hi, thank you for your clear discussion/review of using Pi with volumio. I also have the same setup, however with only the normal hifiberry dac+. Could you comment on the sound difference after upgrading to the pro version?
Well the first iteration was sporting a different DAC, it wasn't HiFiBerry. I do however have both Pro and non pro HiFiBerry DACs and I may do a comparison in the future.
I have both dac+ and dac+ pro , no huge difference detected until you separate the analogue and digital power supplies and use linear power supplies. Really worth doing
Hi I am thinking of building this however I want to have an aux input for example for external sky box or turn table. Is there a hat for this or would a USB aux sound card do the job.
My HifiBerry never lights up....ive tried three distributions...volumio, runeaudio, moode.... Ive tried hifiberry's modified raspbian...none of them show the sound card as available.
so I really love your set up , have you tried useing roon ? if so you might be able to help me . I am so new to Raspberry pi that i cant seem to get roon on my pi .. im stuck at the user name and password i put pi and password raspberry but it doesnt work. Now when i put a fresh install of raspian it takes me to desk top and all .. but i dont know how to load roon at that point. im really a noob please help ...ty
Thanks :) To be completely honest... I’m not an audiophile and don’t have much experience with audio gear. Having said that, I did a research myself a while ago (highly recommend the ‚Z Reviews’ TH-cam channel) and if I was shopping for an amp/dac I’d definitely consider JDS Labs Element II or something by Shiit audio.
@Jim noyb What are you talking about? Do you even know? This is a piece of open source software that allows you to play your music files on your home network... You can customise it until your heart's content, You have full control over the software, hardware and files... I don't understand how you could even possibly refer to big brother etc...
Czesc! zastanawiam sie czy jest mozliwosc polaczanie RPi 3 z zainstalowanym Volumio do glosnikow BT ale oslugujacych AptX, tak zeby przesylac dzwiek wysokiej jakosci.?
As far as I know, Volumio doesn't support BT streaming, but there might be other solutions that do (I think LibreElec might, but I haven't tested it). There are quite a few DACs out there offering similar capabilities, but I know that people over at HiFiBerry know what they're doing :)
now i got the idea. So i can connect this to my amplifier via RCA connections and with it running Volumio, i can access to my music library (USB hdd in my case) from my phone with Volumio. right?
I don't know - haven't used a schiit audio products, so can't tell. But I just modded the DAC board to power the analog circuit independently and it sounds amazing now! There will be a video in a not so distant future :)
The whole idea behind a DAC (digital to analog converter) is to stay away as far as possible from the mini-jack audio output on the RPi - the signal quality it delivers is just horrible.
Back then I didn't really have the speakers to hear the difference. Since the DAC parameters are the same, the actual sound quality difference would be rather hard to spot.
Volumio is controlled through a web interface - you can access it over any device that has a web browser. Volumio is a networked audio player - you stream music from an audio library on a computer/server that's in your network. For the time being it doesn't support bluetooth streaming.
YetAnotherTechChannel thanks for your reply. This means i need to buy another amp board? I thought speaker needs more power, not the earbud . I misunderstand it ?
You are right - speakers do need more power than headphones. But even so, the circuit board has to be designed for such use case - the audio signal must have a certain strength for this to work. HiFiBerry DACs (and I'm pretty much sure all other DACs) are meant to work with amplifiers and even if you manage to connect your headset directly to it, the experience will most probably be disappointing.
These are two different products for different applications... if you have an amp or a receiver that you can connect the DAC to, then it's the one... but if you don't have an external amp and you want to build a small audio box that you connect the speakers and you're good to go, then the AMP+ is what you need.
Nope, this one only does the digital to analog conversion - you will need a stereo amp or an AV receiver of some sort. Check out HiFiBerry AMP+ if you want both in a single package.
