Don't have 5 of them but what I do not want is to make crazy high numbers in the game. I think balancing is so much easier if you keep numbers low in the game. Borderlands 2 op 10 would confuse me if my damage was billions or trillions it's just too high.
as long as it doesn't have a slew of overpriced battle passes I'm all in. Actually I think the vault cards were pretty revolutionary in that regard just one purchase instead of having to buy a new one every month a half diablo 4
My wishlist for 4 1. A story that doesn't last waaaay too long. Finishing at lvl 30-32 was perfect 2. Smaller guns. I can't see half of my screen with some of these AR/launchers 3. Lower brightness on explosions and text size options for damage numbers 4. Rarities rarer than orange and making rare equipment actually rare 5. A setting for character quip frequency. (1 is saying something every couple minutes. 10 is near constant speaking) 6. Mayhem mode. Just no. OP mode was rough, but this is just too much
I personally want the characters to talk to our vault hunters like they did in pre-sequel. "By the way, Wilhelm? You've got some rust rot on your cybernetic eye, might wanna get that checked out." Addressing the vault hunter by name is amazing and makes you get a lot more into the character and give a damn who they are. I do NOT... Want long drawn out talking moments that play out in game but you're stuck in sanctuary listening to them... While one or two won't kill me at super important parts of the story, it grew old fast. Do not make bosses that have more than ONE... invincibility phase for a transformation... Or just remove invincibility phases overall, let us interrupt the transformation so we have a true testament to our power and get that DOPAMINE rush... I'm 50/50 on slaughters because I find the mobbing actually fun with a good build but they do go on a bit long is the thing if enemies have a lot of hp... There's a way to balance them, but don't put all the eggs in that basket. Please playtest your vehicles and make them feel GOOD to drive... Cyclone felt FUN... The bandit technical... Not really... Maybe add a flying vehicle too?
No vehicle dependent missions or maps like in 3, I'm talking about like when you gotta drive to the vault on promethea, drive to the calypso twins cathedral, drive to (insert location while fighting enemies off). I feel it served to make the plabet feel bigger, but it honestly did the opposite. The emptiness made it feel like there was actually less of a planet, rather than more.
1. Don't lock me in a room while dialogue plays 2. No more anoints 3. No more driving down a hallway quests 4. No more OP levels/Mayhem 5. No more talking to Lilith every other quest step
@@PeachIceCreamy I dunno I think people just liked the challenge of getting op levels, cause there's virtually no game balance after having them in any capacity and I'd like a well balanced borderlands endgame for the first time since bl1
@@HyruleChicken-d5ryou are either really stupid or really bad at Borderlands 2 if you think OP8 has significantly worse game balance/build diversity than base 72 UVHM
Not in any particular order -Remove HP Gates or invincible phases for boss fights, nothing irks me more when I cant melt bosses and have to wait 10 years for them to be damaged again -world loot pool. Bring back proper dedicated loot pool, so I know what to take down for something specific -Forcing you to listen to NPCs yapping while you wait for em to finish instead of just doin it like BL2 where they yap but you can go to the next marker already coz they talk in the echo instead -Claptrap but I guess its too late for that huh? -forced vehicle missions
Launch day bl3 and wonderlands whole lifespan, even if its just a launch issue again like bl2 and 3 i feel like its best to not make it an issue for a 4th time@@ludwigtheholyblade777
@@ludwigtheholyblade777 Borderlands 3 at the start had loot pools that is a world pool AKA every boss can drop the same legendaries making farming for a specific one pretty hard. They changed it on an update (2020 update) to also add a dedicated loot pool for specific legendaries on top of world pool legendaries to make farming a specific one easier.
@@hugo_boss9968 How are they missing out though? Based on their previous comment, it sounds like they interacted with all, if not at least most of the end-game content, and just preferred the slaughters. Thus if they've already messed with everything, they're not missing out on anything.
1. Anointments Deleted 2.Mayhem Modifiers get more effort or put into a gamemode 3. More Appealing 4th Skill Tree or just 2 new characters 4. Remove or give reason to do UVHM/TVHM 5. Option to turn down or turn off elemental splash effects 6. Keep the Chaos Chamber from Wonderlands. Give it a arms race inspired challenge mode, Maybe even a boss rush of every borderlands boss ever till now.
The level cap argument is just silly to me honestly, because it only works if we take as a constant that a balance was perfect from the very start or at the very least at some point at all before the level cap increases (which is simply not the case). It's not the level cap breaking the balance of the game, it's the people that does not work on balancing things as much as they should.
True. Also wanting "balance" in a single player game? Demanding balance is such a multiplayer competitive shooter genre take. A balanced game is not fun, a game where imbalanced things keep each other in check and in balance, is what's fun. Example, The Sham, REALLY good against gun based enemies, death sentence against anyone without a gun (projectiles, melee, elements).
@@SaarlaneKretiinI think what they mean by balance is that they should have a set vision of how the difficultly of endgame feels. The reason why I think level caps are awkward is that since the goalpost keeps getting moved, there’s isn’t a clear idea of what that endgame should look like. For example, in Bl3, at level 50ish, the game is not insanely glassy. Let’s say you can take 4-5 hits without a shield, and with no skill point investment from a basic enemy and maybe 10 shot them with a basic pistol. Now, since level 72 is supposed to be harder and you have more skill points, the basic enemies now 2 shot you, even with your health increase. Additionally, enemies are spongier and take, say, 15 hits to kill. Now, the additional 22 skill points are significant, but often, you end up with far more damage skills than survivability skills. You typically are able to kill enemies relatively fast because skills syngergizing and doing stupid crazy bullshit. But enemies kill you really fast too. Sometimes you get some defensive synergy that makes you completely unkillable but I think what often ends up happening is that the burden of synergy min maxes a build to be good at just 1 thing instead of being “balanced”. The issue is that all skills need to feel useful at level 50, so late skills are very powerful because you can’t have that many. But at 72, you can suddenly use a ton of late skills that all synergize. So you don’t get additives, you get things that feel or are multiplicative. Endgame gets very glassy as a result and then bosses get spongier and spongier to compensate, then the thrill of the fight kinda dies down. As much forced 2nd play throughs kinda suck. They are a good tool for a successful rebalance. I hope they find a more elegent solution.
@EvilNinja182 my experience at M10 is rarely that enemies take too long to kill. the fragility is there, but rarely do i find someone taking too long to kill. vermi maybe?
@@SaarlaneKretiin that’s pretty fair. I think the thing I was trying to get at is that some synergies are vastly more powerful than others and enemies require heavy synergy so unsynergistic stuff becomes EXTRA unviable because synergistic stuff exists. That sounds mostly fine but then what happens is that tons of items, mechanics and playstyles have no available synergys because there is way more loot than viable builds. I think what I felt in Bl3 lvl50s was that a general build felt ok, and a restricted synergy build felt great. Which was good but I felt rewarded for my ingenuity and time spent collecting loot. In the 72s I felt that a general build was unplayable and a synergy build felt trivial and overpowered. For example. True Melee amara, in general, feels pretty awful because enemies are hard to hit and you don’t even do that much damage when you do hit them. Blade fury melee is unbelievably busted and overpowered to where it feels pretty unfun to win like that. I’m fine with there being a disparity but damn was that disparity INSANE. It was kinda polarizing. Even status, a pretty fundamental, general concept, fell off SO hard. You could really not get away with just doing status damage apart from unleash the dragon because it was pitiful and dragon was ridiculous. Every playstyle felt like there was 1 way of doing it and it was really has to make the items you liked just be functional. I didn’t need my nimbus com to be anything special. Just usable. There were like 3 usable amara coms and part of that was bad design but for some coms and weapons they just got outscaled. And you can’t even just give them a flat buff because then they become too powerful at lower mayhem for little investment. There obviously a ton of character bias and stuff here but it really did feel like running most unoptimised strats became quite unviable or unfun later on in the game.
@EvilNinja182 idk ive generally never had troubles on both OP8 or M10. ive made a bunch of guns work. definitely some are better and dont require any thinking or aim. ill be honest amara is my least played. she was also the one i struggled the most. melee in general not just amara feels like an afterthought in BL3. you are much more inclined to use the "Melee" guns. id really like some comboing elements back. Zer0 decption with kunai and death mark or the singularity+b0re setups, Maya phaseburst, axton explosives etc. maybe we could get like an element stacking debuff, enemy has -50% resistances when affected by 4 or more elements or something. i understand that im kind of an outlier, i like the super high level gameplay (my brain couldnt comprehend that a lot of people dont go past Normal mode and keep playing there. but even i can agree that TVHM and UVHM need some incentives. also, bring back UVHM.
If we have level cap increases, I'd like to see them built into the base game and locked behind playthroughs (e.g. lv50 for the starting mode, lv60 for TVHM, lv 70 for UVHM)
Slaughters have been in borderlands since 1 and many like them and are enjoyed by many. They've had differences and maps. If you don't like them, don't play them. Saying you don't want them in AT ALL alienates a large portion of the base who enjoy them.. and I'm curious if your metrics show people stopping off the video at that point.
Thank you! They're always side missions anyways. Nobody is FORCING anybody to play these missions. But for me, personally, endgame wave content is what I want the most! 90% of the game is mobbing and I love it. I want them to throw as much chaos as they can at me. It's so fun.
Yeah it doesn’t hurt at all to keep them in the game as one of the endgame activities. I’d love to see takedowns, slaughters, raid bosses, and a few other options for endgame content.
I dont want to see more copy/paste reddit humor. But I'm not holding my breath. Also, let's have our vault hunters present in the story! So annoying watching cutscenes in BL3 where our characters just don't exist anymore.
Franchise is known for silly humor, before everyone starting crying about everything online the humor was actually a selling point so I seriously doubt it changes much
This is probably not gonna happen, but the INSANE amount of redundant legendaries bl3 had needs to go. It doesn’t make guns feel unique and half of them didn’t have good balance/gimmicks anyway.
Yeah the way they did it in bl2 was so much better. Legendaries were rare but very powerful. Thats how it should be. Whay put me off bl3 is how legendaries shower fron everywhere but are not very impactful.
@Screeno1993 I kinda half disagree with this take. Legendaries in BL2 were a pretty mixed bag. Some of them were obscenely OP (Harold, Lyuda,) some of them were decent (Slagga, Kerblaster, Striker) and some of them were garbage and just straight inferior to their purple variants (Logans Gun, Infinity, Gub). It happens a lot when you're experimenting with various different gun designs and ideas and aren't really thinking about balance.
personally i didn’t mind the amount of legendary weapons! my brother and i do a lot of manufacture locks so it’s nice to always get something new! i haven’t really noticed any of them feeling the same or anything like that! we have a 3 man game going right now so we do constantly get legendary weapons but it’s always “Ah Hell yeah!” each time. i also like that each player gets different loot individually too i think that’s pretty fun
The slaughter is good brainrot content. When I feel like playing the game again, I want to do slaughters (for borderlands 3). I think with the movement character in borderlands 4, not having slaughter houses will be a huge miss in playability.
Slaughters can be fun if you're not trying to farm the boss at the end. Should have a second button just to respawn the boss like the mods made for unique enemies.
If they do level increases i think that they should be a larger increase, and should only ever happen with real content drops, also they can shake up the sandbox with buffs/nerfs when they do that instead of like every 2 weeks (Kind of like a seasonal system but based on dlc drops probly) In addition they could possibly extend the skill trees with level increases (add like 1-2 rows down in each tree for each character) so that we still have unique builds instead of overtime just unlocking everything all at once
- dedicated drops - Make legendaries good again and rare - pearls - no anoints - proper endgame - epic raid bosses - no mayhem randomizer stuff - Decent story - DLC characters (playable midget Goliath) - Less dead space on the bigger “open world” maps - headhunter dlcs! - no eden 6 - no dragging on the story - no invincible stages that last forever on bosses - more character customisation ability - please don’t make me play the game 3 times 😭 TVHM is enough
Agree with everything except eden 6..the anvil and jakobs estate some of my alltime fav maps heaps of enemies to fight all the way lectra city on promethea..non stop action!!
Honestly, the stupid drop rates for legendaries is what ruined borderlands 3 the most for me. You end up practically drowning in them. It gets to a point where you start spending more time sifting through them than you do playing the game. Lengendaries are supposed to feel special, but they just feel standard in BL3. Just look at 7:28 in this video. It's not a real looter shooter when there is only one tier of weapon.
My top 5: -Poor optimalization -Skin drops -Mayhem/Op levels (I hate them) -Second season pass which you dont get even if you pre ordered the biggest edition -Car missions
I get the first 2 but you lost me at op/mayham and more dlc😂 naww more dlc good for games like borderlands past first yr and op lvls just makes the game somewhat challenging, the base game is too easy I feel so they need to exist and they are optional you don't need to play them.
@@lapisgaming6093 I agree with the op/mayhem levels with you but with the +season apss hell nah, at least not for me, 40 bucks for another pass when i bought the biggest edition available, is a rip off to me, but different people different opinions
@lapisgaming6093 mayhem just got too big just like the op levels they dont balance them at all making it unfair to play through overall in my opinion they need to rework it again
@nyomulos.-6798I think that's fair. But my understanding is that you paid for a yr of content, not a second year. But I get how that can be annoying. I usually don't mind because I like new content and a reason to play but games like borderlands aren't live services, we don't know how long the game will be supported.
