There are many Kikuyu words that give a more accurate contextual translation of Ancient Hebrew than the officially recognized translations used today. For example, Leviticus is officially stated to mean "words of wisdom". In Ancient Hebrew, Leviticus was the word "waqra". Waqra sounds very similar to "waigera", Kikuyu for "when you enter". Given that Moses wrote Leviticus before the Hebrews entered Canaan, assuming a Kikuyu translation of Leviticus to "when you enter", Kikuyu is closer to the original context in which the word, "waqra" was coined than the current official meaning of Leviticus. It is said that the protokikuyu were a group of Hebrews and Egyptians who would accompany pharoah to worship on Mt. kenya. Only Pharoah was powerful enough to fight the Maasai and reach Mt. Kenya. The pyramids in Egypt were built to resemble Mt. Kenya so that Egyptians who could not come to Mt Kenya because of the Maasai could worship in Egypt.
There are many Kikuyu words that give a more accurate contextual translation of Ancient Hebrew than the officially recognized translations used today. For example, Leviticus is officially stated to mean "words of wisdom". In Ancient Hebrew, Leviticus was the word "waqra". Waqra sounds very similar to "waigera", Kikuyu for "when you enter". Given that Moses wrote Leviticus before the Hebrews entered Canaan, assuming a Kikuyu translation of Leviticus to "when you enter", Kikuyu is closer to the original context in which the word, "waqra" was coined than the current official meaning of Leviticus.
It is said that the protokikuyu were a group of Hebrews and Egyptians who would accompany pharoah to worship on Mt. kenya. Only Pharoah was powerful enough to fight the Maasai and reach Mt. Kenya. The pyramids in Egypt were built to resemble Mt. Kenya so that Egyptians who could not come to Mt Kenya because of the Maasai could worship in Egypt.
Not Kikuyus. Bantus!