@@YetAnotherTechChannel Thanks! I want to add this amp2 to project I build. I found this speaker : www.parts-express.com/behringer-studio-50usb-150w-2-way-digital-monitor-speaker-pair--248-6910 (The passive one) and want to add crossover for it because it's doesn't have one. Can you please help me which crossover I need?
What do you mean saying 'you cannot install volumio'? You write it onto an SD card, plug it into RPi, power it on, wait a few minutes, go to volumio.local and that should be all.
I actually store my music library on a Synology NAS, but everything else is correct - streaming over home network without a direct connection between the server and the music player.
I have used it with Spotify a few years ago. The support back then was pretty limited (you could listen to your playlists) and it required a premium membership. Not sure if this has changed recently as I don't use Spotify anymore.
Now I'm using Spotify, and It's way better. On iPad's, PC's and in the Web Browser listening to music is completly free (only sometimes they play you a 15-seconds ad). As a premium user, I can use the Hi-Fi Quality, download music for offline usage and listen to public playlists. That's why it's so important to me, to use this Audio Player with Spotify. Oh, I checked it myself - there is a Volumio plugin for Spotify :)
spotify is available in volumio as well ;) The sweetness of Volumio is in posibility to: 1. Have your own local library (pluged -in usb, or NAS) 2. Have internet radio (for ex.TuneIn) 3. Have your Spotify 4. (not any more) have a music playlist from TH-cam (banned) 5. The most important - mix all 4 above in one playlist/Queue. ---not talking about having it all remotely controlled by phone, using it as AirPlay device to stream audio from phone/PC (with TuneBlade) and some other nice things :)
It's for those who have a bunch of CDs ripped to FLAC and stored on their file server. AFAIK Spotify doesn't provide the quality of a lossless compression ensured by FLAC file format. And since you stream the music locally, you don't rely on your internet connection.
Dear i am very sad . Hi fi berry dac + sound no doubt good but asus xoner u3 or creative play 2 are verry good because they have equalizer . volumio have'nt any equalizer system . if volumio group add equlizer then more better quality sound output from hi fi berry dac + .
As cool as this is...I don't get the point. Why make an audio box to play your music off of when you could just...y'know, play music directly from your computer or phone to your speakers? What's the purpose of putting the music onto the box and then playing that to speakers?
It's not really meant for streaming music while sitting at your desk, because like you noticed - playing music off your computer is more convenient... you can, of course, use it in that scenario if you have poor quality audio output from your motherboard or you want to offload music playback while your CPU is busy doing more important things. But... this is a music streaming device for your entertainment center - you connect it to your AV receiver and stream high-quality audio files from your server or from a flash drive.
Okay, I guess that makes sense. I often overlook the usage of such things because my system is optimized a different way, but now that you explain it, I can see how this would be a worthwhile addition to your home audio.
Just because I use a digital audio player doesn't mean I downloaded my music illegally. Believe it or not, I buy CDs and rip them to FLACs myself, or buy digital music online if it's offered in a lossless format.
Parts list, quick assembly and instructions - thanks for the brevity and clarity.
I did a similar thing but you can separate the 5v supplies for the digital and analogue side of things on the Dac+ pro and if you feed them from separate linear power supplies you will hear a huge improvement.
That's the plan for the next revision - separate power delivery, integrated display, and a custom case :)
YetAnotherTechChannel It worked a treat for me, hope you enjoy it
YetAnotherTechChannel when are you going to release the newest version with integrated display, sounds amazing
Please make a video with the upgrade. Realy want to build one :). Great job!
Let me save some of you some time. There is an issues with this DAC and the Raspberry pi 3 WIFI. You kind of have two choices: 1) Use a separate WiFi Dongle. 2) Change the channel your WiFi Router is using (I've found channel 10 works well. YMMV) This MAY be only an issue in the USA, I simply do not know enough about WiFi standards around the world. Out on the Web Help forums they do suggest avoiding channels 1, 6, 9, and 11.