@nyomulos.-6798long as there's more with more gear I'm usually happy, but yeah, we'll likely see another season pass. But I understand your view of it. You want a whole product but today world we Don't usually get a complete experience, companies like to add more over time to keep engagement and profits.
1. Reddit/Blue sky/Twitter humor. 2. Forced sympathy (or whatever the hell story Ava had) 3. Ava (even though I'm pretty sure that's the siren we see in the trailer) 4. Less useless loot (oranges and above need to feel more special) 5. Anointed weapons/shields/artifacts (maybe replace them with weapons/shields/artifacts that can have a slot to add effects depending on character through leveling or achievements) I'll be honest, my hope is slim for 4. 3 was like stubbing my, stepping back into a Lego, and then smacking myself with the door on the way out. All the stuff I didn't like about 3 is in 4 like the bastardized cell shading, comically big heads, and bland main character design. And if those are back, then chances are everything else from 3 is back. So I'm just going to wait a week after release and see what's happening (probably longer since I wait till it drops on steam, so might be closer to a month).
As a Zane main, I really liked the fourth skill tree since the green tree was basically useless aside from brainfreeze and the dome augment to the barrier 🤔
Things i don’t want to see and would like: 1. returning to main hub area to get an exposition dump you could have received on your echo on the way to the next main objective. 2. doors remaining locked until an npc finishes dumping exposition on you that could easily continue over echo 3. Enable selling items from bank instead of manually having to place them in the back pack, run to a vending machine, rinse and repeat. 4. Remove quitting out to farm items and enable farming maybe by teleporting the nearest travel station 5. Make fetch instructions make sense, it makes no sense for an npc to tell me to press a button they are standing next to. Its just uselessly padding game time
Youve got people saying they want legendary to be stronger. You've got people saying they want them to be super simple like 1. You've got this guy saying he doesn't want level increases cause he doesn't want to have to farm for more guns and the guns to be too powerful.(insane btw you just want to do all the dlcs at level cap? Boring af.) they cant please everyone. Im sure a good 10 -20% will hate it no matter what lol
without level cap increases, less people will play DLCs because theres no point to the loot etc, even if its "better" gear, theres no powercreep, no increase to the power reward etc
I’ll be honest I completely disagree, the dlc weapons are cool not because of their level but because of their special abilities. Upping the levels does nothing but make me not want to play the game cus what’s the point in farming for something extremely special or rare just for it to be pointless in a month or two? May as well wait for them to release their last level increase update and then start farming but that would obvs take years. I was so upset when they upped it from 72 in bl2 because I had equipment that literally took me years to get and it all disappeared outa nowhere. I don’t have that time anymore to grind those things and I put my few hours a week in other games because of it
level cap increases to get more skillpoints and bigger numbers are "fine" (psychologically, bigger numbers make player happy) the problem is the regrind... aka solution, make your equipment level up some how. -multiple ways. give weapons their own xp to level. (not a fan, just an idea), -just let them level up with you, but only for new dlc content/after story, so new characters have to finish story. -be able give a weapons the level of a higher leveled weapon. (sacrifice a level 60 weapon to put another weapon to level 60) you still will play the dlc and grind for new dlc weapons, but can keep your old ones.
What we need are great DLCs that have interesting and well written characters, fun and memorable quests and locations, and more good loot that can increase build diversity. Sadly I am worried we won't get that at all for BL4. :/
@AnneHathawayRules that alone after year's to progress and have more then on goal isn't enough also keep in mind it used to be that you could only kill a boss once! That's not a end game that's you killed it didn't receive the loot you wanted and cannot farm it to make a solid peak build! Let's say this happens again now what do you do? We are back at square one! If they do make it respawn and it's only the one raid boss then are you really gonna suggest you want that remember two other games were flawed due to this for a long time TPS and Wonderland's! Sure they are slightly better now but they don't have a end game that makes you want to progress or stick around! I want to have a reason to play not a reason to quit!
The timekeeper (the guy shown in the badass tech suit with the cape) could be the next best villain under handsome Jack if him and his story is done right. Going back on the echo logs and lore he is mentioned to be a serious and menacing militia leader dominating and maintaining order in the galaxy in this dimension, hence the name of his army "the order" shown with the eridian-like alien robots that you see in the trailer
I got absolutely SICK of how often you get legendaries in BL3. In BL2 it actually felt amazing to see a legendary drop. In BL3, it’s just like “Oh… another legendary that I’ll probably just sell”
@@shiroufan5401 not in the first playthrough atleast, maybe couple on true vault hunter and lots of on OP levels, but you alteast got to experience the game without them
I can't agree with the level cap, maybe I don't understand your reasoning but the idea of a level 50 gun not being equal to level 70 makes sense. If I've put 20 more levels onto my character then I want them to feel 20 levels stronger, guns and all
What he's saying is in the base game and levels theres a ratio used to keep all the gear you get proportional throughout. But once you introduce the extra levels that the game was not designed to deal with it causes that ratio and proportion to become skewed noticably. Take borderlands 2 for example. On the first two playthroughs without doing dlcs your level will remain on par and so will the gear in the base game. But once you hit playthrough 3 with the extra levels you have to start farming for specific gear and have a specific build for your character to even complete it. This makes 99% of the gear you get pointless and causes the game to either go stale or be unenjoyable because not everyone has the time to dedicate to farming for the gear to keep playing at higher levels.
I rather just have my weapons automatically level up with my character. Sucks so hard every time when you finally get a legendary you can trow it away a few lvls later. Most people ain't got time to farm endlessly. You will still have plenty new weapons to loot till lvl72 this way. Just make better class weapons at lvl 72+.
@lennartl6662 I think a better option would be an upgrade system where we could level up old guns. That way, you still feel the classic borderlands challenge, but you can level up guns to feel stronger again.
@dmgdrunkenmultiplayergamin5631 i think that more pertains to farming rather than leveling weapons, and to be fair, I think borderlands has one of the best farming systems, tho not needing reload the game everytime would be nice.
My 5 things: - No mayhem mode levels/modifiers - Low drop rates for legendaries and unique loot (Want to grind like BL2) - No DLC skill trees, rather a DLC character - No anointments on weapons. Keep them simple with rare versions of the weapon - I want Small/medium sized maps also. I like open world locations, but I feel you can bring a lot more depth and character to a map when it's limited in size
@@Goblinwithfeetpicsnah his list is almost the exact same as mine lol very good list 3s drop rates were way too damn high and made getting legendary drops not feel as good/accomplished Annointments were ass and it was annoying trying to find a good or perfect roll ONTOP of getting the right annointment Large empty maps that require driving all the time sucks. 2s maps were much better. Smaller but more dense and varied and alot less driving time (driving sucks in borderlands games)
i agree 1:32 cuz i wanted a new DLC character with the new gameplay. Since BL3 had better gameplay and graphics and new mechanics i’d love to play a new character with it
Kreig was probably the second most used character in 2 lol right behind Salvador. Didn’t care for most of the new skill trees, would much rather have multiple new characters with their own entire trees and playstyles I’d like more end game variety. Wonderlands went into the right direction it just needs to be more fleshed out and varied with the “Diablo style rifts” bigger, better more varied Maybe add some boss rush type mode. I don’t mind slaughter shafts but they just need to improve on them
#5 0:35 Wasn't the thing they said that the most player didn't played all the characters equaly or get to max every one, and they mostly just stay alongside with one class/vault hunter? So that's the reasson they didn't saw the neccesity to do more characters because most players aren't even gonna play them annyways? #4 at this point level caps are inevitable, is a thing that has been in the game since the first game because it gives you more skill points and is what helps on getting stronger gear to a mayor dificulty increase in the game as the game progresses in it's life cicle and the looking on how to implement new challenges into the game (mayhem levels are an optional thing the player can turn on and off anytime they want). But I agree that borderlands 3 made it feel a chore for just 2 or 3 extra levels, compared to 10 or 11 in borderlands 2 where the difference would be more noticeable #3 but the slaugthers are....optional? there is no moment where the game force you to do them, the mission you get about them is pretty much just to know that they exist, there are complete raids, raid bosses, privinggrounds and seassonal events you can do to get stuff in the game and pretty much just world drops, if you wanna farm a specific weapon you can still go kill and enemy and reset the game as usual, why complain that much not wanting anythin for something that is just and option and 1 thing to do betwen everythin else?
I’ll be honest, it’s hard to come up with anything unique that you haven’t mentioned already. But, I don’t want useless blues and whites to return. It feels like 90 percent of bl3 was useless stuff, then you get to the point that you get 10 legendaries a kill. I want to get a purple and be interested in it, I’m honestly tired of getting a billion purples and legendaries all of the time. I also don’t want the writing to be completely terrible. I think the story should be more focused and contained. If there’s another monkey moaning dialogue thing in bl4, I might have to suck start a shotgun.
Unfortunately for story, the lead writer for 3 is the lead writer for 4. Given his posts on twitter/x, it'll probably be the same stuff or doubling down on it.
If you consider Eden-6 and Nekrotafeyo padding, that means that the game can't have 3 DISTINCT sections. Yes, some of the Eden-6 section is padding, but not all of it.
Respectfully disagree with not increasing the level cap, from my perspective it adds playability and gives you more to do. Completely understand your perspective as well, different people like different things in games
Increasing Level cap is fine but they shouldn’t make it so you can do damn near all of your skill trees. Smaller cap creates wider variety of builds imo
All of my friends dropped the game because of it and went back to Destiny and Warframe. It's not a good system. And I'm the only one who stuck around. If 4 in 5 people drop the game because of said system, then perhaps it's not a good system. If they wanna do level cap increases then they should do it in big batches or don't do it at all. It's one thing to rank up 50 additional levels once in the span of a year, and another to do 5 levels every 3-4 months or so. It really feels like everything you've gathered and saved up perfect rolls of just did not matter. One of my friends spent months getting a radiation element super shreddifier for Moze . When I told him that the following week they were going to increase the level cap a third time he flat-out uninstalled the game. I never got the argument of "it gives you something to do", just play something else in the meantime or do a new playthrough like Joltz and K6 do where they are only allowed to use certain weapon types or manufacturers, that's what I used to do as well.
IMO Anoints would be fine if we could make non-anointed items anointed. Because that would shift farming weapons back onto good parts and not "does it have an anoint". Additionally if they acted more as additional, unique, and optional functions instead of "here's 300% bonus damage for using your action skill, go do a crime" that would make it feel a whole lot more like it's your gun doing the work not your anoint doing all the work. Also if getting anoints you wanted wasn't pure RNG that'd also be great.
5: Uniques having a place in the game BL2 style again. In BL2 a lot of the best weapons were uniques. In BL3 and Wonderlands they felt they were instead there to be side-quest gimmick weapons u use once leveling up and then never again. 4: Pearls that are actually good. I want pearls back, and I want them to actually be good, not BL2 style where you’ve got 1 great weapon (Bekah), a handful of solid ones that are either ok or require a niche playstyle (sawbar, butcher, stalker), and a bunch of awful ones. 3: Drip fed level caps. Honestly, the BL1/2/TPS level cap system is fine by me. I do like the increased skill points and the increased freedom it allows with my build, I’d just rather get 11 levels at once, not 3 every other month. Genuinely dropped BL3 for awhile until they released all the levels. 2: DLC Vault Hunters. The 4th skill trees are for the most part fun and unique, but they don’t re-incentivize you to go back and replay the game which IMO is a big mis-step and is the best part of new vault hunters. 1: Less RNG. I yearn for the days of BL2 relics/class mods so fucking badly. With the way the current system works I no longer farm for perfect parts since my odds are so minuscule, I just settle for something that’s passable. If I have a perfect legendary Cat mod and someone has a pretty meh one, we still have the same mod, theirs just has less SMG damage. If I have a perfect Phasezerker and someone has a shitty Phasezerker, based on rolls it almost feels like we have 2 entirely different pieces of gear. Don’t even get me started on anointments, either. With each subsequent game release they’ve compounded layers RNG on top of eachother to the point that I’ve now largely lost the desire to farm. . . In the game all about farming.
Nah man, the fact they had about 5 updates increasing levels in bl3 with months inbetween was stupid, if they did it like bl2 where the level updates were huge and didnt feel like padding
Completely agree with him tbh. What’s the point in farming for something that’s rare when you know it’s going to be useless after a month or two. Just makes me not want to bother farming
@@SirDiceGuy I really want to meet people who enjoyed re-farming all their stuff because for me it’s what killed my enjoyment for the game by the second DLC. I wasn’t bothered farming my favorite things all over again every single dlc
@ completely agree with you. I remember saying it’d be a cool idea if you could use eridium to possibly level up your guns (just make it stupidly expensive) but then they gave eridium a different purpose so i don’t think it’d work anymore.