Also, there are sometimes issues with setup for the HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro and the volume control in Volumio not working. I use the following settings and it seems to be working very nicely:
Output Device: Hifiberry DAC plus
DAC Model: Hifiberry DAC plus
DSP Program: FIR interpolation with De-emphasis (I'd love someone to explain this setting to me)
Clock Missing Period: 1s
DSD Over PCM (DoP): On
Volume Normalization: Off
Buffer Before Play: 10% (works for me, others recommend higher)
Mixer Type: Hardware
Mixer Control Name: Digital
Default Volume Startup: Disabled
Max Volume Level: 100% (less if your Amp is over sensitive)
One Click Volume Steps: 5 (default is 10, but I find 5 works better for me)
MPD Client Volume Control: On
Pumping this through to a homemade P-P Tube amp and Dynaco A10 speakers, the sound is very pleasant. Less so through my Class-D amps.
I hope this helps someone save a lot of time as this really is a nice sounding setup for under $100. I spent a really frustrating 6 hours compiling this information and getting mine to work.
Where can I get info on the tube amp? I keep wanting to build one, but never have (never seem to have the time, money, and interest all at the same time)
Iv'e been working with this setup for over four weeks and I'm about to turn my back on it. It's just not stable enough. Iv'e run it with three of my Pas Pi's so I know it's not the hardware. The unit falls asleep all the time, I have to turn it off at the wall often as I'm unable to connect to it via cable or WiFi. It's quicker for me to just put on a CD. The app lags, fails to play on most occasions and it just too annoying for me to work with it full time. What I will say is that when it does work it sounds great. Shame it's just not reliable enough. Sometimes I have to re boot the Pas Pi and all of my internal network components for it to work.
its a raspberry pi project its ment to be overkill!! :)
Lol, good point! :)
The good thing you can improve the sound by using better power supply like IFI power.
Nope. The IFi is still a switched mode supply and just boasts some 'noise filters' that in reality, do absolutely nothing. A bit like cheap 'power conditioners' do nothing as well. As the Rpi is a digital computer board, even using a linear power supply will make basically no difference. £40 for a wall wart 5v DC USB PSU with a couple of caps in it is a rip.
@@tomstephens7201 Hi, Ive seen a lot of bs and hate discussions over power supplies but as I understand it, when you are talking about the digital part (Rpi3 digital playback of 24bit/96khz flac files) isnt enough with a standard 5V regulated switching power supply? Unless the hifiberry dac "analog" modules need a very tight specification power supply demand; thanks for your input
Excellent video as always. Thank you!
Thanks, I'm trying my best :)
Do you have video/tutorial on how to power rpi using battery pack?
What power supply was used? I've read you can't run a separate supply, it gets its power from the Pi header, that concerns me because that would be EMI noisy.
Check out my Ultimate Audi Player 3.0 video - where I solder a connector onto the DAC board to have it powered separately.
What are the advantages of using a raspi as a dedicated audio player? (I don't like when a project needs a dedicated OS, the Pi is wasted on a single thing, multitasking is gone, so I'd need a good reason to do this.)
It works the other way around - I was in a need for a networked audio player so instead of paying god knows how much for an 'audiophile device' that's ready to go right out of the box, I put one together using a combination of a RPi and DAC.
I see, thanks!
It looks nice, and is economical in energy consumption. However, when you sum it up, isn't it soon better to buy a small AVR? (for example Onkyo TX-8020), the devices also have a NAS and remote support.
In my case it's a matter of convenience - you can control volumio from a mobile app, a web browser or even using Alexa (not natively but using API and IFTTT).
My Pioneer AV receiver can play digital tracks off of a NAS server, but I haven't really tried that - mainly because the networking feature failed after 2 years and the receiver no longer connects to the network :/
Anyways, do you know how do you interact with such receiver? Do you need to have your TV on if you want to control your playback? Browse folders, manage playlists, etc.? This doesn't sound particularly convenient... unless there's a mobile app for that?
@@YetAnotherTechChannelVielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Ich besitze den Denon AVR-X1300W AVR, dafür gibt es eine Android-Verbindung (apk), mit der ich meine Musik von NAS / DLNA / Bluetooth oder Spotify-Musik abspielen und steuern kann. Ich habe volumio 2 mal auf einer Android-TV-Box ausprobiert, mit einer umfangreichen Musikbibliothek friert das Gerät ein, das RPi2 lief dort stabiler.
Ich finde, dass 3B + von der HW etwas besser aufgestellt ist. Ich denke, es ist ein schönes Projekt, und es macht Spaß, es zu machen, aber ich sehe nicht den Preis und die Leistung. Dort haben Sie mehr Erfahrung mit dem externen DAC.
Sie können das RPi3 auch über einen HDMI-Port an Ihr AV anschließen ... es muss auch funktionieren;) My AVR has HDMI passthrough function, the signal is simply passed through.
Where did you purchase this case?
I have a dac hat, but want another setup for workshop. Can volumio SEND audio over builtin Bluetooth TO a Bluetooth stereo ?
Unfortunately at this point, Volumio doesn't support BT connectivity.
Can you add all yours songs onto the sd card that the volumio image is on just by dragging and dropping?
I'm not sure, but I'll check this weekend and get back to ya...
If you're still wondering about that - tha answer is yes, you can :)
Would the addition of an amplifier be beneficial to you/ most others? Or, have the majority of music enthusiasts embraced powered stock speakers? Thanks for the vid!
For the entertainment setup in my living room I do have a proper 7.1 receiver, but I couldn't stand such brick on my desk. When shopping for speakers I was really close to buying a pair one of those powered monitors (M-Audio AV42 to be exact) but I figured that Sound Blaster X7 (with its integrated amp + optical and RCA inputs) would be a better choice for audio enthusiast. I got it with the E-MU XM7 speakers but I might be changing those to something different in the future.
Excellent YATC, thanks. I'm considering (first) development of a 'non-brick' high power (cool energy) DAC + amplifier capable of transmitting actual or equivalent to 300+ watt sound via wifi, bluetooth and cable(s) along with optional touch screen panel and/ or basic control buttons. This would be a 'connected' cross-platform scalable & affordable true "24k" hi-fi audio (music) hub. I've seen similar units however consumer price points seem unnecessarily high, primary core input/ output options lacking and very little cohesion across/ among standardized and emerging hardware & software technologies. But.... what the heck do I know?
Which manufacturer / type are the white speakers at 0:36?
These are satellite speakers from a 5.1 set - Taga Harmony inMove.
I saw somewhere else that you can then install a spotify plugin for volumio, would this let me able to play music on the pi from the devices drop down on spotify?
I used Spotify on Volumio for a while on the first revision of my 'Ultimate audio player'. I don't know if something has changed but back then, Spotify support was very limited - it required premium subscription and you could only select and play one of the playlists. I'm not sure but I don't think you could select the RPi as a playback device from within the Spotify app.
Is there a way to connect a standard record player or record player with USB output to the PI to allow the record player to play through the Pi?
I've never tried it myself, but I remember googling that topic a few months back and finding out that USB optical drive should work just fine with RPi.
Buy a Nexum device and put on party mode to transmit the audio
Where are the links?
Why not trying wi the SupTronics X4000K kit for the 3rd model?
Nice video. My view is that the Pi 2B is a better choice than Pi 3 to avoid interference from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmitters and maximise sound quality.
Hey buddy, sorry total noob question. I'm going to attempt to build this. I have a spare 5 piece surround sound system. I want to use it as a home Spotify system using this. is that possible using your setup ?
Yeah, this should totally work - provided that your 5.1 system has RCA inputs. But be warned that Spotify support in Volumio is very limited - so don't expect all functionality that you can find on a native mobile app.