@@acostco9921well no I don’t “refarm” I go get some of the other billions of guns in the game. You farmers probably just need a farming dlc just to go and repeat over and over. The devs didn’t create millions of guns so we all can just use the same 30. I think yall forget that. Yall get so stuck on one or two weapons that you never explore others. I honestly think that’s why they don’t stress making dedicated drop. If I’m a dev and I designed 10000 weapons. My thoughts would be “go get good at another weapon”
saying that not doing a DLC vault hunter is "a cop out" is unfounded. DLC skill trees should've been released before DLC story content, but they're still better for long term playability of a game than new vault hunters for the average person. you're in a content creator bubble, dude. They have too many characters right now. they should focus on developing the well loved ones they already have instead of adding more to just kill them off because they don't want to do the work to develop them
i like level increases.. well not necessarily INCREASES but a higher level cap than 50, getting more skill points so that you can invest further into secondary skill trees is fun to me, lvl 50 feels like you're very locked to one capstone and only a couple of other ST good skills, if the game launches with 72 lv cap then thats obv fine too but i doubt it will so I'd rather see it increase than not
honestly, i'd love there to be no level cap increase AND a less extreme scaling, also i think instead of anointment a weapon workshop would be better, in exchange for eridum you would be able to strip parts off weapons of the same type and put them on another, for example lets say you have 2 shredifier and you want all matching parts on one, you could scrap one to get the parts you need for the other, it would be also nice for eridian weapons to make a comeback and hybrid, it would be nice if hybrids made a return but could only be obtained from raid bosses, you would not be able to make a hybrid or use a hybrid at the weapon workshop.
1-- Legendary or higher rarity weapons should be rare not like BL3. 2-- More story-villian based core game. We want to feel like H. Jack, Roland or Lilith. Calpyso Twins were mess. 3-- No need to explore multiple planets. Kairos with Elpis or Pandora just fine. Make them unique planets thats enough. 4-- Better side quests. Like Assassinate the assassins side mission. We need details about the lore. In that particular quest we did learn only 6 sirens can exist in the universe at the same time. BL3 lacks that kind of missions. They were like random quests you don't gain much by completing them. 5-- Purple or blue (especially unique items) rarity weapons should be more powerfull. For example in BL1 we can use Double Anarchy and Masher guns even at the level 69 with ease. Topnea, Orphan Maker, Rough Rider just another mere example of it. However in BL3 we mostly use legendaries so the other weapons seems like useless at some point.
The thing I don't want to see return is the consistent problems connecting to the borderlands network. Why is it so hard to get four people into one lobby without one or two being unable to join?
Slaughters are my favorite endgame mode, that and the maliwan raid that is the only raid boss I enjoy fighting. Raid bosses for me get stale quickly once you beat em and probably becuase in a week the community has a one shot build or a way to chesse the fight. Main issue with slaughter is how flashy and braindead it becomes with the rocket launcher badass/enforcers on mayhem difficulty
I'd say I would like to see at least one DLC character but also a fourth skill tree for each of them, maybe right from the start and not as a paid content. Honestly I've had so much fun with 4th skill trees in BL3, Moze changed from my least playable to most playable character solely because of the iron cub. Watching this fella go all out with mini nukes was pure gold. But at the same time, all four VHs felt bland to me in terms of personality, so I would definitely want to see another one or two thrown in the mix for BL4.
I didn’t like most of the new skill trees unfortunately. with new dlc characters you get multiple brand new skills trees, especially if they are 2 or more. Tbh they could just keep releasing new ones to give the game even more life
I'm a huge Borderlands fan and I've played and enjoyed every game. DLC Skill Trees: I played through BL3 once on every character and got them to max level before these came out. An additional skill tree was not enticing me to to play through BL3 once more like I wanted to play through BL2 on Keith and Moze, but really cool and iconic characters. Hell, I'd pay to play BL3 again but as the previous vault hunters! It doesn't have to make sense in the dialogue, Brick could be calling himself slab and telling me to hold em off and it would be funny, not game-ruining. Slaughters: I think the base game Borderlands 1's Circle of Slaughter made sense. We had just entered this dystopian world and of course you could participate in death sports against the Wild animals for cash as a side mission. It was something you did to help gain levels and get stronger between the larger mission level caps. The slaughters in Borderlands 3 kept the gameplay but then lost the vision. They were also way longer and that's just not necessary. End-Game Things: Arms Race was a unique idea, but it was so boring and really not my idea of end game content. Again, if we got to Elpis in BL4 and saw a billboard with Axton and Salvador that said "Arms Race: Win big money" and it was a side mission you could repeat, that would be an awesome, base game side mission I'd complete. But in a game about builds and character development, why would I want to give up my build to fight nameless enemies over and over on the same map in the end game? Anointments: I believe that farming for anointments was discouraging rather than fun in my opinion. I was never huge on farming for specific weapon parts and I thought the legendary guns in BL3 were unique enough to not need anointments. (They could've used buffs or nerfs maybe.) Again, if there was a personal story mission for our character individually (what? Progressing the story of our own vault hunters motives and not just a general story?), it would make sense to have a weapon that was uniquely attuned to them drop. Level Caps: the addition of three levels pissed me off something fierce. I had already farmed for all 4 characters good, fun builds. Then, you go and soil those? I may be in a minority, but I'd rather replay the game on TVHM and have a level cap of 70-72 at base game so that my thoughts are "which skill tree am I not picking this play through," but rather having the mindset of "I can't wait to grow this character all the way up and seeing how badass they are." I liked having the differentiation skills you could choose from, but I liked it when they all were balanced and worked well! Overall: I love the games and I will love BL4. I would love to see the games remember their "why" more often. Why would this character say this line? Does it make sense for them or is it cringey clinging to the "kids these days." Why does this manufacturer's weapons have that ability? Why does my character want to search for a fault? Why is this mission/feature in the game and does it make sense for the world building?
I just thought about this when you said something about level cap increases when new dlcs come out couldn't u introduce dlc levels that arent as hard to get through as normal levels (speaking of needing to farm the warden in bl3 for 2 hours to get level 72 after you finished the main story) It would technically engage you to do more side missions and learn more about the dlc content it sounds kind of fun and i cant find something negative about it right away
The problem isn't leveling at all. The problem is the necessity to farm again all your loot because of stat inflation on them. One good level jump i could understand, but what they did with bl3 was bad. I quit playing for a while, waiting for level increase to stop before coming back and have meaningful farm.
@@okagisama yeah i understand what you mean By suggesting this I wouldnt want the level cap to go up when they release the dlcs. They could "just" introduce a new scaling system for the weapons in there through dlc levels. Though I feel like this gets complicated because the strength of the weapons would still need to scale with your base game level and in general what do you do with skill points if you add dlc levels, just leave them out or just give one per dlc level (which would be too many if you add 4 dlcs in total). Btw I cant comment on the bl3 starting problems, I joined the Borderlands community about 1 1/2 years after bl3 came out
@@lapisgaming6093 I am pretty "new" and not that dedicated to borderlands (only about 1.2k hours in all games combined bl3+2+tp+ttwl) borderlands 2 being the least played one out of all of them so idk really what op levels are (To stop a war from happening My adhd brain cant handle the stupid ass monoton gun noises and I dont like the graphics at all and how clunky and old the movement feels. The story is still way better then bl3 tough.)
@@lapisgaming6093 That was so disappointing. Like Brick and Mordecai held it down when Lilith was captured near the end of 2. Brick was the leader of an entire Bandit clan. Why give a teenage girl you just met leadership of the Crimson Raiders
Ava wasn’t that bad. Outside of like 10 actual minutes of being annoying I realized. 1 she’s not even in the game that much. Outside of the scene where she yells at Lilith, and a couple lines here and there. She’s barely in the game.
I hope that they do both DLC Vault Hunters (even if it's just one) and DLC skill trees. I really enjoyed the extra options for the existing characters, but I'd like to see that also go to DLC Vault Hunters
Maya's death was absolutely abysmal. Served only to give Ava relevance, and was soon discarded and forgotten. Further, the calypso twins dropping the packwatch edit not a moment after 💀.
It would have made SO MUCH MORE SENSE if they would have killed Ada in front of Maya. Could you imagine if Borderlands 4 would start out with a bitter, merciless Maya as the leader?
We can't be surprised that Fl4k's 4th tree didn't work when Amara has base game skills that don't work. Wild Fire, the one that spreads the element around to other enemies, only does normal mode damage. It doesn't scale at all for some reason.
Nah imo that skill works just fine. Elemental dot damage was never that good, especially in endgame. That skill IS pretty good to proc the guardian rank skill Harmageddon tho
@muchiiuchii6368 The issue is the entire tree is built around elemental damage. Gearbox is just really really really bad at post launch management. The Binding of Isaac shouldn't be getting more frequent updates than Borderlands
@@walkermott1750 Ngl I dont see your point on amaras skill tree since it isnt really an issue, but i DO agree with the post launch management being bad. Omg, borderlands 3 was miserable on launch. Couldnt even make it to level 15, hopefully this time around its a lot better lol
@muchiiuchii6368 on ps4 it's still unplayable. Loadtimes are over a minute, opening the menu lags the game, and it crashes constantly. Obviously I didn't expect it to run great on my PS4 but it doesn't even run half way decent. Should have just canceled the PS4 launch, would have been less brand damaging
@@walkermott1750 Oh yeah tell me about it, i ALSO play on ps4. Load times are unbearable so farming sucks, the game always crashes when loading in your character, opening the ammo vendor in arms race crashes the game, its rough man. As a playstation player and much as I like borderlands i do NOT want that thing in ps4. Would probably just blow up my room opening the game
I don't think DLC vault hunters are ever coming back. They've previously said that very few people bought them and even fewer finished the main story with them. As a matter of fact, I think the Vault hunters were always the least bought DLC. And this makes sense to me. Most people play through the game once and never play it again. And those who do come back mainly stick to one character.
Well when the level cap is 80 and it takes a long time to get to no one's gonna reapply wanna do all of that 2 more times. Besides there's also op kevels too
But then in BL3 they brought back Aurelia, Timothy, Krieg and Gaige. All of which are DLC characters. Clearly these characters are popular enough, otherwise why bring them back? Note that they didn't even bring back Axton and Salvador until Arm's Race, despite including Maya and Zero, and even then it's just voice lines.
I agree with most of the points except slaughters. I do agree their core game play is stale at this point and could use a rework into something like trials or chaos chambers and that locking an item farm behind a five wave area battle is terrible and leads to really good items like the ogre in bl2 being underutilized. but slaughters definitely have a use to either try out a new build quickly or as a farm like the slaughter shaft with the shlooter in bl3 and personally as I've maxed out all four characters and feel like I've played bl3 to its completion I still jump into a couple rounds of slaughter shaft every now and then to satisfy that bl3 gun play gaming itch
i recently started bl1 and i LOVE weapon proficiency a proposed thing similar to it though because it's probably not coming back: sponsorships because bl4 takes place on a planet that was effectively discovered the minute after the bl3 credits, all of the manufacturers surely want in, so maybe that work as them giving the player extra benefits for using their brands weapons, maybe give the manufacturer-themed skins a bonus to leveling up that "sponsorship", and it would incentivise allegiance runs which are BY FAR my favourite way to play borderlands games
So because they tried something different in a spin-off game, you're just assuming the next game won't have good dlc?? Brother. Bl3 had great dlc. So did 2. Stop being so pessimistic
@@GirthCheck I wouldn't say BL3 had great DLC. The handsome jack one was nothing special. It was about the most standard content you can expect from a DLC. The Hammerlock one was actually good. The cowboy one is unbelievably bland and drawn out. The Krieg one is clearly unfinished and rushed out due to covid. The DLCs as a whole are average at best.
@@GirthCheck the only reason people even remember the Scarlett dlc is because of the pimpernel, sandhawk and the orphan maker for sal. Delete those items and you're left with a mediocre dlc. Loot isn't everything but it seems for a lot of folks if a dlc had good loot it was a good dlc, which is funny because Bounty did have the best loot yet the other dude calls it boring.
Yeah I had the same exact thought lol. None of the designs pop out or anything besides the siren in my opinion. But the character customization New-U station saves them, just like in BL3
@magicchowder axton is just a plain soldier guy. So was Roland. Lilith was a little interesting cause she's a siren. Miya is just siren but now blue. Your letting nostalgia blind you. We also dont know their powers or personality at all yet. Most vault hunters in the past have looked super plain. Like... objectively. Axton.... plain soldier guy with a gun.... come on now.
@@GirthCheck Nope Axton was cool af because normal solider dude is rare af these days, maya was hot af, lilith was hot af, roland was cool, brick was cool, BL3 vault hunters also suffered from this problem and i see that BL4 will as well
Lack of center HUD support for ultra-wide monitors would be crazy. BL2/pre-sequel did this by default...but no game in the franchise since keeps the HUD bound to a 16:9 aspect ratio, instead pushing them all the way to the edges. They need to get with the times for UI/UX support.
Quick question just to pick your brain (not trying to be angry). Why can't you just simply not play the slaughters. I feel the whole point of RPGs is that they usually have the most amount of content because there's meant to be something for every player out there. There are so many unnecessary and meaningless side quests in the game (that a lot of people hate and would like removed) but that's the point, they're side quests. Same with the slaughters. I feel like it would be overall better for the community to not wish for them to remove something that has been a pretty popular since the very beginning. I mean it's your opinion, so it's valid but why can't they still be there as an optional end of game challenge?
personally, my controversial take on what I dont want to see return in bl4 truthfully, is a majority of returning legendaries, I think it was cool for some bl2 and bl1 stuff to return, but if we get stuff from bl3 returning then itll just be bloat upon bloat, biggest problem with bl3's lootpool is a ton of legendaries are samey, or just barely different, I want to see legendaries that shake up the game and make you think if you even want to equip it, sometimes having a blue or a purple be a bit better in situations, like how bl2 did it where legendaries were different enough so that jakobs purples or even torgue purples were good enough to warrant still equipping, like how the nukem was situational kinda and the flakker was also situational, but anyways, I just feel like if we DO get returning stuff, make it like how bl2 did the pearls and just make them a different rarity, or atleast make the stuff that returns different enough to warrant it returning
I genuinely like the idea of annointments, but hated how they worked, if annointments dropped as seperate legendaries that could then be applied to weapons at will I think it would be a lot more fun, to push your favourite weapons a little more the way you want em, now you can have dedicated annointment drops, and dedicated legendary drops seperated, and you dont have to farm perfect weapons 100 times to get a perfect annoint on it as well
@@JoeGaming2112 I didnt search it, but wow that's so neat, thank you gamer! Havent played BL3 in quite some time, but I bet it was there last I played and I just totally missed it, whoops
I think Borderlands 4 needs 50 missions that start and end with you spawning in a giant room and having to run to the opposite side of that giant room to talk to Lillith. Peak game design.
I liked the skill tree. I like my options. Also i swear to god i could only get greens and occasional blues while playing. Loot chests never gave me purples or yellows. I only had like 2 legendarys by the end of the game.
to add to the Level Cap increases point: Personally, I think giving us more skill points becomes a bad thing after a point. In the most extreme example of BL2, who already had the highest level cap in the franchise, they decided to up it all the way up to lvl 80 after lilith DLC. The result was that every character at max level now is running pretty much *all builds* at the same time, and I think that defeats the purpose of making a build in the first place. I think having to make actual choices when it comes to your skills is a lot more interesting than just getting almost everything. People get a lot more creative when restrictions are in place.
Or after like 7-8 years of the game being out… they have more freedom. Pc owners just mod the skill tree, but console owners couldn’t. Having more of something you 1000% don’t have to use is always a good thing.
I mean thinking back on it now they dug themselves into a corner having the vault hunter say lines cause that mean if they want to make a dlc vault hunter they would have to get someone to do all those lines on top of everything else. So they went the cheap route which isn't always the best...
I do agree that moving the endgame goalpost means that there is a rebalance and power creep, which causes either the early game to get too easy, or the endgame to get too hard. However, I do like levelling up as I play new content. There’s seems to be an inherent problem with the idea of getting stronger during post launch content because it will trivialize launch content or at least make a disparity in power level between the two. I don’t think people enjoy having temporary systems that correspond to each DLC but that’s a possible solution. It is an incredibley nuanced problem because I really do like that my character levels up during dlc stories. Maybe there’s a way to increase our power in a way that doesn’t cause us the game to get glassier, or spongier, while also not causing creep and feeling satisfying to level up through. I don’t think it’s as simple as “72 at launch” because we lose that levelling experience.
I entirely agree with removing anointments. but I think the slaughters are fun enough for plenty of people that they shouldn't be removed, especially since they're content you can easily avoid if it's not your thing. But the biggest thing they need to change in Borderlands 4 (sorry I know this goes off topic of things we don't want) is they need to lower drop rates for legendaries, bring back pearlescent rarity, and give dedicated loot drops to named enemies and bosses instead of having a lot of the legendry loot be in a general pool of drops. My biggest issue to this day is how damn often the game drops you legendary weapons and loot. It used to be a "WOW" moment when you got legendary loot in older games, now it's as exciting as finding a purple rarity, which is mildly exciting.
1)I want to annoints for guns but change them to have skill points for the vault hunter . Imagine a nukem with +2 cross torgue promotion. 2) 5 vault hunters with 4th skill trees 3) boss bounties that give legendaries like the bunnies from wonderlands 4)Endgame activities that put the best weapons to sought after 5) Time trials for slaughter takedowns and one life modes.
One solution that works for me is that I generally don't buy a game when it first comes out. Preferably, I'll wait until not only has the game gone on sale, but the DLC's are on sale and then I'll buy it. I know that's not a practical solution for most, but it does solve some of the problems that you're discussing here.
I'm with you on the no level cap increases. Every time they've done that it pushes everyone closer to running the same few builds that are effective. More skill points = less build diversity. lv 80 in bl2 is a perfect example of that.
I mean with the level cap increase it is a valid argument, imagine going from the base game of BL2 or 3 your build is fine tuned then you get the followin increase to 72 and the OP/mayhem Levels for the new dlc, sounds fine when doing the base content. but leads to the snowball effect of dlc content and the raid bosses, which gives them bugged health pools and the Commander Lilith Dlc with gave 8 more normals levels (80 cap) and 2 more OP Levels snowballed that even further I'm fine with like one increase to level cap and the option of Op/mayhem levels but biggest gripe is why tie more loot to a mode especially with the gripe being towards BL3 on the Mayhem modes (worse when it was a specific halloween anointment/effect which was FOMO due to being limited time) but biggest one i didn't care for was the 3 separate healthbars in BL3 I'm fine with it being shielded enemies or methods to bypass the shield to directly hit the healthbar, i feel like if there's going to be armored enemies it should just be a damage reduction to the main healthbar. and from the previous part, it's worse when you got a great anointment for your weapons then get the drop of the same weapon but roll a garbage anointment that should never exist. Or better yet when the old version of the King/Queens call was absolutely busted with Fadeaway Fl4k builds due to bein Jakobs with barely a firerate cap just to get turned into dust, cause we can't have complementing weapons with basegame builds. Monarch and the latter is honestly good. but miss the Jakobs "Shreddifier" moment that were those two guns
No invincibility phases in boss fights No getting locked in dialogue, allow there to ALWAYS be a skip option No anoints cuz they make grinding a pain in the ass Yah that’s it
The level cap issue is glaring in BL2. If you played when the cap was 50 in True mode, the weapon/build variety is much greater than at 80 Uvhm(not including OP lvls which get even worse balancing). So many skills get better balancing in Tvhm than in uvhm. In bl3, weapons that were really good at launch like the Cutsman just don't scale properly at lvl 72. It seemed like balancing in bl3 wasn't based on Mayhem mode to me. The Fastball is a prime example. It got like 3-4 buffs, but on Mayhem 11 with a full grenade damage build on Moze, it still barely one shots anything. The fastball is meant to be a high-power one-shot nade with no blast radius, but it only worked in normal mode.
This is what I want; Number one, updates on all the previous borderlands games where you can completely fill your skill tree you're not coming back to it so just give us the ability to max out our skills so we can be the OP we should be. Number two, give us a free update to borderlands 3 that ties in to borderlands 4 like you did with borderlands 2. Number three, for borderlands 4 you're going to have a guaranteed second edition of bounty of blood where we find the girl that escaped at the end of bounty of blood. Number four give us a grenade launcher instead of throwing hand grenades and by giving us that launcher you completely get rid of the ability of grenade mods. Number five, mod support for console I see all these great mods that these people make make it available for game of the Year edition, 2, 3, and Pre-Sequel, also make it available later on for borderlands 4.
Slaughters are great. I love the chaos of just throwing 10-15 badasses at me at once when i reach the endgame. connect it to something like the chaos chambers with increasing modifiers that require you to change your game plan
I actually do like the idea of the slaughters, it's just they have all these in universe story type tools to make it some of the best content. yet they haven't used it. Like think about Digistructed arenas that have like 30-40 different rooms based on other areas in the game or even past games. Like lets say Tannis scanned a few characters memories of fighting and cranked up the difficulty to help train the new vault hunters. First you're fighting on pandora in a skag cave based on Tannis' memory, next room you enter takes you to Timothys' memories on Elpis. you could use eridium to add buff modifiers that work only in the simulation or something akin to that. and imagine the ability to make and share your own challenges with others online. I dont know why they haven't thought much about this concept (i understand the insane undertaking this would be for any team of developers) but it would be an insane way to keep players playing the game and get the community even more active.
One thing I specifically don’t want to return is legendary weapons being solely dictated by the barrel. It significantly limits how many variants you can get of that weapon and just makes things all around less interesting. Also it prevents really cool synergies like Masher Unforgiven or Hybrids
Give me your personal Top 5 list. Try to make them unique, too. I want to hear some fresh thoughts!
Are these things you do or do not want to see?
Don't have 5 of them but what I do not want is to make crazy high numbers in the game. I think balancing is so much easier if you keep numbers low in the game. Borderlands 2 op 10 would confuse me if my damage was billions or trillions it's just too high.
I think a better option instead of annoitments would be something like shiny’s were it either has all stats minor boosted or one major boosted.
as long as it doesn't have a slew of overpriced battle passes I'm all in. Actually I think the vault cards were pretty revolutionary in that regard just one purchase instead of having to buy a new one every month a half diablo 4
My wishlist for 4
1. A story that doesn't last waaaay too long. Finishing at lvl 30-32 was perfect
2. Smaller guns. I can't see half of my screen with some of these AR/launchers
3. Lower brightness on explosions and text size options for damage numbers
4. Rarities rarer than orange and making rare equipment actually rare
5. A setting for character quip frequency. (1 is saying something every couple minutes. 10 is near constant speaking)
6. Mayhem mode. Just no. OP mode was rough, but this is just too much
Lost me with “Holodome was done infinitely better than Slaughter Shaft”
Edit to add: I’m fine with removing anointments if they bring back Luneshine
Need a lecta city style slaughter map/takedown underground tunnels non stop action
The Slaughter Shaft and Proving Grounds were better than the Holodome .
they should just remove both. both sucked ass
Proving grounds way more fun than slaughters, anointments are trash
K6 Wouldnt it be cool to have moonstones and Eridium, Ive always lived pre sequel so it has a special place in my heart
Number 1: Randy Pitchford
Yes please
The dream
I fucking wish!
If only
I personally want the characters to talk to our vault hunters like they did in pre-sequel.
"By the way, Wilhelm? You've got some rust rot on your cybernetic eye, might wanna get that checked out."
Addressing the vault hunter by name is amazing and makes you get a lot more into the character and give a damn who they are.
I do NOT... Want long drawn out talking moments that play out in game but you're stuck in sanctuary listening to them... While one or two won't kill me at super important parts of the story, it grew old fast.
Do not make bosses that have more than ONE... invincibility phase for a transformation... Or just remove invincibility phases overall, let us interrupt the transformation so we have a true testament to our power and get that DOPAMINE rush...
I'm 50/50 on slaughters because I find the mobbing actually fun with a good build but they do go on a bit long is the thing if enemies have a lot of hp... There's a way to balance them, but don't put all the eggs in that basket.
Please playtest your vehicles and make them feel GOOD to drive... Cyclone felt FUN... The bandit technical... Not really... Maybe add a flying vehicle too?
No vehicle dependent missions or maps like in 3, I'm talking about like when you gotta drive to the vault on promethea, drive to the calypso twins cathedral, drive to (insert location while fighting enemies off). I feel it served to make the plabet feel bigger, but it honestly did the opposite. The emptiness made it feel like there was actually less of a planet, rather than more.
Sure, Vault hunter sound ominous, but personal takes are better
Borderlands 3 annoyed me so much when Maya dies and your vault hunter is literally NOWHERE to be seen. Bring our VH into cutscenes as well!
What if they made phases conditional like Captain Haunt where the player can actually affect how long they last (tho not every boss needs them ofc)?
1. Don't lock me in a room while dialogue plays
2. No more anoints
3. No more driving down a hallway quests
4. No more OP levels/Mayhem
5. No more talking to Lilith every other quest step
I absolutely love OP levels
@@PeachIceCreamy I dunno I think people just liked the challenge of getting op levels, cause there's virtually no game balance after having them in any capacity and I'd like a well balanced borderlands endgame for the first time since bl1
Literal perfect list
@@HyruleChicken-d5r i agree
@@HyruleChicken-d5ryou are either really stupid or really bad at Borderlands 2 if you think OP8 has significantly worse game balance/build diversity than base 72 UVHM
Not in any particular order
-Remove HP Gates or invincible phases for boss fights, nothing irks me more when I cant melt bosses and have to wait 10 years for them to be damaged again
-world loot pool. Bring back proper dedicated loot pool, so I know what to take down for something specific
-Forcing you to listen to NPCs yapping while you wait for em to finish instead of just doin it like BL2 where they yap but you can go to the next marker already coz they talk in the echo instead
-Claptrap but I guess its too late for that huh?