Czy ten zestaw może odbierać muzykę zgraną na dysk sieciowy WD my cloud?
Czy jest to lepsze rozwiązanie niż google chromecast audio?
Połączenie było by z Yamaha as 701.
Nie miałem do czynienia z dyskiem WD Cloud ale podejrzewam, że ma to szansę zadziałać. W czystej teorii, układy DAC w obu przypadkach mają takie same parametry, ale śmiem twierdzić, że HiFiBerry ma sporo większy potencjał. Można zmodyfikować płytkę i podać niezależnie zasilanie na tor analogowy, co daje zauważalne efekty. Chromecasta możesz zawsze podpiąć przewodem optycznym i korzystać z DACa wbudowanego we wzmacniacz. Wtedy jedyne co może być problematyczne to wydajność sieci bezprzewodowej.
Nice simple setup.. Does it only work with stored audio files? How about streaming Spotify ect? I already have a really nice DAC form TEAC. Is it possible to use my existing DAC connected over USB? Is an audio card available with coaxial (AES) or optical (toslink) Cheers,,
You can playback audio files either from a flash drive or a local file server. Volumio does support Spotify, but the implementation is very limited compared to native Spotify app. HiFiBerry Digi+ has digital outputs :)
I have no experience with DACs from TEAC so can't really help you with that :/
update: I got everything set up with the HiFiBerry Digi+. Everything really sounds great! I'm having trouble with "Spotify Connect" . I was going to install an updated plugin that I found on GetHub but I the "Upload Plugin" tab is missing on my version. Do you have any suggestions?
The Spotify Connect App worked well for me when I connected to my Rpi via a Windows 10 PC application -- but worked badly when I connected using my Android Phone -- it was as though there was a lack of communication on the reverse link from the Rpi application to the android phone (the forward link from phone to Rpi seemed to work as it could issue commands).
Spotify made a change you have to install a third party update using SSH
SSH How to: th-cam.com/video/ZkvHHkWmKSY/w-d-xo.html
Here is the update to paste in your SSH interface
wget github.com/balbuze/volumio-plugins/raw/master/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect2/volspotconnect2.zip
mkdir ./volspotconnect2
miniunzip volspotconnect2.zip -d ./volspotconnect2
cd ./volspotconnect2
volumio plugin install
JAMES GREER thanks I will try it out
is there any way to connect from my Pc usb to Raspberry pi 3 to my external dac?
I just want to clean up the signal
What kind of DAC is that? What do you want to achieve? You want to be able to use it both with your PC and RPi?
using usb cable from pc to RPi and then to my hugo dac
Can Volumio read audio files with cue sheet embedded?
what would i have to do to get a 4.1 audio output? i want to build a pi based carputer with android auto
You would need one of those car audio amps to drive the speakers and connect RPi with HiFiBerry to it.
YetAnotherTechChannel how about a usb soundcard? That way I could have 4.1? Would still have to use a amp.
for audio file does it need to be done thru network or can it be done from a USB stick ?
Yeah, you can play audio files off of a USB connected device.
ah , perfect. thanks.
nice vid, what if I wanted to play FLAC files directly off the Pi via usb stick, does that setup still work? Audio is being input into a hifi receiver
It sure will :)
@@YetAnotherTechChannel What kind of sound quality could I expect? Could electric noise and jitter, etc. be too much to make it worth it?
Same question here. Did it work for you???
Hi, thank you for your clear discussion/review of using Pi with volumio. I also have the same setup, however with only the normal hifiberry dac+. Could you comment on the sound difference after upgrading to the pro version?
Well the first iteration was sporting a different DAC, it wasn't HiFiBerry. I do however have both Pro and non pro HiFiBerry DACs and I may do a comparison in the future.
I have both dac+ and dac+ pro , no huge difference detected until you separate the analogue and digital power supplies and use linear power supplies. Really worth doing
Hi I am thinking of building this however I want to have an aux input for example for external sky box or turn table. Is there a hat for this or would a USB aux sound card do the job.