-forced vehicle missions
For the one that you mentioned BL2, BL1 did it too
third is KEY
Wait I’m confused borderlands 3 had loot pools unless you’re talking about wonderlands
Launch day bl3 and wonderlands whole lifespan, even if its just a launch issue again like bl2 and 3 i feel like its best to not make it an issue for a 4th time@@ludwigtheholyblade777
@@ludwigtheholyblade777 Borderlands 3 at the start had loot pools that is a world pool AKA every boss can drop the same legendaries making farming for a specific one pretty hard. They changed it on an update (2020 update) to also add a dedicated loot pool for specific legendaries on top of world pool legendaries to make farming a specific one easier.
Lost me at removing slaughters. As a super casual, it was actually the only endgame content I played
Ngl you missed out/ missing out on
@@hugo_boss9968 let me correct: It was the only endgame content i played consistently
@@AkilTheAwesome lol I understand that I’m saying your missing out
@@hugo_boss9968 How are they missing out though? Based on their previous comment, it sounds like they interacted with all, if not at least most of the end-game content, and just preferred the slaughters. Thus if they've already messed with everything, they're not missing out on anything.
@@AkilTheAwesomehonestly maliwan blacksite was the only thing I did at end game lol
1. Anointments Deleted
2.Mayhem Modifiers get more effort or put into a gamemode
3. More Appealing 4th Skill Tree or just 2 new characters
4. Remove or give reason to do UVHM/TVHM
5. Option to turn down or turn off elemental splash effects
6. Keep the Chaos Chamber from Wonderlands. Give it a arms race inspired challenge mode, Maybe even a boss rush of every borderlands boss ever till now.
That boss rush idea made my toes tingle
100% need to bring back the option to reduce particle effects. I was blown away it wasn't in 3. Give us a slider or something, dood
I honestly really liked the chaos chamber, just wished it wasn't the only end game content in wonderlands
Ah yeah wonderlands best feature was level up through chaos chamber, was so much fun to do with multiple charachters and even with one charachter.
Honestly I would love for them to do both a fourth skill tree and like two playable DLC characters
The level cap argument is just silly to me honestly, because it only works if we take as a constant that a balance was perfect from the very start or at the very least at some point at all before the level cap increases (which is simply not the case). It's not the level cap breaking the balance of the game, it's the people that does not work on balancing things as much as they should.
True. Also wanting "balance" in a single player game? Demanding balance is such a multiplayer competitive shooter genre take. A balanced game is not fun, a game where imbalanced things keep each other in check and in balance, is what's fun. Example, The Sham, REALLY good against gun based enemies, death sentence against anyone without a gun (projectiles, melee, elements).
@@SaarlaneKretiinI think what they mean by balance is that they should have a set vision of how the difficultly of endgame feels. The reason why I think level caps are awkward is that since the goalpost keeps getting moved, there’s isn’t a clear idea of what that endgame should look like.
For example, in Bl3, at level 50ish, the game is not insanely glassy. Let’s say you can take 4-5 hits without a shield, and with no skill point investment from a basic enemy and maybe 10 shot them with a basic pistol.
Now, since level 72 is supposed to be harder and you have more skill points, the basic enemies now 2 shot you, even with your health increase. Additionally, enemies are spongier and take, say, 15 hits to kill. Now, the additional 22 skill points are significant, but often, you end up with far more damage skills than survivability skills. You typically are able to kill enemies relatively fast because skills syngergizing and doing stupid crazy bullshit. But enemies kill you really fast too.
Sometimes you get some defensive synergy that makes you completely unkillable but I think what often ends up happening is that the burden of synergy min maxes a build to be good at just 1 thing instead of being “balanced”.
The issue is that all skills need to feel useful at level 50, so late skills are very powerful because you can’t have that many. But at 72, you can suddenly use a ton of late skills that all synergize. So you don’t get additives, you get things that feel or are multiplicative. Endgame gets very glassy as a result and then bosses get spongier and spongier to compensate, then the thrill of the fight kinda dies down.
As much forced 2nd play throughs kinda suck. They are a good tool for a successful rebalance. I hope they find a more elegent solution.
@EvilNinja182 my experience at M10 is rarely that enemies take too long to kill. the fragility is there, but rarely do i find someone taking too long to kill. vermi maybe?
@@SaarlaneKretiin that’s pretty fair. I think the thing I was trying to get at is that some synergies are vastly more powerful than others and enemies require heavy synergy so unsynergistic stuff becomes EXTRA unviable because synergistic stuff exists. That sounds mostly fine but then what happens is that tons of items, mechanics and playstyles have no available synergys because there is way more loot than viable builds.
I think what I felt in Bl3 lvl50s was that a general build felt ok, and a restricted synergy build felt great. Which was good but I felt rewarded for my ingenuity and time spent collecting loot. In the 72s I felt that a general build was unplayable and a synergy build felt trivial and overpowered.
For example. True Melee amara, in general, feels pretty awful because enemies are hard to hit and you don’t even do that much damage when you do hit them. Blade fury melee is unbelievably busted and overpowered to where it feels pretty unfun to win like that. I’m fine with there being a disparity but damn was that disparity INSANE. It was kinda polarizing. Even status, a pretty fundamental, general concept, fell off SO hard. You could really not get away with just doing status damage apart from unleash the dragon because it was pitiful and dragon was ridiculous.
Every playstyle felt like there was 1 way of doing it and it was really has to make the items you liked just be functional. I didn’t need my nimbus com to be anything special. Just usable. There were like 3 usable amara coms and part of that was bad design but for some coms and weapons they just got outscaled. And you can’t even just give them a flat buff because then they become too powerful at lower mayhem for little investment.
There obviously a ton of character bias and stuff here but it really did feel like running most unoptimised strats became quite unviable or unfun later on in the game.
@EvilNinja182 idk ive generally never had troubles on both OP8 or M10. ive made a bunch of guns work. definitely some are better and dont require any thinking or aim.
ill be honest amara is my least played. she was also the one i struggled the most. melee in general not just amara feels like an afterthought in BL3. you are much more inclined to use the "Melee" guns.
id really like some comboing elements back. Zer0 decption with kunai and death mark or the singularity+b0re setups, Maya phaseburst, axton explosives etc. maybe we could get like an element stacking debuff, enemy has -50% resistances when affected by 4 or more elements or something.
i understand that im kind of an outlier, i like the super high level gameplay (my brain couldnt comprehend that a lot of people dont go past Normal mode and keep playing there. but even i can agree that TVHM and UVHM need some incentives. also, bring back UVHM.
5 mayhem modifiers. 4 Ava 3 driving simulator levels 2 a teen rating for the game and 1. Invincibility phases.
They definitely need to bring the rating back to M. The raunchy humour doesn't hit as hard when half of it is bleeped.
T rating definitely means the crude humor of BL2 has dwindled away since they played it soooo safe in BL3
No more woke bs.
The only proper list.
If we have level cap increases, I'd like to see them built into the base game and locked behind playthroughs (e.g. lv50 for the starting mode, lv60 for TVHM, lv 70 for UVHM)
Slaughters have been in borderlands since 1 and many like them and are enjoyed by many. They've had differences and maps. If you don't like them, don't play them.
Saying you don't want them in AT ALL alienates a large portion of the base who enjoy them.. and I'm curious if your metrics show people stopping off the video at that point.
Well said. I personally enjoy them to test how strong my builds are.
@JoeGaming2112 me too!
Thank you! They're always side missions anyways. Nobody is FORCING anybody to play these missions. But for me, personally, endgame wave content is what I want the most! 90% of the game is mobbing and I love it. I want them to throw as much chaos as they can at me. It's so fun.
Yeah it doesn’t hurt at all to keep them in the game as one of the endgame activities. I’d love to see takedowns, slaughters, raid bosses, and a few other options for endgame content.
@@CoNiCuZn Me Too!.... Takedowns were an awesome challenge. The more variety the better - serving all players and Moods! lol
I dont want to see more copy/paste reddit humor.
But I'm not holding my breath.
Also, let's have our vault hunters present in the story! So annoying watching cutscenes in BL3 where our characters just don't exist anymore.
Yeah I agree, hope the dialogue is improved. Also notice how the Borderlands 4 trailer has ZERO dialogue at all lol
I'd be satisfied if it wasn't DEI slop, but we all know where its headed.
Franchise is known for silly humor, before everyone starting crying about everything online the humor was actually a selling point so I seriously doubt it changes much
@@CigsInABlanketWhat does that mean?
@metallicafan416 im not asking for a super-serious drama, just make it less BL3; and more BL2/PS
i agree with most of your takes, but slaughter shaft and proven ground are garbage? genuine question what do you want from end game?
Right, it’s fun stuff. I would think raids/dungeon content is the best but nothing like horde modes.
Seems like he just wants Invincibles and takedowns
I liked the Proving Grounds. The Hyperion one I genuinely liked doing.
This is probably not gonna happen, but the INSANE amount of redundant legendaries bl3 had needs to go. It doesn’t make guns feel unique and half of them didn’t have good balance/gimmicks anyway.
Yeah the way they did it in bl2 was so much better. Legendaries were rare but very powerful. Thats how it should be. Whay put me off bl3 is how legendaries shower fron everywhere but are not very impactful.
@ exactly. Like did we really need 5+ legendaries for every gun type from every manufacturer??
@Screeno1993 I kinda half disagree with this take. Legendaries in BL2 were a pretty mixed bag. Some of them were obscenely OP (Harold, Lyuda,) some of them were decent (Slagga, Kerblaster, Striker) and some of them were garbage and just straight inferior to their purple variants (Logans Gun, Infinity, Gub). It happens a lot when you're experimenting with various different gun designs and ideas and aren't really thinking about balance.
I love the sheer QUANTITY of legendaries in BL3, I just don’t want them dropping as often as they do
personally i didn’t mind the amount of legendary weapons! my brother and i do a lot of manufacture locks so it’s nice to always get something new! i haven’t really noticed any of them feeling the same or anything like that! we have a 3 man game going right now so we do constantly get legendary weapons but it’s always “Ah Hell yeah!” each time. i also like that each player gets different loot individually too i think that’s pretty fun
Yeah im really hoping for dlc vault hunters. The dlc vault hunters in 2 and the pre sequel were really good and I think it would be cool to get more.
I'd do so much just for 1 DLC Vault Hunter.
Seriously, gaige kreig and timothy were my favorite vault hunters
Like I dont mind the dlc skil tress but compared to an hole new vh yea
you are HOPING for parts of the game to be removed and sold back to you at a later date?
@@cloudinc2841 removed?
The slaughter is good brainrot content. When I feel like playing the game again, I want to do slaughters (for borderlands 3). I think with the movement character in borderlands 4, not having slaughter houses will be a huge miss in playability.
I honestly love the slaughters. Playing through the game getting strong and getting good loot and then unleashing all that on a sh**load of enemies.
Same. I also wish there were about 4 more. loot falling off the map to check out in sanctuary was annoying. Besides that, W slaughters
Arena type things are my favorite part of the game. I have so many memories playing with friends
Slaughters can be fun if you're not trying to farm the boss at the end. Should have a second button just to respawn the boss like the mods made for unique enemies.
I do too but the maps got boring fast
Why did they never add a Hyperion slaughter?! But yeah I agree, slaughters were probably my most played content.
If they do level increases i think that they should be a larger increase, and should only ever happen with real content drops, also they can shake up the sandbox with buffs/nerfs when they do that instead of like every 2 weeks
(Kind of like a seasonal system but based on dlc drops probly)
In addition they could possibly extend the skill trees with level increases (add like 1-2 rows down in each tree for each character) so that we still have unique builds instead of overtime just unlocking everything all at once
- dedicated drops
- Make legendaries good again and rare
- pearls
- no anoints
- proper endgame
- epic raid bosses
- no mayhem randomizer stuff
- Decent story
- DLC characters (playable midget Goliath)
- Less dead space on the bigger “open world” maps
- headhunter dlcs!
- no eden 6
- no dragging on the story
- no invincible stages that last forever on bosses
- more character customisation ability
- please don’t make me play the game 3 times 😭 TVHM is enough
Agree with everything except eden 6..the anvil and jakobs estate some of my alltime fav maps heaps of enemies to fight all the way lectra city on promethea..non stop action!!
Honestly, the stupid drop rates for legendaries is what ruined borderlands 3 the most for me. You end up practically drowning in them. It gets to a point where you start spending more time sifting through them than you do playing the game. Lengendaries are supposed to feel special, but they just feel standard in BL3. Just look at 7:28 in this video. It's not a real looter shooter when there is only one tier of weapon.
My top 5:
-Poor optimalization
-Skin drops
-Mayhem/Op levels (I hate them)
-Second season pass which you dont get even if you pre ordered the biggest edition
-Car missions
I get the first 2 but you lost me at op/mayham and more dlc😂 naww more dlc good for games like borderlands past first yr and op lvls just makes the game somewhat challenging, the base game is too easy I feel so they need to exist and they are optional you don't need to play them.
@@lapisgaming6093 I agree with the op/mayhem levels with you but with the +season apss hell nah, at least not for me, 40 bucks for another pass when i bought the biggest edition available, is a rip off to me, but different people different opinions
@lapisgaming6093 mayhem just got too big just like the op levels they dont balance them at all making it unfair to play through overall in my opinion they need to rework it again
@nyomulos.-6798I think that's fair. But my understanding is that you paid for a yr of content, not a second year. But I get how that can be annoying. I usually don't mind because I like new content and a reason to play but games like borderlands aren't live services, we don't know how long the game will be supported.
@nyomulos.-6798long as there's more with more gear I'm usually happy, but yeah, we'll likely see another season pass. But I understand your view of it. You want a whole product but today world we Don't usually get a complete experience, companies like to add more over time to keep engagement and profits.
1. Reddit/Blue sky/Twitter humor.
2. Forced sympathy (or whatever the hell story Ava had)
3. Ava (even though I'm pretty sure that's the siren we see in the trailer)
4. Less useless loot (oranges and above need to feel more special)
5. Anointed weapons/shields/artifacts (maybe replace them with weapons/shields/artifacts that can have a slot to add effects depending on character through leveling or achievements)
I'll be honest, my hope is slim for 4. 3 was like stubbing my, stepping back into a Lego, and then smacking myself with the door on the way out. All the stuff I didn't like about 3 is in 4 like the bastardized cell shading, comically big heads, and bland main character design. And if those are back, then chances are everything else from 3 is back. So I'm just going to wait a week after release and see what's happening (probably longer since I wait till it drops on steam, so might be closer to a month).
Get ready for the legendary Hawk Tua gun that spits crossive damage on every reload
@@almalone328250/50 chance something that stupid is in the game lol
Sam Winkler, the lead writer for 3, is writing 4. It's cooked.
it was confirmed apparently that the siren in the trailer isnt ava, not sure tho
The first two aren’t happening because of the culture of the AAA game industry. All those people in the CA area they can’t write to save their lives
As a Zane main, I really liked the fourth skill tree since the green tree was basically useless aside from brainfreeze and the dome augment to the barrier 🤔
Things i don’t want to see and would like:
1. returning to main hub area to get an exposition dump you could have received on your echo on the way to the next main objective.
2. doors remaining locked until an npc finishes dumping exposition on you that could easily continue over echo
3. Enable selling items from bank instead of manually having to place them in the back pack, run to a vending machine, rinse and repeat.
4. Remove quitting out to farm items and enable farming maybe by teleporting the nearest travel station
5. Make fetch instructions make sense, it makes no sense for an npc to tell me to press a button they are standing next to. Its just uselessly padding game time
Youve got people saying they want legendary to be stronger. You've got people saying they want them to be super simple like 1. You've got this guy saying he doesn't want level increases cause he doesn't want to have to farm for more guns and the guns to be too powerful.(insane btw you just want to do all the dlcs at level cap? Boring af.) they cant please everyone. Im sure a good 10 -20% will hate it no matter what lol
without level cap increases, less people will play DLCs because theres no point to the loot etc, even if its "better" gear, theres no powercreep, no increase to the power reward etc
I’ll be honest I completely disagree, the dlc weapons are cool not because of their level but because of their special abilities. Upping the levels does nothing but make me not want to play the game cus what’s the point in farming for something extremely special or rare just for it to be pointless in a month or two? May as well wait for them to release their last level increase update and then start farming but that would obvs take years. I was so upset when they upped it from 72 in bl2 because I had equipment that literally took me years to get and it all disappeared outa nowhere. I don’t have that time anymore to grind those things and I put my few hours a week in other games because of it
level cap increases to get more skillpoints and bigger numbers are "fine" (psychologically, bigger numbers make player happy)
the problem is the regrind... aka solution, make your equipment level up some how.
-multiple ways. give weapons their own xp to level. (not a fan, just an idea),
-just let them level up with you, but only for new dlc content/after story, so new characters have to finish story.
-be able give a weapons the level of a higher leveled weapon. (sacrifice a level 60 weapon to put another weapon to level 60)
you still will play the dlc and grind for new dlc weapons, but can keep your old ones.
Have you played BL2?
@roseravus4908 Yeah the game that had mass level cap increases.....
What we need are great DLCs that have interesting and well written characters, fun and memorable quests and locations, and more good loot that can increase build diversity. Sadly I am worried we won't get that at all for BL4. :/
This dude wants the game to have no endgame! Like what do you want us to do beat it and have nothing to do?
Raid bosses?
@AnneHathawayRules that alone after year's to progress and have more then on goal isn't enough also keep in mind it used to be that you could only kill a boss once! That's not a end game that's you killed it didn't receive the loot you wanted and cannot farm it to make a solid peak build! Let's say this happens again now what do you do? We are back at square one! If they do make it respawn and it's only the one raid boss then are you really gonna suggest you want that remember two other games were flawed due to this for a long time TPS and Wonderland's! Sure they are slightly better now but they don't have a end game that makes you want to progress or stick around! I want to have a reason to play not a reason to quit!
Number 1. Handsome jack.he is dead. Move on.
We cant have another top tier villain if the last one hasn´t died yet
The timekeeper (the guy shown in the badass tech suit with the cape) could be the next best villain under handsome Jack if him and his story is done right. Going back on the echo logs and lore he is mentioned to be a serious and menacing militia leader dominating and maintaining order in the galaxy in this dimension, hence the name of his army "the order" shown with the eridian-like alien robots that you see in the trailer
Handsome Jack/Timothy should just be a playable character or a fun NPC. They've already proved that without Jack they can't get it right.
I got absolutely SICK of how often you get legendaries in BL3. In BL2 it actually felt amazing to see a legendary drop. In BL3, it’s just like “Oh… another legendary that I’ll probably just sell”
It ended up like that in bl2 as well
@@shiroufan5401 not in the first playthrough atleast, maybe couple on true vault hunter and lots of on OP levels, but you alteast got to experience the game without them
I can't agree with the level cap, maybe I don't understand your reasoning but the idea of a level 50 gun not being equal to level 70 makes sense. If I've put 20 more levels onto my character then I want them to feel 20 levels stronger, guns and all
What he's saying is in the base game and levels theres a ratio used to keep all the gear you get proportional throughout. But once you introduce the extra levels that the game was not designed to deal with it causes that ratio and proportion to become skewed noticably. Take borderlands 2 for example. On the first two playthroughs without doing dlcs your level will remain on par and so will the gear in the base game. But once you hit playthrough 3 with the extra levels you have to start farming for specific gear and have a specific build for your character to even complete it. This makes 99% of the gear you get pointless and causes the game to either go stale or be unenjoyable because not everyone has the time to dedicate to farming for the gear to keep playing at higher levels.
I rather just have my weapons automatically level up with my character. Sucks so hard every time when you finally get a legendary you can trow it away a few lvls later. Most people ain't got time to farm endlessly. You will still have plenty new weapons to loot till lvl72 this way. Just make better class weapons at lvl 72+.
@lennartl6662 I think a better option would be an upgrade system where we could level up old guns. That way, you still feel the classic borderlands challenge, but you can level up guns to feel stronger again.
@dmgdrunkenmultiplayergamin5631 i think that more pertains to farming rather than leveling weapons, and to be fair, I think borderlands has one of the best farming systems, tho not needing reload the game everytime would be nice.
My 5 things:
- No mayhem mode levels/modifiers
- Low drop rates for legendaries and unique loot (Want to grind like BL2)
- No DLC skill trees, rather a DLC character
- No anointments on weapons. Keep them simple with rare versions of the weapon
- I want Small/medium sized maps also. I like open world locations, but I feel you can bring a lot more depth and character to a map when it's limited in size
Brother, your list is shit. The only one I agree with is the dlc charexter
@@Goblinwithfeetpicsnah his list is almost the exact same as mine lol very good list
3s drop rates were way too damn high and made getting legendary drops not feel as good/accomplished
Annointments were ass and it was annoying trying to find a good or perfect roll ONTOP of getting the right annointment
Large empty maps that require driving all the time sucks. 2s maps were much better. Smaller but more dense and varied and alot less driving time (driving sucks in borderlands games)
@@sharebear421 Grinding should not be enhanced they should just have pearls that are rare and keep legendary items the same
Allot of people in these comments boil down to.... make the game like borderlands 2..... go play that for the 90th time 😂
@@GirthCheckI have been for the past 5 or so years haha. My entire borderlands group has long since went back to 2
i agree 1:32 cuz i wanted a new DLC character with the new gameplay. Since BL3 had better gameplay and graphics and new mechanics i’d love to play a new character with it
Kreig was probably the second most used character in 2 lol right behind Salvador. Didn’t care for most of the new skill trees, would much rather have multiple new characters with their own entire trees and playstyles
I’d like more end game variety. Wonderlands went into the right direction it just needs to be more fleshed out and varied with the “Diablo style rifts” bigger, better more varied
Maybe add some boss rush type mode. I don’t mind slaughter shafts but they just need to improve on them
I refuse to believe krieg was used more then Maya especially given how weird his kit was in comparison
@ I love maya and she’s my main but kreig end game potential is crazy
Krieg is least played VH in BL2 actually.
#5 0:35 Wasn't the thing they said that the most player didn't played all the characters equaly or get to max every one, and they mostly just stay alongside with one class/vault hunter? So that's the reasson they didn't saw the neccesity to do more characters because most players aren't even gonna play them annyways?
#4 at this point level caps are inevitable, is a thing that has been in the game since the first game because it gives you more skill points and is what helps on getting stronger gear to a mayor dificulty increase in the game as the game progresses in it's life cicle and the looking on how to implement new challenges into the game (mayhem levels are an optional thing the player can turn on and off anytime they want). But I agree that borderlands 3 made it feel a chore for just 2 or 3 extra levels, compared to 10 or 11 in borderlands 2 where the difference would be more noticeable
#3 but the slaugthers are....optional? there is no moment where the game force you to do them, the mission you get about them is pretty much just to know that they exist, there are complete raids, raid bosses, privinggrounds and seassonal events you can do to get stuff in the game and pretty much just world drops, if you wanna farm a specific weapon you can still go kill and enemy and reset the game as usual, why complain that much not wanting anythin for something that is just and option and 1 thing to do betwen everythin else?
I’ll be honest, it’s hard to come up with anything unique that you haven’t mentioned already. But,
I don’t want useless blues and whites to return. It feels like 90 percent of bl3 was useless stuff, then you get to the point that you get 10 legendaries a kill.
I want to get a purple and be interested in it, I’m honestly tired of getting a billion purples and legendaries all of the time.
I also don’t want the writing to be completely terrible. I think the story should be more focused and contained. If there’s another monkey moaning dialogue thing in bl4, I might have to suck start a shotgun.
Unfortunately for story, the lead writer for 3 is the lead writer for 4. Given his posts on twitter/x, it'll probably be the same stuff or doubling down on it.
You want raids and raid bosses but don't like slaughters..... I really don't see the difference between the two
If you consider Eden-6 and Nekrotafeyo padding, that means that the game can't have 3 DISTINCT sections. Yes, some of the Eden-6 section is padding, but not all of it.
Respectfully disagree with not increasing the level cap, from my perspective it adds playability and gives you more to do.
Completely understand your perspective as well, different people like different things in games
It's ok to add lv cap but just do it once or twice for long duration not more for short time
@@TaniaDlc-z2x Or add like 10 levels instead of 2
Increasing Level cap is fine but they shouldn’t make it so you can do damn near all of your skill trees. Smaller cap creates wider variety of builds imo
All of my friends dropped the game because of it and went back to Destiny and Warframe. It's not a good system. And I'm the only one who stuck around. If 4 in 5 people drop the game because of said system, then perhaps it's not a good system. If they wanna do level cap increases then they should do it in big batches or don't do it at all. It's one thing to rank up 50 additional levels once in the span of a year, and another to do 5 levels every 3-4 months or so. It really feels like everything you've gathered and saved up perfect rolls of just did not matter.
One of my friends spent months getting a radiation element super shreddifier for Moze . When I told him that the following week they were going to increase the level cap a third time he flat-out uninstalled the game.
I never got the argument of "it gives you something to do", just play something else in the meantime or do a new playthrough like Joltz and K6 do where they are only allowed to use certain weapon types or manufacturers, that's what I used to do as well.
@@neloangelo2082 that what I meant add 10 lv after year from lunch then add another 10 a year later
IMO Anoints would be fine if we could make non-anointed items anointed. Because that would shift farming weapons back onto good parts and not "does it have an anoint". Additionally if they acted more as additional, unique, and optional functions instead of "here's 300% bonus damage for using your action skill, go do a crime" that would make it feel a whole lot more like it's your gun doing the work not your anoint doing all the work. Also if getting anoints you wanted wasn't pure RNG that'd also be great.
tbh i love slaughter maps i think they are some of the best endgame conetent to play and to test out builds on :>
5: Uniques having a place in the game BL2 style again. In BL2 a lot of the best weapons were uniques. In BL3 and Wonderlands they felt they were instead there to be side-quest gimmick weapons u use once leveling up and then never again.
4: Pearls that are actually good. I want pearls back, and I want them to actually be good, not BL2 style where you’ve got 1 great weapon (Bekah), a handful of solid ones that are either ok or require a niche playstyle (sawbar, butcher, stalker), and a bunch of awful ones.