DId you use an older version on an RPI 3 ? I can't get my dac+pro and rpi3 to work...:(
I used the exact RPi3 as pictured - Model B, v 1.2. What seems to be the problem?
My HifiBerry never lights up....ive tried three distributions...volumio, runeaudio, moode....
Ive tried hifiberry's modified raspbian...none of them show the sound card as available.
@@PhotographerVA broken?
@@PhotographerVA damaged?
so I really love your set up , have you tried useing roon ? if so you might be able to help me . I am so new to Raspberry pi that i cant seem to get roon on my pi .. im stuck at the user name and password i put pi and password raspberry but it doesnt work. Now when i put a fresh install of raspian it takes me to desk top and all .. but i dont know how to load roon at that point. im really a noob please help ...ty
Can't help you out, for the time being, but I've been thinking about switching to Roon... so maybe soon I'll be able to help :)
You are using an AV receiver, why not send audio out the HDMI?
+Brian Boni Because my Pioneer receiver can only output analogue sources to ZONE2.
Great video! Thanks! Was wondering what would be a good AMP+DAC setup for headphones using the raspberry pi.. any recommendations?
Thanks :)
To be completely honest... I’m not an audiophile and don’t have much experience with audio gear. Having said that, I did a research myself a while ago (highly recommend the ‚Z Reviews’ TH-cam channel) and if I was shopping for an amp/dac I’d definitely consider JDS Labs Element II or something by Shiit audio.
using something like volumio allows them to track what you listen to even on you private collection. More big brother
Volumio is open-source and run on your own hardware.
@Jim noyb What are you talking about? Do you even know?
This is a piece of open source software that allows you to play your music files on your home network... You can customise it until your heart's content, You have full control over the software, hardware and files... I don't understand how you could even possibly refer to big brother etc...
Where can I buy that Raspberry Pi case like yours? I been looking for one. thx
It's the official HiFiBerry steel case for DACs:
You play what they let you, or select any internet station?
You have a selection of pre-defined radio stations and you can add your own, but to be honest I didn't have much luck with it :/
Czesc! zastanawiam sie czy jest mozliwosc polaczanie RPi 3 z zainstalowanym Volumio do glosnikow BT ale oslugujacych AptX, tak zeby przesylac dzwiek wysokiej jakosci.?
Niestety, Volumio nie wspiera BT.
Your review of digione signature audio player from allo
So this is basically a high quality Bluetooth streamer for your hifi?
No, you stream music (preferably in 192khz/24bit FLAC for highest quality) from your local file server, or play it from a USB flash drive.
and i cant add bluetooth feature? and your solution is the best quality /price solution to stream music archive into a hifi system?
As far as I know, Volumio doesn't support BT streaming, but there might be other solutions that do (I think LibreElec might, but I haven't tested it). There are quite a few DACs out there offering similar capabilities, but I know that people over at HiFiBerry know what they're doing :)
Bluetooth kinda removes the hi-fi aspect, better to do it off the network.
now i got the idea. So i can connect this to my amplifier via RCA connections and with it running Volumio, i can access to my music library (USB hdd in my case) from my phone with Volumio. right?
I may have missed it, but did you use an external amp to power the speakers? I'm a bit new to this arena.
Yes, this audio player is connected to an AV receiver with a pair of RCA cables.
YetAnotherTechChannel thanks for the answer.
How's the sound compare to $100 dac? specifically schiit audio.
I don't know - haven't used a schiit audio products, so can't tell. But I just modded the DAC board to power the analog circuit independently and it sounds amazing now! There will be a video in a not so distant future :)
@@YetAnotherTechChannel looking forward to it.
it would be cool to stream Slacker radio to this too.
Volumio does support internet radio streams.
Say bo, where did you get that fancy case?