3: Drip fed level caps. Honestly, the BL1/2/TPS level cap system is fine by me. I do like the increased skill points and the increased freedom it allows with my build, I’d just rather get 11 levels at once, not 3 every other month. Genuinely dropped BL3 for awhile until they released all the levels.
2: DLC Vault Hunters. The 4th skill trees are for the most part fun and unique, but they don’t re-incentivize you to go back and replay the game which IMO is a big mis-step and is the best part of new vault hunters.
1: Less RNG. I yearn for the days of BL2 relics/class mods so fucking badly. With the way the current system works I no longer farm for perfect parts since my odds are so minuscule, I just settle for something that’s passable. If I have a perfect legendary Cat mod and someone has a pretty meh one, we still have the same mod, theirs just has less SMG damage. If I have a perfect Phasezerker and someone has a shitty Phasezerker, based on rolls it almost feels like we have 2 entirely different pieces of gear. Don’t even get me started on anointments, either. With each subsequent game release they’ve compounded layers RNG on top of eachother to the point that I’ve now largely lost the desire to farm. . . In the game all about farming.
That’s a BS lie from Randy. Nearly all videos on YT in 2013 for BL2 were Krieg and Gaige builds. But okay.
who tf disagrees with the point about leveling and weapon levels??
Nah man, the fact they had about 5 updates increasing levels in bl3 with months inbetween was stupid, if they did it like bl2 where the level updates were huge and didnt feel like padding
Completely agree with him tbh. What’s the point in farming for something that’s rare when you know it’s going to be useless after a month or two. Just makes me not want to bother farming
@@SirDiceGuy I really want to meet people who enjoyed re-farming all their stuff because for me it’s what killed my enjoyment for the game by the second DLC. I wasn’t bothered farming my favorite things all over again every single dlc
@ completely agree with you. I remember saying it’d be a cool idea if you could use eridium to possibly level up your guns (just make it stupidly expensive) but then they gave eridium a different purpose so i don’t think it’d work anymore.
@@acostco9921well no I don’t “refarm” I go get some of the other billions of guns in the game. You farmers probably just need a farming dlc just to go and repeat over and over. The devs didn’t create millions of guns so we all can just use the same 30. I think yall forget that. Yall get so stuck on one or two weapons that you never explore others. I honestly think that’s why they don’t stress making dedicated drop. If I’m a dev and I designed 10000 weapons. My thoughts would be “go get good at another weapon”
“I’m gonna be gooning” 😭😭😭 I’m subbing bc of that quote
saying that not doing a DLC vault hunter is "a cop out" is unfounded. DLC skill trees should've been released before DLC story content, but they're still better for long term playability of a game than new vault hunters for the average person. you're in a content creator bubble, dude.
They have too many characters right now. they should focus on developing the well loved ones they already have instead of adding more to just kill them off because they don't want to do the work to develop them
i like level increases.. well not necessarily INCREASES but a higher level cap than 50, getting more skill points so that you can invest further into secondary skill trees is fun to me, lvl 50 feels like you're very locked to one capstone and only a couple of other ST good skills, if the game launches with 72 lv cap then thats obv fine too but i doubt it will so I'd rather see it increase than not
honestly, i'd love there to be no level cap increase AND a less extreme scaling, also i think instead of anointment a weapon workshop would be better, in exchange for eridum you would be able to strip parts off weapons of the same type and put them on another, for example lets say you have 2 shredifier and you want all matching parts on one, you could scrap one to get the parts you need for the other, it would be also nice for eridian weapons to make a comeback
and hybrid, it would be nice if hybrids made a return but could only be obtained from raid bosses, you would not be able to make a hybrid or use a hybrid at the weapon workshop.
1-- Legendary or higher rarity weapons should be rare not like BL3.
2-- More story-villian based core game. We want to feel like H. Jack, Roland or Lilith. Calpyso Twins were mess.
3-- No need to explore multiple planets. Kairos with Elpis or Pandora just fine. Make them unique planets thats enough.
4-- Better side quests. Like Assassinate the assassins side mission. We need details about the lore. In that particular quest we did learn only 6 sirens can exist in the universe at the same time. BL3 lacks that kind of missions. They were like random quests you don't gain much by completing them.
5-- Purple or blue (especially unique items) rarity weapons should be more powerfull. For example in BL1 we can use Double Anarchy and Masher guns even at the level 69 with ease. Topnea, Orphan Maker, Rough Rider just another mere example of it.
However in BL3 we mostly use legendaries so the other weapons seems like useless at some point.
The thing I don't want to see return is the consistent problems connecting to the borderlands network. Why is it so hard to get four people into one lobby without one or two being unable to join?
Id also like a much smaller hub area so I don't have to run around look for stuff i need
#1 mayhem modifiers
Slaughters are my favorite endgame mode, that and the maliwan raid that is the only raid boss I enjoy fighting. Raid bosses for me get stale quickly once you beat em and probably becuase in a week the community has a one shot build or a way to chesse the fight. Main issue with slaughter is how flashy and braindead it becomes with the rocket launcher badass/enforcers on mayhem difficulty
I'd say I would like to see at least one DLC character but also a fourth skill tree for each of them, maybe right from the start and not as a paid content. Honestly I've had so much fun with 4th skill trees in BL3, Moze changed from my least playable to most playable character solely because of the iron cub. Watching this fella go all out with mini nukes was pure gold.
But at the same time, all four VHs felt bland to me in terms of personality, so I would definitely want to see another one or two thrown in the mix for BL4.
I didn’t like most of the new skill trees unfortunately. with new dlc characters you get multiple brand new skills trees, especially if they are 2 or more. Tbh they could just keep releasing new ones to give the game even more life
I'm a huge Borderlands fan and I've played and enjoyed every game.
DLC Skill Trees: I played through BL3 once on every character and got them to max level before these came out. An additional skill tree was not enticing me to to play through BL3 once more like I wanted to play through BL2 on Keith and Moze, but really cool and iconic characters. Hell, I'd pay to play BL3 again but as the previous vault hunters! It doesn't have to make sense in the dialogue, Brick could be calling himself slab and telling me to hold em off and it would be funny, not game-ruining.
Slaughters: I think the base game Borderlands 1's Circle of Slaughter made sense. We had just entered this dystopian world and of course you could participate in death sports against the Wild animals for cash as a side mission. It was something you did to help gain levels and get stronger between the larger mission level caps. The slaughters in Borderlands 3 kept the gameplay but then lost the vision. They were also way longer and that's just not necessary.
End-Game Things: Arms Race was a unique idea, but it was so boring and really not my idea of end game content. Again, if we got to Elpis in BL4 and saw a billboard with Axton and Salvador that said "Arms Race: Win big money" and it was a side mission you could repeat, that would be an awesome, base game side mission I'd complete. But in a game about builds and character development, why would I want to give up my build to fight nameless enemies over and over on the same map in the end game?
Anointments: I believe that farming for anointments was discouraging rather than fun in my opinion. I was never huge on farming for specific weapon parts and I thought the legendary guns in BL3 were unique enough to not need anointments. (They could've used buffs or nerfs maybe.) Again, if there was a personal story mission for our character individually (what? Progressing the story of our own vault hunters motives and not just a general story?), it would make sense to have a weapon that was uniquely attuned to them drop.
Level Caps: the addition of three levels pissed me off something fierce. I had already farmed for all 4 characters good, fun builds. Then, you go and soil those? I may be in a minority, but I'd rather replay the game on TVHM and have a level cap of 70-72 at base game so that my thoughts are "which skill tree am I not picking this play through," but rather having the mindset of "I can't wait to grow this character all the way up and seeing how badass they are." I liked having the differentiation skills you could choose from, but I liked it when they all were balanced and worked well!
Overall: I love the games and I will love BL4. I would love to see the games remember their "why" more often. Why would this character say this line? Does it make sense for them or is it cringey clinging to the "kids these days." Why does this manufacturer's weapons have that ability? Why does my character want to search for a fault? Why is this mission/feature in the game and does it make sense for the world building?
I just thought about this when you said something about level cap increases when new dlcs come out
couldn't u introduce dlc levels that arent as hard to get through as normal levels (speaking of needing to farm the warden in bl3 for 2 hours to get level 72 after you finished the main story)
It would technically engage you to do more side missions and learn more about the dlc content
it sounds kind of fun and i cant find something negative about it right away
So like op lvl in.bl2?
The problem isn't leveling at all. The problem is the necessity to farm again all your loot because of stat inflation on them.
One good level jump i could understand, but what they did with bl3 was bad. I quit playing for a while, waiting for level increase to stop before coming back and have meaningful farm.
@@okagisama yeah i understand what you mean
By suggesting this I wouldnt want the level cap to go up when they release the dlcs. They could "just" introduce a new scaling system for the weapons in there through dlc levels. Though I feel like this gets complicated because the strength of the weapons would still need to scale with your base game level and in general what do you do with skill points if you add dlc levels, just leave them out or just give one per dlc level (which would be too many if you add 4 dlcs in total).
Btw I cant comment on the bl3 starting problems, I joined the Borderlands community about 1 1/2 years after bl3 came out
@@lapisgaming6093 I am pretty "new" and not that dedicated to borderlands (only about 1.2k hours in all games combined bl3+2+tp+ttwl)
borderlands 2 being the least played one out of all of them so idk really what op levels are
(To stop a war from happening
My adhd brain cant handle the stupid ass monoton gun noises and I dont like the graphics at all and how clunky and old the movement feels. The story is still way better then bl3 tough.)
Heres my big list of what i want.
1. Give us a third-person option
2. That's it, that's all I want.
Sadly but ava is definitely the leader of sanctuary. She's gonna be our new Lilith
@@lapisgaming6093 oh god please no
@@lapisgaming6093 That was so disappointing. Like Brick and Mordecai held it down when Lilith was captured near the end of 2. Brick was the leader of an entire Bandit clan. Why give a teenage girl you just met leadership of the Crimson Raiders
It amazes me that people will always have hate for fictional children
Ava wasn’t that bad. Outside of like 10 actual minutes of being annoying I realized. 1 she’s not even in the game that much. Outside of the scene where she yells at Lilith, and a couple lines here and there. She’s barely in the game.
Circle of slaughter in BL2 was amazing though.
I just hope they get rid of the driving missions
I hope that they do both DLC Vault Hunters (even if it's just one) and DLC skill trees. I really enjoyed the extra options for the existing characters, but I'd like to see that also go to DLC Vault Hunters
Number 1: Shitty Story
Number 2: Killing of characters (unless it has a meaning)
Number 3: Self inserts
Maya's death was absolutely abysmal. Served only to give Ava relevance, and was soon discarded and forgotten. Further, the calypso twins dropping the packwatch edit not a moment after 💀.
It would have made SO MUCH MORE SENSE if they would have killed Ada in front of Maya. Could you imagine if Borderlands 4 would start out with a bitter, merciless Maya as the leader?
Gaige and kreig are some of my favorite charachter in all of borderlands!
We can't be surprised that Fl4k's 4th tree didn't work when Amara has base game skills that don't work. Wild Fire, the one that spreads the element around to other enemies, only does normal mode damage. It doesn't scale at all for some reason.
Nah imo that skill works just fine. Elemental dot damage was never that good, especially in endgame. That skill IS pretty good to proc the guardian rank skill Harmageddon tho
@muchiiuchii6368 The issue is the entire tree is built around elemental damage. Gearbox is just really really really bad at post launch management. The Binding of Isaac shouldn't be getting more frequent updates than Borderlands
@@walkermott1750 Ngl I dont see your point on amaras skill tree since it isnt really an issue, but i DO agree with the post launch management being bad. Omg, borderlands 3 was miserable on launch. Couldnt even make it to level 15, hopefully this time around its a lot better lol
@muchiiuchii6368 on ps4 it's still unplayable. Loadtimes are over a minute, opening the menu lags the game, and it crashes constantly.
Obviously I didn't expect it to run great on my PS4 but it doesn't even run half way decent. Should have just canceled the PS4 launch, would have been less brand damaging
@@walkermott1750 Oh yeah tell me about it, i ALSO play on ps4. Load times are unbearable so farming sucks, the game always crashes when loading in your character, opening the ammo vendor in arms race crashes the game, its rough man. As a playstation player and much as I like borderlands i do NOT want that thing in ps4. Would probably just blow up my room opening the game
I don't think DLC vault hunters are ever coming back. They've previously said that very few people bought them and even fewer finished the main story with them. As a matter of fact, I think the Vault hunters were always the least bought DLC.
And this makes sense to me. Most people play through the game once and never play it again. And those who do come back mainly stick to one character.
Well when the level cap is 80 and it takes a long time to get to no one's gonna reapply wanna do all of that 2 more times. Besides there's also op kevels too
But then in BL3 they brought back Aurelia, Timothy, Krieg and Gaige. All of which are DLC characters. Clearly these characters are popular enough, otherwise why bring them back? Note that they didn't even bring back Axton and Salvador until Arm's Race, despite including Maya and Zero, and even then it's just voice lines.