It's the HiFiBerry's original steel case:
Can I use the jack for music output?
The whole idea behind a DAC (digital to analog converter) is to stay away as far as possible from the mini-jack audio output on the RPi - the signal quality it delivers is just horrible.
Big sound quality difference from previous setup?
Back then I didn't really have the speakers to hear the difference. Since the DAC parameters are the same, the actual sound quality difference would be rather hard to spot.
container that you used , where you can buy
HiFiBerry store:
does anyone know if they make a hifi berry like add on with 1/4" TRS?
No but 1/4 TRS is line level so you can get adapters/converter cable.
let me ask You: this volumio can be settuped with smartphone? i mean? i want come home,turn my bt on and listen music
Volumio is controlled through a web interface - you can access it over any device that has a web browser.
Volumio is a networked audio player - you stream music from an audio library on a computer/server that's in your network. For the time being it doesn't support bluetooth streaming.
YetAnotherTechChannel thank You!
will it play out to headphone jack as well?
Yes, but that uses the Pi's onboard DAC.
Question, if i want to use my headphone, how to do that? I dont see a headphone jack, right?
You would need a headphones amplifier for that.
YetAnotherTechChannel thanks for your reply. This means i need to buy another amp board? I thought speaker needs more power, not the earbud . I misunderstand it ?
You are right - speakers do need more power than headphones. But even so, the circuit board has to be designed for such use case - the audio signal must have a certain strength for this to work.
HiFiBerry DACs (and I'm pretty much sure all other DACs) are meant to work with amplifiers and even if you manage to connect your headset directly to it, the experience will most probably be disappointing.
YetAnotherTechChannel got it, thank you for your detail answer.
You're very welcome :)
which one do You feel Better : dac pro or hifi Berry amp ?
These are two different products for different applications... if you have an amp or a receiver that you can connect the DAC to, then it's the one... but if you don't have an external amp and you want to build a small audio box that you connect the speakers and you're good to go, then the AMP+ is what you need.
Does the DAC also include amplifier?
Nope, this one only does the digital to analog conversion - you will need a stereo amp or an AV receiver of some sort. Check out HiFiBerry AMP+ if you want both in a single package.
@@YetAnotherTechChannel it's unavailable now in Amazon. Amp2 it's also the same as Amp+?
Yup, AMP2 is just a revised model of the original AMP+
I have two AMP+ based audio endpoints that I use on a daily basis :)
I want to add this amp2 to project I build.
I found this speaker : www.parts-express.com/behringer-studio-50usb-150w-2-way-digital-monitor-speaker-pair--248-6910
(The passive one) and want to add crossover for it because it's doesn't have one.
Can you please help me which crossover I need?
just purchased the same setup but can not install volumio :-(
What do you mean saying 'you cannot install volumio'? You write it onto an SD card, plug it into RPi, power it on, wait a few minutes, go to volumio.local and that should be all.
YetAnotherTechChannel Turned out my raspberry pi had failed memory dim . got it working now and it's not bad for a cheap system .
are u streaming music wirelessly??
This one is connected over ethernet but I'm using wifi in my bedroom audio station.
So the music goes from your desktop to the dac through ethernet or Wi-Fi with no wires going directly from the comp to the pi??
I actually store my music library on a Synology NAS, but everything else is correct - streaming over home network without a direct connection between the server and the music player.
But you can’t use it with Spotify i think yup?
I have used it with Spotify a few years ago. The support back then was pretty limited (you could listen to your playlists) and it required a premium membership. Not sure if this has changed recently as I don't use Spotify anymore.
Now I'm using Spotify, and It's way better. On iPad's, PC's and in the Web Browser listening to music is completly free (only sometimes they play you a 15-seconds ad). As a premium user, I can use the Hi-Fi Quality, download music for offline usage and listen to public playlists. That's why it's so important to me, to use this Audio Player with Spotify.