I agree with most of the points except slaughters. I do agree their core game play is stale at this point and could use a rework into something like trials or chaos chambers and that locking an item farm behind a five wave area battle is terrible and leads to really good items like the ogre in bl2 being underutilized. but slaughters definitely have a use to either try out a new build quickly or as a farm like the slaughter shaft with the shlooter in bl3 and personally as I've maxed out all four characters and feel like I've played bl3 to its completion I still jump into a couple rounds of slaughter shaft every now and then to satisfy that bl3 gun play gaming itch
I want you
uhm, what
Seeing how slaughters have been in every borderlands gane i doubt they will be removed but i do agree on your stand on the matter
Can we remove Ava for BL4?
i recently started bl1 and i LOVE weapon proficiency
a proposed thing similar to it though because it's probably not coming back: sponsorships
because bl4 takes place on a planet that was effectively discovered the minute after the bl3 credits, all of the manufacturers surely want in, so maybe that work as them giving the player extra benefits for using their brands weapons, maybe give the manufacturer-themed skins a bonus to leveling up that "sponsorship", and it would incentivise allegiance runs which are BY FAR my favourite way to play borderlands games
Hilarious you think we're getting good DLC content after the Wonderlands DLC mess.
So because they tried something different in a spin-off game, you're just assuming the next game won't have good dlc?? Brother. Bl3 had great dlc. So did 2. Stop being so pessimistic
@@GirthCheck I wouldn't say BL3 had great DLC. The handsome jack one was nothing special. It was about the most standard content you can expect from a DLC. The Hammerlock one was actually good. The cowboy one is unbelievably bland and drawn out. The Krieg one is clearly unfinished and rushed out due to covid.
The DLCs as a whole are average at best.
@@DaShikuXIextremely bad taste. Bounty of Blood is their best dlc outside of the "big ones" like knoxx and Tina's.
@DaShikuXI average at best blow all the bl2 ones put the water. Tiny tina is the only good main dlc. Your just hating now lol
@@GirthCheck the only reason people even remember the Scarlett dlc is because of the pimpernel, sandhawk and the orphan maker for sal. Delete those items and you're left with a mediocre dlc. Loot isn't everything but it seems for a lot of folks if a dlc had good loot it was a good dlc, which is funny because Bounty did have the best loot yet the other dude calls it boring.
I like the driving maps on first playthrough when the car actually has a chance to survive
The new vault hunters look dumb af and uninteresting
Yeah I had the same exact thought lol. None of the designs pop out or anything besides the siren in my opinion. But the character customization New-U station saves them, just like in BL3
Yea so did the vault hunters in bl1 and bl2
@@GirthCheck yeah no they were cool af and fun to play as
@magicchowder axton is just a plain soldier guy. So was Roland. Lilith was a little interesting cause she's a siren. Miya is just siren but now blue. Your letting nostalgia blind you. We also dont know their powers or personality at all yet. Most vault hunters in the past have looked super plain. Like... objectively. Axton.... plain soldier guy with a gun.... come on now.
@@GirthCheck Nope Axton was cool af because normal solider dude is rare af these days, maya was hot af, lilith was hot af, roland was cool, brick was cool, BL3 vault hunters also suffered from this problem and i see that BL4 will as well
Lack of center HUD support for ultra-wide monitors would be crazy. BL2/pre-sequel did this by default...but no game in the franchise since keeps the HUD bound to a 16:9 aspect ratio, instead pushing them all the way to the edges. They need to get with the times for UI/UX support.
Respectfully, I have to disagree about Level cap and the slaughters.
Quick question just to pick your brain (not trying to be angry). Why can't you just simply not play the slaughters. I feel the whole point of RPGs is that they usually have the most amount of content because there's meant to be something for every player out there. There are so many unnecessary and meaningless side quests in the game (that a lot of people hate and would like removed) but that's the point, they're side quests. Same with the slaughters. I feel like it would be overall better for the community to not wish for them to remove something that has been a pretty popular since the very beginning. I mean it's your opinion, so it's valid but why can't they still be there as an optional end of game challenge?
This dude really said "how many bad takes can I shove in one video"
personally, my controversial take on what I dont want to see return in bl4 truthfully, is a majority of returning legendaries, I think it was cool for some bl2 and bl1 stuff to return, but if we get stuff from bl3 returning then itll just be bloat upon bloat, biggest problem with bl3's lootpool is a ton of legendaries are samey, or just barely different, I want to see legendaries that shake up the game and make you think if you even want to equip it, sometimes having a blue or a purple be a bit better in situations, like how bl2 did it where legendaries were different enough so that jakobs purples or even torgue purples were good enough to warrant still equipping, like how the nukem was situational kinda and the flakker was also situational, but anyways, I just feel like if we DO get returning stuff, make it like how bl2 did the pearls and just make them a different rarity, or atleast make the stuff that returns different enough to warrant it returning
I genuinely like the idea of annointments, but hated how they worked, if annointments dropped as seperate legendaries that could then be applied to weapons at will I think it would be a lot more fun, to push your favourite weapons a little more the way you want em, now you can have dedicated annointment drops, and dedicated legendary drops seperated, and you dont have to farm perfect weapons 100 times to get a perfect annoint on it as well
Why do people keep saying this I don’t get it. Don’t people know you can reroll annointments in sanctuary?
@@JoeGaming2112 Actually? Where? I genuinely did not know, sorry gamer
@@Frozen_Hope I don’t know if you searched it up already but it’s next to Crazy Earl there’s a board where you can reroll annoitments for eridium.
@@JoeGaming2112 I didnt search it, but wow that's so neat, thank you gamer! Havent played BL3 in quite some time, but I bet it was there last I played and I just totally missed it, whoops
I think Borderlands 4 needs 50 missions that start and end with you spawning in a giant room and having to run to the opposite side of that giant room to talk to Lillith. Peak game design.
I liked the skill tree. I like my options.
Also i swear to god i could only get greens and occasional blues while playing. Loot chests never gave me purples or yellows. I only had like 2 legendarys by the end of the game.
Borderlands is known for joke and gag guns. Not every weapon has to be OP.
to add to the Level Cap increases point:
Personally, I think giving us more skill points becomes a bad thing after a point. In the most extreme example of BL2, who already had the highest level cap in the franchise, they decided to up it all the way up to lvl 80 after lilith DLC. The result was that every character at max level now is running pretty much *all builds* at the same time, and I think that defeats the purpose of making a build in the first place.
I think having to make actual choices when it comes to your skills is a lot more interesting than just getting almost everything. People get a lot more creative when restrictions are in place.
Or after like 7-8 years of the game being out… they have more freedom. Pc owners just mod the skill tree, but console owners couldn’t. Having more of something you 1000% don’t have to use is always a good thing.
I mean thinking back on it now they dug themselves into a corner having the vault hunter say lines cause that mean if they want to make a dlc vault hunter they would have to get someone to do all those lines on top of everything else.
So they went the cheap route which isn't always the best...
welcome to capitalism
I do agree that moving the endgame goalpost means that there is a rebalance and power creep, which causes either the early game to get too easy, or the endgame to get too hard.
However, I do like levelling up as I play new content. There’s seems to be an inherent problem with the idea of getting stronger during post launch content because it will trivialize launch content or at least make a disparity in power level between the two.
I don’t think people enjoy having temporary systems that correspond to each DLC but that’s a possible solution.
It is an incredibley nuanced problem because I really do like that my character levels up during dlc stories.
Maybe there’s a way to increase our power in a way that doesn’t cause us the game to get glassier, or spongier, while also not causing creep and feeling satisfying to level up through. I don’t think it’s as simple as “72 at launch” because we lose that levelling experience.
I entirely agree with removing anointments. but I think the slaughters are fun enough for plenty of people that they shouldn't be removed, especially since they're content you can easily avoid if it's not your thing. But the biggest thing they need to change in Borderlands 4 (sorry I know this goes off topic of things we don't want) is they need to lower drop rates for legendaries, bring back pearlescent rarity, and give dedicated loot drops to named enemies and bosses instead of having a lot of the legendry loot be in a general pool of drops. My biggest issue to this day is how damn often the game drops you legendary weapons and loot. It used to be a "WOW" moment when you got legendary loot in older games, now it's as exciting as finding a purple rarity, which is mildly exciting.
1)I want to annoints for guns but change them to have skill points for the vault hunter . Imagine a nukem with +2 cross torgue promotion.
2) 5 vault hunters with 4th skill trees
3) boss bounties that give legendaries like the bunnies from wonderlands
4)Endgame activities that put the best weapons to sought after
5) Time trials for slaughter takedowns and one life modes.
Level cap increase = "Great! Now I need to farm all my gear again"
One solution that works for me is that I generally don't buy a game when it first comes out. Preferably, I'll wait until not only has the game gone on sale, but the DLC's are on sale and then I'll buy it. I know that's not a practical solution for most, but it does solve some of the problems that you're discussing here.
I'm with you on the no level cap increases. Every time they've done that it pushes everyone closer to running the same few builds that are effective. More skill points = less build diversity. lv 80 in bl2 is a perfect example of that.
I mean with the level cap increase it is a valid argument, imagine going from the base game of BL2 or 3 your build is fine tuned then you get the followin increase to 72 and the OP/mayhem Levels for the new dlc, sounds fine when doing the base content. but leads to the snowball effect of dlc content and the raid bosses, which gives them bugged health pools and the Commander Lilith Dlc with gave 8 more normals levels (80 cap) and 2 more OP Levels snowballed that even further I'm fine with like one increase to level cap and the option of Op/mayhem levels but biggest gripe is why tie more loot to a mode especially with the gripe being towards BL3 on the Mayhem modes (worse when it was a specific halloween anointment/effect which was FOMO due to being limited time) but biggest one i didn't care for was the 3 separate healthbars in BL3 I'm fine with it being shielded enemies or methods to bypass the shield to directly hit the healthbar, i feel like if there's going to be armored enemies it should just be a damage reduction to the main healthbar.
and from the previous part, it's worse when you got a great anointment for your weapons then get the drop of the same weapon but roll a garbage anointment that should never exist.
Or better yet when the old version of the King/Queens call was absolutely busted with Fadeaway Fl4k builds due to bein Jakobs with barely a firerate cap just to get turned into dust, cause we can't have complementing weapons with basegame builds. Monarch and the latter is honestly good. but miss the Jakobs "Shreddifier" moment that were those two guns
No invincibility phases in boss fights
No getting locked in dialogue, allow there to ALWAYS be a skip option
No anoints cuz they make grinding a pain in the ass
Yah that’s it
The level cap issue is glaring in BL2. If you played when the cap was 50 in True mode, the weapon/build variety is much greater than at 80 Uvhm(not including OP lvls which get even worse balancing).
So many skills get better balancing in Tvhm than in uvhm.
In bl3, weapons that were really good at launch like the Cutsman just don't scale properly at lvl 72.
It seemed like balancing in bl3 wasn't based on Mayhem mode to me. The Fastball is a prime example. It got like 3-4 buffs, but on Mayhem 11 with a full grenade damage build on Moze, it still barely one shots anything. The fastball is meant to be a high-power one-shot nade with no blast radius, but it only worked in normal mode.
This is what I want;
Number one, updates on all the previous borderlands games where you can completely fill your skill tree you're not coming back to it so just give us the ability to max out our skills so we can be the OP we should be.
Number two, give us a free update to borderlands 3 that ties in to borderlands 4 like you did with borderlands 2.
Number three, for borderlands 4 you're going to have a guaranteed second edition of bounty of blood where we find the girl that escaped at the end of bounty of blood.
Number four give us a grenade launcher instead of throwing hand grenades and by giving us that launcher you completely get rid of the ability of grenade mods.
Number five, mod support for console I see all these great mods that these people make make it available for game of the Year edition, 2, 3, and Pre-Sequel, also make it available later on for borderlands 4.
Slaughters are great. I love the chaos of just throwing 10-15 badasses at me at once when i reach the endgame. connect it to something like the chaos chambers with increasing modifiers that require you to change your game plan
Borderlands 4 looks good my only grievance is the vault hunters look a little generic
Here's the thing, the 'slaughter' arenas are entirely optional. You can just choose not to do them. Other players may enjoy that type of gameplay.
To summarize him: "ehat i dont want in borderlands 4: everything created post borderlands 1"
I actually do like the idea of the slaughters, it's just they have all these in universe story type tools to make it some of the best content. yet they haven't used it. Like think about Digistructed arenas that have like 30-40 different rooms based on other areas in the game or even past games. Like lets say Tannis scanned a few characters memories of fighting and cranked up the difficulty to help train the new vault hunters. First you're fighting on pandora in a skag cave based on Tannis' memory, next room you enter takes you to Timothys' memories on Elpis. you could use eridium to add buff modifiers that work only in the simulation or something akin to that. and imagine the ability to make and share your own challenges with others online. I dont know why they haven't thought much about this concept (i understand the insane undertaking this would be for any team of developers) but it would be an insane way to keep players playing the game and get the community even more active.
I don't want to see another stupid "use a key to open a chest" trophy/achievement.
Literally. I had to make an entire shift account just so I can get that trophy for the platinum on BL3
One thing I specifically don’t want to return is legendary weapons being solely dictated by the barrel. It significantly limits how many variants you can get of that weapon and just makes things all around less interesting. Also it prevents really cool synergies like Masher Unforgiven or Hybrids