Oh, I checked it myself - there is a Volumio plugin for Spotify :)
Chromecast audio and Spotify?
spotify is available in volumio as well ;)
The sweetness of Volumio is in posibility to:
1. Have your own local library (pluged -in usb, or NAS)
2. Have internet radio (for ex.TuneIn)
3. Have your Spotify
4. (not any more) have a music playlist from TH-cam (banned)
5. The most important - mix all 4 above in one playlist/Queue.
---not talking about having it all remotely controlled by phone, using it as AirPlay device to stream audio from phone/PC (with TuneBlade) and some other nice things :)
Good and beutiful instruction video! Inspirering! :-)
Thanks :) I'm really glad there are people enjoying my videos as much as I enjoy making them :)
Are the standoffs included?
+Zeus54321 yes, they come with the case.
Do you think they are included in the HiFiBerry Universal case as well?
I like the ideia but... Isnt better Spotify ? You dont need to download any music and you can search for musics that you dont know !
It's for those who have a bunch of CDs ripped to FLAC and stored on their file server. AFAIK Spotify doesn't provide the quality of a lossless compression ensured by FLAC file format. And since you stream the music locally, you don't rely on your internet connection.
Can it connect via Bluetooth to the phone?
Volumio doesn't support BT connectivity.
YetAnotherTechChannel too bad
Dear i am very sad . Hi fi berry dac + sound no doubt good but asus xoner u3 or creative play 2 are verry good because they have equalizer . volumio have'nt any equalizer system . if volumio group add equlizer then more better quality sound output from hi fi berry dac + .
is volumia better than runeaudio?
I haven't tried Rune, but I know for sure that Volumio is far from perfect and I'm seriously considering spending money for Roon.
hej, gdzie kupujesz podzespoły ?
Płytki HiFiBerry - oficjalnym sklepie, RasbperryPi - na allegro.
Are you from Poland? I can see Polish OS here.
Guilty as charged ;)
You speak perfectly good English!
can this be used offline?
Sure, you can stream audio either from a network server or from a USB flash drive.
So if I have a touchscreen, I can just plug the USB in and play my music?
so my player will be web based . what??
Liangshi Xu I guess so. Html5. Try looking on google playstore.
yes it runs on a webserver that is hosted on your Pi. As you can see in the video, you just browse to the IP address of your Pi to access the player.
Great video! Love your narration and direction! Well done
PS: if you want, get in touch with me I would love to cooperate on a thing...
Thanks much :)
I'll direct message you on the forum (michelangelo? right?)
yep or mail info at volumio dot org ... as you prefer
Not much info here for a Linux user
it is quite bugged lol
O! Polak!
As cool as this is...I don't get the point. Why make an audio box to play your music off of when you could just...y'know, play music directly from your computer or phone to your speakers? What's the purpose of putting the music onto the box and then playing that to speakers?
It's not really meant for streaming music while sitting at your desk, because like you noticed - playing music off your computer is more convenient... you can, of course, use it in that scenario if you have poor quality audio output from your motherboard or you want to offload music playback while your CPU is busy doing more important things.
But... this is a music streaming device for your entertainment center - you connect it to your AV receiver and stream high-quality audio files from your server or from a flash drive.
Okay, I guess that makes sense. I often overlook the usage of such things because my system is optimized a different way, but now that you explain it, I can see how this would be a worthwhile addition to your home audio.
Polski Windows, niezle ;)
if any one thinks this is tricky you have no business doing pi project's. lol
i love how all your music is just pirated xD
Just because I use a digital audio player doesn't mean I downloaded my music illegally. Believe it or not, I buy CDs and rip them to FLACs myself, or buy digital music online if it's offered in a lossless format.
This guy sounds like he's running out of breath.
Is there a way to combine a hifi dac with a "HD" bluetooth 5 receiver (one that can handle hi-res bluetooth like AAC, aptX, aptX HD, LDAC formats)?
do you have a link to the volumio img?
thank you